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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1881)
J f. . / . ' < A t j THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY JULY II , 1881. | THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA PUBU8HINQ CO. , PROPRIETORS. DIG Harnham , bet. Oth and loth Street * . TEUMS OF SUDSCRIFTIOX ! Opy I } car , In 4i nc ( po ti U ) $10.00 oionthJ " " . . . . . . 5.00 month * " " S.OO RAILWAY TIME TABLE. LRAV1.NO OMAHA XA8T OR SOCTII BOUND. C. , D. & O. 8 & . m. 3:10 : p. m. C. & N. W.j 0 . m. 8:40 : n. tn. C. , U. I. k f 6 ft. in. S:40 : \ \ m. K. C. , St. J. & C. D. , 8 A. m. 8.40 p. m. Arrho t St. Louis &t C:25 a. in. and 7:45 : a. m. WRIT OR BOBTHWRSTS. D. & M. In No1 > . , Through ExiireM , S:33 : a. in. H. & M. Lincoln Freight. 7:00 } ' . in. V. P Egress , 12:15 : i > . in. O. & K. V. for Lincoln , 10:20 : n. m. O. & R. V. for Oecooh , 0:40 : & . m U. P. Jreljtht No. 6 , 5:30 ft. tn. V. P. freight Xo. B , 8:15 : ft. in. U. P. freight No. 7 , 0:10 : p. m. emigrant. V. P. freUrht No. 11 8:25 u. in. BAST AJCD wtrrn. C. B. ft 0. , fi 00 a. m. 7:25 : p. m. O. & N. W.n:46 : a. m. 7:25 : \ \ in. C. n. I. b P. . 9:45 : o. m. 9:05 p. m. K. C. , St. Joe & C. I ] , , 7:40 : a. in. 0:45 : p. m. W. , St. L. & P. , 10.55 ft. m. 4:25 : p. m. ARRIVING FROM Till WKT A5D SOUtllWHt. O. & R. V. from Lincoln 12ll'v. : ! in. U. P. Exprc-w 3:25 : p. m. 1) ti JI. In Nob. , Through Express 1:16 : p. m B. & JI. Lincoln Freight 8:35 : a. in. U. P. Freight No. 10 1:40 : p. m. No , 0 4:25 : p. in. Emigrant. No. 8 10.60 p. m. No 12 11:35 : . m. O. & 11 , V , mlxcJ , ar. 4:35 : p. m. NORTH. Nebraska Dhlslon of the St. Paul & Sioux City Iload. No. 2 lcaes Omhha 8 a. m. No. 4 1cm es Omaha 1:50 : p. m. -No. 1 nrrhes at Omaha at 4:30 : p. tn No. 3 arrives at Omaha nt 10.45 a. m. DCXXr TRAINS BXTHRKX OMAHA AXD COUNCIL iwrrs. Leave Omaha at 800 , 0:00 : and 11:00 : ft. in. ; 1:00 : , 2:00 : , S'OO , 4-00 , 6.00 an J 0.00 p. in. Lent o Council Illulls at 8:25 : , 0.25 , 11:25 : a. in. ; 1:25 : , 2:25 : , 3.25 , 4:25 : 5:25 : ruid 0:25 : p. in. SunJajs The tlummy ICMCS Omaha at 0:00 : find 11:00 : a. in. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : and 5:00 : p. m. Lca\cs Council Bluff * at 0:25 : and 11:25 : ami. ; 2:25 : , 4:25 : and 5:25 : p. in. Opening and Clotlng of Malli , ROOTS. OfEN. CtOSX. B. m. p. m. a. in. p. m. Chicago AN.V . 11.00 0:30 : 4:30 : 2:40 : Chicago , U. I. & I'adnc 11:00 : 0.00 4:30 : 2:40 : Chicago , 11. &Q . 11:00 : 0.00 4:30 : 2:40 : Wabaih . 12:30 : 4:30 : 2:40 : fiioujccitrantl Pacific. . 11:00 : 4:30 : Union Pacific . 6:00 : 11:40 : Omaha & R. V. . . , . 4:00 : 11:40 : B.&M. JaNcb . 4:00 : 8:40 : 6:30 : Omaha & North * cStcrn 4:30 : 7:30 Local malls for State of Iowa leave but once a day , \lt : 4:30. : A Lincoln Mall Is alee opened at 10:30 a. m. Otllco open Sundays froul 12 m. to 1 p. m. TU03. V. HALL P. M. Business Directory , Art tmporlum. U. ROSE'S Art Emporium , 1516 Dodge Street , Steel Engraving , OH Painting , Chromoa , Fancy frames. Framing a Specialty. Low Prices. .HONKER 1309 IViuulM Street.Good Styles. Abitract and Real Ettato. JOHN L. MCCAOUE , opposite Post Office. W. R. BARTLETT 317 South 13th Street Architect * . .DUFKENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS , Room 14 , Crclghton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. , Room 2 , Cicljhton Block. Boot * and Shoes. JAMES DIVINE & co. , Fine Boota and Shoos. A good aswrmcnt of homo work on hand , corner 12th and Haroey. ZTUOS. ERICKSON , 8 E. cor | ICtb and Douglas. JOHN FORTUNATUS , COS 10th street , manufactures to order good work at fair prices. Repairing done. Bed Spring * . J. F. LARRIMER Manufacturer. 1617 Douglas st. Books , New * and Stationery , J. I. FRUEHAUF 1015 Farnham Street. , , Butter and Eggs. * McSHANE & SCHROEDER. the oldest B. and E. house In Nebraska established 1875 Omaha. CENTRAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAN , { southwest corner ICttmnd Dodge. Best Board for the Money. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Moal3 at all Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cash. Furnlthcd Rooms Supplied. Carriages and < oad Wagons. ' WM. SNYDER , No. 131h 14th and Harncy Street * : Civil Engineers nnd Surveyors. ANDREW ROSEWATER , Crelghton Block , Town Sun eye , Grade and Soft erago Syiteuu a Specialty. Commission Merchants. JOHN O. WIL LIB.1414 DoJgo Street. D B. DEE1IER. For details see large Whortlsb- ment In Dally and Weekly. Cigars and Tobacco. WEST & FRITSCL'ER. manufacturers of Cigars , .And Wholesale Dealers In To'iaccos ' , 1305 Douglas. W. F. LORENZEN manufacturer 61410th street. Cornice Works. Western Cornice Works , Manufacturers Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron and Blato Koofllnj , Orders from any locality promptly executed In the bust manner. Factor } and Oflico 1310 Dodge Street. Gohanlzcd Iron Cornices , Window Caps , etc. , manufactured nnd put up In any part of the country , T. S1N110LD. 410 Thirteenth street. Crockery , J. BONNER 1303 Douglas street. Good lino. Clothing and Furnishing Qoods. GEO. H. PETERSON. Also Hate , Caps , Boots. Shoes , Notions and Cutlery , 804 8. 10th street ; Clothing Bought. C. SHAW will pay highest Cash price for second band clothln ; . Corner 10th and Tarnham. Dei tilts. OR. PAUL , Williams' LMock , Cor. 15th & Dodge. Drugs , Ha'nts ' ana Oils. KUIIH & CO. , Pharmacists , Fine v Ooodi , Cor , 16th anJ I Doutlii ktreeU. W. J. WniTEIIOUHcoUo4 Retail , lOthtt. * C , FIELD , 0022 N < < Ui Side Cumlng1 Street. PARR , pruifgUt. IQla'and lizard Streeto. i DrrjQood' ' r otoni | , Etc. " , , JQIINHJ. r/lCaUANN'it ' C0.'f York DrytfcKkUStoro ; 1319 And 1S1C 'i' ' bimrtrceUfi , ld also boots and effoes',7th ! i Pacific. I/ * i r-uruiiur * ; 'V A F. GROSS , New and SacSnd Hand Furniture and States , jlll'IiouclM. Illghcat cash price paid for second banci soon ; J. BONNEB 1300 Dougl * tt. fine goods , &e. V Fence Work * , OMAlU FENCE CO. GUST , FnJESiiCO. , lilSHaroeyHt. , Impro\e- ed lea Jkjies , Iron and Wood. Fences , Otllco uzs , Counters of Plnp and Walnut. florist. A. Donahue , plants/cut flower * , eeeds , boaucta rcor , loth an4 bo\iq\u \ etreeU , 'j * V Foundry. r \ ' JOHN yTEARKB { t SOMy't > or'Htb & Jtc ton ita ' ' < FlourwidFced.1' OHAHA CITY MILLS6th ind Fahihim 8U , Wehbani Urof.-.ropneU > ri. - Grocery - * . } 2. STEVENS , tl t ; between Cuznlog add , Itard. T. A. McSUANEJCoru. .88 injCumlpg Street * . " v , J , Hatter * . ' , 1S08 Dooglu s < Bcelul\ / , Iron and DOLAN ft LANOWORTHYVboImle , 110 and 16th tttett. A. Tjquoa O0ft > trl6th > ndCalUoroUi HarrtM * , Saddle * , &c. B. WEI3T 20 IStt &t , Ut Fan * & Buo r , at and Bonnet Bleteher * . LadlM gtt yoni a'nw , Chip and Felt IUU ilone up M northeast corner Seventeenth and Capitol A enne. WM. DOVE Proprietor. Hotel * . CANnELDHOUSEGeJ. Canfleld.Oth A Famh m DORAN 1IOUSK , P. It. Cory , 913 Farnham St. SLAVKN'S HOTEL , F. Slavtn , 10th Strwt Southern Hotel Qua. hatncl , Oth & Lcarcnnorth. ron rencing. The Wwtern Cornice Works , Agent * for the Champion Iron Fence &c , , ha o on hind all kinds of Fancy Iron Fences , Cresting ! , FJncals , lUlllnp' . etc. 1310 Doilgo stret. aplj . Intelligence Office. MRS. L1Z21E BKXT 217 ICth Street. jewellers , JOHN BAUMER 1314 Farnham Street. Junk , II. BfRTHOLD , lUrsand Mttal. Lumber , Lime and Cement. FOSTER & OKAV corntr Blh and Douglas St . Lamps and Ulauware , J. BONNEU 1309 Dowlas St. Good Variety. Merchant Tailors , . 0. A. LINDQUEST , One of our most popular .Mcrchint Tailors Is re ceding the latest designs for Spring and Summer Goods for gentlemens "ear. Stjllih , durable , and urlccs low as e cr 215 ISth bet.Doiit.&Fani ! ( Millinery. MRS. 0. A. RISOER , Wholesale andJlctAll. Fan. , cy bootlt In great x arlety , Zeph > rs , Canl Itb rds , lloelrry , Oloicrt , Corsets , Ac. Cheapest House In the \Viet. Purchasers MMJ SO per cent. Order bv Mall. 115 Fifteenth Street. Physicians and Surgeon * . W , S. OIBUS , M. D. , eom No. 4 , Crelghton Block , 15tli Street. A. S. LEISE.NR1NG , M. D. Masonic Block. C. L. HART , M. D. , Kt and Ear , opp. postofflco DR. L. aO'lADDY , OcultltMid Aurist.'s. W 15th and'Farnham Sts. , otograpners. GEO. HEVN. PROP. , Grand Central Gallerv , 212 Sixteenth Street , near Masonic Hall. First-class Work and Prompt * ness gua ran tceu. Plumbing , Gas and Steam Fitting. P. W. TARPY A , CO. , 210 12th St. , bet. Farnham and Douglas. Worn promptly attended to. D. FITZPATRICK , 1409 Douglas Street. Painting and Paper Hanging , HENRY A. "ASTERS. 1412 Dodge Street. Planing Mill. A. MOVER , manufacturer of Both , door * , bllndi , moldings , ncnuls , alustcrs , hand rails , furnishing scroll sawing , &c. , cor. Dodge and Oth streets. Pawnbroker * . J. ROSENFELD , 322 10th St , bet. Far. & liar. . ' ' Refrigerators , Cnnfleld's Patent. C. F. GOODMAN llth St. bet. Farn. & Harney. Show Case Manufactory. ) 0. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dcalcrf In all kinds of Show Cases , Upright Cases , a > . , 1317 Case St. FRANK L. GERHAKD , proprietor Omaha Show Case manufactory , SIS South 10th street , between Lcatemrorth and Marcy. All goods warranted first-class. Stoves ana Tinware. ' ' A. BURME3TER , Dealer In Stove * and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Roofs and all kluds of Building Work , Odd Fellows' Block. J. BONNER. 1309 DouzUs St. Good and Cheap. Seeds. J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and Cultivators , Odd Fellows' ilall. Shoo Stores. Phillip Lang , 1S20 Farnham St. , bet 13th & I4th. Second Hand Store. PERKINS fc LEAR. 1410 Doujlas St. . New and Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Goods , c. , bauyht and told on narrow marrlns. Saloons. IIENRY.Jb'AUFit/NN , n th new brlcKlJlock on Douglas Street , baa ' Just opened a most elegant Ecu Ilall. not Lunch from 10 to 12 V everyday. * l tf 4Xf\5IT > has re-opcneU a neat and comulcto establishment whichboning FIRE.and MotherShlpton's Proph ecy , will be opcncd.tor the boys nlth Hot Lunch on and otter present date. ' " Caledonia " J. FALCONER. 670 ICth Street. Undertakers. CHAS. RIEWE , 101 * Farnham bet 10th & lltd. [ P. PEMNCR , 303J Tenth street , between Farn ham and Harncy. Does good and cheap work. 00 ucnt Stores. HENRY FOHLMAN , torn , notions , iilctuioa ] ewolr'i &c. , 618 14th bet. Farnham and Douglas P. O. BACKUS. 1205 Farnhnm St. . Fancy floods Geo. P. Bern is REAL ESTATE AGENCY , ISth nnd Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb. This offcncy does STRICTLYn hrokcrago btuinoaj. Docs not sjicculato , and therefore any bargains on 1U books are Insured to Its patrons , Instead of being ; gobbled u ; > by the aent. . BOGGS & HILL , l : REAL ESTATE BROKERS. No. 1508 Fnnxliam Street , OFPIOB North side , eon Grand Central Hotel. v.rro , ' Ltwia RKHJ. BYRON REED & CO. [ OLD8ET rSTABLlallED i ' Eeal Estate Agency IN NEBRASKA Keep a complete abstract of title to all Real Estate In Omaha and Douirlas county. maytf DexterL.Tlioinag&Bro , WILL BUY AND SELL AND ALL TRANSACTION CONNECTED TIIEREWrril. Pay Taxes , Bent Houses , Etc , ' IP YOU WANT TO HIT OS BELL Call at Office , Room 8 , Crel8'hton Block/Omaha. ap5-d Neteh Land Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , IB05 Farnhnm 8t. , . . . Omaha , Nebraska. 3bOOOOO A.CXCOEIS Oarofully selected land In Eastern Nebraska for sale , Great Ilargalns In Improved farms , and Omaha Uty proj > erty 0. F. DAVIS. WEDSTEIl BNYDEH. UtoLanJCom'r U.P.H. It , 4pfbtf John G. Jacobs I1 ( Formerly of OlihAi Jacob * , ) UNDERTAKER. No. 1417 Farnham St. , Old BUnd of Jacob Ola. Telegraph Solicited. ap27-ly Business College , THE GREAT WESTERN CEO. R. RATHBUN , Principal. drejghton Block , ' OMAHA , NEBRASKA. ; Wflctri for Circular , t > oy.20d3cwt < SAM CLEMENS. A Gambler' * Storr Abont the Hn- morist's Lllo In Ncvmliv. San Francisco Chronicle. Milling camp journnlism is crowded with experiences the city newspaper I wets not of. Ho of the mining ' journal know * nothing of "details , " "boats " " " " " , "scoops , "watches. early or late ; or of "boiling , " "Amplifying , ' 'shooting rot " nnd other _ . , many ex igencies , requirements and necessities connected with the lot of the city newspaper man. Talking with a mem bci of his fraternity from the auriferous Oil regions , n Chronicle reporter the other evening heard the following story about two ell-known Nevada characters : I met them in Aurora , Nov. , about' I ' three years ago when that mining camp \vas in the first Hush of its second attack of the quartz fever. Long Bill , 11 had learned , was a well disposed and amiable who dealt in faro in good times and inducted the guileless Piutes , in the Hysterics of poker and other ethics of a higher civilization in the interims , in return wherefor they supplied his larder with quail and rab bit and his purse with such scarce coins as they could steal. Hearing , nisi , that ho had "cabined" wifli Mark Twain when that self-accused humorist wafc a luckless prospector in the hills of Nevada , I was pleased to fun him my companion one day on the outside scat of the Boclio sta o. "You know Mark Twain ? " 1 suggested cd to my companion when ho had loft the town , and the horses liad settled into their dreary , between-station jog. " "Sam Clemens ? " "Yes , I believe ho was called that then. " "Wasn't that " his name ? "So it was. " "Yes. I know Sam. Cabined with him in ( G2 , or , mebbo , " 03. " "I suppose Mark" "Samf1 "Sam was very popular hero ; jolly , nnd all that , eh ? " "Well , no , I can't say Sam was very popular with the boys hero , though , . ho did cabin with me. Ho kinder had a way of forgetting the boys who staked him that didn't ' vash well. Sam was the means , though , nnd it waa rather curious , too , of mak ing the most unpopular man , in town popular. " "How waa that ? " "Wall , you aoo Cluggago ho owned the stage line between hore'n Carson , and ho played it rather low down on the boys ; brought 'omiu hero for 825 , and charged 'em § 75 to return. When the boys got broke , which they most ly did , for they would play agin the bank , it was a pretty touqh game to get out of town. Well , Sam ho wanted to go back to some of his folks In Carson , but somehow ho couldn't see Cluggago's limit. That was the state of the game when it was given out one night that Gluggago had presented Sain with a free pass to Carson . , You never saw anything like the way Cluggage rose in favor that night { , and the next morning half the town was down to the stage oiTico nnd gave the driver a big cheer when the stage , with Sam inside , pulled out. " Wo rode on in silence for some time after tht t , liilo I considered Billy's 6f T rrtfVmOtTrpoinfa"Of ! Vjow"ui til just as 'wo entered a broad portion of the canon , dignified by the name of "Sunshine- Valley , " when Bill asked mi : "You nro the new editor , ain't you ? " . I glowed a little and blushed becom ingly , I trust , for I was not unwilling to officially announce that I was no longer a reporter. k "I am the now editor. " Bill was again silent until wo reach ed the center otf the "valley , " when , pointing to a little clump of bushes , no slowly remarked ; "Wo killed the last editor over there. " I ceased to glow , and no longer blushed. I recovered enough to make a desperate attempt nt , factiousness , and askfed : "Where was the ono before the last killed ? " "Oh , ho waa killed back in town in a bar-room light ; but the one before him : , who was the first , wasn't killed. " "That was too bad. ' ' "Yes ; the follow ho odbnded meant well , but only shot him through the ankle. Some do say as how he died from the shot , but ho 'lived four months nnd took in considerable whisky all the time , I say it's giving too much credit to the buckshot to say ho died from the wpund. " "Prussian Iioddor. " i New Orleans Ti rac . | If there is a merchant in Nov Orleans who can sell goods nt at.y nricu ho chooses to fix on them , Rube Holi'onstoin , who keens a clothing and shoo1 store on Poydras street , is the man. A few days ago a customer entered his establishment and inquired ; "Ilnvo you got any low-quarter gaiters ? " "Certainly , my front. I hat any sdylo you wish , und somoding dot vas neat. Now here vas n pair uf gaiters vat is madouf Prussian loddor , do nest kind , dat vas known , und I dinks doy vill suit you. Subboso you dry dom on. " "All right , " replied the customer. "Voit , my front , und I'll put a loo- dlo powder in. Now dry dem Ah ? vat { totter she you vant dan dat. It vits shust is if somopody takes your measure. " "It's too tight across the instep I M said the customer- rubbing the spot with his fingers. "It vill sdrcch , my dear sir , " re plied UofTonstoin , persuasively , "dat ! tedder vas made expressly for stretch ing. " "But the shoo pinches my toes ' also. " "Dot is noding , it vill go vay the first time it gets vets. You don't ' vant to buy a pair uf shoes more as droo sizes too big und go around do ladies mit your feet looking like a group uf railroad scrapers , It vould be a ehamo , you know. ' "What do you ask for the shoes ? " "Only seer dollars. " "Jerusalem 1 That's too much , " "Veil , my dear sir , you must recol lect dat dom shoes vas made of Prus sian ladder , and leddcr derp vaa scarce. My undo ' yat Ji/s dcro write ane last veek' und said dat ( odder vas so scajco doy don't ' make harness mit jt any longer. All da harness .dv'ro la now made of wool. " < "I tell you what III do , " eald the ; | customer , examining the shoo closely , "I'll civo you four dollars. " "My fj.r-r-acious ! n Prussianledder shoo for four dollars von it costs mo more as five dollars und fifty cents laid at the depot down , und do profit on dom don't pay for the gas. My g-r-r-acious , vat's do matter mit do boople ? ' ' "Well , I'm not going to give six dollars ! for those shoes. " said the customer , moving towards the door , "they are not worth it. " "Nell , my front , tnko them along for feur dollars , und call around again some oder day. ' The customer paid for the shoes and taking his parcel'left the store. "Herman , " inquired HoH'enstein of his clerk , "vat vas the costbricoofl dem . sbtet horsc-leddcr shoes I shust sold do shontloman ? " "Von dollar und a half , air. " "My n-r-r-aciuus , Herman , dink how small do brolit vas. If pisncss , you know , Herman , don't got petter it vill preak all the store up. " Ho Wnutoil Pnrtloulnm Yesterday nftornoon n pompous looking colored man , wearing n veter an's badge over his heart , encountered in front of the City Hall a brother of color wearing a small llag on his coat and trying to look as if ho had starv ed in Andersonvillo for a year nnd a half. "Stop , sah stop ! " commanded the first. "Aro you a wetoran , sah ? ' ' "I spccts 1 nr ! " was the reply. "You war' in de army , sah ? "Yes , sah. " "War you a cook or a wnsiu driv er ? " "No , sah ! I war' in do ranks ! " was the indignant reply. "I war' right dar at Petersburg. " I'Waitin' on do hospital } " "No , sah ! " "In do commissary department ? " I "No , sah ! I war' m de h\'ht. " "Behind n log ? " "No , sah ! " "Did you have n gun ? " "Yes , sah ! " ' War' it loaded ? " "Yes , sail ! " "An ] you fired it ouT "I did , sah of I did. " j. urn , ouiij ; Ui course A uiu "Was it pinted nt do sky ? " "No , sah ; it was pinted at'do i in- cmy. " "Do butt-end fo1 most ? " "No. sah ! " "An ! it " went off ? "Yes , sah. " "An1 do inomy dropped ? " "I can't say as to dat , sah. " "What ! you down dar'shootin'jaway Uncle Sam's powder nn' lead widout hittin' anybody ? Take off dat Hag , sah ! What bizness has you to come out among dis crowd an' purtcnd dat you saved do Union , when you war' eatin" fo' dollars' worf of grub per week an' shootin" witl yor eyes shot ? Go away , sah ! It war'some sich chick en as you dat shot off my heel in dat same battle , just as I had surrounded n hull rebel rigimont. Stan' back , sah doan talk to a genwine old wot- cran , sail ? " A Smart Boy- Virginia ( Nov. ) nntu "Tumble down out'n dat cheer , " said Undo Moso , addressing himself to n 5-year-old boy lolling in the chair of the bootblackjitq d r , uC3 .git . ri hr down out'n dat stan. You ain't got ' no business up dar nohow , and hyar's n cash customer , I specks , " said the old follow , cocldng a somewhat tloubt- ful eye upon the reporter. "That's a fine boy , uncle , is ho yours ? " sniiHho reporter , ns the lim ber limbed young monkey swung him self out over the side of the boot black "stan , " nnd dropped to the lloor. "I speck so , leastwise dat's wat do ole woman says. YouAbumLinkurii , " addressing himself to the boy , "what fur yo' sot dar on do ilo' rollin up yo' eyes dat nwny ? Got uj > on yo' stool dar in de co'nor dis nunit , an' 'have yo' ' sof. Tnko dem fingers gut'n ' yo' mouf an' quit'or pullin1 dom dick'Ius faces. Yas , " turning to the reporter , "dat'a my boy , an" ho is a chip o1 do ole J block. Spec I was just such anoddcr little imp when I was his size. " "Ho'll ' have n much bettor chance in life than over you had , Undo Moso. No slavery now. Ho can go to school and ] hnvo as good n show as the white b6ys. " "Dat'a " cried Uncle Moso so , ear nestly , "an1 you bet I keeps him down to his wuk at the oddicatlon business o' nights when I nm nt homo. He's got a chnnco wet I never had , nn' I specs I'll ' make Biillin' out'n him yit. Vo' , Abum , don't ' I tolo yo' stop pull- in' dom nr' sort o' faces ? Putty fix yo'd bo in of yo' fnco stay dat nr' yW " way. "Can ho read , Undo Moso ? " "Can ho read ? Yn ! ya ! Uat's good. Can dat boy read ? Ya ! ya ! What ho bin goin' to skulo fur deso free rs ? Ho roads to his ole fnddor and mud- ; dn't dor every night oh dar lifo , Doesn't yor , Abum ? " "Yes , daddy. " "I toll yo' , sah , dat boy's n great comfo't to mo nn1 do olu woman , long o' his readin' to us o' nights. Hits company for us too. Lor' brcss yo1 I salt , wo sot fur hours nn' hours n-fis- tenin1 to dat boy while ho road. Hjt's great comfo't nn' a blessin' to hnvo one in do family wn't kin read. ' Does ho read the Bible to you , Uncle Moso ? " "No , hits not the Bible ; leastwise ho liasn't done read hit to ns yit. Ho reads us do wat-you-call-um ? ' No ; not do Fits' , Header. Hits [ sumfin' ' like do FUH' ' Header , still hits not y-ackiy do Fus * Header , but after nil I specks phe's putty much the " 0 , it must bq the Second Reader ; is that it ; is it the Second Header ? " 'Well ' , Bah , hit soun' n little dat ar way ; hit's not porzactly do Sccum Header. " ' 'lH ' it a primer , uncle ! " f"Dat do spun' aomufin' like it , sah. e'ro a gittin' ncah it we'roagittin' ; noah it , sah ! 'Spec wo'H fetch Tier do next clatter. Cun't bo fur off now. It must bo next doah to do what waa do name of dat las' one what yo call off , Bah ? " "Dat'a do fuller. Hit must be next doah to licr. Anyhow hits right long dar in do name row and not a half a block away at the very fuddcrest. ' Blame my ole puttons wat now is dis yor wat ho reads to roe an' his' old mammy ever bleaaed night ! ( striking Ilia clenched fut upou Ida forehead , ) I jiat knock dia ole fool head oil' , I sjct ao mad cos I can't fink of dat wat ilo boy read so fine all de time. Wat is dis. Abum Linktin , wat yo roads to yo ole parents over night ? " "Tho alfabct , daddy. " "Oats her' ' Yah ! yah ! I know'd ' we'd fetch her pooty soon. We was ju n grazin'of her when wo struck do primer. Dai's hit , do nlforbockl I hain't sot him onto de Bible an' dom odder - onoa yit , but I specks we'll tackle 'em fo long , won wo gits ready. Hut wo ain't cot no hankorin' ' for dom yet. ! Do nlferbock's BO fine , nnd com- fortin' , nnd mooving lik , dat wo don't like to part with her. Bless yo , sah , wo's got so used to her dat wo dos nat'ly ; ' goes asleep over her every night , mammy nnd me. " | Cnlloil Her Puts- St. Ixmli Globe Democrat. Yesterday WRS n gala day in the re corder's otlico. Couple after couple from all port ions of the west , Borencly faced the handsome clerk who has been assigned to the marriage license bureau , and suffered the necessary in quisition. About 3 o'clock in the af ternoon a young workman , with over alls , checkered shirt , and slouched hat. sidled up to n deputy recorder ami confidentially whispered : "Is this where n foliar gcta his mar- ryin' papers ? " "This is the place , " replied the clerk * "Well , I want somo'papers. " "All right , sir ; whore's the lady ? " "Lady ! What lady ? " "Why , the young woman you intend to marry. " "Oh ! she's at homo , of course. " "Well , wo can'i. issue a license without certain information about the lady. " 1mW "I cau toll you all about her. What do yon want to know1 ? "Her Hnmo , age , residence , nnd such like facts ; nnd I presume you can't answer all the questions. " "C.xn'tl ! Just try mo. " "Innocent nrtlossnoss , " murmured the clerk ; "how old is she ? " "She told mo she oas just 10 years old. " "Then I'll wager she is 29. What artless innocence , " thu clerk whis pered. "What is her first name ? " "I was trying to think. " "Jli the meantime what is her last namoJ" "I don't exactly remember that , either. In fact , I don't think I over heard it. But I suppose it's of no consequence. " "Good heavens , man ! What on earth do you call her ? " "Well , I calls her puss , but I never thought to aak if that was her ro'al ' ' namo. There was an audible snicker throughout the recorder's olllco , and the candidate was advised to bring his engaged partner for further par ticulars. Brotbor Gardner's . Llsuo-Kilu Club. There was crape on the bear trap as the janitor opened the doors to admit the crowd. No ono could say who was missing , and every eye was turned up on the President as ho arose nnd said : "Two nights ago at midnight I cavr Brudder Kynn Jones take leave of airth to cross do dark ribber. De ole man had bin * ailin1 fur weeks ; an' ho was ready to go. When his eyes look- lUof dtrdliflTeloUd'ol "deal IfmT ootcjiod sight of do nigos of Honven lie gathered his friends about him an' wo sot beside him when his lifo went out. If dar am n man in dis hall who believes - lievos wid Bob Ingorsoll lie should hnvo bin dar when do soul of dat poo' ole black man began slippin' away from its homo of clay. What brought do smile of joy to do ole man's face ? What put do look of blessed Batiafuck- shun in his eye ? Why did ho welcome de coinin' of dat sleep which knows no wakin' till do blast of do trumpet tuma airth into Paradise ? "Way down in do rice fields of Louisiana lies do body of his ole wife Dat smile of joy was bo'n at do thought of tneetin' her at do gate of Heaven. In n green lane in Georgia lies-do dust of his first bo'n chile. Dat look cum to his eyes when ho realized dat bofo' in his arms. In do y'ars of the long ngo doy took his dar ter away , an1 ho has never hoard from her since. AVhon ho thought of do blessed family reunion up dar' behind the gates of ggld his face woru sich a look dat wo could almost1 h'nr do music of do harps. Toll me of some unbeliever who has died away ! Toll mo of n scoffer who has lot go of lifo wid a mnilo on his facu ! All do words of all do infidels on airth could'nt ' hnvo slmkuu do faith of dat poo' old man. Ho could not road , but he could pray , lie could not write , but ho could hppo. Jist bofo' de bells struck mid night , wo saw his smile brighten , an * ho pintod wid his finger into distance. Shall I tell you what do old man saw ! Ho saw beyond do curtain which hangs boiwcon lifo an' eternity , Ho say legions upon legions an' hosts upon hosts mnrchin' down to do dark ribbor. Ho saw boyand dat. Ho saw do sunlight on do odder blio. ' Ilo heard music. Ho saw do wife mi * chiU'on of odder dnyo , an' when doy held out deir arm lo him ho whispered to us : "Doy is callin' doy iscallin' ? an' ho sunk uway widout oven " Incredible. V. A. Scratch , dnnrslBt , Huthvcn , Out. , write * : "I tm\u tliu grcatent coiifldeucu In your IluimocK Jli.oon UITTKIIS , In ono caxa with which 1 am peranimllyacmiaiiititl , l their Hucci'hH \ \ in uliuost incredible . Ono lady toM mo Jtlint half n bottle did her inoro gotxl than huiidrvdn of ilollnrti' worth ot inudicitie elie had 'previously taken , " Price 11.00 ; trial Bite 10 ccuU. jylloodlw A Single Stouo from a running brook slow the giant Goliath , aiul millions of noble men since that time hnvo died frrim a lu gle utonw in the bladder , which ll r- ner's Safe Kidney and Liver rue would have devolved and carried away. JJy7-ood-lw FARMERS AND MECHANICS. If you wish to avoid great danger and trouble , besides a no small biil of at this season pf the year , you vhould take prompt stop * to k > oi disuaso from your household. Thu syntunl should bo cleansed , blood puri fied , stomach and bowola regulated , and prevent and euro diseases arising from spring malaria. Wo know of notliing that will BO perfectly and surely do this as Electric Bitters , and at thp t riling coat of fifty cents a bo- $ tlo.-rfExcluuigo , Bold By leh & McMaJion. (1) ( ) Omaha , A /Collins/ / , . . / f * ' * f -i- t. * Cheyenne , Colorado. Spring and Summer CLOTHING ! ! LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises. , XkX OJDXl TO IN THE LATEST STVLES. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit all ( 1322 FARNHAM STREET , NEAR FOURTEENTH. THE GREAT WESTERN CLOTHING HOUSE. M. HELLMAN & CO , , ; Spring Suits ! All Styles ! IMMENSE'STOCK'AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ' Tlie Largest Clothing House lest of CMca A Department for Children's Clothing. W6 have now ttn assortmenf ; of Clothing of all kinds , Gent's \ Furnishing Goods in great variety.and a heavy stock of Trunks , Valises , Hats , Caps , &c. These goods are fresh , purchased from the manufacturers , and vail be sold at prices lower than , over' before made ' iWe Sell for Cash and Have but One Price. A large TAILORING FORCE is employed by us , "and we make SUITS TO ORDER on very short notice. O.A.T.X. X3XrX > 83EUO ITS. 130 ! and 1303 Farnham St. , cor. MAX MEYER & CO , TOBACCONISTS. Tobacco from"25c. per pound upwards. Pipes from 25c. per dozen upwards. Cigarsfrom $15.00 per 1,000 upwards. J. B. Detwiler's CARPET The largest Stock and Most Com plete Assortment in The West. > , . * . ' , . t if j j - . , j' We K ep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil cloths , Matting , Window-shades , ' Fixtures and Lace Curtains. ' ' , * * WE HAVE GOODS TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. 11313 Farnham St. , Omaha.