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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1881)
V1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE.V1 ELEONTH YEAR OMAHA , FBIDAY MOUNING , NOVEMBER 4 , 1881 , NO. \ JDAPITAL NOTES , A Newsy Record of tlio Doing at Washington Yes terday , The Annual Rsport of Unitet Statop Treasurer Uil- flllau .Shows nu Increnso in Receipts Over 1880 From All Sources. 'The National Debt Reduced $91,000,000 During the Past Year. .Report of the Commissioner ot Pensions for the Fiscal Tear. The Star Route Cases Called iu the Criminal Courb Yesterday. The Garflold Physicians Few They Expect to Bo Paid Dr. Bliss. 'Tho Assassin Sentences Conflrmoii Mltocllanoons Items of Intel-cat- .THE NATIONAL CAPITAI * National A&soclatiil Prcic. u. s. TnEAsunr.u'a ANNUAL r.KroitT. The annual report of United States Treasurer Giltillan , submitted to-day , uhowB that during the laat fiscal year the receipts of the government show M\ increase over 1880 from every aource. The increase in receipts from customs WIM $11,15:57Gll.4'2 : ; from in- tornac revenue , $11,225,011 59 : from ealcs of public lands , fl , 185,351).57 ; from miBceilancoua sourcoj , $3,117- ; 702.01 ; total incroaao.SOS.GSl.Dflj . which , added to the net reduction of $6,930,070.19 in expenditures , makes an increase in the surplus revovuo of ? 34,185,751.78 The net revenues were 300,782,292 57 ; not expendit ures , $200,712.887 59. The excess of receipts over payments waa$100,009- 404.98. of w ich $90,882,201.05 wua expended in the redemption ofthopub- lic debt. The baliinco in the treasury increased $48,007,003 93 ; from $203- 791,321.88 at bei-inning to $252,457- 925.81 at the end of the year. The amount expended on account of in- toreftt and premium on the public debt ran down from'698,552,895.53 during the year 1880 to $83,509,989.- 90 , a reduction of $14,982,905.57 during the year. Sixty four national banks were organized , and twenty went into voluntary liquidation , leav ing 2,130 doiiu ; business at the close of the year. There were no national bank failurea during the year. The semi-annual duty accruing from the national banks during the year was $849,355,255 , all of which haa been collected and paid at the close of the year. There waa held by the treasury in United States bonds $300- 505,900 as aecurity for the circulation of national bank depoaitorira. Dining the year $270,899,700 iu bonds w re deposited for these purponea and $277- 527,350 were withdrawn , exceeding , by far , the transaction of any former year. Theao ch.mgea aio chiefly due to the increases of 5 and G per cent , bonds at 3 per cent. , in p rt by the substitution of continued bonda for 4 and 4J per cent * . States bonds amounting to $8,531,050 wore retired during the year. Tlio aggregate amount retired by purchnso , redemp tion , conversion and exchange trom March 1 , 1869 , to thocloxo of the fiscal year ia $1,983,344,800. Coupone from United States bonds of the value of $227,970,075 were paid i'ur- ing the year. Quarterly iuloreit on rcgiatcrod stock of funded loaim amounting to $4,445,579,0 7 was paid by moana of 305,101 chocks , drawn and payable to order of thu respective stockholder , and Bent to them by mail , liy n comparative table of the condition of the treasury ct the cloae of September in cieh yonr of the laat four yoara , the most noticeable change is the increase in gold coin and bul lion and Btandard silver dollars 911 hand and in eilror certificates out standing. In 1880 gold ran down nearly $27,000,000 , but thia itocreaao waF > much moro than overcome in 1881 , when it increased moro than $41,01)0- ) 000 the highest point over attained. The groHB assets of the government , including funds held for the redemp tion of the gold , silver and currency certificates , are $331,981,210.11 , hav ing increased moro than $04,000,000 , during the laat year and being larger than any corresponding year since 1878. Thia increase ia duo in chM part to the doposita on account of nil- ver certificates , which amounted dur ing the year to $45,000,000. Thotrwm- urerstates that , while fraelyfurniahiug now United State * notes in redemp tion of old notes and national bank notes , ho has endeavored to husband the supply and IIBH of gold , standard silver dollars and paper certificates in payment of demands. The practice has been to make 10 per cent of all payment * in silver dollars or cer "t * tificates , 40 per cent in gold coin and 50 per cent in notua. To thia there ia an important oxnuption in the New York clearing hoiiso ; payments by the treasurer to this institution , amounting $25,000,000 a year , must bo made in gold coin or in United States notes. Aside from any personal views OH to the expediency of reviewing the ailver ( dollars , the treasurer thinks it unwise for any branch of the government to encourage an arrangement by which thia coin has been made legal tender. The treaaurer also nays tlmt unless calamity elmll overtake the na- tioii t1oro : seems to bo no probability of a run upon the reserve of the treas ury , Ho aas , too , that whatever percutilaye of reserve will protect United States notes will protect other liabilities. Tlio treasurer is of the opinion n uniform percentage should _ be Riven for all current liabilities otiier than three classes of certificates , mid that the excess Of cash in the treasury blmuld bo expend 4 < d from time to time in the purchaser or redemption of the public debt , ac cording to some definite and jiublicl ; announced plan. Should this bo don the policy of the department woulc cease to be the subject of speculatioi and the inllticnce of the treasury would bo reduced. The amount o standard silver dollars coined to Sept 30 , 1881 , was $118,332,905 , of whicl § 32,373,42(1 ( , or nearly 33 per cent. , ia in circulation , and $ G5KiO,27 ! ! > remains mains in the treasury. There was : largo incieaau in the filver certificates in circulation N < i gold certificates have been issued since December 1 , 1871 although the law authorizing their is BUO is mi repeal ed. Tlie clearing house eertillcates at the close of the year amounted to 811,015,000 , the smallest amount outstanding tit the close of any fiscal year since their is sue began in 1873. The iimount o fractional silver coin in the treasury now stands at $20,343 , < > 77.57 , an in crease of $1,010,581.41) , ) in the lasi year , but a decrease of § 952,009.4(5 ( since August. The amount of minor coin now on hand is $552,585.06 , , as compared with $100.300.22 on Sep tember 30th , 1880. Regarding the redemption - demption of national bank notes the treasurer thinks , aside from the niero difficulty of apportioning espouses ol redemption , that the power now pos sessed by national banks of throwing up circulation at will was a wronj. principle , unnecessary and dangerous. If a bank finds that ita issues are be ing ledeerncd so rapidly aa to destroy profit the obvious remedy is to refrain from issuing redeemed notes and to retire themas permitted by statute , in sums of. $100,000. The treasurer ureca the restoration of former salaries of the treasurer's oflice. rtJIlCHASE OF SILVER. WASHINGTON , Sontumber 3. The reasury to-d.iy purchased 4(50OOC ( ounces of Hue HI vor , to bo delivered tc .ho Philadelphia , Now Orleans and San Francisco mints. OC'rOUKU PATENT OFl'ICK UEUEIPTX. The monthly statement of receipt ! of the patent oflico for the month ol October allows SGI,950.59 against § 50,345.17 for the same month last 'our. The receipts of the oflico so far 11 this fiscal year are largely in excess ot the same period of the last fiscal rear. LKAVE FOB NEW YORK. " \ViRHiuoTON , November 3. Presi- dent'Arthur , accompanied by Secro- : ary and Mrs. Hunt , left this city for ew York on the limited express at LO a. m. to-day. THE STAR ROUTE CASK CALLED. The star route cases were called in ho criminal court thin morning by Judge Cox. Colonel Cook , Dia- , rict Attorney Corkhill , George 31iss and lienj. II. Browster repre sented the government , and Col. E. rotten , Col. Robert G. Ingursoll , .Ion. J. Wilnon , Samuel SholLibarger and Hon. Jefferson Chandler , of Mis souri , representing the defense.rlhe motion to quash the information and argument on it wan heard. Mn.Wil- on made the argument , taking the ground that the information wrn un constitutional and a violation of rights of the citizuim and obtained by oxer elite of the arbitrary power. His [ uotatinna wore largely from English .uthoritioa. . CONFIRMS THE HENTKNCI'.H. WASHINGTON , November 3. Presi- lent Arthur has confirmed the sen- once of Second Lieutenant H. C. John- on , tried by the general court martial t Ft. Snolling , Minn. , and sentenced o bo dismissed from the service ; also hat of Capt. Jas. J. Spencer , of the Oth cavalry , tried at Ft. Stockton , 'exas , and houtcnced to bo dismissed. n the car.o of First Lieutenant F. H. "aylor , of the Oth cavalry , tried at Ft. Vingato , N. M. , and sentenced to bo iami-jBecl , the prc idoiit has confirm d the Kontonco , but in view of the ocormnendation of the court , concur- ed in by hin department commander nd General Sherman , that clemency in uxurciacd , has mitigated it to aaus- wnaioii from the rank for one year , vith a forfeiture of one-half p.iy and onfinemeiH within the limitj of the > OHt fur one year , (1UITEAC. The refusal of District Attorney Corkhill to allow Guiti-au' counsel ccciBH to the papers and letters found n him is causing much comment. Ho lainia them aa evidence for the prose- ution and stated in court to-day that le should not give them up until he tad convicted the prisoner. The ourt oxpreiHod no opinion in the mat er , but may yet bo heard from when ho final decision ia rendered in regard o the further extension of time before rial. Robinson and Scoville ur a dis- ppointmont as to njaistant counsel aa ho caune for further postponement , jut it is understood that Judge Cox trill not consent to any delay before November 14th. PF.NSION OFFICK RP.rORT. WAHHIKOTON , November 3.Hon. . V. W. Dudley , commissioner * of pen- ions , transmitted a report of the op- rations of the pension oflico for the ifical year ended Juno 30 , 1881. Dur- ng thii year 27,395 now pensioners nd 1,344 whojio \ onsioiifl had beun roppud were restored , making an ag- reaato increase of 28,740 poiisionorfl , vhilo 10,714 punsioners were dropped rom the rolls , leaving a not increase f 18,028 pensioners , or a total on the oil of 208,830 pensions , with a yearly aluo of 828,709,9(58.40. ( The total mount paid for ponaiona during the ear was 849,723,147.52. Moro Mormon Convert * . Cttlonol Awoclattxl I'teKt. CHATTANOOOA , Tonn. , November 3. Klder Morgan , prsaidoiit of the outhern misaion of the Mormon tuirch , coinprieing the aouthorn a ates , ia in the city , and states that in n few days ho will leave for Colorado with over olio hundred and twenty- five converts to the Mormon faith , the majority from nouthorn Virginia. Ho says the church 1ms received over three hundred additions from this section during the past few niontha. All tlio converts from thia locality are aont to Colorado. National AmocUtoJ ftci * . PARLIAMENT LONDON , November 3. Farliftnttin will moot on the 10th of January. 1IU.HINF.S8 III.OOKKD. The cxcrasivo number of applica lions to the land court to have the value of holdings and rent fixed under the land net hai already blocked the business of the court. The time o the court is BO taken up with hearing and p issing upon the entry of latin and filing applications that it baa nr time to give attention to the merits o : the cases Hundreds of fresh appli citions have to-day coino in from the Ulster district , and unless the vM.y is soon cleared , the hearing of cases un der the act will bo rendered hopeless by the very multiplicity of the cases to be heard. THK CUANNKL SQUADRON. LONDON , November 3 A portion of the channel squadron , comprising the men-of-war Monotour , Ajincourt , and Northumberland , under conunaiu of Vico- Admiral Hood , are anchoret in Eantry bay. VIOIITINd AMONO THK 7.ULUH. A dispatch from Durban saya the fighting among the Zulu chiefs is spreading , and'Enyliah interference ia imminent. TO SEARCH FOR THE JKANNETTE. James Gordon lionnett , of New York , has asked Lieutenant Howgart of the Danish navy , to come to Lon don on the expedition to search for the Jeannottc. A1TO1NTKD PRESIDENT. PARIS , November 3. - M. Bisson has been appointed president of the chain ber of deputies. QRKAT INUNDATIONS. VIENNA , November 3. Great inun dation's ' have occurred in Hungary and Sorvia , and the town of Temesvarand numerous villages are in ruins. SEXTON'S ' HEALTH. Nf.wYoRK , Novembers. A. Dub lin cable nays : Mr. Sexton , immedi ately after his release , was examined by medical men , who had been called a few minutes after Sexton reached hcino. The physicians euid that the patient ia in n very baa condition , and very much worse than before his in carceration Mr. Sexton is siidcring from a complication of di senses , iiii eluding febroid pneumonia' , spinal ir ritation and gastric disturbance. Ho has boon ordered abroad at the earliest moment when ho ran bo moved. Ho is at present unable to travel. The course had been urged upon him lonsj before his arrest , owing to the precarious con dition of his heart ; it now appears absolutely necessary that he should seek a moro genial climate. There are no conditions attached to his re lease. During the eighteen daya of Ilia imprisonment he waa confined to bed , and for seven daya waa in abao- lute solitude. Mr. Sexton opeaks in the hichcat terma of the treatment ru- coiyod from all the officials in Kil- uiainham jail. PICKED UP AT HKA. LONDON , November 3 , The ship Village Belle , which sailed for Haiti- more forty-seven days ago , haa just eturned to Londonderry with a argo number of ship wrecked Bailers which she picked up at sea. Shipping New * . National AiwciattiJ 1'iew. NEW YORK , No ember 3. Sailed riaia , for Hamburg ; C'ity of Cheater , or Liverpool ; State of Nevada , for Slosgow. Arrived Algeria , from Liverpool , Jane Broydolo , from Ant- ivorp ; Utophia , from London. ROTTERDAM , Novombor3. Arrived Amsterdam , from New York. LONDON , November 3. Sailed JSroi'ce , for Now York. LIVERPOOL , November 3. Arrived City of Paria , Gallia and Wyoming , rom Now York. SOUHAMPTON , November 3. Ar- ived Braunaohwoip , from Baltimore , or Bremen and Hamburg ; Herder , rom Now York. BXliiinrl River Iinproveinont AMOolutlou. fnHonal Awociatud I'litaa. KANHAS CITY , Mo. , November 3. 'ho i-xecutivo committee ot the Mis- ouri river improvement iiBsociation net to-day in this city and issued u nemorial calling upon all governors f slntea and territories , congressmen md others interested in the Missouri iver iinprovenient to tneot at St. Fozoph , November 29th , to take Hteps owurda the improvement of the river. No Traveling Salocmen , i ( Jonil AMOcUted I'ru * . CincAOOj November 3. The mom- > ors of the lumbermen's exchange this norning agreed to withdraw traveling ihismen at once , but lot prices etaml i ut proient Employe * ' Contrlbntlon- iul AwociktoJ Prow. YOUNOSTOWN , 0 , , November 3. riio employca of the Vulloy rolling iiii to-day forwarded to Cyrus W. 'leld a $53 contribution to the Mrs. jurfioldfiind. Donation for MloUlcaii SulTororfl. utloiml Axuoclattxi Prc d , CIIIOAUO , November 3. The re- eipls from the porformancca at the ir.ind openi house to-day are to bo lonatod to the Michigan The Minnesota IiegUlatnro- ttlonal Atwoclated ST. PAUL , Minn , , November 3. 'ho aonato Hpont the entire day in liacuaamg the congrcBsional appor- ionmont bill. The houao went nto secret aeaaion on the hargoa laado against Judge St. Julion Cox , accused of drunken , ness. The house will allow Cox to introduce evidence in rebuttal , when n lively time niny be anticipated , as ho thrcfttona to implicate other judi cial officials in hi mcapadea. Tlio Davenport Dl a tor. NMIonnl AwocUtoJ Virnx. PAVE > T9UT , Novombgr 3.At the coroner's Inqtifnt on tlio body of Mm. Camp , who wan lost in the QilchriHt disnnjor last week , three members of the crow ° " 'y ' wo witno ea. The toner of t.'w testimony was there was no intoxication on board the , though some i.f the ofllcora aomotimt-a dronk to oxces. . . They thouirht the boat in good conn.1 0" t the time of the accident , though none had worked on her longer than n week. 1 ho jury brought in a verdict i > accordance with the fnclw stated , anu usprosaed condomnatioiMif these in charge of the boat , b-eiuso no ancn.'r ! W1fi ! thrown out ut the tnno of thu ! VCCI" dent. In Rook Island the inquest on the body of Win. Wendt has beun dim- moiieod iviid will bo continued to morrow. The Oorman GuoiU nt Boston. National Awn ! l t 'l Vivr. I5sro.i , November 3. Thia after noon tbo Gorman guests of the nation arnv d and were received at tlio depot by n eomm tlco. The parlyveru then con mctod , to Mv hptol , where they | w-sod the nftornoon quietly. Thii evening the § arty dined with the Ger man consul , 'Mr. Schleeainger , at his losidenco. To-inorrow morning the guests will visit the fair at Bach Bay .md will lunch ab Vondomo at 1 o'clock , after Tvhich the party will betaken taken about the city to the ditt'tiron * placca of interest. In the evening they will bo'jfcceivod by the Gornvm Turnora and ' ( orphana1 society. On Saturday morning they will breakfast at 9 o'clock and leave on the 11 o'clock train for NowYork. BaioBall Convention. Vatlontl AwocUted rr w < CINCINNATI , November 3. The American convention of the base ball clubs elected H. D. MoKnight , of I'ittsburg , prv-aidcntj J. H. Park , of Louisville , vico-president ; J. A. Wit- innin , of Columbus , secretary and ireasur ; directors , T. Thorntr , Cin- cinnuti ; Chus , Fulmur , Philadelphia ; 3. Vondorache , St. Louis ; W. H. Uarmor , Brooklyo ; committee on rates - O. P. Caylor and W , H. Barnio. The selection of the ball was laid over ill spring , and the committee ordered torcpor the schedule at the next meeting in Philadolphiu. THE V/EATHER. 8TOKM. ' ' ' CHICAOO , November 3. A heavy snow Btorm , the first of the acason , > egan hero this morning. SPECIAL WEATHER I1VLI.ETIN. Heavy snow storms prevail in the Jake Superior region and the temper ature ia below the froezini ; point .hroughout the whole northwest , and it all Rocky Mountain atatioim an far Bouth us Texas. INDICATIONS. WAHIIINOTON , November 4. For the ako region : Colder weather , occa- iomil light snow , followed by fair vcather ; winda HhiUhin ? to uouth , lowly risimr tcmpt-nihire , and in the veHtern portion falling haromotor diir- rif ; the day. For the upper Misnis- ippi and lower Missouri valleys ; slightly warmer and fnir weather ; outh to west windti and stationary ) r slowly falling barometer. The Ten- lessee , Ouinbiirlanil , S.ivaniiah and Jppor MiasiBsippi rivers will f.dl lowly. _ Ouo Dollar Dumagca. CHICAOO , November 3. The jury n the libel suit of Fiornhard llecht v 'aiimt the Chicago Tnbiinu brnught n u verdict giving the plaintiff dam- iuefl ; of one dullar. Mr. lleoht had laimed 810,000. The odiom para- i/rih ) on which the unit was founded harged Jlr. Hecht with having ao- epted a bribe while licenae cleik in ho county clerk 'H ofUco for ( injiprosn- nir the publication of a malnage It- eneo , Death of a Trunp-Evanqoltit. { ntloiiikl Aiouciatf < l I'riMs. MARIETTA , Gu. , November 3. ) ied , on thu Jinu of the Weiitorn & \tlHiitio , near thia place , a nan in the gab of a tramp , who paid its name was Stone , and after dtath i.tpora were found on hia person HhoiV- ng his name to bo Simon F. Stone , ud he wau an ev.ingolwt of the M. E. hurch , Waterloo , Canada , und wns f commended aa eucli by Hevoral min- utora. Atlaiitu { atlnnal Ai < > cl ti' I I'trnt. ATLANTA , November 3 , Edward Atkinson , who iiint miugiintcd the ex- > o < iitioii , spoke in tlui jiidgi'H1 hull to- ivy before a largo audience. The unnfacturprH1 peeoh waa the special vent of the week. He apoko of the uccfds of the exposition and the ben- fits to bit derived from comparison * f iiKichinery and an interchange ol ( k'.ui. Ilia party wna invited to visit Lti''uata , and will do ao Saturday , on heir return homo. A UnitMayor. . ntlonal Awjclft'.i-J I'roiw. CINCINNATI , November 3. The of- irt of thu mayor loutiforco a tax on ouimercial traveler * created quite an xcitement , but it. in found tlmt llu rdinarico under which hu proposed ct waa rejioaled several years ago. The Michigan iloliof Fnud- atloiul Awncmto. ! l'r KK. Nuw V'oRKNovoinbor3. Treasurer Dowd , of thu Michigan relief fund , re- ortod aubacriptiom to-day amount- ig to 87U2 , making a grand total now f 91' ' 3,224.09. WANTKH. A few more good active eliablu purchasing amenta to anil the ght ruimintj Domestic sowing ma- hino. For terms addresa , W. D. Vomack , general traveling agent , Dtaabft , Nobi-aako. Nltf. NUMEROUS NEWS. The Latest Telegraphic Intelligence - gonco From AH Parts of the United States , Adelaide Patti , the Qront Prima Dona , Arrives iu Now York Yesterday , After an Absence of 22 Years , and Will Open With a $14,000 House. Receiver Frolinghuyson Takoa Possession of the Busted Bank at Newark. looting of the Missouri River Improvement Association at Kansas City. Au Interesting Batci ! : of News Prom Across the Atlantic. Honvy Snow Storms and Cold Weather in the NorthWest - West Indications. Criminal Mattori , Rnilrond Noted , Mnrlno nnd Other Minool- InnoanH Newi. ADELAIDE PATTI- TIio Great SinRnr'ii Arrival in New York Yostortlny. National Awocl&tcd I'rcm. NK\V YOHK , November : ) . Mad ame L'utli arrivud pu tlio.Algeria' morning. She said : JI have boon trying to realize that lia ! is the aamo Now York I loft twenty-two yoara ayo. Money ia at the bottom of my long absence. I wanted to come many times when mattora wont wrong in Europe , but there was no operatic manager who would pay as much for my aurvicoa as I could get in Europe. I intend to fling two yearn more , then retire und rcat for the remainder of my life. " For nil the floor Beats and nboul two hundred aenta in the balcony § 1 ( apiece was naked , $5/and $4 being tl.o prices for other Rents , with § 2 for the worst Boats and for simple admission. The receipts for the first concert wil amount to about $14,000. CfUUINAI * National Aoooclatod 1'rcta KILLKU UY ONK OP H13 KIND. SHELBYVILLE , Tenn. , Nov. 3. Henry Brown , colored , was killed by Tom Stewart , a colored laborer , luat night , at thia place. THH TllIAL OK OOVKIlXOll HCOTT. NATOLKON , Oliio , November 3. Hon. Charles Scribner haa concluded the argument in the defense of Gov ernor Scot t , and John McSwooney in now delivering a npeecli on the Hamo side , a fter ho is through the prose cutin attorney will Hum up tlio case for the state , and the case will proba bly bo given to tlio jury to-morrow. ran TWKNTY YHAIW. LOUIHVILI.K , November 3. George Ilatten , charged with the attempted rape of a little daughter of M. 13ienig , WUH nontenced to-day to the penitentiary tiary for twenty yearn. A IIIUAMIST. COUJMIIUH , O. , November 3. Jncob Haorret , a tailor , wu arrested tliia afternoon for drunkenness , but after ward his wife made a charge of biga my ngaiiiHt him. During a drunken convei nation he divulged hin former wife and live children , who live in Toledo , where tlio wifu works in Mia- itingor'u tobacco IIOUHO , Ho left tlieno because of a quarrel over eighteen months ago und murried his present wife here iiiot upring. T1IK ACCUMKD MUKDKKKK. MILWAUKKI : , November 3.--Kuhl , the man nuppowd to be Lull Williams , the murderer of the C < > ] emanHvwa * turni'd over to the mierili'of Pippin i i t t i i * 1 county la t night and quietly hurriei ' out of the city. The frie'hda of Kuhl , hnd coino to catablish the identity of thu priionor MrB. Peter Shorn , Miin Julia Kuhlaiater of the accused , and Chiirlt'H Kuhl , a brother , all of Poori ; Slii'rifl' Wilkinson and ox- Sheriff Herrint ! , of Woodford county , and the farmorH near Itloomi'igton , III. , for whom Kuhl hail worked in May , Juno and July last , all being liure. The counsel for the accused : lo not hesitate to clmrgo the author- il'n-H hero with a breach of faith , and Lo aay tbitt in caao Kuhl ia lynched the responsibility will real upon Sheriff UiiKiw und Judge Mallory. AIADIHON , Wis. , Novpmbtir 3 Sher iff SuVisraon , of I'opin county , tcJe- . { rapht'd ' Gov , Smith thia morning ftak- in for troopa to guard the jail at Durand , Win , , whore thu man : itreated in Milwaukee and supposed t" be Lon Williama , 1ms been taken for trial , The uluiiiff saya hn haa not yet been identified as Lou Williama. The gov ernor ia at Mineral Point , _ buL thy rcriii | , ' t hat beun telegraphed him , ANOTHI'.UCIIARI.KV IIOJW CyUJK. DKTJIOIT , Mich. , November 3. The Buburlwn town of Springwtlla ii : ex cited over tlio niyHloriou'i diaappear- anco of a little four-year-o d ami of Charles Hulo and thoarreatof a house painter named George Freeman on charge of aiding in the boy'riabdnclion l > y another liouso painter named Albert L/'oniiiiulu , The two men wont into the woods yesterday on a nutting ex pedition and were accompanied by the boy , Freeman noon returned , but up : o to-day noon no tidinga of Connaulo or the child had been heard. Free- iuau was accordingly arrested on a charge of abduction. Connaulo wa employed ni H circus performer euveral years auo , and it is thouuhh ho may have atolen the boy to bring him up as a performer. Freeman can give no siitufactory account of the manner in which lie became separated from his companions. TO UK HtlNH , ATLANTA , Ga. , November 3. Tom Bott/i , colored , who miirdorod George 'Mooro , HU old and highly respected citizen of Clayton county , will be hung at Joticahom to-njorrow. A petition for commutation and a conn- tor-potitioviwore circulated. The gov ernor re'.mod to Interfere. A WOMAN ASSASSINATKP. IlALTiMOKK , November S. To-nicht while Mrs. Faunio Koifer was sitting at the window , some unknown parly lirod from an adjoinina alloy. Thu whole charge entered Mrs. Keifor'ft head , inflicting a wound which will provo fatal. Mrs. Kuifer hna boon aeparatod from her husband , Manuel Keifer. The husband bus been ar rested on suspicion. RAILROAD RACKET. National As x mtitl I'rc.-n. ANOTHKU CONHOSIDATION. IES MOINF.S , November 3. Articles ) f incorporation have been filed by the Chicago , Burlington oc Kansas City railroad , which i the consolidation of a line now running from Burlington through Leo , Van Buren , D.IVM nnd Appanooso counties , and of the Kan sas City , St. Joe & Burlington line , running from Mendot.i to Uinonville , Mo. , and from Unionvillu couth through Sullivan and Linn counties to LaClede , Mo. The object of the consolidation is to secure thu imme diate construction of a line to Kansas City.A A NKW HOUTHWKHTKRN ROAD. AU.STIN , Tex. , November 3. A charter waa filed in thu. state depart ment , by the Kansas & South ern railroad , with a capital ttock of § 0,000,000 , to build a .railroad of standard guage , beginning in Mead county , Kansas , and hayingtita south ern terminus at Presidio , on the Rio Grande , in Texas. The directory is composed of southern nnd western men. ' NKW T1MK VAltn. CHICAGO , November 3. The now time card goes into effect Sunday on the 0. , B. it Q. Train for Kansas Ci y leavea Ohicngo at 9:15. : AN AMIOA11LK ADJUSTMENT. Cuic.vno , Novombor3. The South western association concluded ita three daya' session to-day , amicably adjust ed all its points of difference and unanimously agreeing that the as sociation ah * ll continue its existence intact. It Tin 'uyrucdxhal the M - BOU ri Pacific and the Cliicago , Bur lington & Quincy shall bo given a fair equivalent for the additional now businosa which they bring into the association. It was decided to divide the business of the association into throe di visions the Chicago , the Han nibal and the Toledo and the St. Louia. The percentages of the three divisions shall remain na before the Chicago , 44A " ; the St. Louia , 44i ; the Hannibal" ! 1. 'lho } Hannibal division will be extended on the Chicago cage rates , nnd shall consist of the ila.milul & St. Joe , the Missouri Pa cific and thu Wabash. Each of these divisions will hold its separate meet ing for the purpose of determining the proportions each read shall hava in the percentages. The reports will be aont into Commissioner Midgcly , nnd on Tuesday , November 15th , a meet ing of the association will bo hold at St , Louis to notify them. TUP Northwestern and the St. Louia & San Francisco roads will be invited to attend thia meeting , they being concerned corned in the Colorado pool. The Proildent in Now York. National A ioclatcd 1'renj NKW YOUK , September 3. Prodi- dent Arthur , accompanied by Secre tary and Mrs. Hunt , arrived in thia city from Wiiahington thia evening and waa immediately driven to the Fifth Avenue hotel , where u auito of rooms were in readiness for him , After dining alone at the hotel the president went to hia residence on Lexington avenue , where ho remained until a late hour in company witrtHnv- eral frieuda. It ia understood that the prciiidont will neb take uny active [ iart ifi the coming election , but will jive hia advice and attention to several important m.ittor of his party in con nection with the canvas * . President Arthur , not having registered , cannot vote. It in expected the president will remain in the city for two orthree daya after the election before ho re- amis to Wellington. Ex-Senator Conkling , who haa ar rived from Utica , had a long confer- 'lice with thu president. . Secretary Windom called upon the president .his oveuiug. Poitoffloe Chaoge * n Jftiji/asku during thu week ending Ootol > , ir ' 29 , 1881 , furuiahed by Win. Yan , "Vleck , of the postolh'ce. depart- nent , EstttbliMiod Nomaha county , Goo. W. Fairbrothor , Jr. , postmaster. Discontinued Centruvillu , Lancas- er county. Pi-atni.utor appointed Aoway ! /'rcek , Dixon county , JohnMcManus. That Confodnrntn Moiiny. NKW OULKANH , November 3 , Jo- lopli Davis , nephew of .Jeffenon Davis , HIX.VH there ia no money in the Bank of England to the credit of the confederate government. He also italea that Jeff D.ivin oxpre.iRnd a sim- lar opinion to him just before hia du- tarturo for England ; hence the report hat hia vidit to London waa made for he purpose of aacortaining what mioiint iu the bank wna idle. Gen. J.IVJ'H fiayn that ut the time of the sur render of Lee there was in the hands if Jacob Thompson , who WOH in /unada , about $150,000 , and probably hat much moro in possession of Gov. tlcltea , financial agent of the confed eracy in England. These were all the funds owned by the confederate gov ernment at the tiuio of the surrender , Gov. McRae Rent n considerable in Mr. Charles O'Connor to defend ( Mr. Davia and other confederate loaders who were threatened with prosecution by the federal govern ment. The old lawyer , however , re fused to accept any compensation for defending Jefferson D.wi.i. Gon. Da vis believon the ! > o funds .liavo all been expended long BIUCO. NEWARK'S FAILURE- The Kncnlvcr Tr lc Foiscfulon No- Important Development * . ' n K&'ttoaM AawcUUxl 1'rws , ' tNK\VA K , N. J. , September 3. By dint of constant inaiatance the story of the defaulting cashier obtains sonic credence. The statement of the Uni ted States distiict attorney is that ho fully believes it will necessarily carry some weight , but the Newark people ) in general are strongly of opinion that any theory of Chr'iM. Nugent using Oacar Italdwin ia such an inversion of all probability that much positive oyi- denco will bo needed to sustain it. They refer frequently , lo propound the truth , that "the tail never wags the clog , " and refuse to believe that the lost $2,500,000are wandcringabout in sheep akin. The evidence , so far as there ia any , is ait the other way. It was an open1 secret Ion" ngo that a brief warning to the mechanics of Newark to look out for it wan put in writing and given to a detective firm , on the point that the audiior wns con stantly dealing in Wall Btreot and known to bo ao reported by persona whoso legitimate business culled them there ; it . an open fcerot about the furlivo "ticker" and telephone ia Newark ; it was also an open eecrct that persons were urgently warned to eell Mechanics shares , _ nnd that Bomo shrewd holders , without external warning , did in fact sell , be cause they thought the stock pretty high. S > mo of these sales were per haps made on account of theatrical management developments , which ap parently received no attention from the directors , though long since ia pi int. Some of thorn are certainly duo to that. It ia almost sure that fresh revelations are yi t to come. The rumors that the directors of the Me chanics' national bank , or some of them , will make up the required sum and continue thohusincasof the bank in thought to have some foundation. The directors are amply able to do thia. They are men used to the good opinion of the" world , necessarily Honsi- tivo to the unsparing comments of the public and press , and acutely aware oftheir present painful position. It is , therefore , quite likely they are seri ously conBidprHig'soino of the many- plans inenlitmcd of nmtpting the bank to credit 'andf"usefulness. Receiver Frelinghuyson took possession of the bank this morniiiL' . His appointment is favorably received. He will take no active part in the management until the examiner hai concluded hia report. The appointment followed the failure sooner than is customary on account of the numerous civil suits projected , which became imperative ! immediately upon the receiver taking ; possession , but which are first liens when brought before that event. Iho failure of Denis Osborn , grocer , ia not considered a serious affair. No other failurea are reported , and nonu lire expected nt present. The Spealcortihip. Special to the Clnclnnntl Commercial. WAHHINOTON , November 1. In conversation with your correspondent ; a leading western republican was asked about the Bpuakurahip. "It will bo a acrub race , " ho an- Hworod. "What's that ? " "Every follow for himself , and. Satan getn the " "Who do you think ia ahead ? " "No telling. " "Is Keifcr strong ? " "Loss so than hia friends think. " "Loss BO th'in lie thinks J" "Yes , for Keifer thinka he's going" : o bo elected , but I doubt it. " "How about Burrowsl" "What Uurrows ? " "Why , the great orator from Michi gan. Did you not know ho w a candi date ? " "Since yon mention it , I believe Jo. " "What of hischancoB ? " "Ho hasn't any. " "You fioem todismics them all ? " "Yes , it'a ' a ncrub race , and no tell ing anything ubmit it. " "Will the fuct that Koifor is aa Ohio man hurt him much ? " "Not now. Thu charge that Ohio lias more than hernharoia of lesa forcet han formerly. She ia out of the white houao now and out of the cabi- ict. " "Now York ia at the head now , and ffill not that hurt liiacock ? " "I think BO , New York haa the iroak'ont , two members of the cabinet md a justice of the court. I'hia will hurt Hiscock , for western , nembera cepocially will think thai Now York has her Hhare. " "Haa Kaaaon a Knowing ? " "Ho'a about UB itrong ns Keifor 10 stronger. I lull you it's A ncrub > * ce , and will ) intf routing , That is. kbout all we know of it now. " Got Oat Duon. The cloao eoniliivment of all factory vork , gives the operative pallid faces , ioor appetite , languid , minorublo feel- nga , poor bli'od , inactive liver , kid- uiya and urinary troubles , and all thu ) h aiciiina and mudicino in the world : annot help them unless they got out > f doors or use Hop Bitters , thoU ) U oat rtiul best remedy , especially for uclicaaea , having abundance of health , iinshino and rosy oheeka iu them. 1'hoy cost but a trifle. Sco another loluinn. Ghrittian Jitcorder , nov 1& AT IIIOKMAN'S IAMMOTH illLLINERY K.STAIIL1SHMKNP ho moat complete stock and the best if bargaiim are to be found. Buying o largely for the wholesale dopart- uont onableu us to offer goods much iclow the usual prices. Call and BOO or yourselves. 3IOKMAJ'S HEADQUARTERS , Doturla * tr * K