TiLEOAl AHA DALLY BEE FRIDAf DKOBMDER 0 , 11 FINAHCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL. YOIIK , December S. Ml IN El. Money was ilriu ont to-day nud lo.uicd at G per cent. , coumik ! ou ranging from I'M to 1'3'J. Kxchangc * closed itcady at I 8N5 ? \ 4 S ! > . OOVKK.NMI..NTS. Governments bonds elosnl ctran u follows : Currency fi' * 130 lijd 4'a coiiHii3 | 11 I bill U'swuipons 1 H4 bid Mi continued 1 02\ \ Mil C'H continued 1 00' , ' bid 11A1MUI.MI I.OM > . Pacific railroad bomb closed , as { nllnwHi Union first' 1 ITjC * ! ! I" ? Luna grants 1 111 (811 ( l.'l ' Sinking fund' ' 1 U'JJ1 -1 ! CVntlals 1 10 HTOCKS. 'I'hc nmket to-day was very iiulet , but finn. thu strini'cnt market checking bin- iu.- , to n great extent. Tlio features of to-day'H dealings Merc Uiclimouil it Dan- rille , nnd Manhattan llencli , which w < ru reception. * ly dtrong Mid underwent wldo iluc'uition' . Tlio riming quotations for the icn ; > r. l list were | to li par cent abo\e I ho lowest prices of the day , mill in spec ! > 1 C.TM'S i * gre.vter advancs was recorded , Tlia following aio the closing bids : A * Tit pr'f. . ! IM&StL . . . . 2 ! ) li.1 O IShi 1'iL-futrol. . . . Oil O O .t I C' . . .Mi 3Mo 1'a CcdnrV 1N . . . 1 .T c ir.t Central Pacific. .H ? NYC . im\ : \ O& A 1.13' . Northwest 1H. . V.7J ( JCC&l. . . Hli Preferred. . MO c.strJ& N. . . . : ) Xor 1'ac . ; ; u j 1) Lfc W 127i Preferred . . . . SO Adams 3 ! ( I'lKVE S'J Ammican ! )7 ) .Stl'aul 10C.J U.K 77 } do preferred . ! ! ! < H.tSt.T U.V , San Francisco.13 1'rcfemd. . .110 , ' do preferred till TO 133J- do first pfd .105 lli&W 514 TeuwPioiflo. . . 53J K&T 10 ? Union Pftcihc..llH T.S . . . . . .llllft Wnbaih 421 L k y 7-1 Preferred . . . . S2 Michigan Ccnl'l 'X'i ' Western Union. S5 MININO STOCKS. Following are the highest price * on mining stocks at tiiu X w York milling liiingu : llulwer . . . . . . . tX ! > Ivor licllo. . . . i Uoatun coil HHIIIL' " ? nn. . . ! IO 1'illnlmrij. TiC .Silver Cliir. . . . 23.- > llradiluw , , . 70 Sutro 110 California. . . 100 Stormout K'O in SouthPu 3J5 < ! recnMt . . . . " ! )0 ) Union con. . .1330 Little Pitta. . . 100 Virginia 2i"i CHICAGO SIONKT MAI'.KCT. CHICAGO , December 8. There in no let up in "thu demand for money. Kntes were iitm ftt C(57 ( per cent ; sums were loaned nt 8 per cent , exchange between city banks \\as "ife.'O cents di ; > c > iiiit per § 1,000. The cle-nings of associate baulaere $7 , 700,000. COKMERCIAr , . Omaliii WliolnhnZo Morlcot- OUTCK OI-TIIK OMAHA 11 KK , ) Thnr ilay Evening , December 8. ) To-day'ti loports fiom the diffeiont himcRMiow very little changes in in ices. Wheat No. "unchanged. No. ; t declined Jo Rejected declined Jc. BarJy nd- raiiced i" . Kjo uiichiing.d. Csrn ad vanced iv. Oats advanced Jc. In dings htryihnino declined Cc. 15y nit error of the typo a decline of ] ( [ / ( Jc on all grades of wugar was not noted in ruuew ycstciday. Local Cr.\ln Uealmcs. WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 1 101 ; cash No. , ' ! , ! tb' : rejected 74 ' .c. _ _ 15AllLiY. : Cash No. 2 , 9IJc ; No. It , ' ° KYK Csieh , S..c. COllN. C'osh No. 2 , 47c. OATS. fnnh. .Ilic- . HAY § 7 OOfeO 00 per ton. Provisions. FLOUR Spring xvheat , straight grade , 6325@375 ; "Pioneer" California , &J 25 ; patent , S3 7o@4 50 ; winter wheat straight radc S3 S3@4 25 ; patent , J4 fX4 ) 00 ; gra ham rye , 82 73 ; Wheat , 3 00 ; Queen liae. SI 75 ; Jasper , 8150 ; 15ii { Siuiix , SI OJ. RYE FLOUR 83 25. MILLSTUPFS Bran , per cxvt. 80c ; screenings , per cxvt. 80c ; shorts , per cwt 1.00 ; chopped feed , per cwt. 1 20 ; meal bolted , yelloxv , 1 40 : white. 31 00. POTATOES Salt Lakes , 1 25@1 35. Keb-aika , 1 00@1 10. SWHBT POTATOES Genuine Musca- tine , Ife.'ic per Ib. I'llAlKIli CHICKENS ? 3 00@3 59 per dozen. QUAIL Per doz. . S2 00ffl2 50. WILD UiiSD : : 2 60@3".r)0 , WILD DUCKS 1 25@1 SO. EGGS Finn at 30c. BUTTJil : Choice , * carcc at 2l@2ic ( ; poor , tioniaikot ; fair , 18@21 ; creamery , APPLES Good , hound , x'ery at SI 75"i 00 pur bbl. HONlJVr California xvhite clover in coinb , 21@25c. LEMONS Stonily ; per box , J7 SO ® 800. 800.MALLAOA MALLAOA GUAl'ES-Pcr bbl.SS r > 0 ; per half bbl. , : SI f.O. BEESWAX yellow , 2022c. ONIONS 1 r.n@l ( JO per bushel. CAUHAGE-iaOO@200per dozen , ate to rniality. OUANBEUItIKS-1'er bbl. , ? 10 00 ® 11(0. CELERY Per dor. , f.Oc. DHESSKDGKESE-Per Ib , , 9@llc. GYSTEJIS SelectHr > Oc ; standanlH , 40c. Qroceri Llt. COFFEE.-lUo , fair. ISJc : I o , good , licKio ; , prime to choice , 14Jc ; Old gov't Java ; 26i@281c , Mocha , 28Jc ; Arbuclcle'a , 17ic. 17ic.TEAS. TEAS. Gunpowder , fjood , 4.'i@5.'icj Choice , GO@7Sc ; Imperial , good , 40Col'c ) ' ; Choice , fiO,75c ( ; Young J Iy on , gooii , 30 ® Me ; choice , G5c@Sl 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf , STCj Japan , choice , C0 i75c : Oolong , go.nl , 35@40 ; Oolong , cho.co , ' 10@55 ; Souchong , good. IlfjiinlOc ; choice. 35u)4f ( ) > c. dUOAKS. Cut loaf , 103o ; Crnhhwl , lie ; Granulated , lOJc ; 1'oxtdemi , llo FineK ] vdered , lljc ; Stnndanl Coffee A , lOlc ; New York Conftctlnner > Standard A , lOJc ; Good A , lOc ; Prairie Extra C , 'Jc. 'Jc.SYJIUPH. SYJIUPH. Sugar hoiw , bbl * . JRc : huf ! bin , COc ; kegH , 44 gallons , 82 H5 ; choice table uyrup , f,0c ; halfbbU , r > 3c ; kef , ? 2 31. SODA. Dwicht'H Ib papew , M 00 ; De- land do , § 3 00 ; ChurchV , $5 < X > ; Keg soda , 4@4ic STARCH. Pcnrl , 4Jc ; Silxer Gloss , 81 @ 8Jc ; Cum Starch , 8Jic ! ; Eu-dbior , 7cj Corn , 7Jc. SALT. Dray load * , per bbl , 1 95 ; A h- ton , in kackH , 3 f > 0 ; bbl > < dairy M , & , U 15 ; bbls dairy. 100 , 3i. ! ) 0"i. D1UKD KUUlTrf-Cholce hulvcK , l > eacheM , nuwcnin , lOc ; J'vaimrated j\nnle > , fi IbbincK , inj@llcMichiKan,8lc ; ; Xcw Yorkapplen , 8ic ; I'rimM , old , 7c ; new , Re ; Currants , 7@7i j hlackberriei , new , l.r < ic. CHKKSR-l'nll C'raini , He ; Pait SVIm 11 Jc. v " WOODKmVAlli : Two hoop palls' , 1 95 ; tlirea houti jinlli , 11 VO ! No. 1 tub" pioneer w , hbo.ird , 1 S5 ; Doiiblo Crann. J90 ; Wellbucketv , 325. LKAD Bar , 5H . SPICKS. PeplHT , 20 ; AlUpioo , 20c : Clove * , I5c ; Nutmeg , 91 tW : Cas in , L'ooj ftco SI ( > 0. MATCHES Per caddlo , ! " 0o ; round cac - < , " PllOVlSIONS-liroikfaHt bacon , 14j. 'holco lard , 13ic ; dried b.-of , ISJc ; Mi'Mtld er < , cnux'a 'ed I'c ' ; hanis , lie ; bacon , sides , 12 o oKrW PtCKLES-Medium , In barrel , ? 10 00 ; do in half l.WsJS " : ; mall , In bblN 12 ( X ) do , in.lfbbh. ! . 7 CO ; KbcrUins , in bbls 11 00 ; iU ii half bbl. , 7 50. VJNEOAK Pure npplo extra. 10 : pure apple , 13c ; Pniuine imro anule. llc. ! HOMINY New , S5 ? 73 per bbl. DEANS Medium. Imnd pioltod W 75 per bushel ; navy , § 3 'iO ; c.iM navy , $3 i0. HOPE Slial , J Inch and larger , l'\ ; i inch , lojc. SOAl'S-Kirk'sSivon IiiijioriM , 330 : Kirk's Mtlnet , : > MKirk's ; standard , S TO CaSX > , ' Khk's uhito Kiwlan , fi "fift" 00 : Kilk's Kutoo. , 2 05- Kirk's Pr.drie Queen. (100 ( cixkes ) , a 10 ; Klrh's nininiulln , I MC" ! I 40. 40.CANIH.121 CANIH.121IJoxes ? , -10 Ihs , 1(5 ( or , 8s lUebo\cs401b : . , 10 oz. , I'M , lic. ) TA'K American. i 40 : ( Jroeiiwlch , 310 : Western , 2 75 : North Star , 2 f > 0 ; howls' lye , I GOj.lowell lye , 2 "ft. POTASH PemnylvauK cans I do * . , In cn'e , I ! o."i ; lUbbitt'a I'.ill , 'J doz , In caxe , I ! K > ; Anchor Hall 'J dor. in e.vu. 1 SO. KIELt ) SKi : lied clover , ch.ilco nc-v , f ( ! IX ) per bu hul ; mammotli clo\or new. 6700vhiti clover , now , 81100 .d nlfa clover , now , $12 M ; aliilce , ncv\ , 61300. Timothy , t , < .oil , new , C 3 IK ) ; blue gras , uxlM cle.in , 150 ; blue grat' , clean , 01 2"i ; orchard grr.s .Si ) oO ; red loji , rhoioe , 1 03 ; inillut , common orMI souti , ? 0u ; millet , Gcrm.in , SI 00 to § 123 ; Hungarian , 80c. HUDUKSIJIJP 0ago oranci' , 1 to bii'hcl' , STi 00 ; osngo orange , 10 bushel i or o\ur , S-l TO ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; per 100 lb . § 25 00. KIS1I Vamily white fish , PO Ibhf bbl , 83 7o ; No , 1 white llsh , 90 Ib hf bbls , t ! HO : No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , I 00 : family 10 Ib kit" , 7. > o ; Now Holland heniiiK , per keg , 1 Id ; ItiKsian Rardines , 7i > c ; Cobii"- bia river milinon. per 100lln , 8 00 ; Gcor7'o'H l > .iuk codt'iKh , Gc ; ( Jen. boneless codtinh ; ! ) Jc ; bonelcnH ( lull , . 'ijc. MAOKKUKIj IlalfbblrtmoHsmackcrel , 100 Ibs , 81260 ; hf bbl No. 1 ox MKUO do , 100 Ibs , G 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 Ibs 3 85 ! 'ness mackerel , 12 Ib kite , 2 23 ; No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore , 12 Ib do. 1 00 : fat family , 10 Ib do , 7."c. CANNED GOODS Oj-btors , 2 Ib 2 Ib ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) , per case , 2 00. Onions 3 80. Salmon , ! Ib , per dozen , 1 G0@l 70 ; do21h , per do/.en 2 5" > . Sardlnrs , Hmall 1'hh ' , imported , ono quarter bo\cs per Lov , lljc ; Ameiican , cpjnrtcr boxw jmr box. He ; do half boxes , per box , 21 Jc. Lobsters , 1 It ) per cto/.eu , 1 SO. Tomatoes 2 30 : do 3 Ib ] > or case , 310 ; Corn. 2 It ) ( Mountain ) per case , 370 ; soaked corn , 210 : do 2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 37" ; string beans , per case , 2 25 ; Lima beans , per case , 220. Succotash ] > or c.iso , U25. _ Peas , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas choice , per coae , 1 50. Blackberries , 2 Hi , per case , 250 ; straxx'boirics ' - Ib , per case , 2 75 tospbenii-s , 2 lt > , per cane , 2 7W < M 00. Damsons , 2 IN ] IT case , 2 4.1. Bartlett pears per case , 30o10 ( ) . Whortluber- lies percaie , 2 SO. Eij ; plums , 2 Ib per ci e , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per case. 4 .TO. < Jn'en gages/J Ib per case , 3 fiO : do choice , C Ib per wise , 1 50. Pine Applet , 2 Ib , per case , 4 00 5 75. Peache ? , 2 11 > pur c.vc , 3 10 : do 3 Ib , cahe , II 00u ( ( i 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per ca e.38i ; dojiie , G Ib , ptr dozen , 3 fiO. HICK Carolina , S@8ie ; l.ouiaiftim , i ( SS'c " ' ; fair , 0 7. "PEANUTb Hoastetl , choice , red Ten nessee , ! ) c per Ib ; fancy white , lOo prr Ib ; r.vv while Virginia raw , lOc ; n.aited , Hie. Dry Goods. 7Jc ; ChitteiianKo A , GJc ; breat Falls K , 8Ac ; Hootiiur , Gic ; Honest Width , 7 c ; In- ilmn Head A , S''c ; Indian Standard A , S3c ; Indian Orchaul d. xv. , 8c ; Lavx-rence ] JL , 7c ; Mystic Kiver , 7Jc ; Pefjuot A , S'/c / ; ShaxnnutLL , 7cUtica ; C , 5'.c " ; Wticlius- ctt B , 7ic : do A , 8'.c ; do E 48" , 12 0 ; Wai- cwtt BB , 7.c. } FINK BROWN COTTONS Allendile 4-4 ; 7.\c ; Alligator 3-1 , 3c ; Argylo4-l , " Jc ; Atlaiftic LL. ( lie ; Badger State X 1-4 , 7c ; Bcnningtnn C 4-1 , G'c ' ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , ti.\ce \ Indian Orchard AAH-8 , S/c / ' : Laconia O 30 , 8\c \ ; Lehiffh E 4-1 , ' . ) > & , Lonsdalo 4-4 , lOc ; I'epieiell N 30. 7c ! do 0 32. 7jc ; do R 3(5. ( 7 c ; do E 39. SJc ; I'ooaM't 0 4-4 , "Jo ; Wamautta 4-4 , 13c. BLEACHED COTTONS Androsccg- fiu L 4-1 , 10cBlackstoncA ; A in perial ! ) c ; do do half bleached 4-4 , ! > c ; Cabot 4-I.8J ; Fidelity4-4 , 0cFmit ; of th ] x > om,10J ; do can brie I-4ltodo , ! ; WaterTttist,101c ; Great Falla Q , Gc ; Indian Head nhrunk 4-4 , 12'c ' ; L iiwlalc , lOc ; do cimbriu 37 , 13c ; Iv exv York MillH. 13c ; Peqnot A , lOc ; Pepp.-rell N G Twills , 12Jc : Pucabontai 1-1 , 9Jc ; Pocaits-t 4-4 , file ; Utica , He ; Wanmutta O X X , 13c. DUCKS Unbleached Atlantic , 10 oz. , 17c ; Baltimore do , llic ; Lone Star , H oz. , 12c : Sav gc , 18c. > ( Colored ) Albany E brown , 8c ; do C , ilra" lr _ lp V v , stripea and plaidf , 12jc ; do XXX brown and drab , Ktripes and plaidH , 12Jc ; Arlinh'tim ffincy , 19c ; L'runswick bioxvn , 8Jc ; Chariot fancy , 12Jc ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River brown , cxtia heavy , lUc ; Iniliiina A blown , 13c : Neponsct A brown , 15c. TICKINGS AinoskeaK A 0 A 32 , lic ; do XX blue 32 , 18ic ; Arrovvnnna , SJJc ; Clarcmont B B , 15Jc ; Conesto'a , , OK- tra , 17Jc ; Hamilton D , lljc ; Levvision A 30 , Ific ; Mlnneliaha 4-1 , 20c ; OHICRII mp"r cxtia-l-l , 2Hc ; JVarl River 32 , IGjc ; Put nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shetiicket S , lOJc ; do SS 12c ; Ycotraii'ri blue 211 , 8Jc. DENIMS. Amoskeak , blucand brown , IGJc ; Anilovcr DD lilue , Ifjjc : Arlington blue Scotch , 18no ; Concord OOO. blue and brown , 12Jc : do AAA , do do 13J ; do XXX do do 14 Jc ; Haymaker's blue and brown , 9Jc ; Myrtle RherDDntrl | , lOJcj IVnrl Kixer , blue unit brown , 15Jc ; UncasvilK- , blue mid brown , ijc. ; ; OAMBPJCS-Barnard , 51c ; Eddynlone lininp , 21 inch double face , 8Jc ; Garner A glazed , Co ; Manhattan glove fmlfch , tj'jc ; Newjrart do tic ; do glazed , 5"c ; Pe < puot do Oc ; l .i.kwood kid tiniah , Cc. COHSET JEANSAmory , 8cAndroi- ; cogtfin satteen , 8c ; Clarendon , G'/c / ; COUCH- tojja fiatteons , 74c ; Halloxvell , 8c ; Indian Orchard improved , 7ic ; NarraKansett , 7ic ; Pepperlll Battccu 'JJr ; Jtockjiort , 7'C. PRINTS Alien" . CJc ; Amcricau , OJc ; AliV'ld , "c ; Beixvick , 4'iV ; Cochccn , 7c ; Coneitof-a. OJc ; DunkiilI'c ' / ; Dunnell , CJu,7c ( ; Eddyitoiu1 , 7c ; GloucpHter , lie ; Harmony , Sic ; Knickeibochor , lijo ; Mur- rimac I ) , 7c ; Myntlc , .r > Ac : Sprat'iuv , lie ; Southbrld it , Oc ; do. Gin " huiiM , "c ; Llarl- lxro , % ; Oriental % . ( JINGHAMH AmnHke.i , lOJc ; Amos. keai ; dre-m 12 ' Arcylo , lOJc : Atlantic , 9c ; Cumberland , 71c ; Highland , 8Jc ; Kcnilworth , flic ; Phin kett , 10\cj \ SIM- ccx , 8c. COTTONADESAbbenille 13 c ; Afftte , 20e ; American , llr ; AitMnn , Wo ; Cairo D and T , injc ; Clarion I ) anil T , 17ic ; Deccan Co.rtri ) > c DandT , Hc ! ; Key- Bfconv , 13)c ' ) ; Ni'ntueket , 1'Jc ; Nonpareil , llic ; Oce'in D and T. I3jc ; JJoyal , IGJc ; SUMCX , 12c ; Tioga. 12'.c ' ; Wachunott uliirt- inr sbeckB , 12jc ; do , Nankin , 12Ac ; Yuik. plain Nankin , l-'icj doclK'cl:9 , Htrijiei anil fancy , 12ic ; do , S o'JOc. . SHEETINGSAmlrocostin 10-J.27Ac ; do U.4 , 2lc ; do 8-J , 22c ; Contiiifnt.il C 12 , He ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4. 274 ; New York mlllH ! W , Me ; do 78 , 30c ; do W , 22Jc ; Pembroke 10-1 , 25c ; Pujuot 10-J , 28Jc ; do 7-4,19c ; do V ) , ICc ; Pcppcrcll W , 29cj do 07. SI o ; do 57 , 18cj Utica 'JU , 3.1o ; do 58 , 22je ; Uo 18 , 17o Bulldlrg Malorlal , LTMVPr b-irrM PI " " , i H- - < - . bW , $2 fiO. llnir per bu , 3.V. Tantd felt 100 Ibs1 M ) . Stiaw board. 5' CO PAPKUStinw paper , Si'c ; ras IWJXT , 4c ; dry goods iiapor , 7c ; uianila paper , lOc ; noxvfl imjirr , Sc t'OAlr-Oumbprlnnd blackumith. $12 : MoriN Itun 151osburij , $12 : WhlttOiro.ist him' , ) , 8fi f > 0 ; Whitobuvnt nut , GI > W : low * lump , ? 0 Mi loxva nut SilW ) ; Ko § ; Atithracitc. nil Mzw. 813 00. Lumber , FENCING -No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , $20 00 ; No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. . Ill 00 ; slnvthiK div sed , No. 1 , 18 00 ; No. 1 ! , 10 00 ; common boards dre , od , 20 00. FRAMING in ft. and tinder , per M , 20 ( X ) ; 10 ft. ntuddhig , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 IX ) ; 21 ft. 'it 00. FINISHING No. 1. finish U , li and 2 inch , $50 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch Sir. 00 ; Xo. 2. finish H , 1J and 2 inch , 84500 : No. 2 finish , 1 Inch , StO 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 In.-li . , $3500 ; O. G. battens | H't iOO feet lln. , ? ! CO : well curbing , S2200 ; loush Jautl 2 Inch battens per 100 feet lit' . , fiOe , STOCK BOARDS Adlix-k , $1000 ; $31 00 ; 0. SIW CO : common * loclc , S22 f.O. FLOORtNlt No. 1. SK ) IK ) ; No. 2 , $35 00 ; No , 3 , $22 00 ; yellow pirnNo. . 1 , SIOOO. SIDlNO-No. 1 , $2-1 00 ; No. ? , $22 W ; No. 3. § 18 00. SHIP LAP Plain , $2200 ; O. G. No. 1 , $3200 : No. 2. $22 00. CEILINGS21 CKVcii37 CO. LATH ANDSHIXGLl'.S-A kliiiiilc8. { S3 KI , No. 2 , $2 fiO ; No. S , f 2 00. Lath , S3 M. Paints Oils And Varnlsiicn. PAINTS IN OIL White Irmi , Omaha P. P. , 7c ; xvhito lead , O. 1' . & C. Co.jmre , IMaru'lllos ! ; Kreon , 1 to fi tb cans , v0o ! ; 1'rcnch.inc , qix't n seal , 12c ; French /inc , rodeeal , lie ; Frt < tich < lnc , in xarnish axst , -Or ; French 7inco , in oil asst , Ific ; Raw and burnt umber , 1 Iti cans 12c : r.ixv mu ! buriu Siunna , l.Tc : vandyke broxvn , 13. ; rotined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , Vc : l ory blaek , lc ( ! ; drop black , Ific ; Pius inn bine , IlOc ; uUrnmarino blue , ISc : chrome green , L. M. ft I ) . , 14cs blind and nliutter green , Ti. M , & D , , 14c : Palis Krei'n. ISc : I"dlin : ix-d , ir > c ; Venetian red , ! > e ; Tu can it 1 1 , 22o ; Ameiican Vermillod , I. itP. , ISc ; chrome yelloxv , L. , M. , O. & D. O. , 18c ; yelloxv ochre , 9n ; golden orhro , 1'5 : patent dryer , Co ; graining colors : light oak , dark oa ( , walnut , chestnut and aih 12u. Dry "flints While lead , GJc ; French /inc. lOo ; Paris xvhiteing 2jc ; whiting pildcrs , IJc ; v\hitiii | ; com 1 , lie ; lamiiblack Germantown - town , 14c ; lampblack , onilnnry , 81 * ; 1'rus- siun blue , 45c ! ; tiltiamariiit > , ISc ; Vandyke , brown , c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umlior , raxv , tcisicnna , burn t , 4c ; Kicnna , raw , 4c Paris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green com'l J5c ; chromu green , N. Y.4 20c ; chrom- green K. , 12 ; yennillion , Eng. , 70c ; vermillion - million , America , ISc ; Indian red. lOc , rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , CookMm'n ' 'io : xenetian red Am. , 13c ; red lead , ? 4c ; chrome yellow , genninp , 2uc ; chrome ycl low , 1C. , 12o ; ochre , rochcllc , 3c ; ochre. . French , 2Jc ; ochre , American , l\c ; Winter's mineral , 2Jc ; lehigh broxvn , 2jo : spaiiKh blown.c ; Prince's ineial ! 3c ; VAUNISJIK8 IS.iricls per pallon. Furniture , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , SI ; ftnniture , U , 83c ; coach , extra , SI 10 ; Coach , No. 1 , SI 20 ; Damnr , SI 50 ; .Tnpan. 70c ; iisplnltum , 70c ; shellac , 6350 : hard oil linMi. SI 30 OILS 110carbon , per gallon , llic150' ; hoaillight , pergillon , 12 Jc ; 175 headlight , Iiur gallon , Ids ; crvntuline , tier gallon , 20c ; Misted. IMW , per gallon , ( ili ; lin-ced , boiled , ner g.illon , ( ISo ; lard , winter st 'd , jierqal- lou , 1 05 ; No. 1 , SOc : No. ! ? , (5"ic ( ; uv > tor , XXX , per gallon , 1110 ; No. 3 , 111" ; sweet , per gallon , S"e ; sperm , AV. 1 ! . , pergillon , 1 3" > ; fish , W. 1J. per gallon , ( JOc ; ncat'foot , c\tp , per gallon , 75c ; No. I , IMC ; lului- cating , rent , pur Kallon , HOc ; nummer , 15c ; -"i den machine , No. 1 , per gnllon , 3."ic ; No. 2 , .10 ; sperm , signal , per gallon , SOc : ter- pcntinu , per gallon , Gle ; iiaplho. 71" , per gallon , IlOc ; G\ \ ' , -'Oa. Clears and Tobaccos. CJOAItS. Seeds , § 15.00 ; Connectiunt , S25.00 : MixedS0" .00 : Seed Havana50.00- Clear Havana , 875.00. TOIJACU9 PLUG. Golden Hulc , 21 Ib , GOc ; Spotted Kawn , Glc ; Our Ilopc , 1 ( juslily , Gl'c ; Stnr , pounds. 21 Ib , buttn , GOc ; Horde Shoe , pounds , 2J Ib , butts , GOc ; Purity , 21 FINE CUT In pails. Hani to Beat , 75a ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , SOc ; Favorite , 70c ; louky ? Mountain , liOc ; Fancy , f > 5i ) ; Daisy , fnc. In tin foil Catlius O. S. , 5 Ib boxes per Ib ( ! 5c : Lori- illard's Tiger , 05c ; Diamond Crown , COc. SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to Sic. Giaiuil.atod Black wells Durham , 115 03 51c ; DukcB Durham , 10 oz , fiOc ; Seal of North Carolina , 10 oz. Hi ; Seal of Nebras ka , 1C 07 , 38c ; Lone Jack , I oz , linen bagx , per Ib , ? 1.35 ; Marburffs' Pr.ck , 2 oz , tin oil , .r)5c ; Dog Tail. G5c. Heavy Harnware List. Iron , rates $3 50 ; ploxv steel , cast , 7ic ; cast tool do. 15@20 wagon m > okBH , set , 2 25@3 00 ; hubs per set , 1 25 ; felloew , saxved dry , 140 ; tongue ? , each , 70@85c ; axles , each , 75c ; snuaro nuts , per Ib , 7@llc ; washers , peril ) . 8@18c ; nx-cts , pr Ib , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , G@12c ; malleable , So ; ron wedge" , Go ; croxvbars , Cc ; harrow teeth , 4c ; horboahocH , per keg , 5 00 ; spiing steel. 7C S8c. NAILS-10 to 20d half kegs , lOc extra. SHOT. Shot , Sl.S-i ; Buck chot , § 2.10 ; Oriental Powder , kegs 6'iMO ' ; do. , half kegs S3.48 ; do. , ouaiterkegs S1.S8 ; Blatting - ing , kega , $3.Vi : : FUHC. u r 100 fuott 50c. Horses and Mules. 'Hie nmrkot is brisk and all grade' are Helling xx ell at a slight ailvanco in p iccn. The demand for good horscn exceeds the 1 supply coiwlderably. Piicon range a , fol. lows : Fine nlnglo drivers 31M ) . to 300. ; Extra draft homes , $175. to 225. ; Common draft lior-es. SI00. to 150. : Extra farm hornos , S110. to 125. ; Common to good farm liorHCH S90. to S100. ; Extra plugn , ( > 0. lo 7fi. ; Common plugs , ? 20. to 440. MULES. 15 to 15J haiulu ( extra ) , 8125. to irX ) . ; 1IJ to 15 hands $100. to 140. ; 14 to 14i hands 870. to 100. ; 13i to 14 hands 800. to 75. Hldet r-urt , Etc. HIDES Green butclier'n hide , 7c ; green cured hides 8c ; green nalt , pptt cured hides 7@7/c ! / ; dry Hint , Mmml , 13@llc ; dry calf and kip , 12i$13c ( ; dry wtlt hirlesKonnd , ll@12c ; green culf. wt. K to 15 IK. 10@llc ; green calf , xvt , under H IDs imt skin , Mte ; KrcMi j ltn , 81 00@115 ; green lamb i-kinn if 1 lOfellM ; datnagud hides txvo-thhil rsije , cut Hcorcd and ono rrub , clasyixl two- ; chort Htrljie , lOo1 narroxv tiii > o lnad : stripe , lOc , Tallow , 5Jc. Drun. DRUd'S AND CHEMKUI-H , Add Uarbolic , KOc ; Acid , Tartaric , file ; BalBam L-'ojiabla , i > er Ib , 72c ; Hark , Hancafriw , iier Ib , IJJoj Calomel , pur Ib , 7l5c ; Cinchonldla , : IHT or , hOc ; Chlorofonn , per Ib. 90c ; Doxer * i > oxvdeM , iwr Ib , $1 JO ; Jipsom lulls , per Ib , 3Jc ; ( ilycciine , jmre , per II ) , 48o : Lead , Acetate , i > r Ib , 21c ; O . Vir > ° ' .1 > ier * * P1 ! 0 , Cantor , No , 3 , per gal , SI25 ; Oil , Ollvo , per gal , SI 40 ; Oil , Origanum. Mo Oj.ium . , W 40 ; Ouinine P. ttV.k ] | . AS. . , per oS2 00 ; Poturfsluui , Iodide , per Ib ; 3240 ; Salacm , per oz , lOc : Sulphate of Morphine , per o/ , ? 3 W ; .Sulpmir fluur , per Iblie : Slrvx-hcmc. uur oz , 81 45. Liquors. ALCOHOL-187 proof. 225 per xvlno 1 gallon ; extra CallfoinlaHpirlts 1H7 proof , 1 3J per moof gallon ! trpln ! refined KplrlU. 10 * v n > 1 "t - ' " . " ,4- ! I 2 SOj Kentucky K > urlwm , 2vXV 700 ; Kn lucky nud Penim Ivnni ryes. i.HH ( 70 < ) llKANmKS--Iinportcd , Sti IX11 > 00 domc'tle 1 4IVUH 00 , GINS -Imported , 4 fiO000 ; domestic , I 4 ( > ( 'f.3 00. HUMS Imported f > 0 ( < ir , 00 ; New KneLind. 2 COM4 00 ; domestic1 , I aOffiil M ) PIJACll AND APl'l.n IIKANDY CIIAMPAGNIIH Jir.ortc.t | . per < < > , 2 < i OOfS1 * ! U1J * iav.i , case , 1200@ > spr. 01. U5KTS Per case , 4 M > M"lrt 00. WIN'KS Khlno itu > , per ei c , G OOC.fl . W 00 ; Catawlu , per ease , -I WXji ? 00. Wool. Merino unwashed , light , U@0ci } h-nvy , 13MHf > o ; nicdlum uuwaMicd , Itght , IfCf-'Oo tuli-washed , choice , 3''c : fair , ; Xe ) : dlng > and w , , 28cj hurry , black nnd coiled wools ilf Ge less _ MAKKBTS BY TBLEGRAPD Couucil Uluffs Mnrltct. I'oli.Ni'll. UI.UKKS , IVn-inlvr 8. Vlour lluniifaclured by ( . 'rjf-tal am City Mills. 3 75r < f I TO ; Kni ) as nnd Mli- Mmti ll > mr , 3fiO@ < l ' > ; grahain , 3 75 ; ryi lloui , 340. 15ran nud Shorts 17 00 per ton. Chop Corn 22 oO per ton. Whoat-Ko. 2 , i120 ; No. 3 , 'JJvix : jeotcd , 70c. Corn-No. 2 , S , roJccU" 5. Oat Ko. 2 , UV : rejected , n. I'.nilev No. 2. Wo : No. 3 , 7oe Hav-700vW8M ) . Wood G OOG'.S ' W. hi-.ollon's-ft30ri0. ( ; Cattle Sldpinnr , I 50fflr. 00 : milch cowi : IJO OOCull , ' 00 per bend ; butcben * stock , 3 OO a fit ) . Sheep J OOSiTi 00. G llidt-s Tijc : t ! d hidic , "ic. Wool li' © 5. Butlerii35fl. : ; ) ( ! . Egus-aoc. Potatoes-1IKKTM 26. Onions-1 2all ( 40. Gruiicl Jttuotiun Oiuxu JUNCTION1 , In. , Urccml'cr S. Eggs-17c. Butter 10@lgc. ChloARO IToUnoo. I'lttcAdo , Deoeinbor 8. On 'Chnngi1 ' the markets xvtre nervotiM and loxve- . The receipts of grain were ! 157 car loads , cmbraciii ) ; 8fl of xvlu-at , 181 of corn , 31 of tals , 12 of rye , nuil 47 of b.itloj- . FlourIJuled ipiiel and markrl without Kpccial change ; common to choic nprin wchtern , 4 fiOLi ( 15 75 ; Minnesoln , f. 2.fu)7 ) 00 ; patents , 7 fiDfe' ! 25 : winter xrhciit , ! > f > 0@ 7 75 ; rye Hour , 2 50 ( ! 3 10 ; huckxv heat , 8 5W.7J8 . 75. Wheut No. 2 , prinjr , lower early , but trading aclix o and tloted Btrongor. .Spec- ulativo offerings v ere liberal nm4 createil a xxcakcr feeling , but OH the olletingii vv > rc nb orhcd , a iiriner feeling xxns dexeloped ami prices fluctuated fivquciitlv xxitliin a inoileiato range of p ices The mark t op ned at about the closing llgnres of yes- teiday , and after uome flight lliictu.vtuin- rallied vve.vk and declined Ho below oaily prircs , then rallied c , but ugain xveaUcned and llnctuated anil finally closed a out iuo ( ] higher on the rogulir bo.ird and i n call a ; 1 ! ' 8rt for D eembor ; 1 2SIK 1 t 2.1 $ for January ; 1 "Oidill 30 for 1-Vn- riiary : 131 fur Jlarcli ; No. 3 , in fair rcquu-t at 1 l. i ; i ejected , ivccouling to location , Coin On'y ' iv miuler.tta tmsine.i xvas li.in ncteil and llio iceliny xvas Httady du - ing thr giviiter poitiou of throbi'ii. . Th tradiiu' xvas mainly of a lojil cliai.ic- ter. Out idcra vveie smaller than mini. I'ricos Ihictn-ted xvillif. i ) r.ingo of idifc and a.er.iyed loxvir , inoto pniticulaily foi the m ro deferr il delivuiii'.s Shipi > hi'4 demand iin.dei.iti > . No 2 and hi.h mixed ciiwcil on call t l02 ! for Docemler ; Ij'lc ' f r January ; lilgc for Febuiury ; C.0)c ) for May ; d ( o foi > June ; rcjicted , id toh r.ibly ittcady ; luisj. no-t inodeiittv ; No 2 closed on cull at 4."iifi for December ; tlji ( ll.rji : for .lainniry ; IGo { for ISluy. lye ! Steady and linn ; light tratoae- tiiius No. 2 , 'Ma for .Inmiaiy. Jiailey hii'elem ami entiicly nounnul ; No. * , I Oll ! OC i for .Jainniy ; 1 09 for February. l'or Srodcratvly active , but iirognl.ii ; mess closed mi call at 1G OOG617 25 for ild and new fur DccMiiher ; 17 17i for Jaimaiy ; 17 47J for Fehruary ; 17 G2ili ( ) 17 Ii5 for March ; 17 ! > 0 for Jlay. httid Active , freely tilfeicd nud easy ; closiui ! at 1105@11 (7i ( for tlm year ; 11 42J for J-'ebrimiy ; 11 fi7. } < ) ll CO for March ; 11 82J for May. IJullcMeats Iiregulai ; fbort ribs closed at K 75 for January ; 8 'J'2' ' , for February ; ' . ) 10 for March ; ! ) 27-1 for April ; ! IG2. for Mnv. Whisky Quiet at 1 17. Hnttoi Chiefly of loeal charieter and in choicu with a few sales of medium in fiech Htock , olfcringH weru nmplo and price * steady. lEoll met with n good de mand , when choice , but common , and old were not wanted. Choice to fancy ii 7 common to good hullo packed , lit(2)18c ( ) ; rol. 18@21c. lggn In good Hiijiply nnj moderate dc- B maud nt 25c pur do/en for htrictly frtHh I and 1S ( , 'JL'tor piuvk-d. liec'ts Shlpin'th d Flour . 17,050 ir.,130 Wheat . 37.02 ! ) 20,0 3 Corn . 111,123 ' .13,778 " H.05C : , ! : Uyo . 3 , 83 721 42,003 Ifi.lUS tit. Xiouln Froduoo- ST. I/JIIIH. Dfcei1i < > r 8. Floni Lower ; family , ( i OOfeO 20 ; choicu to fatiry , ( i ! 5g/,7 ( JO. ' Wheat No. 2 rod , 1 31) ) , for cahh ; 1 3l ! 'or ilauniirv ; 1 42 t < t I'Vhinury ; 1 4H for March ; 1 Wn(3 > l 18J for May ; No. . ' ( do , 211 'id ' ; No. 4 do , 1 20V < ' 1 HI , ' . Corn -Slow ; ( ilJC'/.li o for cash ; Ml'Jo for leciiiubcr ' ; lil OIJc for Jaiinart ; C51c 'or " February ; lJI > ic for Maicb ; UUl "or May Oatrt Slovr nt 40 ! ; ( 117Jc for cash ; for January ; 17io ! for Febrnarv. ilye Ilighci at 'JBtfllKUc bid. Barley-lJull nt 85cfel 10. I/ead Steady at 4 85. Butler Unchanged ; daliy , : X 533c ; creamery , 35S)10c. ( Eggs Unchnigcd at 2-lfe25c. \ \ lanky - Steady at 1 IB. 1 Pork Slow ; 17 071 bid for January ; 17 CO for March. Lntil Nominally 11 P.'i. Jleo'ts. Shipm'tn. I'lour . 0,000 10,001 Wheat . 20.000 40,000 4 Corn . 33,000 117,000 6 Oatii . 7 , < W ! t,000 Kye . 1,010 4,00 J Barley . 12,000 nonu to bt Lotil * ilvo Stoolc- 3 ST. LOUIH , . Hogs Adive ; xu y light , 5 OOfo.5 40 ; Yorkem , 5 r.r > feO 75 ; packing , . " . H0tf ( ( ! Ifi ; butcbeiV to fancy , I. 20r M > r,0 ( fiitHldu irlt.i'H for lotavciaging 11H poundx. Ite- colj tf , 1 l.BOO liead ; fliljJiiients 'MX ) head. . . - - - - Dry Gooil * . NK.V YOIIK , Dtcemberfl- diy goods W bor II.IH IfOt'il rather moin animation In ihu jobbing branches uf trade , a lalrdintri- liiillon of puieiuiablu goodn mi i fancy holi- lay ( ; oois | having bctn nmdo by dry good * iobbeiKund jeadlng nolion lniUHC'H. Thn Unmnd ot filHt hands ho * I ecu relieiLi ! C lln'ht.aH xvas generally exiicttcd , butagcntu continued to maku cunxiilurabli ) < l"lvt'rItM ! in former onleri1 , and the tonu of the mar * kc-t reinaiiH linn. Toledo ProanciB TULUDO , Dec mlior K. \Micat I'iimcr and fniiet ; No , 2 rtd , 3'J | for January ; 1 ! lj for 1'olinury ; 143forMaith ; 1 lllforApiil. Corn ( Julet ; No , ! , ffta foi ca h aicl . . . . ' , . . KaniiiR City Pro K iN-m CYrv , December S , \\heftl UecclntltSUI ; withdrawn , " .SIGsiu tore , lOI.OiX ) . M rr-l Mo * nud \\c.\kd ! No. I ra h , Stjo I Id , V.'c ' vk tl ; Deert lier. SI : No. 3 rah , ! l7n > % : IV- ceiob-r , li.'e hid , ttiije nskrdjdnn ary.l ( O d'M ( OOJ ; IV riury , I 03j No. 2 emh , 120 ; ilamiary , I 21 i id , 1 2,1 inked , Corn-Heec ip . . 2,132 ; vIthdnu'n , 8.12. ' ; in stoio 70.321. Tlio mnrket opmed opcno hiuln-r I , but clot.nl weak : No. ci b , lilacs Di'ectuber , Glfii'G1je ( ( : ilnnn * nry. fiOjfo bid. GIJ a ko I ; I elitmry , iAc | ; May , iMjo bid. ( . % a ked : No. 2 mix.-d , Ph , G2c blil , Ohio n keil : December , G'JJe bid : Glc nskcd ; ttiji'cted , ? i"c OnU Weaken 'No. a cn h , tie bill. I.V asked ; I ) remhrr , llo bid , ll'fe a kf J.iliu.uy , ir > Je bid Kye Noiiilu.il. City Lire Stooli KASHAS OITV , lenibcrS. . Calllu-IJcco pis IDS hpail Mnrket vtcadj ; MVtixii cows , ijoml , 3 OOvlCil 10 : fair , 10 goml , 2 12) ) ( " 3 CO ; sod ovvags 1 M ) ( "VJ ( K ) ; natho fi-ideiv , ,1 80 ; Coloi.ido stor-i-s , 3 3..fr 3 fil. Hogs - Itcceipts3I ( ! Mnrlcel blglior mm ft'llrrs dimnn inu an mlvnnro ; kales i low ! i-h lei > : 2 li.XciYi or. ; ( HI 1 , . " > 75 < i ft DO ; Hinge , . * . 25C" > 05 ; bulk , T. r > ln ) ( 5 110. Poorln , 1'roilcicc , PKOIIIA , Dccptnber 8 , Coin -Sioaily ; ljBh , mixed , OUo ; mixed , 111 Jfi''l > l'c. ' O.iU Stonly ; No. 2 xvhilo , IMr.f . ire Ityc Nominal : No. 2. 1 00. Hlghwliiis Khin at 1 15. Itoc't * . ShipV , \\lieat lVX ( ) noin Coin 38,512. ' . 'J'J.'iO < i "nts i : > , rM , ) f , 125 1'50 ' 3.000 Cincinnntl Prailuoo. CINCINNATI. Do-n'iiber1 * Pork Mos , cm'et ' nt 1HOO Urd-qulrtatll IT. Hullc Meats Fiimcr ; ile.ii MJcn , ! ( X ) ( n , ! ' 121. Hneon - Klrmclear : siilt i02.TrllOO. Flour ( Juiel : family , ( I T0u)7 ) r > 0. Wheat Dull ; No. ' . ' . red , 1 32 ( )110. ) . Corn Firmer ; No. 2 mhed , liijo. ! Oats Firmer : No 2 mi\ed , 4S.l9c. ! ( . Kye-F rm ; No , 2 * pnt 1 CSV Hailoy Slow at y36B1 li' Whisky Firm nt 1 1I > . Bnltimoro Produce. lUuivioiiii , Deoembcrfi Vlniir-Til m. Wheat No. I'leil winter , fumer : 1 33 ( Iil3i ! ; for eii-b : m I Dcjcmber ; I 41 ? 1 12 for Onuna y. Coin MUcdvu'btiiru , firm ; G'Jjc forca .h nnd Dectmbcr. PhllnaolpUia Proilnoo. I'lllI.MiKi.rniA , December S. Wheat Hn-l-r ; 1 40 < iMtl'J ' forjciuli nud December ; i 41'J@14S for.lauu ry. Corn IOatier ; Wl foGHlc for ca h nml December ; 71 J't2ii'for.liiuunry.9 ) \ ) . Oats hewer ; 53o for c.isli ; 5i/53o } ( ! foi December. llyo Ijuict at USc. I > i\'orpool Prodtico. IjlVliiii'ooi. . December 8. Flour- American , 10n liliijiN. ( ( : Wheat -WinUr , Khr.lMUniliilo ( , 10s 7dn ( > 10- < lid ; fpiim' , ! ' < UldG'TlOii fid ; club , 10s 11 ( f'll-Hd. Corn , rn IJd. IVr Jfi l < ai ( ' r7s M Ttirpontinn Mnrlcot- . Wll.MIMlTDN , N. ( ! . , Dl'Cl'lllllM-fi. Sp'i its Turpentine 1'iim at 52 . hard , 2 2"i ; .soft. 3 i"0. WII.MI.SRTO.V , Dol. , December 8. ] to > in Fiiinei ; Htruimil , 1 ! IO ; good , 1 ! ) " . .Spiiils Kinn at r > 2c. T.uQuiet nt 2 15. Tin-pi ntineSteady ; Imnl , 2 25 ; mifl , 350iiyiii ; , 2 HO. Clovolaud Markot. Cr.K\T.i.A.-i > , Dcccmbw 7. 1'ctroleiim Wiaker and uncbnuged ; htnndiiiduiiite , 110 ° test , 7c. Buffalo Live Stocli. HA r JiurrAi.0 , December 8. iro0n Sir n.'et ; leceipts , Gl uiNsbip- ) ; tnents , G3 cau ; YinkeiM fairtu giiixi , G 0 ; good medium weights , 4 lOfeG 25 ; good to Lhuicc Lcavy , G . ' 15uG ( 50. ntLlborty Live Stack. KAST hlliBUTV , Pu. , December S. Cat le Fair anil unchanged ; best , G 00 ( L'G25. Kccciplp , Tilil heal ; nhipmcntu , 310. 310.Hogs Active : receipts , 2,800 head ; Hhipincnts , 3,100 beuil. PliilidelphinH , li : K > @ ! i 5.i ; Yoikeih , 0 75mD ( 10. Sheep -Dull ; nothing doing : rcceiptn , 400 ; nlilimeuts | , 200. Maw X orb Jfrocluoo NKW YOIIK , Dncomher a. Flour--Dull , nnd in biijerx f.ivor , Mln- ncHota extia , 5 10@D 00 ; ciiy mill uxtra 00S,7 ( 75 ; Bnuthcrii flour , ( jniet ; common to choice c\tn , 5 R5 ( ! ,8 37J. Wheat UiiMcttlid ; opening higher , Kiib xerpicntly declining , im > l rloMng Htrong nt BlWit rine ; No. 2. 1 43r ll 43J ; No. 1 white , 10l 1J ( ) ; No. 'f. Milwiiukce , 1 3(5 ( In store ; No red. December , 141J ( )142 ) ; January , 1 l7Sffl ( 48 [ . Co-n - Dull nnd heavy. Ungraded niixi d , t'8n ( 72c : No.il , 70 } ; No. 2 , ilamiary , "Us72jjc ( ; do Feb uiuy , 73J749. OntH Ijcst ncti\c ; No. 1 white , rifijo ; No. 2 do. , filid/I.V.'c. ; No 2 mixed , 51 r ; mixed western , l52c ! ) ( ; mixed wtuU' , r > : Wn ) 64 c. c.Jljc Dull ami lieavy ; % ( ,07 ( ! . 1'arley Dull and \ve.ir. ! Pork Dull and heavy ; old IIICKH on spot , 17 2.1 17 50 , new ilo , 18 ODfrllH 25. Lard Dull and weaker ; 11 , ' ! ( ) lor caxli ; II 274 for December WhinKy Nominal , Petroleum Market dull mid nomliiil ; united , 83Jc ; em e , in baueb , < i@7c | ; relii'ud , in biirifls , 7Jie jinked. Chicago liiva Stoob. ( 'HIOAOO , Dicember8 , Ue > 'B lieciiptH , lO.OOO. % mrket ktiung- cr uin4 rioruauti\tiearly in tint day but finully uuak , ipiality Ki'iiurnllv bcttoi ; common to goixt mixed , 5 G.r ( i/G 10 ; heavy packing ami uliippiiig , 0 l.WO 35 : light mlxod hogH 'i Wfaifi ( JO ; hhipjiciii nnd cull , 25(5,5 ( 25. Cattle HeccijiU , 0,400 heud. Jiar- kit guiierally fntinfiictniy and idiout mi- tbanged , olUringit include butt few fancy ca U' , khlpplng graijen Hell about dtendy ; common to fair xhipjilni ; cuttlr , 3 75@ 7.- ; good do. , ft 50i')5 ( ) 75 ; elioicc , 5 Hjl ) lOjexpoitii , fi 'I t(7i.O ( 85 ; mixed butcher * ' itock , 2 50f < $ ii 75. Sheep-lUceiplH , 2(00 , huid. Market good for cholca fut wellivrri but COIMIIIOI. fair for mheii IOM | and thin HI" | < ' | I in abuiiilnnt Hiiiiply nnd not \Mintcd ; fair 75 ( 3 DO ; good , 3 Ollg-l 10. SIBBBTT & PDLLUB , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , > VI3J CITY , NEB. .tuition irUvn IP mllwtioin In iiutlci \ . ' . MK.H M. MKIIIIK'.I. , E , YIUUS & CO , , COMMISSION MERCHANTS 125 Lagallo Street , CHICAGO , Grain nnd Provisions Bought and Sold on Margins. Dexter L , Thomas , ORCHARD & BEAN , J. B. FRENCH & CO. , CARPETS ! G R O C E R SI Special Attention Is Once More Called to the Fact that Rank foremost in the West in Aaso rtment and Prices of FOR MEN'S , ROYS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. ALSO A COMPLKTK LINK OF Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps. Wo iiro'pri'purrd to moot thu diunnmV < of the tr.ulo in rcy.ird lo Latest Styler , mid I'jitti'rim. Fine Merchant 'IVilorin ; , ' /oiiinjuhdM RBSrRCTl'1 U LLY , M. HELLMAN & CC , , 1301-1303 Fattiharn and 300 to 312 13bh St HAVE DECLINED SLIGHTLY AND t Is the first to make the announce ment to his customers and the general public. MATTINGS , UIL CLOTH AND WINDOW SHADES , Always sold at the lowest Market Prices. Wecarry the largest stock and make the Lowest Prices. Orders promptly filled and every attention given to patrons. fl . JB i 1313 Farnham Street. OMAHA , . . . . NEBRASKA. Omaha , A PHI-AfTR" Collins Cheyenne Jt xa = . A wJ'JZXV/Jla. ' , Colorado Fall and Winter LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR mil , BOYS AND CHILDREN. _ < Hate , Gaps , Tranks , Valises. f nU ' ' -oro Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit all i 1316 FARNHAM STREET , NEAJt FOURTEENTH , f *