Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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    I .
mirro A TJ A n A Tf.V B A V "Wmri\rP.IT ! > tt 1001
Xrw YQBK , Xo eml > r 10.
Won jcloel at CCiJ.Oi > rcent.
T i lMiigo cloned Htrndy at 4 Sl } ( < ? ,4 Mj.
QoTemmenU closed ntwdy J follown :
Ourrtncr f.'u . 140 Mil
4'ncoupon * . 1 105 U.I
4J' eouiKHis. . 1 Kijj i Id
5 continued . 102 1 M
Oft continued . 1 OlJ lld
tURRO.U ) JlfWW.
Pacific rnilroiwl Ixiudi elrnpd M follows :
Union fir-.U . . 1 171W IS
Uniim laud KTimte . 1 1 UfeSl U
Sinking funds . I U-'K'Sl 25
Otiitrolii . 1 U > & ! 1C
The utock market wa * actUe and utimij ;
thitugliout , mid In fome c o lower | vlces
were innde. The general Hit closed if < gU :
per cent , hipher than j-e tor lay. New
Albany & Clit-ai < o waj exceptiumlly
The following are the clrwin bJ ! :
.4 Til 52 HftHt.1
Preferred. . . . I1 ! Pre'prred. . . .llO
B&Q 1137 K&T
OS C'6
CO Ail C . . . . 21J NY C 14M (
CCCfcl ! > 3 { Omaha . . . . . . 42J
0 8 &C 57J Preferred. . . . 1030
CP i ) $
Diibvique f > G I'M 45J
DAN Jln.-kl-.hnd . . .135
W TI > & U 24
Union Pacific..12U
Krie 47i
Preferred . . . 02J Preferred ! ' . ! ! ! )0 )
Brio & . 4liJ W U S7J
P efcrred. . . . 27 $
Following ar the h | nan * an
mining Mtockn at tb New York mining
exchange :
Oriental A. M. 02 Silver Cliff. .
State Line2&3 215 " OSS
' Bechel" . , 50
. ! . . . 175 Bodi . . 550
Minor Boy. . . . 41" . 7 ! )
Gala 05 foutli Par , 803
Con Vu . . llTi Chrysolito . , 0
North'n Belle. 13 Starmnut . . 2ir
Green Mount'n 250 i o
CIIICAOO , Novmnl-er 10.
Money VIM in "od demand aud firm at
07 per cent. Jjuxtvrn exchinx'u between
eity bankK at 75r premium per § 1,0 0. The
olearim , ' * nf th amoeiftted bunk" were (
f8,200,000. The flow of moiioy to tlia in- 3
t 'ioi wan only moderate. 2
Omaha Wholesale Market. (
Ori'icE OJTHK OMAHA Bus , )
Thur-day KvcninR , November 10. f 1
BmineM wan fairly nctive t i-day , ont-
goim ; rnvfliandito wa < in full volume and 2
markets wrro cheerful.
Grain niled nteft'Iy Wheat unchanged.
Bnrlny advatirod 2@3c.
Com a fr.irii ji ow > r than ye teiday. . .
Oats In a fraction lower.
Provision ! firm.
K.'gj verj carcu aud adtautod jfeOc per *
PotatipM weru fi-m.
Butter unchanged. do
Applti in fair wupply. ( . -
Pn.iri6 chicUeni , Djckrt and Gee'o un ( ?
Hi Jos and wool Rtcadv.
Poultry in good Hupply :
Livestock nnch ned. (
In drui we note a decline of 3o for
Xo. 3CuHtor Oil. . .
Locaf Uraln UealmRt. 7ic
WHEAT. Uaiih No. 2 , 1 10i ; cash Hie
No. ) . ' .
'J5J : rejected 74ie. Sjc
BAKLhY. ( 'axh No 2 , 03c ; No , 3 , Lf
file. , 7Uic ett
COUN. Canh No. 2 , 4oic.
OATH. ( Vnh. 'MJc.
HAY $7 00Ii8 ( 00 per ton.
Livestock. 1-4
AT cor.vcu. ni.crrs BTOCK YABIW.
Cattle Good shipping , SM 005 00 ; fat
oow-i ind heifera. § 2 75 ( & .3 00.
Hofpi Mixed packing , $5 2o@5 50. 39 ] 0c
flheep Blaushtcring iu demand at ? 4 00 30
® 600. *
Provisions. (
JTjOUK Sprms wheat , BtraiRht ( fr de ,
$3 25@3 7.r > ; patent , $3 7fi@4 00 ; winter tin
wheat htraight Kr. le S3 85@4 23 ; patent , do
V * 450@H > 0 ; graham rye , 82 "j ; Wheut ,
$3 00.
KYE FLOT'Il f 25. Fall
MlLLSTUFJ/S-Bran , per cwt. OOc ; L
creeninp1. i > r cwt. SOc ; Bhort * , per
cwt 1.00 : chopped feed , per cwt. 1 20 ; meiil N
) > olte < L yellow. 1 10 ; white. 31 75 ,
POTATOES In car lotn , 1 OOffil O.r. ; 0
Halt Lakw , 1 25(0)1 35. lletail , 1 COfo1
175. I7c
SWKHT POTATOKS-Genuino Miwa- 12c
tine , 4c perlb.
POUl/rUY Chicken * drewed per 8c ;
dozen , S2 .r)0ft2 ) ! 7. .
PKAIKin OHICKKN'rf ? 3 50@3 OC
per ( in/en. 19c
QUAIL -Per do * . . S2 r.00i2 7o. 12Jc
WILD fJKKSK 2 7.r @ 3,0.
WILD Il'ClvS-100ta31f)0.
> ; GiS Firm : scarcoat I032c. (
BU'ITLK Choice Kcarceat2030oor ; | , 17Je
no market : ereitmtry , S0@3.ric. 9le
APPLES Good , wuud , Tery ncnrce tra
t C4 B01&34 75 per bbl. SO
HONKV California whitn clover in ,
omb , 24,25e. (
LKMJNS Stca < ly : per box , $1000 ; lOic
Finest Medina orange * $8 00 repacked.
MALLACA GKAI'K.H-I'er bbl.8 f.0
per half bbl , , 1 50. lOJc
BKKSWAX Yellow , 18a20r. ( } blue
ONIONS 1 5"1CO perlU.ihel. brown
CABBAGK-51 00 ( ,2 00 par dozen , as do
to quality. 9Je
CKAMJKKKIKS-Per bbl. , ? 10 00 © Hi
11 0. blue
OKLKHY Per doz. . CO 5.P1C.
IJKKSSKI ) CHlCKKNH-Per lb. , 10@ lining.
inc. X'l.iml
UKKSflKD TUKKKYS-Per lb. , 12 } ©
15 * . fc ;
DKKSSKI ) DUCKS P r lb , , 12Je.
DUKSSUDGIIKSK Per lb. , ll@13e.
Oroc r > List. toga
OOFFKK. Kio , lair. 13Jc ; KIo , Rood ,
J4c ; Kio , prime to choice , 14c ; Old L-ov't
Java ; 20@l8Jr ! ! , Mocha , 28Jc ; ArbuckleV ,
17IC. Am
TEAS. Gunpowder , Ro < x1 , 4.l > fS5ri. ' > cj Cone
Choice , ( < 07 , " > c ; Imperial , good , -)0@'iric ) ; fl (
Choice , Iffl&'fc ; Yountf Hynon , treed , 3&ti
BOcj choice , C.rjc31 00 : Japan Nat Leaf , rimar
K od
SUOAHH. Cut loaf , lljc : Cnmhwl , kaag
lljc ; ( "raimlated. lie ; Powdered , lljc lie ;
Fine powdered , ll cj .Standard Colfeo A.
lOJc ; New York Confectioiier'n Standard i
A , lOJcj Good A , 108c ; Prairie Hxtra C ,
9-c. (
9c.SYPJJPS. . Suphr IIOUBC , Wilt. SOc ; half C
bis , 52c ; kefr * , 4j Kallnnv , ? 2 50 ; choice 17Jc
toblfl Bynip , 50c ; half bbl , 53c , kegK$2 50. Ktone
SPICKS. IVpper , " ° : AllHpioe , 20s ; SIIIMOX ICc ;
Clores , 45c ; Xutinei ; * , § 1 00 ; Caiwia , Me ;
Mace $100. plain
SODA. DvduhtV lb paiiers , ! W 00 ; De- fancy
land do , ? 3 00 ; Church' * , * 3 00 ; Kef nodm
STARCH. Pearl , 4jc ! Sllrer aionn , .
gl Jcj Corn Starch , 6 i9e < ; KxceUlor
GloM , 7c ; Corn , 7Jc.
SALT. Drny loa < l . par bbl , 1 95 ; Anh- 7-4 ,
ton , in nackp , 3 50 ; bbU dklrjr 00 , 6n , S 45j do
l > bld dairy , 100 , &s , 3 C5. 68 ,
peuehr * , now crop , 10eltnix | > r ted Apple1)1
S Ibloxes , 13Ju514c ( ; Michl-wi'lc ( : New
Vork applew , Sir ; Prune , * , old , , 7jc ; new ,
JUe ; Currantis 7@7i ; nUckberrlew , now
CIU'.KSK Full ( . 'roaro , K-c ; 1'w-t
Skim. IMc.
WOOD KNWAKK Two hoop pail- ,
9J ! three lump pailc. 2 20 ; No. 1 till * ,
0 Mi ) No. 2 tubs. , S 50 : No 3 tulv , 7 50 ;
liloneer wfj < hboani , 1 &T ; Double
21H ) : WolMmeUts 32V
LKAD llftr , ? 1 O , ' . .
MATCH KS Per e.-kdilio , SWcj numd
ww e . ' ! I < II UOCA.- , STi.lO.
P15OVlSION'S-l'.re.ikfa-t bie
choice Innl , IS e : dried beef , 13Jc :
crs , caina eil 9c ;
bacon. ridc < 12\c
NinV PK'Kf.KSMedium , la burro ! * ,
? 10 00 : do in half Wil < , S 7rinmnllii ; , in bbU ,
12 00 do , in half lilil * . 7 CO ; ihprkln , in
bills 14 00 : do , In half bbl * . 7 M.
VINKGAK Pure apple extra , Ifje :
pnronpt'le , l.To : Pnin'Uiir nur nnnle , II' * .
HOMINY New , SO 00 per bhl.
BP.ANSMedium , band picked § 3.00
i > or bmhel : nary , f-l 00.
KOrK Sii-al. J Inch nd Iw er , 9\c \ : )
neb , lli-j i Inch , 10k.
SOAJ'.S ICirk'w Savon Imperial , 345 :
KlrkV BRtinct , 3 40 ! Kirk'w tnnd n1 , 3 50 ;
KlikV white Kim- inn , 5 Mi KirkV Kutoca ,
2 O.V3 KlrkV Pruirii- Queen , (100 ( cakes ) ,
CO : KirkVt nmpmilia , 4 M.
f'ANDLKS-Bnxw , 0 11 * . 10 n.S * ,
16cl.ixe 10 IK , 10 or. . G * . lOc.
LYhAmeriean , 3 40 : Greenwich , .140 :
V.em , 2 75 } North Star , 2 M ; LewiV
lye , 4 CO ; J WU lye , 275.
POTASH ! Vnni.ylnntft cnns , 4 d ( . ' ,
Iu uw , 3 35 ; Habbitt' Itiill , 2 do . In caj e ,
1 00 : Anchor Hull 2 doz iu two. t 30.
FIKLD SI'.KD Ko < l clover , choice
new , $0 00 p ir bunhcl ; miunmoth clever
new , 57 00 ; white clever , now. S14 00
al alfi clo\rr , new , 512 W ; ali lke , ne\v ,
81300. Timothy , gooil , new. | 3 00 ;
blue T.-UIK , v\r.i , eli-an , ) ? 1 50 : blue Kra- ,
clean , 51 2.r > ; orchard tfrn * < i$2.T > 0 : r sl top ,
hoice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Muwouri ,
SOc " ; millet , Gorman , 8100 to $125 ;
"unKiuinn , 80c ,
HKDOUSKKP-O u oraturo , 1 to '
bujheln , 8r > 00 ; ooage oranRe , 10 buoheli or
over , $4 .r > 0 ; hon y lo < nist , [ tor lb. , Kc ; per
100 Ibr , 52 , ' ' 00.
FISH Family while a h , 00 lb hf hbU ,
S3 75 : No. 1 white Mi , 90 lb hf bbln. 0 30 ;
No. 1 white fwh. in 10 lb kiU , 1 00 ; family
10 lb kitu , 7.r > c ; New Hwllntid herrinjf , P r
kot , ' , 1 35 ; Ittifwtiui wiriUne 7fc ; Colut"-
hia river iwluion , per lOOllvs , 8 00 ; Geoiyo' '
Bank codfuih , Gc ; Gen. b < nelcwi codtliih ;
3Jc ; bonel < v , fish , 4jc.
MACKKKKL Half bbln m < w mackerel ,
100 llw , 812 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ox nhoro do ,
100 1U < , C 00 ; hf bblx , fat family do , 100
Ibrt , 3 H5 ; tnoHH mackerel , 12 lb klt , 2 23 }
No. 1 ox Hhore , 12 lb do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore ,
12 lb do. 1 00 ; fat family. 10 lb do , 75c. i
CANNED GOODS Oynterx , 2 lb
KieldV ) , per cane , * 1 20 ; do 1 lb ( Field's ) , '
per ca e , t ! 50 ; do 2 lb ( Standard ) , per cae ,
90 ; do 1 lb ( ntandard ) , per cane , 2 50 ; do
lb ( rtluck ) , p.-r . cve , 2 75 : do 1 lb ( Black ) ,
nor cane , 200. Onions 3 hO. Salmon , 1
lb. pur dozen , 1 COyi.1 70 ; do 2 lb , per dozen - .
55. Sardine * , wunll fiih , imported , _ ono oa
quarter lK > xea per box , 14Jc ; American ,
juarter boxca JM r l ox , lie ; do half boxeH ,
per box , 21Jc. "I.obftern , 1 lb \ > er itozen ,
SO. Tomatoes. 2 30 : do 3 tb per
nine , 310 ; Corn , 2 lb ( Mountain )
per ca e. 3 70 ; so.tked com , 210 ; do
lb ( Yarmouth ) , per ca e , 375 ;
firing beaiiH , per cate , 2 25 ; .Lima beann
pur ca e. 2 20. Succotash per case , 225. _
JVfti. , tommon , pur cade , 2 OOipoiui , choice ,
pur ciifc , 4 50. Blaclcberries , 2 lb , per c.vse ,
JhOj rttnktvborrira , 2 lb , pur rnHe , 2 75- ( .
. . , . : . . . . : . , 2 lb , per cwe , 275 500. "
DaniKoni < , 2 tl1 , per case , 215. . Bartlett -
pcntx per one , 3 Co@4 00. Whortlober-
ries per , 2 80. Kgff plumn , 2 lb per ' :
tv , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 lb , per cane. 4 50. [ '
iHm KHn' < "S'-'J1) I" " " ctfet 3 50 : do choice , ' .
( * .r can1 f 0. Pine Apples , 2 lb , pur ciwe , w
400 575. IVachuM , 2 U > per cut310. .
3 lb , cai-e , 0 000 50 ; do , ( jjio ) , 3 lb , per
-BHe.SSri ; do pie , 6 lb , per dozun , S 50.
UIOK Carolina , .S@84c ; Louisiana , 7 $1
PKANUT3 Iton-ted , chotco , rod Ten-
noMee , ! ) c per lb ; fancy white , lOc \ > cr lb ; oil
raw white Virginia raw , lOc ; rou td ,
Dry Goods.
UHVN COTl'ONS AtlimticA. 8Je ; }
Apple-ton XX , 7c ; _ Atlnnta _ A. 8c ; Boott
FK , Kic ; Buckeye LL. ! - ! , 7c ; Cabot W , ] >
; Cliittanr.nKO A , tic ; > re t Falls K ,
; Honour , 0c " : Honest Width , 7'i'c : In
dian HcH'l A , "HJc ; Indian Standard A ,
; luditn Orchard ri. w , , H4e , ; Lawience 1
> , 7c ; Mystic Hiver , 7Jc ; Puquot A , R c ;
Shftwmnt LL , 07c ; Utica C , .Ijc : Wachu- > -
B , 7Jc : do A , 84 ; do K 4S , 12Jc ; Wnl- po
cott BB , 7c. 2 ,
; 7ie ; Alliatoi 3-t , 3c 4 1
| ; - ; Arcylu ,
Atlantic LL. Oic ; Badyer State X 4-4 , 7c ;
Bonutngton C4-1,0-'c ; BuckejoH. 1-1,0)cc ) cu-it
Indian Oi chard VA.9-8 , 8'c ; Laeonia O 2
, SJlc ; Lehich K 4-4. Otc ; Ixinidalo 4-4 ,
: J'epperell ff 30 , 7c : ifr > O 32. 7ic ; do K
, 7c ; do K 33 , HJc ; Poc-wwtt C 4-4 , 7 c ; . -
VainHutta-i.4 , 13c. roil
- > scoS-
L 1-t. 10cP : ! n.ckt > tou A A | n ] > erilc ! ! ) ;
do half bleached I l,9e ; Pnbotll.a / ;
PidelityM , 9i i Fruit , of th Ixwni , 10 * ; do
cinbric4-4113edoW ; terTuiht)104ctJreat ; Od
* Q. &c ; Imli.n IleadFbrunk 1-1 , 12 e ; fin
nudale , 10c ; do cambrh 37 , 13c ; New 4
Yoik MillI3c ; Pequnt A. lOc : Pcp/erell
fi Twilln , | 2ir : Pocuhonta.1 4-1 , 9Jc ; half
POCHHS t 4-1 , tfje ; Utica , lie ; U'mnKUtU
X X , 13c.
Dl'CKS Tnblenehed Atlantic , 10 oz. , kt
; lialtimoio do , ] 0c ; l.onn .St-.r , ( i on. , in
; S.v Ke , lUa. (
DUCKS ( ( Vilorcdl Alb ny K brown.
do f , drab , Me : do XX , htripcn ami
plaids I2jc ; rin XXX biown and drab , i <
utripe * and pliid-t , 12Jc ; Arlington ft > ncy , The
; 1'runnwick brown , Kj-c ; ChHriot fancy , low
; do t-xtrft beiny , 20c ; Kail Hive
brown , extra heavy , lljc ; Indiana A
brown. 13c : Niipmwet A brou , 15c. draft
TICKlNOS-Amo keac A C A 32 ,
; do XX blue 32 , IKjc ; Arrowmma , JCO. !
; Olaremont B B , IS c ; Cnneitoi8 ex'
, 17ie ; Hamilton I' , 11 jc ; LdWifion A
15c ; Minuet aha 4-4 , 20c ; Onif-Kuvup r
l-l , Itye ; Pearl Kiver 32 , IGlu ; Put-
XX blue i < triip , 12c ; Shetucket S , 14
; do SH 12c ; Y oii'au blue 20 , Sic. hand
DKNIMS , AmoHkeak , blneand brown ,
; AndoierDUI.lue . , inic ; Arlington cured
Scotch. Irtjr : Conrord OOO , blue and hidi-H
, 12ic ; do AAA , do do 13J ; doXXX calf
do 1 ijc ; Haymaker'H blue nd brown ,
; Myntis HI * cr 1)1) Htripe , 10c ; Piarl (
vcr , blue and brown , Inje ; Uncut Ilk , Kreen
and brown , IHjc. prreen
CAMBHICS-Bni-nard , TikKcldyHtonn ; cut
. 21 inch double face , Hie ; Garner A tl
, 5c , Manhattan ulove finWi , 5'/c / ; ( Jo.iu
Newport do Oc ; do glazed , 5)c ) ( ; Pe < juot do 20 ,
l/o kvocxl kid , Be. SOc
COHSKTJKANSAmory , 8rtAndrrw ; ( JOc
cnpgin c.itteen , Hjc ; Clarendon , OJcCone ; - 05c ;
natteeii' , 7c | ; Hnllowe'lc ' ; Indian bruad
Orchard imjiroted , 7Jc ; NarrimanHett , 74c ;
IVpperill Hatteen U4n ; Urxikport , 7ic.
PHINTH Aliens OJc ; American , Cje ; /
Id , 7c ; Berwick , 17c ; Cnchueo , 7c ;
toKii. OJc ; Dunkirk , 4i'c ! ; Dunnell , and
(27c ; ; I'dclyntont' . 7c : ( Homester , Oc ; 2 < 5)ic ) (
liannnny. 5ic ; Knickerbocker , OAe ; Mer-
U , 7cMystic ; , 5Jc ; Spr-vuen , ( ; Al
SuuthbridKi'i "c ; do. ( 'inyhaniH , 7c ; tlarlsa'lo
, 5 c ; Oriental Oic. 1 30
GINGHAMS-Amoikean. lOic ; Aino . 187
< lruM 12J ; Annrle , 10'r ; Atlautic ,
Cumbi-iland , 7ic ; Highland , Kc ) ; 2.r.0j
KenlUoith , ic ; I'lun kelt , lOJc ; HI'I.H- tucky
8c , .
K c ;
, 20c ; American , HP ; Altaian , lc ; GI
iri ) D and T , ISJc ; Clarion I ) and T , 1 40
; Dieran ( ? o.striptHlandT. ICc ; Kev- in <
, ISJc ; Nnntucket , 10c ; Nonpareil , Knal
Oceinl ) andT. 13Jc ; Hoyal , lOlc ; PI
12c Tioga , 12AcVacliux
, ; ; tt nhlit- 1
inBrheckc. 12Jc ; do , Nankin , 12ic ; York ,
Nankin , 12Jc ; do , chtckH. utrlucii and Cl
, 12JC ; do , 8 o , 20c. 2000
r < iuot
19c : do 4U , ICc ; iWcrell JH ; , yy0 , Cl
07 , 21c ; do 57 , 18o ; Utica 06 , 35c ; do * 2S.OO
2Jic ; do 48 , 17e Clear
Drurt ,
DKrOS ANt ) CHKMlCAl.S.-Aeid
'arbolif , 50c : Acid , Tartaric. 55c : Bnli nm
Copabl * , per lb , 70c ; Bark , S.v.ifra * . per
lb , I2o ; ( 'aloniel. per lb , 70c ; Ciuchonidlis
at , KOe ; Chloroform , per lb. We ;
wdcrs l'er " ' " * " ' ' Vs0111
. . > , 3V ! Glycerine , iiure , per Hi ,
. . . Lead , AceUtf. perlb , 22c : Carbon
bun oil , 110 ° , per cation , lUc ; do 1 , > 0 ° ,
prrenl. 13k ; Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal ,
* 1 35 ; Oil , Ca-dor , No.8ptr cal,0l 'JS ; Oil ,
Olive , PCI gal , ? l 40 ; Oil. Orir | mim. 50o
Opium , SI r.O ; Quinine P. .t W. A K. A S. ,
per oz , SI OS : Potaiwluiii , Iodide , per lb :
! 40 : Saltern , per < > t , 3.V : Sulphate cl
Morphine , per oz , $3 75 ; Sulpnur Hour ,
per lb , tc ; Strychnine , ner or , 81 CO.
-No. I , 12 to 20 ft , NO 00 ;
No , 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , Ill 00 ; ihcetlnjj iliwed ,
No. 1 , IS 00 : No. 2 , 16 00 ; common bonrd * ,
dressed. 20 00.
. ' 15 VMING 1C ft. and under , jwr M ,
2000 ; 10ft. ftuddlm ? , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 21 ! 00 ;
21 ft. 25 Ou.
K1N1S1UNO No. 1. finish 11 , 11 imd
2 Inch , 5'iO 00 No. 1 fmUh 1 isich $ J5 00 ;
No. 2. finish 1 } , 14 ami ' - inch. ? 4riOO : No.
2 finish , 1 inch , WO 00 ; No , 3 , 1 iivh ,
83500 ; O , 15. bnttonn per jOO fwl llu. ,
SI 00 : vrell curbing , 52200 ; lon h i ami 2
Inch b.itton * per 100 feet lii > . , WV.
HTOCK nOAKD.S-Ai.tock , .fW OOt U
$3j 00 : U , 8.0 00 : common * toek , S22 CO.
FLOORING No. 1. * tO 00 ; No. 3.
W CO ; No , S , flttOO ; jelJitw pine. No. 1 ,
flIDINQ-No. 1 , $24 00 ; No. 2 , § WOO ;
No. 3. SIS 00.
HUH' LAI' Plain , 52200 ; 0. . No. 1 ,
$32 00 ; No. C , 322 00.
a 37 00.
L.VTK ANf > .SHINCiLKS A ftainte. ! }
? 3 S5 , No. 2 , ? 2 50 ; No. 3. 52 UO.
Lath , $3 tO.
Dutldlnc MaterUI.
LIMK-Par barrel , ftl 35 ; bulk per 1m. ,
35o. Cemsnt , bbl. S2 50. Iowa
bbl , S3 50. Hulr per bu. 35e. Tarred
felt 100 1U. S3 50. Straw Kiard. $4 00.
. PAPKK-Stuiw , paper , 3t'e ; IR pnpor ,
Ic ; dry fiwdx DK-nsr , 7o ; nuuila paper , 10i- ;
new * paper , bo.
COAI Cumberland blttcfcpinith , 512 ;
Morrin Kun lllo-nbun ; , $12 ; Whitebreait
lump , $0 ; Whitcbreitut nut , $0 ; lotta
lump , 55 : Iowa nut SO : Kock Spri-JK i Sty
AnthracitB , all * lron. 812 50.
Paint * Oils and Varntahe * .
PAINTS IN OIL \Vhitn lead. Oniahs
P. P. , 7e ; white lead , 0. P. k C. Co.pure , i
Oo ; MarnellleH green , 1 to C lb canK , 'JOc ;
French zinc , groin neiil , 12 ; i'rench tine ,
red ceal , lie ; French xino , In vamihh n pt ,
20o : French rincc , in oil aunt , 15c ; Kaw
and burnt umber , I lb CRUM 12c ; raw and 5
burnt , Siennfc , 13e : vnndyko blown , 13 < ;
lefined lampblack , 12c : coach blaek , 1'c ;
ory blaek , lOc ; drop black , lOc ; Pruwian
blUB , 30c ; ultramarina blue , ISc ; chrome
green , L. M , fc I' . , 14c ; blind and nhutter
k'reen , L. M. < t D. , 14c : Par ! ' * freen. 18c :
l-dinn red , 15c : Venetian red , Uc ; Tu carl
r.i. , 22c ; American Vermiliod , I. & P. , ISc ;
chroma yellow , L. , M. , O. it D. O. , ISo ; (
vellow . . ochri . _ . > , . 9c _ ; . _ k-olden . . ochrn _ , 10 ; pntont
t. 1 ! * LA . . , .1. .Jn l.
0 colorn dnrl
Jryer , ; graining : li/ht / uak. :
c , vrftlnut. che-.tnut mid nth 12c.
Dry ° nlnt
AVhito lead , C ie ; t-'rencb line. lOe ; Pnm
vvhitoiiiK 2Jc ; whitinp plders , IJc ;
vhitint ; coinM , Uc ; lampblack I'ermnn-
town , 14c ; Inmpblack , ordinary , 8c ; Prun-
niaii lilue , 45c ; ultramarine , IKe ; tandyke ,
brown , PC ; nmbcr , burnt , Ic ; umber , ra - ,
Ic : niewi.1 , burnt , 4c ; fiennn , raw , 4c
Paris preen genuine , 35c ; P.iri * preen com'l ( .
25c ; chrome preen , N. Y.4 20c ; cliiom-
ri'en K. , I'Jc ; termillion , I'ny. , 70c ; > er-
million , Amerioa , 18c ; Indian ml , lOc- , (
ro"e pink , 14ccm ; < ti n , Tookfon'ti
-'ijc ! : voie led Am. , lc ; red lead , 7 0 !
uhromnyellow l > , ( 'enuiue , 20c ; chromo yel
low > K. , I'.V ; OL-liro , rochelle , fc ; or-hre ,
'n-ncli , 2 c ; ochre , American , l c ;
Wiuter'n mineral. 2Jc ; Ielii < h brown. 2jo :
HpniiLsli brown. 2Jc ; Prince'ii mineral Scj
VAUNIS lli:3 : BarrtU per gallon. Mil
Fm-nittir * , , extra , ? 1 10 ; funiituve , No. 1 ,
: furniture , U , We ; coach , extra , $140 ;
Cone , No. 1 , 1 20 ; Damar , $1 50 ; Jitpiui , liv
70c ; wphaltum , 70c ; uliulLic , 63 50 ; nurd
finish. ; SI 30
OILS 110carbon , per gallon , 12c ; 150'
hi-Hiilight , per gallon , 13c ; 175 * headlight ,
per Kallon , 17 , . . cr.v > tolinc , per gallon , 20c ;
linseed , nw , per gallon , til ; liniecd , boiled ,
er gallon , 07c ; lard , winter ht 'd , per irul-
Inn , 1 05 ; No. I , SOc : No. 2 , 05c : c.wtor ,
XXX. ; per gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 1 l/i / : Hweet ,
per gallon. ) H."o : nperm , W. I ! . , per gallon ,
35 ; Jii < h , W. B. per gallon , CPc : neaUfoot , at
extp , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , 05c ; luhri-
catii :
< ! <
2,30 ; Hpcrm , Hi nal , per gallon , SOc : ter for
pi-ntine. ptr pallon , 0 < e ; imjithn , 7t" , jier for
jiitllon , SOc ; G " , 20c.
He.ivy Hnrnware List.
Iron , rateH , $3 50 ; plow xteel , oust , 7ic ; libd
- tool do. 15j ( .20 wnpon npokcn , j > et. S
25@3 00 ; hub * , per fet , 1 25 : felliM , Kaved
% 1 40 ; ton uef , Ku-b , 70@85c ; axlm ,
each , 75c ; rriuam nut , t > ur ll > , 7 < < $ llcj
w.-whcriJ , jwr lb , K@lc ! ! ; nvetw , per lb , lie ;
chain , per lb , ti@12c ; umllunblu , 8c ;
ron vredse * , Cc ; crowbar.x , ( ic ; harrow
teeth , 4s ; hoiHwhoc , per le5 00 ; Njirin ary
v 10 to 20d. 3 CO ; 8 to JO , 3 75 ; 22c
, 1 00 ; 4d , 4 25 ; 3d , common , 5 00 : 3d ,
, 0 50 ; clinch , all H'ZCH , 5 25 ; Od , rn-iuK ,
75 ; 8d cn-inx , 1 5 ' ; lOd c-win ' , 4 25 ; lOd
finish , 4 75 ; Sd fuiibh , 5 & 0 ; Gdiui li , 5 25
ke . lOe ostr.i.
SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Uuck shot , 82.10 ; OaU
Oriental Powder , l < e K , $0.40 ; do. , half
if * , 33.48 ; do. , iiuftrter kcx , 81.88 ; Ityo
< , keca. ? 3,35 : FUKI- r 300 fe t f < te.
Horart and Mulct.
The market in brink and all prodo-i nr
elllni ; well at a xlixht nd\anc in ) > ) ( ; .
deninnd for Kood lioruM tixwedn the
ily connldewbly. Pricei lanso a * fol
Bin lu driven" , Sl.'X ) . to 300. ; Hxtra 1
horned. $175. to 22."i. ; Common drn.'S
horien. $100. to 150. : Kxtra farm ' .
. to 125. ; Common ti oed farm hntw 1
. to S100. ; Extra pluiR , . ? ( . to 75. ;
Common plup ; , ? 20. to JO. 2
MULES. 15 to 15J hftud ( oitr ) , 5125. ct'ijitrt
tulfiO. ; 14J to 15 hand * . $100. to KO. ;
to 14 } Iiandf , 875. to 100 , ; ISJr to 1-4 f < /0
* , § 00. to 75.
Hides , rurs , Etc.
ImtchorV hide , 7jjreen ;
hidw , HJc ; f'reen wilt , pert cured
- , K@R'c ; dry Hint , bound , 13 < 514c } ; dry
and kip , 12 ( )18c ) ; drj' Halt hiden , Bound ,
ll(5J12c ; tireen calf , wt. 8 to 15 H.M. , 10@llc ;
calf , Mt , under 8 llw , per tkin , 50c ;
pelt" , SI 001 15 ; iroen lamb .
10@I25 ; damaged hide * , two-thiid r.i.c , i
ccored and one grub , chuwed two- 1
info rate , ) branded hlden 10 per < vnt. iff. 1
skinK , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3 ,
; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2 , forl
; No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , 5r. For , N < > . 1 , .Keb
; No. 2 , 25C. Skunk , No. 1 , black ,
Miort htripe , 40n- narrow Htrixi | 2'ic ; < 4 (
ttripo , lOc. 'J.'allow , 5Jc , * Janil
Wool. -
Merino unwashed , light , 14@10c ; heavy ,
3/315c ; medium unwuiliixl , lifht ? , 18tl20o ( ) ;
tub-wimhed , choice , 32c ; fair , SOc ; dingy
w. , 28c ; buny , black and ooltixl woof ,
Liquors. '
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 2 25 per winu
; extra. California npirit187 proof ,
per | proof gallon : triple refined HJilritx Flour
pnof , 1 21 per proof gallon ; ro-dirttlllid Wheat
whiHkleH , 1 00al ( 5fini ; ) bleirled , 1 ftfu , ( ! orn
Kentucky botiibonn , 200ii,700 ( ; K n-
and Ptmmylvanii rye * , 200J/7001 ( live
domestic 1 40@4 00.
GIN.S-Inn orted , 4 HJOiG 00 ; iloiniwttc ,
3 00.
t IMS Imported , 4 M0 ) 00 ; NVw
Knylancl. ' . Oyoll 00 ; domehtic , I 50@3 f,0 ; 510 ;
@ I 00 ,
CHAMPAGNES Imported per cano ,
< J834 00 ; American , i > er cane , 12 00 ®
CLAIIKTS Per cane , 4 5010 00.
WINKS -Khlne wine , per case , 0 00(5) \ \
; Catawlm , per MHO , 4 ( J0j,7 W , Juniiai
Clcar and Tobaccos ,
CIOAHS.-SeedK. 15.00 ; Connecticut , for
; Mixed$31.00 ! Sc d llavwia , 50,00 ; AI.iv.
Havana , 975.00.
TOHACCO 1'IjUO , Uoldfn llule ,
IK COo ; Spotted Fawn , Oic ; Our _
02r ; Star , pound * . 21 lb , butts OOo ; lIurKt-
Shoe , iNNindf , 21 lb , butts , OOr ; Purity , 24
lb , bntto , 52e ; ( } ncen Bee , 21 lb , butt * . r-3cl
( Jilt Kdte ; , potimU , 2 lb , bull * , 57 ; Army
id NRTV , pound * , Mr ; Bullion , pound * ,
cj 1/orlllard'a Climax , pounds. COe.
KINKCUT In pnilc. llartl ,
7/W ! Golden Thread. 70o ; Kountain , Wr ) ;
Favorite. 05c ; Kocky Mountain , " ;
Paney , Wte ) Dai y , 4. " * . -In tin foil -
_ O. S. . , 2. 71. pacHKc TI. I. lb '
l > r lit G.V | l/orlllardV IVr , OOo.
H.M01CIAllRriule ! -'oimnon , 25 to
33c. Granulated * lUitlmiu , 10
o51e ; Uulce * Durham , 1G or , .Xx > t Seal of
Ninth Carolina , 10 or. 40i i Sel , , of
kii , 10 or.Sc ; Ixinoilack , I M , linen bn
tier IK $ l.Sr > ; Marburg * ' IV.cU , 2 vi , tin
oil , 55c ; Dog TtUl. 6Se
Council DlalT * MurTict.
( . f.vciL Htrmi. Notemlwi 10.
Flour Mnnufaetiired by Crjntal nnd
City Milk 3 75cN ( 50 : K.mww and Mit.
Hour ! flour. 3 504 CO ; Bni'mia , 3 75 ; tye
limn , 3 40.
llritn nnd Short * 17 00 per ton ,
Chop Corn 22 50 per ton ,
Wheat-No. 2 , 8183 : No. 3 , fCc : re-
jecUv , 70e.
Corn -No. 2 , O , rejdton 43.
OatN.I. . 2 , 40c : rejected , 3.V ,
BarleyNo. . 2. 90c : No. 3 , 7iu.
\VcK i-
, live Hogw . . . . - -
Oattlfl Shlpp lift 4 OOiW 00 ; mlleh
COTVH 30 00rf,45 00 J'r hwul ; butUicrx
Mock , 2 75Cv3 00.
Sheen I 00M ( 00.
< 3 llidc-5c : G rf hide * , V.
Wool 155 5.
Butter - 30K35c. (
PotatoM-l OOfJil CO ; ' ' - - -
Onlom-1 25 ® 1 40.
Grwnd Juuottoti Miwhot-
( JUNCTION , I . Xofemlr 10.
. . „ „ 17c.
Butter 10 < ? lSc.
CilICAOO. November 10.
On 'CImnKi ! the market * tyened lower
but still. Tilt recciptH of jjrainvcro 1,055
nunifln ! by canal , and 514 cirloadii by ral ,
> m racing S7 of wheat , 357 o ( corn , 48 tf
oat * 3 of and 24 of barlej.
tlin | tl 111 rye * * * " " " " " -j
Flour Quiet and nlHiut unchanjeil ;
very littlu demand ; coniinnn to ehoieii
iring wuMteru , ? 4 00@0 75 : Minnesota ,
lTi ! 7 50 ; patent7 50u.l ) ' 25 ; low Rraden ,
350ii5K ( ( ) ; rye llour , 5 S0u,0 ( 111 ; winter
brands , C 50S O'J ; buckwheat Hour , S 00
@ 1000.
Wheat In No. 3 uprips itheat lluve
traHan artivu Hpeculative dinnnnd to-day ,
and althou.h , the market w-n lu r enrly ,
hharp advance follow il. The market at
thu opining wan wrakcr nnd prices wens j
olicloivermid fell nit an udditionnl ifc ic ,
then btc-iinc ntrouger nnd tvith ( .light Hue-
tuationx udvanci > n2 } ( 2 c per tiinhol The
demand was nctivc , aluitts buying freely
nnil tin' ndrani o um Kr"11" ! ! . 'I'll inn.-
ket ruled uustttled , fluo'.uateJ anil liimlly
cio-ul about jo hljcher on tea'iilur biurJ ,
and on c ill at 1 1'J ! | for N n umber ; ? 1 : 0
for Uecombci ; 1 30J for , I ntinry : 1 J ! f r
the year ; Xi > . 3 Hpiinif , 1 13'U 13i ; re
jectcd , 'JOfctKie , iicoiird uj , ' to legation.
I'orn TnpiiHinand waiqtiii't nd iictixe
.11 poculitivo ticcouut nnil utleiingn f.iir.
The inaikuL opened lathtr tiinio at l ( fie
liuclinu and ruled weak until iifurth rie-
tiictiimiif jc wnn subniiUed till nboiit tha
middl of llio hv iim when n htroniicr feel-
. _ - , . , .
a good iniiiiifHit repurttd .it tlitad -
iig hcale. Toward the rloMi the feel-
irg VHIH easy nnd ] irire- declined Hlightly. . r.kthcr li ht trailing : No. 2 and hiili
mix d clo-ed mi c.illat 5'jjc inr Dircmli i ;
* for year ; OOJc for Junnary ; Gl c for
May ; Oljjc for Juuu ; icjtcled , 5CiJc.
O.iU The market wa-i again iutliiuneed
the change-i in the leading maiUrts ; ,
futuren u em iCtiJc lower early , but ad
tain ed fGc ? and ruled ijuiet and firm ; tin
demand uvs g ml ; No. * ! cloHtd on c'tl a
42Jc for November ; 43 0 for Decumbei ,
Ktlfc for llio yenr , January and I'ebru-iry
45gc for May.
Kyc P rui nnd bettur ; no debirnto mill ;
No. 2 , % o Divumber ; U7o for Jutmarj
llarU'y Sti-ndv ami firm , but little
one ; > o. 1 ! , 1 Olif/ll O/forcanh.
1'oik Ac. ire Ami highm ; me s cloned
l.r. UO for December ; 17 22J17 25 for
January ; 17-12j for 1'ebniaiy end bid
Lard -Stronif nndhichcr : closed at 1105
Deeimiher ; 11 274 f ° r Ii i > uary ; 11-10
February ; 11 50 fur .Mnreh ; 11 70 for
Bulk MtiatnStonily and ( inn ; hhort
, S 55 for December ; 8 7 > " > foi January ; C
D5 for February.
WliNki.liuiet all 14.
Butterviuiet. . There WIIH n Mimll lo al
demand for choice dairy mid rieameiy ,
ottering * of which wera ample ; other
grad ttor. ) in light mcim-tt ami Hleai'y ;
choiro to fancy urcamery , 3la,30c ( ; ordin
to Rood do , 20 ( < ? 'tt'c ; good tn fancy
dairy , 20o,32c ( ; emuiiion to fair do. , IWu )
; ladle packed , 14@7e. }
Kggt ; In fair inquiry at 23Ji24i ( ! ; for
btrictly freth ; iilTuri KH iiiod r.itii.
Itec'tH. Shipm'tH
Flour UH.5I3 IOhH !
Wheat 31.08J 10 , 00
Corn 5UI.191 45,1100
41,5.1C 00,015
5,2'JI U..M'J . '
Barley 33,2112 15j8V )
io ; , Novornbnr 10 , .
j. } {
C.tttle Wuak and low. with little di < - B
poxition to trade : nod to choicn fhippliig
hteorn , 5 00 ( < i.O 01) ) ; conitnon to iiieiliilin ,
OOCCfi 2"i ; iibtite butcjieri , 2 Mlfe-t 25 ;
HtocktrM and feeder , 2 OOffiH 95 ; Tvxaim ,
( Off00. ! . Ii ( < cuiptH , 0,000 head ; xhlp-
mentK , 2,000 head.
Sheep--Weak nnd lower ; poor grad n ,
Sii' ( ) < 50 ; good tn choice , 4 Ol ( ! i.5 00. Itn- l
, 2,000 ; t hipmt'iiU , 500.
'ogrt Stuuly and demand fair ; heavy n
les about no lowrjr ; mixed packing , 5 50
50 ; clu > lo l heavy , 0 I'Ofi.G 00 ; culln and
gran-em 3 OOfff B 20. UeceipU , 37,000 head ;
uhipmelitH , 4 , ! 00 hen I.
St. Xiouin Produoo-
ST. Ix3t ) IH , November 10.
Flour Quiet and unchanged.
Wheat Hfchtr and firmer ; No. 2. red ,
'JSJfijU 30 for e-fOi ; 1 37 © N
Mi ) for December ; ! 39jjtil4l ( for January ;
421 11 for .February ; No. 3 do , 1 27 ®
27i ; November do , 1 15W1 10. for
Corn Higher ; OSfSOlcforcanhjOSj io win
Deciimber and .T.itinury ; OWSi5o ( ( for
February ; 07fifi.OS7c f rMay.
Oat-t JJetter ; 42j ( J'13Jc for cash ; liii
4Sllc i fur D c inber ; 45fjo for
Janiuiy ; 48 ; Aiay.
Hye. Slow nt Uflc bid
B.irltiyfnehanged ; prlnio to choice ,
lliitter Steady and unchanged.
UK&QiiicfHt 3 > ( Ti.21c.
Iead ( i tt at 4 00.
WliiHfcyL.w r at. 10 ! ) . lon
1'ork 'UniM ; At 17'J. .
Lard Noiiiina ly at 10 07 } . lie
Keo'tn. Hhipin't" ,
. 2,000 r./K ( )
. 13,000 5,000
. 14,000 4I,000 !
1 0001,000 lioor
1,200 , iiifH
St. Louiu Llvo Stock ,
ST. LoUIH , N.'Vember If.
urn Stronij-r ; lightchljipln , ' 500ei of
YiukerH , 5 70ft 5 Kt ; Mixed picking i'Ht
35P0 00 ; butcher * ' to fimcy , 0 lOfoli 4 . niich
Kceoiptu , 8,500 hoa < l : i.hipiiifiitH , 1,200
Toledo Proauon
Tn.iini : , November 10.
heat Dull and ea l r ; No 2 , I 85 Jo
forNiixenibfr130u ; for Decernberil 3Hoor
y ; lOJo for 1'ebrnr.ry.
foni-Kteady : No. STOofor cnMi ; 82c
December ; liljc for January ; GOju for
-Dnlli No , 2 ,
Katun * City Prortnon Market ,
K.tNnAM Cnv , Not ember 10.
Whrnt leielpti ! , 15.3s > 5 bu n ! llh-
drawn. 2 , S2 j in dor , 151,031 bimlii'ls ;
inaikrt wrakemnd limerNii ; , 3 , for N-
temper derliiied ( ! c ; S'n 1 ni-d , liomiiul
f r Not ember je.vh , N7e ; Niuenil er St > ;
No 3 , i.ifh , niiiid IR' ' ; Nut em erT'c ; le-
niber. 1 00\V 1 00' ; .1 i imry , 1 02 ® t 02J :
Nn. 2 , Nmcmber , 1 13.
Cmn KrcrlptH , 12.000 bi licN ; will.-
drrwn , 5.031 ; In Kb re , 8,323. Mnrk > l
Millet : No. 2 nilted , oa h , Met
Nov tuber , 5Sji ( .5J > jo ! ! December , Mlje ;
tea , focIiIttXo ; * * \\liitclnl\ril , ca-d'G1J ' ( )
Gljc ,
i ' aU N" , 2 , caih , 42J : ; Darointrar ,
Itje- November , JOr.
Vionr Mnrket vveatc and N'OW ; fine ,
175 1 ; f nilly , 2 90 ; choice , 3 10 ; fancy ,
3 25
10V iyUecfipti tatROtf eholco quitlityi
Butter I'lrin ; receli > U llijlit ; choice ,
low ,
Apilen- I 50CoV , 00.
t'lireiiBent , 15c.
Kunfat Crtar.i 13aN.14c. (
ProtiioniShniililrrH. . 8'00nMtvlOOO ;
imoked nhou'derr , ! )00. ) ilo , 1025 ; utftr ;
ruivd haiiiK , 13 0i ; b.tcon , 13 00.
Kntucne City IilvnStooli *
KANrtArtCrrv , XovemborlA
C Ul * Mnrknt tvcsk ; rermi t < 2,08.1 ;
natit-n cow , 2 ; .f.f3 17feedeiH. ; 210205 ( ;
butehrri * n f er3 20 ; Texnn "t'-erx , 3 U'CrtJ
33 , ' > : TeMiconn 3 25 ; C Inu.lo , \y < t
i Hi . . ; ( .hipping * our" . 3 US550 ) ( ; bu 1 , 200
HOJH ; lierol. to. 3 f47 ; mA > kct wmk ;
tt W < t ! > Pfli medium , 5 3Xft ( i CO ;
, 400rf,4 ( 75.
Noteml > er 10.
Vlour \ Americ- , Ito OdfJMS *
Wheat NS'intor , 1M OdWlln Id : Tthito ,
10 < 10dll : cprins. ! ' * I'dfelCi ' 5d ; club ,
lln ld < hlln ) M.
Com- 9jd.
I tnl 5Si
New Vovk Dry Ooottft.
Nlivv VOHK , Note nber 10.
Diy KOO < ! K tnnrket to-dav pin erit d
f w now feituriM of not nnrthy mention ,
cotton < joodH ; U-liijf in fair demand ktlirnt
hum % Uut drefrt KIIO < | K , pr'ntu ninjf1 nij ,
etc. , was ninitly qu t H UKU1 1 thin
stitc of the ne.imm. Jobliltig trade waH a
trttlainorB iirtivn HH repirdrt I n mil HH-
1 li-iti > n rt liVd a fair di tribntloti of HH < m-
n In , K"O'H win mflde In nxeeu'ion of until
aud teli'B aph ordem ,
Now ICnrlc lrortnon
NKM YoiiK.Notemler 10.
Vlour- Dull : citv mill , xirn , 0 00@
7 05 ; Kliiptnnir , i-xir.i , 4 U0fr55(1 ( ; jouthern
dull HIM ! dtcHuiiiK ; cumn.oii tochoicaextr ,
5 0 ( LC8 50.
Whent Cloud fining : nliibtly huher ;
No. l.iod , l.TINo2 : , Cliiraoiiiid Mil-
auko l 3S311 { 30 ; No 2 rod. November ,
40Ji'1l ( 1 'lido , D-eimbcr , I 134W1 Hl-
Cor - Kirm and hilii'i ! demand n mli-r-
ate ; No. 2 white , 73Je ; No. 2 , Nj\ember ,
OutLe'iic'itii and in buyers f vor ;
No. 1 whis53i' ; NH. 2 , 51c , No. I mixed ,
4Scnd\rdw ; < tern , 15Ci ) ScNo. ; 2 mixed ,
Niivembt" , 17K < ixIHo.
K > Dull ; C mad' . 1 f3 in bond.
Barley ! S ruie ! No. 1 Canada , 1 14@
1 IB.
Pork -Dull ; xpol mes , 1750.
Laul Quii-t and ctcwlv : 11 25 fin c.vsb
nnil Not ember ; 11 27 iC' ' , 11 HO for Deceuv
Ili-ef and Cut Mcati Unchanged.
Whisky Nominal.
Baltimnro Jprotlnno.
B\I.TIMOKK , November 10
Vlour Quiet.
Wheat fcontl't-rn , fiirin ; future 1 31ry ! (
I 10 ; 1UK errv , 1 43W1 18 ; No. 2 red winter ,
firmer ; I "SJu ( I 31 forcaih and November
1 41 fr Dectnibci ; common whitn
.ni firm , 70ffl71c ; ye'low ' , steady ,
vriit'jiii , tirm , ( ! 0c.
Puu.AliKl.l'HIA , November 10.
M nout Kailcr ; 1 30 for each a-id No
Mii-iier , 1 101$1141J for Do ccuiber.
( , < -HaKier ; 05jc for P.IHI ; 084(1 ( ?
OOc. for November.
OatiKaticr ; 51c . for cjuh ;
fur November.
Kyc Quiet at 1 00 for caih.
Buffalo Iilvo Stock.
Ki4T BUXKAI.O , Not umber 10.
llogii lus'i ! > r ; rcciiptfl , 53 c r : nhip
mentH , 47 can , ; Yor-en , 0 lOftilO 20
no i inediuuiH , C 20f < jO 40 ; choice heavy
400 f 0. _
E-RtliHmrty Iilvo Stock.
KAHT LIHKKTY , Pa. , November 0.
Cattl"Very dull ; nhiulo oil ; rectiptc
1,053 ; liiimniit | , 7H.
IlngKDull : receiptu , 4,300 ; hii meut < ,
1,700 ; PhiladelphiuH , 0 30@0 50 ; Yorkcrn
ttWaft'Jj. . . . . . .
rhecpNothing doim ; reeeiplrt , 1,200
Hliljnuunix , 09 ,
Pcorin Prodaoo.
PKORIA , November 10.
Corn -1'n 'or ; high mixed , 5'.lJfeOOr
O.i'tflStwiiiv ' ; No 2 whit" , 431@41 : .
HypIiiao'ive ; ' .IOfiii9'Ji\ '
Iliglivvinoi Unsc-ttleil.
INo'ti. Ship
Whrnt 475
Corn 05.225 30.00T
OrttH 28,050 35.0111
yo 3,1150 ' ' 2,30 (
rli-y 1,050 Pradnoo.
( CINCINNATI , November 10.
Mo-H Pork Jnbbini ! , 18 OOfffllS 25.
Lard Firm ; prlmn Hteim , 10 U5.
Bulk MeatH Steudy ; clear Hidiw , 0 05fn
Bacon -Stnadv ; clear side , 11
no } .
Plour-Strnncer : family , fi f > 5a,7 f 0.
Wheat -FirmerN ; i. 2 red , 1 40.
Corn Higher ; No. 2 mixed , 0 % : .
OaU Firm ; No. 2 mitcd , 4Cc.
Kye Ka ier ; No. 2 , 1 05.
Hurley-Firmer ; No. 2 , fall , 1 12. Hauler nt 1 08.
Bml Baldwin ,
tlonnl AB ocl lei | I'ltM
Niitv YOJIK , Novombcr 10. - Duputy
HheriiriJ'igt ; JIUH rend nil nttacliinin
$2.000,000 agniimt Ofcir L. JJald-t
, the iliihiultint ; Nuwurk o.whior ,
which wni obtHincd by nicoivor Fre-
liuyfl in ii ( linnnuoB for wrongful
couvcmiiin of pciaunal propurty from
January iHt , 1873 , to October 1st ,
1881. The papiirH wiiro norvutl on
Kennedy , Jlutcliiimon > V : Co. , f't-o , H.
Hcott \ , Co. , uiul Jlunyan & Iloylu ,
Htouk broktirx , but thuy nmdo tbo ni-
tuin that tlmy had no piopurly bu-
inf , ' to hitn. The Unit niiinud Btiiil
iiutor had an account with him.
„ . . . >
The close conlinoment of nil factory
work yivt-'H the opcrnlivim p.illid fuci-H ,
upputitu , lanu'iiiil , nimi'niblo fool-
, ] i or blooil , inactivu liver , kul-
ami urinary troublim , and till the
phyHiViiinit ami mudicino in thu world
cannot licit tht-in unlii-H tlmy ot out
dooi-M or UHO Hop HiltiiM , the pur-
and bent rumedy , eapecially for
cii8i ) , havii'f ; nbundnncu of
health , miimhino ami rosy cheoltH in
thorn. Thny cost but a trillo. Sue
nnotlmr column. Christina Jteconlur
SpdI altnntloH i.'lieu tooollevtloni In BaU r
s the first to make the announce
ment to his customers and
the general public ,
Always sold at the lowest Market
We carry the largest stock and
make the Lowest Prices.
Orders promptly filled and every
attention given to patrons.
1313 Farnham Street :
OmaFia , Collins
Cheyenne , 9 Colorado
Fall and Winter
mi , m
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit al > .
Is Once More Called to the Fact that
Rank foremost in the West in Asso rtment and
Prices of
Furnishing Goods
Hats and Caps.
Wo nro'propured to moot the donmndn of the trade in rogwrd to Latoat Style * ,
and I'attorno. Pine Merchant Tailoring in Coiiiutction
1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th St
J .
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
. .
Near Union Pacific Depot , , OMAHA , NEB
Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks
north * of
F y