I . mirro A TJ A n A Tf.V B A V "Wmri\rP.IT ! > tt 1001 FJNAIiGE AND COMMERCE. rJNANCIAL. Xrw YQBK , Xo eml > r 10. unNnr. Won jcloel at CCiJ.Oi > rcent. T i lMiigo cloned Htrndy at 4 Sl } ( < ? ,4 Mj. UOTE1INUK.NT * . QoTemmenU closed ntwdy J follown : Ourrtncr f.'u . 140 Mil 4'ncoupon * . 1 105 U.I 4J' eouiKHis. . 1 Kijj i Id 5 continued . 102 1 M Oft continued . 1 OlJ lld tURRO.U ) JlfWW. Pacific rnilroiwl Ixiudi elrnpd M follows : Union fir-.U . . 1 171W IS Uniim laud KTimte . 1 1 UfeSl U Sinking funds . I U-'K'Sl 25 Otiitrolii . 1 U > & ! 1C KTOCKH. The utock market wa * actUe and utimij ; thitugliout , mid In fome c o lower | vlces were innde. The general Hit closed if < gU : per cent , hipher than j-e tor lay. New Albany & Clit-ai < o waj exceptiumlly The following are the clrwin bJ ! : .4 Til 52 HftHt.1 Preferred. . . . I1 ! Pre'prred. . . .llO B&Q 1137 K&T OS C'6 CO Ail C . . . . 21J NY C 14M ( CCCfcl ! > 3 { Omaha . . . . . . 42J 0 8 &C 57J Preferred. . . . 1030 CP i ) $ Diibvique f > G I'M 45J DAN Jln.-kl-.hnd . . .135 W TI > & U 24 Union Pacific..12U Krie 47i Preferred . . . 02J Preferred ! ' . ! ! ! )0 ) Brio & We.it. . 4liJ W U S7J P efcrred. . . . 27 $ MINIMS Following ar the h gho.it | nan * an mining Mtockn at tb New York mining exchange : Oriental A. M. 02 Silver Cliff. . State Line2&3 215 " OSS ' Bechel" . , 50 /lbion'lnfl. . ! . . . 175 Bodi . . 550 Minor Boy. . . . 41" . 7 ! ) Gala 05 foutli Par , 803 Con Vu . . llTi Chrysolito . , 0 North'n Belle. 13 Starmnut . . 2ir Green Mount'n 250 i o CHICAGO JIONKT MAKKKT. CIIICAOO , Novmnl-er 10. Money VIM in "od demand aud firm at 07 per cent. Jjuxtvrn exchinx'u between eity bankK at 75r premium per § 1,0 0. The olearim , ' * nf th amoeiftted bunk" were ( f8,200,000. The flow of moiioy to tlia in- 3 t 'ioi wan only moderate. 2 COMMERCIAL. 2 Omaha Wholesale Market. ( Ori'icE OJTHK OMAHA Bus , ) Thur-day KvcninR , November 10. f 1 BmineM wan fairly nctive t i-day , ont- goim ; rnvfliandito wa < in full volume and 2 markets wrro cheerful. Grain niled nteft'Iy Wheat unchanged. Bnrlny advatirod 2@3c. " Com a fr.irii ji ow > r than ye teiday. . . Oats In a fraction lower. Provision ! firm. K.'gj verj carcu aud adtautod jfeOc per * dozen. lb PotatipM weru fi-m. Butter unchanged. do Applti in fair wupply. ( . - Pn.iri6 chicUeni , Djckrt and Gee'o un ( ? changed. Hi Jos and wool Rtcadv. Poultry in good Hupply : Livestock nnch ned. ( In drui we note a decline of 3o for Xo. 3CuHtor Oil. . . Locaf Uraln UealmRt. 7ic WHEAT. Uaiih No. 2 , 1 10i ; cash Hie No. ) . ' . 'J5J : rejected 74ie. Sjc BAKLhY. ( 'axh No 2 , 03c ; No , 3 , Lf file. file.KYK.Ca.th KYK.-Ca.th , 7Uic ett COUN. Canh No. 2 , 4oic. OATH. ( Vnh. 'MJc. HAY $7 00Ii8 ( 00 per ton. Livestock. 1-4 4 AT cor.vcu. ni.crrs BTOCK YABIW. Cattle Good shipping , SM 005 00 ; fat oow-i ind heifera. § 2 75 ( & .3 00. Hofpi Mixed packing , $5 2o@5 50. 39 ] 0c flheep Blaushtcring iu demand at ? 4 00 30 ® 600. * Provisions. ( JTjOUK Sprms wheat , BtraiRht ( fr de , $3 25@3 7.r > ; patent , $3 7fi@4 00 ; winter tin wheat htraight Kr. le S3 85@4 23 ; patent , do V * 450@H > 0 ; graham rye , 82 "j ; Wheut , $3 00. KYE FLOT'Il f 25. Fall MlLLSTUFJ/S-Bran , per cwt. OOc ; L creeninp1. i > r cwt. SOc ; Bhort * , per cwt 1.00 : chopped feed , per cwt. 1 20 ; meiil N ) > olte < L yellow. 1 10 ; white. 31 75 , POTATOES In car lotn , 1 OOffil O.r. ; 0 Halt Lakw , 1 25(0)1 35. lletail , 1 COfo1 175. I7c 175.SWKHT SWKHT POTATOKS-Genuino Miwa- 12c tine , 4c perlb. POUl/rUY Chicken * drewed per 8c ; dozen , S2 .r)0ft2 ) ! 7. . PKAIKin OHICKKN'rf ? 3 50@3 OC per ( in/en. 19c QUAIL -Per do * . . S2 r.00i2 7o. 12Jc WILD fJKKSK 2 7.r @ 3,0. WILD Il'ClvS-100ta31f)0. > ; GiS Firm : scarcoat I032c. ( BU'ITLK Choice Kcarceat2030oor ; | , 17Je no market : ereitmtry , S0@3.ric. 9le APPLES Good , wuud , Tery ncnrce tra t C4 B01&34 75 per bbl. SO HONKV California whitn clover in , extra omb , 24,25e. ( nam LKMJNS Stca < ly : per box , $1000 ; lOic Finest Medina orange * $8 00 repacked. MALLACA GKAI'K.H-I'er bbl.8 f.0 per half bbl , , 1 50. lOJc BKKSWAX Yellow , 18a20r. ( } blue ONIONS 1 5"1CO perlU.ihel. brown CABBAGK-51 00 ( ,2 00 par dozen , as do to quality. 9Je CKAMJKKKIKS-Per bbl. , ? 10 00 © Hi 11 0. blue OKLKHY Per doz. . CO 5.P1C. IJKKSSKI ) CHlCKKNH-Per lb. , 10@ lining. inc. X'l.iml inc.UKKSflKD UKKSflKD TUKKKYS-Per lb. , 12 } © 15 * . fc ; DKKSSKI ) DUCKS P r lb , , 12Je. DUKSSUDGIIKSK Per lb. , ll@13e. Oroc r > List. toga OOFFKK. Kio , lair. 13Jc ; KIo , Rood , J4c ; Kio , prime to choice , 14c ; Old L-ov't Java ; 20@l8Jr ! ! , Mocha , 28Jc ; ArbuckleV , 17IC. Am 17IC.TEAS. TEAS. Gunpowder , Ro < x1 , 4.l > fS5ri. ' > cj Cone Choice , ( < 07 , " > c ; Imperial , good , -)0@'iric ) ; fl ( Choice , Iffl&'fc ; Yountf Hynon , treed , 3&ti BOcj choice , C.rjc31 00 : Japan Nat Leaf , rimar bore K od SUOAHH. Cut loaf , lljc : Cnmhwl , kaag lljc ; ( "raimlated. lie ; Powdered , lljc lie ; Fine powdered , ll cj .Standard Colfeo A. lOJc ; New York Confectioiier'n Standard i A , lOJcj Good A , 108c ; Prairie Hxtra C , 9-c. ( 9c.SYPJJPS. . Suphr IIOUBC , Wilt. SOc ; half C bis , 52c ; kefr * , 4j Kallnnv , ? 2 50 ; choice 17Jc toblfl Bynip , 50c ; half bbl , 53c , kegK$2 50. Ktone SPICKS. IVpper , " ° : AllHpioe , 20s ; SIIIMOX ICc ; Clores , 45c ; Xutinei ; * , § 1 00 ; Caiwia , Me ; Mace $100. plain SODA. DvduhtV lb paiiers , ! W 00 ; De- fancy land do , ? 3 00 ; Church' * , * 3 00 ; Kef nodm STARCH. Pearl , 4jc ! Sllrer aionn , . gl Jcj Corn Starch , 6 i9e < ; KxceUlor GloM , 7c ; Corn , 7Jc. SALT. Drny loa < l . par bbl , 1 95 ; Anh- 7-4 , ton , in nackp , 3 50 ; bbU dklrjr 00 , 6n , S 45j do l > bld dairy , 100 , &s , 3 C5. 68 , peuehr * , now crop , 10eltnix | > r ted Apple1)1 S Ibloxes , 13Ju514c ( ; Michl-wi'lc ( : New Vork applew , Sir ; Prune , * , old , , 7jc ; new , JUe ; Currantis 7@7i ; nUckberrlew , now CIU'.KSK Full ( . 'roaro , K-c ; 1'w-t Skim. IMc. WOOD KNWAKK Two hoop pail- , 9J ! three lump pailc. 2 20 ; No. 1 till * , 0 Mi ) No. 2 tubs. , S 50 : No 3 tulv , 7 50 ; liloneer wfj < hboani , 1 &T ; Double 21H ) : WolMmeUts 32V LKAD llftr , ? 1 O , ' . . MATCH KS Per e.-kdilio , SWcj numd ww e . S7.li. ' ! I < II UOCA.- , STi.lO. P15OVlSION'S-l'.re.ikfa-t bie choice Innl , IS e : dried beef , 13Jc : crs , caina eil 9c ; bacon. ridc < 12\c NinV PK'Kf.KSMedium , la burro ! * , ? 10 00 : do in half Wil < , S 7rinmnllii ; , in bbU , 12 00 do , in half lilil * . 7 CO ; ihprkln , in bills 14 00 : do , In half bbl * . 7 M. VINKGAK Pure apple extra , Ifje : pnronpt'le , l.To : Pnin'Uiir nur nnnle , II' * . HOMINY New , SO 00 per bhl. BP.ANSMedium , band picked § 3.00 i > or bmhel : nary , f-l 00. KOrK Sii-al. J Inch nd Iw er , 9\c \ : ) neb , lli-j i Inch , 10k. SOAJ'.S ICirk'w Savon Imperial , 345 : KlrkV BRtinct , 3 40 ! Kirk'w tnnd n1 , 3 50 ; KlikV white Kim- inn , 5 Mi KirkV Kutoca , 2 O.V3 KlrkV Pruirii- Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , CO : KirkVt nmpmilia , 4 M. f'ANDLKS-Bnxw , 0 11 * . 10 n.S * , 16cl.ixe 10 IK , 10 or. . G * . lOc. LYhAmeriean , 3 40 : Greenwich , .140 : V.em , 2 75 } North Star , 2 M ; LewiV lye , 4 CO ; J WU lye , 275. POTASH ! Vnni.ylnntft cnns , 4 d ( . ' , Iu uw , 3 35 ; Habbitt' Itiill , 2 do . In caj e , 1 00 : Anchor Hull 2 doz iu two. t 30. FIKLD SI'.KD Ko < l clover , choice new , $0 00 p ir bunhcl ; miunmoth clever new , 57 00 ; white clever , now. S14 00 al alfi clo\rr , new , 512 W ; ali lke , ne\v , 81300. Timothy , gooil , new. | 3 00 ; blue T.-UIK , v\r.i , eli-an , ) ? 1 50 : blue Kra- , clean , 51 2.r > ; orchard tfrn * < i$2.T > 0 : r sl top , hoice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Muwouri , SOc " ; millet , Gorman , 8100 to $125 ; "unKiuinn , 80c , HKDOUSKKP-O u oraturo , 1 to ' bujheln , 8r > 00 ; ooage oranRe , 10 buoheli or over , $4 .r > 0 ; hon y lo < nist , [ tor lb. , Kc ; per 100 Ibr , 52 , ' ' 00. FISH Family while a h , 00 lb hf hbU , S3 75 : No. 1 white Mi , 90 lb hf bbln. 0 30 ; No. 1 white fwh. in 10 lb kiU , 1 00 ; family 10 lb kitu , 7.r > c ; New Hwllntid herrinjf , P r kot , ' , 1 35 ; Ittifwtiui wiriUne 7fc ; Colut"- hia river iwluion , per lOOllvs , 8 00 ; Geoiyo' ' Bank codfuih , Gc ; Gen. b < nelcwi codtliih ; 3Jc ; bonel < v , fish , 4jc. MACKKKKL Half bbln m < w mackerel , 100 llw , 812 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ox nhoro do , 100 1U < , C 00 ; hf bblx , fat family do , 100 Ibrt , 3 H5 ; tnoHH mackerel , 12 lb klt , 2 23 } No. 1 ox Hhore , 12 lb do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore , 12 lb do. 1 00 ; fat family. 10 lb do , 75c. i CANNED GOODS Oynterx , 2 lb KieldV ) , per cane , * 1 20 ; do 1 lb ( Field's ) , ' per ca e , t ! 50 ; do 2 lb ( Standard ) , per cae , 90 ; do 1 lb ( ntandard ) , per cane , 2 50 ; do lb ( rtluck ) , p.-r . cve , 2 75 : do 1 lb ( Black ) , nor cane , 200. Onions 3 hO. Salmon , 1 lb. pur dozen , 1 COyi.1 70 ; do 2 lb , per dozen - . 55. Sardine * , wunll fiih , imported , _ ono oa quarter lK > xea per box , 14Jc ; American , juarter boxca JM r l ox , lie ; do half boxeH , per box , 21Jc. "I.obftern , 1 lb \ > er itozen , SO. Tomatoes. 2 30 : do 3 tb per nine , 310 ; Corn , 2 lb ( Mountain ) per ca e. 3 70 ; so.tked com , 210 ; do lb ( Yarmouth ) , per ca e , 375 ; firing beaiiH , per cate , 2 25 ; .Lima beann pur ca e. 2 20. Succotash per case , 225. _ JVfti. , tommon , pur cade , 2 OOipoiui , choice , pur ciifc , 4 50. Blaclcberries , 2 lb , per c.vse , JhOj rttnktvborrira , 2 lb , pur rnHe , 2 75- ( . . . , . : . . . . : . , 2 lb , per cwe , 275 500. " DaniKoni < , 2 tl1 , per case , 215. . Bartlett - pcntx per one , 3 Co@4 00. Whortlober- ries per ea.su , 2 80. Kgff plumn , 2 lb per ' : tv , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 lb , per cane. 4 50. [ ' iHm KHn' < "S'-'J1) I" " " ctfet 3 50 : do choice , ' . ( * .r can1 f 0. Pine Apples , 2 lb , pur ciwe , w 400 575. IVachuM , 2 U > per cut310. . 3 lb , cai-e , 0 000 50 ; do , ( jjio ) , 3 lb , per -BHe.SSri ; do pie , 6 lb , per dozun , S 50. UIOK Carolina , .S@84c ; Louisiana , 7 $1 8Je. PKANUT3 Iton-ted , chotco , rod Ten- noMee , ! ) c per lb ; fancy white , lOc \ > cr lb ; oil raw white Virginia raw , lOc ; rou td , llio. Dry Goods. UHVN COTl'ONS AtlimticA. 8Je ; } Apple-ton XX , 7c ; _ Atlnnta _ A. 8c ; Boott FK , Kic ; Buckeye LL. ! - ! , 7c ; Cabot W , ] > ; Cliittanr.nKO A , tic ; > re t Falls K , ; Honour , 0c " : Honest Width , 7'i'c : In dian HcH'l A , "HJc ; Indian Standard A , ; luditn Orchard ri. w , , H4e , ; Lawience 1 > , 7c ; Mystic Hiver , 7Jc ; Puquot A , R c ; Shftwmnt LL , 07c ; Utica C , .Ijc : Wachu- > - B , 7Jc : do A , 84 ; do K 4S , 12Jc ; Wnl- po cott BB , 7c. 2 , KINK BKOWN COTTONS Allendtle ; 7ie ; Alliatoi 3-t , 3c 4 1 | ; - ; Arcylu , Atlantic LL. Oic ; Badyer State X 4-4 , 7c ; Bonutngton C4-1,0-'c ; BuckejoH. 1-1,0)cc ) cu-it Indian Oi chard VA.9-8 , 8'c ; Laeonia O 2 , SJlc ; Lehich K 4-4. Otc ; Ixinidalo 4-4 , drj : J'epperell ff 30 , 7c : ifr > O 32. 7ic ; do K , 7c ; do K 33 , HJc ; Poc-wwtt C 4-4 , 7 c ; . - VainHutta-i.4 , 13c. roil BLKACHKI ) COTTONS-Andrr - > scoS- L 1-t. 10cP : ! n.ckt > tou A A | n ] > erilc ! ! ) ; do half bleached I l,9e ; Pnbotll.a / ; PidelityM , 9i i Fruit , of th Ixwni , 10 * ; do cinbric4-4113edoW ; terTuiht)104ctJreat ; Od * Q. &c ; Imli.n IleadFbrunk 1-1 , 12 e ; fin nudale , 10c ; do cambrh 37 , 13c ; New 4 Yoik MillI3c ; Pequnt A. lOc : Pcp/erell fi Twilln , | 2ir : Pocuhonta.1 4-1 , 9Jc ; half POCHHS t 4-1 , tfje ; Utica , lie ; U'mnKUtU X X , 13c. Dl'CKS Tnblenehed Atlantic , 10 oz. , kt ; lialtimoio do , ] 0c ; l.onn .St-.r , ( i on. , in ; S.v Ke , lUa. ( DUCKS ( ( Vilorcdl Alb ny K brown. do f , drab , Me : do XX , htripcn ami plaids I2jc ; rin XXX biown and drab , i < utripe * and pliid-t , 12Jc ; Arlington ft > ncy , The ; 1'runnwick brown , Kj-c ; ChHriot fancy , low ; do t-xtrft beiny , 20c ; Kail Hive brown , extra heavy , lljc ; Indiana A brown. 13c : Niipmwet A brou , 15c. draft TICKlNOS-Amo keac A C A 32 , ; do XX blue 32 , IKjc ; Arrowmma , JCO. ! ; Olaremont B B , IS c ; Cnneitoi8 ex' , 17ie ; Hamilton I' , 11 jc ; LdWifion A 15c ; Minuet aha 4-4 , 20c ; Onif-Kuvup r l-l , Itye ; Pearl Kiver 32 , IGlu ; Put- XX blue i < triip , 12c ; Shetucket S , 14 ; do SH 12c ; Y oii'au blue 20 , Sic. hand DKNIMS , AmoHkeak , blneand brown , ; AndoierDUI.lue . , inic ; Arlington cured Scotch. Irtjr : Conrord OOO , blue and hidi-H , 12ic ; do AAA , do do 13J ; doXXX calf do 1 ijc ; Haymaker'H blue nd brown , ; Myntis HI * cr 1)1) Htripe , 10c ; Piarl ( vcr , blue and brown , Inje ; Uncut Ilk , Kreen and brown , IHjc. prreen CAMBHICS-Bni-nard , TikKcldyHtonn ; cut . 21 inch double face , Hie ; Garner A tl , 5c , Manhattan ulove finWi , 5'/c / ; ( Jo.iu Newport do Oc ; do glazed , 5)c ) ( ; Pe < juot do 20 , l/o kvocxl kid linli.li , Be. SOc COHSKTJKANSAmory , 8rtAndrrw ; ( JOc cnpgin c.itteen , Hjc ; Clarendon , OJcCone ; - 05c ; natteeii' , 7c | ; Hnllowe'lc ' ; Indian bruad Orchard imjiroted , 7Jc ; NarrimanHett , 74c ; IVpperill Hatteen U4n ; Urxikport , 7ic. PHINTH Aliens OJc ; American , Cje ; / Id , 7c ; Berwick , 17c ; Cnchueo , 7c ; toKii. OJc ; Dunkirk , 4i'c ! ; Dunnell , and (27c ; ; I'dclyntont' . 7c : ( Homester , Oc ; 2 < 5)ic ) ( liannnny. 5ic ; Knickerbocker , OAe ; Mer- U , 7cMystic ; , 5Jc ; Spr-vuen , ( ; Al SuuthbridKi'i "c ; do. ( 'inyhaniH , 7c ; tlarlsa'lo , 5 c ; Oriental Oic. 1 30 GINGHAMS-Amoikean. lOic ; Aino . 187 < lruM 12J ; Annrle , 10'r ; Atlautic , Cumbi-iland , 7ic ; Highland , Kc ) ; 2.r.0j KenlUoith , ic ; I'lun kelt , lOJc ; HI'I.H- tucky 8c , . COTTONADKS ll0" Abburvillo K c ; , 20c ; American , HP ; Altaian , lc ; GI iri ) D and T , ISJc ; Clarion I ) and T , 1 40 ; Dieran ( ? o.striptHlandT. ICc ; Kev- in < , ISJc ; Nnntucket , 10c ; Nonpareil , Knal Oceinl ) andT. 13Jc ; Hoyal , lOlc ; PI 12c Tioga , 12AcVacliux , ; ; tt nhlit- 1 75@ inBrheckc. 12Jc ; do , Nankin , 12ic ; York , Nankin , 12Jc ; do , chtckH. utrlucii and Cl , 12JC ; do , 8 o , 20c. 2000 1800 Clv \v 2000 r < iuot 19c : do 4U , ICc ; iWcrell JH ; , yy0 , Cl 07 , 21c ; do 57 , 18o ; Utica 06 , 35c ; do * 2S.OO 2Jic ; do 48 , 17e Clear Drurt , DKrOS ANt ) CHKMlCAl.S.-Aeid 'arbolif , 50c : Acid , Tartaric. 55c : Bnli nm Copabl * , per lb , 70c ; Bark , S.v.ifra * . per lb , I2o ; ( 'aloniel. per lb , 70c ; Ciuchonidlis at , KOe ; Chloroform , per lb. We ; wdcrs l'er " ' " * " ' ' Vs0111 . . > , 3V ! Glycerine , iiure , per Hi , . . . Lead , AceUtf. perlb , 22c : Carbon bun oil , 110 ° , per cation , lUc ; do 1 , > 0 ° , prrenl. 13k ; Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , * 1 35 ; Oil , Ca-dor , No.8ptr cal,0l 'JS ; Oil , Olive , PCI gal , ? l 40 ; Oil. Orir | mim. 50o Opium , SI r.O ; Quinine P. .t W. A K. A S. , per oz , SI OS : Potaiwluiii , Iodide , per lb : ! 40 : Saltern , per < > t , 3.V : Sulphate cl Morphine , per oz , $3 75 ; Sulpnur Hour , per lb , tc ; Strychnine , ner or , 81 CO. Lumber. WHOLKMAU' . -No. I , 12 to 20 ft , NO 00 ; No , 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , Ill 00 ; ihcetlnjj iliwed , No. 1 , IS 00 : No. 2 , 16 00 ; common bonrd * , dressed. 20 00. . ' 15 VMING 1C ft. and under , jwr M , 2000 ; 10ft. ftuddlm ? , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 21 ! 00 ; 21 ft. 25 Ou. K1N1S1UNO No. 1. finish 11 , 11 imd 2 Inch , 5'iO 00 No. 1 fmUh 1 isich $ J5 00 ; No. 2. finish 1 } , 14 ami ' - inch. ? 4riOO : No. 2 finish , 1 inch , WO 00 ; No , 3 fml-.li , 1 iivh , 83500 ; O , 15. bnttonn per jOO fwl llu. , SI 00 : vrell curbing , 52200 ; lon h i ami 2 Inch b.itton * per 100 feet lii > . , WV. HTOCK nOAKD.S-Ai.tock , .fW OOt U $3j 00 : U , 8.0 00 : common * toek , S22 CO. FLOORING No. 1. * tO 00 ; No. 3. W CO ; No , S , flttOO ; jelJitw pine. No. 1 , 54000. flIDINQ-No. 1 , $24 00 ; No. 2 , § WOO ; No. 3. SIS 00. HUH' LAI' Plain , 52200 ; 0. . No. 1 , $32 00 ; No. C , 322 00. a 37 00. L.VTK ANf > .SHINCiLKS A ftainte. ! } ? 3 S5 , No. 2 , ? 2 50 ; No. 3. 52 UO. Lath , $3 tO. Dutldlnc MaterUI. LIMK-Par barrel , ftl 35 ; bulk per 1m. , 35o. Cemsnt , bbl. S2 50. Iowa i.lnt.nr. bbl , S3 50. Hulr per bu. 35e. Tarred felt 100 1U. S3 50. Straw Kiard. $4 00. . PAPKK-Stuiw , paper , 3t'e ; IR pnpor , Ic ; dry fiwdx DK-nsr , 7o ; nuuila paper , 10i- ; new * paper , bo. COAI Cumberland blttcfcpinith , 512 ; Morrin Kun lllo-nbun ; , $12 ; Whitebreait lump , $0 ; Whitcbreitut nut , $0 ; lotta lump , 55 : Iowa nut SO : Kock Spri-JK i Sty AnthracitB , all * lron. 812 50. Paint * Oils and Varntahe * . PAINTS IN OIL \Vhitn lead. Oniahs P. P. , 7e ; white lead , 0. P. k C. Co.pure , i Oo ; MarnellleH green , 1 to C lb canK , 'JOc ; French zinc , groin neiil , 12 ; i'rench tine , red ceal , lie ; French xino , In vamihh n pt , 20o : French rincc , in oil aunt , 15c ; Kaw and burnt umber , I lb CRUM 12c ; raw and 5 burnt , Siennfc , 13e : vnndyko blown , 13 < ; lefined lampblack , 12c : coach blaek , 1'c ; ory blaek , lOc ; drop black , lOc ; Pruwian blUB , 30c ; ultramarina blue , ISc ; chrome green , L. M , fc I' . , 14c ; blind and nhutter k'reen , L. M. < t D. , 14c : Par ! ' * freen. 18c : l-dinn red , 15c : Venetian red , Uc ; Tu carl a r.i. , 22c ; American Vermiliod , I. & P. , ISc ; chroma yellow , L. , M. , O. it D. O. , ISo ; ( vellow . . ochri . _ . > , . 9c _ ; . _ k-olden . . ochrn _ , 10 ; pntont t. 1 ! * LA . . , .1. .Jn l. 0 colorn dnrl Jryer , ; graining : li/ht / uak. : c , vrftlnut. che-.tnut mid nth 12c. Dry ° nlnt AVhito lead , C ie ; t-'rencb line. lOe ; Pnm vvhitoiiiK 2Jc ; whitinp plders , IJc ; vhitint ; coinM , Uc ; lampblack I'ermnn- town , 14c ; Inmpblack , ordinary , 8c ; Prun- niaii lilue , 45c ; ultramarine , IKe ; tandyke , brown , PC ; nmbcr , burnt , Ic ; umber , ra - , Ic : niewi.1 , burnt , 4c ; fiennn , raw , 4c Paris preen genuine , 35c ; P.iri * preen com'l ( . 25c ; chrome preen , N. Y.4 20c ; cliiom- ri'en K. , I'Jc ; termillion , I'ny. , 70c ; > er- million , Amerioa , 18c ; Indian ml , lOc- , ( ro"e pink , 14ccm ; < ti n re.id , Tookfon'ti -'ijc ! : voie i.in led Am. , lc ; red lead , 7 0 ! uhromnyellow l > , ( 'enuiue , 20c ; chromo yel low > K. , I'.V ; OL-liro , rochelle , fc ; or-hre , 'n-ncli , 2 c ; ochre , American , l c ; Wiuter'n mineral. 2Jc ; Ielii < h brown. 2jo : HpniiLsli brown. 2Jc ; Prince'ii mineral Scj VAUNIS lli:3 : BarrtU per gallon. Mil Fm-nittir * , , extra , ? 1 10 ; funiituve , No. 1 , : furniture , U , We ; coach , extra , $140 ; Cone , No. 1 , 1 20 ; Damar , $1 50 ; Jitpiui , liv 70c ; wphaltum , 70c ; uliulLic , 63 50 ; nurd finish. ; SI 30 > OILS 110carbon , per gallon , 12c ; 150' hi-Hiilight , per gallon , 13c ; 175 * headlight , per Kallon , 17 , . . cr.v > tolinc , per gallon , 20c ; linseed , nw , per gallon , til ; liniecd , boiled , er gallon , 07c ; lard , winter ht 'd , per irul- Inn , 1 05 ; No. I , SOc : No. 2 , 05c : c.wtor , XXX. ; per gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 1 l/i / : Hweet , per gallon. ) H."o : nperm , W. I ! . , per gallon , 35 ; Jii < h , W. B. per gallon , CPc : neaUfoot , at extp , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , 05c ; luhri- catii : < ! < 2,30 ; Hpcrm , Hi nal , per gallon , SOc : ter for pi-ntine. ptr pallon , 0 < e ; imjithn , 7t" , jier for jiitllon , SOc ; G " , 20c. He.ivy Hnrnware List. Iron , rateH , $3 50 ; plow xteel , oust , 7ic ; libd - tool do. 15j ( .20 wnpon npokcn , j > et. S 25@3 00 ; hub * , per fet , 1 25 : felliM , Kaved % 1 40 ; ton uef , Ku-b , 70@85c ; axlm , each , 75c ; rriuam nut , t > ur ll > , 7 < < $ llcj w.-whcriJ , jwr lb , K@lc ! ! ; nvetw , per lb , lie ; chain , per lb , ti@12c ; umllunblu , 8c ; ron vredse * , Cc ; crowbar.x , ( ic ; harrow teeth , 4s ; hoiHwhoc , per le5 00 ; Njirin ary . v 10 to 20d. 3 CO ; 8 to JO , 3 75 ; 22c , 1 00 ; 4d , 4 25 ; 3d , common , 5 00 : 3d , , 0 50 ; clinch , all H'ZCH , 5 25 ; Od , rn-iuK , 75 ; 8d cn-inx , 1 5 ' ; lOd c-win ' , 4 25 ; lOd finish , 4 75 ; Sd fuiibh , 5 & 0 ; Gdiui li , 5 25 ke . lOe ostr.i. SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Uuck shot , 82.10 ; OaU Oriental Powder , l < e K , $0.40 ; do. , half if * , 33.48 ; do. , iiuftrter kcx , 81.88 ; I5l.mt- Ityo < , keca. ? 3,35 : FUKI- r 300 fe t f < te. Horart and Mulct. The market in brink and all prodo-i nr elllni ; well at a xlixht nd\anc in ) > ) ( ; . deninnd for Kood lioruM tixwedn the ily connldewbly. Pricei lanso a * fol : Bin lu driven" , Sl.'X ) . to 300. ; Hxtra 1 horned. $175. to 22."i. ; Common drn.'S horien. $100. to 150. : Kxtra farm ' . . to 125. ; Common ti oed farm hntw 1 . to S100. ; Extra pluiR , . ? ( . to 75. ; Common plup ; , ? 20. to JO. 2 MULES. 15 to 15J hftud ( oitr ) , 5125. ct'ijitrt tulfiO. ; 14J to 15 hand * . $100. to KO. ; to 14 } Iiandf , 875. to 100 , ; ISJr to 1-4 f < /0 * , § 00. to 75. Hides , rurs , Etc. ImtchorV hide , 7jjreen ; hidw , HJc ; f'reen wilt , pert cured - , K@R'c ; dry Hint , bound , 13 < 514c } ; dry and kip , 12 ( )18c ) ; drj' Halt hiden , Bound , ll(5J12c ; tireen calf , wt. 8 to 15 H.M. , 10@llc ; calf , Mt , under 8 llw , per tkin , 50c ; pelt" , SI 001 15 ; iroen lamb . 10@I25 ; damaged hide * , two-thiid r.i.c , i ccored and one grub , chuwed two- 1 info rate , ) branded hlden 10 per < vnt. iff. 1 skinK , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3 , ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2 , forl ; No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , 5r. For , N < > . 1 , .Keb ; No. 2 , 25C. Skunk , No. 1 , black , Miort htripe , 40n- narrow Htrixi | 2'ic ; < 4 ( ttripo , lOc. 'J.'allow , 5Jc , * Janil ' Wool. - Merino unwashed , light , 14@10c ; heavy , 3/315c ; medium unwuiliixl , lifht ? , 18tl20o ( ) ; tub-wimhed , choice , 32c ; fair , SOc ; dingy w. , 28c ; buny , black and ooltixl woof , lend Liquors. ' ALCOHOL 187 proof. 2 25 per winu ; extra. California npirit187 proof , per | proof gallon : triple refined HJilritx Flour pnof , 1 21 per proof gallon ; ro-dirttlllid Wheat whiHkleH , 1 00al ( 5fini ; ) bleirled , 1 ftfu , ( ! orn Kentucky botiibonn , 200ii,700 ( ; K n- and Ptmmylvanii rye * , 200J/7001 ( live domestic 1 40@4 00. GIN.S-Inn orted , 4 HJOiG 00 ; iloiniwttc , 3 00. t IMS Imported , 4 M0 ) 00 ; NVw Knylancl. ' . Oyoll 00 ; domehtic , I 50@3 f,0 ; 510 ; J'KACII AND APPLK BHANDY 5 35P/ @ I 00 , CHAMPAGNES Imported per cano , < J834 00 ; American , i > er cane , 12 00 ® . CLAIIKTS Per cane , 4 5010 00. WINKS -Khlne wine , per case , 0 00(5) \ \ ; Catawlm , per MHO , 4 ( J0j,7 W , Juniiai Clcar and Tobaccos , CIOAHS.-SeedK. 15.00 ; Connecticut , for ; Mixed$31.00 ! Sc d llavwia , 50,00 ; AI.iv. Havana , 975.00. TOHACCO 1'IjUO , Uoldfn llule , IK COo ; Spotted Fawn , Oic ; Our _ 02r ; Star , pound * . 21 lb , butts OOo ; lIurKt- Shoe , iNNindf , 21 lb , butts , OOr ; Purity , 24 lb , bntto , 52e ; ( } ncen Bee , 21 lb , butt * . r-3cl ( Jilt Kdte ; , potimU , 2 lb , bull * , 57 ; Army id NRTV , pound * , Mr ; Bullion , pound * , cj 1/orlllard'a Climax , pounds. COe. KINKCUT In pnilc. llartl toBo.it , 7/W ! Golden Thread. 70o ; Kountain , Wr ) ; Favorite. 05c ; Kocky Mountain , " ; Paney , Wte ) Dai y , 4. " * . -In tin foil - _ O. S. . , 2. 71. pacHKc TI. I. lb ' tin l > r lit G.V | l/orlllardV IVr , OOo. H.M01CIAllRriule ! -'oimnon , 25 to 33c. Granulated Blafktvt.il * lUitlmiu , 10 o51e ; Uulce * Durham , 1G or , .Xx > t Seal of Ninth Carolina , 10 or. 40i i Sel , , of Nvbr.vi. kii , 10 or.Sc ; Ixinoilack , I M , linen bn tier IK $ l.Sr > ; Marburg * ' IV.cU , 2 vi , tin oil , 55c ; Dog TtUl. 6Se MARKETS BY TELBQ UAPH , Council DlalT * MurTict. ( . f.vciL Htrmi. Notemlwi 10. Flour Mnnufaetiired by Crjntal nnd City Milk 3 75cN ( 50 : K.mww and Mit. Hour ! flour. 3 504 CO ; Bni'mia , 3 75 ; tye limn , 3 40. llritn nnd Short * 17 00 per ton , Chop Corn 22 50 per ton , Wheat-No. 2 , 8183 : No. 3 , fCc : re- jecUv , 70e. Corn -No. 2 , O , rejdton 43. OatN.I. . 2 , 40c : rejected , 3.V , BarleyNo. . 2. 90c : No. 3 , 7iu. \VcK i- , live Hogw . . . . - - Oattlfl Shlpp lift 4 OOiW 00 ; mlleh COTVH 30 00rf,45 00 J'r hwul ; butUicrx Mock , 2 75Cv3 00. Sheen I 00M ( 00. < 3 llidc-5c : G rf hide * , V. Wool 155 5. Butter - 30K35c. ( PotatoM-l OOfJil CO ; ' ' - - - Onlom-1 25 ® 1 40. Grwnd Juuottoti Miwhot- ( JUNCTION , I . Xofemlr 10. . . „ „ 17c. Butter 10 < ? lSc. CilICAOO. November 10. On 'CImnKi ! the market * tyened lower but still. Tilt recciptH of jjrainvcro 1,055 nunifln ! by canal , and 514 cirloadii by ral , > m racing S7 of wheat , 357 o ( corn , 48 tf oat * 3 of and 24 of barlej. tlin | tl 111 rye * * * " " " " " -j Flour Quiet and nlHiut unchanjeil ; very littlu demand ; coniinnn to ehoieii iring wuMteru , ? 4 00@0 75 : Minnesota , lTi ! 7 50 ; patent7 50u.l ) ' 25 ; low Rraden , 350ii5K ( ( ) ; rye llour , 5 S0u,0 ( 111 ; winter brands , C 50S O'J ; buckwheat Hour , S 00 @ 1000. Wheat In No. 3 uprips itheat lluve traHan artivu Hpeculative dinnnnd to-day , and althou.h , the market w-n lu r enrly , hharp advance follow il. The market at thu opining wan wrakcr nnd prices wens j olicloivermid fell nit an udditionnl ifc ic , then btc-iinc ntrouger nnd tvith ( .light Hue- tuationx udvanci > n2 } ( 2 c per tiinhol The demand was nctivc , aluitts buying freely nnil tin' ndrani o um Kr"11" ! ! . 'I'll inn.- ket ruled uustttled , fluo'.uateJ anil liimlly cio-ul about jo hljcher on tea'iilur biurJ , and on c ill at 1 1'J ! | for N n umber ; ? 1 : 0 for Uecombci ; 1 30J for , I ntinry : 1 J ! f r the year ; Xi > . 3 Hpiinif , 1 13'U 13i ; re jectcd , 'JOfctKie , iicoiird uj , ' to legation. I'orn TnpiiHinand waiqtiii't nd iictixe .11 poculitivo ticcouut nnil utleiingn f.iir. The inaikuL opened lathtr tiinio at l ( fie liuclinu and ruled weak until iifurth rie- tiictiimiif jc wnn subniiUed till nboiit tha middl of llio hv iim when n htroniicr feel- . _ - , . , . a good iniiiiifHit repurttd .it tlitad - iig hcale. Toward the rloMi the feel- irg VHIH easy nnd ] irire- declined Hlightly. . ui.li r.kthcr li ht trailing : No. 2 and hiili mix d clo-ed mi c.illat 5'jjc inr Dircmli i ; * for year ; OOJc for Junnary ; Gl c for May ; Oljjc for Juuu ; icjtcled , 5CiJc. O.iU The market wa-i again iutliiuneed the change-i in the leading maiUrts ; , futuren u em iCtiJc lower early , but ad tain ed fGc ? and ruled ijuiet and firm ; tin demand uvs g ml ; No. * ! cloHtd on c'tl a 42Jc for November ; 43 0 for Decumbei , Ktlfc for llio yenr , January and I'ebru-iry 45gc for May. Kyc P rui nnd bettur ; no debirnto mill ; No. 2 , % o Divumber ; U7o for Jutmarj llarU'y Sti-ndv ami firm , but little one ; > o. 1 ! , 1 Olif/ll O/forcanh. 1'oik Ac. ire Ami highm ; me s cloned l.r. UO for December ; 17 22J17 25 for January ; 17-12j for 1'ebniaiy end bid Lard -Stronif nndhichcr : closed at 1105 Deeimiher ; 11 274 f ° r Ii i > uary ; 11-10 February ; 11 50 fur .Mnreh ; 11 70 for May. Bulk MtiatnStonily and ( inn ; hhort , S 55 for December ; 8 7 > " > foi January ; C D5 for February. WliNki.liuiet all 14. Butterviuiet. . There WIIH n Mimll lo al demand for choice dairy mid rieameiy , ottering * of which wera ample ; other grad ttor. ) in light mcim-tt ami Hleai'y ; choiro to fancy urcamery , 3la,30c ( ; ordin to Rood do , 20 ( < ? 'tt'c ; good tn fancy dairy , 20o,32c ( ; emuiiion to fair do. , IWu ) ; ladle packed , 14@7e. } Kggt ; In fair inquiry at 23Ji24i ( ! ; for btrictly freth ; iilTuri KH iiiod r.itii. Itec'tH. Shipm'tH Flour UH.5I3 IOhH ! Wheat 31.08J 10 , 00 Corn 5UI.191 45,1100 41,5.1C 00,015 5,2'JI U..M'J . ' Barley 33,2112 15j8V ) io ; , Novornbnr 10 , . j. } { C.tttle Wuak and low. with little di < - B poxition to trade : nod to choicn fhippliig hteorn , 5 00 ( < i.O 01) ) ; conitnon to iiieiliilin , OOCCfi 2"i ; iibtite butcjieri , 2 Mlfe-t 25 ; HtocktrM and feeder , 2 OOffiH 95 ; Tvxaim , ( Off00. ! . Ii ( < cuiptH , 0,000 head ; xhlp- mentK , 2,000 head. Sheep--Weak nnd lower ; poor grad n , Sii' ( ) < 50 ; good tn choice , 4 Ol ( ! i.5 00. Itn- l , 2,000 ; t hipmt'iiU , 500. 'ogrt Stuuly and demand fair ; heavy n les about no lowrjr ; mixed packing , 5 50 50 ; clu > lo l heavy , 0 I'Ofi.G 00 ; culln and gran-em 3 OOfff B 20. UeceipU , 37,000 head ; uhipmelitH , 4 , ! 00 hen I. St. Xiouin Produoo- ST. Ix3t ) IH , November 10. Flour Quiet and unchanged. Wheat Hfchtr and firmer ; No. 2. red , 'JSJfijU 30 for e-fOi ; 1 37 © N Mi ) for December ; ! 39jjtil4l ( for January ; 421 11 for .February ; No. 3 do , 1 27 ® 27i ; November do , 1 15W1 10. for Corn Higher ; OSfSOlcforcanhjOSj io win Deciimber and .T.itinury ; OWSi5o ( ( for February ; 07fifi.OS7c f rMay. Oat-t JJetter ; 42j ( J'13Jc for cash ; liii 4Sllc i fur D c inber ; 45fjo for Janiuiy ; 48 fa4H3cf.ir ; Aiay. Hye. Slow nt Uflc bid B.irltiyfnehanged ; prlnio to choice , lliitter Steady and unchanged. UK&QiiicfHt 3 > ( Ti.21c. Iead ( i tt at 4 00. WliiHfcyL.w r at. 10 ! ) . lon 1'ork 'UniM ; At 17'J. . Lard Noiiiina ly at 10 07 } . lie Keo'tn. Hhipin't" , . 2,000 r./K ( ) . 13,000 5,000 . 14,000 4I,000 ! 5,000 1 0001,000 lioor 1,200 , iiifH lluj St. Louiu Llvo Stock , ST. LoUIH , N.'Vember If. urn Stronij-r ; lightchljipln , ' 500ei of YiukerH , 5 70ft 5 Kt ; Mixed picking i'Ht 35P0 00 ; butcher * ' to fimcy , 0 lOfoli 4 . niich Kceoiptu , 8,500 hoa < l : i.hipiiifiitH , 1,200 Toledo Proauon Tn.iini : , November 10. heat Dull and ea l r ; No 2 , I 85 Jo forNiixenibfr130u ; for Decernberil 3Hoor y ; lOJo for 1'ebrnr.ry. foni-Kteady : No. STOofor cnMi ; 82c December ; liljc for January ; GOju for . -Dnlli No , 2 , Katun * City Prortnon Market , K.tNnAM Cnv , Not ember 10. Whrnt leielpti ! , 15.3s > 5 bu n ! llh- drawn. 2 , S2 j in dor , 151,031 bimlii'ls ; inaikrt wrakemnd limerNii ; , 3 , for N- temper derliiied ( ! c ; S'n 1 ni-d , liomiiul f r Not ember je.vh , N7e ; Niuenil er St > ; No 3 , i.ifh , niiiid IR' ' ; Nut em erT'c ; le- niber. 1 00\V 1 00' ; .1 i imry , 1 02 ® t 02J : Nn. 2 , Nmcmber , 1 13. Cmn KrcrlptH , 12.000 bi licN ; will.- drrwn , 5.031 ; In Kb re , 8,323. Mnrk > l Millet : No. 2 nilted , oa h , Met Nov tuber , 5Sji ( .5J > jo ! ! December , Mlje ; tea , focIiIttXo ; * * \\liitclnl\ril , ca-d'G1J ' ( ) Gljc , i ' aU N" , 2 , caih , 42J : ; Darointrar , Itje- November , JOr. Vionr Mnrket vveatc and N'OW ; fine , 175 1 ; f nilly , 2 90 ; choice , 3 10 ; fancy , 3 25 10V iyUecfipti tatROtf eholco quitlityi Butter I'lrin ; receli > U llijlit ; choice , low , Apilen- I 50CoV , 00. t'lireiiBent , 15c. Kunfat Crtar.i 13aN.14c. ( ProtiioniShniililrrH. . 8'00nMtvlOOO ; imoked nhou'derr , ! )00. ) ilo , 1025 ; utftr ; ruivd haiiiK , 13 0i ; b.tcon , 13 00. Kntucne City IilvnStooli * KANrtArtCrrv , XovemborlA C Ul * Mnrknt tvcsk ; rermi t < 2,08.1 ; natit-n cow , 2 ; .f.f3 17feedeiH. ; 210205 ( ; butehrri * n f er3 20 ; Texnn "t'-erx , 3 U'CrtJ 33 , ' > : TeMiconn 3 25 ; C Inu.lo , \y < t i Hi . . ; ( .hipping * our" . 3 US550 ) ( ; bu 1 , 200 HOJH ; lierol. to. 3 f47 ; mA > kct wmk ; tt W < t ! > Pfli medium , 5 3Xft ( i CO ; , 400rf,4 ( 75. Noteml > er 10. Vlour \ Americ- , Ito OdfJMS * Wheat NS'intor , 1M OdWlln Id : Tthito , 10 < 10dll : cprins. ! ' * I'dfelCi ' 5d ; club , lln ld < hlln ) M. Com- 9jd. Pork-75i. I tnl 5Si New Vovk Dry Ooottft. Nlivv VOHK , Note nber 10. Diy KOO < ! K tnnrket to-dav pin erit d f w now feituriM of not nnrthy mention , cotton < joodH ; U-liijf in fair demand ktlirnt hum % Uut drefrt KIIO < | K , pr'ntu ninjf1 nij , etc. , was ninitly qu t H UKU1 1 thin stitc of the ne.imm. Jobliltig trade waH a trttlainorB iirtivn HH repirdrt I n mil HH- 1 li-iti > n rt liVd a fair di tribntloti of HH < m- n In , K"O'H win mflde In nxeeu'ion of until aud teli'B aph ordem , Now ICnrlc lrortnon NKM YoiiK.Notemler 10. Vlour- Dull : citv mill , xirn , 0 00@ 7 05 ; Kliiptnnir , i-xir.i , 4 U0fr55(1 ( ; jouthern dull HIM ! dtcHuiiiK ; cumn.oii tochoicaextr , 5 0 ( LC8 50. Whent Cloud fining : nliibtly huher ; No. l.iod , l.TINo2 : , Cliiraoiiiid Mil- auko l 3S311 { 30 ; No 2 rod. November , 40Ji'1l ( 1 'lido , D-eimbcr , I 134W1 Hl- Cor - Kirm and hilii'i ! demand n mli-r- ate ; No. 2 white , 73Je ; No. 2 , Nj\ember , OutLe'iic'itii and in buyers f vor ; No. 1 whis53i' ; NH. 2 , 51c , No. I mixed , 4Scnd\rdw ; < tern , 15Ci ) ScNo. ; 2 mixed , Niivembt" , 17K < ixIHo. K > Dull ; C mad' . 1 f3 in bond. Barley ! S ruie ! No. 1 Canada , 1 14@ 1 IB. IB.Pork Pork -Dull ; xpol mes , 1750. Laul Quii-t and ctcwlv : 11 25 fin c.vsb nnil Not ember ; 11 27 iC' ' , 11 HO for Deceuv ber. Ili-ef and Cut Mcati Unchanged. Whisky Nominal. Baltimnro Jprotlnno. B\I.TIMOKK , November 10 Vlour Quiet. Wheat fcontl't-rn , fiirin ; future 1 31ry ! ( I 10 ; 1UK errv , 1 43W1 18 ; No. 2 red winter , firmer ; I "SJu ( I 31 forcaih and November 1 41 fr Dectnibci ; common whitn .ni firm , 70ffl71c ; ye'low ' , steady , vriit'jiii , tirm , ( ! 0c. Puu.AliKl.l'HIA , November 10. M nout Kailcr ; 1 30 for each a-id No Mii-iier , 1 101$1141J for Do ccuiber. ( , < -HaKier ; 05jc for P.IHI ; 084(1 ( ? OOc. for November. OatiKaticr ; 51c . for cjuh ; fur November. Kyc Quiet at 1 00 for caih. Buffalo Iilvo Stock. Ki4T BUXKAI.O , Not umber 10. llogii lus'i ! > r ; rcciiptfl , 53 c r : nhip mentH , 47 can , ; Yor-en , 0 lOftilO 20 no i inediuuiH , C 20f < jO 40 ; choice heavy 400 f 0. _ E-RtliHmrty Iilvo Stock. KAHT LIHKKTY , Pa. , November 0. Cattl"Very dull ; nhiulo oil ; rectiptc 1,053 ; liiimniit | , 7H. IlngKDull : receiptu , 4,300 ; hii meut < , 1,700 ; PhiladelphiuH , 0 30@0 50 ; Yorkcrn ttWaft'Jj. . . . . . . rhecpNothing doim ; reeeiplrt , 1,200 Hliljnuunix , 09 , Pcorin Prodaoo. PKORIA , November 10. Corn -1'n 'or ; high mixed , 5'.lJfeOOr O.i'tflStwiiiv ' ; No 2 whit" , 431@41 : . HypIiiao'ive ; ' .IOfiii9'Ji\ ' Iliglivvinoi Unsc-ttleil. INo'ti. Ship Whrnt 475 Corn 05.225 30.00T OrttH 28,050 35.0111 yo 3,1150 ' ' 2,30 ( rli-y 1,050 Clnoln.nn.tl Pradnoo. ( CINCINNATI , November 10. Mo-H Pork Jnbbini ! , 18 OOfffllS 25. Lard Firm ; prlmn Hteim , 10 U5. Bulk MeatH Steudy ; clear Hidiw , 0 05fn 15. 15.Bacon Bacon -Stnadv ; clear side , 11 no } . Plour-Strnncer : family , fi f > 5a,7 f 0. Wheat -FirmerN ; i. 2 red , 1 40. Corn Higher ; No. 2 mixed , 0 % : . OaU Firm ; No. 2 mitcd , 4Cc. Kye Ka ier ; No. 2 , 1 05. Hurley-Firmer ; No. 2 , fall , 1 12. Whl.ky Hauler nt 1 08. Bml Baldwin , tlonnl AB ocl lei | I'ltM Niitv YOJIK , Novombcr 10. - Duputy HheriiriJ'igt ; JIUH rend nil nttacliinin $2.000,000 agniimt Ofcir L. JJald-t , the iliihiultint ; Nuwurk o.whior , which wni obtHincd by nicoivor Fre- liuyfl in ii ( linnnuoB for wrongful couvcmiiin of pciaunal propurty from January iHt , 1873 , to October 1st , 1881. The papiirH wiiro norvutl on Kennedy , Jlutcliiimon > V : Co. , f't-o , H. Hcott \ , Co. , uiul Jlunyan & Iloylu , Htouk broktirx , but thuy nmdo tbo ni- tuin that tlmy had no piopurly bu- inf , ' to hitn. The Unit niiinud Btiiil iiutor had an account with him. „ . . . > OetOutDoorf. The close conlinoment of nil factory work yivt-'H the opcrnlivim p.illid fuci-H , upputitu , lanu'iiiil , nimi'niblo fool- , ] i or blooil , inactivu liver , kul- ami urinary troublim , and till the phyHiViiinit ami mudicino in thu world cannot licit tht-in unlii-H tlmy ot out dooi-M or UHO Hop HiltiiM , the pur- and bent rumedy , eapecially for cii8i ) , havii'f ; nbundnncu of health , miimhino ami rosy cheoltH in thorn. Thny cost but a trillo. Sue nnotlmr column. Christina Jteconlur iiovlfi SIBBBTT & FULLER , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , DWD CITY , NEB , SpdI altnntloH i.'lieu tooollevtloni In BaU r -M-mii-tm P HAVE DECLINED SLIGHTLY IAN I -AN I s the first to make the announce ment to his customers and the general public , MATTINGS , OIL GLOTH AND WINDOW SHADES , Always sold at the lowest Market Prices. We carry the largest stock and make the Lowest Prices. Orders promptly filled and every attention given to patrons. J. B , DETWILER , 1313 Farnham Street : OMAHA , - - - - NEBRASKA. OmaFia , Collins Cheyenne , 9 Colorado Fall and Winter B LATE AND NOBBY STYLES mi , m TIS Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit al > . 1316 FARNHAM STREET , NKAIt FOUKTEKNTir , Attention Is Once More Called to the Fact that Rank foremost in the West in Asso rtment and Prices of FOR MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. ALSO A COMPLETE LINK OF Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps. Wo nro'propured to moot the donmndn of the trade in rogwrd to Latoat Style * , and I'attorno. Pine Merchant Tailoring in Coiiiutction RESPECTFULLY , M. HELLMAN CO , , 1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th St J . AND 1ICTAIL DKALKH IN HLJ Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , FOLDINGS , UME , CEMENT . . AOK.VJ KOII Mn.WAUifcK ( c Near Union Pacific Depot , , OMAHA , NEB O. H. BALLOU , DEALER , IN Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks north * of ST. PAUL AND OMAHA DEPOT cod-Urn F y