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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1881)
SAN FRANCISCO. The Great City of the West , With ita Bewildering Natural - ural Beauties. Hotels , Store Architecture Endless Chain Street w > Ra'iwny. ' Porpotunl Spring Some Wealth nnd Mnoh Shoddy. lorrc ! pomlence of St. 1/ouis IlopuMIcan. SAN FiiANCisoo , Gal. , Aug. C. S.ui Francisco is indcod a beautiful city of palaces nnd sunshine. To the west the circling mountains nnd the rest less ocean ; to the east thu quiet bay and the placid valleys. Standing on the far-famed summit of Knob hill , where the mammoth castles of Californian aristocracy rear their stately towers , ono is literally ovnnvholmod by the immensity of vision. Far down into the valleys and up to the vcrqo of the mountains the great city stretches , nnd the white streets stretch like silver lines crossing and re-crossing in the dazzling sun light. To the right is Lone mountain , crowned witii the solemn cross , and further still to the north Mt. Tnmal- pnis lifts its ruggca peak nbovn the purple mists. Around ns nro all the evidences of surpassing Wealth nnd luxury. Gardens of moro than mar vellous beauty nnd homos that n prince might envy. Truly , San Fran cisco bears thu impress of that mighty masto'r-spirit which the miser worships nnd the poor mnn covots. Uold , the magician that rears palaces nnd opens the door to nil thu pleasures of man kind , has , sot her seal here and from this famous elevation the proud favor ites of fortune look coldly down upon the less favored ones of humanity. There are two things which contrib ute largely to the beauty of San Fran cisco , tlio irregularity of outline nnd surface and the great abundance of flowers. Even the poorest laborer may possess these , for they nro so little troublu in a city whuro no snow or fro it over comes to blight them. Ono sees but fpw neglected gardens , and such n variety of Mowers , such brilliancy of color and luxuriance of growth. Great cluster of iuchias that droop-over garden walls , and hod after bed of royal purple pansios. All of the delicate blossoms that must bo I nuwod with such tender hands in the cast grow here with scarcely a cnro. The landscape gardening is very beautiful. Golden Gate park , which n few years ago was considered solely sand dunes , is now n blooming para dise * It seems almost incredible to see the manner in which San Francis cans convert the barren sand lots into things of beauty. There is literally neither sunuior nor winter in San Francisco. In the afternoon it is always cool , nnd in the ovoniug overcoats juul thick wraps nro n stem necessity. Tliin dressus of nny description uro never scon on the ' streets. Think of it , what n paradise in July ! No lawns or muslins to grow limp in the scorching heat nnd no hopeless wilting of collars nnd culls- . Wo hoar of warm weather nt the Eastern watering plocos even Long may bo hot but San Francisco never. Down town ono sups seal skins worn every day , and it is not unusual to sco ladies clothed in them from head to foot. In fact , furs and sealskins nro ill use the year round. Owing to the coolness of the wuath- or the gaypty of San Francisco novcr obbs. It is ono continual round of pleasure. Parties , excursions , then- tros nnd amusements of every kind are always on the tapis , Consequent ly ono need never bo * dull. Like all seaport towns , it has pleasures that nro never dreamed of inland. The Grand opera house is rather disappointing , although immense. The Palace hotel impresses strangers in the same manner. It is perfectly mammoth in prouortions , but has neither symmetry , grace nor beauty. In fact , is positively ugly at liratsight. This is spunking of thu uxturior ; the interior IB beautiful. It has an im mense court in the centre , where the carriages enter to accommodate ( .meals. The rooms are fitted up luxuriously and'with great taste. As far ns size is concerned the now Southern isn't n circumstance , hut ns far ns elegance nnd beauty is concerned tlvo Palace in not a whit ahead of our own beautiful hotul. The general style of architecture in the city is quite graceful , but some times uomowhat monotonous. The , houses with very few exceptions nro built of redwood , which is almost lire- proot , and there is scarcely ono house in a hundred which is not painted white and that cannot boast of tit leant ono bow-window. Thii gives them a picturosquuncBs which one does not often BCO in largo cities. Strangers wonder at first at the provalonoy of frame houses , but when one considers the frequency of earthquakes ho dooa not fail to BOO the wisdom of such nn " arrangement. In case of n general * Hhako-up , brick houses would bo moro easily demolished. It scorns that nature by a wito dispensation has pro vided for the peculiar necessities of the country , for the redwood is very plentiful nnd almost indistructiblo by fire. In fact one seldom , hears of a ' largo fire and it is indeed u blessing ' for the high winds which BO of tun prevail would bo turriblo in such n calamity. The nro patrol is very ' 'efficient and it ia a rare treat to wit ness their drill at } ' . ' and 0 o'clock each day. Everything is worked by electricity , und it ia all done in auch a flash that the bewildered spectators uro scarcely able to toke it in. The captain IB very obliging and kindly allowed a party of friends to reuse the men at JO p. m. in order to see teem to wprk from their awakened rng . To these who have never soon n street car gliding along aeronoly with out the aid of horses the cable linea of street railways in San Francisco are a great aourco of novel pleasure and delight. The dizzy heights thai they climb would make horses shud der , yet oyer those the cars glide with an ease and epeed that ia simply mar vellous. Ana what n blessing they are no tired , mlierablo horses to sicken the soul , and no brutality ol heartleu driven to witness. ' It ia a real pleasure to ait on the front eat of the dummy and ride up I and down the hills in perfect security , with a varied panorama to charm the vision. In fact , it is just "too awful ly quite. " Climbing up and down the endless hills one obtains nn idea of the city ho could otherwise get. It is like a kaleidoscope ; at every hill the sccno changes , oven if it ho only an added mountain or a different shift ing of the lights and shadows. The cabu ) lines nro .in invention peculiarly suited to this metropolis for they olivialo the difllcult of travel ing over so hilly a city , and at the Bfltnc ! tinio have nothing to fear from thu interference of snow or frost. They are comparatively safe , since very few accidents over occur. The mornings hero are oxqulsijcly lovely -full of sunshine and just warm onouuli to suggest an ideal sum mer. Over the h.iy rests a dreamy hnzo , mid the distant mountains nro encircled in mist. From six until cloven this calm glory lasts nnd the morning is perfect. Then irom the ocean comes the trade w inds , nnd it grows very cool sometimes , especial ly at nigh exceedingly cold. California is the land of fruit nnd Honors , and San Francisco has ono of the finest markets in the world. Pears and grapes ) too .beautiful.almost to cat , great purple plums as largo as peaches , nnd largo strawberries most rosily tempting. These latter are in the market every month in the year oxccpt one. At present great quan tities of fruit nro being shipped cast whuro it commands better prices than at homo , Ono can scarcely think of a variety of fruit that is not to1 ho seen in the market , and immense quanti ties of crabs , nhrimps , lobsters , clams , fish nnd game are daily to bo seen in the stalls , A visit to Andrews' diamond palace the other day wan well worth the trouble. Ori three sides of the apart ment plate-glass mirrors extend from thu ( leer to thu coilinu nnd the oiVect of the multiplicity of reflections is fairly dazzling. The celling nro ex quisitely frescoed nnd end in an im- mmiso mirror nt the lower end of the room. The chandeliers arc of cut glass , nnd through the centre pf the room nro pillars of bronzo. At night whim the dtoro isilluminatod the array of bronzes , uilvorwnro and jewels re flected with such brilliancy _ on'all sides render an effect that is fnirJy be wildering , The jewel cases are full of unique designs. I only wish I might describe a few of those , for they are as odd as ; hey are beautiful , but such things iiuat bo seen to bo appreciated. The ) bliging gentleman in chnrgo slipped jack ono of thu mirror panels and led is into the ofHco the sanctum snno- .orum , as it wore , of this veritable > aaco ! a phico luxuriously furnished and full of mystery , suggesting valu- nblo jowoln hidden behind the Jnjcui- icd panels of thu walls nnd ttccrut treaties of wealth and enterprise. Tlio goods stores of this city com pare favorably with those of the onst , though 1 have BOOH nothing ns yet in that line which has been at nil strik ing. The prices , ns u general thing , range much higher , nnd the styles nro nt luast six months or oven n year bo- liind those of the far cast , There is a turriblo amount of shod dy in San Francisco. More monuy than brniusi written on moro than ono face. 'It actually scorns that the refinement nnd culture of Californians decreases in oxnct proportion to the wealth. Of course this is not nlwnys so , for ono moots rotlnod people every day , people who have the wealth to back them , too , but there is scarcely n city in the union where society is com- ( KJacd of such n mixture of elements , and the morals nro certainly shocking , in fact , quita awfully nwful. There are mnny places of interest in the city , among them thu ancient ndobo houses , thu old Mission honso , 104 years old ; Telegraph hill , where they wuro wont to signal the vessels in thu early days , and Chinatown , as the Ohineso portion of the city is called. Just a short drive from the city is the Cliff house , built upon the high clifTa overlooking the ocean , where ono can look down upon the hundreds of sea lions disporting themselves among the rocks. What n sight that would bo ( or the small boys of St. Louis , who gaze with eager satisfac tion upon the imprisoned two who lazily bask in the tank nt the fair grounds. Our Young Americas would go wild with delight. Ono could not imagine n pleasanter place to spend the sunny mornings the long ocean bench smooth nnd shining , the b cak- ers dashing among the rocks and the white ships sailing liway to the edge of thu horizon , Standing on tlm broad verandah of thu hotul or resting fur down under the shadow of the cliHs , gazing upon the great expanse of waters , ono must ho jillud with somewhat of the same feeling that possessed the enrly dis coverers when they saw the wide Pa cific for the first time. The great Pacific , how beautiful it isl so wide nnd full of glory ! The soul must bo narrow indeed which would not bo impulsed with its grandeur or grow broader under the Influence of ita magnificent splendor. The thundot of the breakers on the shore is n wild music that thrills the heart , nnd like the musio of Wagner , it is full ot n mysterious qraudour that wo cannot comprehend. F. S , The Next Houso. I'hiladrljihla American , There will bo contests for fifteen seats in the next house of representa tives. Of thcBo , thirteen will bo from the south , Alabama alone furnishing four. Wo hope the republican major ity will have the good sense to suttk these contosta on thu footing of abso lute ljustice. They can do without these scats , they cannot nflbrd to take ono of thorn without satisfactory proof that thu contesting candidate received u majority of the votes actually cast. It is of no use to talk of voters terrorized and thus pre vented from appearing nt the polls. IJint may bo good reason for declaring the seat in question vacant , but it is none for seating the contestant. Ono of these contests will bo easily Bottled. Mr. Chalmers has repre sented the Shoestring district of Mis- sissippl lomj enough. Even the demo crats nro disgusted with the moans ho has used to toiuro , not an election , but a certificate of election. It is certain that ho cannot rally to the support of his claims even the demo- crutio minority of the houso. Mr. Chalmers u aware of this , and sees that something must bo done. So ho lias made a bid for the support of the groonbackera of the houao by coming forward as the rrccnback candidate for Mr. Lanmr's scat in the senate. The chances of Mr. Chalmers becoming senator from Mississippi are about equal ( o those of his being appointed sheriff of Mcccn , and ho knows this. Ills candidacy 11 merely n bid for sup port which ho badly needs. Wo think Mr. Clerk Adams of the house lias done exactly his duty in putting Mr. Cannon , nnd not Mr. Campbell , on the rolls ns delegate from Utnh. While the governor of tlio territory has given hh certificate to the latter , there can bo no doubt that the prima facie case justifies Mr. Adam's courso. THE MORtVlONS , Notes of Interest Prom the Capital Oifcy , Prosout Condition and Pros pects of Salt Lake. Correspondence of Tin Unit , SAW LAKK CITT , August 12. Though Utnh 1ms bcoii Bottled no.irly thirty-fivo ycnrs , up to the present it has had no territorial insane nsyluin. At the last scsaion of the legislative assembly nn appropriation WAS made nnd a commissioner appointed to lo cate nnd erect n building. A great dual of tinio has bcun uselessly spent in discussing the best location , the three lending cities of Central Utah all claiming it. At last it has been de cided to locate it nt Provo , the county i cat of Utah county , which place is correspondingly happy , while its disappointed yours console themselves - selves by insinuating it has most need of it. Proyo is doubtless well adapted for public edifices , bcin centrally situated , nnd , ns n rule , very healthy , though just nt present public meetings and gatherings of every kind nro for bidden in consequence of the con tinued presence of diphtheria. The mortality of Salt Lake City also still continues alarmingly high , especially nmont ; children , of whom there are , as vur readers nro doubtless aware , for moro than the usual average per thouannd. In fnct the statistics of tlio Mormon church show that one-third of its population in this nnd the sur rounding territories nro under eight years old. The non-Mormon or Gentile cle ment is largely composed of adult males drawn hero by the mines , many of whom have wives nnd families in the eastern states or in the old coun tries. It is this portion of the popu lation that causes the male element to fiijuro so largely in the census statis tics of Utah for 1880. Lut there is no dearth heiu of unmarried though marriageable ladies , ns it is sometimes assorted exists by reason ot polygamy. To the contrary , your correspondent is acquainted with numbaia of most estimable members of the gentler sex verging on old maidenhood , and the ratio appears to ns the lead ing cities grow moro populous. Partly in Utah and partly in Idaho lies the deep and beautiful Bear lake , surrounded by lofty peaks , and with nn occasional village nestling in the secluded vnlloys thnt hero nnd there nro found between the water's cdgo nnd the foot of the mountains Be fore the white men settled in the neighborhood the Shoshoncs nnd other Indians had n tradition that immense monsters nourished in its unfnthomcd deeps , and scrupulously refrained from bathing in its waters. Since its shores have boon tenanted by the higher race numerous stories have boon told by them of the sud den appearance of a huge serpont-hkb form thnt coursed through the waters with the rapidity of nn express train. Efforts have frequently bconmado to entrap it , but nlwnys unsuccessfully. This month it has boon soon byn party of visitors , among whom was ono member of con gress who represented that that portion of the body soon above the water was nbout thirty foot long , and ns usual , it nassad along with marvelous rapidity. Some have regarded it ns n myth und doubted ita existence , but after this last testimony , coining trom nn M. 0. , who shall gainsay il ? Yvur renders have learned from my previous loiters thnt n building boom is exercising Salt Lake and her sister cities. It still continues , workmen and teams nro scarce and wages ad vancing. The last company of 700 Mormon immigrants wcro swallowed up in los than no tinio , and another heavy company 4s expected to sail from Liverpool on the ad of Septem ber , to be iollowod by still another on the 22d of October. Notwithstanding - ing this I hoard a Mormon railroad contractor say thnt though ho gave the preference to people of his own fnitn , yet not nbovo ono-tunth of the working men on his contract wcro members of thu Mormon church ; on the other hand there are doubtless many of this people ple employed by ( Sontilo contractors. The fanners in many places have great difficulty in gathering in tlioir harvest. , The liquor question is still disturb ing the Salt Lake City fathers. The ordinance ! * passed by the city council to rogtilato the trullic in liquor have boon practically sot aside by the rul ings of the territorial United States courts , nnd n number of saloons are running without paying license or meeting any of the requirements of the ordinances , Part of the liquor doulcra sustain the city , with a view to limiting" the number of saloons , whilst the others , gen erally of u loss rospootablo class , are running to suit themselves. The council ia engaged in framing a now ordinance , with the vain hope of suit ing nil parties , the judiciary , the dealers , and the temperance folks , the latter having u very strong fol lowing ia all the parties and churches. If it wore not for the technical rulings of the courts , which have boon as va rious us the colors on Joseph's coat , the liquor Boilers would have had a hard time. Prohibition is utill enforced - forced in a number of the larger towns iu Utah , but in this city and in Ogden , under the present regime , it is impossible. BLUKOUD. Dp Not Doipoud- Warner's' Safe Kidney and Liver Guru will drive otT the worst attack ol "bluoir" oodlw , Creal German REMEDY ron RKEDXATISX bdI ! , NEURALGIA , SCIATICA , LUMBAGO , BACKACHE , GOUT , SORENESS orTiir. CHEST , SORE THROAT , QVINSY , SWELLINGS nn SPRAINS , FROSTED FEET * jlND iVnniiiinii' ' EARS , UTTOd-lVS 4XD SCALDS , crritcAL i klj TOOTH , EAR AMD 1 HEADACHE , 1.1D All oilier Faint JiHO ACHES. No Frcpiritiun nn etrtli tua1 St. JACOIH OIL n a mrr , BIIIE , slum and ciirAr Kuternil Ittn.e.lj. Atrltl tnulll tut th eompirttlTtlj- trifling outUrof M CKMIS. and Ter/on utftrlng with | aln c&a utvt cUtpindrxiiltltt | roofer III cltlmi. UlllU-IION * 15 riSTII LiXGCAflXS. SOU ) BY Alt DKUOQISTS AND OcAUJtt III MtOICINt. A. VOQELER , CO. llitltlmnre , 3IA. , V..A. PUOPOSALS FOR FILLING AL LEY l pronoxaU will ) > o rcccUcd ! > . ) tlieuinlcr ntil t'rl ny , August 19th , at 12 o'clock noon , lor the flllfnif of tlio alley In block 8 , PAI ! block ID located between Wclmtcr , California ami lUli ntvl l.'ith streets , In the city of Omaha , lulj work to be dona subject to the approval of the city engineer. llldn mutt lie nccompanltd by the propoiitfl mircl } ' unilcr thu usual conditions , Baldhlcltlllbcopcntxlattho rcirular meeting of the cltv round ! Augmt 22i1 , 1SS1 , The city rcscr\c tlio rljjlit to reject nhv nn < l nil Mill. Hi- \ cloiwn containing mill prc poul * should bo nmrk- oil ' 4'ropoxal * for I'llllng Alley in IMoik 8 , " nnd JclUcrcJ to the undcrxlgiied not later than the tlmu nbo\c specified. J. J. I. . C. JI'.WF.TT , City Clerk. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Pealed proiratnls u ill lie rccoh cd b > the Board nfCountj Commissioners of Uouulai County , > e- hratka , until Thursday , Siitembcr | 1st , 1881 , at 2 o'clo < k ] i. m. , for tliu erection of a court homo Imlldlnjj at Omahrt , In wild county , In accordance witlii'.aisand ] ] > cilflttit out made by K. 1 : . M.\or , architect , and nun on flic In the county clcrk'n ollko. r ach bid niuit be accoinmnlcd ] bv n jrood and Niilllclent bond In the linn of fl\o thousand dollars , condltloncil thattheblddcrulll enter In to contract nnd Ke \ n goodand HUlllclciitbond lortho faithful I'crformanco ' of the Murk fliouM the sanio ho awarded to him. 8pc < ifliatloim will be furnished upon application to the county clerk. Separate liiiH for tlm njvcral parts of the lnrilil- hiK will be considered and all proposal : ) must bo In.ulo upon schedules prepared by the arclntett Mid fiimMicd on application to the county clerk. The Hoard rum ea the rl lit to reject any or all lildx. Ily order of the Hoard of Oountv Commission- cru. JOHN U. MANCilESTKlt , Onmlin , AUK' 11 , 1881. County Clerk. AND STILL THE LION CONTINUES TO * Roar for Moores ( ) Harness AND Saddlery. I Lave adopted the Lion as a Trade Jlaik , and all my foods will bo STAMPED with the LION and my NAME on the same. NO (1001)8 ARK GKNUINB WITHOUT T1IE ABOVBJ SrAMl'S. The heat material Is used and the moil skillet' workmen are employed , nnd at the lowest cost price. Anone wishing a price-list of good will confer a favor by tending for one. DAVID SMITH MOORE. KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA 3 II II BITTER ILER & CO. , Solo Manufacturers. OMAHA. United States Depository. NationalBank - OP OMAHA. - Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts. OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT IN OMAHA. 6UOOESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS. ) HTA UlUm > IBM. OrpinUed u ! * I Bank Augubt 80 , JSC3. CAPITAL AND i'UOflTS OVEIt . 300,000 , OrriCEU iliD DUKCTOM t HiKxiN KOUNTIM , President. AUGUSTUS Kot'XTtic , Vlcu President. II. W , Yltu , Cashier. A. i. PorrLKTox , Attorney. JOIIH A. F. H. DAYU. Asst. CasWer. This bank receives iIspoulU without regard to sniounU. Iwucs time certlflcate * bcarlrz Interest. Draws dnlts oil San Francisco and nrlncliol cities ol the United States , also London. Dublin , Edinburgh and the principal cities ot th coutl- nciit of Europe. Sells passenger tickets ( or emigrants by the In. umvldtf A. f. mm , Dentist. Orncs Jacobs' Dlock , co ner Capitol a\couo anJFUtecoth w t , Omaha Nh Burdock < BltTERS .Mr . J. 0. llobcrUon , I'lttslnirtf. I'A , wrltrs , "I a mlTcrlnxfrorrt ( rcntral dibllltv , want of np petite , coritlpattoii , ctcr o tliat llfo uana bur. duij after uiint' llurdock fllood Itlttcri 1 felt bet > tor than for ) tnr . I cannot praise ) ) our Hitters too mttcli. " n. Olbbi , of fJulTnlo. N. Y. . writes : "Your P.urdock Illood Illttori , In chronic tll < cjuc < of the Mood , ll\cr nnd kMnejp , liato been signally marked with n C' . lha\o u cd them mjMlf with bent remit * , for torpldlt ) of the lit cr , and In CMC of a Irlcnd of mlno wilttrlnsr from dropsy , the effect n man cloin. Ilrueo Turner , IlochcMcr , N. Y , , writes : t l been eubjei t to certain dlaimlcr of the kldneju. nnd unable to attend to bu lne < ; llurdock Dlocxl Illttcnt rtllctcil ma bcforo half n bottle was oscU , I feel confident that they nil ! Intlrcly euro mo" K. Ancnlth Hall , IllnKhampton , K , Y.rjlte : "I puflcrrd with n dull pain throuith my left lung and shouliUr. l/nt inrplrlt < , nppctltoand color , anil c-ould nlthdllTliulty keep lip all day. \0urllurdoik Illood Illttcrs ai dlrectciland | htiu/flt no twin ilnco first week after using them. " Mr. Nrah Hates , Klmlra , N. Y. . writes : "About four j ears n o I bid nn attack of bllllou1) fc\er , and outer fully rccot crcil , ' My dlRettho organs were weakened , and I would be completely pro * trxtcil for di ) s. Aftci tisln tno Iwttlesof jour llunlock Illood Hitters the iniprotcinuit WOSKO UilUo that I wasattonUhcd. Iran now , though 01 jiartof ngc , do a fair and reaionablo diy'a work. " C. IlUckct Hoblnwn , proprietor of The Canada I'rc bj tcrian , Toronto , Out. , M rites : "Forjeare I suflcreil greatly from oft-recurring lica-lailio. 1 tucd ) our Ilitrdock Illood IllUcri with happlent rtsultn , nnd I now find tntuclf in better health than for yeari jmst. " Mm. Wallace , Iluffalo , N. Y. , * rites : ' ti cd Bunlotk Illood Hitters for iicnouK and bll- llont headaches , and can rccoinniLiid Ittoanjono re for billiousncus , " Mm. Ira Mnllholland , Albany , N. Y , writes : "Korscu'ral jcnrs I hate suffered from oft-recur- rltitf hHlloim headache * , dj pcrwla , and' ' complaint - plaint * peculiar to my BOX. Since i ) l"tr jour liurdock Illood Bitten I am entirely relict cd. " Price , I.OO per Dottle ; Trial Dottles 10 Cts POSTER , MILBURN/ / & Co , , Props , BUTF-aXO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale hy Ish & McM&hon and C. F. Goodman , Jo 27 e d-mo Established 11 Years , AMctn HcprcRenUid $82OOOOOO-O. Ac the Klrc and Ltfu ant -d. 0. T. TAYLOR & Cbi ' ' 14th & LET IT BURN I My house and furniture is insured with ' C. T. TAYLOll ft CO. , CJnr 14th and Dowlas , 50 ? PAPER WAREHOUSE. GRAHAM PAPER GO. 217 and 210 North Main St. , St. Louis , WIIOLFJAW DlUtXIU m \ PAPERS ENVELOPES , CAUU BOARD AND Printers Stock. farCash paid ( or Rags and Paper Stock , Scrap Iron and Metals. Paper Stock Warehouse * 1220 to 1237. North Sixth utrfHt. _ AGENTS WANTED FOR KAITK8T SM.LI.ia BOOKS of TIIK AflX I Foundations of Success 1IUS1NK.-J.S AND SOCIAL FORMS. The lawi ot trade , lo al forma , how to trans act lmsi C3iahuhlo table ) , notlal etiquette , parliamentary usage , how to conduce public busl- new ; In ( act ft Is a oinplctu Ouldo to bucccu ( ot ill cases. A family necessity. Address for cir culars and special terms ANCHOR 1'UULISIIIKO CO. , St.Louu , Mo. Cornell College , Tlio Clnflillcal , Philosophical , Scientific and Civ- 11 Kntflniurliitf Courecu comjiare favorably wltli the licit collects In the country. Special advantages arugUcnln the Preparato ry and Normal Departments , and In tlio Concert * atory ol Mutlc , Twenty Professors and Teachers. Hujvcrlor llulldlngii , Museum , laboratory an 1 Apparatus. Expenses Low , Fall term opens Srpt. 15 , For catalogues nr other ltit. rmMlon. addrfsi tl'lira. WM. K. KINtl , 1) . I ) , , jy 13-dAw2ni Alt. Veriioo. loa. . SIBBETT & PULLER , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , DAVID CITY , NEB. Special attention gUen to cotlictloni In Duller county > ll-me < lin /-1IVIL. MECHANICAL AND MININQ EN- \J GINGERING at the Rensselear Polytech- nlc Institute , Troy , N , Y. The oldest cntrlnecr- liijf school In America. Next tcnn hc ni Bcpi temlier 16th. The llf ; Uter for 1850-81 contains a 1 l t of the Kraduatcs for thu | < aat 64 ) can , nlth their positions ; also , rourw ) of study , rojulro' mcwts , uipcnuc'ii , stc , Addrena DAVID M. GREENE , ] l lt-doodaiiKl4 Director. SOANTLHTS Seamless Evaporator AMD "SOUTHERN "CANE MILL FIRST CLASS SOEOEO MAtMEBl AT VEIIT io ) rmcia. B nd for DiictlptlT * rrict LUt. TH08. SCANTUN&80N , EVANBVILU5,1ND. tmHitn Ull Jy-S8 U4wlm RACINE COLLEGE ! ACOLLKCIKAND OKAMMAU SCHOOL THE BEST SCHOOL 1 BOYS For terms Address Dr. Stevens Parker , warden of Racine College , Raome , Wis. jy 22.1m MRS. LOUISE MOHR , Graduate ot the St. L u I School ot Mld l > M. at IC08 California Street. Between Fifteenth and Sixteenth , north e , when calls will be promptly respond ed to at any hour during- the day or nltfht.mlTdS DEWEY & STONE , FURNITURE ! A ORCHARD & BEAN , J.B. FRENCH & CO. , CARPETS ! GROCERS ! BOSTON STORE 614-616 TENTH STREET. The Largest Dry Goods House in Omaha , ( Except Cruickshank & Go's , ) During this month we Shall offer the 'balance of our SUMMER STOCK at greatly reduced prices , in order to make roomQfor our extensive Fall purchases. Great Bargains will be offered in all Departments ! Our Shoe Department Is now open , and is under the the chaigo of Mr. T. II. Ross , ( for many years with W. B. Loring & Co. , ) who will be pleased to see all 'his old customers and friends. Wo can assure our ' numerous patrons that our prices are fully 20 per cent lower than any Shoo Store in ' ' Omaha. \ Are made expressly for the "BOSTON STOHE. " Every pair warranted. All Orders by Mall Carefully and Promptly Filled. P. G. IMLAH , Manager , Leader of Popular Prices , . Detwiler's 1 The I argest Stock and Most Com plete Assortment in I The West. We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures - and Lace Curtains. WE HAVE GOODS TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. 1313 Farnham St. , Omaha. TT n- . - ) * . >