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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1881)
y ' / " " . . X DAILY BEE. ELEVENTH YEAR. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MOKNING , SEPTEMBER 23 , 1881 , NO , S3 BARGAINS AT * I * DOUBLASSTS , , to flgfc' * " * ' - . ffl Nol Lot onjjlarney street , near now court house ; fcoOt > . i ? _ SVa Lot on Cons stroU near 22J , ? 2GOO. No 3 Lot on ( ' .ilfornla struct near 22d , 41fiOO , No C Lot on limy Btroet nonr U. 1 * . dcnot , 112001 - . ' Cttev No 0 \ block In Shlnn'u 3d nddjllorTneAr Con- < . enl , (350. * .g. m No 8 Two lots on Decatur near CAinnbill St , ® f700. ' > f No 10 JT3 lots ou , Colf.iT street near Hanscow Park , at rciicii'Vlilo iiriooi. "TOO clinlce residence lot * In Orcdlt Fonder Mid OrauiUii'W additions n short lUsUnca * aiithu\ nl U. I' , nnd 1 ! & M. dvjxits , licn from 100 uj < 4 . 1 lots ou 21st , S2d , "M and Stmidcn Htrvo's , orlliof a > , ndjoiiun .U. V. Smith'a .idJltioii , * * * | ltX ) ; terms jk.-v-j * } t * * N'on' ) Kull coriicrlot on Ioivlai ; strcit nc ir 10th , fSSXi * * . No70 Comer COtllO fuetlot go , I ou l.-v3 near rCnw Hth street , e 00. Xi W No. 71 Three loU In Glsc a .iddltlon near Sauii- 7.3 Lot on Doiatnr street , iicnr Irene ShlnnV No. 7fi 82x0(1 ( feet on Ptttine street near U. 1 * Mid II. & M. dcpoti. { 300 1. Nf > . 70 Splendid waroluiUEO lot 77xl3i feet Blh etrcct near Jono-i , 3y X ) . jS'o Ti ii lot * on Itirney ntruct near 19thW ) < 10 NoM Lot in GLso'n aJdltion near SuitiJcM i'rcct , ? 3W. No. SJ Lot In ONes' addition near Sauiulens Btroet , yZM. No t3 2 lota on 19th Dear 1'acinc and Nail Virki , 51600. N'jMV--Lot on Charles ttrcct near . , 2fa57 Lot on Lanrnworth near 15th , 51.ICO. Xooj Lot ou Uuldwcll street ncur S.uin < Krs NCJ 81 Ixit on Chlcngo ncnr 22d trci'f , ? 1 00. No 90 Lot on Illondo near Caiiibdl | ) street t76. ' . 31 lot * in Mlllard * & Caldnell'i addition , .Slier- mnn nvvnuo , IGth street , Kprinsr , Sirato i unit Florence btrectx , ( TOO and iinranl | . No.1'22 2 lnU on Isth street , iisar I'oppleton' * Dew residence , 81UOO. Nr 12J Lot 71x310 ( cot on Sherman ncnuo , Ifith Mrcct , 41100 No 121 b lots on Cellevuo street , near shot toner , 650 to 875 each No 125 Kull block on Clinton street , near that toner , $30 to # 76 each. No IS ! Lot on lith street , no3 whltulcad works , $ V25 No ' .27 2 lots , Ul acres near head of St. llarj'M. avenue , on road to 1'nrlc , S-WII. Nn 1-J' ) I.o on California near CrcijhtoH Col- ege , P.tr6. " " * No l.W-1 lota near new government corral , 82J x20"4iiercs each. WOO. No 101 Lot in Oiao's addition on Cameron St. . neirSuindcr-i , make an offer. " . ii No. IGrt Lot In Ulic'n mldltlon on Casiiua St. , ' ' near State , nukti an olttr. Nu W2 Lot In Owc'saJdltlon on Casslue nctr SiUi ler < , make an offer. No 103 1 block In IIOd'B addition addition near Om&hrt Darracks , make un offer. No 104 71'tts In Henry & Shulton's ndditfon ne r Mgh school , price rom 12Ciiiward. ) 17H Lot on Pacific street , near Ifith , make an otter. otter.No 171 2 lots on WobHor street , near 2l t , both Siiji or 92000 far corner und $1800 for In- \J& "tOIo.173 de. 4 10t on ' COBS near 1UU etrect. SIOCO , No ITS Lot on 'Sncrnun avenue ICtn etrcct near Izard , 4ixlS2 , 814W ) . No 177 3 lota In Qraiidviow. make an offer. No ISO Lot In Smnn'a wldltlon on 1'ier St. , ear end street car track , J525. No 131 T o lot * In Nelson's addition , 1 on 'aaho etreet , 1 on Center strict , near Cumin , ' , | 300 each , No IbS Two gilt cd o lots on Oass atrcct near Ut. onacorncr,400 < )0. ) NoW5 Lot on S > , ward street , uear SaunJern , maku an ollir. No ISO it lots on Howard atrcot , near Irene , maku un offer V No ISO } , lot'on Davenport near 25th , $500. No 187J , ' " ' on D' ' ' is' ° " ncar Cumins t. , f200. Nn 1SSJ. Mock In Dojd's iidditlon.ncar Umah.t barrncka , * 4DO. NolMJ , J lot on riereo near Cth street , ? 559. No , JJot on llth neir Farnlum , $2100 No 1'Jlt , 2 beautiful lotu In Shlnn'a addition , I12W. No 1D2J , 2 lots on 18th street near white lead work * . . No 11)31 , lot on SOth street near Sherman , $101) , No 10H , 2 lota on 22d street , near U. rl. , # 00tl. No liXij , 3 bututlful 1 U on launders st , near street car turn Ublu , $ l2 b. No 1U > ) , lot on 16th near I'lcJCe t. WOO. No 201 Lyt in Uido'o adihtlon on Cameron St. , near b.iuud , $ ZW. No 2U2 l ot on Cameron street iioarSaundcra. J900. J900.NJ 2' Lot in Sldtm'a addition on Sauuders itrcct , near street tar tur.i taiilu. $ S50. No2'U ' Uiutif ul , lot In Nelaon'a a-lditlon , on DUI.-lon street near Cnnilnn' , i5'J. NJ. 205 Two lots on Cadtullar street , near 10th 1160. 1160.No 200 Two lota on Sixteenth street , near the nail works , fir.00. No 2iS ! One-half lot on California rtreet near 91W. / No 2"U Lot on 18th street near NkhoUs , ! 00. No 210 Ixiton Capitol uienuu neat 'J3d , ) < l&0i ) . Na 212 Lot 14 JxfJUU Icet on Colfax strict , near HaiiAcom I'tiik , with liniiraicmcnu , t-70n. No 213 I Two acres on Cumin , ; ttrttt , < flKW. ( No 215 One-half ai-ru on California , near Ken- td\ strict , 150. No 21U Itoautlful lot on Hamilton Btroet near wrect car turn taule , S1000. No 217 Lot on 23d street , near Clark , $500. Afuwacrol'ts only remain unsold In "Park lace" little weat of Crulj'hton ColleK't , pmwi n"HK | don ) $275 to $3UUcaih and on c y terms. Lota in Ilorbacn's 1st and 2d additions ; nUo oU In I'arUcr'sShlnn's ; Nelaon's , Terrace's , B. . Smith's. Hedlck's , and all the other addition * any price and atuny terms. Ten acres in the city limits on the rood to thu rracks at 8376 per acre. Feur beautiful riuldcnce lots In front of Crelifhton College ; will cut them up to puit. Nine ruoiilenio lota north of Crclxhton Collo'u roundr ) , from 7UO to10W taih. . Thirty resident lots In PurktVu addition , six blocks north of the end of the strucs tir track ou Saundcra street , 300 each , 810 down , balance iult , at 8 jwr cent interest. A few loU felt In Terrace addition on tha road otho 1'ark , near head f St. Mary's ftvenuo,37yO each , To thuso who will build a V1200 reildoncv , 7years time atd u r cent Intcri Lota In lake's addition at $3M to 350 each , 10 years thuo atO prrcout Interest , to thoau uho 'lltJoldTouiloy 'icr'i ' trart with houneand all Inuiroreiuentii , adjolnlnif r ce course ami f lr rroiinda1 forWuOO. Tr cU Of J , in , 15 , 20 , 40 or 80 acres , with bull. dlnifs and other Improvements and adjoining the city , at all prices. SSOOotthu bust residence lota In the city of Omaha any location you doiire north , eat ! , nuth or west , and at bedrock prliis. 2'XJ choice hujInuM loU In all the principal bun- ncui strevU In Ouialm , tarjln Irom OXlto 17000 each. Two bundled housca and lota ran liiK frum $00 to $15UUU , and located In crcry part of tlio l.irtfo nurabor ot excellent arms In DougUa Barpy .SaiinJcru , Dod u , WanhliiK'ton. Hurt , and other ( 'oa 1 counties In lostcrn Netjr ka. 12,000 a-rt-a best landi In l > oufliia , 70U'acre beat Undo In Harpy county , and hr'e tracts In all the r-wtcrn tltr uf cnuntlcs. . Uvcr ODO,00l ( ucruH of the boat Und In the Nt- raaka for sale by this agency. Vcr ) large amounts of suburban property In ono U ) ten , twenty ami f ) rty acr piece * looted within one to tlirtc , four or five mlloM of tliu Oiitince borne very clioap plccwi. NUH * Uapa of Omaha , by Uucrge i' Bum ! * plain , unmounted maps 60 cvnts vuch ; mounted , colored and with cloth bivck , II. 60 I louies , toros , hotels , UrmaIoUl andi. oilier room * , etc. , to runt or lca. < c. Taxiu iuld , runts collected , deal ) , mortip es , andall kliidiolaal uttute doiuiucuU mode out on ihort uotln ) , GEO. P. BEMIS' Eeal Estate Exchange 15th and Douglas Street , OMAHA , - NEB BOYNTON INTERVIEWED , Ho Explains tlio Oausos of the Trouble Between Drs , Ham ilton and Agnew anil Himself , And Says That Blood PoiaonioR Sot in About fcho First Of / URUbt. ' The Garfleld Family Leave Yesterdtiy Moruins for Mentor. Tlio Rnmor Doutod TUrxt nn At tempt % vaMndo ia Stcrtl Oaiflold'd I Nalloml A ochti > il Trc s. 1)11. I10Y.STON TALKS. - . Ci/r.vKL\Ni > , SScptombpr . A roj > - rcsuiitntivu nf the N'.iiioiml Associated Urosa to-night mot. Dr. Uoynton , who is now ruiiiuiiiiiir ; liuro , thia being liis old home , mid nekul him ! ' 'Doctor , H it ( rno , us was t.itocl in Tlio Now York .TnnCs , that whikx at Llhcron Drs. Aguo\v and llaiuilton remonstrated forgiving pub licity to opinions , not in nccortlunca with tlu-lr wn views rogirdinj ; the president's case ? " , "There is int a word of truth in the statemont. " i'NVero your relations with the at tending 'sur oou8 { cordittl or other wise ? " "Our personal relations were very corrlwl. " "In what respect did your p.piuions differ froifl theirs5' "I considered that nearly all of the serious symptoms nnd complications arising in the piodident's case after uhout August 1st , wore duo to blood poisonim ; , and that a serious lunc ; trouble , duo also to blood poisoning , di'voloped prior to hia removal to Washington. In these opinions I believe - lievo Iho attending surgeons did not concur. They attributed the cough to a ftimplo bronchi. ) ! catarrh. " "Did you witness the autopsy ? " "I did. " "In the light of the autopsy do you consider the lung trouble was dun to pjiumia and was of the nature of inotostolio abscesses. " "I do. When the lunjj tiasuo was divided pus poured out in abundance , mainly from the minute bronchial tubes , and tlioro ended in a marked degree that peculiar congestion of tlio capsules of tint lungs \vhichcon3titutes | the lirat'stago in nntostolicab'ccB3. ono of the moat common c6mplicationa in pyromia and is essentially different in iU nature fram an ordinary case of bronchial pneumonia. " "Wero theio any pus cavities in the Iunjs ? " "No , sir , there was not. In many cases , no pus cavities are found in metostoliuabccsscsof the lungs. In the president's case there were no symp toms during life indicating the presence of pus cavities and I so stated it at the time. NO TUUTII IS THE I'.UMOIH. CLBVKLANW , September 27. The aeus.itional stories telegraphed from hero ro urJinir an attempt to steal the romaiiia of the president are without any foundation whatever. They wore b.Hod upon the remarks of two diunken nun , who attempted to post themsdlvea as guardd at the cemetery , but wore promptly ejected by the cemetery guard , who were posted there. Tuo cemetery management have made ample pro visions for guard ing the tomb , and will continue their guard over it. Many thousands of persons visited the cemetery and cat afalque to-duy. The pavilion and c.ttiif.ilquo will remain in pouition thirty days. THE OAItFIELD FAMILY LEAVE KOUHOMB CLEVELAND , O. , September 27. Mra. Oat field and her family left on a special train for Mentor at 11:07 : this mitfiiing. The run will occupy over an hour , and ihoy are not ex pected homo till 12aO. : Every thing theio is in readiness for their reception , the homo being precisely an they left it on their departure for Washington. The aged mother ac companied the family this morning. Slio-ia bearing up well under the sorrow row , and appears mote herself than three days ago. All the children were with Mis. Oarfield on their departure , and will remain at Mentor some time be fore leaving for school again , Col. riouktvtill , General Swuim und Private Secretary Drown accompanied the p.nty to Mentor. They will go to Washington in u tow days to aetilo up attaini there. Mr. Brown , who had been tendered the office of private nee- 'etary to President Arthur , will re main in Washington only a short time , ruturning to Mentor to take charge of the business affairs of Mrs Garlield , who considers him , from his long nnd intimate relations with the General , beat tittiid for that position. The departure of the family wai very quiet' They were driven to the depot in Jud o Mason's c in i.ifo and quietly and quickly on * lored thuir car. The train was n spe cial ono , for the purpose of taking the party home , The car the same in whicli they came from Washington. The crowds nro rapidly dhperatng , many thousands , however , having VH- ited thu pavilion before goiiif , ' . It is carefully guarded , to preserve it from relic hunters. OAPITATi NOTES- TUB M'AfllEH. WARIIINOTOK , September 27.The war dopaitmcnt has received a dis patch Irom Gun , Wilcox , dated Satur day , September 24th , stating that the liohtilc'3 have , after a Jong talk at the San Carlos agency , 'concerning the surrender , have gene into thu mouii- mills , leaving the chiefs in the hands of the troops. Fresh outbreaks nro threatened. MAK1NO KEI'.ttUS. ' Artinaiis and laborers were hard at wolk to-day at the executive man * sion making the necessary rounira and improvements in order to got the premises in r ( it condition for the re ception of tha president , lie has not vet visited the house and it is not kturn \vluui ho will take poasxeniou. * FALL SPORTS. THE TUttP. National AKOclatcd 1'rcwi. LOUIHVILLK OOCKKV CLUll. LOUISVILLE , September 27 The second day of the Jockey Club run ning races wasr.iiny , which pivwntci ! a largo attund.mco. The first ruct ) , for two year-old lilb'ea , three-fourths of a mile , won by Kreneliic , Shy Fi ona fticjnd , Sly Dance third. Time , li'-'Oj. Tuo second r.ico , for the St. Lo ? or stakes , threo-ycai'-olds , two mile dash , was won by Follow Pl y , Mogeia second , IiiV.zieS third. Time iil : ! ) . The third race , milo heats , Jack Ilavcrly wpn Jitsl. heat and Adda MU- on d * nnd thiid. Time 1 MGi " 1:173 , lMi- : . llUiallTON" HF.ACIl UACIKO. , NKW YORK , Suntoinboi * 27. The racing at 15riglifon ISoitch was conUn- ued to-day. The liwt race , a milo and n liulf , Soabivcis < ) stakes , \raa won b'y Brambaluta , Kitty Olutk Bouond , Time , : W. The second raeo , aoveiv furlongs , was won by Victor , Bride Oako eeo- ond. Time , 1:30. : The third Tace , a milo and a fur- , was won by Vagrant , Wood craft second. Time , 2:11. : The fourth rfico , a steeple chase , was won by King Dutchman , Major Wheeler second : Time , 2:52 : , 'riTT.snuito ' KAOEH. PiTTsnuiio , Soptonibot27. . The first event , a 2:30 : race , was won , by Piincess , taking the second , third and fourth halts * ; Captain Jack second. Buffalo Girl took the first heat and was disUncod in the cceond. Time , 2:28 : , 2:30 : , 2tf2 , 2:33. : The aououd event \VM the 2:23 : trot. It was won by William H. in throe straight * boats. Argonaut second. Time , 2:28 : , 2:2fil : ) , 2:22. THE DIAHOND. 0.4.ME8 1'LVYED YK3TU11DAY. BOSTON ; September 27. Bostons , 2 ; Buflalos. 3. WOKOHSTRK , September 27. Wor- cesters , G ; Detroits , 11. PROVIDENCE , Sopjombor 27. Prov- iderico , G ; Clcvelands , 0 , TROY , September 27. Treys , 8 { Chicagos , 10. * . .ITHBI .OAR. v , The Charlotte regatta took place at Lake Ontario to-day. Plaistod , Riley , Courtney and Lee participated in the single sclull race , which was won by Courtney. The race was a miserable fizzle , in fact it docs not deserve to bo called a race nt all. Const Now * . National Afi'-octatcd 1'reus. SAN FIIANCISCO , September 27. The allip Alice Buck , six months from Now York , with railroad iron for the Oregon railroad , was wrecked at Half Moon Bay and went to pieces. Eleven of the crow were lost. E 11. Spraul , a tarm hand , working for J. B. Espy , shot and killed James S. Aiulroua at Orovjllu in mistake for his employer , whoso murder ho had resolved on for interference with his marital rights. S. C. Scovillo and D. W. Batch re ceived fatal pistol shot wounds at a meeting of stockholders of the Nev ada & Oregon railroad hold at Keno , The meeting was called for ousting some of the directors and a row fol lowed when persons not holding stock were ordered to retire , CRIME. National Associated 1'rtss. MYSTKIIIOU.S MUUDKU. PLATTEVILLH , Wis. , September 27. Miss Mary Kirkwoou , a house keeper for a bachelor farmer named Uuntington , was found last evening lying across the table with her throat out from car to oar and legs cut. She will die. The affair is shrouded in mystery. A WOULIMIB MUUDKHKll AUIIHSTKI ) . CHICAGO , September 27. Win. Jordan , who attacked and Dourly killed John Ruikoob , was arrested at Mattison , thia county , to-day and jailed. SHOT IN A DUUNKE.I MLLKK. CHICAGO , September 27. In a drunken melee at Hyde Park nvonuo and Fifty-second street to-day , and Mrs. Nate HaikiiiH , aged 40 , was shot in the hip and will' die. Her hus band was arrested. Will Not Defend Gutteau. Natlo-ul Awociatod 1'itiw. CHICAGO , 111.September 27Hon. . Emory A. Storru was asked this morn ing if there was any truth in the ru mor from Washington to the effect that ho had been asked or would bo assigned by the courts to defend Guitoau , Ho replied that there was not , and said : "I am beyond the range of the courts of the District of Columbia , and therefore they cannot assign mo. No professional duty is therefore imposed upon mo , and Jienco under no circumstances and for no consideration that I can imagine would I entertain for a nccond the iihia of defending that unmitigated tnifjcreant. An attempt wan inauo to see Mr , Qeorgo Scovillothu assassin's brother-in-law , but ho in out of town. i i Mr Joseph Ltthrop , residing at Suxenth unu Church streets , Wilming ton , Dol. , sayn that ho had u very HO- vero attack of rheumatism in the hlii. Ho BIIlured ( no much that ho scarcely could walk. Having purchased a bottle tle of St. Jacobs Oil , buforo retiring lie bathed his hip and repeated thu act upon ariain the next morning , und in u day or two he wua aa well us ho ever hud been. WASHIHGTON. . . . finessing as to4lio Fatiiro Cabinet - net Still Qobfgjbn at the Capital , ' , V "f. Attorney General MaoVongh and Postmaster Qonornl James to bo' Retained For the Present , Senator Logau l ow Protni- * " \a8 nontly Mentioned for the " "vunr Interior Dopftrtuiont. The Trial by Co rb-Martial of * / Sergeant MaaSn Post- ponodiS Notcn , ' .From the National ( O.tpitnl. \ - Katlotial A o t.itoJ I'rc - -u HKTllllN OK TltA\uiui.-ir.i. . rWASiUNbTOX , Sop nber 27.-All rtho'inoinbora vof Ul yiibinoi except Secrutiuics 3ilaino aii < iKitku'outl 10- lui'jjed ' trafii , on n'/ipoctat to-day rf'l'lic second seclib'fiTyf the funeral 'train , containing aoii6rs and mem- bora of congress , arriveu ! hero to-nK-hl ; nt 10:24 : o'clock. $ The , proaidoTit Bp'dnl n buty night finishin ; ; up his private Dusinwn in con nection with the law Jl m of w hich ho is U niombor , and it vni between 4 nnd 5 o'clock when he rcl rjiod. lie was awakened nt noon ttVid BOOH after breakfasted. Duringtliu : afternoon a reporter had nn intotv'iow with him , The president shookhands with the reporter. Later ho ) Vus oakcd for ' news : "VVoll , thia is'a poor place to : omo for any thingof "tlL'it oharr.otor , " the president unswored. "I have nothing whatever to giro you , " "When nro you , 'coiiig to leave the city ? " / ' "I can't say. It will-bo some time , thoucli. " - . "When aroyou oing to take fnnnal possession of the yfhtfo'housc ' ? " ' 'Not until after the special session adjourns. There will , bo itioro or less for mo to look after every day , and my present quarters will ba more conve nient than the white -house. " The chief executive ofliccr ia now fairly installed at Senator Jones' resi dence , whore a Buito 'nf rooms have been handsomely fitted up for the president.-One npa'rtjiJqnt , facing tlio we t , i : lu9'privato 6fllf/o..aUd / 'adjoin- tary , llrMteed , ihis latter being" used as u reception room. Assistant Secretary Fruden reruaina in charge nt the white house. Tuo papers nnd documents prepared nt the white house will bo forwnrded to the president by mail for approval , nnd minutes of the business transacted by the president will be sent to the white house. THE EXT1U SESSION. The callers to-day were very fow. Ono gentleman who called about noon found the president nnd Senator Jones conversing nbout the extra session. The president expressed himself as very much opposed to nny hitch in organizing the next senate nnd the selection of a vice president. The nnmo of David Davis for vice presi dent was mentioned during the con versation nnd the president said he thought Mr. D.xvia would (111 ( the olllco satisfactorily. Secretaries Wiiidom , Lincoln , Hunt , nnd Postmaster-Gen eral James and Attorney-General MncVengh visited Senator Jones' residence this afternoon and had a consultation with the presi dent. The consultation was not Ion ; , ' , and in reported to be unpleasant throughout , The president intimated that he stood greatly in need of information mation and advise on government an'aira from the cabinet , and again expressed n deairo that there bo no change in the personnel of the cabi net at present. Secretary KirkwooJ nnd wife are expected hero to-morrow. COUltr-JUHTIAL I'OHTI'ONni ) . The court-martial , , , which was to have mot in this city to-morrow , to try Sergeant Mason , has been post poned. Possibly it may not bo hid until after the Yorktown celebration. Sergeant Mason's wife is now in the eity nnd is frequently with her hus band. The latter continues in good health and is comfortably situated in prison , lie atill asserts his intention to lull Ouiteau if ho lias an opportu nity. CAHINKT moaaOHTICATIONS WASHINGTON , September 27. Cabi net gossip is unab.ttacl. The latest is that Attorney-General MacVcaijIi und Postmaster-General James will bo re tained until after the Btar route prose cutions nro ended , nnd the president will insist that the government's c.iso bo proceeded witli with the leait pos sible dolay. This , it is held , in a wise move , for the reason that if there should bo a change of these oflio rs and the prosecutions should fail , it would bo attributed to laxity upon thu part of the president of the now administration. Gen. Urmly is now in the city and is endeavoring to hai- toil the proceedings for a trial. It is said that oc-Govcrnor Morgan , of New York , who appointed Arthur his quartermaster-general during - , ing the war , is to have thu treasury dopailmont , It is generally conceded that Now York will got thU portfo lio. Senator Logan is talked of for the interior department ( aa well UK Senator Jones , lion. Emory A , Storrs iu reported aa MaoVoajrli'ti suc cessor. It ia not improbable that John lliiEsell Young will bo made minister to Japan , if ho has not changed his desire for the placo. Gen eral Grant , it is said , asked the lute president to maku this appointment. While it is generally considered by republicans that it is the first duty of the new sonata to elect n presiding oTiccr nnd secretary , yet the pccodont nuybo found against the election df the latter otliccr , in the fnct that when tin United States supreme court was orjainzed in 1700 , ono of the judge * of the boi ; h kept the records for two d VJ-B , until Tucker had been elected ct irk. It is Raid that under thU prece dent any meniliiir of the senate may nt M recording olllcer , nnd it is also s.iid that the chiuf clerk of thu senate can loyally perform this duty. If thu secretary is not elected before the new onatorj , nil republicans , are euorn it , tv contest will bo the result , for \\ilh a full body the Rumito will be equally divided. With the aoimto full it will not bo within the power of any of the democrats to contiol com- mltteos. The candidates for thu va- cant. socrctardiip ) mo undomtoud to bo Ool. L. J. Washington , ofVirgiuii , lion John G. ThnmpMin , of Ohio , H. It. Kdmunmin , of TOUIIIHMIC , I. on. Pierce , of Maryland , and Young , of G unrein. These nro nil democrats. The ciucun candidate of the republi- c.\m is Ovo. B. ( lorham , of this cily. Ho will iccoivu the support of thu IE LEQIl A.PHFL ASMES- .V.vtlnnM Ai xKlwl I'rvM. NKW YOHK , Soplembcr 27. E'l- ward 0. McD-Miald , deputy sherill' , sent a number of tar b.irreU t ( < D.ily'tt thoatic last night and threatened to burn it if it wan opened tor porfoun- ance. ance.King Kulak ua left for Biltimiro \nd the Biiuth l.iat night accompanied by his tuliuuu. Henry F.ito and Joseph Alston , Iwtli colored , had n pitohud fight last night at Nuwiuk. F.ito was instantly killed by a cut from ur.i7.or. CyriMV. . Field reports the total subscription of thu Garliuld fund till noon to-day as Sil : ,017 & ! > . Indicntionn- N'atlonal A 90ttatoit 1'rtM WASHINOTON , September 28 , la. in. For the tq > per hijtoa : F.iir weather , preceded by rain in eastern portion , cold , northwest winds nnd higher bar- onu'ter. Fur the upper Mississippi and lower Missouri volleys : Fair woathur , preceded by rain. In the southern portion of the former dU- tiict , falling , followed by rising tem perature. In the latter district , sta tionary or higher barometer , northerly winds , becoming variable in thu latter district. "What the Autopsy Shows- Hartford Times. The autopsy of the president's body shows : 1. That the bullet passed slanting inward on the right side of the buck until it struck the eleventh rib. 2. That it fractured this eleventh rib and then was itself turned slightly and splintering off some flukes of bono from it. 4. That it did not penetrate the backbone or open thu tipinal marrow. 5. That it did not enter the abdom inal cavity. G. That after splintering off n few chips front the thick surface of the backbone it passed on about a linild'u breadth to the left , and lay there , deep beneath the miucles , but not in the abdominal cavity , or in direct contact with any vital part. 7. That thu bounding back of the fractured into its original place ob scured the search niter the real track of thu ball and prevented the subse quent free exit of matter from that track. The conclusions to bo drawn from this are that at iirat there was a splin tered rib -a common enough injury. Then n chipping oil' from the thick surface of the backbone a serious but not directly grave accident. And , finally , u bullet imbedded in ilosli H nn accessible though deep From the outside that ia to say , where it might have been extracted without great difliuul'y. Now , what follows ? Thu shock passes , and nobody puts his finger into the wound Lo probe it. Neither at first , which was judicious , nor after the shock , which was , to Hay the least , very puz- Kliiif. Nothing ia known ot the truck of the wound , nor oven the broken rib , whos' < fruginenin lie within half an inch of the surface of the skin. At last fever and other disturbances lead to the discovery of an almost clo.sed [ ins cavity ; it 11 opened , and the frac tured rib is found. By this time the matter , which could not flow out , has burrowed n canal between the IIIUH- cles , leading by natural gravita tion downward , and , by the di rection of the muucio * ) , for ward. Thii ia at oncu seized upon as the track cf the wound , und washed out nnd disinfected , while the ball and the slightly splintered back bone , that manufacture all the pus , lie above nnd to ono side. Then an- othnr circumstanceoccurs. . The mat ter that burrows down and finds no outlet in not all successfully washed out. Homo of it is absorbed and taken up , carried through the system by thu absorbent vessels nnd the veins. It in loft at various points and creates ub- flCCBROfl. Aa n consequence wo have the abscess of the parotid ulund , which WM discovuied nud treated , being m > nr the surface ; and we have the largo nbict'ss under thu livnr , found in thu autopsy , uid the small abscess on the kidney. . What happens next ? ThowonnUr.iuk | , .ho real one , with its sharp little Hjiliii- .ers of b'liio half way and its encyst- ng ball at thu other und , goes on sup- limiting , rotting away its walls , in .ho effort of nature to mnlto it laruo enough to sweep out the foreign mib- Htuiicea contained , At 'last , by uhuiico it cata into an artery that inppuna to liu there. Thu walla nirat , the blood escapes , and , like thu fiua previously , it findti no outlet to iho sui face , but has to make its own way. It burats through the porito- notnu nnd flows into the ubdominiil cavity. Now thu caou ia , It the victim had been a drayman or a coal lieaver the real path of the wound would have been probed and the bul let extracted the lirdt week of the pa tient's THE NEWS. , The Apaclio War Said to bo About Ended , A Eisgrncofal Riot in Atlanta , Gn.Ln8t ( Night. ThoWillinma Brothers Kill on Illinois dhoriff This Tiuio. ThoNowBrltUh Minister Sail * for thoUuitod States. End of the Aynolio N'Atlonil Anoctatcil I'rcm. SAN Kit vxoineo , Soplcinbcr 27. Tito Apache war is prautically ended , us the chiufti are in custody and will liu triiul by a military commission. Them are only about thirty-live hos tile nnt liroiight in. Thu whaling huk Legal Toiulor re ports the. balk Daniel Webster crush ed in the ieo oil' point Barrow. All of tbo crow escaped but one seaman , No uewa of the .leannuttu. A DinRvncoful Riot- National AKSodittod l'r . AT n vrA , Oil. , Septembers ? . Dur ing thu commemoration SUIT ices nt Dogivo'a opera house hint tmining the police .keeping buck the crowd wore assaulted by a colored iti.iii , who was soon joined by others , und u general riot bccuno imminent. Twenty-Avu thousand people liliod the street iiiulu panic at once a truck them. A scene of the wildest confusion at once onuucd which resulted in thu crushing of ninny woman und children. Thu po licemen lined thuir clubs dexterously and about twenty of the ring leadurtt were arrested , They were followed to the lock up und nn attempt was made to rescue them , during which many were wounded , the mob using sticks and stoned. The otllcera hold their tnvii nnd lluuiuli mutterinun were kept up till niidniuht nothing further ot u BL'iious nature occurred. The Quiilneok-Sjirniguo Casa > Nation > l Asiouiatcil I'ros-i. Piiovinr.NUK , H. I. , September 27. The Quidiiiiclc-Spnigiio ' 'asp cnme up on udjounnnent this morning mid the uouiibul for Trusroo Chati'uo de manded that the opponent ! ) ( mould elect whether to tiy equity or law suits llrai. Thu court decided , niter argument that auitB at law wore for common debtSj und had no relation to the pending issue. Qoiiui-ul Pryor then began an argument on the Quidncck compiny'o ctoiunrror. Trus tee GKulfeuYi suit will continue two or three 'days. LONDON , September ! i . The Hon. Lionel Snckvillo West , thu newly ap pointed Minister .to Washington , has Bailed for Now York. . TIIC AMKUH OCCUl'YINO C'ANIUHAll. A dispatch from the Viceroy of In dia B'iya the Ameer has occupied Can- duliur. L'lio Qovornmunt lias left tliu ftottleinont. The Boar convention de clared against Gen Sic Evlyn Wood , who , it is expected , will make nn Ami cable arrangement. AX IMl'OHTANT ENQAatiMKNT. An impottunt engagement took place Sutuulay , south of Susa , Tunis. Thu Abrnba admit a loss of lifty killed and many wounded The French loss m unknown. Two important tribes are willing to cngngo in the holy war. Twenty-eight hundred troops have omlmiked at Toulouse , for Tunis. At a meeting of seventeen deputies of the extreme left at Louis Diane's housu , it was decided to issue a manifesto , pointing out thu gravity of the state of tiling in Turn-- , and Hiving the neccs'iity of promptly con voking the chambers. hOCIALIHf UONdllKHS. LONDON , September 2 ? . A dis patch from Barcelona says thu inter national socialist congress has as sembled in that city with five hundred delegates. It has approved the terms of a manifesto , to be sent to all social societies. A communication from a number of Russians in London con curs in the objects of the congress. The president und uecretiuy of the congress have been nrrcstod for ex pressing approval of the proceeding of thu iiiliilwtH. ' HUNTING LANDS I'OIBONKD. DUIIUN , September 27. Norton , a land leaguer from G'-irlow county , an nounced that. his hunting lands have * been poisoned. LONDON , September 27. The trou ble arising from the cotton corner has not yet ended and a further stoppage of the Oldlmm mills is announced. NO PAY FOH I'AHLIAMKNT BKHVICBfJ. DUIILJN , September 27 * The land comminsion will liold meetings in Dublin , Belfast and Qit'wuy. ' Mr. Parnell , in fijieakiiiL ; at a land league meeting in thii city to-day , denied that any member had paid for parlia ment ( lervicua TO ATIKNUTIIB VOUKTOWN UKNTKNNIAt. BUULIN , September 27. Six olll- cor a of tlioPriiBaian army , all descend ants ot It , iron Yon Stcubon , n.iilcd . from Hamburg to attend ttio York- lown centennial celebration. The WllliuniB Brothnn Kill An other Sheriff. National Axsociatvil I'rcM. Jfiii'OiYVii.M ; , 111. , September 27. The killing of John Lammmsheriff of Callioun county , 111. , by the notorious outlaws known as the Williams broth ers , for whom such n protracted dnurch wai recently inaijo in the Knu O.ille woods of NYhcoiiiin , i coiifirined by thu Htato attorney at Ilarding , in Cal- himn county. The ahooliiiK occurn.d on Tax Ureek , where Alonzo und Ed. Maxwell , alia ! ) thu Williams brothers , wore ovoi taken by a pursuing patty of fittecn , headed by thu Hhoiill'ii of Pike and Callioun counties. Ik'inq sur rounded , the ontlawA sliot their way out and cmipcd to thuIWhsouriahoru. Two otliers in the nhoriir's posno wore shot , but not fatally injure' . is now being prosecutett in St. Charles and Lincoln counties , Mo. Ro4nraingFroiu thn Funiru ? . .Vntlniml APiocl tcil Virtu. PnTHiiuun , September 27. Tlio tirnt si'ct.ion of the funeral Irnin , car rying the cabinet , except Blaina and Kiikwood , pass ml through this city at 1:10 : thi < i mnrnin < r. Chief Juctico Waite , Admiral llognr * atid othcra wore also on board. All wuro Meop- ing. The ficcond noclion , carrying the congressional committee , paused through a fewhouri hitur. Bnrtlcy Cnntpholl ill Tronblo. tlonibl AMKK'i.itvil I'rcs . PiTTsnunn , September 27. D irtloy C.unpbell'H ' "iNFy fleraldino" combina tion in playing in this city and Hart ley ia in trouble. 3n ISO ! ) 13vrtloy , then poor , boriowed § , ' ! ( ) ( ) fiom D.iuiuL Ferry , givinjt noli1 ? . Foriy dii d m 187-t nml his widow \\M \ \ obtained judgment n.'ainst dunpbe ' 1 fur ( T 00. Last year she attitched'aud gut $100 out of tlj.0 bos-ollicu. To-il.iy tinolhor attachment wna issued for $100 with inteiost , which was Rurvcil on Ihrtloy. Ho ackmnvli'dgea the debt , and nffered to comuromiso for ? nO ( ) , but thu widow tolusud. Shu thre.ilcim tel l > uah ini'ttoiR lo-moiToW. C.impbull'ai couduct in this matter is cuutempti- blo. _ _ OASTJAI.TIES. ACOIDthTTO A RLGEl'INU CAM. DKTUOIT , Soptethbor 27. The ac cident by which a sleepint ; car plung ed ofl * the transfer ferryboat at the Canada Southern crossing below this city lust night , has bt > cn gro.itly cx- uugcrutcd in thu dispatches eoilb abroad. No lives were loat nnd oven the hand luggage has all been recov ered by n diver who examined the car to-day. COLLISION OX Tlin IIKTH01T 1UVER. This morning about 2 o'clock tho- jlmpellor Jay Gould , downward bound , struck the Detroit tug boat Swan , just elf MaUun , on the Detroit river , and. cut her half in two. Tliu Swan in stantly aunk. The schooner Maud Martin , nlao in tow of the Swdn , was seriously d.impgod. The Swan was new this 8pringuiid i < owned by Oapt. S. 13. Grnmmnnd , of Detroit , and was waith ? 30,000. Notlivts were losfc. Thu Gould injured but continued on her trip. _ Ex-Proaldout Hnyna .011 Arthur. ClmcbnJ spcilul lo The ( .luclmiMl Commercial. During a convereatinn on the funer al train yesterday ex-President Hayes expressed .his ojiinion very fr.uinly in regard to President Arthur. He Raid that while , of course , ho belonged to the Now York scho 1 of politics , ho , Ilayen , considered him decidety the supoiior of his associates , and u man of very decided character and. ability , und had no doubt that his administra tion would command the confidence , / , , . * " ? i t" i f 1 > M ? of confidence in his capacity or abil ity , but on a question of method in reforming the civil aorvico. Ho said lie was exceedingly anxious that Mr. Arthur should adopt the plans and rules dictated by the administration , , for lie wished to retain him. The issues having been made , and Mr. Aithur declining to yield the point of difl'eronao. tlio alternative had to bo mot , nii'l his removal was ordorcdbut with extreme reluctance. Some ono asked the ex-president if ho did not think a rupture would occur sooner or later between Arthur and Colliding. Ho replied , "That would bo u God send for Arthur. " Army Mutters. Leave of absences for a month ia grunted to Lieutenant John Baxter , Jr.Ninth infantry , stationed nt Fork MaKiniioy Capt. ,1. A. AugurFifth Cavalry , Fort Laramic , is ullowo I to bo off duty for the sumo length of time. Lieutenant A. 0. Ducot , Jr. , Third cavalryhaa his leave of absence extended for a weak. AShortKoad to Health. To r.ll who nru Hiifrering from boils , nl- ccrx , BLTofula , carhunclux , ut- other obsti nate dixvimvii of the Wood nnd skin , a. courHO of Burdock'u JllooJ IHttuia will be fiiund to lie a short road to hculth. Plica $1 , trial HZU 10 centx. liocodlw Coiioordia Stiftunct-Foit. The thirteenth anniversary festival of the Concordia society was celebra ted by that society last evening at Standard hall. Sixty couples were present , and the occasion was of the most select nature , Stcinhautor'a orchestra furnished excellent musicv A very enjoyable time was observed. The following gentlemen were the ' committee on arrangements : H. Schwabo , L. Itanpko , 0. 0 , SchiofTer , A. Dormaiin and Julius Meyer. TJIBKK are many different Boers in this market , and as the inferior arti cle will cost us much as * the superior Budwciser in freight , handling , etc. , it elands to reason that none other than "Conrad's Budweiaer" nhould bo used. m&o i - Saurer Plpev About 300 feet of tiixtoon-inoh iron pipe , intended for sewer purposes * have arrived. The remaining 300 feet of the necessary COO feet of this dinmeter is now on the way hero. These pipes will bo laid at thu foot of Furnlmm street to connect \yith and seivo ua an outlet to the river. TRUE TO ifim TllUST. Too much cannot bo said of the over faithful wife nnd mother , con- fltantly watching nnd caring for her dear ones , never neglecting u single duty in their behalf. When they ore assailed by disease , und the system should have u thorough cleansing , the Btomaoh and bowelB regulated , blood * purified , malarial p < 'i6onexterniinatedt bhu must know that Klectrio Bittem are the only mire remedy. They or the bust and purest medicine iu thu world , and only cost fitty centa. Sold by Ish & MoMiihon. (2) ( "WINEOFCARDU1" 'times four a dnv nuUcrt u happy Jiuuwhold. At 0 , V. Goodman.