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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1881)
\ PHE OMAHA DAILY BEE ELEVENTH OMAHA , FBI DAY MORNING , OCTOBER 21 , 1881 , NO. 103 WASHINGTON NEWS. HBW'Hames Being Brought For- yard For Oabinot Positions. FrelinRhuyson Ooacoded to bo the Coming Man For Sec retary of State , Boutwell For Attorney-General and Longatroot For Post master-General , Other Cabinet Rumors The Senate to Adjourn the Mid dle 01 Next Week. Windom Nominated by Accla mation by the Minnesota Legislature Interestin Developments in the Ohristlancy Divorce Suit _ ; Yesterday. Giro' * 'Woman Accomplice Tolls What She Know * Abaat the Affair National Associated Press. - . r i UADINET GOSSIP. WASHINGTON , October 20. Cab inet makers are turning forward n few now names. Ex-Senator Sargont , of Colorado , , is now' strongly spoken offer for a i place , probably the navy. Sev eral telegram ) have born received from prominent southern republicans nnd especially from Louisiana , pro testing against tho-retention of Secre tary Hunt and recommending Gen. Longstroet , who would'bo much more acceptable to tho'republicans of the south. If these are acted.on. Sargent is thought to stand a good show fur the navy , with Longstroot for postmaster- general after James haa been retired. Boutwell is still talked of for attor ney-general , and Howe for the inte rior ; His friends say he as sure of place. Frolinghuysen's security as secretary of state is conceded. Lin coln is expected to remain , and it is thought the president lias not settled in his own mind the treasury prob lem. POLITICAL aossir AT THE CAPITAL. President Arthur is expected to reach this city from Yorktown to morrow morning. * The senate will resume its session at noon. No important nominations arc expected before Saturday. It is thought that the cabinet .nominations will then bo sent in , though no sur- pnse would bo occasioned by a delay until Monday. The session of the senate will close about the middle of , - nojct-MTooli. Whoever will bo named for the now cabniet' will be promptly confirmed There is no hitch over any nominations in the senate except in the case of Col. Dudley , and the antagonism against him will not keep the senate in protracted session over his case. The democrats will make no attempt to elect a secretary of the senate , and the republicans are quite willing to lot the matter go over until next December. Among the vacancies likely to be filled nro the governor ship of Arizona , vice Fremont , ro- sigtibd , aud first assistant postmaster general , vice Tyner , about to resign. SIOllB DUELS PROBABLE. WAHUINOTON , October 10. Hon. John T. Lewis , candidate for liouten- nnt-govornor on the readjustcr ticket in Virginia , arrived in the city to day. When asked what he thought of the Mnhano-Early trouble , ho said. "When I heard of it I laughed nt the idea of Gon. fllahone fighting old Jubil Early , a man who is old' ' and decrepit.Thoro | havp.boen a number of duels during this campaign. I should not wonder if there wuro several more before the campaign was over. " , HE WANTED COLD. A well dressed man about ( JO years of ago , appeared at 4ho treasury this morning with § 17,149.20 in United States G per cent , coupon bonds , ma tured July 1st last. The stranger gave his name as Jessie Baldwin , of Ohio , nnd said ho wanted double eagle gold pieces for his bonds. Efforts to disuado him from his pur pose were unavailing. Gold bonds calling. for gold ho would have. Ho demanded that oven the odd. $0 CO should bo in gold , taking .there for a § 5 , $2 50 nnd two 81 pieces. He sat down in Assistant Treasurer Wy- man's room nnd carefully counted the gold and put it in a ca pot bag. Ho could hardly lug the seventy or eighty I ] pounds weight , and was given a po lice officer to help him guard his treas ure until ho could dispose of it or take it homo. UHQINO LONOSTHEKT'S APPOINTMKNT , The Georgia republican association at a meeting to-night passed resolu tions urging the appointment of Gun , IJ Longstroot , of Georgia , to a cabinet 11 . position , WINDOM NOMINATED BY ACCLAMATION. Sr. PAUL , October 20. At n caucus of the republican members of the leg islature 103 were present. The first ballot for United Stages senator re- Bulled : ) Windom 52 , Gilmnn 28 , Dunn 12 ; balance scattering. Windom was then nominated by acclamation , GUITKAU'S CASE. ScovlUo's argument concerning witnesses - nesses in Guitenu's case will bo heard to-morrow , nnd counsel will bo ap pointed to assist in the defense. THE CHRISTIANCY CASE. National Aiioclatod Pitta. IMrOHTANT TEHTIMONV , WABUINOTON , October 20. The witness who was to show how Giro , Mrs , Chriatianpy's alleged paramour , manufactured evidence agonist her in ' th'o suit for divorce , appeared hero in conrt to-day 'in the person of Miss May Oamborlftin , who says she is n seamstress. She 1 < oks nothing Jiko Mrs. Cliristiancy. She says nlui had known Giro about three months in Now York , when ho winhoil her to help him out i.v an nlfnir in this city , which ho promised should not com promise her m any way. She aarcod ntid she arrived hero Christmas morning with n friend named Goodwin. Giro having pre ceded her , mot them at the Baltimore & Potomac depot , and they held n lengthy conversation , in which the program was mapped out , and ho wont out and uhowcd Goodwin the route. She pfoccodod to the corner of Third and 0 streets , near the residence of Mrs. Christiancy. In a few minutes Giro approached in a carriage , and she Walked toward1 * thu house. She met him ns ho left the carriage , and to gether they entered the hall of Mrs. Christiancy's residence. After n hur ried conversation , they came out to gether nnd went to the St. James ho tel , Hero they retired to n room. In n little while Giro's conduct became fnmiliar , nnd she , resenting his advances , made him angry and his talking was so loud that it brought waiter to the door. She declined to remain in the room iiny longer , claiming that her part of thu arrangement had bcun carried out and she would go back to Now York. Ho told her she was not yet through , gave her $50 and-said that to make the plan complete she was ( u rotuni to the house in a hack and would meet her friend in the same spot where she loft him and ho could re turn with her. Shu rodu back to the residence , lofc Iti'e carriage , entered the vestibule , came out , walked to the corner to meet Mr. Goodwin and to gether they wont to the depot and took the , next train for New York. Mrs. Christiancy's .counsel claim that this effectually disproves the charge of adultery based on Mrs , Christiancy's alleged visit to the St. James hotel in company with Giro , on Christinas , 1880. CRIME- . National Associated 1'rraw , A NEflnO MUllDEnElt. DALLAS , Tex. , October 20. Znch Lindsay , a negro , accompanied by an other negro , nnmo unknown , went yesterday to the house ot Mr. Norvall , a well-to-do farmer , living about four miles from MuKinnoy , and shot him twice , from which ho died in n few moments. Lindsay was captured , but his accomplice escaped. MUKDEKEK SENTCNCED. ATLANTA , Ga. , Ortober 0.-jA jury in Carrollton have returned n verdict of murder in the first degree against William L. Moon , for the murder of John B Ward last January , and sen tenced to bo hanged. SUPPOSED MCRDEK. CINCINNATI , October 20. The body of a respectable looking man was found on the Warsaw Pike this afternoon - noon with a bullet hole in [ his head and another through the hearj. A , piatcjl vriw lying by-niii-Jidi ) . Suppose ' cose of murder. BUIIQLAII IDENTIFIED CHICAGO , October 20. John Brown , under arrest hero , was positively iden tified this evening by a man named Kennedy as having participated in the robbery ten days since , at Cirlinvillo , when § 45,000 in gold was secured by masked robbers. 11ANK RODDERS. JEIISEVVILLE , 111. , October 20. Two men entered Dr. Wesley JJ"nrk & Sons bank at Field on ycsturday , pre sented revolvers at thu head of Dr : Park , and compelled him to unlock his safe and give them $3,500 in cash when they vTent out into the street , mounted their horses and started oil' Park followed them to the cU'or and fired upon them , killing one of their horses. The rider got on the hnrae with his pal and thoj'rodo oil' together. The names of the robbers iiro Charles Clay and John Burrass. CASUALTIES. FHiailTFUL ACCIDENT , STANFORD , Ky. , October 20. A frightful accident occurred at Me- Kinney , a neighboring station on the Southern railway , yesterday. _ The engineer of a construction train was taking section hands to the Green river tank to unload coal. The men were seated on a flat car , which car ried two tanks , and the locomotive - . motive was backing. It is said that the engineer was drunk and ran the Hat with such force into d gondola of coal that they were corn- , plotely telescoped , catching the men igainst the tender , killing Chan. Rams- ly , George Campbell , David Campbell Mid John Alcott and John Whipploy , of Cleveland , Ohio , The bodies were fearfully mangled and the scene was axtremoly sickening. Two other men , riios. Smitli and Dock Xnno , were badly hurt. Koxloo's Horrioano- National Associated Vies * . MEXICO , October 20. The latest report * about the Mazutlan hurricane ihow that it swept across the whole : ountry , doing much damage at tfazatlan. A heavy rain inundated the .ower portion of the city , sweeping iway the wharves. The loss of life ias been great but how , great cannot i if vet bo ascertained. The loss of the' lailing vessel Col man has boon con- irmeu. Sljo was wrecked four miles ) elow Mazatlan. The captain andrew : row were saved. The Diaria , the official government > rgan , says no parties in the United States or England arc authorized to legotiato Mexico's English doht. Grlsoom JBontou. fatlonal Associated 1'rtni. Nmv YOJIK , October 20. Terrence Connolly , the noted faster of Newton , JUSHOX county , N , J , , this afternoon ook u heavy dinner , the first solid bed which has'passed his lips in 107 lays. Ho commenced to fast July 4 , or the benefit of his health , as ho was lUfluring from consumption. lie ihdins that his health has been im- > roved by long abstinence from food. BEYOND THE SEA. An Impression Prevalent That the English Land League is to ho Ooorcod , The Lord Lieutenant Issues n Proclamation Donounoiug tbo League. Archbishop Croko Writes a Letter Disapproving the League Manifesto. i'ho Letter Considered a Very Hard Pill For the Land League to Swallow. Opening of the Land Court in Dublin Yesterday. Miscellaneous Foreign NOWB- National Associated Press. CO-OPERATION URGED. DUBLIN , October 20. The Iris' Times to-day urges Dublin merchant to co-oporato in support of executiv authority in Ireland. It rucommendi a definite organization under the lord lieutenant in each county. ENGLISH LAND LEAGUE TO UK COERCED LONDON , October 20. There is a impression , apparently well founded that the English land league is ulso tr bo coerced. The information to thi effect to-day is so direct and posi that the English land league has bee notified by its managers to search al books , records and vouchers of n" kinds relating to affairs relating to tli league. .MORE ARRESTS , The news from Ireland continues t bo highly interesting. To-day add ! tional arrests have boon made. Mr John Goodsoll , the ox-secretary of th Limerick mechanics' institute , Mr , William Derris , the successor of Mr , Quinn as secretary of the league , am Mr. Michael Power , a well-know ; national leader , have been arrested to day. The general opinion is thn these arrests are vexatious and unjus tifiable , even under the sweeping authority of the coercion net. LAND LEAGUE TO BE REMOVED. It is rumored that the land leagu will remove their headquarters to Boulougno sur-mer if it finds it im possible to remain at Dublin. Arch bishop Croko has issued a pastora' letter , in which ho repudiates th manifesto of the land league and ad vacates payment of rent. About twi hundred tenants in Monagh paid thoi rent , thus disregarding the prbhibitioi of the league. OPENING OP THE LAND COURT. DUBLIN , October 20. The land court opened to-day. There was crowded attendance. Lord Justic O'Hagan said that the court had de cided on extreme rules of procedure , free from all technicalities. The fo for entering the court would only b a shilling ; so that nobody could havi the excuse of not having advantage o the land act. The would bo a simila fee on giving notice of appeal , for th present commissioners would do the ! best to make the act a success. Th judge's statement was received will applause. DORRIS ARRESTED. Wm. Derris , who has been in charg if the land league oflice since the ar rest of Sexton , was arrested this morn ing and convoyed to Dundalk. LAND LEAGUE DECLARED ILLEGAL. DUBLIN , October 20.Tho lord lieutenant has issued a proclamutioi suppressing the land league proclama tion. He declares that the land league is an illegal and criminal organization ind that all of its meetings shall be lisporscd by forco. CIRCULAR TO TENAN.TS. Mr. Mitchell Henry , homo rule number of parliament for county 3alway , has issued n circular to his tenants pointing out that if any of .lioni think they can got better homos 'rom the land court ho has neither .ho power nor wish to prevent them , nit ho also points to the ! unqualified owni'BS of the present rents and other idvantagcs. Ho says he is willing to illow n reduction of from 15 to 20 ) er cent , on the half years rent due n May last , but hereafter full rents vould bo expected. lie says ho sup- > oscs the rents will bo checifully paid , uul that the tenants will not , at the ridding of faint ) friends and teachers , everso the relations which have hith- irto existed , hut that they will main- ain their self respect and character as loncst men , ARCJiiiiBiior CHOKE'S LETTER , DUBLIN , October 20. Archbishop' Jroko has written a public letter en- iroly disapproving of the land league uamfcjto of "no rents. ' \ The follow- na is the letter : . TIIURLES , October 19. I have just > cad , with the utmost pain and indeed dth absolute dismay , the manifesto iauod by the loading patriots incar- eratcd in Kilmainham jail nnd pub- jio land league rooms for the com ely ploclaimod to the country from littal of the pcoplo of this country , von under still more exciting and ritical circumstances than the present , ; 3 the doctrine of non-payment of pnt , but for n certain specified imo. I must and do hereby enter ly solemn protest. At no time an nrolled member of the league , I have oen a steadfast , uncompromising upportor of its public policy of lie whole , believing the sanio to be lioroughly legal and calculated to md to great national results. I am rucisoly of the same opinion still , ut I have invariably stated that I k > od out for fair rents and nothing lore for the safe foothold of the ng- cultural classes upon Irish soil , that ley should bo wholesomely fed , fairly clothed nnd suitably lodged , and thatabsolute repudiation of rent , should it over find public expression in Ireland , wquld moot with no sympathy front mo. Such arc my views. I regret to have been obliged to say so much. I hold to the origin * ! plalform of the Irish mi * tional land longuo , Theru is no more reason for abandoning it now tnan when Davitt took posswwion of hi cell in Portland or wno Dillon , witli his 200 companions , worp committal to jail. It was n Bufllciontly olast ! policy , it was n rightoou policy , tosto < by experience mm result * , was a BUC cessftil policy anJ it willed bishops priests nnd laymen into one brother hood. Anyhow , I thoroughly ho llovcd in all its substantiiil liranchc and I quito as firmly believe that th policy now so impetuously recom mended to the country instead , besides sides , of being condemned on the grounds of principle and. expediency , can load te nothing but dialntcgratioi and defeat. ( Sianod ) i T. WXOlWKK , Archbishop of C.tshcl. The arch-bishop'B letter is the wors blow which could bo struck at th league at the present moment , for is a blow from within not from with out. Any ono who hoa'watchjd Arch Bishop Croko'a attitudoffor the nasl two years , his uncompromising iios tility to landlordism , hi antagonism to other bishops on tin question of agitation , liis sympathy with nationalism and his pursona friendship for Dillon and sovcr.ilothoi leaders of the movement , may under stand how bravo is hia present actioi and how much plain .ft Jiuust causi him , Thoao who doubtcq it must be convinced of it now. ' This last ac' ' will do more to turn the edge of th. leaguers drawn sword than the gov ernment could do in months. II changes the face of affairs , completely The majority of the priesthood wh have followed him throughout wil continue to follow him iJ nol BO boldly yet with silent fidclity5ivhich wil" bear sure frujt in individual parishes , It will make every farmer pause before fore entering upon a HfoA nnd doatli struggle. Ho will turn to/ the lane" " commission which is now-"in session If the decisions of this tribunal an within the bounds of fairness then can bo no doubt of the result. WARNED IN TIME. DUBLIN , Oclobor 20. The romnniv of the executive committee of th land league received the warning o the issuance of the proclamation ii : time to clear the Dublin oflico of al their books and documents. Th land league has issued , a , circular t farmers , advising them to give bills o sale upon their property , , to proven landlords from seizing'it for rent Five fresh arrests have been made in Limerick. MONTREAL , Canada , October 20. A moss meeting was hold1 to-day o the sympathizers of Parnell and th Irish people. Resolutions Were posse * condemning the BritishLrovornmen for its recent action a ii"-PV , < l\o Ian league. OTHER FOREIGN AFFAIRS- National Associated I'rcEa. HEAVY GALES IN ENGLAND. LONDON , October 20. The rocen extraordinary gales which have prevailed vailed throughout a large part of Eng land and have done so much damage are apparently being repeated to-day. The reports from the coast and southwestern counties speak of un usually high winds and much destruc tion of property. POLITICAL TRIALS. ST. PETERSBURG , October 20. Another great political trial is pectod to take pliico hero in November bor when forty members of terror wil bo arraigned before a special court. UNSATISFACTORY. LONDON , October 20. A dispatch from Tunis says that the state of th country around Susa is unsatisfactory , The insurgents have carried ofF 4,000 sheep. Mehdia is threatened. All Boy has been ordered to march from Mos tour to Xiighonan. A KICK FROM NATAL. A dispatch from Pioturmaritzbunt says that the Natal legislative counci has passed a resolution , of which no tice had been given that Gen. Sir Evelyn Wood , British high cqimnis- donca. bo informed that the present form of government is no longer suit ed to Natal. PROSPECTIVE WEDDING. PARIS , October 20. M'llo. Grovy is to mnrry M. Daniel Wilson , her Other's old friend. It is a surprise : o everybody , President ( Jrovy in cluded , the groom and bride having nado the engagement before commit ng any ono olso. She is ! Ju , a Catho io , intellectual , an amateur miisi : ian , etc. , but not handsome , The ; room is 45 , rich and a Protestant. Hie ceremony will bo pnvato , at the Jlysoo , where there is tv private ihapi'l. DEFICIT. PESTH October 20.--The , - - Hunga inn Budqet shows a deficiency of Hi(105,542 ( florins , which is proposed o bo made np by tax on petroleum , .ml the increase of the customs tnx nd tax on spirits. Kentucky Free Mn ou - rational Aiaouluttcl 1'rcna. LOUISVILLE , October 20. The Ken- ucky lodge of Free Masons adjourned his evening. The following officers roro installed ; Grand masters , Win. I. Moffort , of Louisville ; deputy rand master , Dr. G. I ) . Ducknor , of joxington ; grand senior warden , Andrew French , of Mount Sterling ; rundjtrenaurer , jJohn II. Leathers , of jouisvillo ; grand secretary. Hiram jarnott , of Carlisle ; giana guard , ' 'oseph 6. Davidson , of Louisville , King's Balloon- atloiml Awoclatvd 1'ieu , WIH , , Ootobur 20. balloon was soon ] by a little irl hero on Friday evening , moving orthwost. It was also scon by a boy t Durand , Wisconsin , It was not robably aeon at Detroit , Minnesota , a reported , 11 " ' / THE SECOND CENTENNIAL Yesterday itlie Closing Day of the Yorktown Oelooration , A Brilliant and Imposing Mili tary Display. The Thirteen Original Btatos Roproaontod in the Pro cession. The Procession Passes in Bo- view Before the President and Oabinot. Scoiioa nnd Incidents The Presi dent lionvoi For Waihiiitou. | National AuoclnteJ Prrm VORKTOWN , Va , October 20. The steamer Charlestown , with thu Con necticut troops on board , arrived hero at 10 o'clock ' this morning. As her pilot was unacquainted with the Yoik river and harbor , ho anchored his ves sel at the mouth of the river last night until a pilot could bo secured to bring him into port. The final cere monies and grand military and naval display are set for to-day. In antici pation of the event everybody was astir at daylight and the harbor was a scone of lifo and oxcitomonl , with boat load after boat load of sail ors and marines going ashore to par ticipate in the ceremonies at the camp. Soldiers were called out at 7 o'clock , and after having breakfast wore formed - od in line , drilled and marched about prior to taking part in the review. The president and the foreign guests , together with all the dignitaries ana many ladies , repaired to the camp in boats and vessels early and took seats on the grand stand. The guns of the 'war vessels in harbor thundered at intervals and 'the whole scene was very animated. Very many specta tors who had attended the hop last night were forced to go to the camp without having breakfasted , owing to having overslept themselves , consequently quently there was confusion in seat- ingon the grand stand owing to late arrivals. The body of troops when formed in line numbered 15,000 and there wore 150 sailors and marines. The procession iormcd and moved at 10:50 : o'clock. The head started from the Temple farm , where they rested and marched over a route four miles long , pasting the grand stand , on which wore the president and cabinet , General Sherman nnd staff , and Gim- orrl Hancock and staff , who wore sealed and reviewed them. The day was bright and the spectacle imposing , the procession tnkmp an hour and twenty minutes to pass a given point. The line represented the'army * nnd navy and the militia and volunteer soldiery of Georgia , Now Jersey , Delaware , Pennsylvania , Massachusetts , Maryland , South Car olina , Rhode Island , Vermont , Ken tucky , Michigan and Connecticut. Tin latter troops arrived on the ground direct from the steamer , and reached the farm Justin time to wheel int line. They were received with th wildest enthusiasm. Among tin troops especially honored on thu marcl were the Now Jersey , Maryland , South Carolina and Massachusetts troops. The only colored troops ii line were with the First Virginia regi ment. The president and all officials applauded loudly at times , and com- Dlimented General Hancock for thu magnificence of thu display. It was the greatest event of the celebration , Thu naval ceremonies and the ru view this afternoon will close the ceremonies monies and the president nnd party will leave to night. YORKTOWN , October 20. The feature turo of the day's events was the grand review of the military by the president and cabinet , Generals Sher man and Hancock and their stalls and distinguished guests. Early this morning thousands repaired to thu grand stand located on the outskirts of thu camp and awaited the coining of the procession. There was some delay in consequence of the non-arriv al of the Connecticut troops , but General Hancock , after waiting half an hour after the regular hour for all delinquents to appear , finally con cluded to Htart thu procession. In the meantime the war ships in the Iiaibor fired salutes and the batteries at the camp added to thu thunder , Mi'l when thu crowd was assembled along thu routu ovur which thu procoenioii would pans thu scene was of thu greatest enthusiasm. Thu day was bright and fair and aided ma terially in showing the troops to good advantage. Shortly after 10 o'clock thu strains of martial music gave notice - tico to thu assemblage of the coming procession. The route over which the procession was to pass lay along the borders of Temple farm and was a circuit of about four miles. Gen. Hancock , on horseback , headed thu procession. His coming was gonurallj hailed with cheers and when him self and staff reached the head the applause was deafening. Glen. Hancock and staff fell out of line when the grand stand was reached , ind dismounting took Heats on that itructuro nnd reviewed the troops as Lhey passed. The proccnsion passed in the order named below , while a jattcry on the right of the field fired inpropriatu salutes : Thu Second ur- illery band , four companies Of the jccond United Statcn artillery as in- 'antry , four companies of the Third Jailed States artillery as infantry , 'our companies of thu First United iluto.s infantry ; the marine b.ind , a : orps of United States mnriuua , four lompanics of sailors from thu United States flagship FrunHin with picks ind shovels , sixteen companies of , ailors from various ships in ho harbor armed us' infantry , Jnitcdt States flagship Franklin mm/Bailors ! , boys , from training ship Iruggint ; Galling guns , band , ten ( mipaniea of veterans from thu sol diers' homo at Hampton , Chatham artillery of Georgia with two guns captured from Cornwallis nt the Yorktown - town nurromlor , band and drum corps ; New Joraoy troops , ton companies , band nnd drum corps ; First Dolowaro regiment , six companies infantry , bund and drum corps ; Pennsylvania guard , twelve companies of infantry , band nnd drum corps ; Ninch Massachusetts rcpimcnt , cightcompnniesof infantry , band nnd drum corps ; First Maryland brigade , twelve companief of infantry , band and drum corps ; Second Mary land brigade , five companies of infan try , b.ind ; South Carolina bri- patio , ten companies of infantry , band ; Third Now Hampshire regiment , three companies of infantry ; First Virginia brigade hondud by Gen. Fitzhugh Leo and staff nnd a mounted body guard of sixty men , band ; Ca dets of the Virginia militnry institute , eight eoniDaiiics of infantry , band and drum corps ; firstcorpi , .Boston cndets , Gov. Long's escort , four companies of infantry , band : First * Virginia regi ment , six companies of infantry , first battnllion lie-lit artillery of Virginia armud ns infantry , three companies , band ; Third Virginia regiment , seven comMiiiiS | ! of infantry , band ; Fourth Virginia regiment , eight companies of infantry , while and colored , Dods- worth's Now York band ; Thirteenth Now York ( Brooklyn ) regiment , Col. Austin and stall' , honorary members , eight companies of infantry and drum corps ; Co. I ) , vet erans , Buffalo , Now York ; rank lint , North Carolina brigade , four compa nies of infantry , \Ya.shington light in fantry , Charleston ; four companies of infantry , Second North Carolina regi ment , four companies of infantry nnd band ; Second battalion Rhode Island infantry , four companies nnd band , First Vermont infantry , three com panies nnd bund , Kentucky infantry , tivo companies and bntia ; Second Michigan regiment , six companies of infantry , band asd drum corps , ' First Connecticut regiment , tun companies of infantry , Ponniniton battery United Status artillery with ( our pieces , Lieut , St. Clniro's bat tery United States artillery , four piece" . Thee last two namnd companies marched overland to Yorktown and were cheered at every point along the route. Thu Thiituentn Brooklyn , the New Jersey troops nnd the Ninth Massachusetts regiment were loudly cheered on the march and wuro declared rivals in the competition for marching. Aftur the roviuw the First Connecticut regiment marched at once to the boat and left-for Charles ton , South Carolina , when ) they will be the guests of the Washington Light Guards of that city. The latter com mand Init on n boat for home imme diately after the roviuw. The Georgia nnd TUiodo Island troops also left for home this afternoon. Gov. Cornell entertained the presi dent and state governors at dinner. About 'the same time Gen. Hancock gave a dinner to the army and navy officers and officers ot the volunteer companies. Both dinners wore large ly attended nnd Wnro1 affairst ; < j ( great brilliancy. This afternbon n nnvitl re view took place under tro directiou of Hoar Admiral Wyman , nnd was nu in teresting event. The president nnd party left hero for home to-night , nnd though many persons still linger here abouts the celebration is practically over. Railroad Directors. National Annotated Press. CLKVKLAND , October 20. The new board of directors of the Ohio railway held a mooting this aftori < eon and rn appointed the old directors of-thu 0. 0. , C. & I. , HB officers of the Ohio railway , save the auditor , Alfred Ely , who was succeeded by P. A. Hewitt , local freight agent of the C. , C. , C. & I. The following are the officers of the Ohio railway : J. II. Dovcreaux , president ; S. Burke , vice-president ; F. II. Short , assistant to the presi dent ; E , B. ThomtH , general manager ; A. J. Smitli , general passenger and ticket agent ; 1' . A. Hewitt , auditor ; S. II. Ynlo , purchasing ugont ; 0. B. Skinner , traffic manager. The United States Trust company of Now York was made register of stocks. Samuel Steven , of Cincinnati , general paison ger nnd ticket ngonl of the 0. , II , & D. , will turn ovur the business of the office to A. J. Smith , and all the gen eral ofliceis of the Ohio railway will be located in Cleveland. Vandurbilt loft for New York via the Now York , Pennsylvania & Ohio road at 2:35 : o'clock p. m. ELECTRIC BRIEFS. ' Natloiml-Aiaoilatuil I'rcsn. CINCINNATI , O. , October 20. Enoch McUruw , u weII known citizen nnd for many yours chief of the fire depart ment , died thin morning. Forty men , who ciuno from the east to work in the rolling mills , went to work quietly this morning. Four mills are now running. Two employ 11011 union iiion and thu oilier two work under a special arrangement of the umploycH part union and pait non union. _ 'Indiana Mnrderod. Nation * ) Associated I'lift. SL. PAUL , October 20. A telegram received at Fort MisHoulu , snys that incspcngere justj arrived nt the fort report the murder of three Flathead Indiana by citizens of Stuvonsvillo , thirty miles from thu fort. Chief 31mrlo has demanded that the inur- lurcrj bo delivered to him for punish- nunt and has sent runners to Jack's igunoy for assistance to unablu him to iiiforco his demand. There in great jxoitenienl ut Stovonsvillo , and Maj. Jordan 1ms two companies of the Third nfantry ready to march to thu BCOIIU n case thu civil authorities are unablu .0 preserve peace. While it is said that quiiiino is thu ; reat panacea against fever , nnd itrungtlio'ns the system , wo know that 'Conrad's Budwuisor" will do this -ory thing. Ask your druggist for it. Atkinson & Co. took the premium it the State Fair fur the beat uid ( moat itylUh goods ; tht fintst and mpst nr- istio work. Ladies , wo will make -ou the lowest prices , FEARFUL FLOODS. Breaking of the Sny LQVOO a Few Miles Below Quinoy , The Low Lands Flooded and a Vast Amount of Proper ty Destroyed , Hutdreds of Acrea of Wheat Submerged Railroads Under Water. People FlooliiK From Their Homui Thorn nt tlioMoroy ol the Flood. NutlonM Associated I'rcwi. UliicAflo , October 20. A special tin's moining from Quincy states that the Sny levee has broken about two miles nboio Scott's landing. The exact location of the break cannot bo determined up to this time bec.\ of the alarm that prevails among the people ple , who si'om to bo frantic nnd unn- blo to pivo particulars Scott's land ing is duo west from Ilockport four miles , and the country between the places is almost one cumploto slough which will prove the rocepticlo for a largo body of thu water , which is now pouring in through the break , There was a largo ( quantity of water in the Sny long before the bronk occurred , nnd this is now rising with great rapidity. The levee whore the break occurred is lined with timber on either sides , the neil being Randy and of poor material for resistance. As soon ns thu alarm was given the people in thu vicinity began to seek places of safety , and to drive their stock to hii > h ground. The crevasse in said to be two hundred feet wide andcoimtnnlly increasing. AYord has been aunt to nil inhabitants of the valley to prepare for the wont. The flood at this time will prove more disastrous than the great flood of last spring. The large corn crop on the bottom lauds had not yet been secured - cured , and hundreds of thousands of bushels will be lost , and , to add to the general Destruction , the rise has como upon the people so suddenly and so unexpectedly that the bottoms are still full of cattle , horses and other live stock. It will bo impossible to save either the grain or the live stock , and in many cases the farmers will loose urcn their household effects. Thu railroad freight houses and other buildings along the lovou front are entirely surrounded by water nnd many of thu floors aru covered. From Homo of them everything has been removed. The island between the bay and the river is completely submerged with the exception of a small slice of ground in the rear of the marinn ways. The people living on this island have nil been compelled , " to leave ns the water * rose'so rapidly" yesterday that it now covers the floors of all buildings situated thero. Across the river the low lands are all inun dated to the LlulFrt , seven miles from the river. Al most all the inhabitants have moved , many hogs and cattle have been drowned , iiuu many troro killed by railroad trains , thu animals going on thu embankment , that being the only ground that can be found above water. Lone Tree Prairie , commenc ing five miles north on the Missouri side , is under water n distance of twelve miles , the water being in some places of it almost up to thu second stories of thu houses. At ttio state fish pond , tun miles south of Quincy , the situation in most alarming. Com- inissionerBarllotthnsiiaL'd every elForl to save the fish , but his work in but half . completed. Thu water is within six inches of thu top of the Sny levcu near Stillwell's farm , at the head of thu levee , and it was thought that thu break must occur soon. Should this taltu place over half n million na tive fish and a thousand German corp will bu carried awoy. The Warsaw levee , above Quincy , which reclaims seventeen thousand acres of land , bruku liwt evening. An immense vol ume of water is now pouring through the cruvassu and inpidly spreading over thu country. Tnis is thu most productive ] farming land in the state. A largo portion of it wan sown with winter wheat. This 1ms all boon destroyed , and thu damage done to farmers in the vicinity can hardly bo estimated. Although the backwater from thu troughs.nnd rnim had covered a portion of thu tract , manyfamilieson tliohiyhergroiinilhtillremained. When the alarm reached them they left every thing nnd fled to thu blulfc for safety. Railroad property on the Missouri side will suflur heavily , The tracks of the St. Louis , Keokuk & North western Railway are several feet under water between Quincy and Keokuk. BeUvcen Quinoy nnd Hannibal thu tracks are also under water. There in throe inches of water on the Quinoy , Missouri & Pacific division of thu WnhaHh. The river nt this point is now over seven miles wide. Indication * National Associated 1'rcHo. WASHINGTON , D. 0 , , October 20 , For the Cupper Inkoa : Fair weather , Rputh winds , lower barometer , sta tionary or higher temperature. For the upper Mississippi valley : Fair weather , south winds , falling followed by rising barometer , stationary or higher temperature. For the Mis- Byuri valleys : Fair weather , variable winds , fulling followed by rising barometer , stationary or higher turn- poraturo , National Carriage Builders. National AenooatcU 1'rces , CINCINNATI , October 20. The car- ringu buildurii' national association , nt their business meeting to-day , decided to meet next year nt Philadelphia. The benefits growing out of the tech nical Beliool were discussed ut length , nnd a subscription was started in ita behalf , This evening a banquet wau ' held , nnd Governor Winter , General Noyos , General Heckunloopor and otlieia miulo speeches.