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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAIL BEE ELEVENTH YEAR. OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING , JULY 10 , 1881 , NO. 21 REAL ESTATE BARGAINS BEMlF AGENCY , FIFTEENTH AND DOUGLAS STS. . , * ' f No l t , t on llarncy street , Jicar now court 'hou o , 82500. No 2 Lot ou COM street ne r ,22d , SifOO. No3-UtonC lfornla strwt near 22dSteoO. No 6 Lot 611 Jlarey ttreit nc r I' . I1 , depot , Xo 6 I block In Shlnn's 3il addition near Con- ci.l , . ' < > . No 3 Two 16ts on Dccatur near Camiibcll St. , NolO 8'lbU on Colfav ftreet near llansoom 1'ark , at reasonable | < rlet'4. UW choice reildeiice lots In Credit Konclcr and Orandi lew addition * a short distance multicast of V. V. and II k il. depots , prices Iroin * ll)0 up ward i. IS lots on 21st , 22.1 , 23d mid Suumlern gtrccts , north o ( and adjoiuiUjr IX V , Smith's nddltloli , 8400 ; terms \ j No W ) Kull corner lot on Douglas street lie ir 10th , 8-2JOO. No 70 Corner C0\110 lect lot on Douglai near near llth Htreet , $ . (100. No. 71 Three lota in Gtso'saddltion licarSaun- ders street , SIWO , 73 Ixit on Decatur Ftreet , near Irene Elilnn's 2daddition tll.'i. , No. 7fi 32\iO ( feet on PaclQc street near U. P. anil U. & M. depot * , WOO J. No. 70 Splendid warehouse lot 77x132 feet 9tli street near June * , $ : tXX ) . No "A 3 loll ou Hartley street near 10thiOOO No 81 Lot in Olse'8 addition near Saundcn s'rect , HUM. No. 82 Lot In OUcs'-addition near Saumlers street , * 300. No 83 2 lots on 10th near Pacific and Nail Works , * 1MX ) . No SO I/ot on Charles street near SanndoJS , $500. $500.No 87 Lot on LeaA cmvorth nearlBth , $1,100. No SS Lot on Caldwell street near baumlcn , . No 89 Lot on Chicago near 22d street , 81500. No 90 Lot on Illondo near Campbell street STB. 31 lota in Mtllards & CalJwcll's addition , Slier- itnaii acnuc , lUth street , Sprint ; , Saratoga and Klorcneu treetH , 8700 and upnardi. No 122 2 lots 0:1 Ibth utrcct , near I'oppleton's now ro Idencc , 81000. No 123 Lot 71x310 feet on Sherman arcmie , 10th limit , 31100 No 124 8 lota on Ilellcviie street , near shot tower , ? .10 to f75 each. No 125 Full block on Clinton street , near shat tower , $50 to $75 eaih. No 126 Lot on ISUi street , no white lead works , # 525 No ' .27 2 lots , 3J acres near licad of St. Mary's 'avenue , nn road to 1'ark , j 5UO. No 120 Lo on California near Crelshton Col- CKC , SI75. No 130 4 lots near new government corral , 82 ] X2D7J acres each. 8300. b No 101 Lot InlJIse'fl addition on Cameron St. near Suiimlcrii , make an offer. No. 100 Lot In GUc's addition on Cusilus St. , near State , niakc n offer. No 102 [ M iiiGisu'soddltlonon Casslus near Saundurs , make an oiler. . . No 103 1 block in Boyd's addition addition near Omaha Ilarracks , make an offer. No 101 7 lots in Henry 4 : Shclton's addition near high bchool , price from S1250 upward. 170 Lo' , on Tactile street , nvar 16th , make an offer. offer.No 171 2 lots on Webster street , near 21st , boti$3ivOor$2lUO ! ) for corner and $1800 .for In- de. de.No 173 1 lot on Cas near 14th ttrcet , S1000 Nol7. > Lot on Snerman a\enue'10th htroot Ticar Izard , 44xl(2 : , SHOO. No 177 3 lots in Grand * lew. make an offer. No ISO Lot in Smnn's addition on 1'lcrSt , near end street ear track , $525. No 181 Two lots in Nelson's addition , 1 on Idaho htreet , 1 ou Center street , near Cumin ; , SSOUeach. No 183 Two gilt eiljjo lots on Cass street near 21 t. on a corner , t < 5000. No 185 Lot on S ward street , near Saunders , > mao ! un offar. No isa3 lots on Seward street , near Irene , innko an offer No 1MIJ , lot'on T > a\enportnear2ritliJOO. No 1S7J , lot on Division near Cumins St. , 8200. No 1SSJ , block in Doyd'a additionnear Omaha barracks. $4IK ) . NolbllJ , i lot on 1'iercc near Cth street , 8350. No lOii ) , j lot on lltb near Farnliani , $2100 NolOlj , 2 beautiful lots in Shinn's addition , 1200. No 192J , 2 lots on 18th street near white lead works , MU.U. No 1U3J , lot on 20th ptreet near Sherman , S IOO , No 104 J , 2 lots on 2'Jd street , near Clark , ( t ) . No HKH , 3 beautiful lots un taundera t > t. near street car turn table , 1275. No 101)1 , lot on 15th near I'leace 6t. $500. No 201 Lot In Qiao's addition on Cameron St. , near Saundcra , S50U. No 50J Lot on Cameron street near Saundcrs. ? JOO. JOO.No 203 Lot in Shinn's addition on Saunders street , near ktreet ear tur.i table , $850. No 2u4 livuuttful lot in Nelson's addition , on Division btrcut near Cuniln , j5U , ND. 205 Two lota on Costcllar street , near 10th SIM. SIM.No 200 Two lots on Sixteenth street , near tlio uall works , VU > 00. No 20S One-half lot on California fctrcct near 21st , S700. No.2UO I/t on 18th street near Nicholas , tCOO. No210 Lot on Capitol avenue near 23d$1500. Na 212 Lot 148x500 fuet on Colfax street , near Ilanscom 1'ark , with improvements , & 2700. No 213 Two acres ou Cumin ; ; street , 81000. No 215 One-half acre on California , near Ken- TieJy ttreet , J3i0. No 210 Uuautlful lot on Hamilton street near street tar turn table , $1000. No 217 Lot on 23d street , near Clark. $500. A few acre lots only remain unsold In "Park Waco" llttlo west of Crcighton Collcgt , prices 'raiiL'inir ftorn $276 to : 500 each and on easy tvnns. Lots 111 Horbacn's 1st and 2d additions ; also lots In rarkcr'nShlnn'i ; Nelson's , Terrace's , K. V. Hmith's. Itedlck'a , and alt the other additions ut any price and at any terms. Ten acres in the city limits on the road to the barracks at $375 per acre. Kour beautiful residence lots In front of Crclj-hton Collcijo ; will cut them up to milt. Nine residence lots north of Crciuhton College grounds , from $700 toSliXX ) each. Thirty resident lots In 1'arker's addition , six Wocks north of thojcnd ol the ttrees cur track on Saunders ttreet , WOO each , 810 down , balance to suit , at 8 per cent Interest. A few lots left in Terrace addition on the road to the 1'ark , near head of St. JUry's a > enuoS7v:0 : -each. To those who willtmllda * 1200 residence , 7 > cars time at 8 ii-r cent Interest. 'Lots In lake's addition at $350 to $ SRO each , 10 Years time atU ixrcent Interest , to those whu build , ' 1 he old Tousley 40-acre tract with liouso and all Improvements , adjoining race course and fair grounds' for ? $ WQ. TracUot 6 , Id , 15 , 20 , 40 or 80 acres , ulthbull- 'dings and other improvements and adjoining the city , at all prices. 3500 of the best residence loti In the city of Omaha any location jou desire north , east , uouth or west , and at lied rock prices. 250choicol > u liicss lots In all the principal bill. * nem streets in Omaha , ar ) ing from $500 to 37000 each. Tvro hundred house ? and lots ranging from 7500 to $15,0'-K ' > , and located In every jurt of thu city. city.Large number of excellent farms in Douglas. Sarpy Saunders , Dodge , Washington , Hurt , and other Kood counties In eoslcrn Niuronka. 12,000 acres best land > In Douglas , 7000 acres belt Unds In Sarny county , and large tracts In all the eastern tier of counties OverUOO.OOO acres of the best land In the Ne braska for bale by this agency Vcrj large amounts of suburban property In one to ten , twenty and forty acre pieccii , located within one to three , four or rive miles of the IKutofllce some very cheap pieces. . New Maps of Omaha , published by George 1' Bunls iilaln , unmounted maps 60 cents each ; mounted , colored and with cloth bnck , tfl.DC wch. wch..Money loaned on Improved farms also on unproved city ( ropcrty , ut the lowest rates of Interest , . Houses , btorcs , hotclJ , , -.tnulot , , l ands. offices roomn.ctc. , tormt or leafco. Taxes l > ald , rents collected , deeds , mortgages , and all kinds of real estate documents mauooul on thort notice. GEO. P. BEMIS' Eeal Estate Exchange 15th and Douglas [ Street , OMAHA , - - r NEB. HOURLY GROWING BETTER The Condition of the President the All-absorbing Topic of the Day , The Public Generally Satisfied Alhafc Ho is Getting Better. ' * . At Midnight , Ho is Reported * i V7as Resting EJasy. Dr , .Royburn Says the Prosi- .dont is Praoticnlly Out . ' i ! of Danger. Senator Coukliug "Will ProlmMy Return to Now York To- v Marrow. - ' * ' ' i National Associated Press. ORTTINO ALON'O NICKLY. WASHINGTON .luly 15. Surgeon General Barnes wna tlio first 'tb leave : lie sick room after the usual uxnini- imtion of llio president this morning : "Woll , doctor , how ia tlio patient dong - ng ? " "Nicely , " vns thd-roply : "Ho isoottor iu every way , but not out of dnngoryot , though practically so , un- oss UhforsiJcn cOinpiicntions'ariso and [ see no Bighs of any. ' Wo "don't yet 'eul like throwing up our hats and saping the president in out of danger. That would bo misleading the public. All wo 'can say is tlmt ho is doing lie oly.gaining strength nnd improv ing in every particular. Ho tto the juice of a beefsteak on tonst : or breakfast. " Dr. Uarncs further stated that the president sull'ored loss discomtort when moved about now , and added .that "ono needs only to look utliini' to bo assured of his con tinued improvement. Dr. Bliss was asked this.morning when bo was going ; o bo able to say the president wns out of danger. "Ho is booming along tbout it and is about out of danger low. Of course accidents may Imp- ion. Wo caniiot control thorn ; se- ious complications may arise , but wo liink none , are imminent. Wo are ready for'thom , so ho may bo said to mvo passed the crisis and on the whole , o bo pretty-safe. Ho has no fever this jnorning..1 , , . TIIK I'HKSIDENT HIMSKLF CONFIDENT. WASHI OTON , July 15. The condi- , ion of the president is stiil the nll- ibsorbing topic. It is now thorough- y established in the public mind that ho president is on the road to recovery but 'tho'unfavorablo "bar ery , proviso , ring accidents , " keeps all anxious to ace each successive bulletin , copies of which are still posted all over the city.i The , president himself says ho .a getting ; wo1L and imbues all who seeMiim wttU' tlio * same spirit. His expressed when OH-spapor. , Col. -hey were rill lieing saved for him. "What , all of them , Kockwoll ! " ho asked. "Yes , nil. " Then perhaps it wouldn't bo jest for mo to get well ? " A J.O\Tll OF laOWKIUS. The president is a great lover of lowers and always has a TToquet on lis desk when attending to executive justness. Ho is still favored in this respect and every morning a Irosh jouquot composed of the choicest lowers in tlio White House consorva- ; ory is placed in his room , where ho can see and admire them. .They are removed in the ovaiiing so as to avoid all possible danger which is siid to uriso from having flowers in n slcen- " 11 } ; room. At night Mrs. Garfiuld 'onerally attends to this. THK KKVnn IKSS VIOLFNT. The febrile rise in the president.'H case occurred somewhat later tlian usual to-day and the fever was less violent than usual. The evening bul- otin being very favorable , the presi dent had a still smaller administration of anodyne and the dose is to bo grad ually decreased in tlio hope that ho vill soon got Buflicicntsleep without it. Ho foil nsloep early to-night and wns eating at midnight. Thu cabinet of- icers spout the evening with Mrs. jarlicld , as usual. Dr. Ileyburn en couraged thorn with the statement that the president was practically mat all danger. CONKLI.Vf. . WASIIINITO.V , July 15. Senator uonkling spent a while to-day driving in the suburbs and he did not return to his lodgings until evening. Ho will probably return to Now York to morrow. FRIDAY'S BULLETINS- National Associated Press. WASHINGTON , July 15. The oflicial bulletin just issued gives the condition of the president nt SiUO a. m. ns fol lows : The president has rested well during the night , is doing admirably this morning , and takes his food with relish. 1'itlsu DO , temperature , respiration 18. [ Signed. ] Dr. D. W. BUSH , Dr. J. K. BAUNKS , Dr. J. J. WooDWAiii ) . Dr. II. HEYIIUKN. July 15 , 1:30 : p. m. Tlio oflicial bulletin gives the condition of the president at 1 o'clock ns follows ; The president continues to do very well. This morning his pulse was ! M , tem perature 08.5 , respiration 18. ( Signed ) D. W. Bu .s , J. N. BAIINKH , J. J. WOODWARD , JlollT. ItKYllUItN , IlllOWN'.S I1ULLKTIN. WASIUNUTO.V , July 15. The fol lowing circular was sent by Private Secretary Brown to tlio cabinet olli- cors , giving the condition of the pres ident at 7:30a. : m. : My Dear Sirs ; All the president's symptoms continue to bo most favora ble and to indicate a steady improve ment in his condition. Ho passed an excellent night. His pulse is ( K ) , temperature 03,5 , respiration 18 , There is un en tire absence of fever , and his general tone and appearance K much bettor this Inorning than nt any previous timo. Ho enjoys hiv unmslimcnt bott r , in many CMOS oskin" for it before it is time to nd- ninistcr it. The cooling nppamtus is low in excellent working order. It s not only possible to cool the prcsi- lent's room , lint nlso all tliosurrouiul- ng rooms and liallwajs. WASIU.VHTON , July 15 7 j > . in. fho president has continued to tin well during the day. This evening 'over has boon slighter than on any lay since .luly 'M. Pulse 5)8 ) , teni- lornturo 100 , Tesjiiration 20. [ Signed. ] D. W. Buss , .1. K. B.uiNis : , J. .1. Woonw.vnn , llon'r llF.vnnix. July li ( 1 a. m. The president is now sleeping calmly. There is no clmngo in his condition since last re port. July , 10 2 n. m. The president is lieeping ( juietly , thuro being no cliango in his condition. A I'lllSONIIIt's MAIL MATTKIt SAI' The postmaster general has just rendered a decision to _ tlio etlocttlial the mail matter of prisoners conl'ined but not convicted is ns sncrod as that of any other , nnd is not to bo tam pered with. This decision , while not rendered in the ease of Guilonu , af fects his case particularly , and will [ tut n stop to the promiscuous distri bution of the assassin's correspondence heretofore indulged in. Among the iast of his letters made public is ono from n Boston enthusiast , who oilers him nn engagement as a traveling cu riosity nt 8200 per \vcek , the same amount nlso to bo given to Mrs. Gar- ield for the privilege of exhibiting. Tlio s'atlonal Associated 1'resa NVAHHINOTON , July 15. The fol- owing crop reporta nro furnished by ho department of agriculture. Thb cotton returns of this department on July 1st show an increase in the con- lition of cotton since the reports of .ho Juno avomgo. The condition is 05 igninst 100 at the same time last year. Tlio following nro the reports by Htates : Thirty-four counties in North Carolina nverago 1)4.1 ) ! ) ; South Car olina , ! ) ! 5.5" ; Georgia , 98.13 ; Floridn , M.52 ; Alabama , 1)2.39 ) ; Mississippi , 04.18 ; Louisiana , JI0.45 ; Texas , 89.32 ; Arkansas , 02.18 ; Tcnneeseo , 10 , " ) . Tlio plant is generally reported small and ton days late. The hot and po dry weather is almost universally loted , but except in southern and vcstcrn Texas little injury was ro- lorted from the cause. At the duto > f the returns Alabama and Georgia each reports a better condition than ast year , while Texas and Arkansas nro lower. Insects are seldom inon- ioned. Tlio condition of the wheat crop ns reported July 15th is much bettor .han on Juno 15th , and averages 13 mshols for the whole country. The Atlantic states fall off slightly as com- ) ared with the return for the same , imo last year , but the largo wheat region north of the Ohio river and west of the Mississippi , returns a low condition compared with 1880. Michigan reports only 04 per cent. niuL'IJIinoi'0. ' " OhioandTj > t3ianns'll jolow last year , but report fair pros- ) octs. Missouri and Kansas each innko ; reat complaint of dainago from in sects in the spring wheat states. Iowa ilono returns a condition much lower than last year , and which is only 7 pur cent , Corn - There is nn increase in the iroa planted , nnd is nenrly two per cent , lower than that planted in 1880 The average condition of the crop islet lot so high as the last two years , and s 90 per cent , against 100 par cent. ast year. In all the north Atlantic states the crop is backward , owing to -lie cold , wet spring , but in the states south of the Delaware river , nnd on .ho Gulf of Mexico , it is re- > orted as fair. Toxns , however , oports n serious injury from drouth. [ n the great corn producing region inrdering on the Ohio nnd Mississippi rivers the average is below last year , mrticularly in the stnto of Iowa , vhich reports only a condition of 77 , caused by the cold spring and too nuch rain. In Illinois and Missouri , ho condition is reported very favor able. The Tire Record. S'atlojial Associated Press. LOUIHVJLI.K , July 15. The anneal ing shops of the malleable iron works of Sorin , Gali't & Co. , in the poniton- ; iary yard at Jell'uMonvillo , Ind. , was totally destroyed last night. Loss , J0,000 ; covered by insurancg. Other buildings wore troatoned but tin ally saved. BiiADi'oiin , Pa. , July 15. Fire iiroko out at two o'clock this morning in a building opposite the Vidotto House , near the union depot , in this iity , connecting with nn adjoining Innlding with wonderful rapidity. Ton business buildings 'iro now in llames , on the south side of the street mid the fire has communicated to the Rid dle House which , on account of the intense heat , it is feared , cannot bo saved. The loss already is certain to amount to upwards of $100,000. WOOKHOCKKT , II. I. , July 15. A fire this morning damaged the Blue mill at Slatorsvillo to the amount of SiO,000 ( , , on which there was an in surance of $40,000. Resolutlonfi of Condolence , National Auwciatfd I'resn. CIIICAQO , July 15. A mooting of the Chicago members of the society of the nnny of the Cumberland , was held last night nnd passed resolutions in relation to the attempted assassina tion of ono of their members , Gen , .las. A. Garfleld. Gpn , Sherman presided - sided and Gen. Sheridan was appoint ed to transmit the resolutions to Pres ident Gartiold. Shot uud Killed. JKUSKVVIU.K , 111. , July 15. Tru man London , ono of the wealthiest fanners in this county , was shot am : instantly killed last night by Joseph Voorhoes , whoso wife is n niece of the murdered man. The shooting took place in tlio back yard of the btoro where Voorheos was employed nut was not witnessed by any ono oxcepi the principals. All the parties arnligh | ly connected , FOREIGN EVENTS , TlioHonsoof Commons Emigration Olauso iK the Land Bill After a Fierce Doliato , i ' - t , A Most Extraordinary Scene in the Ho\so of Cdrmnona Mr. Gladstone's Speech Against the Homo RuloVs Ap proved by the Eng- glish Press. ' A Fioroo Figlit Takes Plnco Bo- tworm the French Troops mid Bon Amelia's Followers , ILAIMTONK'S Sl'KKClI ON Till : I.A.ND 'HIM , . LONDON , July" 15. A must oxlr.x- mlinnry scene occurred in ilu > house if commons last night. Mr. ( ! lnd- slono irritated nt thu conduct of the Irish members ' in obstructing tlio emigration clause in the land bill , mule an unusually strong speech of mpnasiotiod elo < inence , hitherto uu- iualled | , yet dignified. Ho .spoke of iis own patience at insultini , ' the oli- struction to bill by a handful ! of Irish numbers , who were daily dvcroasiiig n numbers. Ho said that they do- L'tivded the noble assembly most unions in the history of traditions nnd that their tactics , were most disrcput- ible and were prohibiting legislation. Mr Gladstono's'speecliproduci'dainost rcmcndous etltct nnd he was cheered Host wildly in the following debate. Several of the homo rulers narrowly escaped suspension. INHUItllKUTION IN AKItlcA. PAHIS , July 15 The latest advices rom Oran are to the ellect that an \rab insurrection in northern Africa s spreading , and that the robot chief , 3en Amena , is inarching northward. TIIK KMIO RATION I'LAUHK I'Assns. LONDON , July'in. Mr. Gladstone's pcoch against the 'homo rulers' in ho house of commons , last night , is iiuch approved by the press. The emigration clause in the land hill was > asscd by the house of commons after i very fierce debate. KOMI : , July 15. The Duvitlo ays the architect of the Vatican who acted as intermediary between the cardinals who are the executors of the vill of the late popu and the prefect of Rome promised the latter that ho cortege accompanying the body of lie pope in its removal fromSteplers to he church of San Lorenzo should con sist solely of a funeral car and two or hroo carriages "without any outward show. This promise was not observed , lencotho disturbances which attended ho removal. DILL. "TjONnoN , Jltl * 16. Tlio boiiKO of commons to-day made unexpected irogross on the Irish laud bill. In ho committee of the whole thirty- seven clauses of the bill were reached and its remaining clauses are of such sound important characters that their jassago may be very speedy , and it has ) een reported for its third reading this veek. It is now the middle of July uul four weeks remain boforu groua- ' ihooting begins. The country ntein- icrs and a majority of all others are inxious to get away by that time. t'ho opposition say that the govern ment is determined to iinsh the bill nt all luuumls. The policy of obstruction has entered its uttermost and failed , and thu opposition are villing to sou the bill pass the house n its present shape and go to the ords. The opinion now prevails that t , will pass the house with but slight alteration. A FIKIH'KI'IOHT. PAKIH , July 15. Advices from Oral state that the French troops pur sued the chief Ban Amena and came i | > with his rear guard when n light 'ollowcd which lasted for throe hours uul was very vigorous. The main "orco , however , remained out of range. Ilim.NKI ) TO DKATII. ST. PuTKitmiunf ] , July 15. In the rovince of Kursk , in the south of Eu ropean Ilussin , 120 men and girls , who md been shut in u barn for refusing to work , wore all burned to death by i village mob , who fired thu building aid prevented the escape of thu pris oners. DON AMKNA FI.KWNO. PAIIIH , July 15.r-Thu latest advices from Oran says that it is rumored that Chief lion Amena has been de feated , losing 70 inun , while the French had only one man wounded. lion Amena is ( lying at full speed to ward Asturu. Iowa Crop Prospects. National AxHoclattd I'rcBi , DKS MOINIW , la. , July 15. The secretary of the state ngriciillurn society furnishes the following figures from the monthly crop reports for July. Comparisons are made on i basis of 100 per cent. In 88 counties spring wheat is reported at 71 per cent. , n decrease of 10 per cent , since the Juno report. The loss isattribut ed to chinch bugs and violent storms Basing the estimate on those figures the crop will bo seventeen millioi bushels less than last year. Winter wheat reports from 03 counties show an average of 55 per cent. , a decrease of 32 per cent. Ninoty-Bovon coun ties report corn at 77 per cent. , beiii ( , four per cent , loss than last month The deficit as compared with 1880 is estimated at 00,000,000. Wheat Prouficctn in Miohau > DKTUOIT , Mich. , July 15A circu lur just issued by tlio secretary estate state , of Michigan , gives wheat sta tistica from 1,031 , ] townships in thi state of ! )0 ) per cent , of all ii thu the state. It is assumed that o the 82 townships that have madu n returns the average harvested in 1880 nd the number of acres in wheat in May , 1881 , were each equal to the nimbor in May , 18" ! ' , as returned nst year. The total number of acres n the stntu in 1880 was 1,705 , 045 , rom which there was gathered 30- > 2Jo ( ( > 7 bushels , or an average of 7 20.100 bushels pur acre. In May , 881 , there wore 1,785,8(55 ( acres sow ed to wheat in this state. Returns rom 772 sunervitors , dated July 2d , 881 , furnish a basis for estimating hat the average this year will bo about D bushels i > or acre , or 10,200- 000 bushels in all. Blt | Robbery , National . \MOclalril Tress. NKW YORK , July 15. At 1'K : ) this if tumoou nn alarm was received al he police headquarters nnnonnciiig hat three men , apparently poddlars , md stolen 810 000 in bills. LaloY it \us ascertained that thu money bo- ongod to Jacob Huperl , n brewer. fis clerk , Chun. Mossorsmidt , drove n n light wagon from the brewery on NiiH'ly-FOi'oml street to deposit the uoney in a down town bank , With lim was the olllco boy. They carried § ! > , : IOO in bills done up ui a package , nd a bag filled with silver dollars , \t Forty-second street their wagon vas run into by a vendor's wagon in vliich three niun were seated , sup- > oscd to bu peddlarH , who sprang rom the wagon. Two of the men at- acked thu clerk while the third cut he reins of Ins horse. In an instant hey seized the package of bills , limped back into their wagon and vhipned up thuir horse and drove fu- iousty away. The bag of silver dol- ars fell in the street. Mcssursmidl an after the robbers but was com- lulled to give up the cnasu as the liievcs drove a fast horse. Plttuburfj Races. I'lTTHiUMMJ , July 15. For the third ay ot the Pittsburgh Driving Park- aces the weather and track wore all lint could bu desired. The unfinished iJ:27 : trot of yeslor- ay for a purse of 8."iOO was won by \ate McCall , taking lifth and nixth icats. She won the first yesterday , Donaldson second , taking the third ml fourth heats. Time to-day : heats , : L'5 ] , i : Ul ( , 2:124 : ] , i24 ! : ] . The unlinished free-for-all pace , or n purse of $2000 , divided , was on by Matlie Ilnnlur in three traight beats , Little Brown Jug sec- nd. Time 2:18 : , 15:11) : ) , 2:24 : ] . The rst race for to-day was class trotters inrso § 200 , divided , won by Silver- on , taking first , third anil fourth leats , and Voltaire second heat and econd place. Time 2:20i:2UA : \ ! : , :2 : i , 2:24 : A. Tliu .second race , second class , purse 1000 , divided , two mile heats , was von by Grey Chief in two straight icats , Mistletoe second. Timo4:58j : , :5U. : : Third race , Recond class , mile heats , inrsu 81000 , divided , was unfinished , Judy Clark , Uollo of Lexington and Cincinnati Hey each taking n heat. Time 2:27 : , 2:27i : , 227J. ; WTioJosnlo National Associated I'russ. Lirrr.u Ho < ; ic , Ark' . , July 1B , - iRanc GiTon , for the inurdur of John Richards , mid John Ilardin , for the mnrdor of William llrnwn , both hanged to-day at Minimum , Lee county. Wils. HOC.VUH nlao hanged to-day at Hanbiirn , Crawford county , for the murder of Win. Dr.iko. CAIUO , Ills. , July lf > . Intelligence comus from Now 5ladrid , Mo. , forty milus below huro tin the Mississippi river , thai Thomas Moyura nnd Brown , the Sikuston desperadoes , were handed at that place this after- nooii. They were rough charctors , and while boiny porsuod by the Hhorilfs POSHO on May 13th , shut and killed ono of 'heir ' poratiors. Brighton Boaoh Uncos- National AHsociatcd 1'resH. NKW YOUK , July 15. The Brighton ioach races were continued to-day. I'ho first ruco , a onu milo soiling , was won by Itrido Cnko , Dodotto second. Time , 1:4'JJ. : The second i-aco , n milo dash for ill ayes , was won byVitkufiuld , King DiiluliNan secund. Timo. li-lfii. The third race , a milo dash for three year olds , wits won by JJuchra , QiftBocoml. Timbl-J7. : The fourth mco , five furlongs for two year olds , was won by A Ha U , Hurry Uassott , colt , socond. Time , 1:04 : J Th o event , a hurdle race with soil ing allowances , was won by Simiinunu , jtrychnino second. Time , 12:1A. : { ) Tlio Murderer ICrlng. S'ationat , Sr. LOHIH , July 15. The coso ol Lho murderer Kring has asaumed a very singular shape. Last night thu chief justice of thu supreme courl , 'uvo nn order of a stay of execution which was to have taken place to-day. This morning Circuit Attorney Hodges tried to make thu shurilFlmiif Kring iinyhow , but thuHhuriU'decidei to respect the order of the chlo justice. Tliero is great oxcitomen ovuril , and many lawyers say tha Kring can never bo bunged now , am there is a strong fooling against Ohio Juntico Khorwood. An Injunction Against the Wcit era Union. National Associated I'rvw. NKW YOUK , July 15. The Weston Union Telegraph company has boot enjoined from payiiife' for the preuon the extra issue of $15,000,000 serin and also the two dividends already duo , aggregating U per cent , 814 from Now Yorlr to Chicago : NKW YOUK , July 15. Passonge tickets to Chicago have boon sold fo ? 14 by ticket agents , and ticket scalper or Boll from one to two dollars lower. Victim of a Confidence Game. National Associated 1'icw. CiiioAdo , July 15. Rev. J. IX Or wig , a Methodist preacher from Mar vin , Kansas , was confided out of on hundred dollars to-day by tlio bogu bond game , torrlMo Mamnoro Volcanic Erup tion MlniiM AMoclatnl 1'reii. SAX FiiANrisco , July 15. The Fiji 'lines gives the particulars of a hor- iblo massacre of a thousand natives t Tapitowa , one of the line islands. \ixbu , a Sandwich Islander , acting ns missionary of a Ixmdon sociely , in- ncod all the natives of Tapitowa to mbraco Christianity and give up their veapons. latterly , however , thu ) cede | on the southern part of thu sland became dissatisfied at the con- taut requisitions made upon them nnd oiisiduring Kabu's Christianity too oar at tlio price , they nitoslnmod. 'nbu then prenchud criisndi ) against hem , and arming his followers , led hem on in person , boating two clubs ogethor and shouting 'Kill ! kill ! " 'he carnage which followed is almost 00 horrible for belief , Not less than thousand men , women and children ere indiscriminately inrissaowd. The ilwl atrocious enormities wore prac- iced upon their victim * by the vie- irious party , and after a goiiural laughter thu vronnded were collected ogethor , piled ono on top of another , nd thu roof of an old lionso placed vur them , which the miscreant Kabu red within his own hands. When the clioonur Kli/aboth was at the island ln > bench was still strewn with the ecomposed bodies of men , women nd children , but the arch ( lend in thu ransnction had been taken to Honu- ulu in the Hawaiian vessel Slorm- > ird , to answer for this almost incred- ablu crime. A great disaster is expected at llilo from the eruption of thu volcano Uutinii. TJio lower portion of the own of llilo , and probably the barer - > or , will bo destroyed. An Important Grain Mooting. atloiial AMOCIX | | ( < < | I'rcM. Nr.w YORK , July 15. An important looting of the grain trade was heldnt lo'produco oxeiiixni'o to-day for the nirpose of receiving and considering iu reports of a special committee ap- 101 nt od to confer with the committee > n grainrolativo to the delivery of grain n option contracts. The meeting as called to order by President Par- iur in front of the corn table on the ecoud lloor of the exchange at 1:30 : 'clock and remained in session for icarly two hours. In thu meantime > usincss in thu exchange was nt a .andstill , members of the exchange > llio number of over 1,000 being , 'nlhurod about thu place of neuting. More interest has never , " 1 the history of the exchange boon lown on any quoslion than was pparenl over this subject. The ox- tement ran liigh , nnd advocates of loth sides of the question Were very onionstrativo in expressing their eelings. Perils of Paper HaRii an Bustles. 'iihhliixtoii Capital , Them is a woman in the \Vest End who has learned n lesson which will ast her n lifetime. She has been or some years wearing these paper ) ago , such ns the grocers 'use , for inslles. Thu piuior is still' , and licks out splendid , nnd- makes there ro B InoITwuli. " 5 t Sunday morning hilo shu was drusmiig , her youn- son , 'ot in thu room and blew the paper mg full of wind and tied a Hiring round the mouth of it , nnd left it in chair. The good lady took it and led it on and dressed herself for Infrolt. She bribed her husband to o to church with her , though ho is n ort of Bob Ingorsoll Christian. As liuy went down the nisle the minister vas reading a hymn about "Sound- ng the Loud llosauna , " and the lady vent in the pew first and sat down vhilu bur husband was putting his at on the lloor. There was a report ike distant thunder. You have heard low those confounded paper bags xplodo when boys blow them up and rush them between thuir hands. Well , it was worse than that , and vorybody looked at tlio innocent iiisband , who was standing there 11 lerfect picture of aina/.oment. IIu ooked at his wife ns much as to say , 'Now , this is the last time yon will : atch mo in a church if you nru going 0 play any of your tricks on me. fou think you can scare mo into got- mr religion. " The minister slopped reading the hymn , and looked ovei tis spoclacles at the newcomers iu hough it would not surprise him il hat bad man should blow the churcl ip , Thu poor lady blushed aii'j ookud around us much ns to say 'I did not know it was loaded , ' and she looked the hymn-book IhrougJ 'or the hymn , and an the choir rosi .o sing she ollered one side of tht jook to her husband , but ho lookec 1 1 ml and pious , and stood at thu othei side of the pow nnd looked out of tlu stnined-glass window , Af torthe service they started houu together , and as they turned the first corner ho said to his wife , "Well you nlayod hell on your watch , dldu' yuu ? She told him there was. m inch thing ns hell in the Bible now but that she would make that bo ; think there had been no revision u thu Diblo when &lio got homo. W only got the story from the livybaml Ho said ho didn't know what it wu that made the noise until they gu homo , and nfter a little Hklnmshin around his wife held up a burstix paper bag , nnd ankod the boy if b blew that bag up. Ho said ho did but he did not know there- was an ) thing wrong about it. Tlio boy an his mother und u press board paid visit to the kick kitchen , and thor was n sound of rovulry. Boys will li boys. _ Georgia to Vote Oix Pzohibitioi ATLANTA , July 15. A petitio signed by l0,000 ! iiamea , has been pr < aontod to thu Georgia legislature , asl in that the people of thu Htatu be a lowed to vote on the prohibition < the liquor traffic. The petition wi six-hundred foot long nnd hud from every county. Receiver * Appointed ! Nuw YOHK , July 15 , - Dillon and Hopkii have boon appointed joint rucuivo of the Mimlmttim Klevntcd road. THE BALLOTTING AT ALBANY , All Attempt to Call Up tlio Ad journment Resolutions in the Senate Fails , Fitml Action to bo Taken To- Morrow. NntlonM AiiocintM Press. TIIK IUU.OTIN < 1 TO-DAY. AMIANY , July 15. The convention met at 12 o'clock to-tiny. It hud boon freely announced by the half-brccds that thuro would bu nu enormous stampede in faror of their candidates , but no change took plnco. The bal lot for Conkling's successor , resulted : Lnpham , 70 ; Potter , 53 ; Conkling , ! 12 ; l' > nrts , 1 ; NVoodford , 1. Total , 157. The ballot for Plait's successor re sulted : Miller 7-1 , Kernan fill , Fish 11 , Adtima 2 , Daniels II , Wheeler 7 , KvtirtH 1 , Hliss 1 , Stem 2 , Tenney 1 , Uhnpnmn V ! ; total 157. The joint convention then adjourned till to-morrow. Subsequently an ef fort was made in the scnato to call un the resolution passed by the assem bly yesterday for sine die adjourn ment to-morrow. The matter was laid over under the rules , but must coma up for final action to-morrow. A MIAN r , July 15. A deadlock ap pears to-night more than over. A number of pairs have been made to last till Monday or Tuesday. Tlict stalwarts maintain their position lor another day. It is said that they agreed that this morning's meeting should be its last nnd that Speaker Shnrpo announced to them formally that they should after to-day vote for Miller and Lnphnni. Tin's state ment Sliarpe denounces ns false. The stalwart leaders say Speaker Sharpe has said to them that ho will vote for Miller certainly and possibly for Lapham. Ho intended to vole that way to-day and I believe ho will to-morrow. I have belief on his own words. Senator llohcrtauu says there is every reason In boliovu that Ihey have enough voles to carry Miller tbroui-h to-morrow or shall have them in u few days. All of thu half breeds talk in this extremely confident way. The stalwarts do neb talk in a positive way. and the demo crats do not talk nt all. The joint resolution for adjourn ment at il o'clock to-morrow , passed by the assembly yesterday , cornea upon the senate to-morrow. The Star Route Cases. National AMoc'aUxl ' 1'rew. WAsurNOTON , Tuly 15. It is an nounced that the prosecution in tha star route oases have prepared sulli- cient evidence upon which to secure indictments against four or five of thu most prominent in nil alleged frauds. The posloilice ollieialn say that their evidence is not only of a character to indict tho. conspirators but it is ample pleto Bcm-e their conviction as well. The delay in preparing the evidence ; wiw duo to allpsiro'oTi fliTTfca'rt otthb government to do full justice to the parties licensed. The indictments would not have been asked for had not the evidence been deemed ample to convict them. . The Shooting at Wimbledon- National Amtoolattxl 1'rciu. Nnw YORK , July 15. A special cablegram from Wimbledon says that the Canadian team is doing good shooting and is considered the bust team ever sent from the Dominion. They hnvo won several prizes and am winiiorn iu the Alexandria match. The team lias two men in the sixty who are to make the final competition for the queen's prize. Sorgeat Mit- chull witli ninety ami Sergeant Walk er with eit-hty-nino. Twenty-eight men liuvw boon selected ont of whom eight will bo chosen to compote with tlio Canadian eight for the Kolaporo prize Wednesday. Railroad National Associated I'roia. SruiNOKiKU ) , Ills. , July 15. Articles of incorporation were filed with tha secretary of state to-day for- a company with a capital of two mil lion dollars to build a road from LA- Sollc , Illinois , to the Mississippi river , and n. branch to llockford. Also for Another company with n capital of three million dollara to build a road , from Springfield to Quincy , Illinois. Kentucky Fonts and Prays- National Associated I'ri'm , Lr > imviuK , Juiu ) 15. In accord- unco with the proclamation of Gov. Blackbur , to-day was observed all over the state Ivy fasting and prayer- for the president recovery , All busi ness wui suspowlod and services hold in thu churches. Cincinnati's Heated Term About Over. National Awtoclatwl I'rcw. CiNuiNNATi.July 15This morn ing opened pJuasant nnd cool , after u > line rain last night , and it is believed the heated tarm is over. The fatality was the most ever known in this city , being greater than during the cholera , epidemic many years ago. Tlio total number f deaths from the heat for the past six days HS reported to the board f health lias reached 3G5. This ia not counting the number o deaths in the suburbs , Base Ball- Nath < ial Associated 1'ress. AwiANy , July 15. Albanys 0 ; Worcostors 8. NKW YOKK , July 15. Metropoli tans 3 ; Treys 10. AKIION , ( ) . , July 16. Dotroits G ; Akrons 1. Roduooil Cable Rates. National A socuted 1'rem. NKW YOHK , July 15 , The Anglo- Amurican cable company has reduced rates to twonty-livo cents per word , to tuko eil'oct August 1st , < i i 'I t ' " * 'i ( ' ' > ' i