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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1881)
TTTTC OMATTA DAILY BEE : TJIUKSDAY OCTOBER 20 , 1881 , .1 THE SURRENDER OF YORK Major Boneral of The Beo's ' dorps Oaptivates tlio Metropolis , Securing uiy Vaat Quantity of -Ammunition to "Blow" Up the Town , General Review of the Business and Building Booms in York County , And the P st nail Present Pros- , poets of tlio Metropolis Thereof. Corr * pondcnte nlThottce. YQUK , Nob. , October 17. The con- lor of population in the state of Ne braska now lies very near to the city f York. York.A A CHAJTEH O.V Only three yoara ego this town wu- on our frontier , and it consisted of ft few light fraino buildings , nearly till one story high. It straggled around the court houao square , and there waa n little cluster of ahantios on the hill to keep company with the depot , which addendum to York was , nnd ,8till is , dubbed "Now York. " THE lUILKOAD liad just boon cornplotod and York was the temporary terminus. Sine that time the changes hayo bcci nstoundinjf. Not less than 2,500 souls novr'livo in York nnd the depo burg adjoining. Brick , stone , iron and plato glas are used by the builders of to-day Space ia valuable and the nooks between stores nro eagerly sought after and utiliV.od by enterprising dealers and mechanics. Professional men have loft these little tlo shanty ofllces nnd nowoccupy "sky parlors" in brick blocks. The old style frame store with low coiling and diminutive window panes is giving way to a class of stores that would do honor in many instances , to Fnrnham or Douglas street , The railroad wont west to Aurora and then it took a right angle turn to the north nnd stepped - pod short at Central City. Four fine elevators have been erect ed nnd all of them are now busy Into and early handling an average of over 2,000 bushels of grain per day. During the months of August and September one firm shipped eighty- four carsof corn. Hogs go oui of York nt the rate of wo cars u day as an average for every day the wholoyoar round. There will not bo loss than one thousand carloads of merchandise received hero this year and 'yet ' six ycur.3 * ago I shot prairie chicken's on the spot where nil of this freight is now handled. FAnilKKS WANTED. While , this county has Bottled up with great rapidity , and while most of its wild land has boon placed under cultivation , still tlioro nro yet largo tracts aggregating several' thousand acres that should , and soon will bo , producing abundant harvests. York county land is all alike ; the surface nnd'tho sub soil maintain throughout this district the same unvarying depth , and it is very ricli in food for vcgo- table life , with perhaps ono or two ex ceptions. York county will shpw bettor crop return for the acres culti vated ' than any county in Nebraska , and 'Nebraska is now ahead of all other western state ] ( BOO U. S. crop reports ) , N. P. Lundoon , the B. & M. land agent at Vork has four thousand acres of virgin prairie to which ho invites the intending immigrant. It is Hold on long time and at a .low rate of interest nnd the pric'j per acre is nominal , not covering the actual value ot this rich and thrifty land. ( YOllK COUNTY has 308,610 acres , and not ono of them can bo called poor. It in 1,000 feet nbovo sea level , hence malaria , consumption and all the diseases common to the slough- npottcd prairies of the more eastern states are never engendered hero. Till ! WINDS servo , with the uid of the windmill , which is now n recognized part of u Nebraska , farmer's outfit , na a never- fulling ngont for stock watering , and in many places feed mills and other farm machinery ara driyon by it. The severity of thp blast ) is tempered by ' the gr'oWlh of cqt onwood or pillow wind breaks which , iu loss than ton year * , bacomo trees , nnd in flvo nerve the purpose for which they wore planted. The wind purifies tjio air , making it extremely healthful and in vigorating , and thus thogaMs which at first scorn so rude and hivrali uvo really a blessing to the people. ' OJIKEKH AND ItlVlillS. The -.West Blue river , Beavpr nnd Lincoln creeks , are streams that furn ish numerous' mill privileges not'yol utilized. Efforts uro now being miido for < the organization of a company to tao . < ho Platte and turn n portion of itu waters into Lincoln creek , mid then all the towns from Aurora to Blue Springs will have n wnter power that cannot bo affected by drouth. ' * ' , TJio surface ia an undulating prairie , intersected with valleys gently uiopin ; upwards until the high prairie is reached. There is no land hero that is stony , sandy , ejvampy , hilly or ii any way unfitted for tillage. The oi in a vegetable mould rich , produc live , > incxlmustiblo. Nearly 15,000 ocroa are now under cultivation in this county. THE cnors. This year the corn stands BO Jiig ] looks like a young grove , nn < the'.nvcraco yield , in York county wil not fall short of forty-five bushola to to the aero. Wheat is excellent ii places , but poor ju'othew , making Ipvr average probably not to excoei .nine the aero , All other crops nro very good , especially oata nnd hay. Over two thousand ncrcs of forest trees have boon planted in York coun ty , nnd the beauty of these artificial grorcs lends a charm to the landscape , while the services rendered by them are invaluable. Fuel is furnished - nishod , and a protection for Block when the winter blizzards arc killing unprotected cattle. During the sum mer months they protect the crops from llio scorching south wind1) ) , and render tlio gales harmless that would oSliorwiso bond com to tlio ground nnd blow fruit from the trees. peach trees , nnd OOO gnirw vines tire now growing in York county , besides a largo variety of other fruit-bearing trees. OHUJIOIIKH. There are in all sixteen buildings in York county , besides every school lousonerves nt times for church pur- lOSCfl. Some of thcso church edifices arc opacioua and well built mid their lumber dnmonntralos that fho spir illa ! man is not forgotten in the race 'or wealth , which is the all-absorbing occupation of Ncbr.iskans , TIIK NKIIIIASKA HAIMVAYj a branch of the great U. & M. , rum duo cant and Avest through the center ) f the county , and a north and south road is hoped forand will bo built ere long. Ecal estate in the city of York varies so greatly owing to location , etc. , that anything like u list of prices cannot bo given. In a general way it may bo stated that unimproved lots run from 810 to 813,000. Farm lands can bo had , wild prairie , for § 4 to 88 per acre , with long time and nt six [ ior cent interest. Cultivated farms can bo purchased at from ? 0 to $25 tor acre. . Mr. N. T. Lundoen , of York , the agent for all 13. & M lands and S. L'latto land company's town lots , will answer all inquiries from those who want particulars. York county has nearly 15,000 in militants. Undo Sam's census for 1880 gave it 11,700 , but the increase ainco then has been great. Tlio city of YOKK s divided into two towns , the major urt being clustered about the court IOUSQ nnd the smaller division being about half a mile north and having he depot for u center ; the latter town hould linvo had n separate letter nnd msinoss directory , but the business ncn did not care for the distinction. York , the county seat , is beautifully aid out on n gentle slope that extends northward from the banks of Beaver creek , and is the geographical center of the county , and far ahead of all competitors in point of population and mainosa done. Tlio city has four churches , three newspapers , a flouring nill , two excellent hotels and n largo ist of stores and shops. The following concise nnd excellent ixhibit of the deservedly popular superintendent of public instruction , Prof. E. A. Ar- nor. nor."ThoBounty is organized into cighty- jix BchobTdistricts. They nro of about .ho righi : size , containing from four to nine sections and of good shape. Not ono is without n properly working or ganization , nnd nino-tonths of them nro supplied with good fratno houses , nuny with most excellent ones. "SVaco has a fho frame two-story > uilding. Bradshaw has just finished one of the same character , "Each of these towns has n graded school of several departments , and is greatly interested in education. "York has a first-class graded ichool , of seven departments and five lundrod and fifty pupils. Ono divi sion , of the primary department is sit uated in Now York , it being in the same district , thus affording extra ad vantages to the little ones. "The building is a two-story brick , having six fine rooms and a commodi ous hall. "Tho Nebraska Conference semin ary of the M. E. church in also situated at York. The building lo cated on "East Hill" is a beautiful hree-story brick. It presents an im posing appearance and adds greatly to the beauty of the town. This institu tion is only in its infancy January , 1880 , dating its establishment ; but is nourishing finely and is destined to make York ono of the leading educa tional centers of Nebraska. "Another thing worthy of mention is the select kindergarten school of this place. It it , us yet , only in miniature , but is growing and ulfords n clins and I variety of instruction that is not given in the common schools. "Tlio county is blessed with ail ele vated class of teachers , who take great pains to lit themselves fully for their woik and make the schools second to none. "In the institute work it stands next in rank t ( > 2 the banner county of the Htato. Its people wisely consider education as the foundation rock on which the glory and welfare of any community rust , and therefore do not $ count it a thing of minor importance , but'place ' it lint in the catalogue of blessings showered by our country upon its children. " TJio Grand Army of the Ilopublic has established a post nt York nnd it hup n strong membership. If I remem ber rightly it lias more members than any jioat in this department , but H ia certain that no post boa , n grander phalanx of old veterans. The York militia company hand their guns nnd exmitu field movements with wonderful pro cUioii.nud under the gallant Cnpt . . Scott they made n fine showing nt the cl re-union. A beautiful mvord with a gold embroidered bolt and uppropri- atoly ongmvpd scabbard , was recently tl presented to the captain by his boys. The York band is the pndo of the townspeople , and they have a right to feel proud of it , for it would bo an honor to any city in this state. IMl'KOVJJMKNTS. A $25,000 opera house ia going up on the corner of the Sciuaro , near the Central house. Warden Nobes , of the penitentiary , is the investor , and Stout is the builder. The estimates call for 825,000 building , with all the latest improvements and the best ma terials. The Methodist seminary , now nears - 0. ing completion , will cost 812,000 , and is a grand building of composite archi tecture. It is built of brick , two stories high , witli mansard roof and stone basement. It JmJ $25,000 in ronourfics nnd an endowment fund'of ; $9,000 , drawing 10 per cent , interest. Kis the only institution of learn- ini { in this state under Methodist control. All three of the Nebraska conferences are pledged to its support. The school is temporarily rily located in a frame buildingawait ing the completion of the now struc ture. The faculty conwots of four teachers nnd six lecturer * . The schol arship is rapidly increasini ? , and bo- forolong this school will no doubt take place in the very front rank of Nebraska's educational institutions. S. M. Little , a leading hardware merchant , has recently completed a large brick store , that constitutes a fine improvement to tlio business part of Now York. iJrantlhoefor it Co. , lumber dealer. ? , have been doing a good deal of build * ing this year , besides having aliltlo interest in thonowopcr.i house. Their farm at Waco has been very produc tive , giving about forty buslu'U of corn to the acre , and thirty-five tons of timothy from twenty acres of ground. For this they refused § 0 a ton , and all because their largo drove of choice cattle will require it all and more , too. No wonder York ia loom ing with her building statistics , for the 13adgor lumber yards Bells two or three ear loads of lumber whenever it has a good day. Warner it Cheney told mo that the coal supply at York was very slim. Now this is a common complaint everywhere. Where is our I'oncn coal mine ? Nebraska will need it this winter. Warner it Cheney would like now to get a few car loads for customers. Mr. F. 0. ] 5ell is now finishing elF the finest block in town ; it adjoins his lumber ollico. Mr. N. V. Harlau , the mayor of York , is very busy fixing up cross walks and seeing to the general im provement of the city. , J. M. Young it liro. , grocers , are a now firm with a now stock in n now store. Dr. A. K. WyckolF , the druggist , has fitted up his toro sp that few in Nebraska can equal it. J. J. Porter , M. D. , has become the successor to Dr. G. W. Shidlor. Croon & Spears started two months ago to got rich in the grain business , and have already got about all they can attend to. A now pair of scales nnd other improvements have been put in. The enterprise-of western dealers s proverbial , and at the prcuont time there . are more holiday goods in the show-cases of York dealers then can )0 ) found nnywhoro else in the state. For instance , the display of W. L. Whedon , in Iho silverware and jewelry ino , shows the latest and most superb lovolties. TJio specimens of engray- ng will compare with any done by eastern workmen and the general workmanship I'M said to bo excellent. Pv N. Elarth , a former resident of Omaha , has just lit ted np a store nnd [ Hit in stock n goo'd assortment of musical instruments nnd sewing . nachinos. If there is a show for the old ( imn nonopoly cappers of York county at ; his coming election it ia not visible to thonakedeyeforthcanti-monopply ticket is in the field , led by men whom all parties seem to have confidence in ind there is nothing to oppose it that is worth considering. There is no democratic or green- jack ticket in the field hero. It is n straight fight and the linea are sharp- y drawn. Monopoly or nnti-monop- ely that's the issue now. aOOD-MYK. No town of the size of York has yet given THE BEE so liberal and uni versal a subscription list , nnd hence I cannot find wordsi with which to con voy my thanks to the people who ac corded mo so pleasant n reception. To my army comrade , Mr. H. H. Bowkor , I ewe this success. Through nin and mud ho accompanied me , jound to BCO that his town had a good representation in THE BEE , and also determined to make my stay both jol ly and profitable. Old veteran of the 1st A. 0. , hero ot is "Ranger's" heart nnd Jmnd , nnd ( may your neat little store grow into n marble palace , filled with every dainty the world can furnish. Any ono wishing to purchase an es tablished harness business will dowel ! to correspond with Irn A. llart who has for sale a shop and a business that is really worth having. The list of \ \ JKII.V : IJira : now com ing to the York poatollico is truly remarkable markablo in number , and for this list must thank Mr. J. E. Carter , Sing er's boss sowing-machine salesman , and the best canvasser for the Weekly over commissioned by RA.NOKII. For business directory BOO advertis ing columns. Tlio Country. Who tlmt lias over lived any time in tlio Ti country but nlunt have heard of thovirtuM of Hurdouk ns.n blood purifier. IJuniool lilooil Bltti'M euro dyspepsia , billousnus. , anil nil dismtleru arisiiiK from impuru j Mood ( if dcrnuKod llvtrr or klilneyn. Price th $1.00 , tiiul Let He * 30 cent a. 17 codlw FIUSK OF COST. Dn. KINO'H NEW DISUOVKIIY foi Consumption , Coughs and Cpldi Asthma , ISronchitis , etc , , iu givei ! away in trial bottles free of cost t < the ntllictod. If you have u IKK' cougli , cold , dilliculty of breathing , hoars6ness or any alleetion of the throat or lungs by all means giyo , thin wonderful remedy u trial. j\s you vrtltio your existence you cannel nflbnl to lot this opportunity pasa. Wo could not nllbrd , und would not give this remedy uwny unless wo know it would accomplish what wo claim for it. Thousands of hopeless ciisea have already Leon completely cured by it. Tlwro is no medicine in the world that will euro ono half the cases tlmt Du. KiNa'HNiiwDwcovt will euro , For sale by t ! ) I H it MoMAUON , Omaha. NeteskaLand Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , tn Iti IG05 Farnham 6t. , . . . Omaha , Nebraska Jl'r Care.ully gcloctod land In Entern Nebranka for ale , tiruat lUrtptlni Iu luiprotvd r rtu . guc Omaha city property , . r. DAVIS WKB3TKR HNTOKIt Uta Uad Com'r U. P , H , . . " > - y-i Great Cerraan REMEDY ron RHBUHAW NEURALGIA , SCIATICA , LUMBAGO , BACKACHE , GOUT , SORENESS or me CHEST , SORE THROAT , QUINSY , SWELLINGS AXD SPRAINS , FROSTED FEET 4. ID EARS. SCALDS , OEKEIUL I TOOTHEAR .151) HEADACHE , Ann No 1'rcriritlon ca enrtli cull | fir. Jicon On. o t mix , icKr , BtHrm c > l ciiKir toterunl Den.tdv. A trltl .nulls bat thi coin ; r tlrely trifling outliy of , U C' .1I5. ind rer/ out tuCerini ; with fxln mu ti T r > ud r 'lUte i-rocf of It * tliJias , IIHICTIO S I.V CLtTCN LAMICAGm. JCI.D BAll CXUBBISTS AKS DC/UNIS IN MEOICIKE. A. VOGELER & GO. /ir'IMniorc. J/i/ . U.B.J& . Diminished Vigor- In reimbursed in great measure to those troubled withucnk kidney * , t > j a Judiciousuac of Hostel ler's Stomnch Hitter -which IiuiKoratea and Bllmiilatcii without xcltlnir the urinary or- ; ans. In conjunction \\Ith its Iiiflucnca upon Ihom , It corrects ivcldlty , Improves appetite , and In every way coiiduclio to health nnd nerve -cKno. Another marked quality i its control 31 tr fever mi aruea ( d Its poucr of prcicntin .t. Forui'obyaU DruK < leta and Dealers Ken- erilly. AQENT8 WANTED FOR FABTKDT BCLLI.VQ DOOKH OP TUB Aan ! SOCIAL The laws of tnulo. leg-Hi Ioro , how to trans act buslncos , valuable tallies , tacial etiquette parlLAnicntnry usage , how to conduct public busi ness ; In fact ft U n complete Guide to Succcsj for all cases. A family' ' necessity. Address for cir culars and term- ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO. . flt.T iiin. Mo. BMDiamondCoalCo. W. H LOOMI8 , J. 8. NEWELL , PRHB. SRC. AND TKKAS. I. L. MILLER , AoiutT. HARD OR SOFT COAL In car lota or In quantities to suit purcbaaora Orden ) Solicited. Yard , Foot Farnham and Douglas - las Sts. , Omaha. ep3-tf JAMES A. GARFIELD An elegant lithograph engraving of President OarflcM , in I/luck nnd tint , for 60 cents ; nlson finely llnlihcd lithograph vngrovlng ( or v5 cents. These pictures arc from tlio latest photograph 111 a rrculdcnt , mid ire the llnest jilcturcs to ho hail , llalltu on n roller to any address , post rco , oil receipt of iirlco. biro of picture 1U\21 c. A. uoorii. I > . O. llo * 200 , Milwaukee , \Vls. Postage stamps rcoch uil. eo2Sw2t * ACADEMY OF THliJ SACREDHEART OMAHA , NEB. S. B , Corner-Qth and Howard. The phn cf StnJIcn h the mnio na that punucd In nil the ArailcmltH of the SatroU Heart , UK- feioncu In rellgloii Una olistwlo to the ndinls- nloiiof joun ; ; ludlca. Terms : Iiicliidlnt- Hoard , Wn hltig.1'iiltlon and Iuttrumental MUHC ! , ) > er uuHsIon cl Hi o inonthfi , $ H'0. Keferenrea re- iiulreil from all pcn > ona unknown to the Institu tion. For further Information apply to 'Iho flight Her , llshcp o Omahn , or to thu I Superior. eo22dlm WAE IN PASSBNBEB BATES I IIOIUIIK DUOS. . Hrokcr In all Railroad Tlckctn , Dnuha , Neb. , odor Tickets to the East , until further notice , at the following unheard of Low liaton ; Chicago , 912 ; Round Trip , $21.00 , Thceo nro limited { Imt-Clasa Tickets nnd good ( or rcturu throuL'h tliojcar , nnd via the Old Rellaula Chicago cage , llurllngton & Qulney 1 tail road. Also , ouo VMIV to Ni\V : YOniC. let $1000. 1IOSTO.V , do 600. I'lllIMDELPltlA , do 10 CO. WASHINGTON , do 11100. For jurtlculars , wrlta or go direct to TIOIIDIK P.HOS. , Di'dletu In Kuductxl llato IUilroa < l and ti amalilii Tickets. bOqiVnth St. , Oiunhti , Nob. Itemembcr the place Three Doors North ol Union 1'ucillo Railroad Depot , Kwt Bide of Tenth Street. Omaha , Augubt 1,1881 auSSdawlm Axle Grease NEVER GUMS ! Ueod on Wagon * , Buspcs , Keapora , Thresher ? and Mill millinery. It la JNVAUUBLH TO XARM IKH AMI TnvMhrius. It curoa Herfttchcu and nil kludg of orco ou llama and Stock , an well as on men. men.OLARK & WISE , Manuf's ' , , 38D Illlnoli Street , Chicago FOH ruioES. Jo 24-oio-ha The Oreigliton and Niobrara IUiii dally , logins Crcighton on arrival o ( train * t 0:30 : p. in. ArrUo nt Nlobrara , 12.30 a. , Lotto * Nlobrnra , 11:80 : u. m. Arrlvi'i at Uroluhton at 0 a. m , . In time for train , Kara , ! . octlO-liu aKOUai ; llCItltr , Proprietor. C. F , Manderson , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW , 'I PtrohAmJH.i Couth * . No ni , K joiiBiiiTcrfroin rit | > < .p ! a , two I1UUDOCK BLOOD IHTTjil3. If jou nro afflicted ulth HllioinntBo , tmo 1IUHUOCK lltOOI ) JIITTIIKS , If you are | iroitrnted M Ith tlcl : Hea < hchcf tnko IIUItDOCK 1JLOOIJ ItltTKUa If your Uoncbnro dlaordcrcd , rcynlatu them ltli ntiiiuocK iitooi ) lurrats. If > our IlloodU mimrr , purify It ulth IIUIIUOCK 1ILOOI ) nilTEHS. If jsitlmvo Indirection , > on will flndnn antldoto In IlUllDOC'K ni.00t ) D1TTC1U ) . If you arc troubled with Spring Complaint ? , er- mlluito them with IIUIIUOCK 111.001) lliri'KIlS. Ifyour Uvcrta ton'ld , restore Itto healthy action ulth DUllDOCK 1U.OOD IIIITKUB If your I.hcr ia ftlTcctcd , 3011 nlll find a nuro re- utomtUo In IIUIIUOCK I1L001) ) 11I1TKUS. If you have any spcclci of Humor or Pimple , fall not to take IIUItDOCK I1LOOD IlllTEI'.S. If j ou Imvo nny nymptonu of Ulcers or Scrofulous Bores , n curative remedy will l > o found In liUHUOOK DLOODIlllTnUS. For Imimrtlnfr strength nnd iltality totliOBys- tun , nothing can equal 1H7UDOCK 1)1.001) I1ITTKIIS. For Ncnousnndflcncrnl Dchlllty , tone up the t m with I1UUDOCK 1U.OOI ) llirrEIia. Price , 01.00 per Bottle ; Trial Bottle * 10 Ct FOSTER , MILBUEH. . & Co , , Prop BTJFFAI.O , N. Y. Sold at wholesale hy Isli & UcMahon and C. F. Ooodniftn. jo 27 cod-mo BiT O "S ? CES. BASUTZ DWELLS , 1422 Douerlaa St. , Nqq 5th. Before removing their new OPEEi HOUSE STOEE Will sell their stock of BOOTS I SHOES At Greatly Beduced Prices. "Z. EstalJlislied 11 Years , Assets Represented 882,000,000.0. Active Flro nnd Life ngonta wanted. .0. T , TAYWB * CO , 14th & Uouglaj DONT IT BURN I My house nnd furniture Is Insured with 0. T. TAYLOIl & CO. , Oor 14th nnd Du BOGGS & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS No. Btroot , Ornci Nor.b tide opp. Grand Central HotcL -WHOLESALE- On River Bank , Bet , Farnham and Douglas Stsv pcMmcly ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEU. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS , Jv 18-mo FEARON . & COLE , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha' Nob. Consignments . m.vlo us will receive promt-1 attention. References : State Dank , Onrnhn ; Flah ft Co. , Uiltlmore ; 1'cck & lianflhcr , Chicago ; M. Work & Co. , Cincinnati. MARBLE HEAD LIME CQ.'S Double Strength White Lime Lumber , Lath , Shingles , Thirteenth and California Streota , OMAHA , - - - NEB. 3c21mclm -FOI "We desire to call the special attention ot the trade to our elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PBICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls Hosiery , & open. Wholesale only. SHREVE , JARVIS & CO. , , } Comer Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DEALUIl IN Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. IE1 , o. IMOR-GKA.N : . WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. STAR STOVE POLISH ca s AND 5 O Q. BEAUBRUMMEL BOOT BLACKING- bd MANUFAC'J'UItED BY I. OBERFELDER & CO. , IMi'ORTintft AND JOnitEUS OF 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. -/SL lOC a. , - - - 2ST3E : : : 3 The only exclusive wholesale houdo in this line in the west. GunsAmmunitionSporting Goods FISHING TAOKLB , BASH BALLS , and a FULL LINE OF NGTIOHS AND FANCY GOODS. MAX MEYER & CO. .Omaha . , Ne NOW OFFERING FOR ONE MONTH ONLY DECIDED BARGAINS Ladies' ' Suits , Cloaks , Ulsters 200 Handsome Suits , at $6.00 ; 300 Stylish ISuitu , $1O.OO ; 75 Black Silk Suits , $17.0O , Wo hare eovoral lota of staple goods which will bo offered at SEVENTY-FIVE GENTS ON THE DOLLAR. All ladies should avail themselves of this great nalo of ; OOESETS AND UNDBEWEAE , 'LINEN AND MOHAIE ULSTEEB , BILK AND JJNEN HANDKEROIIIEFS , LAWN SOITS AND SACQUES. CHARLES MCDONALD.