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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1881)
u * > > . n > T / i .y . * * . . - 3 J.- . ' ' ; ' . . . , . * ; - - i.YSiWOf ) . PT - jT , # - - - - -v. , . > * , , - i - \'iivi ! | | u'M ? ; LMM ri-jif ? ' ' ! I'HE OMAHA DAILY BEE. " Ml - " ELEVENTH YEAE , OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , JULY 18 , 1881 , . -23 Great German REMEDY ron NEURALGIA , SCIATICA LUMBAGO , BACKACHE GOUT , SORENESS onus CKEST , SORE THROAT QUINSY , SWELLING ! AXD SPRAINS , FROSTED FEE1 * iVn EARS. IS XT 3d. 3V S 1KD SCALDS , OEHEUU , BODILY K TOOTH.EAF AltO HEADACHE , J.KO All other Pain ! AltD A.CHES. No Pr rtrnou on earth equtlj ST. Jicou OIL ai a 3iri , oni , IIMI-LI nd CIIIAP ExUrnal llinjedjr A trill tBtalli but the eomptrallTtlr trifling outUjol 0 CIKTI. anil tTirj out infortag vith pain caa UTI cbtap antfoiltltt proof of IU clilmi. U1RECIIONB III ELKTEX LifcGClGES. SOU ) Bt All BIUQOISTS AKO DIAUM IN MHICIRt A. VOGELCR & CO. _ Hnlttmnrt. MA , , V.S.jt OMAHA , inly 11 , i831. To Liujy A. Zcllcr , non-resident ; ikfcndant. You are hereby notified that on the 31st day o May. iBiil , William Zcller tiled a petition agalna you In the District Court of DouglaH county , Ke tinuka , tha object and prayer of which are to ob tain a divorce from you on the ground that yoi hatobcen uullty ot extreme cruelty towardi th plajntilT , without coed cause. You are rcquirot to answer said petition on or before Monday , thi 22d day of August , 1B81.WM. WM. ZEI.LER , Plaintiff. BLOOM , his attorney. JylS-w4t O..H. BALLOU ; DBALX& IN LUMBER , LATH AND SHINGLES , Yarfl and office ICth anilCumlngs streets , Omahi 2 blocka north of St. 1'aul i Omaha depot Jy lZ-vlw UP A white and blue spotted cow J _ about 0 or 7cars eld. by Q. Bowers , on J N. J ! . Patrick's farm , 4'miles ' west of Omaha , Jy 13-w2t mAKEN UP Ono dun mule , letter V brande JL on left side of the neck. . AUGUST NELSON , jy 125t On Crclghton Ptaoe , Military Road. AVUCUT k ° al or Traveling EfclDI mCn I State whichprefer < ed Also SALAHY per month. All EX. AVflKn Advanced. WAOEi promptly paid SLOAN & CO. , 300 George St , Cincinnati , O. Jy 20-2w LEGAL NOTICE. To Con. Kllnkcr non-resident of the State of Ne braeka. You are hereby notified that John Kllnker , your husband , aa plaintiff , has commenced hli action for a divorce against you by filing In the UiltrK * Court , in and for Douglas county , Ne braska , Juno 3d , 1881hispetiUon against you. th < object anp prayer of which said petition Is to ob talnadhorcefromyouon the ground of adult s'.1 ' ? ' ! , a'iefifd ' to Imvo becn committed with one W.K > alll , at Oioaha , Neb. , on or about April 9th , 1881 , ou are required to answer said iwtl. tlon on or before the 16th day of August , 1881 . W. J. CONNELL , | c-29 Iw Attorney for Plaintiff. AGENTS WANTKD EOB the Fastest foiling Boole of thi Age ! Foundations of Success , BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FORMS. The laws of trade , legal forma , how to ( rans- ait bu-lness , . valuable tnblos. eodal .etiquette , DarlUmeutarr nwge , 'how to' conduct public buslnets ; In f.ctlt Uacomnloto Guide to Sue- cesa far all classes. A family necessity. Adrtrcw JV drciiUriiaudspoclaUerros. 4.NOllOK PUB- UHlllNG CO. . St. IxmU. Mo. JtfOTICK Gilbert Wesson will take notice that on the 18th day of June. 1881. Luther R. Wright , a Jus. tlce of { he peace In and for Douglas * county , Ne braska , Issued an order of attachment for the sura of $50 and Interest from January 1,1880 , In nn action pending before him whcreln'Rfehard ' II. Itarrow Is plaintiff and Gilbert Wesson defendant : that property to-wlt : Funds belonging to you hare been attached under Bald order , bald cause was continued to the loth day of August , 1881. at 9 o'clock a. m. OUCIIARD H. DARIIOW , Plaintiff. Dated Omaha July ) 1881. , a. JjO-ovw-St c 1- - * Western Enamel Paiot Works , DULLARD , MASON & CO. . Burlington , Iowa. Manufacture of the But and Most Popular , Braodi ot Ready Mixed House and Cottage Paints In the Market , The Western Fnamel. the Chicago , Burlington and Qulooy , llallrnad Cottage , the llawkeyo Cottage , tue < - . , H. It Q. Iron-Clad an < i Fire. IVo.l Paint , eTpreuly for Darns , Depots , Ele\a- tan , Rallroid Cars , frlde. ! . Ko'ttt. ae. . and tUapted by most of the < Rallroadi througliout We manufacture all the popular shadei and colors In tue for bouse painting both Intlde anil out , nd guarantee them UMuriaasei for ilur. ubi Ity and beiuty. Our outside wi Ito wa ur. rant ip Bland Bve llniea lon , r without dialling than the be > t of white lead and oil aj ufciuUv ranted , or white Jeid and oil furnUhnd fieo c'f expense for i epalntin * . Our tno Whiter ex- pieebly for Inside work Is not equaled for its ev tnniewhltene.and'gku\ranieo.l not o jel- low II Iho directions are obsorvej In uterrlrK the surf ace 11 be palntod. tie are jl o minuUcturlng the Alat-attlne and Boratj of Zinc Kalwmlne , ali.olutehihe flne.1 . d malt oonveLlent decorative mateilali ID ex- liUnce , and o .imple In Its preparation that t can bo app led by any ol ordinary IntellUenee. brilliant , white and an endlisanum. b r ot shade * and tlut , all g.ods manuf.ctiirrd hyuiguarauteed. gample card , of pifnta and kalomliicfurnl8hedfn.eonappllcatrou by mall or otherwise. Correspondence solicited. MILLARD , MASON & CO. , Nc. 800 , tOt and Ml Fouth Main Street. Uur- llngton. owa. _ CARPET HOUSE J. B. QETWILER , 1313 farnham 8t.XJMAHA , NEB. Body Brunei * . JUS to Sl.TSi Tapestry Bru4l , sels 1.15 toi.35i 8-ply Cin4t. J1.25 fo ll.joj llest 2 ply , Ingrain. $1.00 to J1.1& ; Clieap 8-tJy Ingrain , IOC to 6ic , JIatting8.OH Cloth and Widow Shades at Lowcat JkTarkpt Prices. Largest Stock and Lowest Prices. Samples furnished at yard-rates. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS AT BEMIB AGENCY , FIFTEENTH AND DOUGLAS STS , , * No 1 LM on llarnoy street , near new couri house , t2W . No 2 Lot on COM Itrcct nrnr 22d , 62 WO. No 3 Ix > t on OaKomla street near 22JS1600 No B Lot on Sfarcy ttre t nor U. r. . depot i 1200. No 0 1 block In Shlnn's 3d addition near Con ont , tSM > . No B Two lots enl > cctttur near Campbell SU 7 * > . No 10 S lots on Colfax ftroet near HanMoir Park , at reasonable price * , ' lee cholorail < l ace lota In Credit , Foneler.aj Grandvlew additions n AorPdsUnr ! < ( Wutheaat ol U. P. and 11. it M. depot * , prices from (100 up- wards. IS lota on 21 t , 22 J , 23d and Blunders streets , north of and adjoining E. V. Him til's add It Ion 1400 ; terms easy. * No CO Full corner lot on Douglas street noai 10th , $2600. No 70 Corner CCxllO feet lot on DougUs noai near llth street , 83100. No. 71 Three loUln Glse'l addition ncarSaun ders street , 81000 73 Lot on Devatur etrcct , near Irene Shlnn'i Zd addition 115. No. 76 82x60 lect on Pacific street near U. F and B. & M. depots , J3000. No. 70 Splendid warehouse lot 77x132 fcol gtl street near Join * , 83600. No 73 3 lota on llarnoy street near 19thf2000. No 81 Lot In also's addition near Saunden a'reet , $600. No. 82 Lot In discs' addition near Saunden street , $300. No 83 2 lota on. 19th near Pacific and Nat No SO Lot on Charles street near Saundeis , 8600. 8600.No 87 Lot on'Learomvorth near 16th , 81,100 , No 83 Lot on Caldwcll street near Sounders , 850Q. No 89 Lot on Chicago near 22d street. $1600. No 90 Lot on Dlondo near Campbell gtrcot 876. 31 loU InMllUrdu i : Caldwcll's addition , Shcr. man avenue , IGth street , Spring , Saratoga and Florence streets , $700 and upwards. No 122 2 loU on 18th street , near Foppleton't new residence , 81600. No 123 Lot 71x310 Icct on Sherman arcnuo. 10th street , $1100 No 124 B Iota en Dellovtio street , near shot tower , 850 to 875 each. No 125 Kull block on Clinton street , near that tower , 850 to 876 each. No 126 Lot on 18th street , no 5 white lead works , 8526 No 127 2 lota , 3J acres near haul of St. Mar/a arenuo , on road 10 Park , 82500. No 129 Lo on California near Crclghtoil Col- cgc. 8375. No 130 4 lota near new government corral , 82 J 1207 J acres each , 300. No 161 Lot In OIic's addition on Cameron St. near Saundcrs , make an offer. No. too Lot In OUe'g oddltfon on Callus St. , near State , tnake an offer. No 102 Lot In Olse'a addition on Cassius near Saundcrs , make an offer. No 163 1 block in lioyd's addition addition near Omaha Barracks , make nn offer. No 101 7 lots In Henry & Shclton's addition near high school , price from $1250 upward. 170 Lot on Pacific street ; near 16th , make on offer. offer.No 171 2 lota on Webster street , near 21st , both 833uO or 82000 for comer and $1800 for In- do. do.No 173 1 lot on COM near 14th street. $1000. .No 176 Lot on Sherman menuo'lCth street near lurd , 44x132 , 81400. . " No 1773 lota In , Orond\low. Jnake on offer. * * . Na 180 Lot in. Shorn' * addition on Plorfit , uear end street car track , (525. No 181-iTwo lota In Nelson's addition , 1 on Idaho Hticct , 1 on Center street , near Cumlng , 8300 each. No 183 Two gilt edge lots on Cess street near 21st. on a corner , tCOOO. No 185 Lot on S ard street , near Saunden , make aa offer. No 18(1 ( 3 Iota on Scward street , near Irene , make an offer No ISO ) , lot'on Pavenport near 25th , 8600. No 187) ) , lot on Division near Cumlng st. . 8200. No 188 } , block In Boyd'a addition , near Omaha barracks. 8400. N0189J , i lot on Plerco near Cth street , 8550. No 19uJ , J lot on llth near Kiirnlmni , $2100 No 101 $ , 2 beautiful lots in Shinn's addition , S1200. No 102 } , 2 lots on 18th street near white lead works , 1U50. No 103J , lot on 20th street near Sherman , 8100 , No 194J , 2 lots on 22d direct , near Clark , 8800. No 190 $ , 3 beautiful lots on bounders at. near street car turn table , 81275. No 199 ] , lot on 16th near 1'icJco bt. 8500. No 201 Lot In Olte'a addition on Cameron St. , near Saundcrs , 8600. No 20J Lot on Cameron street near Saundcra. 8000.No No 2Q3 Lot in Shlnn'a addition on Saundcrs street , near street car turi table , 8360. No 2W4 Beautiful lot In Nelson's addition , on Division street near Cumlng , 8460. No. 205 Two lots on Costcllar street , near lOUi 1160.No No 200 Two lot * on Sixteenth street , near the nail worka , $1500. No 208 One-half lot' on 'California streot'ncor 21 t , 8700. No.209 Lot on 18th street near Nicholas , 8000. No 210Lot on Capitol avenue near 23d,81600. Na 212 Lot 148x600 feet on Colfaz street , neoi Hansoom Park , with Improvement * , 82700. No 213 Two acres on Cumlng street , 81000. No 216 One-hall acre on > California , near Ken nedy iitreet , $350. No SIB Beautiful lot on Hamilton street near street cxr turn taolo , 81000. No 217- Lot on 23d street , near Clark. 8500. A fnw acre lots only remain unsold In "Pork Place" tittle west of Crelghton Collegt , prices ranging fiom 8276 to 8300 each and on easy terms. LoU In llorbtcn'a 1st and 2d additions ; also lota la Parker'sShlnn's ; Nelson's , Terrace's , E. V , Smith's. Iledlck's , and all the other additions at any price and at any terms. Ten acre * In the city lluilta on the road to the barracks at 8376 per acre. Four beautiful residence lota In front of Crelghton College ; will cut them up to milt. Nine residence loU north of Crelghton College ground * , from 8700 to $1000 each. Thirty re M.-nt lots In Parker's addition , ulx blocks north of tliojcnd ol the strecs car track on Saunder * street , 8300 each , 810 down , balance to suit , at b j > cr cent Interest. A few lots felt In Terrace addUUn on the road to the Park , near head ol fit. Mary's avcnuo,87tf > each. To those who will bul'.d a 91200 ruiidcnco , 7 years time at 8 p-r cent iMoreet. LoU In lake's addition at 8350 to $3M > each , 10 years time at 0 per cent intercut , to tlioao who build , . ' 1 lie old Toiuley 40-acro tract with house and all tinproi cmentd , adjoining race court > e and fair ground * ' for tsoOO. Tractaof 6,111,16,20,40 or 80 acrw , with buil dings and other Improvements and adjoining the city , at all prices. 3500 of the btwt rwldence lot < in the city of Omaha any location jou desire nortlicait , south or "cut , and at bud rock prices. 260 choice bu.lnem luts ill all the principal bus- \neta \ utreets In Omaha , varying Irum 8600 to f7W each. Two hundred houses and lot < ranging frnin (500 ( to Jlb.O'X ' ) , and located In ct cry part of tha : lty. Largo number of excellent farint In Douglas , Jarpy baundcru , Dodge , \Vwlilngton. Hurt , and > ther good counties In eastern Ncl'ranka. 12,000 acres boat ) and In DouglaH , 7000 acrus x t lands In Karpy county , and largo tracts In ill the eastern tier of counties. Over 900,000 acres of the best land in the Ne- jroska for sale by this agency , Verj largo amounts of suburban property In me to ten , twenty and forty acre picccn , located tithin one to tlirec , four or the mllu of Die xmtofllce some \ cry cheap pieces. . New Maps of Omaha , published by George P leiuls plain , unmounied mapa 60 cents 'eoeh ; nountcd , colored and with clotli back , 81,60 ch. Honey loaned on Improved' farms also on luiiroted city rropcrty , at the lowest rates if Intercut. Homes , stores , hoteli , farmslotil ands. offices roomt.ttc . to r nt or leate. Taxes ixud , rents collected , deeds , mortgages , Jid all kinds of real esutu documents made out in short notice. GEO. P. BEMIS1 Jeal Estate Exchange 16th and Douglaa [ Street , MAHA , - . . NEB. THE THIRD SUNDAY. The Third Week Finds the Presi dent Comparatively Out -Danger , The Bconos About the White Houao * in Striking Con trast to Those ofThroo Weeks Ago. The Washington Jail Visited by a Great Many People Yesterday. Guiteau Growing Repentant- He Now Says Ho is Sorry Z " * Ho Shot the President. Ho Hopes ; Ho Will Rooovor-No Ono Allowed to Sea the Prisoner' MOUK OHKKHFUI , . WASHINGTON , July 1C. At 2 o'clock this afternoon Dr. Bliss snid that the president was growing inoro and more cheerful. Among the questions ho naked to-drvy was when the doctors thought ho would bo Mo to take n trip down the river in the Dispatch. Dr. Bliss told him ho could not say hist when , but it would bo before long. The president expressed himself - self aa highly pleased. NO FUHTIIEU DAKOKK U'l'KKHKNDEI ) . Miss Mollie and James and Harry Garflold spent an hour or two by their father's bcdsidn both yesterday and to-day. The president's wound was dressed this afternoon as usual. The outward indications remain as favor able as this morning and all symptoms are excellent. Dr. Bliss stated that ho apprehended no further danger. THE CAUINET. So much confidence have the cabi- inot in the proidents recovery that some of them are renewing their plans for summer vacations. Secretary Windom and family go to Deer Park to-day and will remain over Sunday. Secretaries Lincoln and Hunt with their wives and Mrs. Blaine will go down the Potomac this owning on the barrio excursion. OU1TEAU llEl'ENTINO. 'NVASHiNOTON , Juty 1(5. ( Ouitoau is having an easy timp in jail. Ho seems to have como practically to his senses. Ho is reported to have said yesterday , "If I had another opportunity I would not try to shoot the president. I thought I had an inspiration to re move him , but I scp I must have been mistaken. I think it hoabcen , ordained by God that the president shall not be killed and for that reason would not try it again if I had a chance. If it were not decreed by God that lie should not bo killed how could ho bo ulivo now ? I hold the pistol close to his back and my hand was as steady as iron. I fired point blank at him , and nothing but divine interference could have saved him. Ho wont die , I am convinced , and I am sorry I inado him so much pain. Its of no use for any ono to try to kill him now , for if I could not , with the chances I had , no ono can. It is so or dained , and wo must abide by the will of Providence. " The jail was visited by ono hun dred people to-day but no ono was allowed to ace Guiteau , who still asks anxiously about the president , and says ho now hopes ho will recover. Thoprisoncr eats all that is sot before him and does not let his sins brood upon him. CONKLINO. Ex-Senator Colliding said to-day that his visit to Washington had noth ing to do with politics directly or in directly Ho might bo hero ono day or several days. Those who are on friendly terms with him corroborate the statement that the trip is on busi ness connected with the Hud son river tunnel. It is stated that Senator Jones has put'a great deal of capital in that enterprise , and that Conkling is counsel , engaged in anticipation of litigation in regard to the tunnel. Ho is hero consulting with Senator Jones and hunting up some legal authorities and references , fn his talk ho referred to politics as a mbject in which ho felt very little in terest. A CONTRAST TO THIIEE WEEKH AGO. The third Sunday of the president's llness has been as bright in reality as n prospect , and the beautiful aspect ) f nature about the city has been aptly llustrativo of the nlaco and hope that oigns supremo. In the sick room the ook of anxiety has faded and only ixtrcmo caution keeps them from of- iciolly announcing the president out if danger. The president slept al- nest continuously during the night md awoke very much interested in ho question of breakfast. Mrs. Gar- ield was in his room when ho awoke , nd Mr. Crumps , the nurse , tad just been telling her how nicely icr husband had been sleeping and tow ho had exhibited no signs of the estless nature that had sometimes al- nest counteracted the rest. Dr. iliss was by his side soon after and iked him what ho would have for > ruakfast. Ho said lie would try omo lamb chops and a baked potato. THE MOnNINd EXAMINATION. While his breakfast was preparing , ho president , braced up by his usual lose of port wine , underwent the norning examination and hud a heerful word with tno doctors. Ho fsa moved about and the wound ras dressed with BO much aso to the patient that 10 a ked Dr. Blisa if hd could not ait ip in bed a little while , . Ho felt as f his back would bond enouglj for tliaf. Jut Dr. Blisa said not yet and the Toaidont rfdmittod that the doctors : now best. When his breakfast was eady ho chewed and swallowed gome f the lamb chop. The doctors found liia mornini' no symptoms of the usu al febrile rise and argued there fore that its recurrence wouhi bo slight to-day , and probably later , They found laudable pus flowing fron the interior of the wontul showing how perfectly suppuration was pro greasing. In fact the examinations ol to-day have boon productive of resulU which have so confirmed the physl cians in their statement * they coult not ask for bettor conditions. TUB WKSIDEST'S FAMILY. The president's children spoilt t few moments with him this morning. Mrs. Garficld stored by her husbam' to-day , feeling moro' secure that hoi presence would not annoy him in anj way. She did not ioavo the house during ( ho day. THK MtNIifTEnS. In almost all the city churches to < day nrnycrs of thanksgiving for the president's recovery were ottered anO appropriate sermons were prcaohe'd. Ellcctivo mention of'tho assacunatioi : and its lessons wcro inado by Bishop Pincky at Emanuol's .church , Union- tawii , and by Pvov. Dr. Mason , of De troit ; at the Motnpolitaii church. The colored people hold a jubilee ser vice in honor of the president's conva lescence. BTTMjETINS WASHINGTON , July 17. 80 : ! ! a. m. The president's continues to im prove. Ho passed an excellent night and has a good appetite this fore noon. Pulse GO ) temperature 08 , res piration 18. [ Signed. ] D. W , Buss , J. K. BAH.NKS , J. J. WoomvAun , lion'r RKYIIUIIN. July 17 , 7 p. m. Our oxpectatiom , of favorable progress have been fullj realized by the manner in which the president has passed the day. Ho has taken moro food and ate with more relish than hitherto , and his after noon fever , which ia as alight us thai of yesterday , came on later. At 1 p. m. his pulao was 99 , temperature ' ,18-5 , respiration 18. At present his pulse is 98 , temperature ) 100-2 , respiration 20. ( Signed ) D. W. BLIKS , J. J. WOODIIUHN , JAMES BARNES , ROUT. RBYUUHN. THK I'HESIDENT'H BUKAKFANT , To members cabinet : My Dear Sirs The president's sleep last night was unbroken and hence very refreshing this morning. His pulse is 00 , with normal temperature and respiration. Ho has just ordered a breakfast con sisting of two lamb chops with bacon , ono baked potato with cream and but ter. Ho took a little port a few hours ago. Ho has expressed a desire to sit up and indulged in speculation as to the timp when ho shall bo allowed to leave his bod. Very respectfully , J. S. BIIOVN , Private Secretary. TO THE CONSin-TINQRUllOEONS. The following dispatch was sent to the two consulting surgeons by the in "Since dispatch surgeons charge : our patch of yesterday the president has done as well as our hopes then in dicated. Ho had a single hypodomic injection of one-eighth of a grain of sulphate of morphia , at bed time and slept woll. Quinia , in throe grain doses , have been continued , as has been tha plan of nourishment hith erto reported. His bowels have boon kept free by onemata. The wound is dressed with antiseptic precaution twice daily. There is now n free discharge ot healthy pus. This after noon the fever has been comparatively alight , Yesterday at 1 p. in. his pulse was 94 , temperature 38 , respi ration , 18. At ? p. m. to-night his puiso was 98 , temperature 100.2 , res piration , 20. ( Signed ) D. W. Buss , J. J. WoonwAun , J. K. BAKNES , ROUT. RBYHUUK. Biff Fire at Hasting * . HASTINOH , NEII , July 17. The most destructive fire which has over visited Hastings , broke out at a little after 3 o'clock on yesterday in Davis' drug store. The inception of the Tire is said to have been the explosion of a crao of kerosene. The whole of the poatofDco block on the side of Second street , with the exception of a largo block on the southeast corner , and the livery stable on the north west corner has been burned down , At this -time , G o'clock , the iiro is under control , and will jo no farther. The letters md mail were all saved from the poatoflieo , as were also goods from most of the stores , though in a badly juinagod condition. Davis lost the nest of his drugs , and Edwards a argo part of his groceries , flip buildings burned are the Jhicago dry goods store , Clark'n restaurant , Edwards' grocery , Davis Irug store , the poatollico , the Tem perance billiard hull , llowland'a gro : ory store , Clark's Hour store , Andor ion's grocery atoro , Itarginer'a hard- varo , Binderup'a tin atoro , Snydor'u ligar shop , the Singer Bowing nachme store and two unoccupied juildinga on Hastings avenue , one > f them just moved into , and ho other being fitted u | > for u ros- aurant. Ferryby & Camp suil'ored icavily in the removal of goods. The DBS on buildings will foot up $40,000 , , nd half as much more dainago on ; ooda. Tbo Comet- rational Axoclatod'rtm. . Rot'HESTEu , N. Y. , July 17. The tow comet is moving northwest and an be found near the star Capella. ) r. Swift , of the Warner observatory , liinks if it had passed around the un the fact would have been noted iy the Southern HoniUphero obaerv- ra. It will grow brighter and may to visible to the naked eyo. Mining Suit Ended. SAN FIUNOJHOO , July 17. The Alt lion-Itichmond suit was concluded o-day. The case turns on the St. leorgo patent. If that is established lie Albion will win , if not , other wise. TURF AND TRIGGER TOPIOS Maud S , Fails to Beat Sloop ; Tom's ' Pacing Record of 2:12 : 1-4 , Tp-Morro\v the Opening Day o the Chicago Driving Park -Aesobintion. Sorno Fast Trotting Expootod Maud S. to Trot Against Her Boat Timo. The Lords Boat the Common era in the Shooting Maloh nt Wimbledon. Otbor Sportlnc Notes From Varl ou Port * of the Country. THE TURF. rirrgnuuo UHIVINU VAUK UAOKS. PiTTHUUita , July 10. For the extra tra day of the Pittsburg driving par ! races the weather was threatening which had the ollect of making the at tendance small , although Maud S and Mattie Hunter were announcci to go against time. By 12 o'clock p in. no moro than D,000 were on the ground. After two heals of the 2:25 : class had been trotted Mattie Hunter and Sorrel Dan were broughl out to go against Sleepy Tom's great pacing record of 2:12J. : Al the first score the word was given am away they wont , Hunter slightly in the load , which she maintained to the quarter. Just before the half Dai broke and the mare opened seven lengths of daylight between thorn. Down the homo stretch the two noble animals came at a terrific gait , the mare holding lior lend and Splan urg ing her to her utmost. She cnmsoi the wire amid applause , and 2:12j : was hung out. In the second heal the two trotted evenly to the half , where Dan broke badly , giving the mare a good lead , Shu crossed the wire in 210 j , winning the race , bill failing by a half second to beat Tom's time. Just an the queen of the turf , Mam : S. , was brought out a alight rain com menced to fall , injuring the track , bul she came down in good stylo. Bair nodded to the juudgcs for the word and away she wont. At thofiratuar- ] tor nliu recorded 85. Picking horaoli up , nho sped at a great pace to the half , crossing in 1:07. Then came an ex hibition of speed rarely witnessed "look at her go , she'll boat 10 , " wai the cry but fifty foot before the third quarter the mare was forced off her foot and didn't regain them again for one-hundred yards. Nevertheless she made the three-quarter polo in 1:37j : and the third quarter at a 2:07 : gait. Catching her foot she came down the homo stretch at a rattling pace , but the six seconds lost could not bo gained , and aho crossed under the wire in 2:15. : Said Captain Stone : "Sho can do it and will go again , " but the storm burst and the rain fell in torrents ruining the track , and ho announced that she would not | again. Captain Stone says aho w come hero in the fall and show her heels to 2:10J. : The 2:25 : "class mco was won by John S. Clark , Abdullah Bay second , Sue Orundy third. Time , 2:25J : , 2,2-llr , , 2:25j2:241. : : . Time of laiJt heat nut taken. The judges gave the wed "go" and then recalled the horses. John S. Clark and Abdallah wont round claiming they could not bo chocked after the word was given The claim was allowed and the race was given to Clark. THK CHIUAUO TKOTTINO MEETING. CJIICAOO , July 10. The summer trotting mooting of the Chicago driv- ingpark will open Tuesday next. There are 185 entries and $10,000 hung up in purses. One fcaturo of each days' ' apart will bo the chariot racing. Maud S , , queen of the turf , will bo lot out next Saturday , to beat the best time on record , which waa inado by her at Pittsburg. Mr. Wm. H. Vanderbilt , owner of the mare , will bo hero to BOO her trot. Ho has never soon any of her fast performances , and it in expected she will make marvellous time , IJKIOIITON IIEAGH. BRWHTON BEACH , July 1(1. ( The first race for a purse of $200 , one mile and a quarter , was won by Gou- vornour ; Bride Cuke second , Time , 1:50. : 1:50.Tho The second race , for a purse of 8200 , throo-quartera of a milo , waa won by Prospers ; Dodelto second. Time , 1:18. : The third race for a purse of $250 , mile heats , was won by Surge ; Wake- field second. Time , 1:40 , The fourth race , a steeple chase , was won by Miss Mallory. Time , 2:54. : 2:54.Tho The fifth race , ono mile , over four hurdles , was won by Suannonu ; Strychnine second. Time , 150 ; , IIACINU AT HAHATOUA. % SAIUTOOA , July 10. The racing season at Saratoga waa inagurated to day with four events. The first race was an introductory scramble , a dis tance of five furlongs. Western turfmen backed Western Crack and Patti for largo amounts. After con siderable difficulty at the sturtini' post they at last got away , Bouncer in the lead. The race was won by Lorillard'a Pappooso , Lorillard a Bouncer sdcoml , B. B. Davis * Jake White third. liotwepn the first and second race a lioavy rain began to fall and contin- iiod while the Traverse atako way be ing run. The third race was the Ezcolsior Jwcbpslakes , ior all ages , ono mile and .hroo-quarjors. Eight horaca start- id and the race was won by Clicck- iuito , Thorn second , Parole third , riino 2:58 : . The weather begun to : lear about the conclusion of the third ace. The fourth race waa a pacing race for a purse of $300 , all ftpcs , ono milo. Eight homos started , The race was won by Warfiold , Potomac second , Valeria third. Time 1:43J. : THE TRIGGER. Tim mtooriNO \viMnurrojf. . LONDON , July 10. At Wimblolon Butts to-day the rifle match between the ( mooting cluba of the l < ords and Commoners came oft" . The shooting was unusually good and , somewhat U the surprise of many , the Lords bca the Commoners handsomely. The weather was blazing hot. The at tendance of gentlemen and ladies was largo. In the company were a num ber of the most distinguished mum- bora .of aqcioty. THE DIAMOND. THE OAMEH YESTEHIUV. Cf.nvAi.ANi ) , 0. ' , July 1(5 ( , Clove- lands 35 , Detroit 8. PnovihnNCKiJ.uly 10. "Worcesters 1 , Providence 0. Tiiov , July 10. Bostons 4 , Troya BUFFALO , July 10. Chicagoa ft Uuflhlos 10. Bank Statement- NittlonM Amoclatcd I'rpm. NswYoiiK , July 10. The bank statement to-day is favorable with the following changes ; Loan decrease $4,112,000 ; species increased $4,221- 000 ; legal tender increased $774,400 deposits incroanod $1,350,500 ; circu lation increased , $33,100 ; receipts in creased $1,053,075. The Gnrilolcl Fund. NEW YOHK , July 17. Contribu tions to the Gartield fund to-day amounted to $70,225. Previously acknowledged , $145,783. Grand to tal $147,575 20. Dl.SMIHHEI ) AND DI'.nitADEll. LONDON , July 16. Count Guido Lynor. second secretary of the Gor.- man legation at the court of St. James , who was arrested by the police some days ago for committing an un mentionable ollunsc , has boon dis missed from all hia appointments in the German government , and degraded - graded among the nobility. A BOY'S DEATH Dooidod to Have Resulted Prom Natural Causes. Young Eddie Miller ; concerning whom BO much 1ms recently boon pub- lishodJdied at thohohioofhisparents , on Saturday afternoon , at 4 o'clock. The father of the boy mid in fact moat of his frioiula believe that the death hnd boon brought nbout by n boating ho waa allodgod _ to hayo roceived-from ono of the noigobors. Ai tholmtdTT ' * was charged that the boy had , struck a neighbor's child with a club and in' ro- talintion its mother boat him severely. However thia may have boon , the father desired an inquest to bo hold. Dr. Neville , Dr. Grossnmn , hold a post mortem examination yes terday afternoon on the strength of which the jury , summoned by Coroner ner Jucobrt , returned a verdict that the buy had died from aoftoning of the brain , and not from the oH'octa of nny recent injuries he had received. This boy was about fifteen years of ago. His funeral will take place this afternoon. Twd In Ono P. G. Imlah , manager of the Benton - ton uloro , will close his establishment for a few days next week in order that some necessary alterations may bo made. The intention is to enlarge the place by taking in the adjoining store-room , thus making the Boston atoro the second largest establish- inont of the kind in the city. 1 * Undoubtedly the best shirt In the United States ia manufactured at the 3maha Shirt Factory. The superiority ) f material and workmanship , com- lined with their great improvements , hat is reinforced fronts , reinforced jacks , and reinforced sleeves , makes .heir shirt the most durable and boat itting garment of the kind , over manufactured at the moderate price of 31. GO. Every shirt of our make is ; uarantoed first-china and will refund , ho money if found necessary , Wo make a specialty of all wool , shaker , and Canton flannel , also ihomois underwear , made up with anew now to comfort , warmth and durabil ity. To invalids unA yruuk-luugcd persons wo oiler special inducements in this manner these goods are made : i tlcitp.ictcctioii. Pll. OOTl'lIKIMER , Ifl07 Famlium St J. If , Stein the boas Tailor in charge of the merchant tailoring de partment of L. H. Williams & Sons , iumounces to the public that ho will make summer suits at greatly reduced [ nices , wishing to cloio out their mmmor otock to make room for fall 'oods. THE CHKAI'KST AND IIE8T. ilaco to buy groceries is at the Old Reliable store of J , IJ. French it Co. , L1J9 Farnham street. WANTED , A girl for general housework in a amily of two. Good references re- uired. Inquire at now cottage , north ido of Chicago and 25th street , last ouso. jylltf TERUIBLE LOSS OF LIFE. Millions of nits , mice , cats , bed- ugs , roaches , lose their livea by col- sion with "Hough on Huts. " Sold y druggists , 15c. (4) ( ) THE IRON MOULDERS , They Spend a Very Pleasant Day in the "Woods. , for the Saturday was a gala day iron moulders of the city of Omaha. It was the day appointed for their an nual picnlo , and was most pleasantly . adapted for the occasion. The picnic , waa hold in Salingo grove located about fourteen milea west of the city ' tb and from which the U P. railway company furnished transportation.- The attendance was quite largo and everything \wssed off pleasantly ren dering the affair a complete success. ' The music waa furnished by the Bo- l\smlMrTJtvno.-v Uttu that tor'A rn o . Ing waa supplied by Gulnnor's or chestra Among the oxcrcisea was the award ing of some fine urizoa aa follows : A diamond ring to the best lady waltzcr , and waa won by Miss Mary Ryan ; a. gold-lioadod cane to the best runner , at ono hundred yards , waa won by- John Hughes ; five dollars to the one- throwing n sledge hammer the farthest waa won by Charles Forster ; five dollars lars for locomotive tire rolling waa won by lUchard Hustod ; five dollars to the winner of the sack race ' is won by Morris Shohan. In the even ing the picknickora returned to the city well pleased with the day's en joyment. * Tbo Soltol Picnic- The thrco Bohemian societies , the Catholic society of St. John , Ncpo- uiich Pidacky , lodge No. 19 , G. S. F. S. and the Tokol , the gymnastic soci ety of that nationality , together with the Gorman Turnvorcin , attended a very pleasant picnic at the South Omaha park , given by the Sokol yes terday. The four societies , headed by the Bohemian band , paraded the principle streets before starting for the park. At the park a general good time was had. Speeches wcro delivered by Messrs. J. Rack and J. Anderson. It ia a matter of congratulation among the Bohemians that thia was the first occasion upon which the three Bociotica have met to gether in social intorcourae. In the evemny the Bohemians repaired to their hall on Thirteenth street and enjoyed a dance , The Turnvorcin also had a ball at Mote's hall , onr Tenth .tmot.- . - Pleasant Plcnlo- Last evening a party conaiating of about ton couples from Cruickahank & Go's , store started for the residence of Mrs. Lossington on the road be tween thia city and the barracks. Their intention was to hold a moon light picnic. When they arrived they found that in addition to the silvery radionco of the moon the grounds wcro prettily illuminated with Chinese lanterns. Everything that might contribute to a good time had boon thoughtfully provided. The evening waa spent in Hinging , dancing and listening to music , the ad interim being very pleasantly filled with ice cream and all its necessary concomi tants , The Governor's Stuff- Gov. Nance has selected his stall" . It is composed of the following gen tlemen : Samuel J , Alexander , adju tant general and chief of staff with the rank of brigadier general ; Cyrus N. Baird , quartermaster general , with the rank ot colonel ; Melville W. Stone , M. D , , surgeon general , with the rank of colonel ; L. P. Richarda , commissary general , ' with the same rank ; Edward P Roggon , assistant adjutant general , with the rank of lieutenant colonel ; Franklin Sweet , major general , with the rank of major , and S. S. LuIIuw , adjutant general , with the rank of captain. Show-Case Factory. Ono of the urowing interests of Omaha is the show-case factory of Frank L. Gerard , 818 south Sixteenth street. lrrank ia jubilant over the many fine store bnildings in course of erection , and has reason to bo , as ho will evidently got the orders of many who want fine show-cases. THE BEE ia glad that Frank has a thriving and constantly increasing trade ; and cor dially recommends him to all about to contract for show-cases. Imprisoned. Richmond , the man who made a $40 set of harness for Tom Murray , some time 1130 , and stele them later , plead ed guilty to the charge of lacony be- 'oro Judge Benoku this morning. Ho tva.1 sentenced to twenty-five days im- msonment in the county jail. Sciwlble Men- Mr. Robert Simpsou.fojomanlligh- and iron foundry company , Boston , Mass. , recently related the following : iVo have used St , Jacob Oil in our 'oundry , and hayo never seen any- hing to equal it. Many cures of jruiscs , sprains , ec , , have boon effect- id by it ; and one of our men was surod of a severe case of rheumatism jy the use of tip ) remedy. It can bo nghly recommended. Every time u nan gets hurt now ho purchases St. Jacobs Oil and of course uses it with mine cuccesa.