Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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    ( HIM MVI Sfo.iraemi.crJ HttASUUiS"Ported " , SO bu 3U.uo ; | l'our ] Wr , A
Finnnoial Revintr.
Niw Yon * , November H.
Mtnijr eloii.l t 5(5G ( p r oent ,
d steady t 4 83(34 ( Si ,
Gav rnBienU * lu id fit in ni followj ;
Currency C' . ISO lilt
4' coupon * . . . 1 17 J Hi
4J' oupon . 1 13 * lilt
Cl continued . t Oil bi <
5'i continued . I
Pacific railroad bonds closed follows
Union Brut . 117
Union land urantn . I in © 1 in
Sinking ( until . 123 ( rfll 2(1 (
Ceutrali . 115 1 17
The stock market to-day was nctlvt bu
5rre Ur , though fluctuation1) in ths gen
rnl lUt xvori ) tml wide , but there wri
Homo violent chan , c * in fancy ( -haremvliiel
ad\auccd uliaiply hi Into dealings. Tli
market was very we.ik and the lowe
prices of the day \\eie made in the genera
list , hut in final dealings n firmer lone prc
vniled and tliero was a recovery of J ®
per cent. Tim cUaiiig qu talions siliowci
n decline of Jji ( > U per oent. for the. day
The priii Ipnl dca lugs woreiu foreign am
Northein Pacific , Missouri 1'acifiu , Lib
Shore , Northwestern , Pacific Mail , It. L
& St. P.
The following r th bailiff bids :
AtTlI . . KG N .P 42
> 4 . 7 pfl 84
B&O 14H N J 0 OG
CV A 135J Northwc t r . ! "
OOOfcl IU Preferred..142
C O & . I C . . Omaha 41 ;
CP Preferred . . . .103 ;
C S SO GO Oregon Nav..lG ! )
DtllG 84 PPG 131' '
J2ri 40-j PDicE 4' '
Preferred. . . . 94 Panama l'.li )
Adams 145 III 13r > j
WF 134 St Paul 10'J '
American U5 P.f rr d..l221
a.s 7.1 Texas Pacific. . . 5
Erie & West. . 45 Union Pacific. . 120 ;
H&St J Wabash. 48 ;
Pre'erred..1 ' ; San Francisco. . 40
I B .t W 54 Preferred. . . . GO ;
UO 134 1st preferred..108
K&T 42 StP A N M. 1121
LS 120 T&St L 33
ML SAW. . . . 53 ] Preferred. . . . 801
MC 93 ; W U SC )
ltol' 107
Following are the h'gbest ' ] rices on
mining stocks at tlia New York mining
exchange :
South Pac . . . . 8C.2 Cherokee 98
Oriental & M. 55 JJuckeye 105
Uobuibon 1050 Sutro 130
State Line 2& 3 185 Green Mouut'n 320
8uteLinel&4 50 IjicroMJO . . . . US
Hibernia 28 Bdlelslo . . . . 25
Chrysolite . . . . GOO
CHICAQO. November 14.
Business in banking circles to-day wa <
only moderately active. Tlio offerings ol
mercantile paper were not Urge , but r. tes
veio steady at G7 per cent Annual
loanable funds are in good supply. The
clearing * of the associated binks were $7 , '
700.000. Orders for currency were
Ozaahn "Wholesale UarUot-
Monday Kveiling , November 14. (
Trade ia n way to-day was mov
ing well for a Monday. There were fail
leceipts of grain by r.iil , as well OB of vari
ous l < iridi of country produce by teams
The feeling in the grain markets was bet
tcr. Wheat advance I lie , barley declined
IJc ; rye advanced 3c ; corn advanced s
fracti n ; oats advanced Jc.
In proiisions the market was steady ,
Potatoes ftie quoted 5c higher per Imtthol
by the car-load , while the retail price ii
23o lower than it has been for KOIIIC time.
In cigars and tobaccos our dealers have
advised nn advance of lie on Gilt Kd ; , ' (
plug. This has been looked for for some
time , as this tobacco had been advanced bj
the manufacturer , several weeki ago.
In druqs we note a decline of lOc foi
Local Uraln Dealings.
WHEAT. Ua h No. 2 , 1 MJ ; osh
No. .1 , 99J : Mjccted 77ic.
HAni.LVr.-CVih No. 2,83io ; No. J ,
Sic.JlYK Cash , S-lc.
COKN. Cash No. 2 , fe.
OATS. r i.h. sr\c.
HAY ? 7 00@3 00 p r to * .
Cattle-Good dipping ( I05 00 ; fat
cews Jiid heifsrH. ? li 7f.@ll 00.
Hoga Mixed pickin' % S5 23@5 GO.
Sheep .Slaughtering in dumaud at $1 OC
@ 500.
Provltlons ,
FLOUJJ Spring wheat , otraight ipraile ,
3 W.
MILLSTUl'TS Hiau. per iwt. OOc ;
wj-eenings , per cwt. bOc ; i-horts , per
cwt 1.00 ; chopped feed , per cwt. 1 20j meal
bolted , yellow. 1 40 ; white. SI 75 ,
POTATOES In car lota , 1051 10 ;
Salt Lakua , 1 L'S&l 35. Itctail , 1 25@
1 50.
SWKKT POTATOKS-Geiiuine Iilusa-
tine , 4ojier Ib.
POULTRY Chickens per dozen , $250
@ 2 75 ,
tier dnicn.
QUAIL Per dor , , S2 50(52 ( 75.
WILD GKUSK 2 75 < ffl.T50.
WILIJ DUOKS 1 00@1 50 ,
EGGS Finn : bcarceat : ' 0@32c.
BUTTJJlf Choice carceat20(1530poor ( ; ,
no market : creamery , 30@35e. ;
APPLKS Good. Round , very scarce
at ? 4 50 ® t 75 per bbl.
HONKY California white elover in
oomb , 2425c.
LUMONS-Stcady ; per box , 51000 ;
Fluent MesMna orungCH ? 8 00 repacked ,
MALLAOA (5 RA PUS Per bbl.,58 50
per half bbl. , St 50.
BKKSWAX yellow , 18@20e.
ONIONS-1 Bo@lCO per bushel.
CA1JI5AGK SI 00@2 00 per dozen , M
to quality.
CKANUKHHIKS-Per bbl , , J10 00@
CKLEIIY Per doz. , BO@S5c.
DUKSSKl ) OHICKIJNS Per Ib , , 10 ©
15cURKSSKD TURKKYS-Perlb. , 12J@
ICc.DKKSSni ) DUCKS Per Ib , , 12Je.
IKliSSJi : ) G KKSU Per Ib. , ll@13c.
Grocers Lilt ,
COFFKK. Jtio , tnlr. 134c : Rio , Bood ,
14cj Klo , prime to choice , I4Jcj Old cov't
Ja\a2Ui-81c ; , Alocha , ' . ' 840 ; Arbucklo'a ,
T13AB , Gunpowder , good , 4 ! > © 55cj
Choice , G0@75cj Imperial , good , 40@15c ;
Choice , ( XXj/Jfic ; Young Hynon , uood , 30(3) ( )
tOc ; choice , r/icf Ul 00 ; Japan Nat .Leaf ,
Sfic ; Japan , choice , fJO@7.rx ! : Oolvng , good ,
3.ri@40 ; Oulong , choice , 40@55 ; Souchong ,
good , SS'SlOc ; choice. y
SUG AltS. Cut loaf , lli ,
llic ; Granulated , lie ; Powdered , lljc
Fine powdered , 11 j ! SUndanl Coffee A
New Vork Oonfoctloner'i Standan
A , lOJcj Good A , 103 < : j Pmiris Extra C
. npar houco , hbl60c : ha !
bk 62c ; lcgs 41 callous , ? 2 W ) ; cholci
Ublo synip , 60c ; halfbblis 53 < ! , Vcg , S2 W )
SPIOES. I'epp'r , 20 ; AlNpice , 20o
Cloves , 4 ! > c ; Nutmotc * , 91 09 : CMA ! , 25c
Mace $100.
SODA. DwlRht'n Hi papers , W 00 ; Te
Und tlo , $3 00 ; Church's , 33 00 ; Ktg i
. Pflfttl , 4J" ! Silver Glens 8 ;
@isic ; t'om Starch , 8i@9c ; Kn bdui
Lilotn. 7c ; Com. 7Jc.
SALT. Dray lends , per bbl , 1 05 : Ash
ton , in sack * , S f > 0 ; bbla dairj 60 , 0 , 315
bbU iMrv , 100. 3 . 3V. ( ,
DltllU ) yiiriTS Choteo halves ,
pe'xchc * , new crop , 10c : KvnporatedApplo- ,
* i U > boxes 13iri'.i ( c.MicliiKan,8c ; } ; Now
York apples , 8jic : 1'runes , oW , 7jc : new ,
Sic : Currant * , 77io ; hl.-vekbcrrios , now ,
Cltr.KSi-Full Cream , 15cj Parl
Skim. 11 ) c.
WliNW\in3 ( ) ( ) : Two hoop pail" ,
1 Oi ; three lump pall * , 2 20 ; No. 1 lul > - ,
9 fiO : No. 2 till ) * , , 8 t.O ; No. 3 tulw , 7 50 ;
pioneer wnshlionrd * . 1 S."i ; Uouble Cr wu.
2 ! )0 ; Wellbuckets 3 23.
l.KAn Har , ? 1 OC > .
MATMIKS ( Per caddieSXo ) ; round
cn cs $7.0" : s < nfm > ca. < e , $ , "i.lO.
PROVISION'S llrcnkfiut bacon , 1-U ,
shoicc- lard , 13Jc ; dried bi-ef , 13ic : should
cri , canvassed Uc ; ham , canvassed 14c ;
b.ioon , sides 12c }
NKW PICtClKS- dintu , in lurreU ,
flO 00 ; do in half hl > K. > "ritsiunlU , in bbN ,
12 00 tin. in half bliN , 7 00 ; gherkins , in
bbk 14 00 ; do , in JialflibK 7 CO.
VINWJAU Ptii-o npplo extra , Ific :
purr npplo , lHo ; Proitinir imrn nimle , ll'c ,
HOMKN V New , 5fli 00 i > er libl.
P.iANS-M : dlum , hand picked 8 .90
pcrbu'hcl : navy , ? 4 00.
JtOrH-Si- , i inch and larger , Oic ; , S
nch , 10c ; i inch , lOJt , .
SOA1TS Kirk'a Savon Imperial , 3 45
Kirk's flatinet. 3 IRKlrkV ; otnndanl , 3 50
KirU'i white KusMan , 5 2.1 : Kirk'i Kutoca ,
2 05 : * Kirk's I'rairio tjueen , (100 ( cakes ) ,
3 10 ; Ivirh's mas iolia , 4 B.r ,
CANDLES UoxeH , 40 Iba , 1R or , 8 ,
Kiciboxei-tO Ibi. , 1C oz. , C a , ICc.
IjYK American , 3 40 : Ureenwich , 340 ;
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis' '
lye , 4 f.O ; Jewell lye , 27fi.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. ,
in case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doc. in cane ,
1 'JO ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in cane. 1 50.
PHXjI ) S12KD Ued clorer , choice
new , ? ( 00 per bughel ; mammoth clover
new , 87 00 ; white clover , new , $14 00
al alfa clover , new , $12 50 ; alslke , new ,
S1300. Timothy , good , new , 53 00 ;
blue graa , extra clean , 81 50 ; blue crass ,
clean , $1 " > ; orchard grass , $2 50 ; red top ,
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri ,
SOc ; millet , German , $1 00 to 91 25 ;
Hungarian , SOc.
HEDOESKEI * Osage orange , 1 to 5
bushels , $5 00 ; oaage orange , 10 buslioln or
over. 54 f > 0 : honey locuit , per Ib. , S5c ; per
100 Ibi , , 25 00.
KISH Family white fish , 00 Ib hf bbh ,
$3 75 ; No , 1 white fish , 'JO Ib hf bbls , 6 30 ;
No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; family
10 Ib kits , 7."ic ; Ne\r Hulland herring , per
keg , 1 35 ; lliiHsian sardines , 75c ; Colin"-
bin river Balmon.per 100 Ibf , 8 00 ; George's
lmk codlish , Cc ; Gen. banclesa codi'uh ;
SJc ; boneless fish , 43c.
JIAOJvKUKTj Half bbls meag mackerel ,
100 Ib" , 812 fiO ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do ,
100 Ibs , 0 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 10J1
Ibs , 3 85 ; me'o mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ;
No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore ,
12 Ib do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do , 75c.
CANNED GOODS-Oystcrs , 2 Ib
( Field's ) , per case , S-l 20 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) ,
per case , 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case ,
3 DO ; do 1 tt > ( standard ) , per case , 2 50 ; do
2 Ib ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) ,
nor case , 200. Onions , 3 80. Salmon , 1
Ib , per dozen , 1 G0@l 70 ; do2H _ > , per doren
2 55. Sardines , small tsh ! , imported , one
quarter boxes per box , 14Jc ; American ,
quarter boxes per box , lie ; do half boxes ,
per box. 2Uc. Lobsters , 1 Ib per do/ten ,
1 80. Tomatoes , 2 30 ; do 3 Ib per
case , 3 10 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain ]
per case , 3 70 ; soaked corn , 2 10 ; tin
2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 375 ;
ti ing beans , per case , 225 ; Linifc beans
per case , 2 20. Snccotash per case , 22fl. _
Peas , common , par case , 2 00 ; peas , choice ,
per ca o , 4 50. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case ,
280 ; stiawberrios , 2 Ib , per case , 275 ;
raspberries , 2 Ib , per eake , 2 75S $ 00.
Dumsoni , 2 lt > , per cnse , 2 45. Bartlett
pears per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortleber
ries per case , 2 80. Egg plums , 2 Ib per
ctae , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per case. 4 50.
Gr < > en gages , 2 Ib per case , 3 50 : do choice , ' . '
Ib | i r case,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case ,
4 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 tb per case , 3 10 :
dn 3 lt > , case , 6 00(316 ( 50 ; tlo , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , par
case. 3 85 ; do pie , 6 Ib , per do/.en , 3 50.
KICE Carolina , 8 ( ,84c ; Louisiana , 7i
© Sic.
PEANUTS lloasted , choice , red Ten
nessee , ! ) c per Ib ; fancy white , lOo pnr Ib ;
ra-v white Virginia raw , lOe ; roasUd ,
Dry Qoods.
BnOWN COTTONS Atkntic A , SJc ;
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Sc ; Boott
FF , ie ; Buckeye LL , 4-J , 7c ; Cabot W ,
7lc ; Chitteimngo A , G.c } ; Ureat Falls 1C ,
8ic ; Hoosier , CJc : Honest Width , 7Sc ; Indian -
dian Head A , 8c ; Indian Stamlnrd A ,
8 c ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8Jc ; Lawrence
LL , 7c ; Mystic IJiver , 7Jc ; I'etiuot A , 8''a ;
Sli-iwrniit LL , fi c ; Utica C , 5\c ; Wachu--
ctt 1 ! . 7 ; do A , 8ic ; do 33 48 , 12ic ; Wul-
cott HB ; 740.
4-4 ; 7Ac ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle ! 4 , 7c ;
Atlantic , IjL , OJc ; Hadirer Stat1 X11 , 7c ;
liemiingtoti C 4"-l , 0/c / ; Buckeye S. 4-1 , ticc ,
Indian Oicharci AA8. ! . 8tc " ; LaconU O
TJ , 8\c \ ; Lshiwh E 4-4 , ! ) Ac ; L. isti.dcM ,
lOo : I'eppeiell N SO , 7c ; cfo O 32 , 7fc ; dn H
30 , 7jc ; do P 30 , 8Jc ; Pooans.t C ! ! , 7Jc ;
WaniMitt.i-l-1 , 13c.
( in L I-J , 10cll.i.lNtonc ! A A iu i
tlo do half blvichtd I lUu ; Cabot 4-4,8/ ;
Fidelity 4.4 , ! HcFnii' ; of th loiiiim ' ; do
CUibriu4-l35doWatrrTuiHt,10'c(3' ] '
! - , ; , ;
Oc ; Imliin Hi-.wl shrunk -f-4 , 32 c ;
L nsl.ilt' , lOc : lie c.imbriu 37 , 13c ; New
YorU .Milk 13c ; Pcrmot A. lOc ; Pcppcrtll
N ( r Twill * , 12ic ; Pocaliontiw 4-1 , yjc ;
PoeiM t14 , 8'.c " ; Utic.i , He ; Wanibiifta
OXX , l.'tc.
DUCKS Unbleached Atlantic , 10 07. ,
17c ; liultiiiiori ) do , Kic ; Lone Star , 8 o/ . ,
12c ; Sav ge , IRc.
DUCKS ( Colorcd-Alb-ny ) E brown ,
3c ; dn C , tlral ) , llcj do XX , stripes nnd
l > ladn ! , l-Jc ; do XXX brown anil drab ,
itiipcs and plaids , I'-'Jc ; Arlington fimcy ,
1'Jej I'runswick brown , 8Jc ; Chariot fancy ,
12icj do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall JUve
lirown , extra heavy , lljc ; Indiana A
brmvn. 13c : XepoiiBet A brown , 15c ,
TICKINGS Amoskeag A C A 32 ,
l"ic ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jc ; Arrowanna ,
! ) Jc ; flttreiiiont B B , 15Jc ; Concstoga ex-
tr.i , 17c : llumilton D , flic ; Lowtuton A
30 , 15c ; Minnutiaha , 20c ) Onirga HiipT
extra -1-4. 28o : 1'earl Uivcr 32 , lOtc : Put
nam XX bluu fitriiie , 12c ; Hliotucket 8 ,
lOJc ; tlci SS 12c : Yeoman'H blue 2U , 8Jc.
DKNIMS. Amo keak , blue and brown ,
Ifijc ; Andovcr DD line , llijci Arlington
blue Kcntch , IRjic : Concord OOO , blue and
brown , 12J : ilo AAA , do tlo 13J ; do XXX
dodo 14Jii ; iiayinaker'a blue nd brown ,
tJc ) ; M\ > tie Uiver DD htripe , ir\c \ ; ] Vnri
I"i\iT ! , blue and bruv.n , IDJc ; Uncasville ,
blue and brown , ISjc.
OAMBIMCS Barnard , Me ; JMdystone
lining , 21 Inch double face , 8Jc ; Garner A
glazed , r > u Manhattan glove finiidi , 5Jc ;
Newport d < ! B ; ilo glazed , .IJcj Petjuot do
5c ; L < > l.uood kitl tinlah , ( ! c ,
COK.-HT JEANS Amory , 8cAndros-
coggin piitlceii , 8JcC'larendon ; , ( ic : | ; C'onuH-
toga H-itiri-iu , 7-jo : llallnwell , < Jc ; Indian
Orchard liniroved | , 7ic ; Narraganwtt , 7ic ;
Pepperi'l ' satteen Din ; Kockport ,
J'UIM'S-AllpnK. (5ic ; American , OJcj
Am Jd 7c ; Berwick , 4)c ) ( ; Cocheco , 7c ;
ic ; Dunkirk , 4jcj Dunnell ,
ci IMdybtonc. 7c : ( inuc | ? ter , Cc ;
llarinony , 5ic ; Knlckerlxicker , Cjo ; Mt-r-
rimao 1 , 7c ; My tlc , r.jc ; Hprafuen , Cc (
Soullilirtilge , 6c ; ilo. Ginglmtmi , 7c ; flarl.
bore , fj'i' ; ( Jrieiital OJc ,
GINt.lIAMS AmodVcag , lOJc : Amos.
dr H 121 ; Ai yle , lOJc ; Atlantic ,
9c : Cumbetland , 7je | , SJc : Plun kett , lOic ; Sui-
sot , 8c.
COTTONADK9 Abbeville
Agate , 20c : American , Ilo : ArtMan , Wo ;
Cftiro D and T , 131c ; Clarion I ) and T ,
17Jc : Deccan Co. striH.i | DandT , ICc ; Keystone -
stone , ISjc ; N ntncket , PJo ! Nonpareil ,
ICc ; Octnn 1) and T , 13jc : Hoyal , 10Jc |
SUSJPX , IDc ; Tioga. 12cVachu \ : < ott ldrt <
ing chc-cU. 12ic ; do , Nankin , 12Jc : York.
plain XanUn. 12Jc ; do , checks , etripw and
fancy , 12Jc : tlo , 8 or , 20c.
Sll KimXOSAnilrowwin I0-1.27ics
do i > .4 , 24c ; do 8-4 , IRIcs Continental C'
42 , lie : Fruit of the Lmmi 10-1 , 27J : Now
York mills UK , .T.c ; do 7H , ROc : clofiS , 22Jc :
Pomhroko 10- , 25c : Prtjuot 10-1 , 2SJc : ilo
7-4 , ] yc : do 40 , Ific : Povporoll S iJ , 2. o :
do f,7 , 21c ; do 57 , 19c : LTtlc. 00 , 3'c ; do
53 , 22Jc ; ilo4S , 17oLumber.
FP.N'CtNC.-No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , ? 20 00 |
No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 10 00 : nhocting droned ,
No. 1 , 18 00 ; Xo. 2 , 10 W ; common boardc ,
dressed. 20 00.
FKAMtNG Irt ft. and under , per M ,
20 00 j 10 ft. studding , 2'J 00 ; 22 ft. 22 00 ;
21 ft. 2'iOu.
KINISJUNO No. 1. linUhlK U ami
2 inch , $ 'iO 00 No. 1 fmisli 1 inch S15 00 ;
No. 2 , lini'h 11 , 1J rtnd 2 liu'lii ? I500 : o.
2 fmtsli , 1 Inch , MO 00 ; No , 3 thmh , liu.'li ,
$ Xi IX ) ; O. G. batttms pci 00 feet liu. ,
$1 00 ; well curbing , $22 00 ; rough J nnd li
inch battnn jier 10 ! ) feet Hn. . Mc. )
STO01C MOA15DS Astock , SIO 00 ; U
$35 00 ; C , § : tO 00 ; common stock , $22 f.O. .
FLOOIUNG-No. 1 , 840 IX ) ; No. 2 ,
fT ) ( X ) ; No , 3 , 522 00 ; yellow pine , No. 1 ,
540 00.
SIDING No. 1 , $2400 ; No. 2 , $2200 ]
No. 3 , * 18 00.
SHIP LAP Plain , ? 2J 00 ; O. ( i. No. 1 ,
C-32 00 : No. 2 , $22 ( X > .
CEILING S2I 00'ttJJ37 00.
hhim-li-s. S3 85 , No. 2 , 52 50 ; No. 3 , 52 00.
Lath , 53 50.
Dulldlng Material.
LIME Psr barrel , $1 35 ; bulk porbu. ,
35c. Cement , bbl , $2 50. Iowa piaster.
bbl , 5250. Hair per bn. 35c. Timed
felt 100 lUs , 53 50. Straw board , 51 00.
PAPKH Stiaw paper , 3jc ( ; rag paper ,
4c ; dry goods uaper , 7o ; manila paper , lOc ;
news paper , 8c.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , ? 12j
Morris llun Hlossbnrg , $12 ; Whltehroast
lump , $6 ; Whitobreiut nut , ? 6 : Iowa
lump , 50 : Iowa nut Sli ; Bock Springs , $8 ;
Anthracite , all sizes 512 CO.
Pnlnti Olli and Varnliha * .
PAINTS IN OII4 White load , Omaha
P. P. , 7c ; white lead , 0. P. A C. Cn.pure ,
Iks ; Marseilles green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ;
French zinc , green seal. 12c ; French zinc ,
red seal , lie ; French zmc , in varnish assc ,
20c ; French zinco , in oil as t , 15c ; Itaw
and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c ; raw anil
burnt Sienn , 13c : Tantlyke brown , 13 * ;
lefined lamnblack , 12c ; coach black , Vc ;
i ory black , ICc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian
blue , SOc ; ultramarine bine , 18c ; chrome
groun , L. M. fi 1) . , 14c ; blind and shutter
Ifreen , L. M. & D. , 14e ; Parii green. 18c ;
i"di n red , Ific ; Venetian red , Uc ; Tuscan
r .d , 22c ; American Venniliod , I. &P. , 18c ;
chromo yellow , L. , M. , O. A , D. O. , 18c ;
yellow ochre , Or ; golden ochre , 1C ; patent
ilryer , Go ; graining colors : light oak , dark
ou c , walnut , chestnut and ash 12c.
Dry Dalnti
White lead , Oic ; French zine , lOc ; Paris
whiteing 2Jc ; whiting gilders , IJc ;
vhitini ; coin * ! , lie ; lamiiblack ( Jenimn-
town , 14c ; lampblack , ordinai-j' , 8c ; Prus-
wiai > blue , 45c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vnndyko ,
brown , Sc ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umK-r , raw ,
Ic ; sienna , burnt , 4u ; sienna , r.iw1o
Paris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green com'l
25c ; cbromo green , N. Y. 20c ; ohruni-
grecn K. , 12c ; yennillion , Eng. , 70c ; % cr-
million , America , 18c ; Indian rt'tl , 10c ,
rose iiuk , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookson'n
Noenetinn ; red Am. , l c ; red leail , "ic- ;
chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yel
low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ocnrt- ,
I'Vench ' , 2 c ; ochre , American , lie ;
Winter's mineral , 2Jc ; lehigh brown , 2Jo :
spanihh hroivn , 2 c ; Prince's 3c ;
VAllNISIIES Barrels per gallon.
Furniture , extra , $1 10 ; furniture , 3So. 1 ,
$1 ; f in niture , U , 85c ; coach , extra , 5140 ;
Coach , No. 1 , § 1 20 ; Damar , 51 50 ; Japan ,
70c ; asplmltum , 70c ; shellac , 53 CO ; hard
oil tiimh. SI 30.
OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , 12o ; ISO'
heailhght , per gallon , 13c ; 17" ' * h adlipht ,
per gnllon , 17c ; cryttoline , tier gallon , 20c ;
linseid , rww , per gallon , fi4 ; linseed , boiled ,
per giillun , C7c ; lard , winter at 'd , puru&l-
Ion. 1 05 ; No. 1 , 80c ; No. 2 , C5c ; c stor ,
XXX , ppr gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 1 15 ; swcftt ,
per gallon , Sic ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon ,
1 35 ; fish , W. B. per gallon , fiOc ; neabforf } ,
extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , C5c ; lnl > ri >
eating , zero , per gallon , 30c ; summer , 15c ;
uo den iiinchin ; . No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No.
2 , 30 ; sperm , signal , per gallon , 80c ; tor-
pentine , per gallon , Clc ; nuptlia , 74' , per
gallon , 30o : GT , 20c.
Heavy Harnware List.
Iron , rates , 33 50 ; plow steel , cant , 7Jn ;
cast tool do , 15gj20 ( wagon spokes , Ptt ,
2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 1 25 ; felloe- . , sawed
dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85e ; axJe-s ,
each , 75c ; winare nuts , jer Ib , 7@llc ;
wa liers , pur Ib , 8@18o ; rivets , per Ib , lie ;
coil chain , per Ib , G@l2c ; malleable , 80 ;
ion wedges , Cc ; crowbars , fie ; harrow
teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring
steel , 78c.
NATLS 10 to 20d. 3 CO ; 8 to 10 , 3 75 ;
fid , 4 00 : Id , _ ! 25 ; 3d\ common , 500:3.1 : ,
fini' , fi 50 ; clinch , all stirs , 5 25 ; Gil , casing ,
4 75 ; 8d casim , ' , J 5 ' ; lOd casing , 4 25 ; lOd
finish , 4 75 ; Sd finish , 5 00 ; CJ imiiih , 5 25
half kugrf , lOc cxtia.
SHOT. Shot , 31-81 ; Buck shot , S2.10 ;
Oriental P.mder , kegs , § 0,40 ; do. , half
ken'K , $3.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 81.88 ; I'.la
iug , ke H. $3.iri : : Fuse , nr r 100 feet 50c.
Horses and Mules ,
The market iiliri k and all grades aru
helling well at a slight advance in p icfix.
I'lie tlumimd for good boi-hea cxtecds the
supply considerably. Prices ranga lib fol-
Fine single drivers , S1.10 , to 300. ; Extra
Irnft horrti's. S175. to 225 , ; Common dia.'t
ior es , S1CO , to 150. : I'xtru farm hiirnt'H ,
? 110. to 125. ; Common to good f.irni hoisvs
5)0. ! ) to SIOO. ; Extra , plug * , $ C10. to 75. ;
Common plug ? , $20. to 840.
M ULES. 15 to 15J hands ( extra ) , S125.
I" 150. ; 14J to 15 hands , $100. to 110. ;
It to 1H hands , 575. to 100. ; 13 * to 14
lands. 500 , to 75 ,
Hldct Hur > , Etc.
HIDES Green butcher's hitlo , 7i ; green
cured hides , 8 c ; green unit , pr < - cured
ildi-s , 8@Hlc ; dry Hint , Found , 13@14c ; dry
calf and kip , 12@18c ; dry salt hides , xounil ,
ll@12c ; green calf. wt. 8 to 15 II * . . 10(2 ( > 1 Ic ;
, 'reen calf , wt , under 8 llw , per skin , 50c ;
u'reen jM-ltH , 81 00@1 15 ; green lamb skins ,
51 lOfcl'il ; damnged hides , two-thhd ta.e ,
ut scored nnd linn pmb. chuued two-
'J'nllow , 5ic.
Merino unwashed , light , M@10c ; heavy ,
I3fal5c ; medium unwashed , light , 18C 420c ;
tub-washfil , choire , 32c : fair , 30c ; tllngy
uul w. , 2Hc ; burry , black and cotted woou
J@uc less
Clc r and Tobaccoi.
( UGAltS. Seeds. 915.00 : Connecticut ,
S25.00 ; Mixeil.8.Ti.06 ; Setd UaTanap50.00j !
Clear Hainnrt , 875.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Piule ,
J Ib. OOc ; Spotted Fnwn. 01 c ; Our Hope ,
> 2c ; Star , pounda , 21 Ib , butts , ( iOc ; Horse
Shon , pounds , 2 ] Ib , butts , COc ; 1'urity , 21
b. buttH , 52c ; tjuec-n Bee , 21 Ib , butU. fiUci
fiilt Kiigf , pounds , ! il Ib , butts , bO ; Army
md Mavy , pounds , ( He ; Bullion , poundii ,
fiSc ; birillard'H Climax , pounds , GOc.
PINE CUT-ln pail * . Hard to Beat ,
75 ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 80c ;
r'nvorlte , t > 5c ; Itocky Mountain , fiflc ;
Kunoy , V ! ; Daisy , 45c. In tin foil
L'utliiiN 0. K. , 2 oz packages , l > Ib IJOKOM ,
| > er Ib file : Ixirillanrn Tiger , OOc.
SMOKING-A11 grades-Common , 25to
> 3c. Granulated Black wells Durham , II )
Liquor * .
ALCOHOL 187 proof , 21 % per wine
p Ion ; extra California plrt ! < , 187 proof ,
1 30 per proof gallon } triple refined spirits ,
187 proof , 1 24 per pr flt itallou ; rfltlWIllexi
whlskio , 1 OOfel Mi fine Mndrtl , 1 f.0@
2 , r > 0 ; Ki-ntueky bourboni , 200@7 00 ; KML
tucUy and Pennsylvania ryes , 200t ( 7 00.
IWANDIES-lmporled , 8U 00(3,1000 ( ;
domestic 1 40@4 00.
GINS Imported , 4 60@G 00 ; domettte ,
HUMS Imported , 4 fio.6 W : New
England. 2 00@ I 00 ; domestic. 1 fn3 ( ! W ;
1 75@4 00.
CHAMPAGNES Itniwtorl JH-T cvc ,
2fi 005fl3t 00 ; American , per case , 12 l0r )
CliAHETS-Pcr ewe , < .106 ? 16 00.
WINKS -Khitirt wine , per cano , C 00j ( )
2000 ; Catnwlu , perc.ise , t OOti7X ) ,
C'arliollc , r 0c : Acid , Tartnrie , r'5e ; Hivlnam
Copivbia. lierlb , 70c ; Bark. Samafras , i or
Hi , I2o | ( Vlomel , pr Ib , 7tV | Clm-lumldl's
prr 117 , 80o : Chloroform , prr Ib. ! Ko ;
Dover's powders , per Ib , ? i 10 ; ] -.p om
stUs , per Ib , 35c ; Olycorinp , pure , per Ib ,
Load Acetate1. I'cr Ib , .Me : C'at
45c : Idl il\l , \VUW41fcVf I * - * 'I v * <
bon oil , 110 = , per gallon , lUo ; ilo K > 0 ° ,
pvr uM , KUct Oil , ( V < tor , fto. I , per gal ,
* 1 35 ; Oil , Castor , No.3P r pil . ' ' . ; Oil ,
Ollvi- , per gal , 31 < 0 ; Oil , Origanum , 50o
Opium , H 50 ; Quinine P. * W. . 'c 11. S ! * . ,
t or i , $1 9" > ! J'ot.vwium , lodidi- , per Ib :
? 40 ; Snlacm , per or. 35c ; Snlph ito of
Ali.ij.hluf , > er or , M 75 ; .Sulphur Hour ,
per Ib , 4c : tjtrvchnlno. tier oa. 81 50.
Council Bluffs MnrUnt.
COUNCII , llLVirraNov inl ) r 11 ,
Tlour Mnnnf.iclnreil by I'rjottl and
City Milk S75CM 50 ; K II.M ami MU.
ouri flour , S 504 15 ! } grAhim , I 75 ; ry
fltntf , S 40.
Bran and Shorts 17 00 per torn ,
Chop Corn 1W M > ] i r t i.
Wheat No. 2 , * 1 ) ; No. , Sit ; re
jected , 70 * .
Corn No. 2 , < 5 , re etUd 48.
Oatn No. 2 , 40e ; reject * ! , S'ic.
Barley No. 2. SOc ; No. 8 , 7t.
Hay-5 r.O@G 00.
Wood-G OOfliS 00.
Li\slIoR8-.VMa7.ri. )
Cattle-Shtmng | * , 4 OOtfR 00 ; milch
cows 30 00(5)45 ) 00 pei head ; buk h n
tock , 2 7C@ 00.
Sheep 4 00@5 00.
G HidtR fie ; G S hidw , 8 .
Wool l.ri@'T ) .
Butter 30@35o.
Kgg2Tc. , .
1'otstoM 1 00 ( H 20 ; iwMt , 40&t.
Onioin-1 'J5@l 40.
Grand J uotlojt Moi-ket
GHANII iTuncriOM , ! , , November 14.
Kggs 17c.
Butter 1018 .
OniCAno , November 14.
On "Change the markets were unsettled
but h vhcr. Tlio receipts of grain wt-ro
10,000 bnshela by lake , 10,700 bushels liv
canal , nnd 741 carloads , oml > rocn 122 of
wheat , 638 of corn , 30 of oats , DO ; : rye nd
3D of b.irloy.
Flour tiuiet and tmchangcd ; I'yht hhip-
ping dimand and salcs imittd ; cnmmon
to choice woitfrn spring , 4 TiOgG 73 ; do
Minncistitn , fi 25ta)7 ) 50 ; patentx , 7 50 ®
0 25 ; rj o flour , 5 80@G 10 ; buckwheat flour ,
Whaat In No. 2 spring was ut\M > ttled
and active , openccl strong and mlvmicect
uliont 14e. Atthis ndvanue the oitlcr.s to
tell were advanced nnd prices di'clintd ,
wil.h some fluctuations , about l c. again
rallied , fluctuated and fiually closutl aliout
thefcame on the regular board and on call
1 31 for November ; 1 311 ® ! 31rf for Di-
cembei ; 1 32f for .r-Hinarv ; 1 3.J for Feb
ruary ; itjccted , y2'J5cNo. ; 3ei [ ing , 117.
Corn In good Jemiind ; markutstronger.
Operator * were favored with increased or
ders tn purchase , both on local and imUide
aciounts , and there was considerable com
petition for the olfo'ings. Prices opened
for No. 2 at about | c higher and advanced
4@6ci but the improvement was only par-
tinlly maintained on regiOar bonrd , and
Blo d on call at COJc for November ; Glj ©
Glgc fur Decemb r ; 61 Jc for January ; Glijc
for tlio year ; GGJc for Slay ; G" Jc for June ;
GGJc for July ; rejected , active nt 5Uc.
O.its Very quiet , but on account of tlio
advance in the other markets , which i ( 8c
higher , prices were steady , but Ihcdemand
wasqu te limited : No. 2 , closed on call '
J4n for November ; 4 Ijc for December ;
4J1 ! for Jiinuary and F Lruary ; 4Giu for
Uye Very firm ; No. 3 , 1 00 for No
vember ; 1 01 for December ; 1 03 for Jan
Barley Steady nnd nominal ; No. 3 , 1 07
for November ; 108 fo December.
Pork Active and firm ; incas closed at
lJ87i ( < S)1700 ) for cash ; 10 02J for No\nu-
bcr ; I G l ) (5)l ( ) G ! > 5 for December ; 17 80 for
January ; 17 G0@17 G2J for February ; 1782
for MIIP h
Lird Active andhii'horclo8ing | t 11 40
for Ntn ember nnd December ; 11 Ofi for
Januarj ; 11774 ( 11 hOfor FebrnarT ; 11 0
fur March : 12 02J for April ; 12124 for
May : 11 37J for the \ ear.
Bulk Menls Acthe and unchanged ;
ihort iilw,8774 fo > December ; 8 85 for Jim-
nary ; ! < 00 for Krbrnary.
Whiskej 114. _
Butler Ufceifits of fine gr di-i , luoilrr-
[ itt * , ; demiiml fnir ; couunon mid mt'dium
STUC-I ! , dull with lilicral ulft'riiig ; chuico
to fancy cr ninery , 34i ( 36c ; ordinry to _
jootl do , 28@3c ; gootl ko fancy il.iirv , 20
' * 32c ; anmiiion t fair , Kif 'JJc ; l.nlle
Iteceiptn Hinull , imiuiry fnir and
itrictly frmh hold n o tly nt 2lo , with an
> cca > innal ! iinulu casu at 25u per dnzuti.
( iltlOAno. Novoiiibur U.
Cattle Huceiptr , 5,000 head ; ntn ,
1,200 hcntl ; in > .ond ili'inaml un * xtr ngnt
in iidvaiiro of 10cry ; few > 'uc > d nutivix
ivero nlfeietl , the supply being mninly of
r > xiiu and langei cattle ; ( 'xnorteis , I ! 7Ct ( !
r 00 ; c ninio'i t > t hoi' ' e nliippciH , fi 0 ( < y
25 ; griH-ur ; , S 75fe4 75 ; butch I'A stork.
i 00@4 I 0 ; i. ockers m d f eilors , 2 GOfuj
1 0(1 ( ; through 'IVxnrn. 2 75 ( j4 25 ;
ki TexaiiH , a 75rg4 40 ; half breeila and n i-
tiTBn , 4 OOC/,5 25.
UogK K.c i In , 23,000 ; shipments. 2
)00 ; mar it ucliru anil nricm 5ujlOj ( hi h-
-r with all u Id at iidvuric d figure H ; com
mon to light grades , ( i 0 ( < /ti ) 2J ; mixed
li ck u , fi 1)0(2)0 ) ( ) 40 ; heavy pickim > an I
illipp ng. 6 IO/G ( / 7 > 'i ; culli luul gr natii ,
I 50@5 60.
She -Ilreeiii s , 2/00 ; uhlpniMits , 200 ;
nurket fairly active nud Htuuhch ice ,
I 85 ; poor to good , 2 75@4 60 ,
City Produce Marltnt ,
KANHAH CITT. November 1 1
Wheat Keeciptp , U.071 buiho'n ; ith-
Irawn , 1D,5DO ; in ( tore , 4505U , ( ! liuslinlri ;
inark.t wus firm with prices higher for
No. 4 and 3 than on S iturday ; No 1 nnd
B were out rely nominal ; No , 4 Novunhcr
ff@88c ; No. L' cash , O'Jo bid , ItOuHb-d ;
N'ovcmber , 1 1 0 ; Novemb r , 1 Oil ; } bi-l 1 Of
iked ; year , 1 02 ; January 108rl / Jl ,
( j'orn HrcriptH , 10,721 huxhel * ; wltti-
l'-wn , P03 ( ; ; , 100,570. MaiUt
very quiet nnd rnlyonu naif ; bills lower
than H , tiirday ; No. 2 caMi. Clio bid , GJc
kked ; Nore'iibrr , Gljo bid , Ol o .lalffl ;
Mwy , Onicj No. Swhlto mixed , caih , Ii2o
bill , C t iiHlied ; rcjccfd , 52c.
Oat Niimlnil and uiith.niruj ; No , 2 ,
ia ) i,42 ? < bid , 43ic linked.
Uye-No. 2 , R. o.
Hurley Nominal ,
Flour Quiet but ttronj.
Hay JitCulpU large ; tlvmind fur thoiro
red , fiffe700 ; ; brJo'ht , 8 00@8 .10 ,
] Juttfr Firm ; ieceiptn light ; iholc l8fr ! )
30c : medium , Z. Mc ; low , 15i ( 20c ,
Eu' Iticeiptf light ; tnuikct fini' nt
Baltimore Proilnco.
BAI.TIUOIIU , Novembei K
Flcnir Firm.
Wheit No. 2 red winter htra'ly ' at
I 4life ] 43i for cash rd Dccenli-r.
Curn Mutd wta em , firm , u' SSJJc
New ork
NITT Yont , Notwnber 14.
VUnr St * dy nd In bstter dtnutml )
Mlnnrsjta'cttrn , n 20a9 ( 00 ; City Mill *
oitrv , 7 00&7 75 ; onlhein ip.iiet i.tid
ftcady ; common it choice , citrn , 6 W ( $
0 * Vt
Wheat lln IffiSc lilglicr , hut bccMnn
wo k ami cloceil rilijhtly in bny w' fa\or :
No. S iH , I 44Jffll 4D ; No. 1 white , U24
@ 1 14 ; No. 1 Uuluth , 1 17@1 4'J | No , U
red , N em1i r , 1 mll 4tj ,
Worn -Slljjlitly Mitlipr ntid fairly itclivui
ungri d d ulitd , o5ftG % ; No. 3 , 65M
Gt'i' ' ! No. a white , 74c ; NJ. 2 , Ntnembtr ,
( Ut Jcbeltfr , buk loss nctlvt' ' ; No. 1
whitr > 3. > ; No. U do. , 5152jc ; o. 1
iniietl , 4'Jc : No. 3 lulled , 474GC4tf : ndiM
\vc tern , tt > SDt7c ,
Hye-Dull , at 1 OOC l 02J.
lUrlcy Steady.
Pork Kirm. but quiet ; ipot mew , 18 00 |
dt > . January , IS MX
L rd Kitni nntl iplict : 11 ( V > for c shj
11 G3J for NoTftubfr ; 11 ( i"J for Dtcimbor
HH f tul Cut Mf U
Whiiky Nomiiml ,
Poorlo Proclncc.
PKOHIA , Novpmlier 1 1
Wheat Good milling gridm ncareo and
aclive : lo or grades plenty and dull.
Corn Market ( inner Mid transiictionn
fairly nrl | > i < , but irrogul r ; No. 2 while
( Mi'i yellow , tl2c ; hi h mixoil , tilic ; niKid ,
01 ir ; No. 3 , file ; reject 'd , Ole ; no grade ,
Mic * : iinmi'rchaiit.xblo , 5lV : nuw,5"Jc.
0 -Market linn , artivo nnd lilhcr | ; ;
Ni > 2hlt * . 4ijQ > 4r > | c ; n < ju. . < tc l , 43c
K > e Mnrki-t turn and hlghir ; No. 2
07 : rvji'tU'd ICic.
Burley Mnrlut better supjltej , inilit
and uniettled.
1 1 ighwinoii Market un ettlcd.
Heo'ts. Ship's ,
Wheat . IHO none
Corn . 41.7CX ) 21,500
( M . 2I.JM ) 37.15 'ft
Itye . VTol > 'J.OO' ' )
Bnrley . 4IIK > unnc
lli.s'liwlncs . niiiiA 532
PHUlmrj * OH Mixrlcot ,
Pn-rsuuim , Nou > mbor 1 1 ,
Oil Market oiirnetl at 8l c , iidvamtd
to 84 Jc ai tl cliii < ou nt 84 ju ; Nv \ Vork re
fined , 7ji > ; Antwerp , rrtinnl , 18i frtncv ;
shipments WITH 1)7,783 ) hbls ; cliartom
were 37,1)35 ) bbN ; PittsburffsalM , ' . ' 57,000 ,
Clnvclantl Mnrliot ,
CI.KVCI.A.III , NoTi-mber , 14.
IVtroleum Firmer ; staudant white ,
110" twt , 7e.
Phllnttolplilix Frodnoo.
PltltAliRMMltA , November 14.
AVheal Ea-ier ; 1 42J < all 44J for cash
and No\ ember ; 1 4lj fur Di'cember.
Cora Easier ; G7jiiG83o for c h ; G7i ®
ttSJic for Novemtier.
Oats Steady ; 51c for cash ; 50J@51Jfor
Hyc Quiet at 1 00 for owh.
Bnffalo I > ! T St elc.
EAST ItuvrAio , Nov mbir 14.
Hoc HeciitiU. 75 o < r ; ihtpments , 31
IMB ; market steady : Yor iri , 680f § (110 ( ;
nitdinin weightu , fi 15 ( G 25 ; romitoktavy ,
Emrtliiunrty ZilvA Stock.
EAHT LIIIKIITV , Pa , , No > fmber II.
CuttleFnir Mid uiu'linnged ; rectiilM ,
S.HS'.I heal ; uhipmcuts 1 2B5 head
Hogs Active ; rwcipls , 4,500 lifad ;
ihii.miMits . , 4,100 , ; Phll.iilelhiiu [ ) , G 30 ®
340 ; Yorkers , 5OfeG10. ! )
Shi'CiA | 'tive ; 15@25e higher ; recoipte ,
1,200 he.ul ; hhlpmuiits. 1,000 head.
Katiinn City Tjlvo Stoclt-
KAN.SAS CITV , Noycmberl I.
Hogs Maikut Btroni ; and in symp.k by
with Chicago and 5@10o higher : choice
g , 5 UO ? G 25 ; medium 5 50(0,5 ( UO.
St. Lenis Froilno -
ST. Ixiun , NoT ncber It.
r Unchant d.
VTh t Oiwnetl higher , but decline1 ;
No. ! i.J Mil , 1 3SiSl ( 38 for t h141H@
1 JO forDeo mbur ; 14i : @l 12 for January !
1 4 4l 45 for F br arj ; No. 3 do , 1 2U ( [ ? ,
1 294 < ) r Nov mb r ; No. 4 tin , 1 174-
Corn Opcntd b-ttor and ilcclimit ; 84) )
@GJVo for cath ; 8liJplG5i ( f.-r lecemb i
and January ; < > BJ < f , lii ! c for F bru ry ; 7C
© GO jo fir May.
Oati-Bittcr ; 44r545a for a h ; 4Ge foi
Iecembr ; 4il * for January ; 50e foi
May.Ky Firmer it 7i@38 bid.
Barlty Steady ; prima to fancy 1 00 ®
115.Lcul Lower , at 4 80.
Butter Western dairy , 20@2Sc ; cream
ery , aOfe'Mc.
a Qui t , t S2@23a.
Wliiilcy Steady , at , 1 00.
I'.irkQuiet ; jobbini ; , 17 25 for cash ;
17 G5 for Fcbrimiy.
Dry salt nitMtu Firm ; rnr lots , cured ,
G 808 86f/U ( 10.
Bacon BMttcr , nt 8 25PHO 25@10 fiO.
L rd Numina'ly hlh | { r , nt 11 40.
lt > c'ti. Shipm'bi.
Flour . ( i.OOO G.OOO
Wheat . 33.000 10,000
Corn . Ii3,000 81,000
Oati . SJ)00 11,000
llje . 3SOOI ) none
lUrUy . 24,000 3,000
St. I ouiii Jjlvi ) Stook-
KT. LOUIH , November 14.
Hogs Higher ; light sliipiin/ | 25 ©
" > CO ; Yorkers , fi ! ) OCoU 05 ; n ixod packing ,
'i G1 ( ,0 25 ; hutrhern1 to funuy ( i 'M ! < i I ! 5IJ.
Iteccipts , (1,200 head : bliiiimeutu , 2,300 ,
Liverpool Proiliiro.
LiVKiirooi , , NoM-mber 14.
Pork Piirnci muss wrtterii , ilullut75s.
Bacmi Sturdy ; xhci t rib ntuady at Kit ;
'lams ' , long clrar , ( inner i at f > Si.
lie , f llx'ra India mo Meidy. at 1 13.
Cluuxd Aincrlcun dull , ut Gs ! for .Sup.
, emli-i make and 55s fur summer muUc.
Tallow UH.
Wheat Kprlng. No. ' . ' , cti-aily nt 10i ( id.
Flour ExtniHtntq htnuly , at4rf3d. ! .
- . -
Toledo I'romirii
ToM'Do , November 14.
'VN heat Firm ; No , 2 red , fur ca h mill
oMJinbiT , 1 3SJ ; Dt cumber , 1 37 ; Junuuiy
I1J ; Fubrunry , 1 4 .tf ,
Coin No. U , cauli , CMC ; December C5o
iskcd ; January , C5 ; MatVJJc. .
Oat , Nothing iloiin ; .
LuurolHill Ci metary.
Ono of the gruuti'st iii'odH of Onmlm
ins lou uuuiulury where puoplu of
uiidirito : invnim could liud n place of
juiiil. Kuc-li d liiiryiiiK Krciuiicl has
liiHt bcjcn luiil out very ( near this city
HI tlio south sidu , on nil olovntuil
iliito.iu ovurlooking thu cuitiro couii-
.ry. The [ iroiin'otor. Mr. CliriHlmn
Siiuttur , lian dt'ilicalod ton ncrun of
{ round for ft public burying i rouml ,
, o bif laiowii IIH Liurul ; Hill cumutury ,
I'll if WIB : ( iiunud { neurly twi'lvu innntlm
igd. Ho IIIIH ] iau'il no oxpoiiHo in
linking the gniuiulH IIH nttrautivo AH
limy c.ui . bu niaiU < by thu jil luting at
jriintnuiitiil Hhado trcuu , laying out
, v.ilkH nnd proper funciiijj. In oulor
: o pliicu tbia burial ground within tlio
reach of all cltissuHthu price of lots
Ox'JO ia placed at thu uiodunito auin of
fin , nnd Hinglo gruvcfl , including tlij-
ing , $5 for childrun nntl § 0 for udultn.
All ordura for loUorHinglo buriaU will
rompt uttontiun it left at thu
iiig uHfnbliihmunt of Clmrlcu
c , N ( , 1012 I'Vulwm Htroot , bu-
butwoou Tonlh nnd Kluvtmth.
WANTHD. A low inoro KO ( " ' ictivo
reliablu purchaaing ntL'iit ; to Boll thu
light riimiuii ; Doiiu-utio Bowing urn-
cbiiio. For tcrnm ndclresaV. . I ) .
Wonwck , gcnurul truvoling ngont ,
Omaha , Nubnwku. Kltf.
1 I
Is the first to make the announce
ment to his customers and
the general public.
Always sold at the lowest Market
We carry the largest stock and
make the Lowest Prices.
Orders promptly filled and every
attention given to patrons.
1313 Farnham Street.
the Oldest Wholesale and
Retail Jewelry House in
Omaha. Visitors can here
find all novelties in Silver
Ware , Clocks , Rich and
Stylish Jewelry , he La
test , Most Artistic , and
Choicest Selections in
Precious Stones , and all
descriptions of Fine
Watches at as Low Pri
ces as is compatible with
honorable dealers , Call
and see our Elegant New
Store , Tower Building ,
corner llth and Farn-
lam Streets
General Agents for the
Finest and Best Pianos and
Organs manufactured.
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Pianos and Organs sc. "
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A SPLENDID stock (
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W. M. YATES , Cash Grocer.