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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1881)
V ' 6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY OCTOBER 15 , 1881. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. A Bay's ' Doings in Iowa's ' West ern Metropolis , Several Results of the Recent County EleotlonB. An Extended Batch of BroozyNows Niton- THE ELECTIONS. SHOUT r.r.WMB or TIIKIU OHNKUAI , UP 8ULTS. The battle has been fought , nnd n' though it may take tlio official coun to dotcrmino exactly what the roaul is so fur M majorities are concerned the smoke has sufficiently cluarcd nwa to enable us to look ever the field The republicans have rescued the en iiro county building , nnd for nwhil they will liavo absolute control there Mr. Sherman , for governor , canie iho county by J150 majority eve .Kinno. Sieffcr , republican , ovcrMor pan , linn 114 , nnd over Huimlcml , 374 Morgan democrat , .15 ever Clayton republican ; Kirkland , republican fur auditor , ever Gardner , democrat Oil ; 33onnott , ropiiblican , for trois nrur , him 584 ever IJadolot , democrat Guitar , republican , for sheriff , ever O'Neal , democrat , L'O ; Dunton , rcpiib lican , formirvoyor , 228 ever Broad- beck ; Faul , ropiiblican , for coroner , 4(70' ( ; Underwood , democrat , over Mat- lock , republican , 108 ; Cooper , demo cmt , over Smith , female , republican , for school superintendent , 495. From tlio above , to recapitulate , the repub licans carry the county for governor and one icproacntntivo and elect the following county officers : Auditor , treasurer , sheriff , surveyor nnd core ner. The democrats , ono rtprcsunta- tivo , supervisor and school suporin ( undent. It seems that thu largest majority wns given by the friends of Kirtland for auditor. The next Ser John Uonnct , but when no con sider that he hon boon fivutimcB elect ed to the ollico of auditor in this country , nnd that it was n change for the benefit of the party nnd not him self. For Mr. Bonnet in' accepting the ofllco of treasurer and give up the ono that had grown to bo his almost > by right did so , not to please himself , Jml his party. Wo say when wo cdn- aider the circumstances to gather with the fact that his mine was traded during the day wo are surprised to iind him with so largo a majority over Bndolot who is nn exceptionally tin- right , straightforward citizen of this country. That Kirtland did HO well we are not surprised. For a long lime ho hud been acting as deputy auditor and had become acquainted with nearly every voter in the county mid liia gentlemanly and courteous manner of transacting the business had endeared him to tlio people Am orally. Mr. Guitar had next to the fomnlo the hardest battle to fight. Mr. O'Neal was ji long time under Perry Reed , and BO far na possible received his support ; nnd ho also had the strength of the saloons to help him. Take , all the circumstances , that ho has boon with Keel so long , had the saloons with him and n- good n < anv republi cans , wo are only' ' surprised that ho did not dufoat Durton by n hundred majority. And now wo come to the solemn part of thu election. Wo un derstand no woman prior to the last election has over had courngo enough .to face n man and battle for nil ollico in Pottuwnttnnuo county , and wo jnust say wo hnvo never yet hoard o"f a I'reat live man beating a woman no unmercifully , nnd afterwards bo nl lowed to inn nt lurgo. Mr. Cooper ought to blush jtmt u little \\hen ho meets Mint Smith , and every ono who scratched that girl , hows-iovor gently , will have cause to turn crimson if eho ever turns her optics directly up on him. But There is indny it gem nf imivt-t ray serene , Thu dark , imfatlioinuil t'lued of ncoun ' bcur ; Thero'H many a flower born tn blush mi- seen , And wnxto its fr.iguncc on thu dcxcrtair. The fact is the people of thif'couu . are opposed at present to female suf frage. When women are allowed the xiijlit to vote will bo time enough to elect them to oflico. Wo have the utmost respect for the ability and worth of the young Indy Whom the re publican party put in the field. She iio'doubt is mi accomplished teacher aifd'can"serve the pubhojjottcr in that capacity than by being laid upon the shelf in the ollico of county suporin londont. , "ifKAIUY IILKI ) TO DEATH. The boy llenrdon , wo understand , is an old oflondor. After the pound ing ho received ho came very near blooding to death , When tnkim to iho jail ho wan bleeding profuuoly and the sheriff deemed it' best to cull n physician. Dr. Unit was called. The boy wns nlivo yoitorday morning and in good spirits. Ho said the po lice had him subdued some time bo- Joro they let up on him , but they wore uxeitud and were not awuro ol the fact. THKV MKT. It was election day. They mot on the street. Chapman , who mourns tho' defeat of his Clayton so much in his paper , and Morqtui , ox-editor ol tha Globe. It wns n sad yoi friendly mooting. Mr. Chapman wan the first to brook the silence. "Well , what do .you know ? " Ex-editor , "Well , John , I feel I think I shall get there. ' Mr. Chapman ( dropping the lower lit of his left optic slightly ) "I hope su. " clear tone "Shako.1 Ex-editor ( in a ) Cigars , music , tableaux , exeunt. * * ' Mil. WHKKtKllV YKNTUllU. A short time njo ; Mr. A. Wheeler , proprietor of the lUjvoro house , who resided in Buffalo , New York , con cluded to tako.tho ndvico of tlio late Horco Groeloy nnd "Go west. " Ho came to this city nnd haying made uj his mind that this wan iho country fur hipi to grow up uithj determined to follow the star no longer , notwith- fltandini ; the flood was upon us nnd things looked n little damp. Ho bo- liovi'd then and now that Council Bluff * ii destined to bo at no dis'u'it ' day [ ono of the lmdin city jn the union. 'Ho immediately 'invested omo of his capital in tenements houses , also purchased the furniture and fixtures of the Ucvero honno on Bnudnay. The matter of making ft success of hotel keeping wiw an exper iment witli him ana since spring ho has c.irried on the business without the assistance of that ono auxiliary necessary above all others to make a complctosuccossof any undortakiim his wife until yoatorday , when Mrs Wheeler and three children arrive ! from Buffalo. Since Mr. Wheclc has been in this city ho lias mad many friends and ho no doubl wil novcr have cause to regret that ho so Icctod Council Bluffe , Iowa , in which to buildup a business that in a fen years will add naturally to his exchequer chequer , Ilim'AI.0 IIILI.'rt ttENSfiTT. Bennett , who has made himsol famous for having fired oil'a pistol somewhere in the vicinity of Buffuh Bill , was taken from the county jai yosterduy and brought before Judge Burke to answer to the charge of rob bory. The testimony not being sulll cient to sustain this charge it was dis missed and an information filed chart ; ing him witli an assault , J. Lyman his counsel , asked for timo. It was granted and the case continued ono wonk from next Monday. TIIKV DIDN'T oir : IT. The tiling is spreading rapidly ii Council Blull * . Two "alloy" girls np plied to a gout Ionian on Main street wanting to rent his resibenco in Glendale - dale , near the high school. The man was astounded and asked them what they could do away off there. "Oh I * they replied , "thu men that como to see us don't want us on any of the public streets , and you know such girls as we have plenty of money al ways to pay the rent. " They didn't secure the house. INKOUMAT10.V TOR TUB HKMIHI'lItiHK , Imagine the editor of Tito Globe en tering his sanctum , grasping a Faber Mid scratching off the following : For several days past wo have boon engaged in politics in earnest , have mot the enemy and they are ours. A 'outline farewell was taken of the pa- ? or until after the close of the can- ass , and now thab it is over and vic tory assured wo again resume the position temporarily vacated , Wo cannot close this little article vithout returning our most earnest , nd sincere thanks to all those who iavo stood by us so loyally and man- I'lly , a.s well a these politically op- losed to us that quietly attended the , tolls and deposited their ballots in : ur favor. Both are gratifying facts , nd will bo treasured , When JamcH F. Wilson comes this ray again seine republicans will hear ram him , no imagine. TOOK THE TICKEll. An old man entered a complaint in Fudge Burko'n court against a man tamed Ayers , charging him with get- ing in on his confidence at the Ogden totel and beating him out of a watch. iVo understand that the matter was atisfaotorily arranged between ( he ; wo and when the case was called the ild man not appearing against Ayers 10 discharged. HIE IlLUKPri IN Everybody will soon hnvo an oppor- unity of seeing "tho whale. " Harden Jones , of llockford , left Council Bluffs yesterday for a visit in 'ndiann to see the "old oaken bucket" ind scones of his childhood oiico more. Harry Stone , of Loadvillo , has ontod the ttnu , building juat erected > y J. W , Crosslnnd on Broadway , and ill occupy it as a wholesale liquor itore. Perry Keel ouys that Heardon has ) eon under his care before. , Theodora Guitar dVm't owu bin olcu- ion to Council Bluff * , Wo under- itaud O'Neal carried this city. Some ) f our host citizens voted for Jimmio jociiuso they believed ho wai a pro- libitiouist. J. 0. Morgan is not n Wilion man jut will vote fur Gear.Vo think lomobody took u nip at bin none to ipito somebody's face. Miss Ella Smith is atill confined to tier homo with inihunatory iliuumiit- . ism. ism.Tho The older of the Cornet girls ia still with her mother ut the Metropolitan liotolin this city. Mrs. Fiinnio Livingstone who came to this city from Lvudvillu some time ago having thu littlu Cotnot girls in ohurgo , has been confnu'd to her reemit it tie Metropolitan hotel with tumble nnd lover , Wo understand that thu colored folks luvo boo'n' cleaned out of thu Ogden hotel and their placet ) filled with white men. The Council Bluff * Light Guards will hold n businmi mootm ; ; at their mnory on Pearl street this evening. E. Fitch , of Avoca , wns in the city yesterday , ut the Ogdon. W. G. Albrighf , . .f Cedar Kupids , wns nt tllu Ogden IIOUHU yesterday. S. L. Hooper , of 4"Ci > r ww : . . . Iowa's ' metropolis yesturdny , nt the 1'aciiie. Messrs. Foreman Und Walters sun- ccodtd in bngging n line lot of fat ducks lait Tuoidny and Wudncnday. The "Ilijt 4" wonder in their minds when that man Scott will send nlonu " " - ' that I Miss Carrie M. Cuss , of South Bond , Ind. , is in Council Bluffs on a visit to her friend and schoolmate , Mrs. John Limit , wife of John Limit , attorney At lavs. \\o understand that the complaint against Tloardon comes from Cans county , where ho is charged with stealing a gold watcll and chain. L. Kirscht nnd W. II. Millatd have erected residences in Glendale that \\i\\ \ \ add materially to thu looks of that locality. Mr. Kincht'a is a largo two story brick. Mr. Millard'u u largo two story frame. It is becoming gonorilly known that the Henlica are here , paid lor and will run , commencing opposite the entrauco of Geiso's biowoiy , thence west to Bancroft street , down Bancroft to Crystal mills , thence up Main street to Broad wirro tviu Union avenue. Thi ? route ia subject to rapid change * of wjiichduo notice will bo given. Quito an ' oxoitemontiwaq created yesterday afternoon ' Wvm " jt ) of the Council Buff | BaviiiL' b&nk o'vor i\ her 9 tr do , ' ' ' f ' The fiiiaicial ) affairs of tliu county vill ( bo iii safe" handu * . 'John Bonnclt will bundle the money andvKiikland will audit the accounts , * Jlottpck can console hinuclf vith thu fact that greater statesmen thu ho have been slaughtered by thoi own party. Tlio nntiro counly building will fo the time being be under Iho contro of the republiiMiix , Something ( ha has not happened ior some time , It was lumnrcd nt ono time Din some ono had stolen the ballot box ou al Silver Crook Hov. Cyrus Ilamlin , pastor of Hi Conurcg.iliotml church , left Comic ! Bluffj yesterday for Burlington o business connected with his pastorate Sir. Malony , who has formed n co partnership with Hubbard , lias movei into the Fred Lculxingor house 01 avenue E. Matlock says UiatCorbnIoydecoivc < him. Ho did not think the part ; would bo ungrateful , but alas ? That rooster of Morgan's looks higl but thin , like uti oyster in a ho.irdinj house stew. Giioss ho has been fu < on Nonpareil oats , The Council Bluffn Light Gunid are rcipieatod to meet in full uniforii to-night. Hon. A. J. llisint ? , formerly ono ol Council BlnnV leading att'jriii'jH , nr rived in this city yesterday , from Silver vor Cliff , Col , , on lummy east , on bus incus connected with his firm , Mo'.it gomery it Rising. DonpUcd. ly tlic tiiilliliikini , ' , ] ] tinlnck 1ms bcci cnnotilcrrd nweeilniititn ItixuriantKrowtli , unpleasant Hindi , t > te. , linn rendered It , ti thosu "not Unowiiifj its \irtnex , .inuis.inco , aiulyct the root IIOA lon < \ > erti acknowl' edged Ijy H.Ivatit.H na most liuiilunble ns n diuretic , npotietit nnd Ijlood pnrilier. liur- dock Itliioil HitttTH embody nil itn ) , ' od i'rico 81.00 , trial ni/o 10 cents , IMPIETIES. New .Jersey tries to claim Xoali , bccatno ho WOH a New-ark man. At a prayer meothit ; in , MAM , , the other evening nne of the broth- reti prayed ( nr "thn president , the cabinet , nut especially the poutmaster-Rcncral , " Some R.icriliKiouH wretch pried open the ccently laid corner atone of the J tlxcopal ihurcli at LoMarx , Iowa , nnd abxtmcted ho Rllver dollar whiuh had been desalted licre. OeorK * F. Meredith waw o'cpclletl from he ministry and incmherfthipof theMeth- dist cluircli. nt the late conference held it Canton , bcinj , ' found K'i'lty of lying , InmkeimcsH , inimorallly , etc. A KroA many pcnplo carry their religion in their ftlca\o , whore it will Im xeeu In hii connection it may bo well remarked lnt when they died they never take their lothcs to tlio place of judgment. The Uanjo in Hcavcti ! "le banjo- rum ! If you want my ( loj > , my IHW , my louse nnd lot , play me de hang" an' keep hue will ycr flit. I 'upect do miifiic of mf'elio hariM ntn nwect an'noft nn'drcnmy. > ut if dcy want to keep u cull'd fullcs n\t- fllied up dar , a leetlu mnrc banjo nu' a cctlolesK harp am do tint preHCiiptinn. " The rector of nn infant church in South ? : iniiiin ! , whoio role of mcmborH nnnibfr-i ixactly eight , finds much comfort in ilia act that just the name number of pel sons vcroju Noah'ri nrk , When ho hall Imve L revival increnhing the force by 50 per ent. He will probably bo thankful that ho number tqual.s that of the original npiu > - le . "If yo plaizc , uorr , have yo enny nice iunday-flchool book i or jupcrii ? Sure I rant them for mo little ghl ; Hhe'll ba go ng to Air , Goodman's clacH at the church , err , ye- < , sorr"What church1 "Sure , t'H tlio I'rotcHtant church in the dqunrc teynnt. " "Is your husband alhe , Alrn. - AlrH. - J" Hiiro , an' he In , sorr , - bin nowl , the drunken owld vagabond. " 'You'ro a rellgiouH person yourself , I per- solve. " "Hiue , tin' 1 am , Borr , the dhil a mp'porth else ! " * , , lllderly ladies who liavo 814,000 to npare , ind arc willing to invest on the recom- nemlntlon of clergymen or uplrlt me- llniiiH , In Htock of a " , Ianucn cologne man- ifactnring coiniiany , " will pmbably novcr nek for impostor * of some kind to relieve heiu of their money. The bexi mode of protecting such perwmH IH by placing any property left to tliein in the lmudn of a com- ictent trustee. It would seem from the it'iteincnt of the \\idow of 1'rof , Uiliam , ivho WJM mulcted in thin mnouiit by the Kov. John A. Lanulng , of Drookline , . , and by Maty C. Ward , a to- nruauher or k'ct.urei of some kind , tbef'O pnrtiiH mudo no other Btatu- nen'M to MtH. U [ > hnin thnn that they hail luented the money of n good many other ividou A und orphans in the x.unuay , ivlilch , Or1 fools are plenty , U > ery likely irui > . ' ) hey ulno nsimireil her that nho .voiild recei\ tin ) niodest InuriMsu of 10 ior cent per nnniuii on her Investment , myiible In monthly Installment * , a prom- so which for a few months W.IH kept. It lee * not yet that any glumtx ail- UHtil lier to make the investment , or that Miy reprost ntatiimn of any mattem of fact ivhlchould inllumicy a unman of dinere. tion _ were uned. When ttho npjilied to Ionising for bur lost liondii in January , 1B7U. afterho had had them nearly u year , lie uroto lier the tallowing letter , which U the ugolcHt specimen of eant over put forth by n clerical Chadhaud : "I cannot meet with your domnndi to night , The nl IUH nnd nrraiigemonts were all mndo In God , nnd 1 can only move an Ha commands. Can you not lollow tha word of ( Jml nit It came to you first ! You know tha word to be of Coil M vim did then. Follow it tw you did then. TJio iw IM.TH nro all drawn in Uxl nnd nro ut His illHpotml , Yours iu Christ .fesiw , tlio J.ord Cod. Amen. . [ . A. JMNMINII. " It Keoiim dilliciilt tn hcliaiu. tb.amieh fools nn Lnntlng could bo mist.iinod as men uapablo of in tructing th'o world concern ing "God,1' ' but wu belle vo he had m > other profussion. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Eoii CortiflcatnK. , .ltia.nuvilo drugged stuff , prutond- ing to by madu of wonderful foruixn roofs , .barks , Ac , and- puffed up by IOIIL ; bogini certificates ol pretended miraculous cures , but u simple ; pine , uffuctivo mcdieine , made of null known 'nluublo remedies , that fur- niahea its own certificates by its cures , \Vo refer to Hop Bitters , the purest nnd boit of niodieineM. Republican. octMH AUtfllU WANTED FOR KrnoT HKLU.SU Jlooim or TIIK Am I Foundationsof Success nuaiNKaa AND SOCIAL KOKUB. Tlio law oj traulg , Ic l loruii , how to tram wt 1'inlniss , valuable toik ! , vocUl ctlquitt latlluiuiilarr unye , bow to conduct public butl ni ! < ; In ( net It ! a comi > lete OulJo to bucctuu (01 ( ill ca ! 3. A family iivcoeuilty. AililroM Mrclr enUn and tiwclnl lcnn ANCJIOU ) 'UI1IIHI1NI ] ( RO. . ft l-miln. Mo. Reading and Elocution . -TAUGHT nv JULIE E HAEDENBEEGH. Vglcc T lnlnp. Private Lc 9n anil 7011 Cau BUcut , bet * ecu 20th an J 21 tt. Business College , THE GREAT WESTERN OCO. H. RAfriBUN , Prlrlclp l. Creighton Block , MAIIAt . , . NKMtASKA , , < JTBeiij fnr Olrcul r noi ,20 > Uwtl Dexter L. Thomas , . ' . R'SM'/f.//-X2 { /E./WA'R.NJS / / / SAFE kBNtruVtfl CURE The leading Sclenti t ot to-day nyreo tlm o ttll cwi : nrc citliccl by dl onlcriM kMnc } or Ihcr. If , tliertforc , tlio Udno * and liter nr kept In perfect ord-r , peifcct lictiHIi ulMKntli remit. Thin truth hnionly been ktioun a tlior time And for } can people BtifTcrcd ureal anon without bt Iriir able to nntl relief. Tlio illtcm cr ; ol Warner's M te lildnry ntnl U\cr C'uro mark * ! n new era 11 the treatment ot thcwj troubles Mndc from a ulinplc tropical l af ol rare \nliio. I ronl-alm Just tlio clement" nceiiHary to notirU nndimUorato Iwth of UICNO irriat organ * , nm Kafelv uotoro and keep thun Inonlir , It hi Poafllvc Remedy ( or all tlm ilUc.i'cn that caui inlm InthoIoHcr Jnrt of the liojy fir TiirpI Ll\ci < - lliillnoliM Jaiinillcd Dlzzlntss-Orave KucrAgue Llicraml Urinary OriratK , It In an ouuMi nt mill vnfu remedy lor fcmnlci lurli K I'Kxnnniy. It will control Mcnstruitloi unl1i In'ahuljlofor ' Ixsucorrliira or Fall 11 o tlio Womb. AH a Illooil Purifier It In iitirtmalril , lor It eurci llic orpin * thit ninko the liloou. This rumily , uhldi hv < ilone mch \ ondcr > , 1 ; | > ilt up In the [ , .U ; iST : alXIUI llOTri.K of any incillilne iiiKin tlic innrULt nnj H soM by Drui- irlntii anil all dialers at 91.25 per bottle. Ko ; Dlabctc" , cnnnln for WAHNBn'.S HAl'i : DIA HI.TES CUItr ! . It h ft 1'OSI 11VK Ucmeily. H. H. WARNER & CO. , Rochctter , N. Y. Jclfl tii-th-nat-lv AND H a n d s o mest -IN THE MARKET ! "H , For Sale by WM. P. . . STOETZEL , 521 South Tenth St. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRACK MARK , . Tha OrcalfUADl MARK ony. An tin- faillnt , ' euro for Seminal WcakncHH , Kpurmator- rlien , I in pot- tin ) , nnd all follow BEFORE TAKINQ. M.icnLo or AFTER TAIINO. hullAl > iiHin < ( l j.sof Memory , 1'nlitnial Ins- ] tilde , I'nlti in tlio 1'iA , Dlmnus'H of Vlnlon , I'ro uiatiiraOM Age , and ninny oilier Ili.oaws that leail to Inainltj or Coiwuniptloii alii ) a I'rcma- tnrc ( ! ra\o. tS'l'iill imrtlcuHru in our nuunnltt , heh | uisiru to bend freu b.nmll to etcryono , JtilTdu Spidllo Mulli IMO [ K nold liall ( Irnjrslstn at el | r luclaw , or U p-u l.auis for M , or will In K-nt.frcu liy iinlUn nccijit ol the moniy , by Uulliilo , N. Y. For MIC liv C. t' noodniin. nc7ino cod PADCICI n KcntM uantvtl for Llfu ol UnnriI.LU I'reniclciit Oarllold. A 10111. plitr , fuHhliil history from cradlo. ti Kia\o , by lha iiulnrnt lilnjrrapocr , Col. ConweJI. llooVa all ready for deliirry. An t C ( ; > > "tly Illustrated xolunio. I'mlopied cilltlon. Liberal terms. Agents ( aKe f n'ore ' for Irem 2) to BOtotiluidully. Outi'tlla any otlu r boot , tui tooiio. Au'inls noMr nii'lomoney K ) fast. Iho bonk telUltKelf. I'M Itrloiii-onot ncic.hary. Falliiroiinknnmi. All nnke iinincnsd print * . Prl at tcniis free. OUOHOB STINhO.V & TO. , cri Un in Portland. Maine , WAR IN PASSiSKIiBll KATES I 1I011IIIK r.nOH , . nrokirs Iii all Itallroad 'kkits , Oinnhn , Neb. , offer TicKotn to the Knat. intll Itirlhor not iu , at the fol'owln unheard of . < > I'litt'i ; Ohlcaco , I2 ; ItouiKj Trip , $21.00 , Thir < u an- mlttd Flrcl-Clns * Tickets nnd teed for return iron/h thoearand th Old Itcllablv Chi- w , Iliirllntrton & Qulnej llmlruad. ANo , ono nto A'i\v : yoiiK , i tchB , ? moo , HObTON , do i.'L 00. I'liibAnm'iiiA d * iii co. do HI 00. For | iartlvular . wrlttf or jto direct to IlUtlUIi : IIOS. , IKaldrn In Knlucwl JiaJe II.dlrn.ul nnd U.iiMhu | Tlil < ei . MX > Truth BC , , Omaha , Nib. Itiiueuibcr tlt ( > pUce 'lliroo Doort North of n on I'uclUu Itlllroad Depot , Vjmt bldo of Tenth ttcuf. fliiMh-i , Allinist I. H551 nnVlan4Di ! ! i uiuAKVIHin t.ui < i iiiiuTrouii ' 'Ol.r.s. bun. , Ilirco icnt stn-rp forliualo'ik- and prlio lict contUiilnjf lull inlonuatlou. II I , D , SOLOMON , Pulutn.Oili and Glai OMAHA. NHIl SOADBMY OP THUJ SACRED HEART OMAHA , NEB. S. B. Oorndr 9th and Howard. Tha plan of Studlci la tLo flnmo aa that pur u d n all the Acadcinlcn of the hatred Ilrart. Illf- rcnra In rclltilon It no olitailo to Iho ndmli- nnof jouni ; ladltc. ftnnt : IneUidliif Iloard , Vanhlni ; , Tuition and Ilctrumciital tlukle , per colon nf Iho month' , $150 , Itoferenui lire re- ulrcd from all nunon * unknown ( o < liu Inilltu- on. For furtlivr Informatlnu api > ly tt ) The Itrlit llev. lllsliou' 0 Omaha , or to the Udj lumrlor. _ gc23llin _ TAWKEYBTLAININ& MILL on , DCS Moiries , Iowa , Mnnufacturer * of BASH. OOOR8 , DLIND3 , BRAOKETa , MOULDINQS , AO. Orrat reduction tn tUnk Counter * , 1'bns fur- lild. nndord lurnUhoil In all Kliuli of Urd r wtt nofil. Counter * flnMioil In ell when do- * 1 A HlieUliirf0' ' all UmU lunibhttl and put itauiilldlnsf nudy for paint ou olmrt iiotlcv ir workmen nru the ben mechanics that can be Tomrid , ba > o money by gliiiif ui j-our C9 ract < Ctalrj , Newell and Daluitrn. Our foreman In thUdciaitnient M forincrl ) till r'rott .Jlanufactiirli if Co. I Ulileayo , 11 < i and lia < ilono KOUIO of the Oooot SUlr urk u tlio Nortliwf t , Order * If uial ) } > rompMy Attended to. (39 So > Announcement ! On and after this date our FamJiam Street store will open at7:3Oa. m. and close promptly atp. m. , excepting Satur day , We feel that the very low prices we havet established ana maintained in Omaha will be sufficient inducement to our 2)afrons to make their 2 > urcJiases during the above-hours. 8. P. MORSE Sf CO. RSE & CO 1319 Farnhain Street. 1 ! ) inch Black Satins , 7oc. Black Brocades 10 inch Black Satins , 8Hc. , 19 inch Black Sntins , l)5o. ) Surahs , In this department wo are show 19 inch Black Satins , SI. 00. ing thu Latest Novelties of thu Sea 22 inch Black Satins , $1.00. Rhadames , son. 22 inch Black Satins , $2.10. 10 inch all Silk Brocades , $1.25 , 4 ( ! inch Illuninatcd Bieges. SOc. 22 inch Black Satins , $1.25. 19 inch all Black and Colored Brocades - 40 inch Best Illuminated Bicgcs , 22 inch Black S.itins , $1.50. cades $1.50. $1.00. 22 inch Black SatiLH , $1.75. 22 inch all Silk Brocades , $2.00 , 4J ( inch Cloth Plaids , Sl.OO. 27 inch Black Satins , $2.00. $4.00. 24 inch FinoMomio Plaids , -0c. ! Our display of Party Shades in Bro 24 inch Colored All Wool Brocades - ' cades Cream.BIuo Pink MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS , , , , Heliotrope , cades , 135 itc. , is the finest over shown in 4i ( inch Black Cashmeres , OOo Omaha. 40 inch Black Cashmeres , OOc. Fifty dozen men's unlaundriod 19 inch Colored Satins , OOc. 40 inch Black Cashmeres , Best , shirts with ' full-sized linen bosom , 19 inch Colored Surahs 95c. , $1.00. linen cull's and re-enforced front , 50c 19 inch Black Surahs 75c. each. Well worth 75o to $1.00. , The $1.00 Cashmere is a Special 21 inch all Silk Surahs , $1.20-2.25. Ono hundred dozen Seamless 3argain , well worth and usually solder Fancy or $1.25 ; when gone wo cannot re - Striped English half hose , 25c a pair. GLOVE DEPARTMENT. > lace them for the money. Worth 50c. . 24 inch Illuminated Bie/cs , SOc. Wo are still soiling nnd have complete - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - . - , , . , , _ , _ _ ploto lines of the celebrated Fisk , SILKS SATINS &C. VELVETS , PLUSHES , &C. Clark & Flagg kid Kloves ; wo assure , , . that our customers there is no finer 19 inch Gros Grain Silks , BOc. 20 inch Black Velvets , No. 1 , $1.25. glove made , and IN o are selling them 19 inch Gros Grain Silks , 7oc. 20 inch Black Velvets , No. 2 , l.GO. D Buttons , best kid , 70c. 10 inch Groa Grain Silks , OOc. 20 inch Black-Velvets , No. 3 , 2.00. 4 Buttons , best kid , Sl.OO. 19 inch Groa Grain Silks , $1.00. 20 inch Black Velvets , No. 4 , 2.50. C Buttons , best kid , $1.25. 22 inch Cashmere Silks , 81.25. 20 inch Black Velvets , No. 5 , 2 75. 22 inch Cashmure Silks , gl.50. 20 inch Black Velvets , No. G , H.OO. Housekeeping Goods. 22 inch Cashmere Silks , $1.GO. 20 inch Black Velvets , No. 7 , 3.50. 27 Wo show bargains in Napkins that Full Lines of Guinet Silkp , Cash- 27 cannot be duplicated. nuro Alexandre Silks , of which wore 27 150 dozen full sized 5-8 all linen re Solo Agents for Omaha , range m 27 in. all Silk Velvets , No. 2 , 9.00. fine Napkins , White , Cream or Red 'rice from $2 00 to $3 50 , and are the 21 inch Colored Plushes , - 3.50. Bordered at $1.50 a ilozen , worth ' > eifc } goods known to the trade , bi-ing 21 inch Black Plushes , - 3.50. $2.00 , and an cxtr.i larg 3-4 Nnpkin , 'nil 24 inches wide and warranted to 21 inch Black Plushes best . . 4.00. , , very fine linen , at $2.51) ) a do en , rear without breaking. 21 inch Ombio Plushes , - 3.00. usually sold at $4.00. County orders for goods or samples wi.ll receive prompt atten tion. We have but one price and do the largest business west of Qhicagoselling goods very cheap. No one can afford to pass our doors. S. IP. 3VCOHSE1 &c CO. , 1319 Farnham Street. Jnited States Depository. njEtso ? NationalBank OF OMAHA. Oor. 13th and Farnam Bts. LDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT IN OJIAIIA. SUCCESSORS TO KQUNTZE BROTHERS. ) , BTABUBIIKI ) IHifl. irg'aiiUetl M a National Bank Augiut 20,1SC3. APITAL AND nioFiTs OVER - 300,000 , OrriCKRH A.ND LMRIWTORa : [ ERMAR Kou.vrziPresident. . Auormiia KOI'NTZK , Vice Presl'Ieut. It. W. YATFS , Cashier. A. J. 1'oiTLKTON , Altornej. . CRKIOUTGN. F. II. DATU , AMI. Oudilcr. Till bank receives deposits wlthout'resard to niounU. IwiK8 time certificates hcarlne Intorrarf. Draws drolts on Snu FranciHco mid ) > rinclpa Itlc-s o ( the United Btitcn , also London , Dublin llnliursrh and the principal cities of the contl cnt ol Knrono. Bella passenger tickets ( or emigrants by the ID man linn inivJdtf The Oldest EstatlishtU BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton & Co. , BuBlncm tnnivctod KIUIO M that of ftn Intxir- poiatuU innk. Acuonnti dcpt In carrvncy or cold subject to I'lit ihcck wlthiiut notiw CcrtillcntcB ol dijioilt < 4niutl p.tralilu In three , Ix mid tuulvo month * , .a-\ti\n \ ( Intorttt , or on ouiuud ultliout Interest , AiU ttiiuu m vld to in tomcra on a ) > procd sccu- itlo at in irkH ritui a ! iir.crvut. Riiy itiiii hdl tcolil , Mils ol cxchAngo , govern- nont , tutu , county ant ] illy bond ) , I > r w al nt dnj ( | on Iji lu-id , Ireland , Scot- tnd , i\nd all parU ol pumpo. 8nll Ciiropoan pa.'Mr-i.'v tiiktU , COr.LKOTIONB UOJllTLV MAOK. ulli'lllt _ DISEASES" prTHE- EYE & EAR DR. L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist , ATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. efereuccs all Ilcputablo 1'hytlclani of Omaha , f-E'Offlce. Corner ICUi and Farnham Bit. , maha. Neb ! iiinictf DP , Amelia Burroughs AT THE WITHNELL HOUSE , "uesdays and Fridays , 10 a , in , to 6 p , m. DexterL.Tliofflas&Bro , WIT.I , UUY AND BKLb a & .x aasnp AKU ALb MUMIACTmN . Pay Taxes , Rout Houses , Etc. UT TOD 1XT tO BUT OB BXUi All at 0 c , Room S , Crelghtcu Clock , Omaha , * ai > 0-d : DEWKY & STONE , FURNITURE ! . r = r& * % " ' i. ' = = z -i - - ORCHARD & BEAN , J. B. FRENCH & CO , O A R P ETSI GROG E R SI OTTBXOE1 JfcJKTD SXXfiTO-XVEl L POWER AND HAND T Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MINING MACIHNEIIY , nKLTINO , IIOSK , DRABS AND IRON FITT1N08 . , PIPE , RTEAli I'ACKIKQ , AT WHOLUALB AND UKTA1L. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AMD SCHOOL BELi.S A. L , STRANG , 205 Farnam St. , Omaha. RS ! FURS FOE LADIES , I , JUDJ CHILDEEN , AtMre. HDBERMANN'8 , 16th Btreo , bet. Capitol Avonua &nd Davenport , Repairing neatly dope and Furs made tj order , , oJOljl.