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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILST BEE. SATURDAY , AUGUST 27 , 1881 , THE DAILY BEE. Saturday Morning , Aug. 27. LOCAL BREVITIES. Patterson sell * coal , { Jet your hats at Uoane' * . - Hwe's Cream Sodn still booming. COO buklncw lots. Call on BcmU. 1000 residence lot' , Heinle , agent. Won't forget SMO'H for irftimery. 250 hou.wi and lots. BcmlV agency. BomU1 real estate boom. Flrnt i > ag A. W. NA on , Dentldt , Jacob's block. -Warranted Tooth UruOies at ICulmN. lit mis' new map o ( Omahn , 23 cents. 200 farms nnd POO.OOO acrci of Innd llemix , agent. , The Lion continue * to roar for SFooro'a llRrno * < and Saddlery. For FINE Commercial Job Printing , ill at THK BEK Job room * . I'refcrlptlon * ft specialty , Opera Hotinc Pharmacy , 2ll B Ifitii Street. , | Tlio UrualiO medical college in recciv- ing ( \ good many inquiries from all over the nUte. Highefltcnxh price paid for Accoml-liand furniture "t Abram's & Lewi1 * ' , 1121 Doug- * } street. MO-Stf A. iare chance to obtain a good paying btminem. See. ppccial column. Lnrjuux1 nt Houth 14th btrcct. - tf A heavy aupply of brick and hfinbcr line * the street fronting \ilmt if * to be the iifwr Orand Central hotel. -I'/dwnrd Comer , whn vns nccidcntnlly killed Thumlny , as buried ycKterday at 2 o'clock in 1'rospect Hill cemetery , Ycwtcrday the heavy , cornicc.i were being placed in position abo\c tlic fnnit fourlh'ntory of Uoyil's opera hoiuc. ' Michael McCarty ho had hi * hand hvlly hurt at the rolling mill two \\uoks ngo , in in rather bad way , nn nbce i hav ing formed. Dr. l'ealv ily hopei to nave tlie hand. -The targe colored 'drauingii of the original and modified plans for the new court houte are on exhibition in the dis trict court room. They arc objecU of cnniiuierable curiosty to citizens gi'ii rally. A man from IndianopoliH , 1ml. , ai- rived in Omaha yesterday for the purpose of Inlying 20,000 buBhelfl of ciiu to feed lii own htoolc at that .plncu , lie Kays tint ho beard of Omaha in n grain market . enl came here in preference to any either point. point.A A mnn employed at Witteg'it beorhnll M b r-kccper wrm thronn from n bnvgyn forfdujflafo at\d had bU HhouUler cl ! io- cntntl. -1'rof. E. Bclmltr , late Milo viollnlct at Ktnuuthcrg , Iia joined thn Musical Union orchrntni of thin city. ] Jd. Ujtmte , lately first roniptint of IIofrmMi'H oruhcHtru , Is Miiolher recent juldition , -.John Wearno , of the flnn ofVaine ftions , who was no badly * cnldrd on the f.iof on Wednesday last , ii pi-ogrcHsing vury favorably and is now able to le iiinu liihiiH-i ) . His fact' is htill consljembly iiiarlteil from the cited of the trcald. FERSONAI.S. 5 JiliclienuJcifer , chief engineer of the 1J. I' , , went \vt > st yesterday. S. 11. , Johnson , of this city , in nt tliu l > ria-ent time sojourning In San Vranctnco 1) . Itoweti , general western pasxcnger njjtfiit of the Chicago & Alton rna < 1 , I * in ihe city. / .T , 11. ' 1'iper , formerly Miiployixt as u tiiuiiHui' man for TIIK HKK , it now n con ductor on the Pullmnn line of 1cepln ( ; < jern. jern.N N , H. Falconer , of thlh city , htnded in i Now Vork on- Tuesday of this week on - hlviiy homo fmm bin tuo-months vimt In 11 ficntlaml , \V. H. JjnuiH , clerl ; of t ho dint Hot coin t , lian rutuincd 'from the Hot Spring * con- ntdorahly improved in heulth but not en tirely uell. W. 0. 1'itteiiKor , formerly a resident of Otiiuhn and connected with the U. 1' . , but now HUtloned nt Kansnu City and em ployed ua a , locomotive engineer on the Mia-sourl Pacific in { n thn city yesterday on hU way westward. He Hay * Omahn hna Krovii wonderfully , A. S. llurtih , of Ktil Cloud , is In the city. H.T. Clarke , of Ik-lle iew , I * ut the WUhnell. ( } . 1) . Mnckey , of .Ien.ey C'ity , N. .1. . U in the city vhitinirfriendtf , A.M. Fergtuon , of Deiuer , Col , , ar rived iu Omnha yesterday afternoon , V. I , . Seeley , from Titunvlllet Pent ) . , U iu tha city and taylng at the WUhnell , George Sickle * , of Kew York City , ui- rived jeit-rday afternoon and ie cniurteivil Alto Woodltf. McUurmiclc and .Miuter loliti M6Connfk | arrived homn'yeiitrrttu ' } frum AtlauUotCitw and othcriiioliitH hi i 4 * 'f a * M.ix Meyer and wife returnedyostmlay from Lake Minnctonka.f "Mr. * Meyer Jays thechaiiKO f rom JdanlceU tind' Minnesota to the frightfully here ye terday.aj > ' at uddeii aa ItVns * unp'cneant. Clifford and OallaKher , N. Y. , the former the winner ami holder of thechuniplonnhlp belt tor ground , and lofty tumbling u't ; tlio international con tekt In Philadelphia threu ytAtt ttgoaro with KorVpnugh'a clrt'UH , which exhibits hxre to-day , A number of prominent 0 , , II. & Q. ofli- oiaU were in the city yesterday on bust * iiB 4 , Among ithem were T , J , Potter , manager ; K. P , Itlpley , general freight agent ; Thorn w Miller , division fieight Ceut ; P. Ixjwell , general ticket and pas- weeper agent , and W , C. White , Mr , Pot- tr1 * private wcreturv , TRUE TO HEll TIIUST. Tx > inuclt cannot bo eaid of the over faithful wife and motUor , con stantly watching and caring fur hur dear ones , never neglecting jsinglo duty in their behalf. When they : lee ftftuilod by diaeaso , 'and the system iihould have a through clcaiisinx , the | stomach and bowela regulated , ulood purified , malarial poison oxterininated 1 , ho muitt know that Electric Hitters are the only aura remedy. They are the bet and purest medicine in the orld , and only cost JHty couta. Sold > y lah & Sloaiahon. . r , - 4 . - , 4 ( i.Jjfc ) THE RACES. All tlio Entries for the Moot ing Across the Rivor. First List of Any Kind Tlint Has Yet Boon Pnblinhort. The trotting races which begin in Council Bluffs on Tuesday next nnd last for five days promise to bo quite mi event. About nixty running horses linvo already arrived there nnd tnoro tlinn Hint number of other honcR. The list of untiles HO far as mndu will'prove of great interest to Omaha people , nnd an they Imvo not been published on cither flido of the river THK BKR lakes plooauro In pro soiling tliein. The first rnco on Tuesday is fur the 2:27 : ; class , tliu punto being SfiOO. The fluvcn entries nrc : Wash Corbin , Chicago , 111. , Corbin Bashaw ; Edwin Bithcr , Ilicinu : , Wis. , Edwin J ) . ; W. L. Heck , Chicago , 111. , liuBincsa' ; it. A. liacholor , Mntio ( Grnlminf 13 'J. Johnson' , Creston , I" , , Fixirnioiint ; Mark Hopkins , St. Clair , Mich. , Ethal Medium-.nnd A. D.I 'Darsun , Kansas City , Mo. , Pine icaf. The second rnco is for tliu , 2i : > 0i clasn , purs'b 8300. There are twelve | entries an follows : J. i ) . McDoug- hall , Deuison , Tex. , Clarence H. : T. 0. Roberta , Kearney , Kan. , Orphan Boy ; A. Hartnoy , Council Blufls , 'In./ / Jack PoregoyVni. ; . D. Ei my , Connlj | cil Blulls , Sleepy Frank ; W. 0. Ncal , Cliaunleo , Kan , , Phillips BlackVood , Jr. ; Kennedy 1'nckard , lied Oak , In. , Trampoline ; Wash McCalluin , No- braskn City , Neb. , Fanner Boy ; E Daggort , Ottumwa , la. , Brown Dick ; W.V. . Aldason , Kans.vs City , Lady Kern ; A. J. Ingorham , Cheyenne , Olifdcn ; and J. W. Hibblu , Fullerton , Neb. , Ahnont Raven. Wednesday's first race is for the 2)0 : ! ) class for n , $500 'purao. There nro six entries , viz. : Q. D. Wilson , Missouri Valley , la. , Little Sioux ; J. , A. Bntcholor , Mattie Graham ; 11. J. Johnson , Creston , Town , Fairmont ; Mark Hopkins , St. Clair , Mich. , Ethel Medium ; D. L. Cnroon , Kansas City , Mo. , Sam 1'atch , and W. L. Halliday , Prince , There are eleven entries for the 2:158 : class , the purse being $ 'JOO. They are : W. S. Cook , Dallas , Tex. , Mnttio Thompson ; J. W. Jacobs , Lincoln , Nob. , Colorado ; John S' Wolfs , Ottumwn , Iowa , Don. Oarfiold ; 0. J. Fuller , Billy Bashaw ; Cook itBlaino , Chicago , 111. , Itotite ; Mark Hopkins , St. Clair , Mich. , Lucreco ; A. A. Bombec-lc , Kansas City , Mo. , Slcnpy Bill ; Henry Lou * hlin , llacino , Wia. , Kitty rih'do ; W. 0. Calkins , Gnlesburg , 111 , , Lady Low ; A.Barnes , West Union , Iowa , Mountain Girl ; nnd II. Brown , St. Paul , Mini.Chas. G. Hnya. The first race on Thursday in for ntnllions of the 2:1)0 : ) class , the purse being $100 , The entries , ao\on in nmnbor , are : Wash Corbin , Chica go , Ills. , entered by J. W. Jacobs , Corbin'fl Bashaw ; J. F. Kinney , No biaaka City , Nob. , Alarm ; John S. Wolf Jr. , Ottuniwn , Iowa , Gon. Gar- neldjW. G. Ncal , Clniuute , Kan. , Phillippu Blackwood Jr. ; K. Packard , Hod Oak , Iowa , Trampoline ; Jas. W. Xibblo , Fullerton , Nub. , Almont. Raven ; II. Brown , St. 1'nul , Minn. , Chan. G. Hay OH. The aucond is a pacing race for the 2:25 : class. The entries aref B. J , Johnson , Creston , la. , Lone Jack ; J. M. F. Schneider , Avoca , la. , Little Frank ; J. W. Ford , Chicago , Wonderful - ful ; H. D.uss , Farmington , Tonn. , TlnuidiT. In Thiiimhiy'H first rnco there nro clown entries for the 11 ininuto class , puree $200. They nro : \V. D. Amy , Council BluHs , Ta. , Sleepy Frank ; J , B , McDoiighall , Donison , Tox. , ClaroncoII. ; A.V. . Campbell , Dallas , Tex. , Golden llulc ; \V. E. llnrdinKcnrnoy , Kas. , Giay Hilly ; A. Hartnoy , Council Blulls , la. , Jack Peroguy ; W , L , Boclc ; Old Minn , , Lnureco ; W. L. Ilallidny , L. LuciTa , St.Loui ; | .Mov ( Jyriia. 1 ThS 2:80 : jiacoru Q\MH' \ ImvoJaix ont - t ios The puwo is , § . ' 500 , The en- 'tries are : . . > 'i J , B. HcDouuhall , Dcnison , Tex. , Keno : B. J , Johnson , Cios ( < iit ; Town , Lone Jack ; Goo. * Wi' 'Lanib , Cicflfon , Iowa , Little Doll ; Saw.Artliur , Hij- ginsville , Afo. , Flying Cloud ; Jataci Camiboll | , Kansas City ( Mo. , Ju C.ij II. Dawn , Farmington , Tcnn. , Tliuii ; dor. dor.Thero There are at present seven outvies in the free-for-all , purse $500. The entries ; ' W. A. JIarlow , Fremont , Neb. , Tom Britton ; J. H , Ball , Glostor ; B. J. Johnson , Creston , la. , Bciolaj S. H. Burke , Chicago , 111. , Itoso of Wualiingtpn ; G. D , Wilson , Missouri Valley , la . Li o Sioux ; A. M. Howe , Crouton , la , Loafer ami Annie W. Sottlliig Dltforouoca- Quite u lively auono occurred tit the depot yesterday afternoon about four o'clock , in connection with n Farnham street marital misunderstanding. It appears iroin the statements made by witnesses to the ufl'uir that the wife went down to tlio depot to induce her juuband to come to some anncablo cot- Ito tlement , Ho .appeared uimilling to interview her , and when she had come within the range of his vision ho made tracks for another locality , She followed him and.finally they had a short clint. Evidently the subject of conversation was not agreeable to him , for ho soon made n break from her , scooting around the buildings and hiding under cars to avoid her. Finally ho came out of his conceal ment nnd went away with his wife It fa stated that the couple have inado up their differences nnd will live to gether amicably hereafter , as their business affairs demand it. A Child Bnilljr Hnrt. Sjtno days since a number of chil dren wcro swinging on n largo swing in Mr. Gradv'fl yard on Thirteenth street near Jones. The owingloaded with children , wns moving tp nnd fro with considerable rapidity when Mr. Grady's little girl , in order to stop it , sprang in front of the swing. She was struck in the thigh with terrible force by the sharp edge of the board. The blow knocked her several feet and fractured her hip , The doctor in at tendance thinks the will entirely ro- covcr from the effects of the injury. THROUGH THE CEILING. The Way Joe Hardin Beaobod the Antiquarian Book tore Last evening n colored man camoj Tumbling through the coiling into the Antiquarian book store , lighting upon an old gentleman who wns deeply en gaged in reading a book. The second floor of the rickety structure is occu pied by a colored family. It scorns that last evening Joe Hardin , tha col ored porter at Curry's barber shop , who is a rather heavy weight , paid them a friendly visit. Ho carelessly allowed his whole weight to rest on the floor , and the result was n frac ture of tlio boards sufficient to allow him to diop to the room bolow. The gentleman seated there , whom ho struck in his descent was not hurt but Hardin was picked up quite severely injured. Ho ras nt once re moved to his homo , adjoining the Grcighton houso. A physician who was called in found him to bo very severely bruised In different parts of tlio body. Ho was unable to move about without assistance and several days will elapse before ho cnn appear upon the streets again. ' Nootl Attention- Considerable complaint is made by citizens in regard to the 'condition of thp street railroad track at Sixteenth and Cumings streets. The track is at least five inches abovotho grade of the street and it is dangerous for any vehicle - hiclo to attempt to cross it even at right angles. The water-works company in their recent excavations at Saitndcra and Cumings streets , the Mission church , removed the guard rails load ing to the bridge. Thcso have not been replaced and the consequence is that the approaches to the bridge have have boon loft in a very dangerous condition. Persons p.issing there after night nro Hiblo to moot with n serious ' fall at any time- . The matter should DO attended to at onco. Tar GonEstobroolc - Ollicor Black was sweltering in the noon day sun Yesterday , trying to find Gon. Estabrook. The policeman had n warrant in his possession , charging the general , on oath of Jacob Schroi- ner , with routing a certain property , located at 410 North Sixteenth street , to a notorious prosti tute , Ik is said that the property hai boon vacated by thu party who recent ly occupied it. The occupant was a colored woman. . We gimrnntt'o that "Conrwl'ij Bud- woistir is brewed , espufinllv for our tradu , accord i n to thn Hndwoiser process , of the boat S.nxt-r Hogs and liolu'inhin Bnilei ) , and unritinted to keep in any dimatu. .Uk jqnr ding- gist for it. " Cpl AH A MKDIOALCOLLEGF. ton begins Oct. 10 , 1881 W-es.1 , The I.nst of Throe- , Jacob Peterson , aged tn'clity/lhb last of , a Jurly of three Swedes p\ho recently came to ( Ins co'injry , died last night nt St. Jonoph'w hospital , l 'vvill bo buried at 4 o'clock in thu Douglas couity | cemetery , ' ' w.- 0-j 1 OAR LOAD OK MELONS iil.mivii : > , tMijuu win , IIK KOU > AT LOW vidimus. COMS A\I > ninr hour. , FRESH FROM THE PATOfL 4 ' ' W. IF. YATES. ' ' - MOUSE IS SELLING Shoos cheap to maku room for now goods to arrive. Largo stock to select from at reduced prices , llth and Farnlnan. Third \VnrdVotovs. I Mill sit for royistritioii , of voters Monday , tiO ) (5th ( day of September , 18S1 , for registration of yolcrs of the Third Ward , and sujij book will bo open at iny ollluc , 1321 Douglas direct northeast corner of Fourteenth. Win * II. Ritpy , aujj24tos5 Uesisl r Thjrd Ward. A special mooting of the Omaha Plasterers will bo held at their hall next Saturday evening , All aio re- ( juoatod to bo present. By.ordurqf committee , JAMKS Seorutary. " BLACK-DnAUGHT" curetosttvo - nc ts mid > k ; , r HOTTER THAN HOTTEST. That Is "W"hat the Thermome ters Indicate for YesterDay. The Fallacy of Simply Sprinkling Mnln ThorottBhf < ir i. Yesterday won the hottest yet ex perienced this year. While there was n brisk wind blowing at tlio rate of twenty miles per hour , it was never theless like the breath of the Sirocco. There hits bean no business done or labor performed by Omaha people except thnt which was impora- live. On Tenth street the dust , whioh lica tea depth of four inches , was raised by the wind in clouds which completely obscured' everything in the street. People in carriages nnd street cars suffered as much from the dust as from the heat. At various places about town thermometers took up ward shoots at a very early hour Yes terday. The signal scrvico at C:45 a. m. showed 70' , and nt 0:45 : it li.ul gene up to ! ) U * . This has been the first time Unit it has indicated so high a temperature at this early hour in the day. At half-past one o'clock it reached tho- highest point it has at any similar hour in the day this season , viz. : slightly over 100' . Max Meyer's thermometer , at 7 o'clock n. m. , showed 70 ° : nt 10 o'clock , 1)5 ) ° , nt 12 m. , 100 ° , and nt 2 p. m. , 102 ° . Others indicated similar figures. The wind and heat of Yesterday dem onstrated one thing pretty plainly , anil that i ? that'it is impossible to lay tlio dust simply by sprinkling a few streets running from cost to west. Tha side streets usually need most attention. The prevailing winds hero in the summer are from the south and consequently quently no matter how well cither Farnham or Douglas streets nro wetted down they will be overwhelmed with dust clouds from the side streets unless these also are sprinkled. This is practically demonstrated by the condition of Tenth street. The Rural Now Yorker observes : The best pcoplo vote for the best man every time. And judging by the number 03 the St. Jacobs Oil constit uency , that is the best remedy for rheumatism known. Prof. Tico among others says so. Ron ! Estate Transfers- The following transfers wore re corded at the county clerk's office yesterday , as reported for this paper by John L. McCaguo , real estate agent mid conveyancer : Charles E. Fisk to Peter O'Malloy , e .V lot 15 , in block 5 , in Sweeney's add. , went division : $500. ClmrlcA W. Burgdorf to William Clcburno , n % lots 9 and 10 , in Kauntzo's add. , west division : § 2,100. Joseph Gilbert to Henry Astman , parcel in s w j section 0 , township 15 , range , 13 wat , west division8240. . Derris Leilfera to Andrew Ford , lot 1 ! ) , in block 8 , Kountze and Ruth's add. , nest division : § 3,000. Orville C. Bowen to Eliza A. Tpwle lot ] ) , Kullom's add. , west division ? : § 1,000. IMPIETIES A thief not over twelve years old getaway away with a packa o of new testamentx iti Now Yoik thy other day. More fiiBsionixrics nro wanted in tlin South-1'aciflo Islands. The native have been reduced to such cxtremitieH that even Bailers are eaten with ( 'Usto. It in officially announced thnt umbrellas attract li > ; htnlnv ( They also attract the clmnco jiaiwer-by when reclining Iran- qullly in the vestibule of a church. Thu Quakiw of Lynn , I.Iasfl. , had n nuurrcl and one Friend wan HO demonatrn- live in \ > ( t actions that the brethren think the spirit that moved him was that of Himiu deceanud prize fk'htor. The Rev. W , II. Delano , a noted Ohio prahlhitiouist , drank n beverage in a Columbus saloon which he Bays was root beer , but whioh the barkeeper * and by stander * declare to have been ale , and ttllf old stock at that. San Francisco nharna cmcr a good silver coin with tin foil , no it will not rini ; when thron n on the bar , and then win lots of money from exports who bet heavily that it in counterfeit , Moody didn't < niito ittrlke bedrock when he projected for bin on the com. ! , It is n bitrrowful fact , remarks the Cornier-Journal , thnt the bar-rooms arn more honest with their lemoni than the temperance plonlca , but the bar-roomu have uu ( wtubliflied bublneas and can nffonl to 1) ( 'ood. The picnio is a i.teat uncertain ty , liable to be overtaken by rain water , A kcApo race ncrllxj , whouo veracity bci'ius to be 8Dinewhat out of reimlr , uaya thnt at a t-jiiritual ueance in Chicago an edftor was told that a departed friend de- eircd to h ] > cnk' tu him. 1 he connection wui made , and the friend proved to bo n former editor who debited to ay u few wurdj. llesaid he dooired to inform M * old delitunient uubt'Cribeni who had prom- iH'd to tiring in wood on uUcriptlon. thnt they needn't do it , ns the manage ment M lieie he wasfnrnUhed tha fuel. He Raid they mlylit tend iue , however , Vol. uinim onuld not nay inorv. When ThoroVi a Will There's u Way. Anyone who him the will to trj' THOMAS' JIciFtTiueOiLwill surely find the\vav to rohuft Iienltri , in cases of' bronchial ntfec iyiiB" u throat , pains , v.v. ; anil as nn Interim ) lumedy it id invaluable , oexllw. The Now City Directory lo bo issued will bo the most thorough und complete of any directory over isaued for Onialin. People who have tecently coma to the city , or , those who have recently changed their icsidcnco or boarding place , should send their now address nt once to J , M. Wolfe , ICO S. Fourteenth street , coi HIT Douglas , co that their names will appear in the now directory cor- oict hen issued. jySOdUw NOTIQE. All parsons iiulubtod to the undersigned - signed will please cull at the old stand 1415 f/ouglas street and settle their bills before September 15th. If not sottlud by thattjmo will bo given out , for collection , I augSU-Ut J. F , SiiKtLY & Co Othnr Sid of ib * Ster > ' - Mrand Schult , n justlco of l c noaco in Douglas precinct , called 4t THF Br.F.ofrico yesterday in renrd ton charge of assault and battery pre ferred against htm by Edward Augus tus , which wns tried before Justice Brand en yesterday , He denied the statement mndo by Augustus that he had fired nt him nnd a party of friends. Schutt says ho wns getting homo from a little hunt ing trip and these parties insulted him but ho paid no heed them. Ho went to his own house , withdrew the shot ' from his gun and discharged the powder to clean it out. Thnt was all I that ; ' was in the matter. Justice Brandos wns seen yestcrdny in regnrdto his disposition of the case. Ho said the Weather wns too hot to gather his brains ' togetherHO he wouldn't give n decision ' for n few dn.ys. POLICE COURT. Justice Meted Out to Small Offenders. s A suspicious character claiming to hail from Lincoln , who was arrested by Officer Donohoe Thursday appear ed bcfoic thu police court nnd pleaded guilty to certain specific charges Innllo Against him , The principal witness in the case was n little boy of ton years of ago. Judge Bcnoke gave the follow , who refused to toll his nanlo , the fullest penalty of the law. He was fined § 5 and costs and sent to jail fern n period of sixty days. Cora Jones nnd Minnie Rosa had a pitched battle at the corner of Twelfth and Douglas streets Thursday. Both looked considerably dilapidated when they appeared before Judge Bonoke yesterday. After liotoning to thu stones , the court fined Cora Jones $3 and costs , and Minnie Ross § 2 and costs. John M. Cowin was fined $3 and cost for disturbing the peace. As mentioned in Thursday's issue a Swede named J. Ross was arrested for threatening to kill his wife nnd little child. Judge Bencko yesterday sent the man to jail for twenty days. RELIGIOUS. Mr. Moody goes to Englutul ne.\t month. There are 324 Baptist churches , with about 20,000 members , in Floiida , con nected with which are ( JOOSunday bchools. Bishop Hurst saya that Methodism in Iowa M creating churches at the rate of one a fortnight. Its state nibinberuhip H about 80,000. A wealthy German Baptist , IKM bought an old convent on the island of C.iiri | , Italy , and a small Baptist church has been organized there. The I'imt Coiiirregationnl church nt Denver , Col. , has juit completed iti new edificu at a cost of . -iO.i.'OO , and dedicated it entirely free from debt. Ifenry WarelBeeeher'n vacation this year lusts from July 18 October 2 , and ho is spending the most of it at the Twin i oun- tain bouse , North Coirway. Statistiw from eleven states chow that while there are in them 710 vacant Presby terian churches there are only 3."il minis- ten ; without congregations. Congregationalism seems to flourish in the west as well as iu New England. Thirty-two chiirchoj have been organized in Michigan in the last two ycarx. The I oard of foieign missions of the Ko- forinod ( Dutch ) church u ill hold a general missionary conference in Albany , October 12 ami II ) , to celebrate the fiftjeth year of the work of the church in foreign missions. Itev 0. B. Frothingham , who has t.p < nt twoj cam in thufcouth of Europe , is now in Scotland , lie baa recovered nis health. In September he will bail for New York , \vherelio will engage in work , l > ginning with n biography of George IJip- ley. Many of the church papers ot England are calling for the re-establishment of the fee of WeHtmlnator , which wax initi of the six new sce.t fouiulcd by Henry Vlll , , and Bubsequently suppressed in the reign of Edward VI. , when nearly a'l ita endow ment and patronage was transferred to the bishop of London. Mont of the. Lutherans in the Baltic provinces , in Ilutwla , have preaching in the German ; but theru used to be a con gregation ot 5,200 in Kronstadt to whom was necessary to preach in fire different languages , now reduced to three through a dit ision. Thu Lutheran cburcho * are now generally introducing the lluiuiaa tongue in their worship and schools. The solemn and impresslvo ceremony of tbe consecration of tlio Itev. KilianFlasch , of St. I-'rancU Seminary , near Milwaukee , as bishop of La Cnwae , took rlace August " 2-1 at Po Nona college. Thcru was a very large attendance of church dignitaries preient , there being no less tlian eleven representatives of the ejiis copato , Including the Most Key , Arch bUhop Helm , coadjutor of the d cese of Mllwn > ikec > . Bishoi > s Grace i of Minnesota , D engerof Fort 'ayne , Krautbaner of Greeii" liay , Q'Connor of Om.iha , Hennei * ay of Dubuque , McMullen of lavemxiit , Verden of Alaniuette , Seidenbach of St. John * , Minn. , and Abbott Kdelbrock , principal of the Minnesota Benedictine order , and about two hundred and fifty visiting and resident clergy. The loia- tion of u priest to the episcopal rt'gnity U at all times one of the grandest and moat ceremonies of the Catholic hier archy. The ceremony wan performed by Archbishop 1 lefts , nssisteil by Bishop * Grace , of St. 1'aul , and ICrautbauer , of Green Hay. WANTKU A girl for general housi work in a family of two , RKVEK KNCKH KEQUIKKD. liiquiro at Mrs. N. J. Edholm , Twenty-fifth and Chicago Steady work to a good girl. tf Sixth WardVotora OMAHA , Neb. , August 25/81. Notice is hereby given that I wil sit at my store , No. 1022 Guming street , between 20th and 21st , north side , on Monday , September the fith , 1881 , for tbe purpose of registering legal voters of said'ward. . 0. 0. Fiian , Registrar Sixth Ward. nug25-h6th "WINEOFCARDUI" four tinu-3 d uy makes u happy hoUbehol d . OAll LOAD OF MELONS JUHT 11KCK1VKH , WHICH Wli-L VK bOUI JL.T ( COME AND GET SOMI : , FllKSH FHOM THK PATCH. W. M. YATES. HOSPITAL ADDITION. Ten Thousand Eo1 to bo Eaisodtoiuildit' The connnlttoo Appointed to cloviso ways and means for wising n fiuirt s l * ficient to build the addition ttr St Joseph's ' hospital mot last evening nt Hon. J. M. Woolworth's office. Mf. Woolworth suggested that a commit tee bo appointed to raise § 7 > 000 for the erection of the building. Mr , \VobstcrSnyder thought that inasmuch as estimates on the construction of a building always fell fhort of the real cost , thnt 810,000 bo raised instead of § 7,000. Mr. Frank Murphy looked at the matter in the same light , nnd inado a motion to the cflect that the amount bo changed from § 7,000 to $10,000 , and that a committee bo ap pointed to raise the latter amount. Mr. Snyder then moved that Judge " \Voolworth , the chairman of the cofnmittco , bo empowered to select the necessary com mittees to solicit subscriptions in the city. The resolution was adopted. Tlio hospital will bo an ad dition to the present St. Joseph's hos pital and will receive patients without regard to religious connections. Any icrson who desires the attohdnnco of minister other than of the Catholic 'nilh can have one of any donomina- ion ho may desire. All persons will 10 treated whether able to pay for medical services or not. "Tho Revere House Council BlufTu s the best second-class hotel in the ivest. " augl7-lm The Merchants and Manufacturers Union to-day issued thu following : To whom it may concern ; In accordance with n resolution adopted , the members of the Mer chants nnd Manufacturers Union of Nebraska , are hereby requested to abstain from doing any business on Sunday. All members of the union who shall violate this resolution in that regard will bo expelled from tiio inion. And all such persons , who shall violate the existing Sunday laws to bo found in section 241 , criminal code ot Nebraska , will be prosecuted. By order of the union. P. E. II.KII , CHAS. KAUFMAX.V , President. Secietary. 1'ortj years' trial fcu pro'vra " BLACK DRAUGHT" the best liver medicine in r he world. At F C. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Adcrtlscmont To Loan , For Silo , 'xxit. Found , Wants , lloardin ? , ic. , will be in serted In thtsu columns onto ( or TEN CEXTS per line ; each subsequent insertion , FIVKCKNTS per lino. The first insertion ncicr loss ttmn TWCNTY-F1VK CENTS TO LOAN MONEY. TO LOAN Call at Law OHlcc of D. MONEY KocmS. Cruiditon lllotl. . > on jroort real istatcscctirlty , by UU. IdnAO iiMVAW : > 3 , UH Knrnhani St. T" f.OAN At 8 per ccntln terett in BIIIIW of * 2.riOO and f , ( or J to Moars , on llr. < t-iU"S ilty ami ( arm prmierty. llrviH HK.AI , KHTATK and Lo\H , ISth anil Doiulaii St . HELP WANTED. WA.NTKI-Hoarder * nnil lockets , 201S Unrt Mrut. I'mato il tiling , lioinuiomort . 7S1-U * WANTHD 0 dining room ylr- ( > , ut thu O < - - tldcntal Hotel Immediately. TSO-tf WANTtD Dh liiu room tilrl nt i rncr ITtli ami Capitol A c. 77S-itls WANTED-A llr > .t-el wi coo1 ? , nniht have aro- loininvnilatlon. J.V. . UANMHT.J11U COM St. 777-31 WANTED An undiniUlieil room , not far from iw.t otflcc. Address , btatliu ) ireu Mr. 1 * . ( } . II. , lleo office. 7827 ( AM'RD-A ixfcl table to rent ; with luge of jiurcnaslntf. Stiite ] ) rice , Aildrcj < * UEO. INJIAN , 451-t ( Vail , Crauford Co. , lona. WANTKD-Kundin- iiid < chool bond * . 11. T. Clark , Bcllcuie. S6-tf WANTKD-Clmlinlitrmalil anil lumidrcK. Wft-c * M per month. AI < I > | > nt 2 HW Hurt street , between Co li anil 21 t. WA.NTEH-Tnn flr t c-Uu lirTik-I.ijcn . A | > l > ly at Ike olllee. 7M-2U WAN1KD A good K'r' ' ' 'T l.'i-nural lioiuc- work. Jlust be ujtoud CXK > ! > . uahir and Ironer ; ut IMS Cau Ut. , lift , l..tli und Kith. 7 'J 27 \17"ANTKD To rent hon ) lib nix or < nen TT ronnwj mu t Imlii oed locatiim. Address J'ctcr T. Murtlii. at A. 1 , . Strmi 'n ottlco , city , > -rUlrl ( or yint-rnliioii fworl > : must WANTElrUlrl ( urnltli K"f l rufcrtncc. Apply touthwcot corner 10th and Hanivy. MU3. lUl.HACU. 775.26 ANTEn 0 I'ari iittrs at O | > eni corner , 15tli iid KutnliaiiiMs. \XTAXTii : > < ! ooj liUikmu'Uh for'cnu of tlio | ' \V l > n > t town * In the r mutry. Mn.ulyotk. . Apply to Oolan K ' iifHurtlo i Kll' MI 74" " " \TITAXTEO Vlri.UUMiiiiUiuvry | am ) IIOUM- t V "urk inoMere , Aililrrsi hcatou A. Le.i , LJiifolii Iron > i"rk _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7M-87 .iNTKU- Coo \ soeoiul iflrl. Ht Ibis Cliluj W tit. ( ! < x * ( wo 'i ( Mill. T l-tf " 1T7"ANTK1 > Ajfltl ( orj-eiicral liuu.u work. YY IMUlUrnuyM , 720 U T01ltAIE-.VImoit new to id bar buxvy fur ' > haiton. Kiniiilra at llc-u Ottlce. US)7-tf A cempt ttnt u orkmaii , ouo thai WANTED uiuliTbtiiuUnll KlruNof xvork , such a OIK ran flnd iteady uorL and good wa.-es. Jly nrlt < Inj ; or c llln oil W. 1' . Clark , ut Mapleton , la. No drunkard need apply - for cencral hens ork I WANTKD-Girl at 603 1'Jlli Ht. 6 i tf FOR RCNT-HOU8E8 AND LAND. T OU IIKNT PuniUhcd room. S. W. Cor. 10t J } ndDa eui > orthU. 78l-t ( tara of 3 roonn on 2Jd strt-ot , i Lloik south of M. Mar > ' A > e. Knuulrt of U. W , Kenni > d318 flou h ISth St. 778 20 KKNT T o furiiiihud or uiiluriitihcTi FOIt , diujji ; ill ictb. bt. Uct. Uauard uic Javknon. 783.23' "JT OH RENT House ot seven rooms , icllar , 1 } well. lUtcrn uid bth-rooin ; uell Joatwi , ttr > t-4.1a > s conJltion. Enquire Mo. 22i aouthuui comer SSth and l > a enpcrt Sta. 7W STJ llOH Hr VlVOne room wtUi board , I80j Cal jZ ( omit utrwit , 735-tf "T710U KENT \ tuo- tory IIOUM of 7 rooms wit 1 ; UUo , onBhcnuiii A\v. Apply at ilirrlll tecJ ttorr , 3Q7 H. ISUt St , Tts-tf SPEOIAL HQlIOES-OonUDUBd T701inK.ST Nlcob furnished room * . t I JJ Kthttrcct. 7Otf l on RENT Klcmnt fnrtiUhe < l room ? , JL1 Bblo pricc , brick home , SOlSCum St. C23 U EOU RUNT House of re\en roonu , kltfhcn , collar , tUtirn , well and barn , on Houth Ate- iKifi. nert to Uooiwoith'a rc-ddrnce' Enqulntnt Hth ami 'i\rnham St. % JJU1I > SON , C02 tf T.10H ftKNT-f irgo barn. Iiicinlrc at 1SI8 Chi- tneoRt. ' C71j "ENTA tilcx-1 > fiiriiMiixl frontroom for JU one or . 'vo ? c 'IlIllln. at 1210 Horn rd utrecU KMU _ _ . . _ . . - - . - - TXOn UBilT * rtiol'hc l rooni * o rr Mctl * ' cliinu" KxehMiRC.N. K ccr. lOtli And Doelga Aon * i SALE. Tr on sLE Kit lf\'onc ' . , l < rcdixinwr. , i-U- , k'n'l ' " WCKY K punwww I Won ! de- 77J-II TIOIl A | an of | iank ' " ; ij ncHi ; biisK ) ' most ncv . . . - , , . AleJonlan Saloon , U. V. , U 1"i lL _ _ ' [ Tjion SALK- rare cliatico to ltim > l1.t.l ! ! ' * ! 1 ? cttalilUhMl vakli tmlo.MII . w > ll tv 'VK1-1 ? lock of tut rchandl Kltnattd In ono ot. ihlpnlntr liolntion 11. & M. It. WFor . aruciilaraiallornddrcAiJ. It. Untiiger.Ww * ' J - OK SAIl'lrM5c and fnnntnre of a flrat-clatA hotel In a Unnot 1800 lnhilitt.tiit , In f.t . to- f K.brul.a ; has 24 licJ ; the traveling men' * ro- iort. Inqnira nt DKi : ofllca. 218-tf "T OK SAI.H Maps of Doujfliuiiuiit Sarpy coun- JL1 tics. A. lOdtWATEUlD20rarnbamt.trect : 3'JOtf I71011 8A1.IJ A farm of eighty acres , In teed J nptilr , ( Jiiod house , 22x30 and ell 14x1(1 ( , mnll urihnrd ( if bearing trccx. One inllo f-onth jf Onawa City , Iowa , on S. l' . ft I' . U. U. \\ill iflxo time on iiait If islH\l. Address K M. & ) nuln , Neb. 71011 SAI.i : A now all Wher top L' I'hacton w 1th tiiriii ) ( cushion ami back , ftt W. K. ( Imtton'n mtri g\i top luanufactor ) ' -'I * , H. ' 8th Kt. bet. rtonhair and Harnej. 707-tf FOR SAIK-Ncat house nnd full lot , 12 blocks from 1' . O. at S900. JOHN I . ittOAOCK , 712-tf Opp. I'ostolllcc. TTlOn BALK-Vli.o Mock farm of 410 ix e ' 1 } good house , cattle slice ) , nnlianl & < . , w-itli 'M oa y reach of railroad. I'rlco. $4600 , iwr line at OX. JOHN L. JIcCAOUK , Opp. Test Omt-c. 03(1 ( tf TOIt 1 SALE Neat cottage and ( -ocnl lot at ' JOHN L. WcOAGUE , Opp. I1. O. 037-tf T710R SAliE On rra onabla tcnni. A buslnesa J. that lstwjln4)0 ( ( ) a month. OunranttM ( Sien a < to title ot property and lease of premise * , niqulro atoilice of Sam J. How ell , 217 b. 14'nSt. ' , Omaha. 012 U "TjlOll 8ALK Horse , btiriy ( and harncsu. Can { J bo seen at BtctcnHon'g Canllol A\tnnc bam 1'rlce , 82M. K. C. hLUS. fiOO-tf Foil SALE A first-doss milk Jilry. Inqnlru ntthlsolfitv. 617ug 27 HOUSES AND LAND IJaipIs rents liouts , stores , hotels , farms , lots , lindi , olllccir rooms , etc , Bee 1st page , 011SALK Oood hounonlth ( our rooms and JJ hal ( lot , No. 2013 IJodse between 2 th and 27th street. Good well and ithndo trevfi ; housn in Kood condition. Inquire on 221 > tf U I.I.AS And I'arasois ripurml by U. SC1ILTT llth and Faniiin its. 7iiOtf > ItICK It SALU > 203-tf iSTABROOK & COE. TTtOU SA'.E A small rnglnc , 15. W. Payne k JJ .Son's make. In perfect osdcr. Inquire of II. O. Clark & Co. 30-11 MISCELLANEOUS. OMAHA IlIItnSTOIlK Hn fnrxalo all of I'un i'ii ( and Domestic llird , alto lilr.1 Fancicry 'ooils ; ut Kitli bt. , bet. Douglas anil Dodgr. au20-ini ! \ has rattllnj ; lon lUts of houses lot * . _ lands and ( anud for sale. Call and yet them. CALL A'l JtlW. IX. F. CLAKKK'S No. 1 Bonnl In House , cor. 13th and Uodgo iits. Ucst Inthe city. 610-tf D KJII81 KEA1. ESTATE UOOJ1. bee 1st p&g . < an hat e thu mme bv pro > i\\x \ iiroperty anil paiiiii'iiiir'fi. ) C. H. THY , } inllo north Dtat andJMimMimtlttite. I72-27" STIIAYGD I'rpui my place , onlf.tli and Jack ' son streets , nn Au/uat Oth , one red and white lelfi-r , 2 3 farB old 747-27 ' / Manufactory ofjapfr J. _ } ) lioxeij , 140:1 Kariihain ctrvct. ALL on or address I'otti-r * Palmer , 40 South \j fitti street , Council IHuffs Iowa , for rail road tlikets ea t , west , northand south. Crcatly reduunl rates nn all till ets. Every ticket K"ar- anteed.and tiekdsboiijjht , sold and excha Ke < l au ' 17-lm TT OUTINE ; TELLEII ANI > MEDIUM Mm. JL ) Eliza tells just , present , and future In love and all affair" , rthc re\ caN the de-epeat secrets of the heart. She pom-s the inajfiietli ; | uer to ful Oil all jour wUhcu. Call at No. 1010 Chicago Ntreet , near ICtli. an ' 10 tt JOST Sunday afternoon on Howard St. , J chlld'uROtd brae let , niorke l"Kthet. " Find * ir Kill jileaso leac at lleo Olllee. r > 73-tf JEMIS' NE W CITY MAl'd.SSc. Sea Ut pif | ViTltAYKD-Kroiii2ll5 Jlarimy htrcet July28 O one Iarjobrindl cu\v , U jtantcM. lirande-d ou hip with letter "O. " Ha * tome white spots on her. Any one fib ln < Infoniutlon where kiel r return tier will bo sultalilv rewarded. & 4H tf A. M. CLAKK. ANY ONE b.unv w-ork for a tjpo wrIU-r i n Ixi aoevnunoduted by telephoning tliu Hi : olliui. 4KI tf TAKEN I'P A reel < on. Owner ran hiuu the name bj pro Inpropcity and lining cbaric . I'llANclH UiilUIUvH , Kaundcrs nua ( Jraits hts an24-ev wcil'.t > KMI.f HEAL ESTATE KXCIIANOE. S > lit page. vIIKEB or four lounjj nirn can bp acco > nmoda- JL te l with board. JlrfcrcnuNexchanged. Ap * ply 2011 Cass street , 4th door west of 2 th Ht. , oraddreaa Uox337 _ , pcttomre. 3I3I HJ1. 11110WN-Corner 12th and Clilogro . ntr < tU , U ready to bora or deepen nulls. Satisfaction etianiitt cd. , COJtf DOST FOllQET We sueewnora ol thu Anier- IKU > ) ( ou-e , on Douflas btrect , between irth and 10th , for beard , lodging and traneie ut vtu- temer . Uenioitfullv JIILIUS 4 , LOUISR POWD Absolutely Pure. Made from Grope Cream Tartar. No other arpation make * buch light , flaky hot breads , uxnrloui pastry. Can l > e eaten by Ib i ntlc ! trout ( ear of UieUU resulting from huaiy Indl Ecst'ble food. Hold oily In rank , by oil Groevn 'UEU CO New York.