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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1881)
I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY NOVEMBER 5 , 1881.I KEJIRSAQE AKD ALABA1 A Bt. Loulsnn "Who W ( the Famous Sea Figl How Ho im < l O thorn Felt and 1 what Glrcumstnnoos tbc Crntsor Wont Down- In an unpretentious bnl ncnl'i ' house in NortbSt. Txiviia , lives V Alsdorf wbo enjoys the boner ing ono of tbc ercw of the iin Kearsngo , which sunk the rohel or , the Alabama. So far as The Glitoniclo is aw seamau'.s account of tins furion has over been published , ami ing that Mr. A. was not uiiwill fight that line fight overa mat iclo called upon iiiin. The veteran was found seated < lcsk in a plainly furnishedroon .parontly the sitting room of ain but comfortable- in plain , stances. The only picture on tl was a TESTIMONIAL , to which ho frequently glunco pride , and which proved , on clu apcction , to bo the vote of than dressed lo him by name , for hia cos in aidint , ' to destroy the Ala and a certilicale that that bed also jjivCn him $25 as a aiibst token of their appreciation. MI-J A. is about -15 years ol medium height and rather si built , nnd of a Bandy comploxioi is a Dolmimin , and employs broken English. HIM RTOllY. ' Yes ; T wan ono of thu crew i Kearaayo , " bc > [ ; an Iho old tar. I. it nt Cadis , Spnin , two yiurs the meeting 'with tlio Alabama , wore most of that time ufti Florida , the confederate ram , was destroying merchantmen hi ing to this government. Wo wi course also on the look-out fi Aliibamn. "Finally wo got the Florida ndod at lircst ; whu was in tlio 1 nnd could not gut out until high so wo left her and went to Gat coal and provision < ho French eminent having refusetl to mipi The night wo arrived there patch from Cherbourg , Fi notifying the commander , Capt. low , of the arrival of the Ala' The cnpt.iiu was in bed when th patch arrived , it being 2 a. m. 1 mediately appeared on dock and ored the mun , The dispatch Wiu to all on b' > ard , and tlio captaii speech to them said SomniL'i captain of thu Alabama , and h been lieutenants together , and Semmcs wan an able ollicor und a man. man."Wo had long felt that the with the Alabama was inuvitabl the news did not surpribo us ; u. though wo know wo should h hard tussol we did not shrink fr < in fact wo wcro nnxious for it the least on account of our ca whom wo loved , and who gave understand wo must not bo wh by Capt. Soinmcs , his former rado. "Buforo daylight wo were i way for Dover , England , who wont for uupplioi.Vo atoppoc enough to pot provisions , and loft under full steam for Chor1 Vrhbro wo found the Alabama : harltor with tull flags Hying , am sonting a very saucy appearance. 11ACKKII OUT OP TUK 1IAUIIO nnd lay three miles oil' the coast. Baino day a French man of wa Couronno , came out of the h and notified in that under the F laws wo would bo compelled li three miles from land. We b.i fires for eight days wnitinir fa Alabama to como out. About fourth day Summes Bout a dispat our captain that if wo would wa ho was ready the Alabama woul gage wfth in. At last the day c On Sunday about 0 o'clock the on the fore top sang out : " ! " "Ship ahoy "Whoro away ? " "Outofharbor ! " 4 'Wo saw a linmlian vessel le the harbor followed by the Coui and Alabama. As soon as UK bama wan seen wo manned our without waiting for orders. Tin became somewhat nervous but excited. Before tlio quartcr-bei boys were ready for action. As as the Alabama caino within a distance wo took to our heels an followed us. Our purpose was I her a good distance out. Wo go miles out when our captain or the ship star-board and wo ti facing our unomy. She oponct ' Keep low ! " cried the capta the prat shots from the rebels racking our vessel. Wo want get cloBO ran go aa wo had no range guna like our antagonist's grons , so wo kept going starl or sailing in circlet. "At last wo got in range mi guns wont into action. Our tire took a ilng oil' the Alabama , and r round from oureuns had tolling while Iho enemy's guns were inn very badly. 81'KOTATOll.H TO THK 1'UlllT , The French pcoplo wuro in t > thy with the confederacy , soint : very anxious to BOO the Alabann A number c.imo from Paris to bourg to witness the fight , ai uplands above Cherbourg won with pooplo. The Alabama Inn in the harbor some time and hi cent and won had made the acq anco of a number of citi/.ena wh suquontly .felt almost a pursoi torost in the engagement , and th promised toilluminatothu city i or of the victory of the Alabam they did not allow a doubt tl would win. The firing lasted ono and 01 hours and from thu start the AI had the worst of it. Finally he gradually ceased firing , nin stopped also ; and then she be sink , stern foremost. Wo iniin ) y noticed her condition and ox nothing moro from her , bntwoi taken , for eho fired one mor which wo answered and our sh' ' nbk'd her still further , and fib rapidly. " Mr. A. v then described the known cllbrts made to rcrcuu tl vivors of the Alabama. > "A number wo tried to rescue away from us and were picked the British yacht Dcorliound , several of the i ion wo hwl gotlf our boat jumped out into the njrnin. They hnd nn idea they bo hung. " " "ASH WHAT TIIKN ? "TIio men tn1on by us nn bean treated ns if they Imd been on nil fo crow. They wcro nearly urs.Vo K.-VVO them shirts nud firticli'S of clothing limy nccdcc nftur iWM \ over for tlio firni connection with the ( luting my uiven us and , liijtiof wai , snjjo " iinsonura in well. "What then ? " "Wo went to IxJiidon from buurg to linve tlio ship r naicd. took n trip about tlio West Unt hntls in aenroh of the Florida which wo wisnt to lioston , wl unuul reci'iilion was tendered us. "What about that flatof th Imnu mid iiow to bo on exhibit Huston' " " ] don't b'-llevo ilia Iho flanv The Ainbiiniii'8 Hag wont dowi licrl think. When it win laken ono of the clew took it nnd foldi slurn mill bar * and hold it up ex [ thu wliilu petition to in. An tin ; no white ling , this uai done , men wo envuil wcro in nearly _ iiislaiico devoid of their clothii that no one could have , or wou tempt to R.ivo the ( lag , aa it wet nt the risk of their lifo. A Golouol Out runic. Detroit 1'reo Pros' , A man doing business on \ bridge street west took a coloroc into his employ a couple of week and during ho couverHatimi prc to settling terniH ho remarked : " \Vhen you wish to addioas mi can call mo Colonel. " "Wai yon a Kernel in do wall "No matter ; yen can call mo nol , and ] will give you as extra tor per week for so do'ng. " "Dul's ' all right , Kernel-I'll ilat quartL-r mwh'H 3 or bo'n. " At Iho end of the week the In liung around after ho w.w paid oi inked if ihoro WHR any trouble , scratched his head , hi'nitatcd an illy naid ho wuuld explain hi Monday morning. When M < uiuno the employer remarked : "Now , then , Samuel , what . matter ? " ' Nuflin'tall.boBH trouble nllt "Well , what was it ? " "Wall , you BOO , do driver of f : art down yore diskivorod dat' : allin' you Kernel for two shill ivuok , What doea ho do but olfi Ifty cents a week to take the k jlf of you an1 put it on to him. " "And you wanted to do it ? " "Wall , I kinder felt dut way , t'xo workin' fur low -.vases , but 1 lim Sunday and fixed all right , " "How ? " " 1'iso ifwino to kcoj ) light or u1 you Kernel for twodhilliu'am in' J'xo gwino to call him Genor lovonty-livo centu a month ! mall 1 begin on thia mawnin' , lol ? " lie gota his extra , quarter per right along , hut ho now addrosai employer us "boso. " PEPPEKMEtfT DROPt A New Yorker has coughed mm w Doth-pick nnd is dally looking for a 1 iruili to follow , Whisky , wntornml a grain of Htryc ins thu compound imt tip by n Halt Irugu'iat mid Inbeled : "Found at I Hiliien Stomach Tonic. " If n man jumps from thu St. iridge it in ' 'disorderly conduct. " uiniM from a Hccond htory window iwn IIOIIHU they pity him and pa lector Mil * . Never maVo fun of a young mat anne ho ycanw for " . cobwolmy urn ; et , with a tender bloom llku cold t'l nd takes dinner on n gluKd of water lly. Ho may become ono of the gn iniirvmoihulBuain the country. An exchange Hays that in Iceland BTH carry tlio import ) abcMit and ) i em for dried meat and whiaky. I ilnn was practical lo in America ronld Hoon bu a strong demand in uoUy fer delirlum-tromoiiH remedies. Th Solid Mnldoon irmUos lliwsou ppenl to delinquent Hu1 < Hcriliurn : ' lemon , wo niimt have wenlth ; the r TO rowliiLf cold , rind tliln tiling nf ft . 10nt muxtard ] > Uler to do the if an all-wool umlrmhirt is yn ui ti'itonouH. " Tim Kngliuh papcni accord ton ho praUo o ( turning ttrave suhjectn rrim humor , Ono of thuia vayn : " / i'linUop udvertinor has been uttllzln /JH | of ceaieterioi by mlornlup tht'ii hufoliwiai ; loRt-nrl in ( ilB "tio U UHO.OIIO | ' bottled nlo if you woul 1 nit of here. ' " Chicago pnncrH are criticiuing 1 : iritiques of Itonsi. The Chicago Fdci : riti < | uo in to nay : "Jfo got In bin aununte , hogi'ud all tlio good xitnn ilocutud HUoa ward CUUCUM prcBidonl ; ot the audience nolid. " Then Cl oik underutniid that It wan a f > ooduli lionton I'ont. "Want any BpecioH of cloves } " on ! icddler of a haloon keeper ono da veok , "Vat for I vnnt umj" aske iroprictor. "To take away the urn jeer from the breath , " exclaimed tin Her. "Tnko away that uniell ov jxclaiinod the mini behind the co "You gotHotiiedlnga vat nmkuH dor stay i'n , 1 huyii him. " A Now York artist ran IIOM 8XX to H in t > clvo hourn. Tiiis I.H ( itil ! nn Now , t ifii. a Biwuuimh iu < n would around thin oy l or opener itiul n am cat a pound of crackers between oyetir , and urowl becauto the ovutcr not oiuned | fust onuuijh. Wo lire jn eltmlng lo ducovcr that the Honthcik nvr own with liny country on tlio 1 the flobo.AtlanU ( JunHtitutlon. "Good grao'oual" ankrd the profea "why do you , a ] iroji > eroun bunlnss the father of a family and the main t a church , doliberittly como to in want lo learn all the tricks of pokei ing ? Do you mo n to tlnow awn ) wpecta llity and become a gun "No , " said the mcichant ; "no : 1 mean to beconio a gambltii ; but I'm t'i vhll L"uUvllo ! , nnd I'd as BOOI Texa * without a iilatol an to Lot without a knowledge of poker , " Therein a report at Jndiaimpol ! ' 'lym Andstunt I'oHtnuifcter'geni'nd in the habit of shipping by the bnrrul in thu niuiln five , on 1 cial frank , he Inning a dUiw-o th.i said to bo benefited liy water. Wl feel thatthogovcrnnicntoiiglit to uhl tcino fteo to itu cabinet olllcern , wo i butHinilo at tlio snvctaclo of n bni Wankesba water being found in n bag. addrcsted to Tynur , and nmrkc heal bu iiiOH > i , " Tlio po Ul car I mu t haVe looked criMu-oyed whci tackled tmch a p ckaga of mail mutt Hcovlllo IUIH lukcdthe pooplaof thol States to contribnto nny ovidenci may have an to ( Inltcau's iimanity 1m vo no ( leaiio to bo culled to Waufi aaa witnunH , uttlu expense of thy L > ment.butwonioli'poiscBi.loiiof theii lara of an incident that would co fur any jury that known ( , to ci ! thorn that he was not In liU right in times. On one occasion , which > \ provo lo the i-.itl.ifactlon of any \u poiHon , at a hotel in WUroiikin. tin of which wo will not mention unlei pilled to , Uultuau ectunlly pnld f lodKing and brenlcfMt. 'i ' he prnpt the hotel Aivld nt the time that U w uiidouUedly crnzy , ai he hivl I cn known to do such a thing befc If Iho country rcmsinn floodc ( longer it will bo ncccfiary fur far unoovtcr tongi to dig their p < InifvL'Ino granger Frntt , the govctr nn bin fivnn In a skiff , raking jmtatn the bottom of four feet of water , tin ping them into the boat , while h < the pcr pl > nlon ! from nil brow i Iccvo of hli coftt. Wo trust U water it nut goins to contlmio PO It fikiliioimblc next year to go nromu fi\rni uith a steamboat nd | > lantcoi a | iilo driver , or ( < ow wheat by anch > to the Imtloni with old horseshoes. Tito Modern Young ; Qlr Drookljn I'nglc. I'm nn mily daughter young girl , A Htilt-ciirl nn'l ' friz/.en young girl. A lang lulling , dainty , nil IKMCI painty , Sit up till u young girl. I'mn woitliMie iciilhotte young girl A. dote nn the nrl < young girl , A. i ) et in uiubryo , don't know n you know , All on the KUrfnce yomii' ifirl. I'm a novfl-rciulln young t irli > V llc-awnku until ! i onng girl , \ rntnnnllc , ludf-cra/.y , Imt t . Net ma do the work young girl. I'm n look-out for n catch young g : \ . nnatch 'cm tip quick yoiinif girl , V I Hilt do thu pmi > < nn. ! , ' , and bi \vlicn dozing , I told on to 3 our immc young ijirl , RELTG1OUS. There are 35,103 Presbyterians ii Zealand , Iowa [ 4 rrcctlni ; Methodist churc , he tale of onu pur fortnight , The meetings of Moody anil Sat England arc a great HUCCCHS in poin cndnnco. The Swedish Lutherans in tlio jtalcx aru naid to nutiibvr HOO coi , ioiH , 150 iiaHtont and 70,000 attend lifTvrent churchen. MalnohasL'13 Congrogatlonal cli \ < d only 1'JI ! inlnlittorH , ami even of il have no clmnguf , Hi ! are only iai.torn , nnd the rent regular pastors In the Kpii < copnl church of ( I'omwylvnni * , out of a total of cigl ihurches , lifty-nino , or u { import icarly tlircc-fonrtlis , aru wholly froi Mr. Fvimball , the "church debt r ms Uiuit fnr labored in behalf : hurchc , being in rein church members thu ruspectal .f ? 11,000,000. The Lebanon Shakers number 351 hlnls of whom are women nnd gir heir property is valued nt 8i.fi1 ilenibcrs roliiKpilHh all claims on r roui the community. InMinnenoUthere are ninety-fou : : opnl chnrchcH , with eighty-thrco i nen , DMH coiiimnnicantH , and ? ! vprtli of church piopurty. The coi ioiu last year amounted to $870. Another Kngli h clergymen is to ' ecuted for "ritualistic practices , " II t , DrUtow of bt. Stephens' , ] /ow 10 is a prominent niumber of tin jlmich party and regarded an an el irc.ifher. St , 1'anl'H chnruh , in Now Yor lUluat in the city , is Inning its to\v lairoil. Thu oak timbers , which we n place in 1770 , have been found tt ; ooil as new. The main body tf thei fM Hnlslied in 17C ( > . The United t'rcHbyterian churcli li rticlo in its directory of worship f ing thonho of inntniniental muHio 1 hurchcH , Jiut an ngitntion for repc egun , nnd the question ( of repea een sent to the I'resbyteriea for t Vo have , already'voted , one for anther thor against , A clergyman named Wild , formei Iniolclyn , announces in n recent H that in the death of 1'rcafdent'Oi u * eca the wny prepared for the as ion of a military dictatorship under rnl Grant , to bo followed by the mi 11 the Knglinh-spcaking nations and nalannexation to Jerusalem.1 ' - Dally different from what people exji The I'rciibytcrian fonthly Hecoi imalcB the adherents to the leading United States n ) U bodies In the ) ws : Methodists , of all klndtijlf,71 Saptists of nil kindx , 12f S5i > < 0 ; 1 Intho'lci , 7,5 0,00) ; 1'iesbyterians , IndF , 5,450,01) j Lutherans , 3.3T longrpgntionnlists , ] ,7C3,000 ; Kpih rnx , 1,115,0 0 ; unclaimed , 2,155,10 > . oto the writer nays that bo count illieronts for every fa > l commun mt ho takes the Roman Cathol icir own eHtimnto , which he thinkx trgu ; and that the unclnsncd include vUns and Friends , ns well in HO jo lout-named being very much inn their clamor in the news | 'ould indicate. Bradford , Pa. Thos. 1'itchan , Bradford , Pa. , \ 'I ' onclono niotio > ' for Sl'itiNO said I would it it cured mo. My d ; la has vanished , with all it Rym ) Inny thanks ; I shall never bo witl i thu house. " 1'rico 50 cents , tria ICH 10 cents. 17eo OONNUBIALITIBB. A. young lu'ly in KaokuV , who in H ie man led , is tux feetfourinche in I ilia will bo a wife who can Le lool o. o.At a marriage service in Fieri 'rovincoof Quebec , a few days n-o ( .rguages wore uned.Kngllsli , l retia .n . Indian dialect. Old Donron Oobnon always boastc 10 wan ' 'iirnpnrod for tliu wortt , " a icljilihorrt thought ho got it wliun hi led his second wife , Miss Kdwina Ilootb , daughter r tdwin Ilooth , is , it ifi ri'jiortej , ciigr uarry Mr. Downing Vimx , son vo'l-unown architect , The Iowa Mutual Marriage Benef Mfo ABiociatiiin has placed its artic ncord vith tin rntrtiUry of fitati iluco of business is at Newton. Mile , Minnie Hank was mairied i joforu her dcpartnro for this coui .ho Chevalier J'inist do liusso't uithorof a verymccessfiil book on America. Itather than vtdiiahl iho wlllbtill nnswcrtothonamuof' Itnnhacl .Semiaes lias juat been n lo Mil's Marion Adams of Lou Among the decorations of the i AhiTcSii tlio ceiemony took placu ininaturo copy , in ( lowers , of tin "Alabama , " confederate 'ommnnded by the bridegroom' i riiii lutllo llau' nnd puinumt of tin 'edeincy Hoatvd from thu m.uts. "Tlia Boclid ovdit of the > oni > f run * the local chrcnlch- New L Iowa , was a wedding at which tune doling provalUd , and where the p , .vcre of such n j niUU'ul charivctei iucludo a cook ftovn from the fatnor , n cupel from her mother , a tcwut frun tlio Igroom'd father , am : if diibtlng bruOiet ! , n sack of Hour [ rom othei cotmldnrntu frionds. The Angn tt ( Da. ) Nown state Miuiuu the briihd presents nt the w ; > f Mixa Douwhka I'lckciiH , of liilj and Dr , Ocorgo 0. Dugas , of Angue week , wim a rut of elegant dlamondi thot'/nrof Hussia Mim"louschli horn inSt , IVteiMmig whllo bur was Mlnlbtcr to Itnaain , tlio Car\ L'oiMatlier. nnd iiho wna named : Kniproas of lluba ! , Frances Kugciii Neva , tlio prolix "Doubchka" bvln nnmv , wlilchmeana "Darling , " t'nrrlo C'arr amlJ. J. Undcrwn casually in a ftoro at Hear CteuV , T rumor that bbo WUH alxuit to bo i was mentioned , and ho said , " ( nolxxly will have mo. " "I'll tikcy roiilicd. An t-ngagemcnt was m meet at an r.ppointed time to h ceremony performed , l WIKXI nays tt WM all n joke , ncithci intcniling matrimony , and he did nc his appearance. Hut Mio claims l\it they wcro both In i-ober csrne t , a brought a ftult for SlO.OOOdAtnagc'i , FREE OF COST. Dn. KINO'S NEW DIBCOVKK Oonsumptioji , Coughs nnd Asthma I5ronc1iitin , etc , , is away in ttial botlloa frco ot ci the allliclcd , If you have i cough , cold , difllculty of brca hoaracncsi or nny allcction p throat or lungs by all means giv wonderful remedy n trial. A value your existence you c .iflbrd to let this opportunity We could not nllbrd , and woul give this remedy away uulof know it would accomplish wh claim for it. Thousands of ho cases Inwo already been conip cured by it. Thpro is no medic the world tlmt will euro ono ha Kixn'sNKwDi.sox cases that Dit. will cure. For sale by 0) IHII it AraJlAitnN. Onu Mrs. J. O. Holicttson , Plttslmrsf , I'a. , vt was suDcrlni ; truin gincral tlOilllty , nant petite , i-oimtlutloii , etc. , w ) tliat fife was dun ; nttur niliiif llunlock lilool Illttcn I f tcr than for ytdrs , 1 cannot pralgo jour , " It. OlliJid , f DulTnlo , N. Y. , writes : llunlock Diet Ulttcra , In chronic ONeiiei lilood , liver . . -1 kldiiujB , lave burn K nmrkcd with HIICCCCR , Ihain UHod tlicm with licft nniiltn , ( or torjiUlity o ( tliolhur , caHuol a frlcml of mine nudcrlng from il the efftct wag marvcloui. " llmco Turner , Hochcatcr , K. Y.wrltM : " hccn Hulijcct to Htrloua dlnorJcr of the k And tiualilo to attend to limlncm ; ] tiinloc ) < Illttcni reliot'l mo licforohaHabottlo vkn I feel confident that they Hill entirely euro K. Ascnlth Hall , ningJwmpton , N. Y. , "t BUfTiruil with a dull } < aln throiiKh ir lung and nlioiildcr. I.ojt my spirit * , n ; lind color , and could with dliliculty kvcp d j. Took your HurJock Blotxl Hitters reeled , nnd hat o ( ct ! no l ilTi Blnco flrstri tcr nsliif them. " Mr , Noah Batte , Klmlra , N. Y. , wrlteo : ' Four yearn ugo I hid an attack of liillons fcv nocr fully recovered , lly dlK'ustlvo were Mciikuic < l , and I woulil iiocouiilutily trotwl for days. After using two Irattles < llurdnck lilood Hitters the improvement vlrtblothat t was a tonl hc < ! . lean now. I ill ji'.irs otngo , do a fair and reasonable uork. C. Dlncket Robinson , proprietor of The ( Prush ) terlan , Toronto , Out. , wrltcii : "Ko I uuITerrd ( 'ready from oft recurring hcndn used ) our lluntock Illixxl Hitters with hi resultn , nnd I now find mjaclf In better .han for" Jcars | > abt. " Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' laud llunlock lilood Ilittcm for iicrvom ni IOUK hcadachcM , and can recommend it toi requiring a euro for billiousnetn. " Sire. Ira Mullholland , Albany , N. Y , 'For ect oral > cnra I ha > o sutTcrcd from oft Ink' billions headaches , cljciwiiiia , and ilalnU peculiar to my BOX , Since uslni [ Utrdock lilood Bittern I am entirely rcllo Vice , 91.00 per Bottle ; Trial Bottle * I pTBEMILBUBN1&DolPi ) BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale by Iuh jc McMahon am loodtu&n , Jo 27 eo HAWKEYE PLAIffld MILL [ DCS Moines , Iowa , Manufacturers of SASH , DOORS , Bt BRACKETS , MOULDINGS , &O. Great reduction In Dank Counters , Vita iUhcdand work liirnlihed In all klndu o ir iolt wood. Counters flni hcd In oil wl ilrcd. Shelving of all klndi furnished ai nto building ready for paint on short ) ur workmen aru the best mechanics thit irocurcd , Have money by ulvln tu you .racta. Stain , Newell and Daluttor * . Oar foreman In this department waa to kith Front Manufacturing Co , 1C1 Us , and has done BOHID of the flaunt Stall n the Northwext Ordera by mall promptly attended to , 1880. SHORTJ.INE. Ii KANSAS CITY , SUoefe Council Bli m. 18 TUk OBLY Direct Line to ST. LO AND TUB EAST From Omaha and the We So change of cra between Om hi and 01. and but ono between OMAUA ud NEW YOHK. Daily Passenger Tra EABTKUN AND WKSTEIIN CITIES will CHARUU3 and IN ADVANCE ot AL OTHEil LINES. Thla entire line In equipped with Pu Polnco Blooplnrf Cam , I'&laco Day Coaches , : Safety I'lattorm tnl Coupler , and the cell , Hint your ticket rculi VIA IM 31TV , 8T. JOSEl'H & COUNCII , lOMVIt roml , via Bt. Jodoph and St , I/iil3. Tickvta tor tale tt Ml coupon station ! IVert. J. K. UAUNAUD \ > 0. UAWia , ( len. bunt. , St. Joscidi 0 n. VHM. and Itckrt Atl. , tit. Joicpli , | &HDT IlollDitN , Ticket AS ; 1020 Karnham ttrc A. C. lUuaiKp , Qoueral AK < nt , OMAHA , 1 ir YOU are < iffu.liifi.vudW , ii-pitrtUiiiroTo rnfillylliortiulnof JSiir itutlM nvc.1,1 ulKht ork , t < - ' " ' m"u'"v , ilnmlant nil Ube "J10 , . wa ti , u Hop Hoi ) Bittoro. If you are illolpalltloni nnd M > u < rcrlVc ! : r " < ? 1"11l ' * i { "iDBic. i.i ouuB-l' talto ( lop Q8K9OI LlJlKV D.I. orurliturueaw la nn nli iilu/n < , illwate , ninl Irr of the flowcicn , HOP lilo our i.iirfl , fclooil , drtinVen Ki roriirriY 7 UJO Of i You will l > e lurcutlc loliuoc rurodlfyouiiKc Hop Blttera Boljb } Ifyounreilm Jit * tw rly wcnU ana NEVER Circular lj iilrlliil.trj iti ( t mixy HUP in envo your FAIL TO llfo. It line Uo hMl i eavoil hun- Urudu W , J. OONNELL ATTORNEY - AT - L , Omen Front Iloomi ( up * Uln ) In 1U new hrlck hulldinif , N. W. Wimr Flloo uruluui bttvcUi , I iiOSTETTgi J * * CCIEBBATEO | r - _ . * ? % One or the Reasonable Pleasure 01 life , a properly conked incit , iiltoriM no present crijij mcnt , ami inuc'i Biib qui litre toaconnrmediljfpcptlc. tint when iiulliltstlon IscomliUlcitwIth Vostcttcr'sS llltlir , tlio fooJ h inti with rills' ) , ni : iiiportnnt of nil , li Mrlintlatctl liy anil nn ; hu fjstem. Una thli Brnnil tonic > ni1 mi klso to remedy ronstlpatlari , IjlllouMiosi na tarn , fuitrnii'1 njno. For vie hy all DruggltU and Do Icrsftci DISEASE ! -or THK EYEor DR.L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Au : -ATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN K LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPIT/ IcforonccH all Itcputalilo PhjMclnns of ( , Corner IGth and Farnhar Dmahn , Neh. the OreigMon and Niol Inns dally , Icailnit CrclRhton on ftrrl rains at (5.M p. in. Arriva at Mobmrn , 1 11. Inoi Mobraro , 11:30 : p. in. Arrl IrolHhton at 0 a. m. . In time lor train. K octlO-lm OKOHOE tlKltltY , I'rcprl No Changing Cai Fboro direct connection are mnde with Tl SLEEPING CAR LIMES for IKW tQKK. BOSTON , PHILADELVniA , BALTU1ORE , . WABHIX AMD ALL EABTKRN ITIES. the Short Line via. Pe Eor INDIANAPOLIS , CINCINNATI , I riLLE , and all points In the For ST. LOU Vhoro direct conncctiona are made in the Depot with the Through Sleeping C * LlnouforALLl'OlNlB S O iEW LINE DES MOI THK FAVORITE ROUTE FOR Rock Island The cnoqvMcd Inducements offered by tl o traieltira and tourtata are aa follows : The cclohratod PULLMAN ( IB-whool ) P 1LEEPINQ CAH3 run only an thl * line ( Q. PALACE "RAWING ROOM CAUI lorton'a llcclinlng CTwira. No extia clu cats In Reclining Chain ) . The famouu ( } . Palnco Dining Cara. aoricous Stnokli Ittod with elegant hlvh-backed rattan re1 hairs , ( or the citlUBho moot flrat-closa , ; ora. Steel Trade and superior equipment coi vlth their JCQt through car arreiiKCment , his. abe > o all others , the favorite route M { , South and Southeast. Try It , and you will flud traveling a lux iteau ot a discomfort. Through tlckeu via thU celebrated line 1 it all ottlcoa in the Uoltod State * and Cans. All Information atout rates of fare , S Tar accommodations , Time Tables , etc. , < eerfully ( riven by applying to PERCEVAL LOWEL Cknoral oniror Accnt , Chi J. POTTER , On , llanacer Chi Sioux City & Pac THE SIOUX CITY ROT Runs a Solid Train 'through from Council Blufl's to Bt. Ft Without Chance Tlmv , Only 17 Hi IT 18 LOO UILEa T1IK SHORTEST It COUNCIL BLUFFS TO ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS indall points In Northern Iowa. Minnow 3akota. Thli Una U oiulp | ] > cd wiilv the Iin Automatic ) Alr-braka auii , 'lutfonu Couuler and ISiUTor ; and for SPEED. SAVETY AND COMFORT 9 unsurpacscd. Pullman Calico Slcupln ; un through WITHOUT UI1AXUK bct\t > i ! is City nnd St. Paul , Uu Council lllut Sioux City. Tralnn Icavo Union Pacific Transfer at :11 UlulfH , at 7:35 : p , m , dally on urrhut of -ity , St. Joatili uiul Council Illutf4 I nil : liu Smith , Arrhlngat KlouxOlty 11.115 uid nt the Nuu Union Ucpot at St , Puul i 10011 , TEN HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY ( ROUTE. Xirllcmcmbcr In tiKlii ! ; the Sioux City > on iet a 'I hrough 'Jralu , The Miorlcrl thu ( julcUfotTlnio ami A LomtorUblu Ulili IhroiiKh i an bchucii COUNCIL 11LUFFS AND ST. I'AUi 3-Sco that jour Ticket * rt.xd via the My and PailllJ Hnll.oa.l.1 J. 8. WATl'LEH , J.R , 11UCHAN/ Uiiporliitvndvnt , Gin'l Paw , A | P. K. IIOIUNSON , Asa't Ccn'l l'a . AK MisHourl Valley , 1 J , H. 0 ' 1111 VAN , Southwestern Ago found 1 1)1 u Hi , 1 NetoaskaLandAge : DAVIS & S11YDER , 150C Farnham Bt. , . . . Omaha , Net -9tOO , Care.ully ( ulcctod hnd In EAttvni Ncbn K\lu , Orrat Darfilnn In Improved fart Omaha city proixirty , 0. F. DAVIS WEBSTEU SS Late UnJCom'r 17. P. U , _ . CLOTHING J , HATS , GAPS , - .Ajwm Gent's Furnishing Goods , AT THE NEW YORK STORE. H. M. & M. PEAVY , Proprietors , 1309 Farnham Street , OMAHA , NEB , oc2Mm WHOLESALE- LUMBER , GOAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , MARBLE HEAD LIME CO.'S Double Strength White Lime Lumber , Lath , Shingles , rhirteenth and California Streets , OMAHA , - - - NEB Roilmolra WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DKALEK IN Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. od.m .iy I. OBERFELDER & CO. , IMrOUTEHS A D JOBDEIIS OV MILLINERY & NOTIONS , 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. The only exclusive wholesale house in this line in the west. ca l illard and I'oo a IPth st. * " . O. j.j 012-1 in * be < > 1st WHOLESALE GROCEE 5r' Feed Store 1 nlfl-tf 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. XC11ANOE. HEADQUARTERS } I i MEN'S FURNIHG GOODS. We desire to call the special attention ot the trade to our alegnnt lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overahirts , Overalls Hosiery , &c. , now open. Wholesale only. SHREVE , JARVIS & CO , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. WHOLESALE DROCGiSTS. ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEtf. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS. jv 18-ma FEARON & COLE , Commissson Merchants , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. attention , noferencoa : State Bonk , Omaha ; Plati Consignment * mode us will recehe prompt . . . , " w .i * n Cincinnati. & Co. , IJaltlmoro ; 1'cck t Uanshcr Chicago ; THE LAST DAY. THE MONSTER WHALE ! 80.000 FOUNDS. LENGTH CO .FJJKT. OllIGINAL WEIGHT . week only , rommcnclnB MONDAY , OOTp- liittli. Tor om > . irrcatcut natural curiosity on . Children , IScta. Tlio ami Jones , Onwha. ADMISSION 26ct ! . , Jaclnon 11 Kit , 3Ut. Ninth Btri'Ct Iwtnevii GunsAnnmunitionSporting Goods PISHING TACKLE , BASH BALLS , and a FULL LINE OF MOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS , MAX MEYER & CO. Omaha , Ne