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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1881)
THF OMAHA DAILY BKE FH1DAY , SEPTEMBER 16 , 1881. THE DAILY BEI Friday Morning , Sept. 10. LOOAL BRByiTIES , Donne , llclinblc Hftttor. Frederick landing Hftttcr. COO business InU. CMl on B ml . 4000 rcsmenco lot * , B rau , Bgcnt , 250 houxes and lot * . Bcmlg" ftency. | RcrnU' teal csUto boom. First i > A. W. Noson , Dentist , Jncob'i blcx Kcst line of Cigars , ftt Sax ' . Smoke Stnritcm k Storms , fine , t Kuhn's Dntg Store only. Soda " \Vnter , bettor Uian I em ! ' new m.ii > of Omaha , 23 oenl 200 famw nnd 'JOO.OOO ucrea ol 1m Demi" , jvRCtit. Scats for Clmrlotte Thomptnn K ° < Milo to-morrow morning. A tew cowl seats left jet for tl Grand Opera. First-class coal maker wanted. J. I 1'liegcl. 1'liegcl.Most Most elegant now ntjlcaof Unix , t tlioOuialm Furier , Henry C > . Hichtc : 35th street , opp. poitufllcc. peptlC-tf The Lion continues to roar fur Moore JI rnc a nnd Smldlcry. For ran Commercial Job Printing oil nt THE BEE Job rooms. Bicycle for ualc or trade for ft horse O J. C.inan. Here wo go lo Doano'g , the reliabl Iiatter to buy n good hat , 218 , 11 tli street To tlio farmers don't forget to call am fee Donne's fine lot of hats and capi a 218 , 14th street. The great lilt , "Furnished Itooma' a the Academy again to-night. Ilcsem your Rcato early , aa hundreds were turnci night. NSndcl & Krelln , ' Practical Hattera "W tell haU and caps cheaper than nny tody else. You will find it to your d Tantage to give us a call. ncptlS-tf Doane , the reliable hatter wants tc c * you all to-day , citing away hats ant api at DoaneX remember 218 , 14tt trtet. Yesterday afternoon about 3 o'clock two buggies collided on Fifteenth street. A lad about 12 years old , son of P. J. Schcrb , of 1,150 Sherman avenue , was thrown out and hta arm dislocated at the lbo\v. Dr. Merriam reduced the dialoca < tion. A well known disreputable charnctoi named Lou Tuck wai most elaborately drunk last night. She was raining Hall Columbia on Twelfth street and n squad of police corralled her. After a desperate struggle they got her to police hoadquar- tern , where four men finally aucccedod in coaxing liur into the calaboose. The Philadelphia Inquirer of December - comber 20th refers to the case of Maj. T. A. Hillier , No. 2,235 MaUor street , that city , who suffered so terribly with rheumatism that ho was confined to his bed for weeks at a time , abso lutely helpless , and unable to obtain relief , even from the best physicians. After the failure of every means , ho happened to hoar of St. Jacob's Oil , tried it and was cured. "Tho Itovoro llouso Counol JDluffe is the best second-class hotel in the * est. " au rl7-lm _ _ Turner Ball. . Last evening the Omaha Turner Society gave an entertainment , fol lowed by a ball in Brandt's garden. There was a very largo attendance. The principal features were gymnastic performances , and some amusing liv ing statuary groups. A representa tion was also given of "Suxony in Prussia , or/ the Saxon Village School Master , " in which Messrs. Andres and Liiidcnmnn and Miss Maria Thys- nen sustained the principal characters. 'Tho rest of the evening was devoted to dancing. i fl\Yo request nil parties to satisfy themselves by actual trial of the qual ities of "Conrad's IJudwoiscr" and compare the aamo with other beer. OMAHA MEDICAL COLLEGE. Fall session begins , Oct. 10 , 1881 Address , G. B. AYKKB , M. D. , See. TWO OF A KIND. An Irate IJusband Who waa Badly Paralyzed. James Growthor came up from St. Jon lost evening to moot his wife , who was staying hero BO that together they might enjoy the two last days of the fair. Immediately after reaching this aide of the river ho started for a liousn on Twelfth street , which is popularly known aa the Golden Gate or something of that sort. Tlioro his wife lodgod. Ho proceeded to her room without ceremony and pushing open the door stalked into the apart ment. What was his astonishment to find there a couple of gentlemen bo- nidus the wife of his bosom. Ho wasn't ao surprised at thpir presence aa at some of their peculiar .antics. Mr. Growthor immediately proceeded to got mad. lie expressed Borne rather harsh opinions of the gentlemen present and thun began to throw off his spare clothing. With < out pausing to consider the consequen ces he sailed in , The first thing ho ran against was a fist which caught him under the chin and Mr. Orowthor utrotchod his manly form upon the carpet. Then the two men cheerfully met to work poundinghim. After they had completely satisfied themselves they escaped. The awful racket they had Tnisud attracted the attention * of a fjollcoman , who found Mr. Crowthor in his room , and escorted him to the calaboose. .Growthcr says ho knows the mcn''iind will have them arrested. - V.U , < " - < r * ' DYINO BV INCHES. Very oil en wo epo u person suffer ing freim sonio form of kidney com- jilaint and i gradually dying by inches. This no longer need to bo so , for Electric Bitters will positively cure JJright'a disease , or nny disease of the kidneys or uriniary organs. They are especially adapted to this clues of dibimos , acting directly on _ the Htcmiuch uid ) Liver a { { .h ? sanio time , -aud'wjH upecdily euro where ovoiy " thur remedy 1W failed * 'Sold at lifty cents a bottle , by Till & Mof Jfuhon. (3 ( THE FOURTH DAY Marks nn Increase& Attent once at I ha Fair. Mrs , Burke Boats Titno on Her Boat Record , Tito nnil n Strong Win Mnko Things tTnploniiant- The Iward nrrangcel BO flno n pn gram fur yesterday tlmt the crow turned ojt full twenty tliousnii troni' lo ftttond tlio fnir. By tiin o'clock in the morning the crowds bi gait to pour in , mid onu utc.iely strcai of liuiniinity llou-od through the wid open pates upon the grounds durin the next nix hours. It wiut ncccssar to employ extra gnlo koopora nn tickut locivors , and the influx of pec 1 > lo was then oftun so great tlmt man teams Avcro obliged to wait for ft hnl nn hour buforo obtaining ndmitnncc Mercantile hall was the principal poin of attraction , and was filled with curiou and interested spectators. Aroun the agricultural Btauds the thron surged during the entire forenoon IN THE AKTIMINOON the extensive program , which hai been arranged for , wii with unimpor tant exception , carried out. The free for nil trot was the firs attraction. In this contest the follow ing horses were entered : Little Sioii : b. j' . owned by W. Q. Wilson of Mis souri Valley ; Bit ? Soap , b. g. , ownoi by L. Glen of Aft. Pleasant ; Myrtii Thomson , owned by A. II. Campbol of Dallas , Texas. All tlirci horses appeared upon the tracl at the appointed time one presented an exceedingly Ihu nppoaranco. It required sovcrnl starts bcforo the horses were given the ondoirnnd when they did go it was with Little Sioux at the polo , Big Soap next to lam nnd Myrtio Thomp son on the outside. Little Sioux whirled round the quarter stretch with Big Soap close beside him and this position was maintained down the back stretch around to the half mile polo , and it was not until the three-quarter milp polo had nearly boon reached that it was possible to toll which horse was going to the Front , when nt this point in tlio heat Big' Sonp went in the air nnd Little Sioux was ahead ind maintained the command to the finish. Big Soap did some inagniii- jemt trotting on the homo stretch , Mid nearly overhauled his small but notorious antagonist before they reached the wire , Little Sioux only winning the heat by half a length , Myrtio Tomson n long ways behind. Kino , 2:2i. : TJIK SECOND HEAT tras called in about fifteen minutes , ind although it had boon understood that Myrtio Tomson waa distanced in ; ho first heiit , shu still showed up in : ho second to compete for the raco. Little Sioux obtained the lead on the hat quarter , and held it nil the way round.Big Soap made a gallant effort ; o overhaul his antagonist , but the ipcody little bay's logs were toq sud- lou lor him , ns the boys say , and ho > vas obliged to ngain tnko second ilaco at the finish. Myrtio Tomsan , vho had evidently been entered in ho wrong cloaH , was a second time a eng distance behind , but waa not do- slarod out of the race. Time , 2:28 : The next heat was n trot , afior a onsiclurnblo intermission , during irhioh the glee club sang n selection , , nd ono of the heats of the two-year- ace took place. In the third heat for ho freo-for-nll Big Soap wont in on ho back stretch with the evident in- ontion to got there or die , nnd ho lassod litllo Siox ns they rounded the urn , and caino in at the half inilo lightly ahead. During the next half nile , however , Little Sioux recovered limself , nnd it scumnd probable that his would bo the concluding heat of ho race , -\\hen \ about n hundred yards rom the wire Little Sioux wont into ho air and was still skipping when ho rent in under the wire , so tlmt al- hough ho was half a length ahead , , ho judges sot him back and gave the teat to Big Soap , Myrtio Tomson a jad third , Big Soap stock com- noncod to raise und IT WAS BUOITED AHOU.ND , hat ho would probably win the other lent , and consequently the race. When they utarted Little Sbu * Tailed ' for the first quarter md then went to the front like a flash tnd hold the lead for the entire milo , rotting without a slip or a break past ho grand stand amid the cheers and ihouta of the spectators. On the jack stretch Big Soap , who was ovi- lently being driven to win not to ese , made another desperatu effort to ivortako the little bay , but ho was inablo to do so nnd Little Sioux ( low inder the wire on the finish of the burth boat winner of the race in the line L'20. ; THE MUST MONEY. Two hundred nnd llfty dollars wns warden ! to Little Sioux , § 150 to Big 3oap , 8100 to Myrtio Them ] . , ion. In the two year old ace the purse ollVrod wns UOO , divided into ? 50 , 830 nnd § 20. ) nly two colts wore entered. Shnrs- vood , black colt , owned by Goo. K. Dorsoy , of Fremont , Nebraska , nnd Prince Alarm , brown colt , owned bv F. I. Uodick , of Omalm. The first heat was trotted in the ircdiUblo time of 1:42 : for the half nile , Sharswood winning by three ongths. The second heat waa trotted in 139 ; , Shurwood again thp winner , and the ace waa awarded to him. TUB OKEAT ATTJIACTION if the day waa the next feature upon ho program , Mrs. Burko's ride igahwt the wonderful time ol 22 niin- itos and 30 seconds. Mrs. Burke up- .ppcared upon the track on ho conclusion of the two ear old race , gracefully nountod upon 0110 of the thorough- trod horses which slio was to rido. Iho started her horse with n rush nt ho inp of the bull. It wua thought hat it would bo well High impractica- ilo for Mrs. Burke to undertake the rial while the wind was blowing to evoroly upon the track , but the way ii which f , SUK FUJW AI10UND " t n the * first milo served to disabuse this ear , and the betting in favor and gainst her making the time became nearly oven. Slio changed her horai for the first time nftcr riding In miles in the remarkable time of ' < seconds. The tonific pace was ncvi slackened , and xvhen she came In c the third mile it ucc.imo evident tin unless some accident happened , si wns going lo mnko the tin ngnitiRt which she rode. The fourt ! fifth , sixth , seventh , eighth nnd nint miles were made without , nn ace dent occurring and then IT HECAMK EVIIlKM that the equestrienne wns going t bent any record that had erer bofoi been made. It wan almost imposaib to kcoj ) the cr wd Iroin the track i thin point. Mrs. Burke nt the eight nnd one-half milo mounted her fnvo ; ite , Resumption , in the splendid titn of five and n half seconds nnd He around on the back strotch. 3l < sumption came down the homcstrctc nt n 1:40 gait , nnd ns she passed tli grand stand Mm. Burke waved he cap to the judges and shouted t thorn , "King the bell for the nint mile ; I am OOINO TO I'UHll HEU. " And she did. The little sorrel proba bly never made bolter time The excitement nt this point becam almost uncontrolnble. The- crow surged up to nnd ver the fences nn upon the tr.ick in wild enthusiast when she came in nt the finish of tin ton miles. Everybody know tluvt th time had been remarkable , but it re quired the announcement from th judges stand lo cap the climax Judge Kinney , who wns Delected fo his RTENTOHIAN VOICE , anuounccd that Mrs. Burke had mad the ten miles , with her changes , ii the unparalleled tmiQ of twenty niin utcs and thirty-four seconds , conae quontly beating the best record eve heretofore made. The followhij is the score of cuch milo changes in " eluded. 1'irst ' , time 2:02A : , "sccont 2:01 : , third 1:52 } , fourth 2:10 : , fiftl 1:59 : } , sixth 2:10 : , seventh 1:58 : } uighth 2lDk ninth 209 ; | , tenth t minutes. Tin's concluded the after loon's program , the bicycle race being ing postponed until this afternoon. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. The annual meeting of the Stat ( \gricultural Society was held nt the president's ofllco lust evening. A res > lution was adopted authorizing the resident to appoint n. committee ol ; wo to prepare the premium list nnc present it to the board nt their meet' ng in January 1882. Several othoi esolutions were offered butdeforrct 'or further action. THE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ) f the state held its regular annual nooting in the ngricultural hall las I light , E. N. Grinnoll , president , presided. Hon. L. Oromiso wns appointed - pointed n dolegnto to the convention jailed by the commissioner of ngricul- ; uro in Washington , D. 0. , January L2 , 1882. J. Stirling Morton , Geo. Li. Miller nnd ox-Governor Furnns vero appointed delegates to the con- , 'ontion to bo hold in Washington , Palmary 10 , 1882 , to discuss the liorti- iultural interest and industries. These uon were authorized to represent nil ho industries to bo discussed in the erica of meetings called. FKOCIKAM FOll TO-DAY. To commence at 9 n. m. CLASS ONE. Sweepstakes Lot 1. Sweepstakes Lot 2. Sweepstakes Lot 4. Sweepstakes Lot 5. CLASS TWO. Sweepstakes Lot 1. Sweepstakes Lot 2. Sweepstakes Lot 3. Sweepstakes Lot 4. Sweepstakes Lot 5. Sweepstakes Lot 0. Sweepstakes Lot 7. CLASS THUEE. Sweepstakes Lot 1. Sweepstakes Lot 2. Sweepstakes Lot 3. Sweepstakes Lot 4. Sweepstakes Lot 5. CLASS FOUII. Sweepstakes Lot 1. Sweepstakes Lot 2. Sweepstakes Lot 3. Sweepstakes Lot 4. Also , any lots in classes 1 , 2 , 3 and , tlmt have not boon examined and inssod upon AFTKJINOON. Running race Ono milo and ro- mat ; purse $300 , divided as follows : 1150 , $75 , $15. Bicycle race Purse $100 , divided nto ? 40 , $30 , $20 , $10. Chariot raco. Entries for running race , ono milo nd repeat , purse $300 : W. 0. Iloss , Shenandoah , Iswa , ntera b. a. Si roc , jr. A. Brandt , Bullovuo , b. m. Amor- ; a. a.J. . W , Jacobs , Lincoln , enters Bos- an on the Table. A. D. Pliolpa , Moborly , Mo. , enters h. g. Turin. P , Pearson , Lincoln , enters s. m. Resumption. In the 2GO ; trotting rnco the follow- > g entries are made : M. 0. Robinson , Wianor , Nob. , on- jrs b. s llobbio Dunhnr. J. MoDougal , Dallas , Tex. , outers . K- Clarence H. I1. Moore , Hastings , enters r. m. I race S. 0. Noris , Omaha , ontora a. in. lila G. E. Pyln , Lincoln , ontora b. a. Maxio 'obb. ' H. L. Graham , Oakland , Nob. , on- irs d. K , Yellow Jacket. M. O'Reilly , Kearney , Nob. , enters . g. Dexter I ) . lii the roadster race there are five iitries. Spralaed HU A tramp , who was stealing a ride om Lincoln to Omaha , lust night , i jumping off a freight train badly pramod and bruised his log. Ho was ikon to the jail , where the city phy- cian attended him. The man would ot give his name , Xot of Money for a Druulc. .Lost evening Officers McOuno nnd loimhuo found a man lying on the idownlk on South Twelfth street in ach a etato of intoxication that ho aa utterly unconscious. The police- ion carried the man to the calauooso. in Boarching ( ho man previous to his uing locked up tlioro waa found upon is person about § 2.500. This amount as either in drafts payable at night or in ready crwh , nii'l ' Wns about tli largest amount of cash the polie ofllcinls have scon together for soni timo. It wns learned from papoi found upon the man that his imm wni n. F , Polsom , of Wnshingto county , Another Hook ixnd Lixilder pnny. A strong effort is being made to 01 ganizo n now hook nnel ladder compar. in the northern part of the city. Tli president of the Pioneer hooks is n the head of the movement nnd think it will prove successful. The Pionee company now owns two trucks nn ono of these could readily bo securei LAST NIGHT , I How it was Spent by Visitor to the City , The elisagrccablo drizzling rain c last evening waa not of a character t re'.issuro pleasure-seeking visitort The chill northers of the earlier par of the day abated little of their win try vigor , nnd those people who couli elo BO ut such hasty notice rcaurrectei their overcoats , Those of < ho attend rmts nt the fair who thoughtlessly ne Icctcd to bring their overcoats wit ! them wcio in n rather unplcasnn plight. Every hotel in the city wa tilled to ovcrllowing. The visitor generally hnd left the fair ground immediately after Mrs. Burke s race and poured into the city in largi crowda. The hotels were besieged hi ravenous lots of people whoso onli ambition seemed to bo to got n squan meal. The city was scarcely prepare to accommodate the immense crowt of people with sleeping apartments although tlioro was no diiliculty ir furnishing them the proper amount oi food. Miiny people who could do sc returned to their homes for fear thoj could not Bccuro sleeping apartments. Those who were able to secure a cot at this Into hour in the week consider' eel themselves very fortunate. At the " \Vitlmcll hotelfor instance , roomc had boon rented for a week in housec for blocks around , and guests were supplied quarters there with two , three and four to an apartment. Many young men especially , could se cure neither rooms nor cots , and passed the night uncomfortably where they could in hotel chairs. Notwithstanding the disagreeable rain there were a great many.pcoplo upon the streets until n reasonably late hour. The majority of the visit ors , however , retired parly , tired ou with sight seeing. There being no evening program nt the fair ground there was no extended list of attrac tions at eight for vi itora. Thosp who desired were given an opportunity to witness an atrociously bad modcri : omedy called JLtoums for Kent ut the Academy. To sit'Uiis out was a trifle ivorao than to endure the disagree.i- ale weather outside. The ball of the 3ro department at Masonic Hall was anroly attended , although compar.i lively few visitors except the firemei larticipatccl. Outside of this there rvas ono other attraction the Ilolj Family Fair , nnd1 Central Hall was : rnwelod to repletion. FEUCON/LLS. G. W. Beau's , of Sutton , Neb. , is in th lity. lity.Miss Miss Annie Abbott , of Washington , D 3. , ii Tisitiui ; Mrs. Gen. Wilson , of th ! lity. lity.Hon. Hon. P. W. Dirkliouser , of lllchardson : ounty , is nmong thu fair visitor * . Hon. 1'aul Sclimmkc , pogtmnatcr o Nebraska City , is in town. M r. Carr , of Harvard , Neb. , ii among ho visitors in this city. If all the temperance people woule Irink "Conrad's Budweisur" they /ould indeed bo temperance men , nnc Irunkeii'iess bo unknown. AN UGLY ROW. low a Reckless Driver and His Friends Were Mauled. A very interesting molao occurred m the Sixteenth street bridge lust ivoning. A light spring wagon con- aining four men und n couple of ; i'gs of beer was being driven over ho bridge ut a rapid rate. At tlio amo time a largo number of people iroro coming Iroin the fair over the iridgo in the opposite direction. ? hooo who saw the occurrence say ho team was not only driven rapidly iut rcokleasly , and thu consequence ma that n knot of people unublo o got out of the way were run : ito. Two men were knocked own nnd sovuroly bruised. The ther pedestrians fit oiico caught old of the horses und pulling liu four occupants from the wagon rocccdeul to maul them in n moat ilia- juniging way , The men were not isnoaed to stand the boating tamely ud a very ugly row was inuugrnted. it first the belligerents conlinod thorn- Ives to nnturu'a weapon , but soon rickbats and clubs began to bo flour- ihod around in u way to induce him- it citizens to Beck i-holier. The four tun were being mauled in u frightful lannor when thny drew revolvers nnd lowed u determination to use. Other eoplo also drew weapons nnd for n linutca things lonkedserious. Final * r a nuinbor of people passing inter * ireelj giving the men an "opportunity > drive oir , which they did. The on- r results of the row are a number of srious bruises and a few heads that ill need repairs. "BLACK-DRAUGHT" cures dYgpcp- ! a , indigestion und heartburn. At r. C. qoodratn'a. A Crowded Jail- The jail was well crowded last ; night , ho following persons were arrested > r being drunk : John Byres , the loomakorf Brown , n hotel runner ; . W. Hull , Jeff. Davis Teads , Ly lan Kobinson , J. Spielniaii , John Hey and B. P. Poison. Two tramps ere arrested nnd there were two calls > r lodgings. PuOTOflltAl'HIU , fioorgo Hey n. of the Grand Con- ill Photograph Gallery , 212 ICth root , invites the visitors to the State air to closely oxamiiio Jus Phpto- wphio display in Art Hall. Bopl4-4t , THE FIRE BOYS. They Hold Their Annual Pf rado Yesterday , the ! Fnir in iho Aftoi lioou With n Ball nt Night , High winds and the consoquer clouds of dust did not prevent n very/a ! turnout yesterday on the occasion i the fircmena * annual parade. Tlio lin wns formed on Fifteenth and Douglo streets in the following order : Chief Gallignn. City Marshal Angoll and Jnilc McCluro. Squad of police. Assistant Sol Prince , with Assistan W , Ryan and Treasurer I. Scherb n U. P. band. Carriages containing Mayor Boyd Gen. Mnndorson , President Gold smith , of the Pao department , niu J'rcsident Dailoy , of city council Clias. Kaufmann , City Treiistirer Mul lotto , Judge Beneko nnd J C. Pent zcl ; Homer Slull , Fred Dcllono nnc Mr. Corby , ot council. Olkor's band , of Council Blulls , II pieces. Chief P. Licoy , of the Counci EluiHi department. BlufT City company No. 1 , undo : Forema ; ! Charley Nicholson. Phcunix No. 2 , under John Bohn Rescue Engine company No. 3 , under dor Frank Lcvino. Rcacuo Hose company , under Thos , Bowman. Second division , under command ol Assistant Charles Hunt , and nids As sistants E. Mnuror and Geo. Smith. Nebraska Oify cornet band. Durant steamer drawn by foui lorscs ; in charge of Tom Casey. Durant hose carriage ; in charge ol P. Doodle. Durant engine company under Thos. VIeldrum , foreman. Pioneer truck ; got up in dainty style with Jim O'Brien holding the ribbons with his usual ease nnd grace. The oldPioneor truck. Pioneer hook and ladder company , ] has. Fisher , foreman. Omaha company's steamer , George Coulter , engineer ; Louis Cnssady , tokor , nnd Dennis Lane driver. This tcamer was elegantly burnished. Omaha hose cart , Tony Herrold in jharge. No. 2's Fire King , by odds the finest iteamer in the department. The iteamer was elaborately fixed up. Ed. Welsh wni the engineer ; Geo. Wind- icim stoker , and Win , Webb the hirer. No. 2's hose cart , driven by Win. volbcr. The Nebraska company's ' steamer , csplendent in now p.iint. Put Gal- igun had arranged a seat above the lir chamber for the fire department's ) et Kono. The pup hnd beoii trickud iut in elaborate style nnd w ith a lav- sh disregard of expense. A parti- iolored streamer was attached to near- y every individual hair on his body tnd his tail was a thing of beauty. eno was almost as well satisfied with limself as every ono else was , and bo 'oro the parade started strutted around imoiuj his acquaintances with an un ending dignity that was paralyzing. i sort of a little bower had been ar- ang ed for him on the steamer , where he intelligent animal presided with a vonderful show of dign'ty. Clias. Salter was the engineer in charge and ? at Galligan the stoker. Jiio. Grif- ith was the driver. Joe Vunderford held the ribbons on tfb. 3's cart , The line of march was south on Fif- eonth to Farnhnam , east on Farnham o Ninth , countermarch west on-Farn lam to Fifteenth , south on Fiftecntl 0 Hanioy , east on Harnoy to Tenth , torth on Tenth to Douglas , west or ) ouglns to Sixteenth , south on Six- eenth to city halh At this point hose participating in the parade nngod about the carriage in which ilayor Boyd sat. President Gold- mith spokua few words of welcome to ho visitors and then introduced layer Boyd , who said ho had re- ; ucstid ( Gen. Mandorson to do the loners , and made way for that g leman. Gen. Mandorson said liat Mayor Boyd was engaged 1 so many great projects for the cnofit of the city nnd people that it 'as but befitting for him to throw Dmo of his lightest duties upon other lioulders. This duty Gen. Mandor- jn accepted with much pleasure. eon the mighty river that hewed by 10 doors of Council Blufl's and Oma- a , which had frequently scattered uvastation , would assist ns a most latorbl nid to the firemen in subiu- ig that worst a ! all elements - ro. Thorp had been dissatisfaction tprcsseel in regard to the work of ro inun in his own city on n recent ; cnsion. . A learned Frenchman he ulioved Joiuvillo - hnd said Hint ho ho never made a mistake nuvor went war. It was in the fm > department ko in wnr. If nn occasional mistake id buon made there were many bril- tuit strokes of good judgment on 10 part of the firemen to offset lum. Gen. Mandorson closed u briut nt very neat address amielst loud leers. Thu firemen then adjourned to the [ nx Meyer building where the Hooks wo nn exhibition of pompier work. ho high wind somewhat interfered ut the result was satisfactory and so ronounccd by Mayor Boyd and Gen. [ anderson. At Fourteenth and Farnhara streets 10 tiremon gave a very creditable ex- ibition , throwing a stream of water 10 length of a square. The water nnpany had on only 100 pounds of irect pressure at the enyino house. Last evening the firemen gave a ill at Masonic hall. How to Get Siok. Expose yourself day nnd night , cat 'O ' much without exercise , work too ml without rest , doctor all the time , ko all the vile nostrums advertised , id then you will want to know How to Oat Well. 'hich is answered in three words iko Hop Bitters. Septl-0ctl5 "WINE OF OARPUI" makes rosy uvks ami clear complexions. At 0. K Goodman. * > i W. M , Yutos is the agent of Mills presenting 81,000,000 and is work- g like u trooper to introduce the iat Flour in the United States. * Take "DUCK-DRAUGHT" nnd y0 will uaicr Im bilious , At 0. F. Oo-ilmnn SPKiAL MOTiCES. TO LOAN-MONEY. O.NEV TO l.OA.V-dill at I.r Olllce of 1 M It. Thomas Itooiu 8. Urclchton Illock , To loan nt from 6 to 10 per crn on K' > oJ real oatateiocurlt ] , t ; Ull. ISAAC KtWAHl)3,1109 fnrnhnin St. TO LOAN At 8 per ccntli ' tcret In sum * of $2KX ) nn upwards , for 3 to Syoars. on flrst-cli city an fann property. Rrma llMl EarATK nnd I.OA AOK.VCT , 15th nnd Douulas St * . HELP WANTED. 'ANTED-GIrl In n prhato boarding house 100,11th coiner Dodjfo. ICJI-IO * : ! ) A joimg man of few \cnn cj WANTi pcrlenco wants work In a machine nho ] oren nny light intihnnlcnl work. Good rcfci elicc lf required. Addro a OEOKOF : A. lll'ltl ) Iico olllcc. P03-16' ' Two cvperloncol hook solicitor for Coloriulo nnd Utah. AilJrcit I' . 0 box 1214 , Council IllullJ. loxra. lOD ) 21' VtrAN'TKI ) Hoard nnd room with rrhati \V f'Xtnll ) ! must bo iiieo plcaiant loom am not farther thnn 10 blocks from post cllico. Ad dress N. , lltoofflce. S2-tf A apprentice boy nt the Ixcclsloi W Machine Works. OS7-K ANTii : > A flritihss lurher for stoiclj w work. Apii'y ' lo Hani Corntlclcl. tOO IGtli St OSS-Id : rirst-clais cook Minted for nrltak NOTICi . rnnulro .it residence , boutli lot ! ; ht. MUS. II. KOUNTZi : . ' 083-20 * AMKu Situitlon by a mat- Intelligence W olllc , lllhs rcct , near Farnham. 1)90 ) lf , ANTOD-A Rood girl , nt No. til Wnlmit Kt. bet. till and Ctli. 973-10 * Olrl for housework In WANTED . Apply to .Mrs Harcrcatcs , Fnrk Avenue , Just bejoiid top St. Mirj' Ave OSS 15 * - at 10SO North 10th street , WANTED-OIrl opposite J. J. Cronn. J1H8. J. M. COUNS- HAN. 070-tf \TrANTKD-A boy nt Peterson' * ClolhinL ; YV store , 804 S. Tenth St. A Ucrninn prefer- cd JIubtKlto good reference. OSO-tf WANTnO At Victor's restaurant , girl , boy and a good waiter. Good wages will be palil. _ Q3J-tt TTfANTED-OIrl at 2COI Dodi-o street. W _ t > VTrANTRD-Cnrpcnters. Apply to W. llojd. W CanHcld House. 071-10 rTrANTIID-Smnrtciuli boysnt the "Boston W Store , " 014 010 Tenth St Apply to 1' . O. mlah , manager. ; 003-15 n yAKTBD A few experienced milliners and \ \ eac Uillcs with clUTcftrunc'CN , at "Hos- on Store , " 014-010 Tenth St. AppU to 1' . 0 , mlah , manager. _ 003-15 A TED Ultilnff room girl , nt the Doran w- House , opposite lice olliie. 074-tf CT7"ANTED A tinner ; stcidy job. Rood re- VV crciiccs iciiulred. A dress W. e ! . In- 'ourettc , Culbcrtsoii , Neb. _ 070-19 STTANTED Tlespcctablo cmplojncnt by hus- > V band and wife Address P. P. C , , Heo Of- co- 077-tt l\7 ANTED-Sltuaton ! by a > oung ifnn In VV country or city. Enquire intelligence of- ce , llth St. , bet. llarncy tnd Fan.Iiaiu. OfS-15 * L _ ( " \7"ANTED A situation by n young lady ns T V < > \ crncss or to take care of Children in a mate family. Good reference can bo sh en. .ddrcss 11. M. M , Iico ollico. BOMS J > - By M. W. Hartljan , proprietor o , , the Mi-wourl Valley Boiler Works , Omaha leb. , four tlrst class boiler-makers No oihc ccd apply. Best w ages i aid. U. W. 1IAU1I AN. 055-tf r ANTKD Man to take care of horses am bupsy , S. 1 corner of 8th nnd Howard , 040-10' . NTKD Immediately ono laundress at thi Gmaha Houso. 045-10 * . JTCTANTED Good Kirl for general housework \ / \ Applyat 2020St. Mary's Aye. 03U-16- . nrOUSE WANTED Not less thin cightrooms , JL must bo north of Davcnp rt Ftreet. Pos ! s-lon by elctobcr Wth. Address J. 11. II. U , . General Ticket olllce. 930-15 'TT AN TED At Victor's rcstanrant , a girl rV nboy and a good waiter. Good wajjcs wil a paid. ) TTTANTKn-To rent , by n newly married k V counle before Nov. 1st , a imall cottatte , mtrallj located. Address Ito in 14 , Creighion . . TtrANTKIl A chambermaid nt the I mmc yV Houso. 032-16 To buy a first clasj re Idence | / worth from 88000 to $10,000. Addre-s S , Lock Ilex 00 , Omaha. 001-tf rANTEO A good cook and laundress , S. W corner Hurt nnd 10th bt. 808 tf , ANTED OIrt nt 11S3 North Kith bt. , 4th house north of bridge. H. B. BROOM S58-tf TrANTED Two experienced cooks , six help- ' if < rsand thlrry table waiters , during week ftate fair , bn < iuire of I ) . T. MOUNT , B42tf 1412 rurnham bt. TTANTED An experienced dr > goods , cloth 'f ' Ing , boot an J hhoo s lesman. None with it oed references need apply. 844-17- O. AULKB. Boward. Neb. 'ANTED deed cook at tha Occidental hotel. 821-tf trANTED Fundlnp bridge and school bonds. V II. T. Clark , Belletuc. 26-tf FOR RENT-HOUSES AND LAN [ > . IOU SALB Thrco luin red tons Ice for tale Enquire of J. F. HKEB. LeMars , Iowa , t DOJ10 ENT A house tontalnlne eight rooms , in North Omaha , 2 Mock * from red line eetcar Rent , $ .15 per month , Addrois ijor II I' . O. 0117-15 1011 HhNT Uoodhotii-c , 10 rooms and $ 00 worthof furnltme ( herein for salo. Apply 8 , T. Peterson , lleul Eata'o Agent , S. n. Lor. th and Douglas Bt. OJt-tf lUIINISIIKh KOOM8 Lodjlnif for a few per konH at 1717 Cumlngs bet. 17th and IBth St. , > o 2d door west of 14th S . , on Howard St. UMMf 10UHFNT Furnished rooms with or with out board. North-went corner 14th and i-kson Sts. lw- ' 'OR HEN Furnished ulttliii : room atnl b > d room , cheap ; with board if picfcrrcd , 1408 saSt. Otei-tl WH III-NT Just finished two ilrdt elm two- fctory brl k houses , 8 and 0 rooms , stable 1 cemented cellars ; ! } IO monthy Inndvanco. M. BUSHMAN , H. U. corner 15th and Do IIL' Hts. U2J.U Wit KENT N w brick fctoro on 10th bt. , l. tween Farnliaui and Howard , f5 ! per month. DOMf H. LEHMAN. lOlt KENT A nicely furnished froutroom for ono or two gentlemen , at 1210 Howard street. 13JU 1OK KENT ii furtilnlieU rooms over Mea- chant * ' Exehan eN.K. ccr. IBth and Dodge eet * . 10R RENT One room with board , 1803 Cali fornia street. 735-tf 1011 RENT ElegantfurnUhed rooms. Keason * , blo prices , brick house , ZOISCaxs St. 623 tl FOR BALE. 'OR ' SALK Abont 300 cubic jards ol dirt , southeaitcorner 20th and Cum ng , Inquire FRANK HAB3TUOM , 515 north 10th street. 092-tf ( OR SALB Two goqd horses mid two second hand bu. Iei. Apply at 1571 North 18th bt. 1011 SAI.E ImporUnt to lloclmasters , 4c. . fi\0 pur * blooded Scotch Uollio pups2 nthi old. for sale ; mother 3 months from itUud. Apply to John Hell , between 12th nnd h , OJM street alley , 07S-1C * ALK 01' llUILDING-ScaV-d i > r pc.xU for the ule of Cais Street Schoo ] building , now , inline > t the corner ol nth and Cost ttrcct Iv 1 be recelu-d by theundenlgnoduntlltto'clock i m. Monday , Bopttmbcr 10th , Ib8l , CIIAULia NOYER , chairman Coin , ou Building * and ' * T- 958-17 SFEUIAL NOTIGES-Orjiitmuod 1 K119KV COWS , OAt.VKS AND 1IUI.W FOR ( J HAt/K Ono ttioroiiKh-lirnl Jersey bull 8 j cars old In flnt-cltiM condition , ono bull 0 inontln old , one hclfcr 38 months old , ( In call ) . Tlia ftbo\enrij registered. Aho 3 high Ktwl3 Jtrtcy rowswltli liclfcr cAhoi , nil In K"od conill- tlon nnd Rhlns milk at tliN ( Into Any or all ot the nlio > o rnltlon 111 lie cold At rrnjomblo jitlrca. Adilrosi or call on the iiilxcilliorand no till * flno i-tock. S. A. WILLIAMS 01 n co < l , Mllfo Co. , lown. 072-10 'TpOll 8AI.15 Kour tima ol hnd near water S. works rcscnolr , al < otnn < ottiRc > on Cnnltol Mill. Add. ANDHKWMlbVlhS.njoa IJouKlai St. . 848 tt "T710II SAIjK A lnrjf , coMniodloun , new , two- L story houoo with cllj flfeod location , horse cnr , full lot with trccn , well , cistern , etc. Tcmn rcasonililc. Knniilro of 1' . w. Hoc , King St. , bet. ChirlMiind Seward SLi. 027-2 > ' HICK u B 203tfKSTAHIIOOK con. SA' E A tmM cntctno , H. W. I'nyno k FOIl ' . In perfect osdcr. lii-mlroof 11. & Co. 3l-tf ( "in OP. SAW ! A p n of jtonlcs , Ini ey and liar- Jj ness ; bucgy almost new. Apply nt the Caledonian Saloon , U. I' , block , lOtli Ht. 704-lf "TJIOll SAliK Lcnso nnd furnltiiro of atlrst-cli > JL' hotel Inn tuunof 1800 InlnblUnU , In tat of Neliriuka ; hai 21 licds ; the tratcllnr men's ro- eort. Inquire at Iii ) ; oOlcc. Clg-tt "I IOU SAIiK Maps of Pouxlaiand Saniy couc > JL1 tics. A. UOdfcWATK I ! , 1 620 Furnham street 3M-tf ' 710U SALIVA new nil Ic-ithcr top side-liar L I'lmitonUtli spring cushion and back , nt W. i : . Oiixtton's rarrlifjo top inanufaitory 314 , S. ICth st. but. Knrnham nnd llatnoj. 707-tf SAI.i ; house nnd full lot , 12 blocks FOll 1' . O. nt S300. J iiv I. . JIcCAoun , _ 712-tf _ Opp , I'ostolllco. SALR Flno stock farm of 4M ncrta POU lioiuc , cattle ehcd , orchard .tc. , nltli in caiy reach of railroad. I'rlio , 84600 , liar llmo nt 0 % . JOHN U ilcCAQOi : , Opp. 1'ost otn-tf SALK Nmt cottnponnd rood lot at POlt . JOHN L , McOAUUE Opt ) . 1' . O. _ 037-tf . ANIJ I.ANU lJcinij rents , HOU.SE3 stores , hotels , farnw , lots , lands , ollco ! f corns , etc , Sec 1st pa 'c , SALE Good house vplth four roonw and POK lot , No. 2013 Vodgo bctw een 20tli inil "tli street. Good \\cll and shade trees ; hou o In : oed condition. Inquire on premises. 221-tf rTMIIRELl1AS And fnrasois rciuurcd J > y U. U SCHUTT llth and niniam ts. fhOtf MISCELLANEOUS. ROOMS Reasonable rates at L 1717 Cmnlngg , bet. 17th nnd Ibth stree'p. OOt tf nOKTUNE TELLER AND MEDtUM-Mrs. U Ellzi tells past , present and future In lo\e nd all affair * . She rc cats the decpcbt secrets of lie heart , bhc jwsscs es the magnetic power to ninil all jour wishes. Call ntNo. 322 corner lOtn nd Chicago street , TlAKEN lll Sept. 13th , black horse with L lmrncs.4 on. Owner can crot it at 1418 north Dili and pay costs. A. PE1EIISEN. 000-10' -A I nrge brown pony wlthh rncss j 011 , br.uiiled on tno left shoulder. Liberal B arl for his return will be paid by A. KIRN- iAUM , 1110 Douglai ttrttt. 095-lt' [ OST A pair of gold bowed spectacles at the uJ U. V. depot. I'liiJer please return to Market bwobo and retel\u Illcral reward. 093-10 * DIHD STOUE Has for rale all Kinds ol foreign and Domestic Ilinls , also lilrd nnclory goods , at 103 South 10th St. , between Olivias aim Dodge , niigSO-Sni. 710UND A poiiJtliook. Owner can hue J same by pro\ing property and pajlng- large j. T. J. llartwcll , iOth and Doreis. tHU.lS * . _ DUOI'OSALS FOU HAY nidjwlltborcccheil . by tno undersigned until noon. Sqitc bcr Itli , 1 ! > 81 , for 50 toni of hay , to bo ddl\ercd to 10 Mall Carriers of the On aha pos'olllcc , the lid hay to lie blue elcm , nildilllnc ; carso nnd of IIM cry best quality. JOSEl'll M10I1EAL , SeptlO-d2ti.w2t. Oinalia rostollkc. 311IVATE 1NST11UCT10N3 In frcnch , Gcf . man , OrteX nnd Lntin. 1'ror. Henry W. cc' ' < , 1010 Calitornia St 000-oc.S 5EJ11S has rattling Ions lists of houses , lots D lands and farms for t&le Call and get MttS. B. E. CLARKE'S No. 1 Hoard J Ing House , cor. 13th and Uoago Sta. Uesl the city. _ [ 510-U EMIS' KEAL ESTATE BOOM. See 1st page. T T "VSTILKIE Manufactory of imper . JU. VV boxes , 1403 Farnham street niaha. Neb. a224s - ! < t _ I NVONE haMtisrworkfora typo writer can \ . be acLOiniuodatcd by telephoning the B lice. 483-tf _ < ALL on oraddresi Potter * Palmer , 40 South J 6tn street Council lliufTj , Iowa , for rail- ad tickets cast , wtst , north and south. Chicago 0.00 Hound trip $10.00 Every ticket guar- itccd , and tickets bought , sold and exchanged _ oiigl7-lin jlORTUNi : TELLER AND MEDIUM Mrs. 1 Kllza lulls past present , and future In lo\e il all afTalni. She ret cats the deepest secrets 0 heart , blio posses the magnetic power to ful 1 all jour whhcs. Call at No. 1010 Chicago reet , near 10th. _ aug 10-tl > EMIS' JJBW CITY MAPS.25C. See 1st pag UJ' A red cow. Owner can Inro the same by proiln- property and pa ) ing urges. rilANClS UOBULNS , Saunders and. ica Sti. nu24-t > EMIS' REAL ESTATE EXCIIANOE. a ) In pa/c. ( IIHEE or four young men can bo accommoda- . toil with board. Deferences exchanged. Apr - r 2011 Cass street , 4th door west of 20th St. , address Hex 337 , postoRlco. _ S43f I EM. DROWN Comer 12th and Chicago' . streets , is ready to bore or deepen wells. tiafoctlon KUirnntced. M3tf eading and Elocution -rTAUOUT I1Y QLIA B HABDBNBUJRGH. Voice Training , Private Lessons and Classes. 2011 Cas9 Street , between SO and 21st. KUEHL , lOISTEIl OK 1'ALJIYfiTERY AND CONDI.1 JNALIhT , 41M Tenth Street , bttwce-i Farnham 1 llaincy. Vt'ill , ulth the aid of nuarcliam rlt 8 , obtain for any one aglanco at thn past 1 pri.t > ent , and on certain conditions In the fu. . o. Diets und Shoes niudo to ordtr. Perfect I'hctiori guaranteed. au20-1m POWDER Xbsofutely Pure. : ade from Ornpc Cream Tartar , No other tlon nukes uch light , ( laky hot breads , irlons jiastry. Can tie eaten by Dyipcptlo "out fear ol the till raultlng front heavy Indl IWe lee < l. Sold osly In can * , by all ejroocn KOYAL BAKINOil'OWDEH CO , , New York. 0. > ' . OooJiuini.