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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1881)
N OMAHA DAILY BEE. SATUBDA APGUST 8Tt 1881. THE DAILY BEE. Saturday Morning , Auff , 27 LOCAL BREVITIES , Patterson Bells coal. ftet your hats nt I > one' . Sxe' Ortam Sods still boeimlntf. 600 business lots. Call on Betnis. 1000 residence lot' , Bcrnlx , ogcnt. . Doa't forget Save' * for | * rfumery. 250 heat i and lots. Beinis' agency. BcmU' real estate boom. First pags A. W. NA'orj , Dcntlot , Jacob's block. Warranted Tooth Brushes ftt Kuhn's. Bends' new map of Omaha , 23 cents. aw farms and 000,000 acres of land llemfo , agent. The Lion continues to roar for Moore's ITnrnc * < and Saddlery. For FINE Commercial Job Printing , ill at THE DER Job rooms. PrcHcriptions a specialty , Opera House Pharmacy , 2lS. . loth Street. The Oniahft mctlicnl college is receiv ing ft ( food many inquiries from nil over HIP sUte. H5ghe tca h price paidfprsccond-lwnd furniture Abraui'n & l.ewlt' , 1121 Doug. A tare clmnco to obtain a businr N , See special column. Kn'mirc at Nouth 14th street. . tf A heavy irtipjof ! brick and lumber lini the street fronting uhat is tn bo the HHW ( hand Central hotel. ft , rV -Itdvtanl Corner , who wai accidentally Mllexl Thursday , wan buried yesterday at 2 o'clock tn Prospect Hill ccmctciy. -Yesterday the heavy cornlcei wcro being placed In position abote llic front fmirlh'story of Iloyd's opera hoitfc. " Michael McCarty , w ho had his hand hvllyhurt at the rolling mill two weeks sgo , Is in a rather bad way , an abces i hav ing formi-J. Dr. 1'eslwly hopes to sa > e the hand. The large colored drawings of the original nnd modified plans for the new court house are on exhibition In the dis trict court room. They arc object * of conndera1)le ! cnriosty to citbeus generally. A man from Indlanopolis , Ind. , ar rived in Omaha yesterday for the pmvoso of buylnff aO,000 , bushels of csm to feed Iiia own utoo.k nt that .place , lie nays tint ho heard of Omaha in a grain market .wi came here In preference to any other point. point.A A nmn employed at Witteg'n beer hall ju b r-kecper WIIH thrown from n , buirgy a fowilujfl ave and had hix hhoulder dl"lo- cttn < l. l.Vrof. -Vrof. E. Bchultz , late miln violinist at KtraxHhcr , has joined the Musical Union orchtntraof this city. I'd. Uioste , lately first cornetint of Hoffmaii'H orthestrii , is Miioiher recent odilltion. .John Wearne , of the firm ofVeiriie ( tf rtons , w ho was BO badly fcaldi'd on thu far \Vexlneiday last , is progreHnlng very favorably andis now able to le-ntiniu i < . Ills faeo is btlll conslilvntbly I f nun the effect of the tcaM. PERSONALS. J BllcUensderfer , chief engineer of the U. 1' . , uent w st ychteixlay. K. i'\.4 Jolitihnn , of this city , is ut thu | irfM.'tit time.nojournlng in San rrtmulxco I ) . Howes , gemnal western imsxcnger iiK ttt of the Chicago & Alton mad , IK in J he city. / T. U. IMper , formerly employed as a tiuv'ftlitu' inun for TiiK IKI ! : , Is now a con ductor'on tlio Pullman line of sleeping N. B. J'alconur , of thih city , landed in Now York on- Tuesday of this week on bin \vay homo from IIH ! tuo-months init in fiootland. \V. ir , IjuniH , cleric of thcdlHtiictcotiit , liaa returned frora the Hot Hpringn con- Mldorably improved in health but not en tirely nell. VV. 0. Pittengor , formerly a rctddent of Onmlia and connected with the U , P. , but now Htatloned nt ICansnu City and fin- liloyed BH a locomotive engineer on the Mimourl Pacific IK in the cttyjesteriluy Jii * wny westward. He ttnyn Onmhiv has unv > w iinderf ully. A. 5. Mitnh , of Ketl Cloud , in in the city. ITon. H.T. Clarke , of Delleiiuw , N at IheWithnell. O. 1) . Mnckey , of Jersey City , N. .1. . is in the city \ hltlng friend * . A. M. Fergiwon , of Uen er , Cpl. , r- rivet ! in Omaha ytbtcrday afternoon , V. U Seoley , from Tltuoille , POHII. , in iu the city and staying at the \Vlthnell. . ( Iwrge Sickles , of New York City , ur. rived jefct-nlay aftemwn and It ! quurteivd Hlthe-\yitliBt-U. < r * MI'SHVoodiw McUoftuick and Muster .Inlin MoCynnjak j nrrlveil home yenterUaj fruin AtlanticfClty. nrtil otlier iKjliiCH lii Meyer and wife re from Lake M tone tonka. 4 Mr. ' MeyeVfay Ui change from blanket * untl'ttovvfln JiUnnc.otn to the frightfully wann Vfstlier exiierlenoeel ' here jentpj-ilay wa | . HuJdn'i'as JtVaV uiiii'catant , ' Clifford and Oall&j'Iier , of Klnghaiiit it , W , Y. , the former the winner and holder of thoclimujilounhlj ) , IxU tor ground nnd lofty tumbling t I the iuU-rnMtonal mln > Ut Inlhjliultljihla | thrtjet jews ago , ire with VorepnughV ctrciu , uhlch cxhlbltd fir re to-day , iUm. A uutnber of prominent 0. , It , & Q. ofll- ciils were In the city yeterdny on m.f . ne. < . Among .them were T , J. Potter , manager ; K. P , lilpley , general freight ; spoilt ; Thomas Miller , dnUion fi eight Hvut ; P. Ixmell. general ticket and pas. > * D er agent , and W. p.Vhite , Mr. Put. UVs prate ( becretarv , .1. . i.i . TRUE TO HER TRUST. Tx > tnuch cannot bo said of the ever faithful wife and mother , con- atontly wiitchlng nnd caring for her der oiieg , never neglecting a .single duty in their bohidf. When they ire Aiwilod by disease , and the system iihould have a through cleansing , heed stomach and bowels regulated , od jiuritied , raidarial poison > d , ho mtut know that Electric Bitters are the only euro remedy. They are the best and purest medicine in hold wudd , juid only cost fifty ctuita. Bold by lab & McMahon. * . . . { ) Jtj THE RACES. All the Entries for the Moot ing1 Across the Bivor. Firnt Ut of Any Kind That HM Yet Boon Pnl > li 1 > od- The trotting races which begin in Council Dlultti on Tuesday next nnd last for five days promise to bo quite .in event. About sixty running horses liavo already arrived there and more than that mitnbgr of other horses. The list of entries HO far as irmdo will prove of great interest to Omaha people , and as they liavo not been published on cither side of the river Tin : BEE takes pleasure In pro- .tailing Ihcm. The first race on Tuesday is fur the 2:27 : cla.Hs , the purno being § 500. The seven entries'arc : , "Wash Corbin , Chicago , 111. , Corbin Bashaw ; Kdwin Bither , Ilacino , Wis. , Edwin B. ; W. L. Beck , Chicago , 111. , , J. A. Bachelor , Mattie Graham ; B''J. . Johnson' , Creston , la. , Fairmountj Marie Hopkins , St. Clair , Mich. , Ethal Medium-and A. D. Darson , ICansas City , Mo , , 1'ino Ceaf. ' ' The second race in for Iho 2:50 : class , purse 8300. Thofo are twelve entries un follows : J. H. McDoug- hall , Doniaon , Tex. , Clarence II. : T. 0. llobcrts , Kearney , Kan. , Orphan Boy ; A. Ilartnoy , Council BluTs ( , ttaJ Jack Poregoy ; Win. D. Ei my , Couniu cil Bluils , Sleepy Frank ; W. d. Neal , Chaunteo , Ivnn. , Phillips Blaekwood , Jr. ; Kennedy Packard , Rod Oak , la. , Trampoline ; Wash McCallutn , Ne braska City , Neb. , Farmer Boy ; E Daggert , Ottumwa , la. , Brown Dick ; W. W. Aldason , Kans.w City , Lady Kern ; A. J. Ingorham , Cheycnno , Olifdon ; nnd J. W. Nibble , Fullerton , Neb. , Almont Raven. Wednesday's first race is for the 2:30 : class for n § 500 'purse. There are six entries , viz. : 0. D. Wilson , Missouri Valley , la. , Little Sioux ; J. . A. Batcholor , Mattie Qraham ; B. J. Johnson , Creston , Iowa , Fairmont ; Mark Hopkins , St. Glair , Mich. , Ethel Medium ; D. L. Cawon , Kansas City , Mo. , Sam Patch , and W. L. Halliday , Prince , There are cloven entries for the 2'J8 : class , the purse being $ 'JOO. They aie : W. S. Cook , Dallas , Tex. , Mattie Thompson ; .1. AV. Jacobs , Lincoln , Nob. , Colorado ; John B' Wolfs , Ottumwa , Iowa , Gen. Garfield ; G. J. Fuller , Billy Bashaw ; Cook , Chicago , III. , lletite ; Mark Hopkins , St. Clair , Mich. , Lucreco ; A. A. Bombock , Kansas City , Mo. , Sleepy Dill ; Henry Loughlin , Ilacino , \Vis. , Kitty dlyio ; W. C. Calkins , Galesburg , IllTJlady Low ; A.Barnes , West Union , Iowa , Mountain Girl ; and II. Brown , St. Paul , Minn.Chas. 'G. Hays. The first race on Thursday is for stallion * of the 2:30 : class , the purse being $ -100. The out lien , BOVOII in number , are : Wash Corbin , Gliica- go , His. , entered by J. W. Jacobs , Corbin's Bashaw ; J. F. ICinney , Ne braska City , Nob. , Alarm ; John S. Wolf Jr. , Ottumwa , Iowa , Gen. Garfield - field ; W. G. Neal , Chaunto , Kan. , Phillippa Blaekwood Jr. ; K. Packard , Rod Oak , Iowa , Trampoline ; Jas. W. Xibblo , Fiillcrton , Neb. , Almont. IlavonH. ; Hniwn , tit. Paul , Minn. , Chaa. G. Hayes. Thu second is a pacing race for the 2:25 : class. The entries nrof B. J , Johnson , Creston , In. , Lone Jack ; J. M. F. Schneider , Avoca , la. , Little Frank ; J. W. Ford , Chicago , Wonder ful ; II. D.IUS , Farmington , Tonn. , Thunder. In Thursday's first nice there are eleven entries for the U minute class , purse $200. They are : W. D. Amy , Council Blulls , la. , Sleepy Frank ; J. B. McDoitghall , Denlson , Tex. , Clarence H. ; A. W. Campbell , Dallas , Tox. , Golden Rule ; W. E. HardinKearney , , Kas , , Giay Billy ; A. Hartney , Council Blulls , la. , Jack Porogny ; W , L- . Beck , Ctii Minn. . Lucrocc ; W. L. Halliday , Hig' glnqvillo : NeiitrF.-1. ; ArJ. Ingurfiam , OhoyoiiiicpVyo. , 'Anu 'Girl $ ll > Wk B , Farmington , Tonn. , Jim Aluckii ) * ; P. L. Lucas , . St. . Louis. . . Mo. , Cyrus. ' ThS'JitJOilacorsclusV have aix' ' eii- trioa The pur o is. $300. The en- trioaa're : . , i . j * ) J , B. McDouuhall , Dcnison , Tox. , Keno ; B. J , .lohnson , Cjobton , Inwu , Lone Juokj Geo.Vi Lamb , Ci-e f < in , lovru , Little Dall ; Sam , 'ArthurIlg - ginsvillo , Mo. , Plying Oloiid ; Janici Caniibell | , IVHIIBOS City , Mo. , J a C.ij H. Daua , Farmington , Teiin. , Tliuii ; der. der.There There are at present seven entries in the free-for-all , purse § 500. The entries : ' W. A. Marlow , Fremont , Neb , . Tom Brittonj .1. 11 , Ball , Glosfor ; B. J. Johnson , Croston. la. , Soiolu ; S. 3.of II. Burke , Chicago , III. , Rose of Wushinglon ; G. D. Wilson , Missouri Valley , la , Li o Sioux ; A. M. Howe , Crcslon , la , Loafer and Annie ' i , SotiJilug Differences- Quite u lively BCOIIO occurred at the depot yesterday afternoon about four o'clock , in connection with a Fnrnham street marital misunderstanding. It appears Irom the statements made by ttitnossea to the ufl'air that the wife went down to Iho depot to induce her } lUibaiid tb como to oo'me amicable cot- tlcinent. Ho appeared unwilling to interview her , and when she had como ttilhin the range of his vision ho made tracks for another locality. She followed htm and.finally they had a short chat. Evidently the subject of conversation was not agreeable to him , for ho soon made a break from her , scooting around the buildings nnd hiding under cars to avoid her. Finally ho came out of his conceal ment and went away with his wife It ii stated that the couple liavo made up their differences and will live to- gclher amicably heroaflcr , as Ihoir business affairs demand it. A Child Bnillr Hnrt. Sjmo days since n number of chil dren wore swinging on a largo swing in Mr. Orady's yard on Thirteen Hi street ! near Jones. The owingloaded with children , was moving tp and fro with considerable rapidity when Mr. Grady's little girl , in order to stop it , sprang in front of the awing. Bho was struck . in the thigh with tcrrihlo force foj the sharp udgo of the board. The .blow knocked lior several feet and fractured her hip. The doctor in at tendance thinkB the will entirely re cover from the effects of the injury. THROUGH THE CEILING. The Way Joe Hardin Reached the Antiquarian Book Store Last evening a colored man camo- tumbling through the coiling into the Antiquarian book store , lighting upon an old gentleman who was deeply en gaged in reading a book. The Hccond floor of the rickety structure is occu pied by a colored family. It seems that last evening Joe Hardin , the col ored porter at Curry's barber shop , who is a rather heavy weight , paid them a friendly visit. Ho carelessly allowed his whole weight to rest on the floor , and the result was a frac ture of Iho boards sufficient to allow him to diop to the room below. The gontlotnan seated there , whom ho struck in his descent was not hurt but Hardin was picked up quite severely injured. Ho was at once re moved to his homo , adjoining Iho Orcighlon house. A physician who was called in found him to bo very severely bruised in different parts of the body. Ho was unable to wove about without assistance and several days will clapso before ho can appear upon the streets again. ' Wood Attention- Considerable complaint is mndc by citizens iu regard to the 'condition of thp street railroad track at Sixteenth and Cumlngs streets. The track is at least five itiohcH above the grade of the street and it is dangerous for any ve hicle to attempt to cross it oven at right angles. The water-works company in their recent excavations at Saundcrs and Cumings streets , the Mission church , removed the guard rails load ing . to the bridge. These have not been replaced and the consequence is that the approaches to tlio bridge liavo have boon left in a very dangerous condition. Persons passing there after night are liable lo moot with a serious fall at any time. The matter should DO attended to at once. Iioofrinn ; For GenEstabrooli - Oflicor Black was sweltering iu Iho noon day sun Yesterday , Irying lo find Gon. Estabrook. The policeman had a warrant in his possession , charging thu general , on oath of Jacob Schroi- ner , with renting a certain property , located at 41U North Sixteenth street , to a notorious prosti tute. It is said that thu property luii been vacated by the party who recent ly occupied it. The occupant was a colored woman. Wo guaraiitfo that "Conrad's Bud- woisnr is brewed , espm-iullv for our trade , according tn tlm liudwoisur process , of the boat S.rizcr Hogs and Bohomitin Baling and u.irutnted to keep ill any climate. ' Uk your drug- jjiatforit. OJUAHA MEDICAL COLLEGF , s stiou begins Oct. 10 , 1881 tdjl-es.1 , G. II. Avnns , M , IX , Sec. " The Xmst of Throe- , Jacob 1'otcridn , aged tn'eny'thb last of n bart 'of thrco Swedes , wlio recently came | o ilua co'it ry , dipd last night nt St. Jonojih'ti hospital. M l ' ° uur' ' ° " 4 o'clock in the Douglas c6uity | cemetery. OAK LOAD OF MELONS > T uuuhiviui , vvmuir wiLi UK Hor.iiT LOW nauiiKB. COMS AI > airr' ' FllKSH FROM THIS PAT01T. ' ' ' \\r. M. YATKS , k ' MOHSK1S SELLING Shoos cheap to make room for now goods to arrive. Largo stock to colect. from at reduced prices , J-ith and Farohau ) . WftrdVolovR. I will sit for re'tjisti-.Uion of votura Monday , the fjth day of September , 18S1 , for iCgistraliou of voters of the Third \VareV , and 6ald , book will bo open at my oilier , 1321 P u las ut northeast corner of Fourteenth , NVjI-Ifc IIR'lLlSY. . . ' augSltosfi ATTENTION , A Bpuctal mooting of the Omnha Plustorerd will bo held at their hall next Saturday evening. All nro ro- ( juoatod to bo priwont. JJy oi-dor committee. JAM us Soorutiiry , "BLACK-PnAUGHT- toatho- neii * and c , r r.ooui a . HOTTER THAN HOTTEST. That is What the Thermomey. tera Ind.cato for YeaterDay. The Fallacy of Simply Sprinkling Thoroughfare * . Yesterday wai the holiest yet ex- pcricnccd this year. While thcro was a brisk wind blowing at the rate of twonly miles per hour , il was never- tholoss like the breath of Iho Sirocco. There has boon no businessv done or labor performed by Omaha - live. On Tcnlli street the dust , which lies tea depth of four indies , was raised by the wind in clouds which completely obscured everything in Iho street. People in carriages and street cars suffered as much from the dust as from the heat. At various places about town thermometers took up ward shools at a very early hour Yes terday. The signal service at 5:45 a. m. showed 70' , and at 9-lo : it had gene up to ! MV" . This has boon the first time that it lias indicated so high a temperature at this early hour in the day. At half-pnst one o'clock it reached the htahcHt point it , has at any itimilur hour in the day this season , viz. : slight')1 over , 100' . Max Meyer's thermometer , lit 7 o'clock a. in. , showed 70 ° ; at 10 o'clockj 05 ° , at 12 m. , 100 ° , and at 2 p. m. , 102 ° . Others indicated similar figures. Tlio wind and of Yesterday dem onstrated one thing pretty plainly , ana that h it is impossible to lay the dust simply by sprinkling a few streets running from east to west. Tin sidostrcats usually need most attention. The prevailing winds hero in the summer are from the south and consequently quently no matter how well cither Farnliam or Douglas streets are wetted down they will be overwhelmed with dust clouds from the side streets unless these also are sprinkled. This is practically demonstrated by Iho condition of Tenth street. The Rural Now Yorker observes : The best pcuplo vote for the best man ovcrv time. And judging by the number 03 the tit. Jacobs Oil constit uency , that is the best remrdy for rheumatism known. Prof. Tico among others says BO. Itonl Estate Transfers' The following transfers were re corded at the county clerk's office yesterday , as reported for this paper by John L. McCaguo , real estate agent and conveyancer : Charles E. Fisk to Peter O'Malley , o A ' lot 15 , in block 5 , in Sweeney's ad'd. , west division : § 500. Charle.1 W. Burgdorf to William Cleburno , n % lots 9 and 10 , in Kountzo's add. , west division : § 2,100. Joseph Gilbert to Henry Astiuan , parcel in s w \ section 0 , township 15 , ran. 13 east , west division8240. . 1) 's Leiflers to Andrew Ford , lot ' lit , ii lock 8 , Kount/.e and Ruth's add. , jst division : § 3,000. Orvi o C. Bowen to Eliza A. Towle , loll ) , I ulloiu's add. , west division : § 1,000. IMPIETIES A IY e ( not over tweho years old gut away , ith a iiaekago of new testament * in Nuv Voik the ; other day. More " \iiission.irios nro wanted in tlio South 1'acifia Islumln. The native * have been reduced to uuch extremities that o\ou iiallorg are eaten with gunto. It in odiclnlly announced that umbrella attract linlitniu . - They also attrac the clmnco pafisor-by when reclining ? ran- qullly in the vestibule of a church , Thu Quaker * of Lynn , MUSH. , liad . . quarrel and one Friend was no demniiHtra- two in hid actlonn that the brethren think the spirit that moved him wag that o Mime deceased prizu flchter. The Rev. W , II. Delano , a noted Ohio prohibitionist , drank a beverage in a Columbus saloon which he nays was root beer , but which the barkeeper * and ! < } stunden declare to have been ale. and stiff old stock lit that. Sin Franciuco ulmrns cover a Rood silver coin with tin foil , so it will not rlna when throw n on the bar , and then win lotn of money from exports who bet heavily that it is counterfeit. Moody didn't ( mite btriku bcdroct when ho prospected for nil on the count. It in n sorrowful fact , reniarkn UK. Cotiiler-Jotirna ) , that the bar-rooms am more honest with their lemoni than the temperance picnics , but the bar-rooms hayi an ( utahlUhcd business and can afford ti bit Hood. The picnlo Is a great uncurtain ty , liable to be o > ert kcn by rain water. A hcapo loco crll > e , whoso veracity fccemu to lit ; Miinewhat out of repair , say i tliut at n t > ] ilrltuul beance in Chicago an editor was ( old that a departed friend tie sired to tijieak to him. The connectlor wa > made. And the friend proved Je > bo n former editor whi dwiieu to ay u few ! word * , lie said be desired to Inform iU old ( lulinmient subscriber ) * who bad pro ii- Ui'd t < > bring in wood on subscription , that they needn't do it , as the manage mcnt \ \ here ho waif urnlshed the fuel. tele hniil they might bend ioe , however. Vol umiid could not say more. When Tlmro's "Will There' * Way. Anyone who him the will to try TIIOIIAB ' Kci FcrnipOiL will surely Jindlhewavti rohtift healtd , In cases of bronchial fttfec - tioiiH , sere throat , pains , etc. ; and as on Internal remedy it in Invaluable , codlw. The Now City Directory soon lo bo boned will bo the mos | thorough and complete of any director ; over issued for Omaha. People win Imvo recently come to the city , or those who liavo recently changed the ! icsidenco or boarding place , shouli send their now address at oneo to J. il.Yolfo , 120 8 * Fourteenth street , corner Douglas , co that their name ; esr will appear in the how directory cor - when issued. All persons iudobtod to the undersigned - signed will please call at tjio old stand 1416 Douglas btroet and pottle fheir bills before September 15th. If not soltled by Ihat Ijmo will bo given oul for collect iun , auij2Bt J. F. SUEHY et Co Other Side of th * 8ier > ' - Mrand Schult , a juatico of ' 'IC ' neaco in Douglas prccinclf called At . THF lir.E office yesterday in regard loa charge of assault and battery pre ferred atjaiiiBl him by Edward Augus tus , which wtts tried before Justice Ilrandcs yesterday. He denied the statement made by Augustus thai he had fired at him anda party of friends. Schult ( says lie was getting homo from n little hunting . ing trip and these parties insulted him but ho paid no heed them. lie wonl lo his own house , withdrew the shot from his gun and discharged the powder to clean it out , That was all that was in the matter. Justice Brandos was seonyesterday in regard lo his disposition of Iho case. Ho said tlbi weather was lee hoi lo gather his brains together , HO he wouldn't give a decision < for a few days. POLICE COURT. _ . i Justice Meted Out to Small Offenders. A suspicious character claiming to hail from Lincoln , who was arrested by Ofllcer Donohae Thursday appear- ed bofoic the police court and pleaded guilty to certain specific charged made ag.ilnsl him , The principal witness in the case was n little boy of Ion years of age. Judge Bcneko gave the follow , who refused to toll his nairto , the fullest penalty of the law. He was fined $5 and costs and sent to jail fern n period of sixty days. Cora Jones and Minnie Itosa had a pitched b.ittlo at the corner of Twelfth and Douglas streets Thursday , Both looked considerably dilapidated when they appeared before Judge Bonokc ycstcrduy. After listening to the stones , the court fined Cora Jones and costs , and Minnie Ross $2 and costs. John M. Cowin was fined $3 and cost for disiurbing the peace. As mentioned in Thursday's issue a Swede named J. lloss was arrested for threatening to kill his wife and little child. Judge Beneko yesterday sent the man to jail for twenty dayn. BEI/GIOUS. Mr. Moody goes to Kngliitnl ne.Nt month. Ticro ( are 324 UaptM churches , with about 20,000 members , in Floiida , con nected with which are ( iOOSunday schools. Bishop Hurst says that Methodism in Iowa it creating churches at the rate of one a fortnight. Its state membership it about 80,000. A wealthy Gcnnim Jtaptist has bought an old convent on the island of Capii , Italy , and n , small Baptict church has been organized there. The Firiit Oouijregfttiotial church at Denver , Col. , has jn t completed its new edificu at a cost of 49,200 , and dedicated it entirely free from debt. Henry \VardHeechor'n vncationthia year huts from July 18 to October 2 , and no is Hr > endiiij'the most of it at the Twin i ami- tain house , North Conway. Statistics from cloven states riiow that wane tliere are in tlicin 71 ! ) vacant Presby terian churches there nre only 351 minis ter * without congregations. Congregationalism ueeius to flourixh in the went as well as in New Kngland. Thirty-two churchot have been organised in Michigan in the last two yearn. The t card of foreign inissionti of the Ite formed ( Dutch ) church will hold a genera ! missionary conference , in Albany , Octobei 1'2 and 13 , to celchnvto the Hftjuth yt-ar of the work of the church in foreign missions. Ifcv O. B. Frothinglmin. who has np < iit two jeaw in thotouth of Europe , is now in Scotland. He has recovered hishvnlth. In September he will tail for New York , where he will engage ) in litcraiy work , l > ginning with a biography of George Rip- ley.I . I lany of the church patient ot Englnne are calling for the re-establishment of th. fee of Westminster , which wax unu of tlm six new sees founded by Henry VIII. , am' subsequently supprcsHed in the reign of Kdwnrd VI. , when nearly a'l Its endow ment and patronage Was transferred to the bishop of London. Mont of the. Lutherans in the Baltic provinces , in Rusalo , have preaching in the German ; but them useil to he a- con gregation ot 5,200 in Kronstadt to whom won necessary to preach in five different languages , now reduced to three through a cllv laion. The Lutheran churches are now generally introducing the Russian tongue in their worship and schools The solemn and Impresslve cereinony o ! thu consecration of thu Itev. KilianFlanch , of St. Francis Seminary , near Milwaukee as bishop of La Cnwse , took rlace August 24 at Po None college. Thcru was a very large attendance ) of church dignitaries present , there beting no less than eleven representatives of the epis copate , including the Mont Key. Arch * bishop HelaH , coadjutor of the digcese ol Milwaukee1. Bishops Grace of Minnesota. Unenger of Fort Wayne , KrouUiauer ot Green Bay , Q'Connor of Omaha , Heuties sy of Dubuque , McMullen of Davenport Verelen of Marquette , Seleienbach of St John * , Minn. , and Abbott Kdelbiock principal of the Minnesota Benedictlu order , and about two hundred and fift : visiting and resident clergy. The ele\a tion of a priest to the episcopal il'gnlty i at all times one of the grandest and mos Imposing ceremonies of the Catholic hier arcliy. The ceremony was jrcrformeel h ; Arclilil hoi ] Hel s , asuUted by Bishop Grace , of Bt. 1'aul , and Krautbuuer , o Green Bay. WANTKP A girl for goueral houst work in a family of two , RKVKK KNCKH HKQUIHKD. Inquire at Mr s. N d. Edholm , Twenty-fifth and Chicago Steady work to a good girl , tf Sixth Ward Voter. OMAHA , Neb. , August 25 , ' 81. Notice is hereby given that I wil ait at my store , No. 1022 Cumin street , between 20th and 2Ist , nort aide , ou Monday , September the fitli 1881 , for the purpose of rcgisteriiij legal voters of said ward. 0. 0. FIELD , llegistnir Sixth Ward , aug'J5-s5th "WINEOFCARDUI" four tiruej day ma km a happy household. OAll LOAJ ) OF MELONS JUB UKUEIVKHV1UC11 WILL BK SOLD JIT MW funnies. COME AND OKT SOM FRKSH FUOJI THE PATCH. W. M. YATKS. HOSPITAL ADDITION , Ten Thouaanu Dollars to bo Raised to > 7uildit' The committee tloviso appointed U > ways and means for raising a funrt " ficiont ( o build the addition to St Joseph's hospital met last evening nt Hon. J. M. Woolworth's office. Mr. Wool worth suggested that a committee - too bo appoinled to raise § 7,000 for Iho erection of Iho building , Mr. \VebstcrSnyder thought that inasmuch as estimates on the construction of a building always fell short of Iho rca ) cosl , thai 810,000 bo raised instead of § 7,000. Mr. Frank Murphy looked al Iho matter in the same light , and made a motion to the effect that the amount bo changed from § 7,000 to $10,000 , and Ihat a committee be ap pointed to raise the latter amount. Mr. Snyder then moved Ihat Judge Woolworlh , the chairman of the committee , bo empowered to select the necessary com mittees to solicit subscriptions in the city. The resolution was adopted. The hospital will bo an addition . dition . to the present St. Joseph's hos pital nnd will receive patients without regard to religious connections. Any crson who desires the attohdancc of minister other than of the C.itholic aitli can liavo one of any donomina- on ho may desire. All persons will o treated whether able to pay for lodical services or not. "The Revere House Council Bluffs s the best second-class hotel in the vest. " augl7-lm The Merchants and Manufacturers Union to-day issued the following : o nhom it way concern : In accordance with a resolution doptcd , thu members of the Mer- hauls and Manufacturers Union of Nebraska , are hereby requested to bstain from doing any business on Sunday. All members of the union vho shall violate this resolution in hat regard will bo expelled from the ininn. And all such persons , who shall iolato the existing Sunday laws to > o found in section 241 , criminal ode ot Nebraska , will be prosecuted. Jy order of the union. E. II.KK , CHAS. KAUKVANX , President. Secretary. Forh years'trial tupro\rt"BLACK- ( _ DRAUGHT" the best liver medicine in lie vurld. At F C. ' SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Adv crtlsuncnt To Loan , For Sale , x t. Fount ] , Wants , lloardlm ; , &e. . will be in- crtccl In thtwi columns onto for TEN CEJTJS cr line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVKCUNT3 llns. The first Insertion never less limn WJNTYFIVK CENTS TO LOAN _ MONEY. MOKEV TO LOAN Call at L-iw , Office of D. L. Tlioum Kooiii S. Crulchton llloc ) . . S50.000 To loan at from S to 10 per cent , . on Ktxxl real estatc eeiirlty , liy UK. IdrtAO KUU'AUIM , HIM ) Farnhani St. TO LOAN At 8 per ccntin. . tcrest In 8um of $ ir-W ami ipwnrde.for J to fijiiiars. on llrt-ela 9 dt > and arm projicrty. Ilrvm llr.Ai , KUTATK and Lo\x ACIK.SC.T , 15th and HELP WANTED. ) - Hoarders anil lowers , 2015 Hurt I'rnatu ilwilllnjr , homelomfortt ) . TH1 , ! H NYI'.D 0 dining room slrh , ut tlio Oi > - ( Klcntnl Hotel lin mediately. TsO-tf WANTtD WiiliiK room jjlrl at north A t-orner l"th and Capitol A o. 77U-vil ; . -A n t-eUsstook , iniihtliatdaro- WANJT.JI . J. W. AN Krr.J110 Ows fit. 777-31" WA.STUli An unfunilclicd room , not fur fromiwit office. AclJrtes , t tat In , ' | iree ! , Mr. 1' . < i. U. , Jteo office. 78i-i7 ! A | xft > l table to rent ; with | irl\l- CKO of jiurelmslML' . State price. A'MruM (1E . I KM A ! ' , 451-tf "Vail , Crawford Co. , Io a. WANTKP-Fundliu' brldirr and adiool Iwndi. ' II. T. Clark , Belief ue. 26-tf ANTED-CliutniKrmald and laiindrcsn. BtltLlW Wages * 0 per month. Apply ut 2 OS Hurt BtltLl ' , tuii1o lianil'Jlst. 7Ci-tl ANTEP-Trtnflrnt-eHMbrUk.lajvr * . Aji WA.VTE ply at Ike blllie. 7 JU WAN'IKD A good Klrl ' r uuieral liotue- HOrk. Must be ui.'Oo < I iook. wunlur and roner ; at 1.118 Ciua St. , lift. IMh und loth. 7CO-27 'ANTED To rent houxu with U or fcrnt-n roning ; miut bu In uood locatlim. Address 1'ttcr T. Mnrtln , at A. n > n 'n oltlce , city. 771-27 * WANTKIt- for Kin rullioium\ork : miut ( uruUhtModrufcnnca. Apply touthucut comer ICtli ftinl llaniev. iIU8Apply . 775.20 WA rerp Unrfntm at 0 | > era corner ' IMhmid ritrnlinniMa. HI \i TAN'TCl ) lioo.1 lilmkMuUli for cnti of the \ \ l > itt ton-Hi Iu tlie r mntry. itrewlwoik. . Applj to UoUn M ( .iiigwuftly , 14tli ht , " ' " " TTITANTEU Hn tUMiuiuiliirry ) anil liouw yV "urk iiMilikreildre s hniton i , l .i , Lliu-oln Iron \V rk _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "SI7 Goo I fueoiul i'lrl , Ht IblS Clilca-o WANTKIK ' tit. Cloo4 atif ! jwld. JM-tf T'A > TKll A girl for general IIOUDO work , at 7 0 tl WANTED TO TIIAIIIi-Almost ne topside bar buinry for a pluiton. Huuitlra at live Ortlcf. aifl-tt ANTED A e'emmtent workman , ouo that , . iindintiiuUallVlnd ot work , suclia one an find steady \\ork and good va.'ei. lly writ- IntforcMliiiKun W. V , Clark , at ilaplct-on , la. No druiiVard neotl a | > lf , , ' WANTKIl-OIrl for Eeticrul housework In small f.tmly ! atMOIUlhHt. FOR BCNT HOUSES AND LAND. EOU BKNT-i'iiniUlicd room , S. W , Cor. 10th kud UaDxirt | NU. 781-tf "IT'OH KENT Cottage of 3 rooms on 23d ttreut , I > i ! blocks south of St. Muri' * A\t. Enquire of U. W. Kennedy , U12 tiou h lath Bt. 770 20 * OK UKNT Two [ urnliliod or uiilurnUhed _ roonu , tltoAji ; 511 10th bt , but. lion an ! uul ftckfcon. TMI.OO , riOIl rtKNT Uouso ot teten rooms , eclUr , 1 } well , eUtcrn and bth-rooin ; veil lovatud , llrkt-eli s eonJltloii. Ennulre No. 23 southwest comer 5th and Ifcu eupcrt Sts. 763 SO F IOIl WENT-Oue room with board , 1608 Call. foniU iitruot. 73i-tf 1OH KENT \ tuo-ctory bouM of 7 rooms with 1 ; nUUtt , on Shcnuiui A\v. Apply at IJcrrlH'f let-d toro , S07 8.12tU 8t , 7 i-tl SPEOIAL HOTIOES-Oontuned OU RUNT NM furnished room * . t Ml , 17tli ttrcct. " 43 tf n.KNT KIczuitfurnUtxHt rooms. Eouwn JL' alia priec , liilck home , 2013Co. < u St. C23 U "l on HUNT Iloii'c of re\cn roonn , Utftien , JU etllar , clstirn , veil and bnrn , on South Ave * niic ncxttoeoiHOith > rwlilfiice- Enquire At llthandFiirnliamfitr J , J01I.NSON , C02tt "TTlon nKNT-tAtgc barn. Inquire at 181S Chi. "KNT-A nlocl ; fiirnMir.1 front room for Fan erne S011"1" : " . t 1210 llownnJ utrcf U KHUf _ _ _ _ - . . roonu o rr tto - rfl ecr. 10th mil Dodge trcttn " SALE. A 1 TMTiwmier * * M.k lr plcl-llng purixwei" , di > Am.ra7m TotsWy iliios. m.ra7m . tVti . . 7J-II , anil h r- luiatty man ncv , .t Apply . . . at tlm i , U. V. blodt , 1 1ll | _ 704-tf JTIOIl SALK- m chancH ) to Jnrm. ' " ' > { < csWilUh-ilra trade. Will sell \fli1nl"J evK of inercliandl e' , MtuaUil In ono ol . , Jf * ilpnlnir points on II. & M. K. ' , For l , ' . , 5 irticiilarsralloradclrtj J. II. Llnlujcr.Wa or'J' ' cli. 74tVf ? 77101 ! SAl.ii iHfoonil nirnituroof atlnt-chiA ; hotel In a tannof 1803 Inhaliltititu , In ntato- Ktbnsl.i ; has 21 licJi ; the tra\ cling men' * ro- rt. Inqtiiro nf BKK olllco. 218-tf THOU SAtiR J'nps of Poujrlaoainl Sarrv coun- J.1 tics. A. l:03KWATElt,1620I : < ! inibam > itrcct 3'JO-tf 71011 HAMl-A fnrm of cljjlit.v acres , In pooil . ] ri | lr , ( ! oo < I liouse , 22x30 nnd ell 14x1(1 ( , nintl orihanl ( if hoarlnj trcei. One Inllo south if Ona n City , Io . on S. lfc I' . It. 1 ! . Will Ixethnuon t > artlf wished. AiMrvis K M. Ktnrn , , Neb. alOdti'4 4t 710K SAI.IA new all Icatlicr top U I'hacton n Ith k\fr\ny \ \ twlilon nnd back , at W. ' ; . ( Imtton'n rarrl-g Urn maim factor1114 , H. 5th t-t. bit. rarnham nnil Hnriicy , 707-tf Ne-at house nnil full lot , IS Mock * J from I' . O. nt $900. JOHN L. Jte-CAOCK , Tl-J-tf Opp. 1'ostotllcc. JTtOR HALK-KIno stock firm ol 400 am J good house , cattle shed , orehard ic. , with i easy rcvh of railroad. Price , $4500 , par me at 0 % . JOHN L. JlLCAOUE , Opp. Post ftli-c. 030-tf FOIt BALE Neat cottage and KOO < \ lot at - * - UM ) . JOHN I , . JUOAOUE , 0.p. . I . O. 037-tf Ort SALE On rcwonablo tcnni. A bU'ineoa .1 ; that Is pajlm ; ? 4 ( > 0 a month. Ouaront < t ien as to title of property nnd Icaxo of prantaca. nqutra nt olHcc of Sam J. Ho\\cll , 217 b. 14'n8t. . Onulia. 012 U rJlOR SALK Ilorac , bujrify and harness. Can L' bo seen at Stecnson'a C'aullol A\enuo bom 'rice ' , fcJiO. E. C. ttUS. 500-tf flOK ' SALK A llret-class milk Jilry. Inqulru this oin \ . 617-aug a7 HOUSES ANI > LAND lion-Is rents liou. * * . stores , hotels , ( amis , lots , landi , olUcoa' rooms , etc , Sec Ixt page , TTlOltSALE flood house with four rooms anil J ; half lot , No. ifllS Dodge between 2tli ( ! anil 27KO street. Good well and uli-ulo trees ; honso Iu ; ootl condition. Inq.ilrc on pri'inisca. ' 221-tf KOI J1BUEI.I.AS And I'arasois rupurwl by il. U SClimT llth and FuniiuMtn. 760W > UICIv n SALU I ) 203-tf SALUKSTABUOOK k COE. I OR SAT < G A snmll engine. 1V. . Payne 4 Son's mike. In perfect osdtr. Inquire of II. Ol Clark & Co. 30-tf MISCELLANEOUS. OMAHA Itlltl ) STOIK-Hasfor ! xlo all klniU of foreign and Domestic IlirtlH , also lilnl Fanrliry ooils ; ut Kltli bt. , lict. Uoujrlas and ' 'Jodgc. auiO-3m V BEMIS has rattling long lUts of tiousis lot lamia and faniw for sale. Call and itct .hcm. CA1.I. A'l MKS. I ! . K. CIAHKiprf : No. 1 Board In , : House , eor. 13th and Uodgo tits. Ucst ' 111 . the tlty. f,10-tf , EillS1 UE.\I.EbTATK ltOOJl.-S > cc 1st psgc. fllAKKiTUi1" EFacI lott'vltli Ijcll on. Owner JL < .in liate the mni" bv pro\inr ; ) ire ] ) rty anil ; ia > lnri-liHr ! < c . C. II. 1'KV , J nillo norUi Dint itnd Diimli Instltnti * . I72-271 STHAYKD IVoin my plarr , otilfth nnd Jack- win KtrceN , on August Oth , one rid and \\hite hell.'r , UjcsrHOliI 747-27 JT -\T711.KIE .Manufactory of paper . 1 J. > I l'0\w , U0 $ Kanihain ttruet , " rilm , Neb. a : " " CALL on or addreoi I'otter * Palmer , 40 Sonth nth xtrcct , Tounell IHulK Iowa , tor rail road tickets et , west , north and nouth. Greatly reduuKl rates on nil tk cts. Kicrj tkkit Biwr- aiitecdand tickets 1'ou lit , sold and exehan td EOUTIINB TKLI.KH ANI > MKDIUM Mr . Kllu tctlti i > n < t present , and future in lovu and all affairs She rotali tlio ( Ue | > c t NecrcUof tlio heart , bhc poc s the nugnitlc jwwer to ful Oil all jour wUlict , . Call at Ho. 1010 Chicago xtrtet , near ICtli. aiig 10 tf OST Sunday afternoon on Ilouurd St , chlld'gROld liraeclet , marked"Ethet. " Find er ulll please lea\c at llee Otllev. 673-tf B KM18' NE W C1TV MAl'dS5o. SooUt pa UTIJAVKD-Krom 2115 Ifame.V utrcet July 28 O one largebrindle co\v , 0 J vnm old , branded ou hTpulth letter "O. " Ilaii KJIMO Mlilto epota on 'icr. Any one chin , ' Infornutlon where bliula r return her will bo aultalih renardcil. W8 tf A. M. CLAHK. A ? V OXK ) iaIIIK work for a tyjic \ \ riter run Jlx ) aotonmiCHLitcil b } telei'honliij ; tliv ill : otllu- ikH tl AKKK I'l' A red COM. Owner run have tliu name bj pro\lnv' proi .ity and iahi ages. I'lJANtlrt I'.OlillUvK , Kaundcrit aiia a i St < . an' ued'.t jEMIff IIEAI , laTATB EXCHANQE. S I In pittc. rpIIKEB or four jouiis men can J. te < l M 1th board. Jti-fcreii' en eXLluiii 'eil. Ap ply 2011 Caw rtreet , 4th door ctt of inthct , Ofttddrcsa Uox 337 , pcgtolBie. 3 < 3-l . llUOWN-Corncr 12th nd OileftKO . ntri.U , U ready to bora or dtcpcn n din. Satisfaction i ; UCtf TTVONT FOH0ET "Bie 8Ue aora DI tliei Aiucr. \J lean lto < ic , on Douglas btrect ; Iretwoen Uth and 10th , for boartl , loUiluK and transient cui- tamem. U sK > ctfull > S JIILIU8 LOUlSr I \ POWD Absolutely Pure. SI de from Grape Cream Tartar. No othct arintion inakea uch light , fitly hot l > rca < l * , uxurious nutnr. Can ! > o rattn by D ) ojwptlc will out fear ol thelUi rciultinj- from huaty Indl zeit'Uc food. Bold oily ta rani. , ly oil Crwers KOYAL BAKIKOtrOWDElt CO NiwYork. i