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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1881)
r 11 t i ti < t , \ , , n i-t rt t * i . i * < : Tllli OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY AUGUST 16,1S81. 3 -i * VIRGINIA BATTLE-FIELDS. Ghnncellorsvillo as It Now Looks An Afternoon on the Grounds Where Leo , -with Sixty Thousand Men , Whipped Hooker , with 130,000 The Chancellor Hoiuo The Flnoo of Jnokucm's Fall. rhlliwlelilit Times. THE WILPEIINCSS 1 * . O. , August 7 Coining within Bight of Ghnncollurs- vill , I tried to.rrmka oloso scrutiny of the onu historic house tlmt is the nil in all of the Bottlomcnt , hut my own gaze , ns well ns the quastioning st.ire of the driver , Onto , bucnmo iixqd upon a much protticrfpic uro , in the j'ard , * l/'inlor tlio shidoof "im'clnksat ft young couple , who .looked ns though they wcro oul for a picnic. The young woman , \vaa fair of fnco nnd gcntlo of manners , ntnl Uio motistached youth who paid her sucli smiling attention evidently was something moro than a brother. Both wore traveling cos- tumts of tlio northern cut , nnd I was not surprised to learn that they hailed from Hartford , Conn , i . "Who am dom people , Mass OH- Tcr1' ? naked CVxto , speaking in an un dertone , as tlio sun-browned tenant of the Chancellor house stepped out to thojiugsy with his hearty invitation to "light nnd walk in. " "Young married folkses , " said Farmer Oliver. "On dcro weddin' 'skurshun , am dcy ? " "I "low so , you 'quisitivo niggah ; you'd butter take keor o' yo1 hosses , " nnd turning to mo , Farmer Oliver con tinued : "Tho woman says as how her father was" killed on .this heah battle field the day _ she was bofn. Ho was an ollicor with Gcnnul Sickle ? , and was killed over thah by Hazel Qroyo , ' the same timp aa Qennul Ucrry was. Do light and walk in , sir ? Any marks abouttho , old house ? Well , I should say so ! Co mo in , como in. A OHUUCII FULL OK DULLET.S. It needed some such pleasant intro duction as this to Chanccllorsville , because the morning sun had been hot , the horses slow , Onto sleepy , and the ride from Fredencksbui-f , ' barren of interest ; except at one point the battle-scarred surroundings of Salem church. Leaving Maryo's Heights be hind , u trot of a few miles over the Orange turnpike had brought us to the church around which Scdg\vick fought on the days that witnessed the death-grapple of Hooker and Leo , a little further north. The church is a sm.ill brick building , stands in the corner of a dense woods somewhat to the left of the road. Its grove of oaks differs from the adjoining forest trees in that they grow several yards apart nnd shelter a circular plat of pasture grass. A few feet in tlio roar of the church is n line of breastworks , now no higher that the knees and thickly overgrown with weeds. The church walls contain shell-holes and count less bullet marks , while the overhang ing oaks show many scars. Indeed , it may bo said that aa many minio balls have been put into the church us there hayo been prayers sent out from t. Moving on by a red clay road bordered - dorod by pine and oak nnd poor corn fields , in which were negro cabins made of logs , wo had at 11 o'clock reached the Furnace road. Along this road strctcod the confederate right nnd under a towering pine tree , plainly in sight , is it said that Leo and Jackson sat upon their cracker boxes on the evening of May 1 , when they planned their daring attack upon Hooker's Eleventh corps. But the pine and the gujdo's cracker box story had proved very dry indeed nnd it was with the pleasure of thirsty man np- prooching a well that I drove up to the Chancellor House , with its shady yard and happy bridal partj' . JL KASIOUS I'tACE or ONE nousr. Chancellors rillo is a desolate clear ing on the southern edge of the Wil derness. Time was when a hundred Virginians of the first families clinked "lasses in the long dining hall of the fiostelrio , and many n day did Jeffer son , Madison and those who came af ter take noontide rest under the sur rounding elms. But the planks of the Plank road nro gone. Conches nnd four no longer slmko the dust from the shallow ruts of the pike , nnd lovers no longer seek the cross roads tavern ns the half way to Grutiin Green. In the old days the Chancel lor house was n massive brick build ing , shaped like n squat T. Around it on every side were level fields that stretched for a quarter of iv mile or more , while three important stage roads came together in front of the yard. Now only one-third of tlio building the northern end stands , nnd oven that had to bo re-erected at- tertho battle , when the fire left nothing but bare walls , shot-shuttered. From the northern end of this poor rein niuit of the ruined inn stick out five pieces of Hhrapnol-bolts that , as Mr. Oliver fears , may yet play the mis- chief. Among these grim things is u ragged rent in the gable end near the roof , showing where shells knocked for admission ns they paused in their Bcreaming flight eighteen years ngo. The porch' pillar , near which Hooker had the misfortune to stand when it was shattered by n round shof , was destroyed by the lire , and in the places of the pillars are wooden columns freshly painted and without a scratch. In the yard the visitor aces the outlines of tlio old house marked by shrubs , weeds 'and stray bricks , while a dozen sweet hollyhocks growing near the porch remain as sentinels of garden beau ties long since gone. THE SPOT WHEUK JAl'KSON FELL , The sun it overhead ns the lazy horses , white with lather , jog along a level road between two corn fields and come once more to where trees grow thickly on cither side. Thus moving in the midst of timber for somewhere near a half mile , wo como to a big stone planted steadfastly by the roadside - side , Cato is nodding and I hit him a smart crack with a soldier's skull which Farmer Oliver cave mo and the points of which I had been studying bince wo left Hooker's bhattered head quarters behind. Cato gave a grunt and a jerk and mumbling ; "Ise rues' wleep , " epled the stone , Then it WM amusing to watch the change como over the darky's dull expanse of jaw and lip. Ho lifted his oyohrown , showed his teeth , nnd said with ani mation : "Brcss my soul , * ah , us am right licnh. " "What's hcah ? What's that stone for ? " "Doan j'o' know , sah , whut dat nr 'marknblo stone nm 'tending to 'nioin * mcrato ? " "No , what is 5U" 'D.trs whar Gcnnul Stonewall was kilt. Moses Tucker Lacy , do preach er up dar by Wilderness sto' , ho put dnt nr stone dnr. Bah. " I remembered that Jackson clung to lifo several days after he had been wounded'but by further questioning [ learned that this was the spot where the bleeding wnrvior fell from his liorso in the very hour of his crowning triumph. The stone is n rough block of white flint , quarried hero in the Wilderness. It stands thrco feet pight inches high , and is A-o feet ten inches , in breadth , Its surface shows dents and scars whcrofrom loving ml- crims have scaled bits of it ai relics , \ndnllixnnindaro smaller pieces of linrd rock that linvo been used ns lianuuers with which to crack it. . 1m- incdiately around the stone the ground is in small undergrowth , huckleberry bushes , chinkapins and the like , but at a few feet it is encompassed by pines and oaks of large growth. nULLKT MA11KH IN A 11KI ) OAK. Between the stone nnd the road is a red oak of such size that it must have sprung up thirty yenrs ngo. I noticed a dozen or moro bullet holes in this oak , jind asked Cato why they where there. His reply , that they cnmo with the volley by which'Jackson was kill ed , seemed to bp disproved by the Fresh appearance of the holes. "How can that bo ? " I asked. "Tho liolcs look ns though they were made within the last year. " " 'miff sail 'miff'Cato ' "Easy , , easy , with n hearty he-haw ol n laugh ; "doan yo' see , sah , dat do volley como from thq No'rf , where do rebels was ? 'en doan yo' see dat do vistcrs licnh 1mb bin pickin' wid dcro pen knives nt dcm bullet-holes lookin , fur relics ! " Then I understood ; tlio'bul let marks had been kept fresh for nearly a score of years by such of the great leader's admirers ns hungered to bear away with them the fellow bits of lead of those that flew to their deadly work so long ngo. And this is the place where Jackson for the first time grew weak ! The bilent woods nro around. The stone is though the bones of the man of fames were be neath. Squirrels skip over it. Bucks and does rub lazily against it , and acorns dropping from the boughs above lose their cups as they crack against its brown sides. Eut even liero in the Wilderness romance may bo spoiled. Nailed against tlio red oak is a broad board with the sign : " ' " ' WILLIS & GUASTVi : ; Sewing Machine Agents , I ; Dry Goods , Shoes and Hats , | ; CIIKAIFOU CASH. ; Thus within hand's roach of Stone- wall's stone , trade leaves its mark , and enterprising dealers reap profit from the glances of the reverential passer-by. In this way sentiment is lost , and oven Cato makes the droll suggestion that ho lot the kicking horse of his team use his hind hoof to chio off a bit the flint as a memento for mo. WHKUE I'LEASANTON TOOK HIS STAND. Cato is asleep over by Jackson's stone as I como out upon ono of the Ha/.el Grove clearings moro than a half mile to the west. While I rest hero alone among rank dock weeds that cover the ruins of a parapet , the ( lost creeps to think of the mad thing that Keeimn started from this very spot to do. Daylight fades now ns it did then. A red moon looks through the tree tops , nnd on that May even ing , eighteen years ago , her fight was no less reflective of fiery clouds down by'the ' path of the sun. Twelve thou sand panic-stricken men are pressing down the road , through the woods and across the fields in utter rout , each eager to save himeelf and reck less of the fate of others. Pleasonton , riding wildly on a horse flecked with foam , strives to stem the tide of Howard's flight , and to meet the ter rific onslaught of Jackson's victorious men. Ho looked hero and there for Kccnan , and finding him , says : "Ma jor , you must charge the enemy. Save me ten minutes to got my gum > ready ; go , Kconaii ! " The young Philadelphian - phian , in peace as soft-honrtcd as n girl , generous , chivalnc , the pride of the cavalry knows that it is certain death , but if Pleasonton is willing to sacrifice his right ami , the right arm is ready , and Keenan , with a smile , says ; "I will ! " minwi I OWN TO DEATH. Then ICconan takes n grip upon his reins , says jocularly " .good-by" nnd wheels his horse with such n touch ns the beast never felt before. Ho nods ns ho passes Huey , nnd a moment thereafter sayn : "Cavalry , charge ! " nnd so quiet is his voice that the three hundred troopers barely hear it in the great uproar. But whut terrible -words to say ! The men know the grit of them , and if any of the three hundred pales nt the nwful tiling nbout to bo done there is no sign of il to Pleasonton , watching eagerly , but in perfect confidence as they respond. In u headlong drive the squadron cuf n swath from the mass of fugitives and como to the edge of the woods , The pause there is but for n moment , as then Kuenan.and Huoyridoabrcasi into a narrow road , and the cavalry men follow two by two. Caps are raked'of ] by the brushwood , faces nro scratched and torn by the hanging briers , but Keenan rides fast and all come after. From the right now and then whistles up u handful of bullets and a dozen saddles are emptied , but no notice is taken of the skirmishers , and so Keenan , wheeling to the right dashes into the plunk road. And what a night is before him ! Line upon | ino of Jackson's veterans- great hosts of them are coming on the double quick straight up the road. Keenan throws aside his cup , shouts "sabres 1" nnd spurs his horse plumb into the wall of the bayonets. Tlio first battalions are blinded by ono flush and another , and nearly half of the thrco hundred fall , but Keenan , Huoy , Arrow-smith and Haddock , backed by their comrades , gather thuir lioruod up under thoia and utriko each hot blows th t they shock the oncoming line for A thousand yarda on cither side. It is tooth to tooth. Never before did three hundred men cast themselves with such true aim and so impetuously against twenty .hoiunnd victorious and advancing veterans. They struck the bend nuil Tout of the moving mass and cleft it iko n thunderbolt. "And full In the miiht ro c Kccimti , lull In the gloom like n miutyr , nwnitni } , ' hU fall. While the clrclrtroke of hN wibf r winitf llournl ) > U head like a hnlo there luminous hunt ? . " OVKII KBKSAN'A HEAD OI > Y. But though Jackson recovers front the shock nnd pushes on over the irostrato bodies of Keenan , McVicar , Arrowsmith , Hnddock nnd their com rades , ton full minutes have passed nnd not a moment has Plonsantpn jcen idle. Ho gathers nbout him , wonty-ono cnns , double-shotted , nnd sot steadfastly to sweep the approach , lie bides his time until the enemy shall appear. Hero they como , fresh 'roin tlio taking of Keonnn's blood , wild with the news of Jackson's death wound , swarming in deep masses , waving a dozen battle-flags , keen , eager , thirsty. Ploasanton opens. Every gun speaks on the instant n urid flnsh , n crnsh , a war , like thun- lor-voiced n hundred fold ! Hooker , among the desperate of the Eleventh corps , n mile away , hears nnd rejoices. A hundred nnd twenty thousand sol- iliow fool that some good is beiug itono at Inst. Berry and Birnoy , Sickles nnd Geary see , from the bum- ing sky , n new daylight spring up in the dusk , and they place their legions nt Plensanton's back with the thought once moro that the army is snvcd. It is too dark to see the ruins of parapets , the old graveyard and the well full of war relics on Fnirviow crest , and I go back to Cato. That sleepy citizen puts his vhip down with a meaning , and wo leave behind us Jackson's stone , the Dowdall clear ing , the old Wilderness church , and como to the Wilderness store. In less than hour the horses have taken us from ono battle-field to another. Just down the road is the plnco where Leo whipped Hooker , and hero in this up land forest is the pluco whore , a year later , Leo tried so hard to throttle Grant. G. M. Hardy Happenings- CoricejicmileiHt ) o ( Tlio lice. HAHUY , Nob. , August 13. Haidy , Neb. , is ono of the latest productions of the eastern division of the Repub lican Valley branch of the B. & M. R. 11. It is , I am told , the only town in this section that lias n bridge to connect it with the Kansas side of the Republican Valley. It has build ings in course of erection on every block in town , and the mills , churches , nnd school houses that nro talked of indicate that the boom has only begun - gun booming. The finest land in Nuckolls county lies north , and oceans of it is raw prairie waiting for the plow of the coming men who will grow into wealthy farmers nnd stock raisers in the land of peace and plenty. Mr. Henry Laird , n stock raiser , told mo 'that ho would guarantee the newcomer botterndvnntagcs , all things considered , for raising butcher's stock in this vicinity than any other place in the west. Ono of the business items that I gathered was the fact that for certain good and sbfliciont reasons a magnifi cently furnished saloon and billiard hall is to bo sold. Anyone wanting a rare chance should address G. Dobson , Hardy , Nebraska. The Commercial house is full to overflowing. I am under obligations to its pro- proprietor , Mr. Henry Laird , ono of the most public-spirited citizens of the town , and also to Mr. Stephens , sta tion agent for tlio B. & M. On my next visit I will try and get more items in regard to this embryo city. ' Blair Briefs. Correspondence of Tlio Deo. lii.Ain. Aug. 15. The extreme hot weather ot the last week has caused a good deal of sickness in and around Blair , also quite a number of sun strokes. Several of our citilzeim have been prostrated by the heat. The writer made a flying trip into Iowa the first of the week and found it fully as hot there ; also found the little towns of Missouri Valley and Logan in a flourishing condition , Mis souri Valley situated as the foot of the bluffs with the round houses and machine shops of the S. C , & P , R. It. Co. , and the advantage of a good farming country surrounding it , with two good hotels , the Cheney and Com mercial , presents a metropolitan air. Lo an , further east , and the county scat of Harrison county , situated on a Inch plateau with a com manding view of the surrounding country , is said to bo ono of the pret tiest little towns in the state , and is certainly blessed with n fine hotel , the Lusk hoivto. It also boasts of steam printing press in the ofljco of The Courier. The crop prospects in Jlarrisoi county are said to bo fair. The citizens of Richland precinct Washington county , were startled on Tuesday last by the report that Car- stonlngwerscn , a German farmer , hat committed suicide. His body wan found in a corn field , whore it appar ently had been for several days. Ho was u well-to-do farmer and no reason can be assigned for the rash act. Jesse T. Davis has returned from his western trip and reports a "coo ! time" The S. 0. it 1' . railroad company have just completed their stock yards and water tank east of town , about a milo , so that now wo will not have to endure the odor that has been such n nuisance in the past. J. W , Smitl has resumed his duties in the above named company's office after an ab scnco of a few weeks. .1. T. Pace has sold his grocery store to W. B. Richards. Stanley Osborn , the fivo-year-olt son of L. W Osborn , while playint , lost Sunday fell from a "teeter" ami br ko his arm , Hi\ . Air. Jtilfeiieteiii , Boston , Maw. , writes "YuurSruisu BU .HOII law tmed meoi ily l > ey la , of four ( i ) year * landing. J have repined my normal appetite , can sleep well and foil like a new loan. " Price CO ceuta , trial kittlea 10 wuts , codlvr Ladies Do yon wnut a pnro , bloom ing Complexion t If so , a few applications of Hngnn'A MAGNOLIA BALM will grat ify you to your heart's con tent. It docs wvay with Sal- loTrnoss , Itcdncss , Pimples , Blotches , mid all discuses and imperfections of the skin , It overcomes the flushed appearance - anco of heat , fattano and ex citement. It Inakcs n lady of THIRTY appear hut TWEN TY : and so natural , gradual , ana perfect are its effects , that it is impossible to dotoci its application. fWARNER'S f/// BITTER , Mothers , Wives , Daughters , Sent , Fathers , Vllnlitcri , Teacher * ! Dullness Men , Farm ers , Mechnnlo , ALL pliotiM lie \\nriuvl acaliibt i&ln ? anil Introiiiidii ) ; Into their HOMES Kov tnimn nnd Alcoholic roiiiwlU-i. ll.i\c no Mich irojmllco nRainst , or fuxr of "Wnrner's Sjfo Tonic Dltters. " The } are what tlit'nru \ rlnltucil o hoharmlcs * as milk , nnil contain oiil > ninll- tlnullrtnei. . IMract ot pure u d-iMci onlj. They ilo not ln.loiif ; to that i lam Known M "Cure- Alls , " but only jirolfM to reach iawi nliae 11m llM'.iicorl'limtc < In ilcMllt-aleil fruims and lin- uiro Mood. A jicrfect Spring nnd Summer ucilkinc. . A Thorough Dlood Purifier. A Tonic Appe tizer. i'lcaxant to the taste , Invbomttnir to thr body. I'lio ino'.t eminent physicians iccoinmeml them 'or their i-tn-nthu properties. Once mod ulunjs , ) rclcrrul. For the Kidneys , Liver and Urinary orcans. use notliln"WARNER'S SAFE KIDNEY nnd LIVER CURE. " It Btnndj Unrivalled. Thoui- niulaouo their health and happiness to It. Price , 81.26 per bottle. Wo offer " Warner's Safe Tonic IJIttcnj" with equal eonfldenre. H. H. WARNER , Rocheiter , N. Y. fold. EXCURSION TICKETS OHIOABD S1O.OO ROUND TBIP$19.00 , First-class and good through the year. Alco New York , lloston and all Kaatrrn polnta , at pro- portlonataly low rates. On nalu ONLY at HOUDIR IllldTHEIlB' Hallroad Ticket Oinco , dmo-fcwlm 800 Tenth St. Omaha1 To Contractors , Bnildors and Property Owners , The nndcril ncilliatbiKlicrn appointed a cnt for the oxtunalve Iron and wlru ninnufaitnrlng houticD of E. T. liarmini , of Detroit , and thu IliiHtel Iron 1'oundry anil Works lit Toledo , Ohio , capacity of CO tons dnllj , In prepared to furnlxli etthnaU'H and prheH for Iron eoluinii ! ) , &c. , A.C. , for ftifre front * , linlo J rapt and ellli , threshold platt . uroiiKht Iron beams and Klrd- era , hdraullu tievatorN , tUple llttlngx , pnlleyx , slmflinh'i if. ; also Iron femvH. ircstln , v.ln ilowSjjnards , Bhuttern , otalrs , lialennlcs , ncttees chiliMascn , aciiarlnnm | , fDiintalns , nuninii'r lieu ( n , IIHII , ganlcn and ixmetery oriiaincntH floucr bUtiiln , ( travu , & < . : . In enillcai Mirlcty. CuU > luueiiHiip } | > 1luiIiiii aiipl ! tlon , IIBNKY 11. IIAKIIY , Vannfactnrcrs' A'cnt | , 'i'l Pearl str.t. ( . auglO-lin mo Council DIuIN , ! " " Sioux City & Pacific St. Paul & "i3ioux City RAILROADS. THE OLD UELIAIJLE SIOUX [ CITYJ IIOUTB 1OO MILKS SHOKTKU UOUTK 3LOO COUNCIL BLUFFS TO ST. PAUL , JllNNEAl'OUS , DULUTII OR DIBMAltCK and all points In Northern Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota. TiU Una In c inl | > | x'd tli the Imtirortd WcBtlnyhonso Automatic Air-brako and Miller I'latforiii CoupleJ and HuOi'r. and ( or BI'KED. HAFCTy AND COSIKOIIT Is unsurpassed , Elegant Drawing Itoom and Hloiplnjf Curs. owned and eontrollnd by the com pany , rnn , through WIT"lt'T ' CIIANOK lictHecn UKlon 1'aclllc Transfer uij > ot at Council llluffs anil St. 1'aul. Tmlns leaio Union I'adflo Trnnsfcr ilejwtat Counull liluffsat 6:16 : 11. in. , ruachlujf aloiu City at 10:20 : , . in , and Bt. Paul at 11:05 : u. in. inaklni TEN HOUJia IN AUVAKLK 6f ANY.OTIIEU IIOUTK. Ilcturnlnj , leaio Kt. Pan ! at 8:80 : p. in. , arriving Mom City 446 ; a. in , , and Union I'aellliTran < r depot , ( joiincll Illullii , st UW : ) a. in. lie urc at jour tlckeU road \u " .S. 0. & p , | ; . n. > T. O. 1IIII.S , hujicrliitenilent , T. E. UOI1INSON , Wl ourl Vklloy , la. Aiwt. ( in 1'ans. , ' ' i , II. O'UIU AN , J'ai > "iKcr Ah'ont. 'Ymm-ll . lllnTii. Inus. 1880 , SHORELINE. 1880 KANSAS CITY , 8t , Joe & Council Bluffs U Till OKLT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND TUB KAST Prom Omaha and the West. No change ol cars Ixtwcen Omaha and bv. / > ul > anil but ono bitwutn OMAHA and KKW YOItK , J3I3C Daily PassengerTrains EASTEnN AND WRSTKKN CITIES vlth LKS CIIAIIQIS and IN ADVANCK of ALL OTIIEIl LINEti. Tliit entire line Is txiuippcd with I'ulliruui Palito hlwiilnf Can , 1'aUiu Ltay Coaches , Miller KaKtv I'latfonii and Coupler , and the ultbratctl Wuitlnghotuo Alr-trake. IzTKua that jour tltUt reads VIA nANSA CITV , ST. JOS.El'11 ii COUNCIL ULUr'KS 1UI roa < l , > | a bt. Joseph and Bt. Louts. TlckeU ( or sain at all couioti ttatloni In til We t J. V. UAItNAItI > . A. C. PAWES , Gen. Sui > t. , bt. Joci * . Mo Oai. i'atu. nJ Tkka Aji , bt. Jotcph. Mo. Aan OM" , Ittkef Astnt , 1020 Farnhim it iL A. V , BiUllU. ( IcneraJ Agwl , I" ' < nt fnr liciiitf ( ho mo t dirrct. qnlckmt , and < * fc t line c nticttlnr ( tli great Metropolis , CHI- AOO , ml tllO V.AHTItRf , KoRTII-KAKtRR.5 , 80ITII id SOITII-KMTRRN I.IXM , lilch terminate tliiTP , Ith KANSAS Citr , IKAVK < I ORTII , ATCIIUOX , orSCIk tlUTM anil OWAMA , thO CONMKRCIAl USTSHII ( rent vOilch mdlato CVEHV LING OF ROAD is.t prnrtrstf 9 thn Continent from the Mlwoiirl ler to the I'oclflc Slope. The 3HIOAUO llOClv ISLAND & PA CIFIC RAILWAY the only line from Chirac ownlni ? truck Into tiK\i , or w hleh , l > y It * ONI ! raid , rovrhci the otntsnbotoiKUnnl , No TRAvirrr.s nr CAsHUtml ( i MINIMI cov.xm-noMl Ha hiiilillltii ; In 111- f ntllatitl or unclean eixr , ni r crv iwwnlrcr In nrkxl hi roomy , dtaii and \cntltnltxl * i > oii rVnt Kxmvn Trains. PAT UAU * oiinrh alml niHKntflccnco , AUACR HlfKrivi CAKH. and our own world famous uraiiMlilchnimtarirflfrrrnl of urn irni > nl excellent , at tlio low ratu ot MKVKNTT INK Citvts RACII , with Miiplo tlnio ( of healthful ijoj mctit , Tlinii h Cars between Chlcftiro , Peorla , Mil atikeoaml Mlnioilri Hlver lVlnWnnd ; rknaron ectlonsat nil ] < olnt9 of Intersection with other QAds. ' \Vo ticket ( do not forget thl ) illrcclly to e en laroof IniixirtAiiio In Kiktiin % Nebraska , lllaek Ills , Wyciiilnir , Utah. Idaho , Nutodn , Cnllfornln , rc fn , Wtnltiiujton Territory , Colorado , Arliona nd .Vc.v iluxlro , As liberal arrangements regarding lia piun M ty other HUD , nml rates ot ( arc alrnijn ml ow at competitors , uho furnlih but n tltho of tlio com- rUDors and tackle of fportsmcn free. TUki'U. main and [ oldcra at all prlnclpnl ticket tires In the Lulled States and Canailn. It. It. CAULK. K. ST. JOHN , lee Prcn't ft tlen. Oen. Tkt anJI'ais'r Ajt. . Chleauo Chicago. No Changing Cars BKIWEKN OMAHA & CHICAGO , Vhcro direct connection * ! are nmdo nith Through HUiU'INU OAIl LI 'ES ( or S'KW VOnit , BOSTON. PHILADELPHIA , BALTIMOnC , WASHINGTON AMD ALL EASTERN 1T1E8. The Short Line via. Peoria Eor INDIANAI'OLIS , CINCINNATI , LOUIS VILLB , and Ul points In the Tim am LINI For ST. LOUIS , Vhcro direct connections r made In the Union Depot with the Throuifh Hlucnlng C r Lines for ALL I'OINTS NEW LINE'DES - ' MOIHES THE FAVOIUTK HOUTE KOR Rock Island. The uncqtnlcd Inducements ollcrud by this line a traclcrs ami tonrlHtu nro as follow n : Tlio celebrated PULLMAN (10 ( < hcrl ) PALAC'i : BMii'lWl : : CAKH run only an this line C. , II , & Q. J'ALAOr. MIAW1NO KOOM CAUS , witii lloiton's Itecllnlni ; Chain. No extra charge lo caU In Hci lining Chalr . The famonH U. , II. O , 1'alaiu DiuliiK Car * . ( lorKMmx Hmoklnir Cars lilted with elegant hlKh-hacl.ed rattan rmohln ? clialre , for the cxtlueho unaol lint-clam paisen ; crs. crs.Htctl Track snd rii | > erlor equipment comhlnci with thilr UJi'Ut through inr amusement , malt on this , ahmo nil other * , the ( a\orltu route to the hint , Kouth and bonlhuant. Try It , ami ) ouw 111 llnd traveling a luxury In tttad ol a dUeoinlort. lliroiitth tkkctilo thin cclrliratcil line far Halo at all olliccn In tlio United b'taUs and CunruU. All Inlorinatlon aliout raUH of ( are , Hleeplng Car acfoinnio'latltjin ' , Tlmu Tallies , etc. , will \ > cheerfully given hy oppljlin ; to I'KIICKVAL LOWr.LL , Ocncril rasionifcr Aiccnt , Chicago. T. J. 1'OTTKH. fl moral Jlnnaj'cr Clitcavo. IfVou i < i a ut f > J UJM'W , , 7 men uf lit- - _ _ rnril bjr Ilia strain or U-mtclllnifOTerMliK 5 ur duties avoid ni/lit wuik , to rf * , JtlmiiUnUand usu torLlmilniieireand Hop Dittars. nuto , u ) Hop B. urrcrlmf from any In. dlKTiUun or ill . . lion i trrausiviiisr. Heil or ln le , old or youiiir , vunrrlnir from loorhi aim ur lanauUh llnir on a bud of sick ur , riljr un Hop BIttero. . . - Tlmuunrli dlo an. Whf Ter yoilhn1. whenever you /ftI nuully friini loiuo .iU form of kid Hrrlcin nay that jrour J'Tiilli.uaHo llml inlifl'l liiif nr itliniiL'llnif , I | iarul > f < ; nireivniril | , wlthoutl li"'f" ' ' " " * | jTtt Illllvly UMOf laUu Hop HopBltters Bltt ra. ; D. I. O. an absolute jildlnl , m u . nd Iniiuin. of Iho riiwu l lo for no ? > euro Inutli , Llooi' , drunkinnoss < liter urticnett uwi of opium , Yon will l o tobacco.or rurodlfyouuK ; narcotics. Mop Bitter * Bold hydro ? , | weak and iri U , Uiiilfor y NEVER Circular , if iililUdtrj ti It may iior mrrus BIIVO your life. It line FAIL TU CO. , envocl hun ao < U > UrII.T , dreds. A Torouto , Out. To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J , B. Simpson's Specific It Is t , potn | ocurc lor tincnnatorrliea , Ecmlna Weokneii , ImWtanoy ) , nil if all dlnoruies rwultlnj ; from belf-ALuso , an llciitnl Anxiety , IXHII Memory , 1'alut In thu Hack or Khle , anU illwaw-i , - tliat luul to Coiisuiiitlon Insanity anil Tliu Kpcclflc Jlcdlclno li bcliu ; uicil Kith woiulvr < lul nuiccm. _ , _ raniplilots c t Ine to bll. Write lui them anil fU lull jar- tiiuhn. J'rloc , fipccinc , 81.00 | wr ( nckage , or nln pack. SKU ( or go.CO. AiluriJM all onlcn to U. BIMfaON J1KDICINE CO. Kon. 101 ami 10(1 Main bt. lludalo , K , V. EoM In Omaha by 0. 1. Uooilnian , J. W. llcll , } , K I h. and all John G. Jacobs , ( Formerly o ( Olthfe Jacobs , ) UNDERTAKER. No. lUTFarahaaBt , Old Stand ol Jacob Oil. jrOiden by Xeltgiapb Solicited yMy THIS NITflr AND CORRECT H ! ) * . . > oyond nny rcMouablo question thiU tti * i CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN R'Y 3t > 3r all Oilils the best fnr you to taho when .rnvcllnj < Innltlicrdltcctlon brtwco ; , * Clilcago and all of Iho Principal Points In Iho Wosl , North anif Northwest. Tlio rrlnclpnl Cltloinf \\VHnnil Vnrthwp- nrn Stntlons1 en tlMs roml. It.i UiniUKh Italiia uiako close conucctloua with tliotrulnsol nil itll'o..0)at ! vvwsg ayfi&is'rasaftaK ' THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , t lu The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. Tii-1 ' , , .oiipcrtor. . . CnnndM K nt ° y Coupon llckut Agents ill tlio Unltuil State * ami Homcmbcr to ask for Tickets via this sure they rend over It , and take nnno other. ilAltm UUQUIIT , Ocii'l JIniiftscr , OlilcaRO.V. . . II. SIBNNETT , Ueu'l 1'ass. Agent , CUlcaEO , HAnilY P. PUR ! , . Ticket Aifont 0. k N. W. Hallway , llth nndlF-uiihuni - Btrcctn. D. K. KIMIUI.L , Anlnlant Tic-kit Aont U t X.V. . Itillivny , 14th ami Karntum I'etreeti J. IllUr , , Tfoki-l Acent 0. Si N. W. llnllwny , U. V. II. 11. Depot. HAlir.S T. UI.AUK acncral Agent. INVITATI TO ALL WHO HAVE TO BE REPAIRED , IE ZLST Gh IR-A. TIILST G- TO BE DONE oil- While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower than all others. X..A.J3T I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS offered for Competition in our line Over All Competitors ! For the Best Watch Work , For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. ) For the Best Engraving , For the Best Diamonds ( own importation ) FOR THE BEST , b I ' O DISPLAYED , ETC. Intolj- enlarged my workHliops nnd putting in now nnd improved inn chinory , I liojio to Btill moro iniprovo the ( jtiality nnd finish f our work nnd ( ill orduin with moro promptness tlmu is usual. Motto hns iilwnvH boon find nhvnys willfbo : "First to gain superior facili ties nnd tliuu ( ufvurtiso the fact not liufnro-no wild advertisements. Some unprincipled denlora ' being in the habit of copying my ninioiincomoiits , I wouli'l bog yon , the reader of this , to drnw n line between such copied ndvortisonionta nnd these of Yours , very truly , ' 'A. B. HUBERMANN , The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. , Sign of the Striking Town Clock. M'DONALD ' AND HARRISON , AHE NOW OFFJ5IUNG FOR ONE MONTH ONLY DECIDED BARGAINS _ 13CKT Ladies' ' Suits , Cloaks , Ulsters , Circulars , Etc. 200 Handsome Suits , at $5.00 ; 300 Stylish Suits , $1O.OO ; 75 Black Silk Suits , $17.00. .1 ; . \Vo have sovernl lots of stnplo goods whiuli will bo olForod at SEVENTY-FIVE GENTS ON THE DOLLAR. All Indies ( mould avail themselves of this great sale of J OOESETS AND UNDERWEAR , 'LINEN AND MOHAIR ULSTERS , BILK AND LTNEN HANDKERCHIEFS , LAWN' SUITS AND SACQUES , MCDONALD & HARRISON. O. H. BALLOU , -DEALER IN- Lath and Shingles , Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks north of ST. PAUL AND OMAHA DEPOT.