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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1881)
ft. f I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY JVXE fi. 181 THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA PUBLISHING CO , . PROPRIETORS Fnrnham , bet. Oth nnd JOth Street * . / TKIIMSOISUltSCHimON : Copy 1 year , /uhmico / ( | w < inil ! ) .1. ism months " 400 months " " 200 RAILWAY TIMB'TABLBT" LKAVI.Ml OMdllA FAST OR SOtlll HOU.ND. C. , 1) ) . & 0. 8 ft. m .1 40 p in. 0. & N. VV. , 0 ft. ni. 3 40 p. in. C. , It I &r.l < i ni. 34011 in. ' K. C , St. J 4 C. II , 8 a in. 3 40 p in Arri At St. Louis at C 25 n. m and 7 45 n tn. to Kflt Oft 8OlUIUKftT8 H. & , M. lii Neb. , Through Kxprcis , 8.35 a m 11. & II. Lincoln I'rcl-fht 7.00 p. in. U. 1 * . Kxiirc-w , 12.15 p in. O. & H. V for Lincoln , 10 20 n in. O. & It. V forOsecoh , 040 a In U. 1' . freicht No. 5 , t > M a in. U. 1' . frolKht > o. 1 , S.lfi a. in U. I' freight No. 7 , C 10 p in cmlKnnL U. 1' . freight .No. 11 , 8 25 p in ARRIHXO ( ROM KAST All ) SOUTH. C. n. & o , 6 00 ft ni.-7.25 p in. C. 4 , N. W ,045o. iii.-7 25 p. in. C. U. LAI' , . 9.45o. m. j05 p. in. K. C. , &t. Joe kC IL , 7 40 a in-C 45 p. u W. , SU L. & I' . , 10 M . hi.-4:25 : p. In. pnoMtnr. KK.ST A\ti BOITII UT. O. i It. V from Lincoln 1212 p in. U. I' . K\prc- 3 2j p. tu , U. A. M. in Neb. , Through E\prc * 4 1ft p lit 11. & II. Lincoln KrcL'ht S ' 15 a. in. V. V. Freight No. 10-1 W p in. Ko. 0 4 2fl p. m. Kink-rant. No. 8 10.M ii. m. Ko. 12-11.J5 a. in. O. & It. V. mixed , ar. 4 25 p. tn. . Koitrii. ( Nebraska DMslon of the St. I'aul A. Sioux Cih Itcu.,1. No. S ! OAci Onihlit ii a. in No. 4 Icaies Onnhi ISO p m. Ko. 1 arriu1 * at Omaha at i 30 p in. Ko. 3 arrives nt Umiliaat 10 45 a. in. Dl'MMY THAIM BFT rFS OMAHA AND ( OINCIL BUri-H L < n\c Onnln at S 00 , 900 and 11.00 n. m ; 10 , 2 00 , 3 00 , 4 00 , 61 ) and C M ) p. m.\ Council muffs at ii 25 , I ) U , 11.25 a. m ; 1:25 , 2 2 % 3 21 , 4 21 S Muni 0-21 p. III. bunthj The dumim Ica i3 Omaha nt 000 nnd 11 00 n m , 2 CM , 4.UO and Ii 00 p m. Leaves Council IlinlTd at DJS and 11.25 a. m. ; 2.25 , 4.25 nnd 1.25 p. m. Opening and Closing of Malls , EO' TB. Ol FN. CLOSB. a. lu. ii. m. a. in. p. tn. Chicago i N VV . . 11 00 OJO 4 30 2 40 ! Paclrtc - 800 4-SO 240 Chleaxti. ! I. & 11-00 Clilcv , 1) & CJ . . . 11 ( W 000 4.30 240 Watrub 12 JO t 30 2.40 Sioux Ot , mid rnelflc. 11:00 : < :30 : Union I'ieino 600 11:40 : Oiniha i. Jt V 4 00 IlilO II. & JI. Ill Neb . 4 00 8:40 B:30 : Oimhai , Northwestern. 430 7.10 Ix > eal iktila for Statuol Iov.-a lea\ but once a ( h , viz. J:30. A Llncolii Jlall is also opened i 10 30 a. in. OUiee opui faundaj 8 from 12 w. to 1 p > u. TIIOS. r. HALL , V. M. Business Directory , Art Emporium. J. U. HOSE'S Art Kmpoiinm , 1610 Dodge Street , fateel EngraUiiKD.iOil 1'alntlngs ChroniOD , Kancj Frames. Framing r.hpeelaltv. Low I'riems. J. IJO.SNEU , 130J Uou0'Ki btrect. Good btjlcs Abstract and Real Estate. JOHN L. JtcCAGUE , bpposlte Post Ofllco. VV. H. BA11TLE1T , 317 South 13th Street. Architects. JJUFKENE & MENDELSSOHN , AUCH1TECTS , Itoom 14 Crdjhton ItlocV. A. T. LAUQE , Jr. , Iloom 2 , Crcl0'hton Block. Boots and Shoes. JAMES DKVINE 4. CO. , Fine Boots and Shoes A Rood assorment of home \\orl. on hand , corner 12th and Harncy. THOS. EUICKSON , S E. cor. Iflth and Douglaa. JOHN FOItTUNATOS , 605 10th street , manufacturer to order good work at fair prices. Hcpalrln done. Bed Springs. J. F. LARRIMER , Jlanufacturcr , Vlsicliers' Bl'k. Books , News and Stationery. J. I. FUUEHACF , 1015 Farimam Street. Butter and Eggs. McSHANE i SCIIHOEDEH , thu oldest B nnd E. house in > > ubraska , citablisliLd Ib7& , Omaha Boarding. CENTRAL ItbbTAURANT , MU3 A. RYAN , eoutlmcat corner lOthand UodKo. Best Boird for the Jloncy. aitUtattion Guaranteed. Meals at all Hours. Board bj the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cash. Furnished Hooms Supplied. Carriages and Road Wagons. VVM. SNYDEIl , No. 131h 14th and H-irnej Strcct J Civil Engineers and Surveyors. ANDREW ROSKWATEll , J510 Farnham street. Town buncja , Grade and ijewcrajo Sjetcma a bpecialtj. Commission Merchants. JOHN 0. WU , LIS.14H Iodg Street. D B. BEE1IEU. Kor details BCO large advertisement - ment in lail > and VVteklj. Cigars and Tobacco. WKST & KllITSCI'Elt. ' manufacturers of Cigars , nndholesalc Dealers in Tonaecos , 1305 Douglas. VV. F. UJHLNZEN , nnnufaeturcr , 61410th street. Cornice Works. Western Cornleo Works , JHnufacturcrs Iron Cornkc , lin , Iron and Slatv Koollln . Orders from an > loaillu prompth cxeeuU-d In thu beat manner. Kaetor } and Oillcc 1J10 Dodge Street. GaltanlzL-d Iron Cornlees. Window Cips , etc. , manufieturcil and put up in any part of thu country. T. SINIIOL1) , 110 Thirteenth street. Crockery , J. HONNEIl , 1300 DOUKIM btrect. Good line. Clothing and Furnrshlng Goods. OEO. II I'ETEIISON. Also Hats , Caps , Boots , bhoea , Notions and CutlerSOI S. 10th street. Clothing Bought. C. SHAW will pa } hlghcbt Cash price for second land elothin , ' . Corner 10th and Karnham. Dei tlsts. DH. PAUL , Willhms' I'loek , Cor. 15th & Dodge. Drugs , Pa'nts and Oils. KUlIIi & CO. , Pharmacists , Kino v Ciwxls , Cor. 15th nnd Douglii Ktrccts. W.J. WHITEIIOUt' forwlo fc Retail , 10th st. C. C. FIELD , 2022 N clh Mdo Cumlng fatrect. M. PARR , Druggist , IQtn and Howard btreeU. Dry Good Notions , Etc , JOHN II. f. t'CllMANN A. CO. , New York Dry Goods Sxiro , 1310 and 1316 Kara- him jtreet. L. C , Encuold , also boots and bhoes , 7th i Pacific. huruiture. A F. GROSS , New and Second Hand Furniture and Stoics , 1114 IXIIUIM Highest cash price paid for second liana iraooi. J. BO.V.Vnit , 1300 Dousl 8 6t. Fine goods , Ac. Fence Works. OMAHA KENCE CO. GUST , KRIES iVCO. , 121J Harne } St. , Improio e-4 Icu Dotes , Iron and Wood Knees , OHlco Railings , Counters of Pine and Walnut. Florist. A. Donaghue , plants , cut flow crs , souds , bwjucta etc , N. W. cor 10th an I Douglas streets Foundry , JOHN WKAU.NT. A. SONS , cor. 11 til & , Jackionsta Flour and Feed , OHAHACITY MILLS , 8th and Farnham Sta , \ \ elthana Bros , proprietors. Grocers. Z. STEVENS , 2Ut.between fuming and Izard. T. A. McSHANE , Corn. 23d and Cumin.'Street * . Hatters. W. L. PAKROTTE & CO. , 1300 Douglas htrcct , VNholsalo Exclusliflj _ Hardwaie , Iron and Steel , DOLAN & LANQWORTHY , Wholesale , 110 und J5th ttrctt A. HOLMES , corner 16th and California. Harriett , 8ddle , &f. E. D. WEJST S20 Jjlb § fc , b , i'wn- Hat nd Oonnet Bleathert. Ullf ftt.\ourMm , , CA.VniUlIOLtSKlo.t'nnn : , ( IWUA.V Hot-si ; , i- i CnM | , , , firlljim sl SI\\KVS1IITKIK Maun lOUi Strwt. Southern Hotel , ( liu. I &mtl , Pth * U < ntn orth Iron Fencing Tlio V\c ( crn Oornlct WorV. Urtnii , for th Clninplon Iron Fmcc A < , | mt , , taml MI UM , | ' ' sR9. mK > s , inif etc 1310aKc ) \ strcc , nji , Intelligence Oflict xins. M/.ZII : ui.\r , annthstrctt. Jewellers. [ JOIKV IIAU.VIKU 1311 r tnlniu Struct. Junk. II IIKIITIIOU ) , Ilieiin. . MctAl Lumber , Lima and Cement. KOSTKH A. ( ] | 1\V , ronicr tli ii.l l ou'lM SI * Lampt and Glaitware. J. nOXNElt , 1309 UoujUi St Coot Merchant Tollort 0. A. LIMKjt'KsT , Oncol our most | < ainhr | Jlcnhitt Tailon l re- itMng the latut dtslcm for .Sprlnit and Summer OooiN lor KCiitlcincn minr. btll ilurnlilc , aiuli > rld low soir 116 13th bit Itou. AKuril MUllncry. Sill ? C A 1U.VOI.1I , Wliolratc uiil IMnll , Kan } Clotxls In ( { ( nrktXijilut" , CnrJ HoarJi , llo lir.\ , ( lion , ! " , ComUs , U l he.iH | t llo o In ; hcWi t. 1'unliavn iu\a 30 ur icnt. Orclir ) Mull , lit , HftcuiUi Strut. Phytlclnni an I Qurgeont. .V. . S OIIIIN , M. I ) , com \o. 4 , Crck-hton Hock , lSth Strut. A. S U.1SK.VUI.NI ; , ii. I ) . Misonlc lllock. : . I1IA11T , JI I > . Kr ami liir , off. DH. U 11 OK VDDV , ( cullst nnd Aurlst , S. VV. 16th aiil Knrnham Bta. Photographers OKO IIIIV.V. I'UOP. , Oratiil Central ( ! nllu-i , 212 tixticith Street , : eir Mvionlc Hill. Flrst-tUbS Work ani Plumbing , Gas and Stezm Fitting. ' . W. TAHI'V CO. . 210 lith S. , liU. Kanihia nil I otiKlas. \ \ ork jiroini'tlj n'.tiiulcit to. U. KIT/I'ATUICK , 1403 Ikughs btrcct. Painting ; and Paper Hanging. HEV11Y A. KOSrHtS. 14120oJo Street. Planing Mill. i. XIOYKfi , iiiAiiufaitiirer of ha. * , doors , lilliuli , iioldlngc , IICUI.N , nlustcrs , ImHlralh , furnishing troll sawt)0' , A.C , cor. Dodge aid ath streets Pawnbrokers ' . IIOSENTKLD , 322 10th St. , lict. Kar. A. liar. Retn'cerators , Canfieldt Patent. J. K. GOODMAN , llth St. , Kt. KnriL A liftmen Shaw Case Manufactory. ! O. J. WILDE , lanufactiircr and lcltr'ln al klnd of Show iiscs , U | > rlKlit Owes , a . . 1317 Oass St. Stoves ana Tinware. A. UUItMESTKil , > vlcrln Sto\c9aiidTmftaro , and Manufacturer f Tin llools and all kinds of Uulldiiii ? Work , ) d Ktllown1 lllotk. . DONXEH , 1309 Douglas St. Good and Cheap Seeds. . EVANS , Wholesale anj Rctal Seed Drills md lulthators , Odd Kcllotts' ilall. Shoe Stores , 'hilllp Lauff , 1320 Karnnara t. bet 13th & 14th. Second Hand S.ore. 'EHKINS Ii LKAU. 1410 Douglas St. New and iccond Hand Furniture. House IXirnishlng Goods , kc. , bought and sold on narrow uargins. Saloons. HENRY HAUKMAN , n the new brkk block on Douglas Btroct , has Jubt opened a mobt elegant Viet Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 c\trj day. KLANNKUY , In Karnliam , next to tlio U. AXI. . hcadqiiartcra , las re oiwiml a neat an I complete tstAblitluiicnt ihith , barring KJIlh ani XlothirShlpton's 1'roph- tj , w 111 be opened lor the Uoj 9 vith Hot Luntli in and aftir present date ' Caledonia , " J. KALCOhEIt. C'fllCth Street. Undertakers. IIIAS. ItlK.W'E , 101S Karnham \ > .t. 10th 4. lltd. CO Uent Storci. lEXRY rOHLMAN. toys , nttlons , nlcturM , en dry , Ac , 513 14th bet. l-amlum and Doue'laa. ' . 0. HACKU8.1205 Karnham St. Fancy Goods. OS. E. CUABKSOV. O. J. IIL.NT. Clarkson & Hunt , Succcssora to Illiharda j Hunt , ATTORNEYS - LAW , 215 S. 14th Street , OtmJt ) , Neb. W. J. CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. OITICK Front Roomi ( uiifctalrj ) in HanBcam'e ie brick hulldin0' , N. VV conur 1'ftecnth and r'ariiliain Streets. JOHN I. UFUICk. plAi , n. UfDICK REDICK&REOIOK , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW , Special attention "III he tflv en to ill suits against orjKipations of c\cr > detcriptlon ; practicu In II thu courts of thu btato und thuUnited htntea K-Karnham ht , opponllu C > urt HOIIJ.U. J. ENGLISH , ATTORNEY -LAW , 310 South Thirteenth Street , with J. M.Woolworth. D. S. BENTON , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. - - . AII11ACII IJLOCK , Cor. Dou.-laa and ISth Sin. , Oiniln , Neh A. G. TROUP , ATTORNEY-AT , LAW. OFKICR lii II.-xnscoinli'H lllock , wh | George E. 'rlchclt. UOO rarnham bt. , OmaluJNeh. Dexter L. Thomas , ATTORNEY - AT . LAW , CIIUCKSIIANK'S I1UILD1NO , ) maha , Juhraska. aprBtf D. F. Manderson , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. 242 rarnham St , Oinaha , ib. Edward W. Simeral , ATTORNEY - ATLAW. , . loom e CrcL'hton IllotU , 15thandI > n la < trect. FREU OF COST. DH. KINO'S NEW Disunity for onsiimiition , Coughs nml Colda Wliiim , liiuncliitis , etc , s given ivvayin bottles fieo of cost to ho afllicted. If you liavj a lad ) : ough , cold , didicuHy of bfc.ithing , loarsuness or any allectiuu of the hroat or lungs by all ineaim O'i\ c thm \ondetful zeniedy a trial. As jou aluo your existence you cannot ifFord to let this opportunity pass , iVo could not aflbrd , nnd wjuld not ; ivo this remedy away unless vvo mow it would accomplish \Jiat vvo ilaini for it. Thousands of hopeless sues have already been cof.ipl tcly iured by it. There IB no mcdicino in ho world that \v ill euro ono lalf the ascu that DK. KINO'S NEW DiscovEity * ill euro. For sale by (0) ( ) Inn & McJLuiON , Onialia. LOOK TO THE LORD. Such Was the Advicli Given by Dr , Pym Yesterday , A Pine Attendance nttho Epis copal Chnrch , Full Text of the Sormou ns it Was Delivered. Kev. , t , Melville I'JIIL , n clergyman of the church of I'nglru'id , v\lu > is at present making a tour < ? f llio world , occupied the pulpit in tlio Episcopal Cathedral yesterday innining. Mr. I'yni stayed for some time on the Pa cific co.ut vvliore ho assisted Mood\ during that evangelist'- ? hip there. Ho s now on his w ay en * ! and a largo and 'ashioiialile nudienco listened to Mr. 1'ym's address which Tin : HBK present vetb.Uim to-day fin the benefit of such as did not haw the pleasure of istuning to it. Mr. I'ym took Ine text fron the xvi. chapter of John , seventh and follow- v : "N"eMj-tliilos 1 tell jou Iho tnith , it N expedient fcir jou tlut 1 } ? o .iwny fur If 1 ; o not away tln > Comforter v\ ill not cninp mtojtni. And when InN como he will re'irou th-VMirld of vin. and of righteoiis- it'ss and if judgement. " Mr. I'yni slid : AVe very often wish that we had li\ed in the d.iya when the Lord .louus Christ upon earth. If our hearts aio set upon this Christ , im-l v\o have leained to know liini , the clnefest among ten thou sand , nnd the altogether lovely one we often say in our hearts , oh , how > lessed it would have boon to oit at us feet as Mary sat ; liow blessed it would have boon to have hoaid his voice saying to us Thy sins are for- ; iven thee , K < * in peace , 01 how bless- ; dtoha\e laid with our head upon ns _ breast as the beloved apostle the writer of these words to every lout spirit did tok-ivo looked up in his 'ace and he.xid his words of love. So it would ha\o been pleasant , very blessed , to have sat at the feet of Jesus. Glory bo to God that in this our day and geiier.itiou w o hav o the glorious dispensation of the spiiit of God , in which wo live. And if wo will but believe and t.iko God at his word we can sit by faith at the feet of Jesus day by day , and w e can reali/o : hat this blessed Lord is dwelling in us by his blessed spiiit , and vvo can understand and know the things of Christ more clearly and far more fully and distinctly than those disciples did when they w ere in daily with the Loid Jesus Christ himself. They never icalized or understood the thing that was coming upon Him the suffoier and savior , that ho was about to endure for their sins. But the tilings of Christ are revealed to us. ' The pow er'of the Lord and Saviour , the fullness of blessing has boon sent to us from God through Christ by the power that was to be revealed as time went on. Peter , the doubting , im pulsive , criing disciple , who de nied Him before all in the judgment hall , when Hi was in suffering and every human in stinct in a man would have oblignd him to stand by his Buttering mastei this same Peter , by the gift of the sm'iit and by the power of the Holy Ghost , stood up and preached the Gos pel and there were three thousand jouls added to the church thiough that one servant. And so now , in our Jay and generation , if wo only look to : hp Lord and believe in the fullness of flis promise anclthi.issui | | ince of His word the things of Christ will bt ) ie- rcaled to us and the power of this Holy Ghost poured into us. It is a glorious dispensation and it is a won drous thought to think of God , the 3rcat Kulcr of the universe , God' the father , Uod the Son , and God the loly Ghost , the Eternal Jehovah bo ng all taken up , aa it were , with the iflaira of poor perishing sinneis' souls , foil know that in the original the loly Ghost , the spirit of God is called 'Paraclotos. " In this connection the -iord speaks of Christ upon eaith coni ng down to us and the meaning of the vord "Paraclotos" is ono who undcr- akes for us any of our business. Supposing you and I had property nt a distance from us , wo would get some ono to manage it in whom wo md the fullest confidence , and that nan would bo our Paiacletos. There s another place whore the woul is ised in this Beiiho , in the first Epistle if John , "If any man sin , vvo have in advocate with the Father. " Theio hat woid advocate means a "Pur- iclotos , " so you see that wo have ono upon the right hand of God , who is > cciipied with our affairs and watching n-er us at the right hand of God. Wo iav o another hero upon earth , oven the Hoi } * Spiiit found in that dispen sation dwelling in the hearts of all true believers , and as the father is 'uiding and _ directing all things , BO ho Holy Spirit is engaged watching > ver us. Hut wo are told when the : Ioly Spirit should como , it will con vince the world of Hinof lighteousnufls of judgment. Have wo over reali/ed the working of the Holy Spirit n our hearts ? That is a qucs- ion of vital importance to us. Some people uy God has taken care of mo , but they don't know what that means. They have no God , : hey have u J'lovidenco , God thu Holy Ghost being here upon earth guiding and teaching us. The quus turn arises , How is it with each ono ndividually' Havevou realued the lower of the Holy .Spirit convincing , -ou of BID' ' IH this day of Pentitont uiything to juuf Have you rcah/od .ho wondrous , never ending blessing which occurred when the I loly Spirit jf God came down on the Pentecost/ / Have you been brought to the feet of Chribt realising your sin ? because if mco the .Spirit of God convinces us of sin , if once w o look up to Him to convince - vince of sin Ho will us , not leave us ; Ho never leaves us under the buiden of our ains. As Christians does Ho convinces us of em , of righteousness nnd of judgment. Ho teaches us that ftin was judged in the person of JOSUH Christ on Calvary's cioss. Ho haa convinced us of sin. Jesus who says "Como unto mo , " and Ho hews us that God has judged our itins in Christ , and wo are the blessing of Christ's finished work to wipe away all sins of righteousness nnd judg- nunt. Oh , blessed bo Gwi ! Ho ahows us the righteousness nf ChriM. It is put ujxm m in place of the filthy rags of our own right eomno * * . Ho shows the completeness of .mr . stand ing in God before Christ Ho delights lights in us. Hn takes from the tlnniis of Chml and reveals them K'fmo us In the way of.lovo Ho show i us Christ In the way of love wo hem the voice of the Holy Sjmit whispering tn those who are weak words of tuith , the truth as it is in Jesus , the iverhisl ing hfo in a risen Saviour , bj whom wp arc to bo saved , as boini ; raised with Him , being dead to sin. Imt tdivo unto righteousness. Oh" lus the Holy Spirit dealt thus with i-ach mw of us ? if not , where are * io we to day' \Vo are dead in tioapassoH ancl sins , but having been convinced of tinsmv of righteousness and of judgment wo dying in our * ins Weslull find that vvo lire. We have IK > iijJit ; Oh , may God ejesof everyone by tlio pow 1 1 of His word , and may Ho caablo us to isec ourselves as He sens us. If ditad in trespass , God Jias nei-n May Ho show us the picture. It w ill luan nwful picture , a loathnomo puture , as ( "Knl says. lut ? glory bo to ( . .id when Ho shows it to us ; Has spirit < lee not leave us theie. Hi * takes us , show Chi ist upon the cross , and "Time IH ix fountain filled with I Wd , Drawn from Iiniiinntiel'i * vun . And ( tinncrx plmuoil licnoith lit ittPoml , l/i MO all their K"il'5' ' xtnhi "The d > Inj ? thief rt-j < vcod to M , That 'fountain in his dn > ; "And there , " hur I , 01 hive we tu ay , "may II" Glwy be tul ! d wo have not. Anil there may T , tli'mgh vile Wa--li all mj ciiis auay. " "JVer since by faith 1 H.IVV the Thy How inj ; w oiind jtupplv. , ItedeeniinfT lo\o lins lrii my thi'iuc , And Hliall ho till I ilic. * 'Thcn in n nobler , HWiwter conj ; , I'll ulnt ? thy power U si\\e , When thin poor li < | > iiig , stnmmtriii ) : tongue , J Jes nilent in the gr.i This is a similar song to the sung on the day of J'entocost cig hundpcd years ago. The Lord is readjto take you and me if we yn lr ourselves up to Him. Uehixed , agaii 1 say , if j'oti never have yielded jour selves up to linn yield yourselves to day that he may convince jou of sin , righteousness and judgment. May Hi giv e you grace to believe in the Lori ! Jesus Chribt to the salvation of youi souls. Henceforth , beloved , iooici , bcfoio God for his gieat niuicy n giving us Jesus , then taking us up to Heaven where he watches ovei us am guides us. Amen. Seventh Biennial- SOCER-FEST ! THE- -OF - Pioneer Ssngertani AT OMAHA , Juno 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 and 12 , ' 81 JUNE 8th : Reception of Guests an ( Reception Concert. JUNE 9th : FIRST GRAND CONCERT JUNE 10th : Grand Parade ! Participated in by nil Civil and Mili tary Societies , Fire Dqurtinunt , and Manufactinuis' Interest. IN THE EVENING , SECOND GRAND CONCERT , JUNE llth : BANQUET AND BALL JUNE 12th : 1 SOLO ARTISTS : MISS KATTIE LOWE Soprano. SMORilFAEELLA ! Contralto. Prof , E , STRASSEE , Violinist The Grand Chorus , Male Voices Under Iho Direction of PROF. AUG. WALTHER THE GRAND ORCHESTRA , I fl of the InstnimciitalUt of the AI l" \lett 41 Conducted by Prof. F. M. Steinhauser REDUCED PARES on all roads Luading into Oiimlm. . cr ted ipoelallyor / thi S nacr'e < t , and located on the CORNER OF IOTH AND CAPITOL AVENUE SOMETHING EVERY LADY OUGHT TO KNOW. Tliorc oxlsis a nicnnsof so- yurliiff n soft nml brilllnut toiniiloxioii , no innltor how poor it inny naturally lio. Hnpan's Macnoliii IJaliu is n ( loliciUo nml harmless arti cle , which lusinntly romores Ir o c k I e s , .Tan , Itcdncss , HoiiKltness , Erupt ions , Vul gar Flushings , etc , , etc. So Icucato ami natural are its effects that its use is not suspected by anyhodv. ? * o lady has the right to present a dlsllpured lace in society when the Magnolia Halm is sold by all druggists for 75 cents. West for 1 Int : the ino t dlroct , iiilikmt | , fid Kifii > t line iniitiivUnx tin Kmt MitroiMills , CI1I CAtiO , Kiul the KA-HKIIN , Nnitril-KAMtKUS , Sonii mil hoi TU I.AHUKN I.IMN , uhirhtinnlimto there , ltll IkANHtH ( IT1 , I.MVhS WORTH , AnillM ) , Cm sen , lliitt-K and OMUIA , the CUMMPKIMI OrNTXim from \\hlih ruliato EVERY LINE OF ROAD : hat pcnetntcH the ( Vntiiunt from the > lli oiirl UK tr to thu r.idlk Slopw Ihu 1I10AGO , HOCK ISLAND A PA CIFIC KA1LWAY isthconU line from Oliliiirn owning IrarK Intt Kansas , orlikh , bHH < mn reid , rtnihcH tht iolntsabo\c naiiud NnTiiANiptHs m CAiiiilAiif. Ill kllHHIMI CDSMl-TMSH1 No llHlllllllIC 111 111 \intil itcil or luulinii t-ar-4 , ns ccrlusstr < cirrlcd In rooinx , iltiii nml M > ntllnuil upon Ko t KvpriM CMIS of unrltalcd imtiiiKlicnio , P I'AUXCK SirciiMi CiiiH. nml ouroumvorlil fanioir DIMSU C'Mix , limn \\hiih ininN aruKcrtKtl ol un wiriuiocil oxirtlciiic , at thu low rate of SK\r\n KISK CrvTH K.MIIlthiiinptu time for litalthfu injoj incut TliroiiKh Cnrt between Chicago , Peorla , XIII \\nukco nnd .Missouri Hl\ir I'olntn. and tloxc cnn ntitlons at all polnUi of IntirKictfon ulth otlii ronlK. W tlckit ( do not forpet thin ) direct ! } to even iilace of iiniHirUincu in kansxi , .Ntliroiikii , lllail 1IIIU , W.\omlni ; , I'tah.'hlaliotaih , UiUfnriila Oregon , Wix hliiton | Tirrltorj , Colorado , Arizoni and .NL\\ Mexico An liberal arrangcimnU re'ardliiK ( liapiKO | a an } other line , and eaten ( if fire alwa H ni low a competitor * , uho furnUh but a tltho of thu eoni fort. fort.DO DO H nnd taeklu of Kjiortsiueti free TieketH , nmpi and folders nt nil principal tUKe ollkis in the I'nltwl htaten nnd Canada. H. II CAIll.i : , E hT JOHN , Vleo l're i t i. < ! en. ( Jen. Tkt. and I'om'r A l JlannKer , Chicago. Cblcaifo NOTICE. To Builders and Conine torn : | Notleu IH hereliInn ( that xcalul propom will liu received lij the Hoard of Trnstcci < Sehool Dlvtrlit .So. 1 , of C'ninlncnnnt > , Ne hra k.luntil , 2 o'eloeK A M. of the l'ith ila ) i > f .Innc , A II 1H&1 , for erei tlou of a M Imnl honso In the t < ) ofent Point , In Fild Sehool Dutrlet , during th prinentjinr , the mine to liu built and thu mi Urial Hitil In the coiihtruetioii tin roof , to lie I uuorilirue'lth the plnnx anil rpeeiflentlon then-of , on flic Ith theDlrei tor of the Hoard < ' 11ii&tic of Kild hehool DUtrlct , and ( ] - < IfliiitloiiN ina.i lie HCVII at the fiirintnr Hloro of 1/iiiln Ille } , In N.II | | tiiun of Wist Point and a dinilltato c"ij | thereof nt Iho otlko o a Dnscorl , arehlkt.t , In the eltj of Omaha Nell The Bald Itonrd of Irn tecn herolo rencno tin trlit to rt'Ject nnami all hid * rceehcd. Addresn J. W I'OU/OCK , Dircetor , d3to\t We t Point , Nehronka Sioux City & Pacific - AND - St. Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. THU OLD IIUUAHU : HIOUX CITV UOUTE. KS KIlblllKK HOUTi : 1OO HIOM COUNCIL BLUFFS TO ST. TALL , MINNKAI'OMS , lt'IUTII OH IIISJIAIIC1C , andatl | lnt In Northern Iowa , Mlnn < nota and ! > ikotu. 'llili line N i.UliHil | | ] ; th the lnipro\ul WextliiKliouiiu Aiitoiiiatlu Alrliriku und lllllur Platform Couplu and lluller ; and for fll'lIKII , hAI'inV AND COJITOHT la iinsiirai. od rie int Drawing lUxmi and Slceiilnu Can , ovMiid and lOntrollnl \ > \ thu com ttiij , run throiuh Wl I HOI T ( , 'IIANJi : lieUeen Union Paelllu 'Iran&ler deKit ) at Counell IHiitTa , and St Paid. 'Iralin have Union Paelllo Trannfcr dciotat ) Couiull Illulfsat DID p in , riaehlnif Sloun City atlO''U in , and bt I'linlnt 11 05 a in , , making TKN IIOt'HS IN ADVANCK OK ANV OTIIKIl UOUTI : . Il < turning , loa\ofit. I'aul at B TO p. m .arrlvhiK hlout ( lt4 4Ti a In , and Union Pacific 'Iran * r deint , Council llhiffii , at U ID a in. Ilumiru at jour ticket * riiul via "H 0. h V. It H. " T C. IIILLH , fluptrliitinilint. T. i : ItnillNSON , illiwourl Valluy , la. AHxt. Cen I'wi * , Agent. J. II. O DHYAN , I'uwiiircr A/cnt. ' iilliill HlllT ( , loua. AQENTO WANTED FOR KJIUIKMT HOOXH or THE Auit Pouniiations of Success IIL'SINIISS AND SOCIAL Tlio law K of trwlo. ItKal forum , how to trans act ImnlniiM , talualilu tublm , noelat ttliputtu , luirllaniditan iihanre' , hou tu conduit piildlt Inml III hi. , ill Uct It IH It COIIlplctU ( Illlllo UlhllCKHKfOI fUMH A fainll ) necLMkltj AddrcxH forelr laiK and tpcclal terinu A CIIOU I'l lll.lblll.Nd CO , M I.ouU , .Mo. AOK.sia vs'A.srKD rononiM.u HOOK , BIBLE FOR THE YOUNG , " licliigtlii Stor ) of the fieri ] turen , In lc ! > Alixanikrl rook , II II , In bimplu and attractive Unnm foroldand JO HK I'rolinel ) ilhistra tid , inal in a IIKIH ihtirebtln , ' and IIII | > H HU | joiith * ini-tnutor ICvio piruit will w euru thin work PreuiherD , > oi | khoulil tlreiilatelt 1'rlce ti 00. hem ) fur lirenUm ulth extra Urun' J II UIAMliilS&.CO ! : bt 1/JiiU Mo J. G. RUSSELL M. D. . . , . . , HOMCEPATHIC PHYSICIAN. 1)1 wai. * of Children and Charonlc Dlntaiea c 8)H.elalty OHUe at Kc.lilrncc , iiWW Caha Hrtct lfou b to 10 a inl to Up in , and uftei Op in J. R. Mackey , DENTIST , Corner Uth and Douglat ' , Ouatu , Neb J'flces Kcououftblv , ep-3 S * h hth'lilv rcconuncmloil niul uniuriiaod for AVf\k or Foul Kidney , Diopny , Uiiutd's li < cafc , I < niMof Ktirtvy , Xcrvnvtn Debility , or any Obstructions nrla. I'HK'from KUtroy or lllnddcr li oaiei. Also for Yellow Fever , Blood and Kidney 1'oisoiiltif , ' , In infected innlnriil wctions. r TIH the tf tllhtlon of a lYIIUyrr I.r.AV'wIth Jl'XirKIl mitUHSnndlUHIKVSIAlT , wo IIMW dlovin ICUIM.IUN , v > hir | < n t njioeinmll ) nn the KldtiCMi and t'rlnar ) Orrui , roinovlnif Injurious tli ] < i < nl i fiirinid In tin hlvMrr nnd pri\citlnvc nnj utrxmlinr , ninrtlnj ; urnmtlon , heat or Ijrltatlon In thrMicinhnviioin lining oflhp dm t nor xvntir inwigu lti\itt a lualthadlon In the MdtK\ii , Lrlvltifr luiii Mreii th , vUor , unl re iorlnit tiie oorv'niiii tn a hcvlltn i-otidltlon , flicmln Its .tloctfl on iMith thn enlor and ca < \ Ilinrf iirlnp. It ean no taken ntall thncn , In n.11 cllnmlci anil MinlirnU eireniiMAiiu-n without Injun to thn \ tiin \ 'tillkoanother preparation for Kidney lllllcnllld , It hi n vin plcawnt and nKrinlilo tnitound ll-vvnr U ha * been dlllicult to iimkon lircu\nitlon | ixinU Inliif ixnltlu < dhintlo wmicrticii which will not iiatimnto , but l > o accoptAhln to tha toninch llifi > ; tiVliiif an ) l.ivtr medicine trj nliottlo of KIDMXH'.V to CI.HANSK the Kldnc\s i om foul matter Tn It. nnd vnu will l aiiw It M n fainll ) nu-dldnc. Udlcs ispcelalh will ikult.nnd fiiitV-nuii wllll\nd \ KIDMUir.S the but Kliliux Tonic ever u-wl Mil KM !' of I.AVVHI.NrK k M UH IN , at o a proprlctar > jrov- vrnnicnt Mump , hlih iiermlU klllMHir.N to be told ( without lleeiiiohj drtiK-'lsK croters and ilhcr personmviir } vvluro /JTl'tT I'l' IK Qt'AIiT Sl/.l' nOTTI.KS Poll nCNCH INI ) F vVIILY USE. If not oil's or KrrxxrV , wo will vend n bottle prci < atd to thu xprcw iGco to ) oil LAWRENCE & MARTIN , Prop's , O .A. 3 - O , Coldb ) DHl'OaiSTS , tlHOCLIlH and DHAI.UHS r.UVWIIKIti : , Wholcsalo AitcnU III Oinaha , STKKI.i : , JOHNSON & CO. , will suppl } the tndo nt manufactur * or | n le-i K _ _ _ Chas. Shiverick. FURNITURE , BEDDING , Feathers , Window Shades , And Everything pertaining to the Furniture and Up holstery Trade. A Complete Assortment of New Goods at the Lowest Prices. CHAS , SHIVEEIOK , 1208 and 1210 Jam. St. nnr24 mnn th Kit No Changing Cars BBTWKK.X OMAHA & CHICAGO , iVhcro direct cnnncctlonH arc inado w Ith Through HLKDl'INtl CAK LINUS for Nnw vanic , PIIll.ADKM'IIIA , HALTIMOIin , WASIIINOTON ANU ALL IASTII : : The Short Line via. Peoria P-or INDIANAPOLIS , CINCINNATI , LOL'IS- VILLi : , and all polntu In thu HIP. HHSI USB For ST. LOUIS , Vherudlriet innneclloiiH nro undo In Iho Union Del Kit ulth tho'lhioiuli Slue pin ) ; Car Lines for ALL I'OIMH S3 O TTOt ? I3C . NEW LINE' ' DES MOINES TIII : PA voiti n : UOUTI : roit Rock Island. The uiifpaled IndiuuinenU offurvd hy thin line jo tnntli'ra and toiirlntH aru an follov\ : The ctlehratwl PULLMAN ( HI wheel ) I'ALACK CAUH mil onU on tliU lino. L ' . , II i Q I'ALAC'i : IHLAWI.N'O IIOOM CAHS , with _ lor ton' * Ilex lining Clmlm. No extra ehark'o for HeaUIn Iti llnln Clmlm. 'Iho famous ( , 11. A. J Pahcu Dinlii ) , ' Ourn. ( lorv Jii Hinoliliir | Cam Itttd ttlth ulLipiiit liluh hacked rutUn rev halra , fur thu lucluntvo UHO of llr t elawi p { er erHtc l Track and miperlor ripilpininlcoiiililncd ( Ith their fJiat through rar arruntseinciit , inakmi JiU. uhovu ull others , thu Uvorltij routu to thu Ji { , south und houthtant 'Irj It , and joii will find trovclliy u UxtirJ In itead of a dlnc iiifort 'Iliruu'h tkkitH vl'i tlilnielehraUnl line for ualo at ull filllux in the I nlti l ht-vtin aid ( aiimlu All Information uliout rates oflfiri , Nleepliift Cir uiioininciditiiMH , 'Hum 'luldei , etc , will to ehctrlull ) ( 'lvcii h ) uiiilln/ | to JAMKSHOOD , Uuural PuHH-incer Anint , Chicago. T J I'oril.H , General Manarer , Chicago , Dr , Black's ' Eheumatic C3TJIC3E3. arrarital a Bafo , ( ' < rtaln and I eedy Cnro for thiHiiimtiiin In all Itu forini , huralrla | , IAIIIU laik , Pain in the llreaht und hiiLt , I'uln In thu Udinueh and hldnu ) . Ac It U an Internal rcmu Ia'lonluMiil JtlooO Piirlllcr. ajid while It rt ujovca thu Dlsuovi Itlinprovca the ( enera ! health. BMIfU. IILACK & CO , , IVoprletorn , riittximith , .Ne'b. ODII/II , Gvc'l AufDt , Oiaaha. John Daiacpt will taku notice that on the Oth day of Miy , IbSl , Cliarlca Itrandm. a Justice of .liu Pea 'o of liit precinct , Dongla * County. Nib. , jvued an order of attachment for thu mini of Wi.W in n action pcndlnit heforu hlin , wherein UorrU Uyutter I * plalntlfT , and John Dampt defendant , and that projurty cor UtliiK of ono trunk ud conUnU hw teyn attached under said order , bald cu e vru contluueU to Uio 20th Jun ,1b81,1 o'clock p. in. SELTZER "Screw the Finger as Tight as you can , that' rlicuinnll'mi ; ono turn more , that'H gout , " U a familiar ile eriptlon n ( thesu two diacasca. IhoiiKh iaeh ma } und does attaek different mrta of thu Hjhtcin , the imiBo In lH > llo\td to beapoison , oils neld in thu blood. Purlf > this b } the use of Tnrront's Seltzer Aperient. It u III do It * uork nicixlllr and thoroughly. It ig the great friend of the sufferer from rheumatism and gout. SOLD BY ALL DRUGG131S. XiOTJXEE PAPER WAREHOUSE. GRAHAM PAPER GO. 217 and 210 North Main St. , St. Louln , HIIOLKmtH PKALKIUi IS BOOK , i DADPDC JWRITINOJ NEWS , f rMrtnO IWRAITINQ , ENVELOPES , CARD HOARD AND Printers Stock. 2TCaidi | iid for Rags and Paper Stock , Scrap ron and Jktnln Paper Ktoek Warehouses 1220 to 1237 , North Sixth Btrcut. HOP BITTERS , ( A .Medicine , not n Dilnb , ) TONTAINH HOPS nut'iiu , MAn DANDKI.IO.V , AKII THE "cunT itrp DD.T Jtoioiz. Qi-iuriai or AU , oniKii rrrcni. TV * JT JtTVy OJ'CmLIS ! i Ul niHuiHii of tt o Ctoiruich , Bowcla , Illood , Llrcr , , lUilnc } u , niA I'l liory Ortnui , oJknei/1 Icasne-r itJd i in-cially IVinUc Conilalntiu S1IIOU IN COM ) . 'cracanotlipywHUioict oorhi1pcir lurporl ijurioiufoui 'In Atk jimrilniL'i- r llopli.lterj Bud try them toro ) cm liit p , ' r L o nu ul lu r. lieu- Coco 1 CfUil 'jitljo rct tut , eafift and 1 A ft , k Clillu'icii. TlioIIor I'mforfl ocuuJiLvcrniidKMnp-iiiap ! | rlartiiallMhrni Cuenbyabwriitlun. I ) . I , C. l > jiftl wlu twid IrrrtUtlUucure fcr druak < nnr < w , UK ) nf i ,11am , U.Uux4 > mid luerrotlnii tend for circular To Nervous Sufferers. THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B , Simpson's Specific It U a po'itlreeiire for SK.rniatorrhta | , Scmln&I WeoKiirKu , lniiot | ne' ) , and all dim.anus rcnuItliiK from .Sill Ahu > e , an Mental Anxiety , Log * ol ileiiioo. I'.ilm In the llul. or Slilu , and dliieises that lead to UoiiDiimptlon Insanity and iiiiearlvuravo Tlio biweiflo tlcdlelno u buliij used with wonder- ( Ul HUCtOWi. Pamphlets Hint friu to all. Writu for them and ( 'et full par- linlnra. I'rlio , Hiiteiflc , ? 1 00 ] icr package , or uU pack a'e ( or ei.OO , Ad.Ucs.s all orders to II TilMbdN MKDICINR CO. Not ) 101 and 10U Main bt. llutlalo , N , Y , gold In Oinah-x hv C V. Goodman , J , W , Hell , f K. Ibh , and all ilruwUU nun ulicro. GEO. H. PARSELL , M. D. Hoonm In Jacobs' lllock , up bUIrs , corner Cap- tal uunuu and Klltccntli btre-et. lluldcme , Hi5 iherinana\uiuc. May bo tonnultod at renldeiieu rein 7 to 0 p , in. , txct ptYducsdji ) n , hrKCUlTV Oliotetllta and iMstascs of Woiucn. Olllco hour 4 , D to 11 a. m. aud Z to i 11. m. ; San. da ) n 6 to 7 u. m. niUOm AGENTS WANTED POK Creative Science and SEXUAL PHILOSOPHY. Profusely Illustrated. The mo t Important nd bout book published. Every family Extraordinary InduciruenU ofletixl AUB.VW' I'l'tuairuid Co. ,