( HIM MVI Sfo.iraemi.crJ HttASUUiS"Ported " , SO bu 3U.uo ; | l'our ] Wr , A T THE OMAHA DAILY BEE TUESDAY , NOVEMBER 15 , 181 FINANCE AND COMMERCE FINANCIAL. Finnnoial Revintr. Niw Yon * , November H. HOXKT. Mtnijr eloii.l t 5(5G ( p r oent , d steady t 4 83(34 ( Si , A Gav rnBienU * lu id fit in ni followj ; Currency C' . ISO lilt 4' coupon * . . . 1 17 J Hi 4J' oupon . 1 13 * lilt Cl continued . t Oil bi < 5'i continued . I Pacific railroad bonds closed follows Union Brut . 117 Union land urantn . I in © 1 in Sinking ( until . 123 ( rfll 2(1 ( Ceutrali . 115 1 17 STOCKS. The stock market to-day was nctlvt bu 5rre Ur , though fluctuation1) in ths gen rnl lUt xvori ) tml wide , but there wri Homo violent chan , c * in fancy ( -haremvliiel ad\auccd uliaiply hi Into dealings. Tli market was very we.ik and the lowe prices of the day \\eie made in the genera list , hut in final dealings n firmer lone prc vniled and tliero was a recovery of J ® per cent. Tim cUaiiig qu talions siliowci n decline of Jji ( > U per oent. for the. day The priii Ipnl dca lugs woreiu foreign am Northein Pacific , Missouri 1'acifiu , Lib Shore , Northwestern , Pacific Mail , It. L & St. P. The following r th bailiff bids : AtTlI . . KG N .P 42 > 4 . 7 pfl 84 B&O 14H N J 0 OG CV A 135J Northwc t r . ! " OOOfcl IU Preferred..142 C O & . I C . . Omaha 41 ; CP Preferred . . . .103 ; C S SO GO Oregon Nav..lG ! ) DtllG 84 PPG 131' ' JLk W J2ri 40-j PDicE 4' ' Preferred. . . . 94 Panama l'.li ) Adams 145 III 13r > j WF 134 St Paul 10'J ' American U5 P.f rr d..l221 a.s 7.1 Texas Pacific. . . 5 Erie & West. . 45 Union Pacific. . 120 ; H&St J Wabash. 48 ; Pre'erred..1 ' ; San Francisco. . 40 I B .t W 54 Preferred. . . . GO ; UO 134 1st preferred..108 K&T 42 StP A N M. 1121 LS 120 T&St L 33 ML SAW. . . . 53 ] Preferred. . . . 801 MC 93 ; W U SC ) ltol' 107 MIMNd STOCKS. Following are the h'gbest ' ] rices on mining stocks at tlia New York mining exchange : South Pac . . . . 8C.2 Cherokee 98 Oriental & M. 55 JJuckeye 105 Uobuibon 1050 Sutro 130 State Line 2& 3 185 Green Mouut'n 320 8uteLinel&4 50 IjicroMJO . . . . US Hibernia 28 Bdlelslo . . . . 25 Chrysolite . . . . GOO CHICAGO MOSST ItAllKHT. CHICAQO. November 14. Business in banking circles to-day wa < only moderately active. Tlio offerings ol mercantile paper were not Urge , but r. tes veio steady at G7 per cent Annual loanable funds are in good supply. The clearing * of the associated binks were $7 , ' 700.000. Orders for currency were rnte. COMMERCIAL. Ozaahn "Wholesale UarUot- Orrror. OK TUB OHAICA BKE , ) Monday Kveiling , November 14. ( Trade ia n gcuer.il way to-day was mov ing well for a Monday. There were fail leceipts of grain by r.iil , as well OB of vari ous l < iridi of country produce by teams The feeling in the grain markets was bet tcr. Wheat advance I lie , barley declined IJc ; rye advanced 3c ; corn advanced s fracti n ; oats advanced Jc. In proiisions the market was steady , Potatoes ftie quoted 5c higher per Imtthol by the car-load , while the retail price ii 23o lower than it has been for KOIIIC time. In cigars and tobaccos our dealers have advised nn advance of lie on Gilt Kd ; , ' ( plug. This has been looked for for some time , as this tobacco had been advanced bj the manufacturer , several weeki ago. In druqs we note a decline of lOc foi strychnine. Local Uraln Dealings. WHEAT. Ua h No. 2 , 1 MJ ; osh No. .1 , 99J : Mjccted 77ic. HAni.LVr.-CVih No. 2,83io ; No. J , Sic. Sic.JlYK Cash , S-lc. COKN. Cash No. 2 , fe. OATS. r i.h. sr\c. HAY ? 7 00@3 00 p r to * . Livestock. AT COUKCII. IIM'CFS BTOCH TARDf ) . Cattle-Good dipping ( I05 00 ; fat cews Jiid heifsrH. ? li 7f.@ll 00. Hoga Mixed pickin' % S5 23@5 GO. Sheep .Slaughtering in dumaud at $1 OC @ 500. Provltlons , FLOUJJ Spring wheat , otraight ipraile , 3 W. KVKFLOUR 3325. MILLSTUl'TS Hiau. per iwt. OOc ; wj-eenings , per cwt. bOc ; i-horts , per cwt 1.00 ; chopped feed , per cwt. 1 20j meal bolted , yellow. 1 40 ; white. SI 75 , POTATOES In car lota , 1051 10 ; Salt Lakua , 1 L'S&l 35. Itctail , 1 25@ 1 50. SWKKT POTATOKS-Geiiuine Iilusa- tine , 4ojier Ib. POULTRY Chickens per dozen , $250 @ 2 75 , PKAIKIK OIIICKENS-82 50@3 OC tier dnicn. QUAIL Per dor , , S2 50(52 ( 75. WILD GKUSK 2 75 < ffl.T50. WILIJ DUOKS 1 00@1 50 , EGGS Finn : bcarceat : ' 0@32c. BUTTJJlf Choice carceat20(1530poor ( ; , no market : creamery , 30@35e. ; APPLKS Good. Round , very scarce at ? 4 50 ® t 75 per bbl. HONKY California white elover in oomb , 2425c. LUMONS-Stcady ; per box , 51000 ; Fluent MesMna orungCH ? 8 00 repacked , MALLAOA (5 RA PUS Per bbl.,58 50 per half bbl. , St 50. BKKSWAX yellow , 18@20e. ONIONS-1 Bo@lCO per bushel. CA1JI5AGK SI 00@2 00 per dozen , M to quality. CKANUKHHIKS-Per bbl , , J10 00@ 11(0. CKLEIIY Per doz. , BO@S5c. DUKSSKl ) OHICKIJNS Per Ib , , 10 © 15cURKSSKD TURKKYS-Perlb. , 12J@ ICc. ICc.DKKSSni ) DUCKS Per Ib , , 12Je. IKliSSJi : ) G KKSU Per Ib. , ll@13c. Grocers Lilt , COFFKK. Jtio , tnlr. 134c : Rio , Bood , 14cj Klo , prime to choice , I4Jcj Old cov't Ja\a2Ui-81c ; , Alocha , ' . ' 840 ; Arbucklo'a , 17jc.T13AB T13AB , Gunpowder , good , 4 ! > © 55cj Choice , G0@75cj Imperial , good , 40@15c ; Choice , ( XXj/Jfic ; Young Hynon , uood , 30(3) ( ) tOc ; choice , r/icf Ul 00 ; Japan Nat .Leaf , Sfic ; Japan , choice , fJO@7.rx ! : Oolvng , good , 3.ri@40 ; Oulong , choice , 40@55 ; Souchong , good , SS'SlOc ; choice. y SUG AltS. Cut loaf , lli , llic ; Granulated , lie ; Powdered , lljc Fine powdered , 11 j ! SUndanl Coffee A New Vork Oonfoctloner'i Standan A , lOJcj Good A , 103 < : j Pmiris Extra C . npar houco , hbl60c : ha ! bk 62c ; lcgs 41 callous , ? 2 W ) ; cholci Ublo synip , 60c ; halfbblis 53 < ! , Vcg , S2 W ) SPIOES. I'epp'r , 20 ; AlNpice , 20o Cloves , 4 ! > c ; Nutmotc * , 91 09 : CMA ! , 25c Mace $100. SODA. DwlRht'n Hi papers , W 00 ; Te Und tlo , $3 00 ; Church's , 33 00 ; Ktg i . Pflfttl , 4J" ! Silver Glens 8 ; @isic ; t'om Starch , 8i@9c ; Kn bdui Lilotn. 7c ; Com. 7Jc. SALT. Dray lends , per bbl , 1 05 : Ash ton , in sack * , S f > 0 ; bbla dairj 60 , 0 , 315 bbU iMrv , 100. 3 . 3V. ( , DltllU ) yiiriTS Choteo halves , pe'xchc * , new crop , 10c : KvnporatedApplo- , * i U > boxes 13iri'.i ( c.MicliiKan,8c ; } ; Now York apples , 8jic : 1'runes , oW , 7jc : new , Sic : Currant * , 77io ; hl.-vekbcrrios , now , loc Cltr.KSi-Full Cream , 15cj Parl Skim. 11 ) c. WliNW\in3 ( ) ( ) : Two hoop pail" , 1 Oi ; three lump pall * , 2 20 ; No. 1 lul > - , 9 fiO : No. 2 till ) * , , 8 t.O ; No. 3 tulw , 7 50 ; pioneer wnshlionrd * . 1 S."i ; Uouble Cr wu. 2 ! )0 ; Wellbuckets 3 23. l.KAn Har , ? 1 OC > . MATMIKS ( Per caddieSXo ) ; round cn cs $7.0" : s < nfm > ca. < e , $ , "i.lO. PROVISION'S llrcnkfiut bacon , 1-U , shoicc- lard , 13Jc ; dried bi-ef , 13ic : should cri , canvassed Uc ; ham , canvassed 14c ; b.ioon , sides 12c } NKW PICtClKS- dintu , in lurreU , flO 00 ; do in half hl > K. > "ritsiunlU , in bbN , 12 00 tin. in half bliN , 7 00 ; gherkins , in bbk 14 00 ; do , in JialflibK 7 CO. VINWJAU Ptii-o npplo extra , Ific : purr npplo , lHo ; Proitinir imrn nimle , ll'c , HOMKN V New , 5fli 00 i > er libl. P.iANS-M : dlum , hand picked 8 .90 pcrbu'hcl : navy , ? 4 00. JtOrH-Si- , i inch and larger , Oic ; , S nch , 10c ; i inch , lOJt , . SOA1TS Kirk'a Savon Imperial , 3 45 Kirk's flatinet. 3 IRKlrkV ; otnndanl , 3 50 KirU'i white KusMan , 5 2.1 : Kirk'i Kutoca , 2 05 : * Kirk's I'rairio tjueen , (100 ( cakes ) , 3 10 ; Ivirh's mas iolia , 4 B.r , CANDLES UoxeH , 40 Iba , 1R or , 8 , Kiciboxei-tO Ibi. , 1C oz. , C a , ICc. IjYK American , 3 40 : Ureenwich , 340 ; Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis' ' lye , 4 f.O ; Jewell lye , 27fi. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. , in case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doc. in cane , 1 'JO ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in cane. 1 50. PHXjI ) S12KD Ued clorer , choice new , ? ( 00 per bughel ; mammoth clover new , 87 00 ; white clover , new , $14 00 al alfa clover , new , $12 50 ; alslke , new , S1300. Timothy , good , new , 53 00 ; blue graa , extra clean , 81 50 ; blue crass , clean , $1 " > ; orchard grass , $2 50 ; red top , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri , SOc ; millet , German , $1 00 to 91 25 ; Hungarian , SOc. HEDOESKEI * Osage orange , 1 to 5 bushels , $5 00 ; oaage orange , 10 buslioln or over. 54 f > 0 : honey locuit , per Ib. , S5c ; per 100 Ibi , , 25 00. KISH Family white fish , 00 Ib hf bbh , $3 75 ; No , 1 white fish , 'JO Ib hf bbls , 6 30 ; No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; family 10 Ib kits , 7."ic ; Ne\r Hulland herring , per keg , 1 35 ; lliiHsian sardines , 75c ; Colin"- bin river Balmon.per 100 Ibf , 8 00 ; George's lmk codlish , Cc ; Gen. banclesa codi'uh ; SJc ; boneless fish , 43c. JIAOJvKUKTj Half bbls meag mackerel , 100 Ib" , 812 fiO ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do , 100 Ibs , 0 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 10J1 Ibs , 3 85 ; me'o mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ; No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore , 12 Ib do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do , 75c. CANNED GOODS-Oystcrs , 2 Ib ( Field's ) , per case , S-l 20 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) , per case , 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case , 3 DO ; do 1 tt > ( standard ) , per case , 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) , nor case , 200. Onions , 3 80. Salmon , 1 Ib , per dozen , 1 G0@l 70 ; do2H _ > , per doren 2 55. Sardines , small tsh ! , imported , one quarter boxes per box , 14Jc ; American , quarter boxes per box , lie ; do half boxes , per box. 2Uc. Lobsters , 1 Ib per do/ten , 1 80. Tomatoes , 2 30 ; do 3 Ib per case , 3 10 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain ] per case , 3 70 ; soaked corn , 2 10 ; tin 2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 375 ; ti ing beans , per case , 225 ; Linifc beans per case , 2 20. Snccotash per case , 22fl. _ Peas , common , par case , 2 00 ; peas , choice , per ca o , 4 50. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case , 280 ; stiawberrios , 2 Ib , per case , 275 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per eake , 2 75S $ 00. Dumsoni , 2 lt > , per cnse , 2 45. Bartlett pears per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortleber ries per case , 2 80. Egg plums , 2 Ib per ctae , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per case. 4 50. Gr < > en gages , 2 Ib per case , 3 50 : do choice , ' . ' Ib | i r case,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case , 4 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 tb per case , 3 10 : dn 3 lt > , case , 6 00(316 ( 50 ; tlo , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , par case. 3 85 ; do pie , 6 Ib , per do/.en , 3 50. KICE Carolina , 8 ( ,84c ; Louisiana , 7i © Sic. PEANUTS lloasted , choice , red Ten nessee , ! ) c per Ib ; fancy white , lOo pnr Ib ; ra-v white Virginia raw , lOe ; roasUd , llio. Dry Qoods. BnOWN COTTONS Atkntic A , SJc ; Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Sc ; Boott FF , ie ; Buckeye LL , 4-J , 7c ; Cabot W , 7lc ; Chitteimngo A , G.c } ; Ureat Falls 1C , 8ic ; Hoosier , CJc : Honest Width , 7Sc ; Indian - dian Head A , 8c ; Indian Stamlnrd A , 8 c ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8Jc ; Lawrence LL , 7c ; Mystic IJiver , 7Jc ; I'etiuot A , 8''a ; Sli-iwrniit LL , fi c ; Utica C , 5\c ; Wachu-- ctt 1 ! . 7 ; do A , 8ic ; do 33 48 , 12ic ; Wul- cott HB ; 740. FINK ISKOWN COTTONS Allendale 4-4 ; 7Ac ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle ! 4 , 7c ; Atlantic , IjL , OJc ; Hadirer Stat1 X11 , 7c ; liemiingtoti C 4"-l , 0/c / ; Buckeye S. 4-1 , ticc , Indian Oicharci AA8. ! . 8tc " ; LaconU O TJ , 8\c \ ; Lshiwh E 4-4 , ! ) Ac ; L. isti.dcM , lOo : I'eppeiell N SO , 7c ; cfo O 32 , 7fc ; dn H 30 , 7jc ; do P 30 , 8Jc ; Pooans.t C ! ! , 7Jc ; WaniMitt.i-l-1 , 13c. BLIAOII : KD COTTONS ( in L I-J , 10cll.i.lNtonc ! A A iu i tlo do half blvichtd I lUu ; Cabot 4-4,8/ ; Fidelity 4.4 , ! HcFnii' ; of th loiiiim ' ; do CUibriu4-l35doWatrrTuiHt,10'c(3're.it ] ' ! - , ; , ; Oc ; Imliin Hi-.wl shrunk -f-4 , 32 c ; L nsl.ilt' , lOc : lie c.imbriu 37 , 13c ; New YorU .Milk 13c ; Pcrmot A. lOc ; Pcppcrtll N ( r Twill * , 12ic ; Pocaliontiw 4-1 , yjc ; PoeiM t14 , 8'.c " ; Utic.i , He ; Wanibiifta OXX , l.'tc. DUCKS Unbleached Atlantic , 10 07. , 17c ; liultiiiiori ) do , Kic ; Lone Star , 8 o/ . , 12c ; Sav ge , IRc. DUCKS ( Colorcd-Alb-ny ) E brown , 3c ; dn C , tlral ) , llcj do XX , stripes nnd l > ladn ! , l-Jc ; do XXX brown anil drab , itiipcs and plaids , I'-'Jc ; Arlington fimcy , 1'Jej I'runswick brown , 8Jc ; Chariot fancy , 12icj do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall JUve lirown , extra heavy , lljc ; Indiana A brmvn. 13c : XepoiiBet A brown , 15c , TICKINGS Amoskeag A C A 32 , l"ic ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jc ; Arrowanna , ! ) Jc ; flttreiiiont B B , 15Jc ; Concstoga ex- tr.i , 17c : llumilton D , flic ; Lowtuton A 30 , 15c ; Minnutiaha , 20c ) Onirga HiipT extra -1-4. 28o : 1'earl Uivcr 32 , lOtc : Put nam XX bluu fitriiie , 12c ; Hliotucket 8 , lOJc ; tlci SS 12c : Yeoman'H blue 2U , 8Jc. DKNIMS. Amo keak , blue and brown , Ifijc ; Andovcr DD line , llijci Arlington blue Kcntch , IRjic : Concord OOO , blue and brown , 12J : ilo AAA , do tlo 13J ; do XXX dodo 14Jii ; iiayinaker'a blue nd brown , tJc ) ; M\ > tie Uiver DD htripe , ir\c \ ; ] Vnri I"i\iT ! , blue and bruv.n , IDJc ; Uncasville , blue and brown , ISjc. OAMBIMCS Barnard , Me ; JMdystone lining , 21 Inch double face , 8Jc ; Garner A glazed , r > u Manhattan glove finiidi , 5Jc ; Newport d < ! B ; ilo glazed , .IJcj Petjuot do 5c ; L < > l.uood kitl tinlah , ( ! c , COK.-HT JEANS Amory , 8cAndros- coggin piitlceii , 8JcC'larendon ; , ( ic : | ; C'onuH- toga H-itiri-iu , 7-jo : llallnwell , < Jc ; Indian Orchard liniroved | , 7ic ; Narraganwtt , 7ic ; Pepperi'l ' satteen Din ; Kockport , J'UIM'S-AllpnK. (5ic ; American , OJcj Am Jd 7c ; Berwick , 4)c ) ( ; Cocheco , 7c ; ic ; Dunkirk , 4jcj Dunnell , ci IMdybtonc. 7c : ( inuc | ? ter , Cc ; llarinony , 5ic ; Knlckerlxicker , Cjo ; Mt-r- rimao 1 , 7c ; My tlc , r.jc ; Hprafuen , Cc ( Soullilirtilge , 6c ; ilo. Ginglmtmi , 7c ; flarl. bore , fj'i' ; ( Jrieiital OJc , GINt.lIAMS AmodVcag , lOJc : Amos. dr H 121 ; Ai yle , lOJc ; Atlantic , 9c : Cumbetland , 7je | Kenilwo.th , SJc : Plun kett , lOic ; Sui- sot , 8c. COTTONADK9 Abbeville Agate , 20c : American , Ilo : ArtMan , Wo ; Cftiro D and T , 131c ; Clarion I ) and T , 17Jc : Deccan Co. striH.i | DandT , ICc ; Keystone - stone , ISjc ; N ntncket , PJo ! Nonpareil , ICc ; Octnn 1) and T , 13jc : Hoyal , 10Jc | SUSJPX , IDc ; Tioga. 12cVachu \ : < ott ldrt < ing chc-cU. 12ic ; do , Nankin , 12Jc : York. plain XanUn. 12Jc ; do , checks , etripw and fancy , 12Jc : tlo , 8 or , 20c. Sll KimXOSAnilrowwin I0-1.27ics do i > .4 , 24c ; do 8-4 , IRIcs Continental C' 42 , lie : Fruit of the Lmmi 10-1 , 27J : Now York mills UK , .T.c ; do 7H , ROc : clofiS , 22Jc : Pomhroko 10- , 25c : Prtjuot 10-1 , 2SJc : ilo 7-4 , ] yc : do 40 , Ific : Povporoll S iJ , 2. o : do f,7 , 21c ; do 57 , 19c : LTtlc. 00 , 3'c ; do 53 , 22Jc ; ilo4S , 17oLumber. Lumber. wnot.KRAt.K. FP.N'CtNC.-No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , ? 20 00 | No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 10 00 : nhocting droned , No. 1 , 18 00 ; Xo. 2 , 10 W ; common boardc , dressed. 20 00. FKAMtNG Irt ft. and under , per M , 20 00 j 10 ft. studding , 2'J 00 ; 22 ft. 22 00 ; 21 ft. 2'iOu. KINISJUNO No. 1. linUhlK U ami 2 inch , $ 'iO 00 No. 1 fmisli 1 inch S15 00 ; No. 2 , lini'h 11 , 1J rtnd 2 liu'lii ? I500 : o. 2 fmtsli , 1 Inch , MO 00 ; No , 3 thmh , liu.'li , $ Xi IX ) ; O. G. batttms pci 00 feet liu. , $1 00 ; well curbing , $22 00 ; rough J nnd li inch battnn jier 10 ! ) feet Hn. . Mc. ) STO01C MOA15DS Astock , SIO 00 ; U $35 00 ; C , § : tO 00 ; common stock , $22 f.O. . FLOOIUNG-No. 1 , 840 IX ) ; No. 2 , fT ) ( X ) ; No , 3 , 522 00 ; yellow pine , No. 1 , 540 00. SIDING No. 1 , $2400 ; No. 2 , $2200 ] No. 3 , * 18 00. SHIP LAP Plain , ? 2J 00 ; O. ( i. No. 1 , C-32 00 : No. 2 , $22 ( X > . CEILING S2I 00'ttJJ37 00. LATH ANDKIUNGLKS Aslarbest ( ) hhim-li-s. S3 85 , No. 2 , 52 50 ; No. 3 , 52 00. Lath , 53 50. Dulldlng Material. LIME Psr barrel , $1 35 ; bulk porbu. , 35c. Cement , bbl , $2 50. Iowa piaster. bbl , 5250. Hair per bn. 35c. Timed felt 100 lUs , 53 50. Straw board , 51 00. PAPKH Stiaw paper , 3jc ( ; rag paper , 4c ; dry goods uaper , 7o ; manila paper , lOc ; news paper , 8c. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , ? 12j Morris llun Hlossbnrg , $12 ; Whltehroast lump , $6 ; Whitobreiut nut , ? 6 : Iowa lump , 50 : Iowa nut Sli ; Bock Springs , $8 ; Anthracite , all sizes 512 CO. Pnlnti Olli and Varnliha * . PAINTS IN OII4 White load , Omaha P. P. , 7c ; white lead , 0. P. A C. Cn.pure , Iks ; Marseilles green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; French zinc , green seal. 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; French zmc , in varnish assc , 20c ; French zinco , in oil as t , 15c ; Itaw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c ; raw anil burnt Sienn , 13c : Tantlyke brown , 13 * ; lefined lamnblack , 12c ; coach black , Vc ; i ory black , ICc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian blue , SOc ; ultramarine bine , 18c ; chrome groun , L. M. fi 1) . , 14c ; blind and shutter Ifreen , L. M. & D. , 14e ; Parii green. 18c ; i"di n red , Ific ; Venetian red , Uc ; Tuscan r .d , 22c ; American Venniliod , I. &P. , 18c ; chromo yellow , L. , M. , O. A , D. O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , Or ; golden ochre , 1C ; patent ilryer , Go ; graining colors : light oak , dark ou c , walnut , chestnut and ash 12c. Dry Dalnti White lead , Oic ; French zine , lOc ; Paris whiteing 2Jc ; whiting gilders , IJc ; vhitini ; coin * ! , lie ; lamiiblack ( Jenimn- town , 14c ; lampblack , ordinai-j' , 8c ; Prus- wiai > blue , 45c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vnndyko , brown , Sc ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umK-r , raw , Ic ; sienna , burnt , 4u ; sienna , r.iw1o Paris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green com'l 25c ; cbromo green , N. Y. 20c ; ohruni- grecn K. , 12c ; yennillion , Eng. , 70c ; % cr- million , America , 18c ; Indian rt'tl , 10c , rose iiuk , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookson'n Noenetinn ; red Am. , l c ; red leail , "ic- ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yel low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ocnrt- , I'Vench ' , 2 c ; ochre , American , lie ; Winter's mineral , 2Jc ; lehigh brown , 2Jo : spanihh hroivn , 2 c ; Prince's miner.il 3c ; VAllNISIIES Barrels per gallon. Furniture , extra , $1 10 ; furniture , 3So. 1 , $1 ; f in niture , U , 85c ; coach , extra , 5140 ; Coach , No. 1 , § 1 20 ; Damar , 51 50 ; Japan , 70c ; asplmltum , 70c ; shellac , 53 CO ; hard oil tiimh. SI 30. OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , 12o ; ISO' heailhght , per gallon , 13c ; 17" ' * h adlipht , per gnllon , 17c ; cryttoline , tier gallon , 20c ; linseid , rww , per gallon , fi4 ; linseed , boiled , per giillun , C7c ; lard , winter at 'd , puru&l- Ion. 1 05 ; No. 1 , 80c ; No. 2 , C5c ; c stor , XXX , ppr gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 1 15 ; swcftt , per gallon , Sic ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon , 1 35 ; fish , W. B. per gallon , fiOc ; neabforf } , extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , C5c ; lnl > ri > eating , zero , per gallon , 30c ; summer , 15c ; uo den iiinchin ; . No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No. 2 , 30 ; sperm , signal , per gallon , 80c ; tor- pentine , per gallon , Clc ; nuptlia , 74' , per gallon , 30o : GT , 20c. Heavy Harnware List. Iron , rates , 33 50 ; plow steel , cant , 7Jn ; cast tool do , 15gj20 ( wagon spokes , Ptt , 2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 1 25 ; felloe- . , sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85e ; axJe-s , each , 75c ; winare nuts , jer Ib , 7@llc ; wa liers , pur Ib , 8@18o ; rivets , per Ib , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , G@l2c ; malleable , 80 ; ion wedges , Cc ; crowbars , fie ; harrow teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring steel , 78c. NATLS 10 to 20d. 3 CO ; 8 to 10 , 3 75 ; fid , 4 00 : Id , _ ! 25 ; 3d\ common , 500:3.1 : , fini' , fi 50 ; clinch , all stirs , 5 25 ; Gil , casing , 4 75 ; 8d casim , ' , J 5 ' ; lOd casing , 4 25 ; lOd finish , 4 75 ; Sd finish , 5 00 ; CJ imiiih , 5 25 half kugrf , lOc cxtia. SHOT. Shot , 31-81 ; Buck shot , S2.10 ; Oriental P.mder , kegs , § 0,40 ; do. , half ken'K , $3.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 81.88 ; I'.la iug , ke H. $3.iri : : Fuse , nr r 100 feet 50c. Horses and Mules , The market iiliri k and all grades aru helling well at a slight advance in p icfix. I'lie tlumimd for good boi-hea cxtecds the supply considerably. Prices ranga lib fol- IIPIVB ; Fine single drivers , S1.10 , to 300. ; Extra Irnft horrti's. S175. to 225 , ; Common dia.'t ior es , S1CO , to 150. : I'xtru farm hiirnt'H , ? 110. to 125. ; Common to good f.irni hoisvs 5)0. ! ) to SIOO. ; Extra , plug * , $ C10. to 75. ; Common plug ? , $20. to 840. M ULES. 15 to 15J hands ( extra ) , S125. I" 150. ; 14J to 15 hands , $100. to 110. ; It to 1H hands , 575. to 100. ; 13 * to 14 lands. 500 , to 75 , Hldct Hur > , Etc. HIDES Green butcher's hitlo , 7i ; green cured hides , 8 c ; green unit , pr < - cured ildi-s , 8@Hlc ; dry Hint , Found , 13@14c ; dry calf and kip , 12@18c ; dry salt hides , xounil , ll@12c ; green calf. wt. 8 to 15 II * . . 10(2 ( > 1 Ic ; , 'reen calf , wt , under 8 llw , per skin , 50c ; u'reen jM-ltH , 81 00@1 15 ; green lamb skins , 51 lOfcl'il ; damnged hides , two-thhd ta.e , ut scored nnd linn pmb. chuued two- 'J'nllow , 5ic. V/ool. Merino unwashed , light , M@10c ; heavy , I3fal5c ; medium unwashed , light , 18C 420c ; tub-washfil , choire , 32c : fair , 30c ; tllngy uul w. , 2Hc ; burry , black and cotted woou J@uc less Clc r and Tobaccoi. ( UGAltS. Seeds. 915.00 : Connecticut , S25.00 ; Mixeil.8.Ti.06 ; Setd UaTanap50.00j ! Clear Hainnrt , 875.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Piule , J Ib. OOc ; Spotted Fnwn. 01 c ; Our Hope , > 2c ; Star , pounda , 21 Ib , butts , ( iOc ; Horse Shon , pounds , 2 ] Ib , butts , COc ; 1'urity , 21 b. buttH , 52c ; tjuec-n Bee , 21 Ib , butU. fiUci fiilt Kiigf , pounds , ! il Ib , butts , bO ; Army md Mavy , pounds , ( He ; Bullion , poundii , fiSc ; birillard'H Climax , pounds , GOc. PINE CUT-ln pail * . Hard to Beat , 75 ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 80c ; r'nvorlte , t > 5c ; Itocky Mountain , fiflc ; Kunoy , V ! ; Daisy , 45c. In tin foil L'utliiiN 0. K. , 2 oz packages , l > Ib IJOKOM , | > er Ib file : Ixirillanrn Tiger , OOc. SMOKING-A11 grades-Common , 25to > 3c. Granulated Black wells Durham , II ) Liquor * . ALCOHOL 187 proof , 21 % per wine p Ion ; extra California plrt ! < , 187 proof , 1 30 per proof gallon } triple refined spirits , 187 proof , 1 24 per pr flt itallou ; rfltlWIllexi whlskio , 1 OOfel Mi fine Mndrtl , 1 f.0@ 2 , r > 0 ; Ki-ntueky bourboni , 200@7 00 ; KML tucUy and Pennsylvania ryes , 200t ( 7 00. IWANDIES-lmporled , 8U 00(3,1000 ( ; domestic 1 40@4 00. GINS Imported , 4 60@G 00 ; domettte , HUMS Imported , 4 fio.6 W : New England. 2 00@ I 00 ; domestic. 1 fn3 ( ! W ; 1T.ACU ANO APPLE B15ANDV- 1 75@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Itniwtorl JH-T cvc , 2fi 005fl3t 00 ; American , per case , 12 l0r ) CliAHETS-Pcr ewe , < .106 ? 16 00. WINKS -Khitirt wine , per cano , C 00j ( ) 2000 ; Catnwlu , perc.ise , t OOti7X ) , Drtict. DUUGS AND . . - C'arliollc , r 0c : Acid , Tartnrie , r'5e ; Hivlnam Copivbia. lierlb , 70c ; Bark. Samafras , i or Hi , I2o | ( Vlomel , pr Ib , 7tV | Clm-lumldl's prr 117 , 80o : Chloroform , prr Ib. ! Ko ; Dover's powders , per Ib , ? i 10 ; ] -.p om stUs , per Ib , 35c ; Olycorinp , pure , per Ib , Load Acetate1. I'cr Ib , .Me : C'at 45c : Idl il\l , \VUW41fcVf I * - * 'I v * < bon oil , 110 = , per gallon , lUo ; ilo K > 0 ° , pvr uM , KUct Oil , ( V < tor , fto. I , per gal , * 1 35 ; Oil , Castor , No.3P r pil . ' ' . ; Oil , Ollvi- , per gal , 31 < 0 ; Oil , Origanum , 50o Opium , H 50 ; Quinine P. * W. . 'c 11. S ! * . , t or i , $1 9" > ! J'ot.vwium , lodidi- , per Ib : ? 40 ; Snlacm , per or. 35c ; Snlph ito of Ali.ij.hluf , > er or , M 75 ; .Sulphur Hour , per Ib , 4c : tjtrvchnlno. tier oa. 81 50. MARKETS BY TBLEGKAPH. Council Bluffs MnrUnt. COUNCII , llLVirraNov inl ) r 11 , Tlour Mnnnf.iclnreil by I'rjottl and City Milk S75CM 50 ; K II.M ami MU. ouri flour , S 504 15 ! } grAhim , I 75 ; ry fltntf , S 40. Bran and Shorts 17 00 per torn , Chop Corn 1W M > ] i r t i. Wheat No. 2 , * 1 ) ; No. , Sit ; re jected , 70 * . Corn No. 2 , < 5 , re etUd 48. Oatn No. 2 , 40e ; reject * ! , S'ic. Barley No. 2. SOc ; No. 8 , 7t. Hay-5 r.O@G 00. Wood-G OOfliS 00. Li\slIoR8-.VMa7.ri. ) Cattle-Shtmng | * , 4 OOtfR 00 ; milch cows 30 00(5)45 ) 00 pei head ; buk h n tock , 2 7C@ 00. Sheep 4 00@5 00. G HidtR fie ; G S hidw , 8 . Wool l.ri@'T ) . Butter 30@35o. Kgg2Tc. , . 1'otstoM 1 00 ( H 20 ; iwMt , 40&t. Onioin-1 'J5@l 40. Grand J uotlojt Moi-ket GHANII iTuncriOM , ! , , November 14. Kggs 17c. Butter 1018 . irroduon. OniCAno , November 14. On "Change the markets were unsettled but h vhcr. Tlio receipts of grain wt-ro 10,000 bnshela by lake , 10,700 bushels liv canal , nnd 741 carloads , oml > rocn 122 of wheat , 638 of corn , 30 of oats , DO ; : rye nd 3D of b.irloy. Flour tiuiet and tmchangcd ; I'yht hhip- ping dimand and salcs imittd ; cnmmon to choice woitfrn spring , 4 TiOgG 73 ; do Minncistitn , fi 25ta)7 ) 50 ; patentx , 7 50 ® 0 25 ; rj o flour , 5 80@G 10 ; buckwheat flour , UCKKSUOOO. Whaat In No. 2 spring was ut\M > ttled and active , openccl strong and mlvmicect uliont 14e. Atthis ndvanue the oitlcr.s to tell were advanced nnd prices di'clintd , wil.h some fluctuations , about l c. again rallied , fluctuated and fiually closutl aliout thefcame on the regular board and on call 1 31 for November ; 1 311 ® ! 31rf for Di- cembei ; 1 32f for .r-Hinarv ; 1 3.J for Feb ruary ; itjccted , y2'J5cNo. ; 3ei [ ing , 117. Corn In good Jemiind ; markutstronger. Operator * were favored with increased or ders tn purchase , both on local and imUide aciounts , and there was considerable com petition for the olfo'ings. Prices opened for No. 2 at about | c higher and advanced 4@6ci but the improvement was only par- tinlly maintained on regiOar bonrd , and Blo d on call at COJc for November ; Glj © Glgc fur Decemb r ; 61 Jc for January ; Glijc for tlio year ; GGJc for Slay ; G" Jc for June ; GGJc for July ; rejected , active nt 5Uc. O.its Very quiet , but on account of tlio advance in the other markets , which i ( 8c higher , prices were steady , but Ihcdemand wasqu te limited : No. 2 , closed on call ' J4n for November ; 4 Ijc for December ; 4J1 ! for Jiinuary and F Lruary ; 4Giu for May. Uye Very firm ; No. 3 , 1 00 for No vember ; 1 01 for December ; 1 03 for Jan uary. Barley Steady nnd nominal ; No. 3 , 1 07 for November ; 108 fo December. Pork Active and firm ; incas closed at lJ87i ( < S)1700 ) for cash ; 10 02J for No\nu- bcr ; I G l ) (5)l ( ) G ! > 5 for December ; 17 80 for January ; 17 G0@17 G2J for February ; 1782 for MIIP h Lird Active andhii'horclo8ing | t 11 40 for Ntn ember nnd December ; 11 Ofi for Januarj ; 11774 ( 11 hOfor FebrnarT ; 11 0 fur March : 12 02J for April ; 12124 for May : 11 37J for the \ ear. Bulk Menls Acthe and unchanged ; ihort iilw,8774 fo > December ; 8 85 for Jim- nary ; ! < 00 for Krbrnary. Whiskej 114. _ Butler Ufceifits of fine gr di-i , luoilrr- [ itt * , ; demiiml fnir ; couunon mid mt'dium STUC-I ! , dull with lilicral ulft'riiig ; chuico to fancy cr ninery , 34i ( 36c ; ordinry to _ jootl do , 28@3c ; gootl ko fancy il.iirv , 20 ' * 32c ; anmiiion t fair , Kif 'JJc ; l.nlle Iteceiptn Hinull , imiuiry fnir and itrictly frmh hold n o tly nt 2lo , with an > cca > innal ! iinulu casu at 25u per dnzuti. Clllorio ( iltlOAno. Novoiiibur U. Cattle Huceiptr , 5,000 head ; idiii.in ntn , 1,200 hcntl ; in > .ond ili'inaml un * xtr ngnt in iidvaiiro of 10cry ; few > 'uc > d nutivix ivero nlfeietl , the supply being mninly of r > xiiu and langei cattle ; ( 'xnorteis , I ! 7Ct ( ! r 00 ; c ninio'i t > t hoi' ' e nliippciH , fi 0 ( < y 25 ; griH-ur ; , S 75fe4 75 ; butch I'A stork. i 00@4 I 0 ; i. ockers m d f eilors , 2 GOfuj 1 0(1 ( ; through 'IVxnrn. 2 75 ( j4 25 ; Nubr.is- ki TexaiiH , a 75rg4 40 ; half breeila and n i- tiTBn , 4 OOC/,5 25. UogK K.c i In , 23,000 ; shipments. 2 )00 ; mar it ucliru anil nricm 5ujlOj ( hi h- -r with all u Id at iidvuric d figure H ; com mon to light grades , ( i 0 ( < /ti ) 2J ; mixed li ck u , fi 1)0(2)0 ) ( ) 40 ; heavy pickim > an I illipp ng. 6 IO/G ( / 7 > 'i ; culli luul gr natii , I 50@5 60. She -Ilreeiii s , 2/00 ; uhlpniMits , 200 ; nurket fairly active nud Htuuhch ice , I 85 ; poor to good , 2 75@4 60 , City Produce Marltnt , KANHAH CITT. November 1 1 Wheat Keeciptp , U.071 buiho'n ; ith- Irawn , 1D,5DO ; in ( tore , 4505U , ( ! liuslinlri ; inark.t wus firm with prices higher for No. 4 and 3 than on S iturday ; No 1 nnd B were out rely nominal ; No , 4 Novunhcr ff@88c ; No. L' cash , O'Jo bid , ItOuHb-d ; N'ovcmber , 1 1 0 ; Novemb r , 1 Oil ; } bi-l 1 Of iked ; year , 1 02 ; January 108rl / Jl , ( j'orn HrcriptH , 10,721 huxhel * ; wltti- l'-wn , P03 ( ; ; liiHt.re , 100,570. MaiUt very quiet nnd rnlyonu naif ; bills lower than H , tiirday ; No. 2 caMi. Clio bid , GJc kked ; Nore'iibrr , Gljo bid , Ol o .lalffl ; Mwy , Onicj No. Swhlto mixed , caih , Ii2o bill , C t iiHlied ; rcjccfd , 52c. Oat Niimlnil and uiith.niruj ; No , 2 , ia ) i,42 ? < bid , 43ic linked. Uye-No. 2 , R. o. Hurley Nominal , Flour Quiet but ttronj. Hay JitCulpU large ; tlvmind fur thoiro red , fiffe700 ; ; brJo'ht , 8 00@8 .10 , ] Juttfr Firm ; ieceiptn light ; iholc l8fr ! ) 30c : medium , Z. Mc ; low , 15i ( 20c , Eu' Iticeiptf light ; tnuikct fini' nt Baltimore Proilnco. BAI.TIUOIIU , Novembei K Flcnir Firm. Wheit No. 2 red winter htra'ly ' at I 4life ] 43i for cash rd Dccenli-r. Curn Mutd wta em , firm , u' SSJJc New ork NITT Yont , Notwnber 14. VUnr St * dy nd In bstter dtnutml ) Mlnnrsjta'cttrn , n 20a9 ( 00 ; City Mill * oitrv , 7 00&7 75 ; onlhein ip.iiet i.tid ftcady ; common it choice , citrn , 6 W ( $ 0 * Vt Wheat lln IffiSc lilglicr , hut bccMnn wo k ami cloceil rilijhtly in bny w' fa\or : No. S iH , I 44Jffll 4D ; No. 1 white , U24 @ 1 14 ; No. 1 Uuluth , 1 17@1 4'J | No , U red , N em1i r , 1 mll 4tj , Worn -Slljjlitly Mitlipr ntid fairly itclivui ungri d d ulitd , o5ftG % ; No. 3 , 65M Gt'i' ' ! No. a white , 74c ; NJ. 2 , Ntnembtr , C'JJc.Ut ( Ut Jcbeltfr , buk loss nctlvt' ' ; No. 1 whitr > 3. > ; No. U do. , 5152jc ; o. 1 iniietl , 4'Jc : No. 3 lulled , 474GC4tf : ndiM \vc tern , tt > SDt7c , Hye-Dull , at 1 OOC l 02J. lUrlcy Steady. Pork Kirm. but quiet ; ipot mew , 18 00 | dt > . January , IS MX L rd Kitni nntl iplict : 11 ( V > for c shj 11 G3J for NoTftubfr ; 11 ( i"J for Dtcimbor HH f tul Cut Mf U Whiiky Nomiiml , Poorlo Proclncc. PKOHIA , Novpmlier 1 1 Wheat Good milling gridm ncareo and aclive : lo or grades plenty and dull. Corn Market ( inner Mid transiictionn fairly nrl | > i < , but irrogul r ; No. 2 while ( Mi'i yellow , tl2c ; hi h mixoil , tilic ; niKid , 01 ir ; No. 3 , file ; reject 'd , Ole ; no grade , Mic * : iinmi'rchaiit.xblo , 5lV : nuw,5"Jc. 0 -Market linn , artivo nnd lilhcr | ; ; Ni > 2hlt * . 4ijQ > 4r > | c ; n < ju. . < tc l , 43c K > e Mnrki-t turn and hlghir ; No. 2 07 : rvji'tU'd ICic. Burley Mnrlut better supjltej , inilit and uniettled. 1 1 ighwinoii Market un ettlcd. Heo'ts. Ship's , Wheat . IHO none Corn . 41.7CX ) 21,500 ( M . 2I.JM ) 37.15 'ft Itye . VTol > 'J.OO' ' ) Bnrley . 4IIK > unnc lli.s'liwlncs . niiiiA 532 PHUlmrj * OH Mixrlcot , Pn-rsuuim , Nou > mbor 1 1 , Oil Market oiirnetl at 8l c , iidvamtd to 84 Jc ai tl cliii < ou nt 84 ju ; Nv \ Vork re fined , 7ji > ; Antwerp , rrtinnl , 18i frtncv ; shipments WITH 1)7,783 ) hbls ; cliartom were 37,1)35 ) bbN ; PittsburffsalM , ' . ' 57,000 , liblt. Clnvclantl Mnrliot , CI.KVCI.A.III , NoTi-mber , 14. IVtroleum Firmer ; staudant white , 110" twt , 7e. Phllnttolplilix Frodnoo. PltltAliRMMltA , November 14. AVheal Ea-ier ; 1 42J < all 44J for cash and No\ ember ; 1 4lj fur Di'cember. Cora Easier ; G7jiiG83o for c h ; G7i ® ttSJic for Novemtier. Oats Steady ; 51c for cash ; 50J@51Jfor November. Hyc Quiet at 1 00 for owh. Bnffalo I > ! T St elc. EAST ItuvrAio , Nov mbir 14. Hoc HeciitiU. 75 o < r ; ihtpments , 31 IMB ; market steady : Yor iri , 680f § (110 ( ; nitdinin weightu , fi 15 ( G 25 ; romitoktavy , Emrtliiunrty ZilvA Stock. EAHT LIIIKIITV , Pa , , No > fmber II. CuttleFnir Mid uiu'linnged ; rectiilM , S.HS'.I heal ; uhipmcuts 1 2B5 head Hogs Active ; rwcipls , 4,500 lifad ; ihii.miMits . , 4,100 , ; Phll.iilelhiiu [ ) , G 30 ® 340 ; Yorkers , 5OfeG10. ! ) Shi'CiA | 'tive ; 15@25e higher ; recoipte , 1,200 he.ul ; hhlpmuiits. 1,000 head. Katiinn City Tjlvo Stoclt- KAN.SAS CITV , Noycmberl I. Hogs Maikut Btroni ; and in symp.k by with Chicago and 5@10o higher : choice g , 5 UO ? G 25 ; medium 5 50(0,5 ( UO. St. Lenis Froilno - ST. Ixiun , NoT ncber It. r Unchant d. VTh t Oiwnetl higher , but decline1 ; No. ! i.J Mil , 1 3SiSl ( 38 for t h141H@ 1 JO forDeo mbur ; 14i : @l 12 for January ! 1 4 4l 45 for F br arj ; No. 3 do , 1 2U ( [ ? , 1 294 < ) r Nov mb r ; No. 4 tin , 1 174- Corn Opcntd b-ttor and ilcclimit ; 84) ) @GJVo for cath ; 8liJplG5i ( f.-r lecemb i and January ; < > BJ < f , lii ! c for F bru ry ; 7C © GO jo fir May. Oati-Bittcr ; 44r545a for a h ; 4Ge foi Iecembr ; 4il * for January ; 50e foi May. May.Ky Firmer it 7i@38 bid. Barlty Steady ; prima to fancy 1 00 ® 115. 115.Lcul Lower , at 4 80. Butter Western dairy , 20@2Sc ; cream ery , aOfe'Mc. a Qui t , t S2@23a. Wliiilcy Steady , at , 1 00. I'.irkQuiet ; jobbini ; , 17 25 for cash ; 17 G5 for Fcbrimiy. Dry salt nitMtu Firm ; rnr lots , cured , G 808 86f/U ( 10. Bacon BMttcr , nt 8 25PHO 25@10 fiO. L rd Numina'ly hlh | { r , nt 11 40. lt > c'ti. Shipm'bi. Flour . ( i.OOO G.OOO Wheat . 33.000 10,000 Corn . Ii3,000 81,000 Oati . SJ)00 11,000 llje . 3SOOI ) none lUrUy . 24,000 3,000 St. I ouiii Jjlvi ) Stook- KT. LOUIH , November 14. Hogs Higher ; light sliipiin/ | 25 © " > CO ; Yorkers , fi ! ) OCoU 05 ; n ixod packing , 'i G1 ( ,0 25 ; hutrhern1 to funuy ( i 'M ! < i I ! 5IJ. Iteccipts , (1,200 head : bliiiimeutu , 2,300 , Liverpool Proiliiro. LiVKiirooi , , NoM-mber 14. Pork Piirnci muss wrtterii , ilullut75s. Bacmi Sturdy ; xhci t rib ntuady at Kit ; 'lams ' , long clrar , ( inner i at f > Si. lie , f llx'ra India mo Meidy. at 1 13. Cluuxd Aincrlcun dull , ut Gs ! for .Sup. , emli-i make and 55s fur summer muUc. Tallow UH. Wheat Kprlng. No. ' . ' , cti-aily nt 10i ( id. Flour ExtniHtntq htnuly , at4rf3d. ! . - . - Toledo I'romirii ToM'Do , November 14. 'VN heat Firm ; No , 2 red , fur ca h mill oMJinbiT , 1 3SJ ; Dt cumber , 1 37 ; Junuuiy I1J ; Fubrunry , 1 4 .tf , Coin No. U , cauli , CMC ; December C5o iskcd ; January , C5 ; MatVJJc. . Oat , Nothing iloiin ; . LuurolHill Ci metary. Ono of the gruuti'st iii'odH of Onmlm ins lou uuuiulury where puoplu of uiidirito : invnim could liud n place of juiiil. Kuc-li d liiiryiiiK Krciuiicl has liiHt bcjcn luiil out very ( near this city HI tlio south sidu , on nil olovntuil iliito.iu ovurlooking thu cuitiro couii- .ry. The [ iroiin'otor. Mr. CliriHlmn Siiuttur , lian dt'ilicalod ton ncrun of { round for ft public burying i rouml , , o bif laiowii IIH Liurul ; Hill cumutury , I'll if WIB : ( iiunud { neurly twi'lvu innntlm igd. Ho IIIIH ] iau'il no oxpoiiHo in linking the gniuiulH IIH nttrautivo AH limy c.ui . bu niaiU < by thu jil luting at jriintnuiitiil Hhado trcuu , laying out , v.ilkH nnd proper funciiijj. In oulor : o pliicu tbia burial ground within tlio reach of all cltissuHthu price of lots Ox'JO ia placed at thu uiodunito auin of fin , nnd Hinglo gruvcfl , including tlij- ing , $5 for childrun nntl § 0 for udultn. All ordura for loUorHinglo buriaU will rompt uttontiun it left at thu iiig uHfnbliihmunt of Clmrlcu c , N ( , 1012 I'Vulwm Htroot , bu- butwoou Tonlh nnd Kluvtmth. WANTHD. A low inoro KO ( " ' ictivo reliablu purchaaing ntL'iit ; to Boll thu light riimiuii ; Doiiu-utio Bowing urn- cbiiio. For tcrnm ndclresaV. . I ) . Wonwck , gcnurul truvoling ngont , Omaha , Nubnwku. Kltf. DEWEY & STONE , 1 I ORCHARD & BEAN , J. B. FRENCH & CO , , C A R P ETSI GROCERS ! HAVE DECLINED SLIGHTLY I -AND Is the first to make the announce ment to his customers and the general public. MATTNCS [ , OIL CLOTH AftD WINDOW SHADES , Always sold at the lowest Market Prices. We carry the largest stock and make the Lowest Prices. Orders promptly filled and every attention given to patrons. J. B. DETWILER , 1313 Farnham Street. OMAHA , - - - - NEBRASKA. MAX MEYER & BRO , , the Oldest Wholesale and Retail Jewelry House in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in Silver Ware , Clocks , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , he La test , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in Precious Stones , and all descriptions of Fine Watches at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers , Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farn- lam Streets MAX MEYER & BRO , III IEEE & BED. 3XDC THK LKAD1NG IN THK WEST ) General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacture and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sc. " for cash or installments r Bottom Prices , A SPLENDID stock ( Steinway Pianos , Knatw Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warreu , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur chasing. JP X Z. X. S B DT Efc "T Buy the PATENT PROCESS MINNESOTA FLOUR. It always gives satisfaction , because it makes superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap est Flour in the market. Every sack warranted to run alike or money refunded. W. M. YATES , Cash Grocer.