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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY IBEEi TUESDAY t , SEPTEMBE.R fi , 1881. THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA PUBLISHING CO. , PROPRIETORS QIO , bet , Oth nnd 10th Streets. TERMS OF SU13SCIUITION : One copy Uonr , in aJ < ancoi > ofttmld,510.W ) 0 month * " ' . . . . p.o Siiioiitln " . . . . n.oo RAILWAY TIME TABLE. TIMR WHO CIIICVIIO , ST. VAIL , MIXXEArOKS AXIi IIMMU f.ULKOMj. Loa\o Omaha No. i through pasjoiucr , 11 n. tn. No. 4 , Oakland pa cnjrer , SCOa. : in. Arrive Omaha No. 1 , through | tv enger , 2 0 p. m. So , 3 , Oakland ] vx < < 4ciivur , fiSO : p. in. LrVIMI OMAIH I'.AST OH SOfTII DOCXV. U. , B. & O. a. in. 3:10 : p. m. C. A N. W. , n a. in , 3:40 : p. in.1 C. , I ! . I. k P. , I ) a. in. 3 : < 0 p. In , K , C. , M. J. & C. U. , S a in. C.30 ; | x. m , ArrUe at 11 , txiuh at < i-5 : a. m. and 7:45 : a. in. wiar OR notrriiwrats. B. & M. In Kcb. , TlirmiRli Rvpross , 8:3S : x m. 11. t II. Ltnuoln FreiirhU 7:00 p. in. U. I' KtprcM , 12:16 : p. m. 0. : It. V. Inr tln.-oln , 10:10 : a. in. ) . A II. V. for Otccola , 0:40 : a. in. U. P. freight No. 6 , B : 0 a. in , U. P. freight No. 9 , fc:15ft : in. 17. P. ( roUht No. 7 , 0:10 : p. m. emigrant. U. I' , frclirht No. 11 B:26 _ : p. m. AHRIV O PROM 1UST AND l OUTIt. U. I ) , li ( ) . , 6:00 ,1. ir. . 7:25 p in. C. ft N. W. , H : < fi a. Hi. 7:23 ji. in. C. R. I.&l',0l5a. : m. 11:05 : p. in. K. C. , St. Joe & 0 I ) . , 7ilOa. m. 0:15 : p.m. W. , St. L. & P. , I6Vi : a. in. 4:20 : p. m. AKIumo PIIOM TIIB ICKJIT AND BOUTIIWKSI. O. & It. V. from Lincoln 12:12 : p. m. U. I1. Kxnrcf * 3:25 p. in. U & M. In Ncli. , Tluiimrh Express 4:16 : p. IP B. & M. Lincoln Freight 8:3.1 : 0. m. U. P. Freight No. 10-1140 p. in. No. 0 J'J5 : p. in. Emigrant. No. S 10M : p. m. Vn 12 11:35 : n. m. 0. & II. V. mixed , ar. 4:35 : p. in. NORTH. ' Nebraska Dhlslon of tno St. Paul i Sioux City lload. No. 2 teiuci Omaha So. in , No. 4 leaxcs Omaha 1.60 p. in No. 1 arriveiat Uin.ih.iat 4IO : : p. in. No. 3 luriiei at Onnha at 10:45 : a. in. DDM V TRAINS K.-.mRKS OMAHA AND COUNCIL BI.UFP9. T.cave Omaha nt S:0fl : , 0:00 : and 11:00 : a. m. 1:00J:00 : : , 3.00 , 4:00 : , 6:00 : nnd 0:00 : p. in. L.n\e Council DIuiniat 8:2 : , 0:25 : , 11:26 : a. m l. < 5 , 2:25 : , S:25 : , 4:23 : t:2i : nnd 0:25 : p.m. Sundajs The dun my k.up-i Omaha at 0:00 nd 11:00 : a. m.j 2:0d : , ll : > 0 and 6:00 : p. m , LMA 01 Cvitioll ISInlTi at : and 11:25 : a. m. ; 2:25 , 4:25 : and & :25 : p. m , Opunlnnnncl Closing of Malls. ROUtK. OPBN. CL03B. n. m. p. in , a. m. p. in Cliimtfo & N. W . It.iitf 0:30 : 4:30 2:40 : Chicago , R. I. i PaclHc. 11:00 : 0:00 : 4:30 : 2:40 : Cliii-njfo , B. & > > . ll.CO 11.00 4:30 : 2:40 : 12:30 : 4:30 : 2:40 : S io ut Citv anil Pacific. . 11:00 : 4:30 : Unlo'i Pacitic . 5.00 11:10 : Om.iha&U. Y . 4.00 11:10 B. AM. In Ncli . 4:00 : & 40 5:30 : 4:30 : 7:30 Local muN ( nr Stall of lowi leave but once a day , \i < : 4:30 : a , m. A Lincoln -Mail U also npenoil at 10CO n. lu. Olllce open Sundays from 12 m. to 1 p. in. THOS. F HALL P. M. Business Directory. Abstract and Real tstnto. JOHN L. McOAdUK , orposito I'ost Oillc-c. W. R. BAUTLETT 317 South 13th Street Architects. DUFRENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS , Kooin 14 Crci-hton Bltck. A. T. tAHGE Jr. . Room 2. Cielsihton Block. Boots and Shoes. JAMES DnVINE & CO. , 'Fine Boots and Shoes , A ( food assortment ol homo work on hand , corner 12th and Hamcy. THOS. EIUCKSON , S E. cor. 16th and Douglas. JOHN FOHTUNATUS , 035 10th street , manufactures to order good work * t ( air prices. Repairing ( brio. Bed Springs. J. F. LARRIMF.R JIanutacturcr. J617 Doui'lasst. Books , News and Stationery. J. I. FKUEHAUF 1015 Farnham Street. Butter and Eggs. HcSIIAKE & SCHUOEDEll , the oldest B. and K , house in Nebraska cstalillfchod 1870 Omaha. CKNTKAt , RESTAURANT , . MU3. A. RYAN , southwest corner ICthaml Doiijre. H st UoarJ for the Money. BitlsfaUioii Guaranteed. Ueala at all Hours. Board by the l ) y , Week or Month. Good Terms ( or Cash. Ftmil'hnil linnma Supplied. Road Wagons. WAI SNYHEIl , 14th and Hartley Streets. Jewellers. JOHN BAUMER 1314 Farnham Street. Junk. H. BEPTHOLD , JUes and Mttal. Lumbtr , Lime and Cement. FOSTER & GRAY corner tlth and Douglas Sis. Lamps and alassware. J. BONNER 12W I)3u Lis St. Good Variety. Merchant Tailor * . G. A. LINDQUEST , Ono of our most popular Merchant Tailors Is re- cci\ ins the latest designs ( or Spriiijf and Summer Goods ( or gentlemen a wear. Stylish , durable , and prices low ns over 21513th bet. Uoutr.bFarn. Millinery. JIRS. 0. A. HINDER , Wholesale ami Retail , Fan cy Uoods in great \ariety , Zephyrs , Card Boards , Hosiery , Glo\cs , Corsets , ic. Cheapest House In the West , 1'urcliasera save 30 per cent. Order liv JIail. 115 Fifteenth Street. Foundry. JOHN WKARNR & SONS , cor. 14th & Jac' mii sti ( lour and Feed. OMAHA CITY MII.US , Bth mid Farnham 8ts. , WeUhaiis Uros. , proprietors. ( Iroecrs. Z. STEVENS , 21it between Cuming and Iznr T. A. McSIIANE , Corn. 23d and Cumlng Street * , Hardwaie , Iron and Steel , UOLAN & LANG WORTHY , Wholesale , 110 and 112 IMIittrcU A. HOLMES corner IWh and CallfornK Harness. Snadles , &c , B. WKIST CO 13th St. bet FarnHarnev. . Hotels. CANFIEM ) HOUSE , Canflcld.Oth & Farnbam UOHAN HOUSE , I' . II. Cary * , 013 Fnrnhani St. RLAVEN'H HOTEL. I' . Sla\en , 10th fet. Houthurn Hotel , Qua. Hamellth &\cnworth Iron Fencing , The Western Cornice Works , Agents ( or the Champion Iron Kenco &c. , hatoon hand all lilmls o ( Fancy Iron 1'cnitg , Cresting , Fineals , ct. > . 1310 Do.k-0 Hrec. Clothing Oouchtt 0 .SHAW will jiay highejt Cath price ( or second band dothlnv. Corner 10th and Vuruham. Dentists. DR. PAUL , Williams' I'lock , Cor. 16th & Dodgo. Drugs , Paints and Oils , KUHN&CO. , Pharmacists , Flno > 'une Uoodf , Cor. IGth nd DOUBIH ktrccts , W. J. WJIITEHOUf K , Wholesale & Ilctall , 10th st. C. C. FIELP , M > 2 hortn Side Cumin * Street. M. I'AItlt , lrtn'i'l ) t , lUtli and Howard Strccta. Dry Goorl * Notions , Etc , fJOIIN H. F , LKUJIANN & CO. , * Ki-w York l > rjr Ooodi Sxiro , 1310 and 1312 Forn- turn itrtct. U C. EnTOol.l i > l o bonU and ihoct hurulture , A K. GIIOSS. New nd Secoml Hand Furniture and Ktotu , 1114 IWUJIM. Illghut uuli price pnlil ( or tuoond liana voo'ie. J. ItONNKR 1309 Doarl * st. Fine cooJi , &c. Planlnc Mill. A , , manufacturer of suh , doori , Mlndt , nioldlngt , new tin , lulu ter , hand rails , fiirnlbliliif H roll eaHln ; , 4c. , cor , DoJ e and Oth ttrceU. Pawnhrokors. J. ROSENFKTjT ) , S 10th St. , bet. Far. & Hot Florist. A. Donahue , plant * , cut flowers , seeds , boquf ti etc. N. W. tor. ifith tin I ] > ou < 0vi trccts. Civil Engineers ind Surveyors. ANDREW IIOSUWATKI' , Crelshlon Block Town Stir\c > s , Grade nnd KcworaKO Sjstei 9 r Spwhlty. Uommlttlon Mrrchants. JOHN a. WIIi 1.13,1(14 IK-klco Struct. D Jl IIP.K.MER. For details mcnt In Ihiilv andS reklv. Cigars anil Toli.tcco , ( VEST fc FRITSCDEI1. manuhclHrcrsol , nd Whole ale Hoalera In Toivxuvoi , 1805 Donjffos. \V. F. LORENZKN nukliufictMrcr t.lllOtlittuxt. Cornlco Works. Cornlco Works , Mannfirliircn Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate Hooillinr. Onlcra from any lomllty proinith ] vMn'titnl In the best manner. Factory and OIKco 1310 DodRO Street. GMtnnlrcd Iron Cornices. ( Mndow C'np ? , etc. , mnnnf.uturcd ami put nn In any pint o ( the ownirv. T. HlNIIOliii 4inililripcmh street OrocVcry. J. BONN ) ' . ) : 1309 Douelai street. Good line. Clothing and KurnlshlnR Goods , OEO. II. I'UIKHSON. Also Hats , Caps , liootg , Shoes , Notions and Cutlery , SOI S. 10th etrcct. Fence Works. OMAHA FENCC CO. GUST , FRIES & CO. , 1213 llarnoy St. , Improt ed Ito llo\crt , Iron at l Wood Tenet > , Ollico Itnlllncx. Counters of Pine atid Walnut. Retrlrerator * , Canficlil's Patent. C. F. GOODMAN llth St. bet. Karn. A. lMrnc\ Show Case Manufactory , , 0. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and DcMcr in all kinds of Sho\ C.UM , Upright Cases , a ' . , 1317 COKJ St/- FRANK L. ar.RIIARD , proprietor Omah Show Case iimntllaitnry , SIS South 10th streol between I.catunuortli and Marcy. All tooil warranted flrst-tlasa. Stoves aim Tinware. A. IJURMESTI-.U , Dealer In Stoves and Tinnnrc , and Manufacture of lin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work Odd Fellow ' Block. J. BONNER. 1309 Douclas St. Good and Cheap Seeds. J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and Cultltaton.OdilFi'lIown Hall. Physicians an I Surgeons. W. S. GIBBS , M. D. , Ilxmi No 4 , Crolghtoi Block , 15th Strrut. P. S. LE1SKNRING , M. D. Matonlc Block. 0. L. HART , M. D. , F.f and Kar , opp. postoflic DR. L. B URADDY , Oi'iiiNt nnd Auri t. S. W IMh and Farnham Sts Photograpriera. GEO. HEYN. PROP. , Grand Central Gallon' , 212 Sixteenth Street. near Masonic Hall. First-class Work and Prompt Plumbing , Gas and Steam Fitting. P. W. TARPY & CO. . 218 12th St. , bet. Farnlmui and Douglas. Worn promptly attended to. D. riTXPATlUCK , lim DowUs Street. Palntlnc and Paper HENRY A. KOSTERS. 1412 Dodge btrect. Shooatorcb. Phillip I.ans , 1320 Farnham st , , bet. 13th & 14th Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAR. 1416 DonclM St. , New and Second Hand Furniture , Houtc Furnishing Goods , &c. , LouL'ht and sold on narrow tnan'Ina. tialoons , HENRY 1'AUFMANN , In the new brick block on Doir/ins Strnct , has just opened a most elegant llcca Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 e\ cry day. " Caledonia " J. FALCONER. 070 IGth Street. Undertakers. CHAS. RIEWE , 1012 Farnham bet. 10th & lltl 1 > . PEMNER , 303 } Tenth street , between Farn tiam and Harnev. Does coed ; and cheap work. 09 Cent Stores. P. C. BACKUS. 1205 Farnham St. . Tancv floods PROBATE NOTICE. State of Nebraska , Dauglas County , sv At n County Courf , held at thu County Court Doom , in and ( or tald County , August 15th , A. D ISl-l. 1'rescnt , HOWARD 11. SillTH , County Judge. In the matter of the estate of Ferdinand Thum , deceased : On reading and fllinp : the petition of Emilia Thum , prajlng that the instrument , this day filed and purporting to bo the last " 111 and testa- men tot tlio said deceased , may bo proved , ap- Droved , allowed , probated and recorded 09 the net will and testament o ( said deceased , and that administration of said estate may be grant ed to said Emllio Thum , as executrix : I ; " * ORDKRXD , That September 10th , A D. 1881 , at 10 o'clock a. in. Is assigned ( or hearing eaid peti tion , u hen all perhOiiii Interested In said matter nay appear at a County Court to bo held , In and 'or ' sold County , nnd how cause \\hythcpraycr of petitioner should not bo grunted ; and that no- Jco of pendency of fald petition and the hearing- .hereof , be ghcn to all jiersonsiiitereHtcd In laid natter , by publishing a copy of this order In Tim OMAHA WKKKLV BtK , a ncniipapcr printed in said County , ( orthrco succcsi\o weeks , prior to saU Jay of hearing. HOWARD B. SMITH , [ A true copy. County Judge. auir7\v3t DRS. COFFMAN AND THOMPSON ; Physicians and Surgeons. OttKK , Over Crnlck&hank , l.llh St. , llct. Farnham and Douglas. u24-lm AQENT8 WANTED FOR KASTKST SKLLINO HOOKS op TUP. Aon I Foundations of Success BUSINESS AND SOCIAL , FOHS13. The laws ot trade , legal ( onus , how to trnna- ict business , Hiluabla tables , nodal etiquette nrllamc'iitary usa o , how to conduct public IiusU ion ; iii ( ait ft U a complete Outdo to Kwccsj ( or ill fates. A family nuccHsity. Aililreag ( or clr- lularannd pcdal turma AKUI10H I'UIJLISIUNO O. . Rt.lxiulM. Mn DexterL.Tlioinas&Bro , WILL BUY AND SELL AND ALL TRANSACTION rONXrCTRn TIIKRKWnil. Pay Taxes , Rent Houses , Etc. IF TOU WANT TO BUV OB HELL ) ell at OHlcc , Room 8 , Crelghton Block0maha. ai > 5-d SO ? PAPER WAREHOUSE. ri 217 and 210 North Main St. , St. LouU , IN \ PAPERS iNVELOI'K3 : , CARD BOARD AND Printers Stock. 3TCuh paid ( or Raga and Paper Stock , Sera ron and MctaU. Paper Stock Warclioiuce 12-20 to 1237 , North Uth etrwl. _ Business College , CHE GREAT WESTERN QEO. R. IfATHBUN , Principal. Creighton Block , I11AI1A , . . . NKLWASKA. rarKend ( or Clrciihr. nov.2ftdiwtf (0 , W , IKIANX. A. 0 , DOAHE & CAMPBELL , Attorneys-at-Law , H W COR. TH it DOUGLAS 8TS. , JvZl'tf OMAHA , OYSTERS IN ABUNDANCE. A IinrRo full Crop Promlsoil- \VLoro tbo Oj-ntors Couto Fronx. Nt\v York Trlbuno. A Tnbune lopnrtcr rctfontly visitci aotnu oyster tlualci-a to k : tru nbonl tlio supply of oyslora for flu coming season. Tlio wholesale deal era occupy covered boats or Imrgoa , nbout twenty five of which nro modroil ntoiiK the waterfront on M'est-at. , North of tlio lloboKen ferry , uiul uluvon otliuis nro situated nt thu foot of iJroomo-st. , Unst llivvr. Ononoof these ci-afts nt the foot of Uroomo-st. , the vuporter obtained nn account of the oyator trade from Alexander 1'Vazcr ' , nu oxtcnsivo dealer. " \Voll , sir , " saU lie " from present indicatioim you may oxpnct a large supply for the coming season , cspeci- nlly of lurgo oysters , such ns are con sumed huio in the city. Thu prospect looks very good , indeed. The oyntnra aru growing tiuely , nnd few beds have been molested by any of the oyster's enemies. There have been n few des troyed in Prince's Buy by the mussels in id borers , nnd there hiivo been n good many seed oysters killed by bor ers in Orator Hay. But thesis depre dations nro not very serious. Sen- stars , or star fiah , have not given much trouble of late , nnd I h.xvo not heard of drumfish much since about six years npo , when they destroyed oysters worth § 50,000 in 1'rinco's Bay. WIIKKU THK OYSTERS CO.MK I'llOM. "Ovsters are received hero from Port Washington and Glcnuwood , on the East liiver ; Stamford nml Green wich , Conn. ; Oyster Bay , Cow Bay , Kocknway and Blue Point , L. 1. ; Princo's Bay , S. I. ; Kcyport , Perth Amboynnd the Shrownbury River , N. J. ; and also from the Dulawaio nnd Ohcsaueako Bays and Norfolk , V . All the oysters coming from the li .at llivor and along the sound \vo call by the gcnerul name of East Rivers , ' adding the name of the locality where grown , ns Fort Washington East Rivera. ' Moro oysters are being raised up the East River and Soumf every year. Five times ns many come from there now ns did a few years ago. They nro supplanting thu Virginia oysters in popular favor. East River oysteis are salt , whil those from Piinco Bay nro what wo call 'fresh.1 Tlio former have the best llavor. Rockaways nnd Shruwsburys nre of about the snmo quality as East Rivers. What wo call 'sounds' nre oysters taken from Nownrk Bay , when nbout the si/.o of a dime or quarter dollar , and planted. Blue Points nre the favorite with connoisseurs , and are noted for their sweet , rich flavor. The grounds nro on the south side of Long Island. Blue Points are not ns salt as East Rivera. These uro the bent which grow naturally and are not planted. "Tlio Virginia oysters are inferior to those raised in this vicinity , and will only bring 50 cents a bushul out of the schooners , when East Rivers command 51.50. There is ns much difl'erenoo between Blue Points and Virginias , as between a domestic and a Ilnvnnna cigar. I can tell the local ity whore the oysters have come from , if you should show mo ten different kinds , just by looking at the sheila. But they are really no varieties , r the difference all depending on the locality in which they are grown.A - mud bottom tom oyster is darker and of "poorer quality than one grown on hard bet tom. A change from one kind of bottom tom to the other scorns to make them fat and better. Oysters will grow plumber and rounder on n hard bet tom. Growing in mud their shape is elongated. If you look near the hinge of the oyster's shell , you can see where the iirst year's growth ended , and no- : ice the growth in each year after. Many seed oysters nro also raised nt Now Haven , oyster shells being used tor the spawn to adhere to. I plant oysters in six different places Oys- : ors begin to spawn nbout May 15'h , and nre about through by August 20th. HOW THK CHOP IS MARKETED. "They are , " continued Mr. Frazer , "about thirty-five wholesale oyster dealers in this city , nnd only ten or Ifteen of these are heavy planters. We keep a number of shops , nnd em ploy many men during the season , raying good hands 82 a day. Thu im plements used are tongs , something ike two iron rakes with their handles linged , a broad iron rnko with curved teeth , and a 'dredge1 or scraper , with a wire or hemp netting to catch the oysters. The boats usually go out nnd back with a load by evening , in imo for the next morning's trade. Trucks then take the oysters wherever wo have orders for them , nnd if any are left over they are transferred to Ilia barge , which is easily done us it rides on a level with thu .sloop. " "Who nre your best customers in the city ? " "Thu hotel usually ; some very un- retentions ones use a large quantity ) f oysters. Then wo sell many to Ful- .011 market dealers. These little oys- cr nnd clam counters , which you BOO on the street cornels , use more than rou would think/ They nro our best iiistomora in warm weather. From May ta September almost all tlio sup- ily comes from Princo's Bay and Key- nirt. In the fall and winter they iomo from Blue Point nndRockawny , ind East Rivera are in market all thu Benson from September to May. , But hen Homo resivaraiitu will ? ell you my kind out of the same basket. "Many oysters corno direct in choonerA from Virginia in winter , klnny , too , nro opened there , and nro old hero in p.iila , or by quart , Some- imea ourEast River bodw get fro/.tm ) ver in the winter. Lu : > t winter there voro eororal weeks when oyster boitn ! voro delayed. "Tho oyster canning business is n argo intoicst hero , as nyntcra nro hipped all over thu country , cspe > ially to the west. Virginia plants IK ! Sounds are mostly used for thin mrposo , jo they nro cheaper than the nor flavcicd oysters. Few oysters re put in kegs of late years , as cans ircsorvo the flavor better. After the ana are filled , they are nealcd and nit in a box with ice pricked around hem , if the weather in warm , but lint is not neconsiiry in winter. It's i big trade , this oyster business , hough I could not give u very exact atinmto of it. " A ( IHOWI.MI UUMANU I'OH KXI'OIIT , "What ia the prospect for flipping ystora to Europe ? " " Wo could probably ship more him we ahall luwu to send , Thu for- ign market wante small oysters that run from 1,000 to 1,500 in a kirro There is going to bo a scarcity of sum ones , ns our homo market is usin smaller ones every year. O r oxpor trade has giown up in the lait ROVO years. Five years ago I sent wo JOO.OOO oysters nnd r < cei\ed wor that the market wns glutted , Nm this mnrkut sometimes oxpnrts 4,001 barrels a week. Lost year < n-cr 70IKX barrels were exported , nnd in the VLM before about 02,000 barrolc. Thu Kn glish nro not ns great oyster-oafors a Americans. They like tl-.oir n.-.livo oysters best , a * they hhvo . \ copporj taste. Consequently AiniM.rou . oys lers only bring nbout half us iinu'li a English. Some of their ( ysti'is como from Wales and aomo from Ireland where a largo oyster bed had reeentlj been discovered. 4 Our exports go mainly I" l.iver eel nnd London. A few no to Paris iVe send n good many to \\ales for seed. They are laid on the shore where ( hey nro covered at high tide A law there prevents anyone fiomtak ing up native oysters during three o ; tno months of the year , and so tlu-j take up the American stock durinj , three months. Oystora for export an not opened , but packed as tightly as possible in barrels , and headed up. They would not keep if opened , unless they were pickled. Blue Points are the favorites m the foreign market of the American oyaters. The law forbids their being taken up before September 15. " The demr nd for clams is nt its height when that for oysters doclinet , from May 1 to September 15. It has been thu best season for clams in aov- on years back. The best eliuiis come from Little Neck and Cow Buy , those from Fire Island and EIJC ; Harbor being - ing inferior. VIEWS or oY.sTim IIBALEIIS. A prominent dealer in oysters at Fulton Marko said recently : "There never was a promise of a better season than this. There is nothing to com plain of in size or flavor. The Shrowsburya and East Rivers wo find more abundant than over before , and the meat is firm and of n rich and del icate llavor. Rockaways nro by some thought bettor yet. The outlook for our foreign trade with England nnd Franco wns never bettor , there being a constantly increasing demand. " Ono denier at Fulton Market toqlcn more gloomy view of the oyster trade. Ilo thought the depredations by mus sels and drills in Princo's Bay , the high cost of oyster seed , nnd the in creased amount of capital necessary in the business would prevent , oysters from selling nt very low prices. "This is the lust dull week wo will have in this business , " said Mr Porter ter , a member of the firm uf J. W. Boyle it Co. , wholesale dealois at the foot of Broomo street , Ea t River. "Tho trade will begin with a rush September 1st. The better claw of custom begins and closes very prompt ly with the season , but the cheaper class holds good the year round. Many poisons think the sale of clams exceed that of the oysters in the sum mer months , but wo have sold 500 baskets of oysters on many days this summer ; but wo did not begin to sell as many clams Yes , there will bo a largo crop , and ono of unusually finu quality. Shrowsburys that were poor last year at this time are now plump ns one could wish , nnd if theykenp on growing will have to burst tlio shells. "Indications point to an active fall trndo , and wo have sold twice ns many in the past summer as in any summer before. Wo plant oysters in nineteen different places. Wo are now starting a branch at Perth Amboy with a force of 100 men to open the oysters. A good nun will open 4,000 n day , and is paid $1 per thousand. " "Do you imagine thu public will get the oysters nt much cheaper rates on account of a plentiful crop ! " "No , not much cheaper. You see , for fancy oysters , Shrowsburys , East Rivers and Blue Points , wo have a regular schedule of prices that wo keep from year to year. It is a pre carious crop. Some years ago wo lost 30,000 bushels of Keyport that wore smothered by being covered with sand. Not long ago the ice carried away thousands of bushels of oystoro in the Rappahannock river. Our beds sometimes get fro/.on over , and wo have to keep flying around every where to get a supply. Then there are the mussels , drills , drumfish , and sea-stars that swoop down upon the beds like pirates occasionally. Even should oyatcrc bo cheaper at whole sale , the retailers and restaurants would bo apt to keep up their regular rates. Still , the fact of a good ciop is good news to the public , ns they will certainly not have to pay above regular nrices , while there will bu plenty for rich and poor , and the Duality is fine. "Southern oysters vary more in price than thosu grown about hero , an i dozen schooners , carrying from 4- , 300 to (5,000 ( bushels may arrive almost it oncu , when they will Bull down to T > 0 cents a bushel. Tina ia a good bianco fur poor people. Thu South ern oysters , however , nre inferior , nnd I do not call them fit for food uftor being opened a fuw day * . They eomo Trom the York River , the Roppuhon- nock , Patuxont , Back Kivcr , Cherry- done , Chineoleaguo Is and , and the whole Chesapeake Bay is onu oyster bed "Moro oystoiij are sold in B.dti- nero than in any other city , but I think New York consumes the most , I should say thia city used 50,000 baskets a Uay from September 1 to January 1 , A basket holds from'150 Lo L'OO oystorH. After January 1 thu ttmlo fnlln oil'nbout iv quarter. They lull cheaper ntock in Baltimore , and tell by thu gallon at prices from 00 ! ents to § 1.25. Now York is gaining m thu trade of Baltimore alone. Thu lumand for Western shipments from lere > vill be three times as great this winter ns Just Hcnsoii. Western poo- do nro getting educated to eat better lystors than BaltimoiuHCiidii them. Almost Grnzy. How often do wo HOO the hnrdwoik- ng father1 straining every nerve and niiHclo , and doing his utmost to mip- > ort his family. Imagine hi.'i feelingn vht'ii returning homo from u hard lay' * labor , to find his family prostrate vith diboasu , coiiHcioiiH of unpaid doc- on ' bills and debts on every hand. t must hu enough to drive ono almost : razy , All his unlmiipincHt could bu .voided by using Electric Bittern , vliiuh expel every dinea o from the ystem , bringing joy and happiness to hotiHaiuhf , Hold at fifty cents a hut- lo by Ibh & MoMahon. ( Jl ) The Corvlq of GiiuuUon County. Iltiiur Trl .line. It is a well known fact that th northern division of Colorado , that i to sty the Hcction of country hin north of thu line of the South Pai railway , hns in itself very siilllcicii lignites to meet all the demand ? of if population for item-ration ? , nnd pci liap.i for centurion to como , includin thu wants of the railways nnd th mines for steam power. It h als well understood that none of thos coals , thus fnr mined , arc suitable fo coking by any process in use west o the Mississippi. Wo have the state ment , however that a company ha recently onjanifcod for the purpose o coking them by means of the nonl ; discovered Austrian method , which , i is believed , will readily convert then into coke , and which will be fully described scribed when the plnnt is laid. While nature has provided for all our want , in this direction most lavishly , otho parts of thu state have been o'-oi more abundantly favored. If tin timber on the mountain sides ( since the plains nro treeless ) were our onb dependence for fuel , it would not enl > lie very costly , but it would bo absolutely lutoly exhausted in a century or so. Indeed , within thu short period o : settlement in the principal mining dis tricts the greater pait of thu limber for uiles nbout them has been destroyer jy forest tires , or consumed by the ) eople. Were there not an inexhnus- iblo supply of splendid carbon so distributed throughout the hnbitnblu ) ortions of the state ns to be cheap ! } ) lnced within the reach of all , the irospeet for the future would be al- nest appalling. Thu southern half of our great commonwealth is equally well provi- led for in the matter of < | imutity , vith the advnntngo of bettor quality , or much of thuuonl in that sect ion is oadily convertible into coke. Thou- audi of toim of this conuuiuliiy are undo there for use in manufactories if various kinds , but chiully for smelt ng gold and silver ores. Yet in the egion known ni thu Gunnison , ox- ( Hiding far beyond any lines of civil- /ed settlement yet formed , them is oal enough to supply the whole Amor- can continent for centuries. Furtli- rin'oru , it id of the finest bituminous nd anthrnuito varieties. It is heliuv- d that thu anthracite bedj of that re- ion mo of equal , if not 'renter ux- ent , than thudu qf Pennsylvania , nnd lie bituminous liuiuh huger. Thcao bituminous nnd anthracite otnmtionB xtcnd from the eactern lopes of Mounts Carbon nnd Whet tone , in Gunnison county , north nnd vest throughout thu greater part of lint county nnd thu vast auction known s the Ule Indian reservation. Tn his region a large number of streams joar the mime of Ooal creek. The tithrncite bed's ' idturnato with the > iHmiiiioUB nil over the country. The > rincipal discoveries , however , are on Jock creek , near its hu.d ; on some of he tributaries of Slntc river , east of lubycampj'on Anthracite river , south- vest of Irwin , and on Anthracite reek , west of Irwin , a distance of bout sixteen miles. Semi-anthracite s found on Coal crook , n branch of \nthrncite. The bituminous vario- ies are on Slate river ; on Coal crook , no of its branches ; on Ohio crjek ; on 2anon creek , a branch of Ohio ; on the ewer portion of Coal creek , n branch of Anthracite , and in the formation ) olow Anthracite , on the North Fork f Guunisou river. These formations lao extend north n"d west. The anthracite veins nro from three o Hoven feet in thickness , and thu lituminoim from iivo lo eight feet. STo extensive developments have oc- urrcd , as there has been no marketer or these products beyond thu needs f the local population. Both the South Pnrlc and Denver t Rio Grande railways will inivurse lie batter portions of theo enormous oal fields , All except the anthracite takes splendid coke , the beat thus fnr iroduced from any four Colorado oals , except possibly , those of the outh park , nt Como. In the course f time , as the country grows , as mil- ays aru extended and tlio freights hcapened , wu ahall bo shipping the products of thuNO fields , anthracite ind coke , not only to our own largo jenters of population , but. to the tor- fitories west and the Missouri and Miesiusippi utates cast of Colorado. rhore is no reason why we nhould not n-entually compete with Pennsylvania n thu Missouri mid Mississippi val- eys. Arrangements are in pi ogress for hu construction of it Inrgu number of looking ovens in thu ( iiimmon lold.s , just as anon as the railways diull bo completed to the first of the ; ories. Of course when anthracite : an bo laid down in Denver for eight to ten dollmy per ton , it will bu very lurgoly preferred to the softer coals for doimis'.ic use , and this supple menting the manufacturing demand , will BOOH create a very heavy and lirofitablo new trallio for the roadn. [ < "oreacoiii { Ilicso events , many of our local capitalist ) * , and of course the railroad , nre saiming their attention ictively to thu organisation of schemes laving that end in view. It is clear : o our mind , Innvuviir , that no pri- , 'ao ( ventures , not connected with thu railway companies either directly or : > y iron clad con tract B for transput ta- .ion , can HCCCUUI ! in competition with inch po wet fill bodies who control the Markets nnd the rondo to them. Jt ia .he business of thcEo companies o nmlu : nil the money they can , Every railroad man sees the tromuii- lous ImrvoHtii obtainable from mining ind Hhippini' coal from their own > : mks , and it may bo set down as a 'act , that many tracts of choicest coal amis weiu secured by them when heir lines weru surveyed into ihat jountry , In Good Spirits. T. WalkiT , Cleveland , O. , wiltf : "For lit ) hiht tweh'u months t Imvo Htilffrcd vith hmihuKo nml general dublllty. ] iiiMimcnctd tnkfnx Him lock IHood Hittci-H ibout ttiv ui'ukH UK'S nml now Imvo K't'-it ' ileusuru in titatiiix Unit 1 Imvo rruovurud ny appetite , my umipluxlim IUIH frown inldy , nnd 1 fee ! huttvr altogether. " Piicu M.OO , tiinl hiz 10 fi-ntH. HyifictHlw ) | HetaskaLand Agency DAVIS & SHYDER , 606 Farnham Qt . Omaha , Nebr.ukn 0,00 , ! ari.ully itlocUxl land In Maitcrn Nobrmka lot ale. Urcut ILirtfuliib In lui ) > ro > nl ( anna , ami ) iiuliaclt/rujK.rty. | > . F , 1 > AVIH. WWOTKIl ONVIir.ll , Latu LanJ tVni'r U. I1 , ii. _ , t.\ \ > Mill ianufacturing Company , -MAKKRS OK THE- Finest giver Plated Spoons and forks. The only nnd original Ann of is giving for instance Rogers Bros. stance a single All otir Spoons , F o r k s n n d plated Spoon , a Knives plated triplethiokno- with the greatest plate only on of cnre. Each the sect'io _ B lob being hung on a acalu while where expo d being plated , to to wear , theruby insure a full deposit making a single posit of silver on plated Spoon them. wear as long ana We would call a triple plated especial attention one. tion to our sec- Rival. Orient Tiuuod. All Orders In the West thoulil bo Addressed ta L B. 11UBE Wholesale Jeweles , OMAHA , NEB. 1 614-616 TENTH STREET. STREET.HP HP ! V M OE-- * * \ rf7 f\f BUBIM THE MOM OF SEPTEIBEi Onr hiiyor in now in the cnntcrn markets making important purchases of 'all and Winter Goods , and in order to make room , wo ofl'er our WHOLE STOCK nt Lower prices . than was over before attumptud in Omaha. I lot Black Casluiieres , all wool , 40 inolios wide , 50,05,75,85 , , , and 05 cents , 1 Lot English Cashmeres , all colors , roducoil to 371-2 oonts , I Oaso Prints , now styles , 014 cents , , ; . , / ; 5 Bales Unbleached Muslins , H ' " " - 4 Cases Bleached Muslins. . , , - & ' , ' * ? ' 6 Bales Bed Comforts and Blankets , * * - , - . * * , * ! l All at Manufacturers' Prices. Ladies' and Ciont'a Merino Underwear , 50 , 05 , 75 cents ami 81.00 each. ' SHOE DEPARTMENT. This department is worthy of special attention. Our stock is all now , and " ur prices twenty per eont. lower limn any Shoo Store in Omaha. Store open every evening till 0 Saturdays till 10. P ; G. IMLAH , Manager , Leader of Popular Prices. . _ , _ .L1 _ _ _ THE GREAT WESTERN CLOTHING HOUSE. HELLMAN & CO M. , , Suits ! All Styles I IMMENSE STOCK'AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Ik Largest Olothing House test of Chicago- A Department for Children's Clothing. Wo have now an'assortmont of Clothing of all kinds , Gent's in and stock of Trunks , .t furnishing Goods great variety , a heavy Valises , Hats , Caps , &o. These goods are fresh , purchased from ho manufacturers , and will bo sold at prices lower than ever ofore made. We Sell for Cash and Have but One Price. A largo TAILORING PORCH is employed by us , and we in SUITS TO ORDER on very abort notice. o 4.x.ic * uSOKrca IEJZSDEJerst. . 301 and 1303 Farnham St. , cor. 13th O. H. BALLOU , ' DEALER IN- , . .r . Lath and Shingles , f Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks north of ST. PAUL. AND OMAHA DEPOT. jylo < ul > 3ai.