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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BJEEi JFUIDAY , SEPTEMBER 10 , 1881. THE DAILY BEB. OMAHA PUDLISHINQ CO. , PROPRIETORS. 010 Kirnhnm , bet , Dili and 10th Streott. TE11MS Or Ono cony 1) car , In achuicci ( > ostM.ld | ) . (10.00 (1 montlis " ' . . 6.0 3 months " " . 3,0(1 RAILWAY TIMID TABLE. .MK CARD CHICAGO , KT. MPli , MIXSRAl'OUS AND OMMIA KMMIOMl. Lcnvc OnvxKi J o. 2 tlironsh pxwncr ( , tl a. m , Ko. 4. OaVlMiil VAMcniriT , S:30ix. in. Atrlvo Omaha No. 1 , tlironsli ) iw nior , S:50 : m. No , 8 , Oakland passenger , 6M : | i. HI. LKAV1NU OMAHA KAST OR 80DT1I ICttND. C. , It. & Q. lift , in. MO p. in. C. It N. Vf. , 0 n. m. D:10 : p. tn. 0. , I ! , I , & 1' . . 0 n. in. 3:40 : p. in. K. CM St. J. K C. H , , 8 a m. C:30 : p. m. Atrlvo St. Louis at 0:25 a. m , and 7:15 n. m. WKST OR ( "OUIHWKSrs. t ) . fc M. In Xob. , Through Kxtin , 8:35 : ft. tn. II. * 51. Lincoln Freight 7:00 p. m. U. I1 IfciiroM , : O. ft U. V. ( or Unjoin. 10:20 n. in. O. & n. V. for Osccola , 0:40 : n. m. U. 1 > . freUlit No. e , 60 : a. m. U. P. Irclcht No. 0 , 8:15 : a. in. U. I' . frelulit No. 7 , 0:10 : j . in. emigrant. U. I1 , freight No. 11 B:25 : p. in. ARKIVIXO rROM KAST ASD BOOTH. 0. B. fc O. , fi:00 a. in. 7:25 p ro. C. & K. W. , 0:45 : ft , tn. 7:25 : p. m. 0. K. I. < fcl\,9I6 : a. m. 0.05 p. in. K. 0. , St. Joe k 0 . , 740 ! a. m. 0:46 : p. tn. W. , St. L. & I1. , 10:51 a. m. 4:25 : ] > . ro. ARIUVIKd PROM Tlin IFKST AND BOUT1IWKST. 0. ft U. V. from Lincoln 12:12 j > . m. U. T. Kxprosi 3:28 : p. m. B & It. In Nol > , , Through KxprcM 1:15 : p. tn. U. Js M. Lincoln FrclfhtS:35 : n m. U. T. Froinlit No. 10-1:40 : p. in. No. 0 4:25 : p. tn. Emigrant. No. 8 10:50 : ) i. m. No 12 11:35 : a. in. X ) . & H. V. mixed , nr. 4:35 : p. m. Konrti. Nebraska Division oi tno St. Faul & Sioux City Hoid. Ho. 2 Inavca Oinalia 8:30 : a. in. No. 4 Icax-cs Omaha'l.UO p. in No. 1 arrives at Umnlin at 6:30 : p. m. No. 8 arrives at Omaha at 10:00 a. in. DDMUT TRAIN'S BKfWKKX OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS. Lcavo OmMia , at 8:00 : , 0:00 : anil 11:00 o. m. ; a:00 : 2:00 : , 3.00 , 4no : , 6:00 : ami 0:00 : p. m. Leave Council ninth at 8:25 : , 0:25 , 11:25 : a. in. ; l25 ! , 2:25 , 3:23 : , 4:25 : 6:25 : anil 6:28 : p. in. Sundays Thu ilumniy leaves Oinaha at 0:00 : ml 11:00 : a. in. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. Leaves Council Hindu at 9:25 : and 11:25 n. m. ; 2:25 , 4:25 : iand 6:25 p. m. Opening and Closing of Mall * . ROUTK. OPEM. CLOSR. n. m. p. in a. m. p. in. Chlcaso&N. W 11.00 0:30 : 4:30 2:10 : Chicago , K. I. & I'acinc.lllOO 0:00 : 4:30 2:40 : Chicago,11. & O. . . . . .11:00 0:00 : 4:30 2:10 : Waba h 12:30 : 4:30 : 2:40 : Sioux City and raciflc. . 11:00 4:30 : Union 1'aclnc 6:00 11:40 : Omaha ft K. V 4.00 11:40 B. &M. in Neb 4:00 : 8:40 : Oinaha& Northwestern , 4:30 7:30 Local malls for State ot Iowa leave but once a Cay , viz : 4:30a.m. A Lincoln Mall li also opened at 10:30 : a. m. Office open Sundays from 12 m. to 1 p. m. T1IOS. F HALL P. M. Business Directory , Abstract and Real Estate. JOHN L. HcCAOUE , opposite Post Office. W. U. BAIITLETT 317 South ISth Street. Architect ! . DUFRENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS , lloom 14. Crcigbton Block. A. T. LA110E Jr. , lloom 2. Cieishton Block. Boots and Shoes. JAMES DnVINE & CO. , Flno Boots and Shoes. A peed assortment ot homo work on hand , corner 12th and Hanicy. XIIOS. EUICKSON , S. U cor. ICth and Douglas. JOHN FOKTUNATUS , ' 80S 10th street , manufactures to order good work at fair prices. Repairing done. Bed Springs. J. F. LARRIMER Manufacturer. 1517 Douglas st. Books , News and ( Stationery. J. J. FUUKIIAUF 1015 Fafiiham Street , Butter and Eggs. McSHANE & SCHROEDKR , tha oldest B. aud E. 'bouso In NclirasKa established 1876 Omaha. CKNTUAL RESTAUilANT , MBS. A. UTAH , southwest corner IGthnnd Dodge. Best Board lor the Money. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Meals at all Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cash. Furnlshw ) HnnmB Supplied. Carriages and Roaa Wagons. 'WM .SNYDER , 14th and Harnoy Streets. Jewellers. JOHN BAUMEU 13H Farnham Street. Junk. H. BEP.'inOLD , U K6 and Uatal. Lumbtr , Lime and Cement. FOSTER & GRAY corner tith and Douglas Sta. Lamps and Glassware. ' J. BONNEU 1309 DaajUs St. Good Variety. Merchant Tailors. O. A. LINDQUUST , One o ! our most popular Merchant Tailors Is re ceiving the latest designs for Spring and Summer Goods for gentlemen s wear. Stylhm , durable , and prices low as ever 216 13th bet. Uouz.&Farn. Millinery. MRS. C. A. RINQER , Wholesale and Retail , Fancy - cy Goods In great variety , Zephyrs , Cant Boards , Hosiery , Gloves , Corsets , &c. Cheapest House In the West. Purchasers nao SO per ecnt. Order by Mail. 116 Fifteenth Street. t-oundry. JOHN WEARNE & SONS , cor. 14th & Jackson ets Hour and Feed. OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Fnrnbam 8ts. , Wolshans Bros. , proprietors. , Orocers. Z , STEVENS , 21st bctnecn Cumlng and Iznr T. A. McSIIANK , Corn. 23d and Cuinlng Htrcets. Hardwaio , Iron and Gteel. OLAN & LANQWOKTI1Y. Wholesale , 110 and 112 16th street A. HOLMKS cnriicr 10th and California. Harness. Saddles , &c. B. WRIST 20 ISth St. bet Karnllarney. . HMel . ANFIKLD HOUSE , Oca Canfleld.Oth & Farnham DORAN HOUSE , P. H , Cary , 013 Farnham St. EDA YEN'S HOTEL. P. Slavcn , 10th St. Southern Hotel , Qus. Hamcl,0th ibLcavenworth Iron Fencing , The Western Cornice Works , Agents for the Champion Iron Fence &c. , have on hand all klnila of Fancy Iron Fences , Greetings. Fincals. Railings , oto. 1310 Uc-dgo Btrce. aplZ Clothing Ooueht. 0 .SHAW will pay highest Cash price for second hand clothlnv , Corutr 10th and Farnham , Dentists. DR. PAUL , Williams' Clock , Cor. 16th & Dodge. Drugs , Points and Oils. KUUN d CO. Pharmacists , Fine Func Uoods , Cor. 16th and Doueld ttrocts. W. J , WIIITF.HOUPK , Wholesale & Retail , 16th st. C. 0. FIELD , 2022 North Side Aiming Street. M. PARR , Druitfiet , 10th and Howard Street * . Dry Goods Notions , Etc , 'JOHN ' , H. F. lEilMANN & CO. , New York Dry Goods Store , 1310 and 1313 Fun- biro itrect L. 0. Enowold also bootannd ihooa 7th Ji Puclfle. huruuure. I A P. GROSS , New and Second Hand Furniture od Stores , 1111 PotuUa. Ulghcat casli price aid for second hand KOOOL J. BONNEIl 1S09 Douel * st. Flno iroodi , &o. Planing Mill. A. MOVER , manufacturer of saih , doors , bllndi , "oldlngs , newels , balusters , hand rails , f urnlublng ir , 4c. , cor. Dodge and 9th ttreota. Pawnbrokers. J ROSENFF.LD , S 10th St. , bet. far. A Har. Florltt. A. DonathuopKiitsciit ( flowers , crtl , Kxjucts etc. N , W. cor. Hith an > l Doimlai street * . Civil Engineer * nnd Surveyors. ANDRKW HOSKWATKR , Crelshlon lllock , Town Suncjs , Or.ulonml Kc cn > 'o Rjstcras n Specialty. Uommlsslon Merchants , JOHN 0. WIti LtS.1414 l ) lgo Street. D It. DKKMKU. For details sco largo ad\crtl c- ment In Itoiilv and Weckli- . Cigars nnd Tohncco. WKST ft riUTSCl'r.ll. mimif iturorsol Clirare , Mid Whulesalo Dc.ilors In ToUwoi , no : . Dou-li ( < W. P. LOItr.N7.KN mvnifoctuirr C 10th street. Cornlco Works. ft'catcni Cornice Works , Manufacturers Iron Oornico , llii. Iron and tilato lloolllng. Onion ( rein any lomllt.x promptly executed In the beat manner. Factory and OIllco 1310 Dodge Street. Oahantzcd Iron Ccrnlws , Window Oap , etc , , onimfncturcd ntid put up In any iirt oj the country. T. SINHOI.U 110 Tlilrlwnlh street Oroekftry. 1. BOJINER 1309 DOUKI.IJ ttn-et. Good line. OlothliiR and Hurnlsliliif ; Goods , OEO. II. 1'CTKRSON. Also lints , C p , Boots , Sheen , Notions and Cutlery , SOI 8.10th ctreet. Fence Works. OMAHA FK.NCK CO. OUST , rniKSACO. , 1213HnrneySt. , IrapnHO- ed Ice Boxes , lion and Wood Fences , OIllco , Counters of Pine and Walnut. rtctrlferator , Canfleld's Patent. 0. F.GOODMAN llth St. bet. Farn. A Harnoy. Show Oaso Manufactory. ) O. J. WILDE. Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds of Show Cases , Upright Cases , ft . , 1317 Cuss St FRANK L. GERHARD , proprietor Omaha Show Oaso manufactory , SIS South 10th street , betuecu Loa\cnnorth and Marry. All goods warranted first-class. Stoves ana Tinware. A. UURM ESTER , Dealer In Stoi cs and Tim\ arc , and Manufacturer of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work , Odd Fellow 8'Block. J. RONNCR. 1303 Douglas St. Good nnd Cheap. Seeds. J. EVANS , Wholesale nnd Retail Seed Drills and Cultivators , Odd Fellows1 Hall. Physicians and Surgeons. W. S. GIBBS , M. D. , Room No 4 , Crclghton Block , 15th Street. P. S. LE1SKN1UNG , if. D. Masonic Block. C. L. HART , M. D. , K > e and Ear , opp. poatoflico DR. L. B. OllADDY. Oculist nnd Aurist. S. W 15th and Fnrnham Sta Photographers. OEO. HEYN. PROP. Grand Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth Street. near Misonic Hall. First-class Work and Prompt ness ifuaran torn Plumbing , Gas and fiteam Fitting , P. W. TARPY & CO. . 210 12th St , bet Fnrnharn and Douglas. Work promptly attended to. D. FITZPATRICK. 1400 Douelas Street. Palntlnc and Paper Han cine. HENRY A. KOSTKKS. 1412 Dodge Street Shoo Stores. Phillip Lang. 1320 Farnfaam st. bet. 13th & 14th. Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAR , 1410 Douglas St. . New and Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Goods , IK. , bought and sold on narrow niart'ins. Baloorn. . HENRY KAUFMANN , In the now liritk block on Douglas Strict , has just O ) < cncd a most elegant BCCJ Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 e\ cry day. " Caledonia " J FALCONER. 070 ICth Street. Undertakers. CHAS. RIEWE , lOli ! Farnham bet 10th & lltd. P. PEMNER , 303 } Tenth street , between Farn- ham nnd llarncy. Docs good and cheap work. 00 Cent Stores. P. C. BACKUS , 120D Farnham St. . Fancy Ooocls Proposals fo'r fiewer Pipe. OracK Ot Cm- CLERK , 1 OMAHA , Neb , Sept. S , ISiSl' / Scaled proposals w ill bo received by the under signed at ills OIllco up to 12 in. , of Tuesday , September 13th , 1881 , for the entire or part of the lollouin ' Hit of setter pipe of the best quality nnd llnltli and to bo dc'hercil at Omaha , subject to inspection as per tpcdllcation in the city en gineer's ollico 17.00J feet of 0-lnth vitrillcd clay pipe , saltglarc ; 1100 feet of 15-Inch vltrllled clay pipe , srlt-glazc ; 000 tlx bv four Inch Ys forhOHso connection ; 170 six Inch hand holes. Alto GOO fict ot 10 inch cast iron water pipe. All Weld to specify how soon delivery of material can bobo'- gun and completed part or In toto. The right to reject any or all bids or part of bids Is hereby re served J. J. L. C. JEWETT , Bcp3-10t City Clerk. Cornell College , The Classllcal , Philosophical , Scientific and Civ il Engineering Courses compare favorably with the best colleges In the country. Special ad\antagcs are gh en in the Preparato ry and Normal Department , and in the Conserv atory of Music. Twenty Professors and Teachers. Superior Buildings , Museum , Laboratory an I Apparatus. Expenses Low. Fall term opens Sept. IS. For catalogues or otlierinforraatlon , address PKM. Wil. P. KINO , D. D. , V 12-il&w2m Mt. Vcrnon. Iowa. To Nervous Sufferers THE QREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr , J. B. Simpson's Specific * It is a positnccuro lor Ppormatoirhca , Scmlna Wcokncss. Impotancy , and all diseases resulting from Sclf-Abuuc , as Mental Anxiety , Lossi Memory , Palna In the Back or Bide , and diseases that lead to Consumption Insanity and carlygrax e | The Specific Medicine Is belni ; used with wonder ful success. . _ . _ I Pamphlets sent free to all. Wrlto for them and get full par ticulars. Price , Specific , $1.00 per package , or ilx pack. airta for $0.00. Addrces all orders to B. SIMSON MEDICINE CO. Nos. 104 and 100 Main St. Buffalo , N , V. Sold In Omaha by C. F. Goodman , J. W. Bell , J. M Ish , nnd all UruirglsUevcrywhcro. c IS-diwH. KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA t = l lffi I 1 tr = j I 3 37) -7) BITTERS ILER & CO. ; Solo Manufacturers , OMAHA. NetoaskaLand Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , 1600 Farnham St. , , . . Omaha , Nebraska < 4OOOOO Caro.ully selected land In Kastorn Nebraska for sale. Great Bargains la Unproved farms , and Omaha city property , 0. F. DAYIS , WKU3TER BNYDER. Late Land Com'r U.P. B. _ , Ap-febtl THJiJ NORTH OP IRDLAND , AQlnucout DouoRn.1 Loiter from Correspondence til the SI I nls KepuMlcan. DoncKnl is t' ' il northwcstorn county of Ireland. 1vrito within view of the Atlantic occiui , which Inshus Don- uunl'H western and northern coast. Thcso stormy counts are iiuluntcd overywhcro with ilcop bays , The interior of Donegal is n huul of mountain nnd of lough. Truvullera niireo , I holiuvo , tn pro- iionnciiiL , ' the scenery of Donegal to bo 'thu most roniiintio" in all Ire land , and sonic tourists , who liavo soon every t > art of Kurojio , assort that it is the most picturesque country ea&t of the Caucasus. 1 spout two days in cfosaiiiu it , in jaunting cars. from London-deiry to Gwcedoro , mm cortninly this route deserves the great. reputation that Donegal enjoys for noble bays nnd lovely lakes , nnd mountains high nnd dark. This is nil 1 ahull say nbout the scenery now , ns I visit the country to tell about the people and why they are so poor ; nnd nbout their rulers , nnd why they nro so relentless in their hatred of the native population , I propose to niako n political study of the County Done gal as u typical Irish county. POPULATION 01' DONKOAL. Donegal in 1371 , had : v population of 218Kil ; persons. There wuro about six thousand more fcinolca than males. During the famine two years ngo over 80,000 persons wore reported to bo on tlio relief list , In some parishes on the coast the people saved themselves from death by hunger by eating the black Boa-weed. Whole baronies \vero in semi-nakedness nnd rags. Prom no other county did I re ceive more pathetic accounts of the extreme destitution of the peasantry. The population of I/onegnl has been steadily decreasing with every decade. In 1841 ( the date of the last census before the grcatfamine ) its population was 200,448. It had been rapidly increasing. Tlio famine swept away over 41,000 , exclusive of the ex pected ( nnd otherwise inevitable ) in crease. Up to 1871 , the succeeding twenty years showed a further loss of 30,82-1 persons. This shows a steady decline during 30 years at the rate of 14 , 7 nnd 8 per cent each decade , with out reckoning the natural increase. I hare not been able to obtain the sta tistics of 1881 , ns only summaries of the census have been issued. But the decrease has continued , it is stated , with a quicker waste of population. THE LAND AND WATim OF DONEGAL. Donegal has an area of 1,107,154 acres ; 22,880 acres nro water. The rivers and loughs are the property of individual landlords who rent out the fisheries. Only 247,281 acres are un der tillage ; 411,000 acres are in pas ture ; 0,308 are in plantation or woods ; 505,710 are waste mid bog and moun tain. These figures show that there is about one person to every three acres of "arable and pasture land , " and about 18 to every 100 acres of the entire county , liut this gives an im perfect report of the density of the population , because the pasture lands do no moro to support the people of Donegal than the plains of Colorado. It is the tillnge lands only that are available to them. The returns for tillage bhow 247,281 to support 218- , 334 persons. Deducting tpvn ) and house sites and yards , nnd ditches and roads mid-rivers , this proves that each nnd every aero of accessible soil of Donegal every nero of the wet , marshy , cold soil of the coast ns well ns the more fertile fields of the inte rior valleys is expected to support one person , who is sternly compelled to pay rack-rents for his holding , in order to maintain u class of absentee idlers in luxury abroad , and their agents 'and other dependents in com fort in this county. DWELLINGS OF THE PEOPLE. There are 40,354 dwelling houses inhabitatod in Donegal. There wore 53,503 inhabited dwellings in 1844. Thcso houses are divided in the gov ernment reports into four classes , and these again into four classes of "accomodation. " _ Thp fourth class of houses 'comprises cabins only having one room and window. In this class there are 7C03 houses or cabins , built of stone or brick mostly stone , nnd 45 mud cabins. These mud cabins are rapidly disappearing. "I visited ono cabin yesterday built of sod and thatched with straw. It had no win dows. There was no chimney only a hole in tlio thatch. There was no fireplace. The smoke filled the cabin so densely and the heat was so intense that I could not remain a minute in it. It was , in table , and cow-house , and pigstyo , and henory as a well ns a kitchen , nursery and bedroom as all of these "fourth class" cabins are. The door was of ! ' its hinges , and the open doorway served for window , ventilator and chimney. More than half of the cabins in this great parish are of the fourth class. Of these 7C03 houses , 7,542 nro in habited by one ( human ) family ; 55 "accomodate , " 0 families each ; 5 have 3 fannlcis each , nnd 1 has 0 familicH within its walls. Third-class houses are cabins having from 2 to 4 rooms and windows. There are 15,771 houses of this class. Six of them shelter four families each ; 24 of them shelter 3 families each ; 741 of them shelter 2 families each , and 19,722 are occupied by single families. Second-class houses are officially described as "what might bu consider ed a good farm house , having from 5 to 7 rooms and wiudows. " There nro 12,010 such houses. Ono of them contains 5 families ; 11 contain 4 families each ; 42 contain 3 families each ; 202 contain 2 families each , nnd t'.io ' rest contain single families. In the first class are ranked all houses of n "bettor description than any of tlio preceding classes. " Tliero are 1110 houses ranked as first class ; but the "accommodation" is some times fourth class. Ono house is re ported to hayo 10 families ; another 8 families ; another 7 families ; 4 of them 0 families each ; 2 of them 5 families each ; 5 of them 4 families each , and G5 of them 2 families each. Thu rest shelter single families. UBUaiONH OV DONEOAL. Of the 218,344 persons in Donegal , 105,270 are Catholics ; 27,125 nro Protestant Episcopalians ; 23,030 are Presbyterians ; 1$18 nro Methodist , and 1041 belong to other Protestant denominations. In Ireland the term Protestant is. generally used to denote an Episcopalian < > r member of the Diseatablislied church. Among the "other denominations" there nro four "Friends " "P.rothren" , ono ( Plymouth - mouth Hrothreii ) , one "l-Vfethinkor , " ono "Anabaptist , " two " .lows. " two "United Vrosbytormns,1' "Inde pendent , " ono "Xo Profession , " five "Non-Scctafians"teii " " - , "Chiistiam , two "Congregntionnlists" nud four "Unitarians. " Even of the largo sects elsewhere , to tjivo one illustra tion , there ivro only IL'd Hnptistw in Donegal. Those figures show that over 7f per cent of the population nro U.itholica ; over 12 per cent Kpisco- paliaus ; 11 percent I'rrshytoii.uiH ; 1 per cent Methodists , and only 0 . ' 5 pur cent scattering sheep of otlier Hocks ecclesiastical , Till' OLD 1K1SH TOMll'U. Americans are apt to regard the Irish ni essentially the same race ns the Kin-Hall as , however originally distinct in history nnd antagonistic in politics , ns much nu > mbers of the sumo nntionnl family , as , for example , the Texan nnd the Downonstor , or tlio South Carolinian and the Northwest- ernor. A brief visit to the West of Ireland soon dispels this theory. Ameiica has been able tn fuse in her continental crucible , HI hi to run into the mould of her own national life , the most stubborn characteristics of every Kuropean race. She lias made the most patriotic Irishmen American citizens first , oven nit hough Irishmen still. 13ut England by her policy of robbery nnd hnto , protracted now through centuries , hns intensified nnd hardened every race clmr.ictoristic of the old Irish people. They mo not members of the British empire ns South Carolinians nnd Down Easters , Toxnns and Californians , however dis tinct in their characteristics , are Americans. The Irish regard the English ns foreigners , as well ns oppressors pressers , and hate them as English for centuries hated the French , and spoku of them ns natural enemies. In many of these western parishes not n word of English is over spoken in the cabin , or in the fields , or .it the fairs , from January to December , unless a tourist or n constable nddrcsscs the peasants. They speak Irish only. Lust Sunday I hoard the priest here , Kov. Father McFnddon , preach a sermon in Irish. In 1871 , counting persons over 10 years of age only , no less than 18,02 ! ) could speak no other tongue than thu old Irish , while 44,50(5 ( spoke both English nnd Irish. The peasants who can speak both languages rarely use the Entrlish. I visited with Father McFnddon yesterday upw nrcls of thirty cabins , and in most of them the wo men could not utter an English word. In every cabin tlio priest wns saluted in Irish ns ho entered , and the con versation was carried on in that lan guage. AOHAHIAN CHIME IN 1UKLANI ) . Last year , according to Mr. Fors- tor and Mr. Gladstone was especially noted for agrarian crimes , so much so that it was deemed necessary to sus pend the writ of habeas corpus. In 1845 there wore 137 homicides in ] roland - land ; in 181(5 there were 170 ; in 1818 there were 171 ; in 184 ! ) there were 203 ; in 1880 there were six only ! There was not ono murder in Done gal. There have been no extra judi cial executions of "agrarian despots" no killings of landlords in Done gal since the aompwlnit premature death of Lord Lcitrim in 1878. ABOUT A DKCKASKl ) LANDLORD. This county abounds in stories of this lord's "village despotism. " They exceed belief. I stood a few days ngo on the spot , where he was slain. No ono in Donegal has any pity for his fate. " did kill the " "Why they car-driver ? I asked n laborer wlip wan working in the road where Loitrim died. "It was the only mistake they made , " was the quiet answer. I told in A hundred American cities last winter the story of Lord Leitrim's death nnd the immediate cause of it , I heard it in Connaught nnd again in America , und "I told the story as "twas told to mo. " I am now con vinced that the version I rendered ( as Bishop Colcnso remarks of the books of Moses ) was possibly myth ically or poetically true , but that it was historically incorrect. Lord Lei- trim's offences against families were many and merciless ; but I now be lieve ho was slain for his tyranny as n landlord. Whatever else I may have learned about it I must allow to re main untold , excepting only a narra tive of some of his dealings with his tenantry , which I shall give to you by-and-by. UAILIIOADS AND IlIVEItS ItENTED. Last summer I discovered in the south and west of Ireland that the tenants were charged for the streams , rivers , roads and railways that ran through their farms. I was told that the practice was universal throughout Ireland , but I hud no time to prose cute the inquiry , although both around Dublin , and in the counties of Cork , Kerry , Mayo and Gal way I procured evidences of it. As far as my own in quiries extended , I found that if a bye-way or highway intersected n farm , it was measured and charged for as if it was part of the estate. If the road formed the dividing line between two estates each proprietor charged tha tenants whoso farms wore bounded by the road into the middle of it , and and the same rule was adopted when two tenants of the Hamo rule was adopted when two tonnntH of the same landlord had holdings on opposite Hides of the highway. Streams nnd rivers wore charged for in the eamo way , Yet , although the streams and riynrs were thus regarded , for the purpose of rt'iit , us arable land , no tenant thus paying for them dared to fish in them , or ho did so nt his own peril , as a poacher , nnd ho was fined and. imprisoned as a poacher if caught in the act ; for after charging rent tor the area of the rivers , the landlords lease these streams to sportsmen for the season , I hoard of other land lords who , after being compelled to sell the right of way to railroads , still continued to charge rent for the ground thus sold. My friend , Mr. Ilofornan , now in jail ns a "suspect , " offered to conduct mo to ono farm in the County Cork , rented at high rates , whore the tenant was forced not only to pay for the largo strip of his farm appropriated by the railroad that crossed it , but for inora than an acre of land once excellent pasturage , which the contractors had carried elf ns gravel in building the road , nnd so utterly destroying its value , The same "agrarian outrages" nro committed in Donegal. I fiiid that Mr. Gladstone's attention wai called tn it us Into ago as last month. Thu ccrrcupondcnco is printed to-day. John Flanagan nnd John T.iylor , tenants of Kov. Robert Delnp , Monet * luiij Killygordonin tin's county , coin- plumed in n letter dated July 1 , that they and thtir fellow-tenants had been forced "for those eighteen years to pay fur ground occupied by the Finn Valley railway , ns well na for public loads and fivers. " "This iii a general complaint , " they write , "ahum * 'iis ' line of wihmy , torminuting nt Stianorlar , County Donegal , and Strnbano , County Ty two. The tenant-farmers nloni ; this route have frequently nnd respec tively petitioned their landlords to reduce - duce their rents proportionately on this account , but to no purposu. Act ing on their own nssumed preroga tives , the landlord ) ) turn n deaf ear to their tenants' appeals for n reduction of rent on account of nhstmctcd ground , but instead they have put on us n greater burden by ruisini ; our rents latteily 1870 , ns well ns making us pay for railway ground. The llov. llobert Delap in the landlord who in- Diets such hardships on us , " Mr. Gladstone's reply , through n secretary , is that , under a law of William IV. an occupier ns well as an owner has "a light to npply for com pensation when hind occupied by him is taken for n road ; " and thnt under an act of Victoria a tenant from year to year , if any of the land which he occupies is taken for a railway , is entitled - titled to huvo notice served upon him to sell his interest , or to got compen sation ns though ho wore the owner in fee. " This reply from n statesman of good intentions shows how abso lutely the poor Irish tenant is in the power of the landlord ; for although the Ulster custom prevails hero , nnd although often all of the letting value of the holding has bi-cn created by the tenant , yet these laws give him no protection , because they must be en forced , after most expensive prelimi nary proceedings by the grand jury nt the county nssixcs , a court of land lords , land agents and their cham pions and partisans They always throw every obstacle in the way of the tenant striving to secure his legal rights. This reply has reference only to the minor evil the confiscation of the tenant-right in the laud appro priated by railways , It wholly evades the vital questions submitted to the premier-how , by law , to prevent the landlord from charging rent forever for land that ho no longer owns. No power in Ireland , from Irish assassi nation down to English legislation , Inw ever been strong enough to reme dy any ono vital evil of landlordism , until the land league confronted and defied it. And for daring to grapple with this evil power , the majority of the ablest leaders of the land league- nro in exile or in prison. .JAMKH KKDVAIH. roll Down , Mr. Albert Anderson , Yoik Htreot , IJuf- falo , fell down htixirs und noyorely biuUod his Iciico. A fmv anplicnlinnH of Dr. THOMAS' Kr.ucriiio OIL entirely cured liim. VJcoiUw GREATEST REMEDY KNOWN. Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con sumption is certainly the greatest medical remedy overjilnccd within the reach of sull'eriiig humanity. Thou sands of once helpless sn/lbrers / , now loudly proclaim their praise for this wonderful discovery to which they owe their lives. Not only docs it posi tively euro Consumption , but Coughs , Colds , Asthma , lironchitis , llay Fever , Hoarseness and nil directions of the Throat , Chest nnd Lungs yields at once to its wonderful curative pow er as if by magic. Wo do not nsk you to buy a largo bottle unless you know what you aso gutting. Wo therefore earnestly request you to call on your druggists , Isn t MuMAUON , nnd get a trial bottle free of cost which will con- \ Inco the most skeptical of its wonder ful merits , and show you what n regu lar ono dollar sixo bottle will do. For sale by Ish & McMiihon. (4) ) Axle Grease NEVER GUMS ! UecJ on Wagoni ) , Iluf 'ics , Itenpora , Threshers and Mill Machinery. It la IKVALVABLK TO FARM- r.iu ANI > 'rKAMHTMiH. It ciirua Hcratclics and all klmls ot toreo on IIorecB > n J Stock , an wall as ou men. men.OLAEK & WISE , Manuf's , OOC Illlnoli Street , Chicago. KNi ) FOII PRICKS. ju s BkkDiamondOoalCo , f. n LOOM is , j. s. NEWILL : , 1'im. Kr.c. AND TIUUB. I. L. Mll.mi , ADK.\T. HARD OR SOFT COAL In tnr lot * or Iti < | iiantltlcH to suit imrcliaacni. Onluw Solicited. Yard , Foot Farnlmm and Doug las Sts. , Omaha. | GRAND OPENING ! Flelicr , ( from St. Louis ) D.uirlntr Ac- nclcniy , Standard Hull , cor. Flltcurilh mid Kuril- liani , Tuesday evening , ftoptcnihcr lltli. Claxsuu tor i/ulles anil Urntlumi.ii commencing Tiiunday LVcnlni ; Kc'jitcinlicr Oth ; classes * ( or MUtic * and Master * , cnnmicndii ; , ' Sitnrdty after noon at 4 o'clock , ClasHcM ( or i'umlllei ) , will hu arranged ( o Milt the lionorablu 1'ulroiu ' , Also liallct dam-lni ; can liu taught , TvrniH liberal , and | ierfuu. unllifactlcm tn Hchol aragunraiiUuil , rihatolnktriiUloiHttll ' en atllio Duncliij ; Academy or lit thu 'i of thu | > at ro in. 1'rlyutu order * nuty be lelt at Max Meyer & lira's. lira's.Geo. . P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY , IDlh and Dodge Gti. , Omaha , Nob. Thl agency docs nrKioriia brokerage bunlnem. Itoca not upcculato , wl tlimforu any on Itn liooki are Insured to IU jiatroiu , of bolriif irobbled up bv thu a/cjil AQENT8 WANTED FOR KADTKKr CALLtKd IlOOKd OP TDK A0 ! Foundations of Success 80CIAL FORMS. The Uwa of trodo. legal form * , how to tram act biulneiw , valuable tablea , nodal etiquette parliamentary uuajje , how to conduct public busl. uew ; In fait It It a complete Guide to bucocai for til case * . A family nccwolty. AcJilrusu for clr- culari and special tcrnn ANOlItlH I'UllUSHINO CO , . Bt.Louli. Mo. _ C. F. Manderson , ATTOENEYATAW < 2 Vtrniuin St , Om b NJ TO ALL wiio HAVE TO JJK REPAIRED , IE ! GK - "V13ST Gh TO HE DONE.OH While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower than all others. KM3C3E1 S -A. T IE IE"1A - I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS offered for Competition in our line Over All Competitors. At For the Best Watch Work , For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. ) For the Best Engraving , For the Best Diamonds ( own importation ) FOR THE BEST DISPLAYED , ETC. fc IIarhj ) | lately enlarged my workshops nnd putting in now i.nd improved machinery chinory , I hope to still moro improve the quality nnd finish of our ork nnd fill orders with moro promptness than is usual. O -TJTIOlsr I Jy Motto has always boon nnd nhvnya will bo : "First to gain superior fncill ties and then advertise the faot not hoforo no wild advertisements. Some unprincipled dealers being in the habit * of copying my announcomunts , I would liey you , the reader of this , to draw n line between such copied advertisements and those of Yours , very Iruly , A. B. HUBERMANN , The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Web. , Sign of the Striking Town Clock. Will Find it to their Advantage to Purchase their 614-616 TENTH STREET. Ladies'Beaver Dolmans SB 00 upwards ; Lanles'Beaver Oloaks , S5 00 upwards ; Ladies Wool Shawls , $100 upwards ; Ladies * Ulsters , S3 50 upwards. 1 Lot Black Cashmeres , all wool , 40 inches wide , 50,65,75,8f , , and 05 cents. Extraordinary Value , 1 Lot English Oashmeres , all Shades , reduced to 371-2 cents , 4 Oases rOanton Flannels , B1-3,10 , and 121-2 cents , 4 Bales 4-4 Sheetings , 71-2 cents per yard , by the piece , 1 Oase Prints , new styles , 5 cents , < 6 Oases Bed Comforts and Blankets at Bottom Prices , Ohoviots , Ginghams , Ticks , Denims , Table Lilians , Towels , Bed Spreads , &c. , nt Popular Prices. > > Ladies' , Misses' , Boys' nnd Ohildrons' Shoos 20 per cent lower than nny Shoo Store in Omaha. SPECIAL. 1 Lot Splaiidid Shirting Flannels , 22& conta.por yard , worth 35 c nte. P. G. IMLAH , Manager , Leader of Popular Prices. Special Attention Is Once More Called to the Fact that Bank foremost in the West in Assortment and Prices of THING , FOB MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OP Furnishing Goods Hats anc ( Caps. Wo nro prepared to moot the demands of the trade in regard to Latest Styles nnd Patterns. Fine Merchant Tailoring in Connection. RESPECTFULLY , M. HELLMAN & CO. , 300 to 312 13th St. , Corner Farnha O. H. BALLOU , DEALER IN Lath and Shingles , Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two block * north of ST. PAUL. AND OMAHA DEPOT. jyl-ood-3m.