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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : 8ATPJRDAY OCTOBER 15 , J881. \ \ THE DEAD AND LIVING Washington's Grief for Garflold and Eegard for Arthur. The Fooling of tbo Colored Poo- pie Over the Tragedy The Stricken Family , Iji ' " * * * * " * * A i ( Ha itr i tlio Now President ii Gnin- 1 Ins ; Friend * Washington Cortopondttico rjillvlctihl | > l'rc < a. The degrco to which our colored population have made this prevailing grief pre-eminently their own is cliiir- uctcriBticaUy ilniinatio and scinnlimcs half ludicrous. They mnko up forty per cent , < fr mir niunoricnl whole. They come in like a Greek chorus to Bupplcincnt every slntcly or ntixrlHiij | scenso with their quaint , original views and ojnggcrrttcd emotions. Wo divide very evenly with them on the occnsions that attract the pildeil crowd , wo taking the inside and giv ing them the outside. Wo cat the pulp of the orange nnd cast ( o them the rind. Hut th&y take their mea gre , shabby poition with an esprit de corps that nuts the murdering soul to Hhatno. When the Fourth of July came , which you know the c.ipitnl spent in unwonted , supernatural quiet , ' one "poor colored mother , tor ignorant and icmoto to have heard that noisy dcmunstrationa had been forbidden on the streets by tliu city authorities , was , novurUiolosi , ; i liuv unto her family in the matter. Her little rugged urchin had hud n bunch of fire-crackers given him that | io was just going outin , great pomp and glca to fire oil with biu coinrudo-urcliins on the puyemont. ' 'Jojin Wesley , " sfio ejaculated , laying a vigorous hund on this shoulder , "do ypu tink I'm gwmo , to 1mb you 8 < { Uccchiii' around on do street wid yer firin' when do lrvsiilcnt's chilluu J'H a wcopiiij and a inpuriun'aiHlo White House ? TVpuld- n't ' bo lccoiiiii' ; ) ' | llore , ypu iopoi > ) | ig tho'backiJoor ) , go way- will you into do back yard , and don't , lot me hoar a whimpbi ; , ( roni yo. And > John Wesley went , , My maid , a ojirowd pt.a capable phi Waahingtoman servant anil n devout mombert * the Ausbury Colored Chu'i h ] ( Bf. E. ) , where thqy gctjlio Holy $ hosi ipowor every wntch-night and jump u .foot . higji from the Hour , has takun , lie ] national Burden very much t ( | heart , It was her rare good fortune to bo introduced to , < jitioral ) Gurfieldoico | > vhon serving ut a wed ding which he attended liuro when lie canio on after | iia nomination nt Chicago cage , and the fact has made her , an oracle in high-toned sablo-ciiclcH. It lias taken n great many "Oh ! my tressed Lord's1' ! to. put her through the three sorrowful mouths. When Coup's ' Ciipus marched into the eity .yesterday > [ HIO said , indignantly , "Whufe dati tomfooleiy connV into dis town for , \rheii _ woXjpB liud n fu neral in cbery house ? ' ' "Ho'd bettor a-diod when ho was a baby , " she muttered to herself thin morning in my cliambcr , breaking a long silence. . . "Who ? ] yiurtha , " I naked. . "Do mai | tint shot do President , " 8hoyanswered , adding energetically , ' Dojjd ! bettor gfb Jiim'overj'to wo cullu'd.winnnin. . . We'd take care of dat _ bruddpr , Wo wiiuldu't Icayo enough of him toihnng.1 ' AN AVKECTING INOIDENT. If the pheilcmcnnl outflow of'hu ' man 8 } mpathy , v hose tide has not yet fairly ebbed , ahull tend to make us who have helped to swell it kinder nnd b'ettor toward other hearts that biped , well und good. But if wo sub stitute our share in it for thusu nearer but equally Fiicred duties ; if wo sny to the ulilict'ed poor around us , "It is Corban , a gittf by whatsoever thou iniglitost bo profited by me , " then wo are a wretched sot of frauds in God'a light. I call to miiul a noble nature of whom it is far otherwise. On a dark day in our President's fate the this first dny on which wo hoard dis couraging news from Elhcron. Gener al Walker , Superintendent of the Cen sus , was passing homeward heavy hearted from his oflico duties , for ho loved General Garfield tenderly. Uy chance he saw within an open door way a tiny collln , the coflin of u 3-year-old octoroon child whom lie sonxStimes had stopped to speak a kind word to as she played upon the ntrcot. The little maid soon know his cordial voice , and but a lew days before her death she had. rushed from her basement homo to"'show him her new doll , her modest c6ntribution to the census. Ho passed in silently where the ooilin by and stood beside her little , waxen body. I mot him there , for the child was a pet of minu , my lowly little neighbor , I hold her in some such regard as one might hold a neighborly kitten , little thinking how soon death would endow her imago with his own majesty. The General spoke softly and reverently of the little spirit , then told mo in few words of u daughter of the same ago whom ho had buried , and as ho named her I noticed the quick tears spring to his eyes , .Soon ho bowed nnd passed out us quickly OH ho entered. An hour Inter a servant brought to the homo of mourning with a card addressed in ,1ns handwriting - writing , a lieh and costly lloral wreath , an offering as elegant as if made to the child of his nearest friend. They kid it on the plain little coflhj , and it rested fhoro with tender grace as royal a gift in its way as wns the Quemi's wreath Hater saw on the stately coflin of our President , "In asmuch us yo have done it unto one of these , yo have donu it unto mo : " und in the kingdom that day Ithiuk Christ wore ut > on His sacred vestments the perfume of ( hose flowers of chari ty ; " I1IE tfKW 01IIEH MAOWTUATJS. l Old Washington congratulates itself - * . self oh A now president Wji0 wjjj at. tend the .church of our outlier chief magistrates St. John'u ( Episcopal ) , quatit ! and historic , that fronts the executive mansion , with Lafayette park lying between. President Ar- woa at jsorvico there the morning of General Qurfiold'a funeral , and is soon to Bclect a pew for permanent occu pancy. Tliero is u great deal to admire - mire and bo Jpyal to in the courteous , dignified now president. Uef6ro long I think the pooplu will bo ashamed to have / welcomed him into ofllce with the grudging welcome that children give to a itepiijother. Senators who becaiuu attached to him a a providing officer last spring , nnd wlio have call cd upon him recently nt the residence of Senator .loncs , sy that few gentle men of such elegance of demeanor have over Tilled the presidntial chair Whrn King Kalnkaua , hia prime minister , nnd his lord higl clmmlicrlaiii paid ruipcctH to liin Wednesday. Senator Ingnlls hm just called , and by request of President Arthur ho remained to as sist in entertaining his bron/olnagoslj nnd suite. Ho says nothing could bo liner than the pn-Hidcnt'H manner to ward them. Senator Jones' residence near the capitol , now the private headquarters of the ndminhtratioii , is owned by General Denjnmin F. lint- lor. who built it five or six years ago , It is situated on the brow of Capita ! Hill , u nolid , attractive' mansion ol slate-colored ntotio , withtiaido baron ial hull in the centre. The inteinal finishing and the furnishing nio very handsome , nnd whoever goes theie gains an impression of the atmosphere oC stately courtesy tlmt surrounds the master of the hoimo. Senator Jones personally has the confidence and rrcpcet of nil factions and of both parties , President Arthur could nofc nave chosen more favorable auspices tinder which to coma nt this sad time into hm now honors , This will boa consistent nnd self-respecting adminis tration and cue that will know how to command the respect of the people , n faetforAmericnns to congratulate them selves upon. Yon cannot conjure in u duad man's name , and it wore child ish to attempt it. As to the retiring ctbinct , sometimes called "the ideal cabinet , " it was ically nn oxporimont- nl cabinet , nnd would undoubtedly have been reconstructed in part by PrcmMent Garfiuld before January had he lived. I niu one of the innny who will bo personally sorry if Secre tary lilntiio lolire.i , and who nlsb regret - grot unfoigncdly th t Attorney Goner- til iindMfn. ATncVrngh are nolongorto bo apart of ofllcial Washington. Airs. Jlnc'Veagh has shed lustio on the worn paths of this whiilthntis called "high life iif Wnshiilgton. " Silicerd nnd grncioui nnd kindly , there is a "noblesse obligo" nbout her man4 nt'r that is1 quito the nntipodiis of'the ' brudo nssuniption of superiority tlmt' Wo often have to tolerate in the wiycs nf new cabinet olllccrs , those w-hoso bhriy culture hnn been detective. ' TilK LADIES OV Tllfc ADMINlSTllATlbff. While the politician are ontho nnxiotis scat to know who nro to be the in coming cabinet , a lady correspondent may bo pardoned nn equal solicitude as to who will bo the ineoinln ? Indies of the administration , they whose re ceptions nnd 6thr ! social clbsuiviuices must form the stnplo of ninny de- scriptiva letters to our papers. Much regret is expressed , especially in naval circles , that Mrs. Arthur , the gifted and beloved wife of the president , : ould not have lived to preside over the executive mansion. She was u daughter of Lieutenant William L. Hotndon , United States Navy , who served in the Mexican war , rind after ward acquired new lam els by his ox- ploiation of the Aniaxon. Captain Davis , United States Navy , who was \ midshipman under him on a cruise in the frigate Constitution , described him to me ivs a man rather small of stature , with large , intellectual head und spectacled eyes ; a strict discipli narian , but kindly of heart , nnd/'chi- ' cfcro Christianj ; much belovedfis brother officers , and both lov&Jud venerated by the sailors before the mast In his day the rank of lieu tenant wns relatively higher , for the grades of lieutenant commander , couunodoio , roar adiniiul , vice nd- minxl und admiral have since been ( added to the service. A captain could in those days command a squad- rou. But the pay of thcso gallant men was mcngro. Lieutenant Herndon - don , with his splendid record , had but 81,500 n year on which to support a growing family , and being invited by George Law to take command of one of his steamers to iun between Cha- gres nnd Now York , at a salary twioo its gieat , ho asked n gentleman , who is my informant , now a pay-director in the navy and u * , that tnno a power under the Pierce administration , to request leave of Seciotary Dobbin for him to mnko the trim fur. The leave being granted , ho was given command of the George L.iw , which had boon refitted and her numo changed to the Conttal America , but she was old and inadequate to the strain of that long and dangerous route. On a homo passage to Now York , in 1851 or ' 50 , in n fearful gale oil * Capo ] Iuttoras ( if my informant remembers the locality correctly ) , she went to pieces , and her gallant commuiidor , intent on saving the lives aboard , so fur as possible , in preference to his own , took oif his watch from hm person as the last crowded boat-load was moving elF , and saying to u trdsty subordinate , "Givo this to my wife , he calmly wont down with his ship. A monument to his heroism is erected on the grounds of the naval academy ut Annapolis , Mrs. Arthur died early in 1870. Her son , now 17 years of ago , inherits the statute of his father and the winsome blonde beauty of his mother. A daughter of 12 is the remaining mem ber of the president's household. EMMA JONF. . Life in a Mining Camp , Detroit Krco l'rm . A tuft of hair , rod , flared up from n head otherwise lwld nnd shiny as polished marble. A red sliiit , panta loons of "California broadcloth , " heavy boots , a broad-biinmied hat , hold in the hand for the present mo ment this was yesterday , you remember - bor made up the puiward presence of him who \\as the only judge of the town of , Howover. in thcso times wo nro all near neighbors , audit will not become any ono to name names , oven of unfeeling collections of stone , brick or wood. "Well , judge , you're ' looking soilor peatt to-day.1' "Thomu ? , mo boy , Jot mo see you ono minnit. " The two stopped a litllo to ono side of the street currents that llowod , with moro or less friction , in this min- my camp. "It's my intention to kapo thp pnco alwaya , " said tlio judge , with n richness - ness of brogue that cloven yours from Cork had robbed of the true flavor. "Now , the company pays off on the niorniu' of the Fourth-understand ? The boys will bo hollariout.VJint do you think of mo appintingnoino or tin deputies for the day ) " "I allow , judge , it would bo jiitt the trick. " "Thin I name you for one t'wunst. " The talk continued sumo minutes , and it appeared that { hero was indeed reason to fear the town would bo tlio scene of blood-letting on the Fourth. Arkansas Jack , The Kid , Seven- shooter Jim and others , all drinking men , would bo in from the range ; and Baker Andy , with his arm in sling , had declared his intention of getting oven with certain 01101 on that day. Indeed , Ins grudge against certain one * was wcll-lounded. Falling under a table in a drunkpn stupor , it wan at once found by these present , only less drunk- than he , that IJaker n\ndy's right ami was broken. At this they pulled and twisted _ for sev eral moments , then bound it in barrel staves with a half inch rope ; nnd thus Andy found himself when the sun , hours high , had blistered his face , and his boarders , oilo after another hnd come in for a breakfast and dinner , tlmt were yet to lid prepared. For a week tlio arm was held us in a vice. Then a doctor happened along who , after examination , pronounced the un expected decision that the arm was not broken or even hurt , except by the n ) vel treatment. In the mean time Andy's means of getting a living had vanished like snow bcforu a warm rain. lie was very indignant. "They'll ' get a ouster under thooyc , I beau thinking , " ho said. On the third day of July the "boys" cnmo in from the range. As they rode down the street burros , mules iitul other p.'ick animals ahead loaded down with camp plunder , and each with a very smutty frying pan atop the load the friends of the party fol lowed to wheio a atop was sure to bo made. Greetings were u.\changed in a hearty niannor. "What luck , Jack ? " " 0 , I've some tasty-looking 010 in my pack. She shown metalyou bet ! " "That's what she do , " said Jackjs partner. "Soo anything of Dave ? " "What-D.ivo Molchoil He's in Quiutztown. Dave's got a line thing at last. " , "Tho h 1 lie has I Dave promised mo ono-half of the next claim.'hc ' " " ' made. , , ' 'Got ? " , any papers ( | ( ' 'You'll ' ' I/a struck by , lightning 'be- ' fore you got anything put of that prospecl , Iieckon.1 " . . ' There V s 1M h'ttlo unpackin'g.bc , fore ' bv common consent , ' oho and all stopped into isaloon. . The tired ani mals strayed about , 'picking at grass , while within their owners discussed the probabh ) attractions of the Fourth the lirst the camp had ever known und the liquor. "Any inonoy in the camp ? " asked one. one."Tho company pays off to-mor row. " "Tliat'll do for me. " Ah ! what ) ia joy they felt at the piostfccl/ before thorn. Not a man had any fear , though battles huro boon fought with less bloodshed than might bo seen in this little camp , duelled into a croyico ot ono of na ture's deepest wrinkles. How they slapped each other's backs from good feeling ; how warm-hearted each tolt ; there wasn't a dog "tin canned" tn all tlint day. 'JLnoy , " said the postmaster , "I think you'd butter 'goJjdowui to the river to-nmrowjura Btaybyerlnight. " uu * 4vut " 0 , Robert , do you think any will > e killed , us there wore ut Christmas ; imo ? " Mrs. Postmaster spoke in real alarm. 1 Of course I don't know , Lucy. Judge Ryun has appointed sqvorul loputies , und ( " * ' ( ) , Judge Ryan ) ,1 , believe he'd ; et drunk himself if ho daroj. " 'Tho ' postmaster wisely refrained rom urcument , and their talk took other subjects. All dny on the third the judge was nest activo. Ho was , everywhere , tfot n deputy hnd n chance to feel uinfc-honrtcd. Before ono re- dixod it the tuft of red hair inltcd before him , and the judge > raced him from every side. An at- noHphoro of courage surround ed him wherever his small but vigor ous figure was seen. Whitowingod leuco seemed lor once to bo preparing ; ho holiday in the camp. Ant 'ot many felt it to bo but the lul Doforo the storm , they were sure must break out. They who had that fooling were , for the greater part , mostly women women of a kind who did not BOO the "fun" there was when a crazy , drunken man emptied his re volver of its cartridges , impartially sending them sometimes among the just nnd the unjust. "Whin the ilrst 'pop' is shown , goer [ or tlmt man t' wunst ; kill him if you must , but kapo the pace. " It was the judge's or , shall wo say I pcaco cry. cry.But man proposes nnd God dis poses. At 0 o'clock p. in. on the third , when 300 tired men , smutted with gunpowder , bespattered with candla grease , und with lingers still' from liolding drills or striking them , ; amo up out of their damr lioles in Silver Bearing rock , the judge was not in sight. "Ah ! whore ivaa ho ? " was nn anxious question. At 10 o'clock that night , when the depu ties mot , not ono could say ho had icon him far several hours. Had ho been "made way with' * or shut up somewhere ? This last suggested a comic picture , with a very wruthy' ' per son in the foreground , but no picture in .iliu could dispel the very gioat unxiety. The deputies bo an to lean on each other for morn ! support-and found none. There wns not so little as a tuft of red hair to bo had for their encouragement. The peace body , us a whole began to disintegrate ; its backbone was weak ening fast , bending now ; would it break ? It did break and then so crumbled and dissolved that the judge himself could not ha\o mudo it whole again. "I don't reckon Fourth of July is lioalthy in this section anyhow ; and 1 Uin to have bizncss out on my rnnclio tQ-morrow , " said u deputy. "Did you have a hard day , nnd was anyone killed , Robert ? " This was on : he fith , and the two were riding to ward homo. "Not so very ; of course wo worked hard' ' ( a man's way'of ' fibbing ) , "Of course. " "And then , too. what helped uomo , the company didn't pay off , after all. " "Oh , that WAS good. And so the udgo had all this trouble for nothing. " lWu can't find the judge. " It is noon in the town ot this sketch Up the steep hill como oxen drawing the heavy ere wngons. They barely move , and their drivers' whips sound thn sharp alarm with every foot that is conquered. A dog with as sorted sizes of tin c.uis nt his heels whirls through the one street of the camp. There is a mild clamor of belli calling dinner. All this makes AH nggrojjnto.ot sounds loud enough to awaken a man w ho soon steps to the door of a Mexican hakol where liquor is sold n guardienle , A conspicuous tuft of red hair , much awry , bristles from his forehead. Ho looks up nnd down , blinks' nnd rubs his eyes ; inquires the date in curt Mexican with un Irish flavor. Doing told , his hands go up to his head with n smart slao. "And I went in here for a Mexican deputy on the nvcning of the third 1" How sad , how true ! Judge llynn had been the only man to "celebrate" that Fourth in the camp ; had , indeed , in his own words , been hcll-arioust Ycnr of Safforlnff. Mr * , liarnlurt , corner 1'rntt and IJrond. way , HufTnln , was for twelve years n euf' frcr from rheuirmUsm , nnd after trying cM-ry known remedy without avail , wns entirely cured by Thomas' JJclectrlc Oil. lOcodlw TRUE TO HER TRUST. Too much cannot bo said of the over faithful wife nnd mother , con stantly watching nnd curing for her dear ones , never noglcpting n single duty in their behalf. When they nro ussnilod by disease , and the system should have a thorough cleansing , the stomnch and bonels regulated , blood purified , malarial poison exterminated , she must know that Electrio Bitters uro the only sure remedy. They ar the best and purest medicine in the world , nnd only cost fifty cents. Sold by Ish & McMahon. (2) ( ) Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Bac nchj , Soreness of iho Chest , Gout } Qoinsy , Sore Throat , Swell- inas and Sprains , ( Burns and + + $ cafds , < General Bodily " " { Pains , qr and Headache , Frosted - ' * It mf ill other , i. .1 i.r. " " K' ii Wo PrefuntJon on eth eqnali Sr. JACOM Oil M a * afe , tu-rf , elmplf ud cheap Extertit ] Vfemedj. A trial entalto but the compantlrrlj trtllnc outlay of 50 Crnii , and rery one luffer- l 3 with pain caa b ro cheap anil potltlT * nroof 7 iticlilra * W > Dlrcctlont in Eleren Ijingntf V ( COLD BY ALLDBUOQIBTS AKDDEAIEE8 IN MEDICINE. A.VOGELER&CO. , Dininlthed Vigor- la reimbursed in great mctiuro to those troubled with weak klJnini , lij a Jiullclouiujo ol Hostel- tot'i Htomrxch Bitter which Imlgarate. and itlroulstcs without xcltinp the urinary or- Rang. In conjunction with Its Influence upon them , It correct ! ncUllty , Improves ippctlto , and l lne\ery way comliHho to health and ner\o npose. Another marked quality U IU control OUT toor > inl ft iie.nncl IU ( rawer ol pruvcntlnjf It. For ta'u by all DrujlitB and Dealers fen- vrally. AND STILL THE LION CONTINUES TO Boar for MooreE ( ) Harness AND Saddlery. adopted the Uon jaTr JolUik. and tllmy food , will bo BTAMfED with tht UON tntlmy MAUE OD the . NO GOODS ARK OENUINB WITHOUT TU * ; ABOVE Tliebett mitorUl U used and the moet ( klllet1 wojkiacn re eaoploied , and at tholgwertwU price. Anyooo yvwhlnz * i > rtco-ll ol good will confer a ( a\or by tendliiir lor ono. DAVID SMITH MOORE. mox MED. , - BYRON REEE > , & CO. IOLMKT UTAH.UUBD Beal Estate Agency IN NEBHA8KAS Keep a complete abttnct ot tlU to all R al OIUMM tail PouiiUi couatr. Burdock BITTERS Mm. .7. 0 , Relitttran , ritt biirtf , To. , writes : " wns KtifTcrln ? from general deMlttv , wont ol o | > Vctlt , Lonallpatlon , itc. , no tint Itfo wan a Imr den ! after \u\ng \ \ DitMock fllocxl nittcn 1 felt l > ct tcr ttmti for ) ran. 1 mnnot pnvlta J'our Bitten too much. " It. Glll"t , of nuffftlo , N. Y. , wiltfi ! "Voui llnniock lllcc. lllttert , In chronic ill ca cnf tin Mood. ll\ir v.J liluncxi , liaia liccn fltjimlh nnrkctl vtllh mictcm. Ihato ucd them 1113 mil with hcrt rraUlli , for torplilltj ofthelhor nndlr inioof a friend of inlno fUfferlng from ilnipj the cITcctiafl limn do js. " Itritce Turner , nochcstcr , N. Y.wrlte8"I | : have liccn subject to ncrlous disorder ol the kldtxji' nnd unahlo to nttcnd to lm lnc i : llnniock IIIooi Dltttrn rcllo\e < l mo biforo half a bottle was luctl , I feel confident that they u 111 entirely euro inc. " K. Aici.lth Kail , BliiRhampton , N. Y. , rites : "I cullcrcd with n dull pain through my cfl IIIIK nti < l shonldir. I/ist my KnlrlM , appetite and color , anj conlil with Uilliuilty keep up nil cl\\ . Took J our llurdock Blond Hitters us dl < : c.tcd , nnd liivo fc t no l ln Mme first eck nr tcr U | IIK them. " Jlr. No\h natm , Elmlra , N. Y. . wrltct : "About our j can njfo I hid an attack nf mlloii3fa\crnnd nuer fullj reto ereJ. My dl esthc on ; in verocakcnetl , and I would l > completely jiro3' ; ratcd for ilaj s. After mlm ; two bottlci of 3 our ilurdotk lilood Hitters the Improvement uan M \ 1 was n. toil ! licd. Icnnnou. though 01 jears of njfc , ilea fair nnd reasonable iln'a work. C. Dlackct ItoblriKon , proprietor of Tlio Canado rc tcrhn , Toronto. Out. , writes : "Forsears sufTt-red jrreatl3-frotn oft-recurrlnf ; headache. I used 3 our Ilitnlock Hlood liitttrn ulth happiest results , and I now Hnd In better liuxltli hati for } cars pa t. " Mr . Wftllaco , Duffalo , N. Y , nrlteiIhaio : neO llunlork Blood Bitters fcr Morions nnd bll- loin headaches , and can ricommuul it tonnjonc cfulrln | a euro for bllllousncBH. " Urn. Ira Jliillholl.ind , Albany , N. Y , writes ! 'Kor seierul 3 cars 1 , have miOfcnil from oft-ncur- Itivr blllloiiH hcadauhci ) , Ujsjicpsla , and com- ilalntfl peculiar to my POT. Binco wtlnj ; yout lurdock lilood JllttcrB I auicnthclv relieved. " Prlce.iSI.OO per Bottle ; Trial Bottle * 10 Cts FOSTER , MILBUEN , & Co , , Praps , iBUFFALO. N. Y- Sold at wholesale by Ish & McMnhnn nnd C. P. loodman. _ _ jo 27 cod-mo B1SWITZ & IELLS , 1422 Doufflas St. . N < a 6th. Before removing to their new OPERA HOUSE STOEE ' ' TYM sell theft stock of BOOTSiSHOES At Greitlv Reduced Prices. UJ 11 lears , Asaofa HcjireiwiitcJ 182OOO.OOO O , I AvtUo Flro and Ufa aL-entx utfd. .U. T , , ' AYWtt CO. I DON'T IT BURN1 ify house and furniture is inaurod witii 0 , T. TAYLOll It CO. , Cor. Hth and Douflu. FOSTER & GRAY , WHOLESALE- LUMBER , COAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet , Farnham and Douglas Sts. , - JSffXS ccSOmoly WHOLESALE , BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER -AND nKALKIl IN Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Faraham St. , Omaha Neb. , . , . MARBLE HEAD LIME CO.'S r Double Strength White Lime ST.PAULLUMBERYARD Lumber/ Lath , Shingles , , a,1 Thirteenth and California Streets , OMAHArT ; L i. NEB. . no21mclm HEADQUARTERS ' FOR FURNISHING We desire to call the special attention of the trade to ouv elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of .Underwear , > Cardigan Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls Hosiery , & open. Wholesaleonly. , M , , SHREVE , JARVIS & CO , ' I Corner Fourteenth and Dodge 'Sts , ' . O. WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. STAR STOVE POLISH' g co i ; li AXD BEATJBRUMMEL BOOT BRACKING Q. MANUFACTUKED BY I. OBEEFELDEE & CO. , IMPOHTEUS AND JOnBEES OP MILLINERY & NOTIONS , 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. The only exclusive wholesale house in this line in the west. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS , ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEB. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS. , Jv 18 mo FEARON & COLE , Commissson Merchants , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb ; islsnnientfl ; madi us 4 111 rocch e prompt attention. ne/oronce : State Bank , Omaha ; Plat ! tCo. . Baltimore ; Peck & Baniher , Chicago ; M. Work & Co. , Cincinnati. Max Meyer & Go. GunsAmmunitionSporting Goods PISHING TACKLE , BASH BALLS , and a FULL LINE OF NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. SXHXHD XOX& FZEUCGXI-XaCEITC1. " MAX MEYER & CO. Omaha , Ne CHARLES MCDONALD 3L4OS NOW OFFERING FOR ONE MONTH QNLY DECIDED BARGAINS XBBJ Ladies' ' Ms , Cloaks , Ulsters , Circulars , Etc. 200 Handsome Suits , at $5.00 ; 300 Stylish [ Suits , $1O.OO ; 75 Black Silk Suits , $17.00. Wo have several lots of staple gooda which will bo offered at SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. All ladies should av il themselves of this great sale o CORSETS AND UNDERWEAR , T.IHEH . AND 'MOHAIR ULSTERS , SILK AND LINEN HANDKERpHIEFS , LAWN SdlTS AND SACQUES. CHARLES MCDONALD.