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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1881)
THE OMAHA H.H FT * N \ VOL , X , OMAHA , NEB. , SATURDAY MORN ING , JIFNB 4 , 1881 , TSTO. QS4 , LANDS Real Estate EXCHANGE & Dowlas Sts , , OMAHA , HEB. - , : . ) . - . - > 8100 to Siioo cncfi" OKA HOUSES AND LOTS. 6u \ ) Z76 to ? 18,000 each BUSINESS LOTS , . - > . < 9 ' % . - , . . MOte 10.000c4ch. 200FABM3 , 1)00,000 ) Aowa LAND 1 Q 000 AcnES IN Doror < 'AS COUNTY * * * * 7000 ACKES IN SARI'Y COUNTY LAUdE AMOUNT OP Suburban Property , * M. . - M i i . * ' - J I I - i * IN ONE , TEN , TWENTY On FOUTY-ACHE LOTS , WITHIN ONE TO FIVE MILES FROM POSTOFKICE. $250,000 TO LOAN AT 8 Per Cent. HEW MAPS OF OMAHA , rCBLISHED BY THIS AGENCY , 25c each ; Mounted , $1. Houses , Stores , Hotels , Farms , Lots , Lands , Offices , Rooms , 6uC. , 6uC. , TO RENT OR LEASE. Taxes Paid , Rents Collected , Deeds , Mortgages , and all Kinds of Real Estate Documents Made Out at Short Notice. This agency does strictly a Brokerage business. Does not .speculate , and therefore any bargains on its books are in sured to its patrons instead of being gobbled up by the agent. Notary Public Always in Office. * 3TCALIi AND GET CIUCULAUS and FULL PARTICULARS at atBEMIS' BEMIS' EealEstate Exchange , lira AND DOUGLAS STS. , THE BALLOT BATTLE , Third Day's ' Skirmish for the Now York Senatorship , No Material Ohongo in the Figures of the Chief. Aspirants.- ' The Smallwarts Lie Dotonwith the Bourbons. Wholesale Stampede of the Members Homeward to Stay. Tlio Third Day's Battlo. ALBANY , N. Y. , Juno 3r The joint convention for the .election of senators was called to order at eight minutes past 12 to-day. Fester , who yester- was paired with Senator Aster was prosent. Mr. Robertson prcsidc'dand in opening business bT thd , session inado the formal 'announcement , , thai the' first ballot --would 'bo. ' or a'sliuccs - nor to Mr. Conkling. The senate vote was as follows : Congling , 8 ; Wlieolur , 65 ROMM , 0 ; Bradley , 1 ; Woodin , 1 ; CariiellJ y ; Folgor , 1 ; Jacobs , Oj Aster absent : " ' 4 J In thu Assembly a vote for a succcs ser to Conkling was asr follows ; CJonkllng Jo ; . .Cornell ; 17 ; 'Wheeler * 12 j Dutehori'rj'Ijapliani , 7VFunton. ; 2ccchorV'JacbbV-t2. * * " " ; ; - . Gkirstlino who was the first to an nouuco a vote for . Henry Ward llQccherfta .preetod . with much laughter. . ( | Mr. Foster after voting 'for RogorA announced ho.was paired with Sena tor AstoV , and Ihov6to 'was "stricken off tlio ofl'c'iil count of tlfo vote which liau j'ifst bo'en "announced as follows : Total vote 150 ; necessary to ; i choice 70. 70.Tlio total vote tor a successor to Conkling , was as follows : * * ' Jacobs 49. " . ' " * v. y Coiik'ling 3-f. " " . ' - Conioll - ' ! ! ) . . ' , , 'f.r . . ' ' Rogers ,14. ' ; ' . ' , \ , . Wheeler 7. Lnplulm 7. " " Crowley 3. Fenton 2. . Dutclwr.1. . ' ' lie'cch'e'r 1. Uradloy 1. - Woodin 1. Folgcr , 1. Several votes were withdrawn after the assembly balloting for Conkling's successor , making thu oilicial total en tirely different from the actual voto. Tlio convention then proceeded to vote for Platt's successor. The scnato vote was ; Platt 7 , Dopow-9 , lAiplmm 2 , Miller 2 , Cornell 'l , Vancott 1 , Wheeler 1 , Kernan 7 ; total 30. . , Tho-assembly vote was : Platt 22 , Depew 21- Cornell 12 ; Miller 8 , Crow- ley' 3 , Folcor < ! . , TiVnuiin 3 , Ward 2 , LutcncrL'JConian43 ; total 11 ! ) . ' The following is the oflicial com bined vote for a sucdessor to Platt : Platt , 20 Dopow , ' 3 Cornell , 13 Miller , 1 Folgcr , 3 Crowley , . ' ! Ward , - . 2 ' Dutcher , 2 Tremain , 2 Lapham , 2 Wheeler 1 ' Vancott , 1 Konian , 51 Total , 140 The joint convention then ad journed till Saturday noon , on motion of a democratic member from New York. A 1'KKI1 AT TJIK ADMINISTRATION CAU CUS. ALBANY , Juno 3. It is said that an extended legal opinion was given at the caucus from Depuw who is hero active in the caucus advising against an adjournment on above grounds. In the caucus it was resolved to defeat - feat the motion to adjourn in the sen ate where it now lies on table. Tlio sonato. must caucus as there can ho no adjournment. The senate is evenly divided between the half-breeds on the one side and the stalwarts and democrats on the other. It is supp&sed that the speaker pro torn would give the cast ing vote against adjournment. An other difficulty was canvassed in the half-breed caucuK. It was said that the democrats and stalwart were so sure of an adjournment thai they are pairing oil' with the half-breeds to re main away longer than Tuesday. It was decided , to break all pairs on the part of the half-breeds , and it was supposed that the number of demo- cruts and stalwarts would go homo anyway , saying they were confident of adjournment. The half-breeds in such case decided to remain and bal lot , thus taking full advantage oi the absentees. The law says eighty- ono members make a quorum , and a majority of thu quorum can elect. If stalwarts and Demo crats should remain away in sufficient numbers to reduce the total vote below - low 30 and half-broods should all stay and muster U5 names they have the election in their own hands any time. CONKUNO ON IIUNI.ST.SH. NnwYoiiK , Juno3 11 p. m. Sena tor Conkling arrived at the fith Avenue - nuo Hotel , yesterday morning , from Albany. After taking a brief nap ho partook of hearty breakfast and then addressed himself to the letters and a telegrams awaiting him. Ho _ left directions - rections on thu dusk , on receiving his forenoon mail , that ho was so busy that cards of mure casual callers should not bo sent to his room. Tlio specified ; object of his visit is to hold a confer ence with the local advisers of the stock holders of the Manhattan rail way pursuant to agreement set for this afternoon , as ho has been retained to protect their interests in proceedings ! instituted against the company by the Attorney General. Ho has also been retained in other importaifc adits , to which he intends to devote his exclu sive attention to-day. After giving tku oxpUaataon to a feyr who were admitted to his room , the Sontitor ex cused himself , as ho would not bo at leisure till late in the ovcning. IIP. AVOIDS A 1,1 , IIBFKHKXPK TO TIII : I'llEHI'.NT CONFLICT. Conkling studiou&ly avoided all rofcrciicQ to thu conflict in conversa tion with hia visitors , further than to assure them that the fight Would go on and that the issues were clearly de fined. Ilis engagements in this oily being of strictly a professional charac ter , prevented him from saying on what day ho would return to Albany next week. Hut ho impressed on thoni that ho would certainly return , and also expressed his anxiety to be able to go to Washington , as his de parture thence was so hasty that ho left his allairs in an unsettled con dition. An informal meeting will bo hold at the Fifth avenue hotel this afternoon. Platt arrived in tliii city at nil early hour yesterday , and was unattended by any prominent stalwarts. AMIANY , Juno 4 - 1 a. in. The sit uation in the senatorial contest is ab solutely unchanged sofarastho voting' is concerned. The absence of Conic- ling and Platt is havingno dllcctoithur way. Thovoting yesterday showed the democrats unite ; the stalwarts united , and the half-breeds united in opposition to Conkling ami Mutt. No conferences or caucuses wuro hold up to midnight. ' I'AIUEI ) OFF. After the recess to-day the mom- l ) is paired in order to got homo at 10 o'clock. There wore reported as effected 28 pairs , the greatest number over made in a political contest in this country. The fifty-six men thus paired are leaving Albany .for their homos on the oven- ing' train , as but four of the pojrs are confined to Saturday. Tin's business leaves forty-eight members out of balloting just as long as the absentees choose to remain away. Instead of discontinuing pairing it is more likely to increase ; especially if hot" weather sets in , and it may reacli that poiit ) at which the joint assembly will be hjft without i ( quorum. . , . . , . - * - - GENERAL NEWS. National Associated 1'rcss. MOUNT VKJINO.V , Ohio , Juno 3. As local freight train No. thirteen , duo hero jit'six o'clock" , was crossing j\ trestle bridge thirty-five foot high tlio bridge gave way , precipitating the en gine and t six ears. Martin , the Jireman , had a leg crushed off , and Tom Wilson , the engineer , received severe internal injuries. Both uro in a critical condition. Tlio engine and cars are a complete wreck. CINCINNATI , 0. , Juno 3. The whole saction embracing southern Ohio , In diana and Illinois and Kentucky was visited by fine ranis during the lost two days , and the crop prospects are materially improved. GHAND RArm s Mich. , Juno .1. D. Y. Keman A' Sons' elevator uml contontR was damajrod PlO.O fi by fun 'last night. This is the .fuurth 'time within a year chat this building has been fired. NEW YOHK , Juno 3. Twent3--six hundred immigrants arrived hero dur ing the past 24 hours. It is estimated that the arrivals ttliis month will bo one hundred'thousand. NAHJIVILLK , Ind. , June 3. A terrific - rific rain , hail and wind storm prevailed - vailed near hero last evening , tearing down fences ; uprooting trees and do ing much damage. CITY ov MKXICO , Juno 3. The Mexico , Topico and Canatitter rail road , has boon purchased by the Na tional railroad company , and will hereafter bo known as the Mexico , Canatittor and Elsatto , with J. C. Munroo as superintendent , and Juan Jose Marino traffic auditor. ST. Louis , Juno 3. Jay Gould and party arrived this morning and hold a conference with II. M. Hoxio , gen eral manager of the Texas & Pacific railroad ; It. S. Hayes , of the Inter national it Great Northern road , who arrived hero yesterday from Texas , and the general manager of the Mis souri Pacific & Iron Mountain , for the purpose of settling the question ns to the consolidation. CANTON , Ohio , Juno 3. Levi 11. Stumt ) , after paying attention to Ur sula Foltz for two years , .married an other , girl. Ursula then sued Jiim for breach of promise und obtained ? 2,200 damages. ATLANTA , Ga. , Juno 3. At Fort Vulloy a negro named Moses Hoi- ingfihc'ad , in presence of a half-do/.en witnesses , drew his pistol , seized his ivifo by her arm and fired upon her ivo times. Ono of the balls entered , lie ear , two the r.cck , one the top of he head and one in the hand. Ho rvas seized by the ofllccrx. The woman s reported dead. MONTOOMKHY , All ! . , JtlllO 3. Oil : ho5th of May the City National bank of Selma deposited in the Southern ox- > rc&Hoflicoa package of money and bonds valued at 812iOO ( , directed to the Im porters' and Tnulois' National bank , Now York. The money was not 10- ceivod , and an investigation lias been md , which developed that the money md never left the Selma ifllco. W. I ! . Davis , the agent , has been arrested ) ii the charge of appropriating the money to his own use. CINCINNATI , Juno 3 , The owners of the rolling mills of Cincinnati , Joviiigton and Newport held a eon- 'erenco last evening witli represonta- : ivesfrom their employes , who are on strike , hut nothing was accom plished , lioth employers and em ployes expressed themselves as deter- nined to hold out , and thu conference won broke up , with loss prospects han ever of settlement being made , Stretches Homp. S'atlonal Associated Treat. LIVINOHTON , Ala. , Juno 3 , 10 p. m. Elbert Williams ( colored ) was ianged hero to-day for the murder of Major Hutchins. The crime was com- nitted near York station , this county , n July last The condemned admit ted hu guilt , but was composed and said he was prepared to sailor the pen alty , A FIGHTING BISHOP. Archbishop Oroko's 'Appoal ' for His People to the British Premier , Conclusion of Ono of the Moat Extraordinary Campaigns in Irish History. "What wo Want is a Ohanco for Our Lives in Our Own Country. " The Government Exerts Every Energy to Prooipitato a Revolt. ' . Juno2. Archbishop Cruko concluded at Churles yesterday tiiu-nf the most ext'iiordinary campaigns over known in Irish ecclesiastical history. Ilis draco brought hUlabnrs to a close with two spoocho continu ing several passages of the highest im portance at the present moment. In the forenoon he made a remarkable appeal to Gladestonu to put n stop to evictions. Dis Grace said : "I ap peal to that statesman solemnly , * : in Irish patriot , as an Irish bishop , m thu name of Tippcr.iry and in the name of Ireland , to lot his flat go out that there are to bo no more evictions during the present time. ( Great cheering. ) It is u curi ous fact that the word eviction- thu sense in which it is used hcVw is scarcely known in any other country in the world. There is no such word and no such thing elsewhere. It is ,1 word.of evil omen. It is n word that importaitho depopulation of our coun try , that imports the degradation of "our people , that imports the flying of them beyond the waters to foreign lands in quest of moans of livelihood , carrying with thorn a spirit of vengeance against which is certainly the greatest empire in the world , but which is no less certainly anr em pire which has treated Irtland worse than ever any empire 'treated a dependency [ Loud clivers. ] Therefore 1 would say to that ] rreat statesman , "If rou value the friend ship of Ireland , if you value the good name of England , if you value the lives of our people , if you do not wish to perpetuate u national feud and the sanguinary traditions that have ruled in this country for ages , blot out from the statute book the name of eviction , and let no man henceforth bo turned out of his land unless it is quite oleiir that the money which should have met his engagement ! ! , , was foolishly dissipated. " [ Loud chS'rs.f In conclusion ho s.iid : y 'lnit wo want is a chance , for our lives in our own cowitry 1re Vill'forgot the past. UtTifil Toilet' the numberless tyrannies of England. Wo will forgot all the tears wo have shod. Wo will forget the massacres that have been committed , the exter mination of our race and the downfall so far as it was possible for them to ac complish it of our dear country , and we will begin a new score with the dominant country. Wo will lot them see that wo are not only able to flourish abroad , but that in our land we cannot bo suppressed. ( Cheers. ( I have heard of n disagree ment among the leaders of the pooplo. but these things are exaggerated. Our phalanx is unbroken. Our spirit is unsubdued , and thu reault is , there fore , as clear as day. We must suc ceed. " The statement is denied that three policemen have been killed during thu eviction riots at Scariff , County Clare. Fester , chief secretary for Irulaud , will bo detained womo days longer in Ireland owing to the serious aspect of affairs. There was a riot at Hodyko , county Chirp , to-day. Eighty police assisted a bailiff at evictions. As the police neared the house , fire was opened upon them from behind fences. The police advanced in skirmish order and returned the fire. Thu IIOUHO was oc cupied by armed men. The police smashed in the front door and after a severe encounter dispersed the occu pants and took possession of the 'louse. ' Thirty prisoners were captured. When the j > olioo were retiring with their iirisonors , they wore again at tacked and some men wounded. Ono Farmer was killed by a blow from tlio liutt end of a gun. Several civilians were injured. HU1TUKK.SIMI Jl'UIKH. LONDON , Juno 3.-It is rumored that thu cabinet is considering the ne cessity of suspending Irish jury laws. TIIK PLYINU COLUMN. Driii.iv , Juno 3. The Hying mili- : ary column loft this city very midden- y late to-night for Now Pallas. Should the old castle there bo again mixed by the peasants , the military lavu tirdei-H to attack them mimed * 'iloly. HUM. TO TIIK ri.AMKH. MY. Harrington , chief of the land caguo association of Traylu , HUH ar rested this morning and is now lodged n Jail. This arrest coupulod with Jioso that have boon made during the last few days has added fresh foul to the flames that are bhi/.iiig no fiercely all over Ireland , ANOTIIKIl AMI'.IIIOAN JAIU.ll. Mr. McSwceney , president of an branch land league , has been arrested and lodged in Kilnwinhim jail. Ho is an American citizen and intends to claim protection from the United States government. On being arrested Ilis son , who was present , ran up thu American flag on a polo , saying , "Ho- liold the flag of my adopted country ' A VKUY KEIIIOUS CONHIJT Took place near Ennis between the constabulary and peasants , who were armed with rifles and pitchforks. Twenty arrests were mado. Without A Police Faro * . Xitlaul AtsodaUd Prut. TotHiK ) , Juno 3 10 p. m. The city ia entirely without ft police force to- day , on account of the dead-luck be tween the mayor and the board of po lice commiwu'oners of which , ho is a member and president ex oflicio. The mayor is incensed at his treatment in connection with the operations of the now law under which the old police force was disbanded and now declines to swear in the newly appointed forte. THE RAILROADS. N toml ! Anoclatnl Vrwu. TUB OMAHA LINK. Sioux Cirv , la. , Juno 3 10 p. m. The Central Trust Co. . of NowS'ork has filed for record in thin county , a mortgage of thirty million dollars uti the Chicago , Minnoopolis A- Omaha railway. Thu bonds of the roads late ly consolidated with this line are to bo taken up by funds derived from the sale of the now bonds issued undertlie mortgage. As tlm consolidated com pany has lines in Michigan and Illi nois , it is expected n connection will bo uudo at Elroy for Chicago , and the rvnd built ncros.i Wisconsin into the north peninsula of Michigan. Tlio now bonds to the extent of $75,000 per mile , are to bo in.suud on extensions when completed , but no dotinito in * formation can bo obtained as to when the roads will bo built. Tin : SOUTUWKSTKUX i-ooi. . CniCAiio , Juno 310 p. m. The general managers and other general ollicers of the southwestern roads have made another unsuccessful attempt to settle the freight and passenger trou bles that have arisen in the past year. A committee consisting of the general manager of each road has been ap pointed for the purpose of effecting a compromise with the \Vabash road , which insisted on maintaing a differ ential rate of one dollar lens than the other southttoHtuni roads , but all res olutions looking to a compromise were voted down. Finally a committee consisting of Commissioner Midgloy and two freight and two passenger men was appointed to recommend a plan for a pool on freight and passen ger business , and to submit a report to a meeting to bo" held in this city Juno 14th. There is little prospect that the difficulties will bo adjusted. TUB NOKTHWIJSTKUN. CIIICAIIO , Juno 3.-30 p. m. At the annual meeting of thu stockhold ers of the Chicago and Northwestern railroad , 255,353 shares were voted Out of a possible 3i8,150. ( They were cast for W. L. Scott , C. .1. Osborn , Jay Gould , R. P. Flowers , Anson Stager and Fred W. Vanderbilt , wno will servo as directors for the next throe years. The first four were ro- ( iiected , and Anson Stager takes the place of Frank Work , and Fred W. \7anderbilt takes the place of D. P. Morgan. Uy this result the Vauder- bilt interest gains two members and tho' Gould interest loses two. The directors holding over are A. G. Dolman man , David Dews , Sidney Dillon , D. O. Mills , Augustus Schell , Samuel F. Halgor , Chciuncey Dopow , M. L. SykcH , John Burke , Albert Keep ani ? . ! , , vin Ifugbjti. 'J'lio ' iinnnal | f'i munt was submitted and the old offi cers Were re-olectod. CHICAGO NOTES. National Anfocltitwl I'rum. A CONTINUANCE IIKCHKK1) . CHICAGO , Juno 3 10 p. m. In the United States district court this morn ing , before which is buing tried the case of James H. Doyle , alleged shovor of counterfeit bonds , a telegram was received from Dr. Green , of Philadel phia , stating that Spencer , alias "Hrockway , " was too ill to como to Chicago to testify. A continuance of the cose was asked on this account , but denied. The defence claim that Spencer , alias "Hrockway" will testify that Doyle know nothing as to the character of the bonds given him , and never know ho ( Hrockway ) was engaged - gaged in counterfeiting. Doyle took the stand ycHtorday in his own behalf. BTIH'CK IIV UCWTNINO. Henry Milman and wife were struck by lightning yesterday in the town of Dcsplaincs , several miles north of hero , and instantly killed. Ono of a span of horses they were driving was also killed. When thu bodies were discovered this morning , both were in a sitting posture on the wagon scat. imOI'I'KP DKAIt. Michael McAllister , once a notor ious negro resurrectionist , dropped dead on the street this morning. HTAKVINM MATCH. GriHcom began the seventh day of fast at noon to-day. Ho continues to feel well except a slight diz/incHS on suddenly assuming a standing posi tion. In the pant twenty-four hours ho drank twonty.four ounces of water and lost a pound and a half in weight. I'OUNI ) IIKAII. Adulburlus Miolchuximy , a Polish Catholic priest found dead in hii : room last night , was murdered. It was supposed ut first his death was caused by apoplexy , HJH lawyer claims this afternoon the priest had about § 800 in his house. Hut SL'OO could bo found after death. The housekeeper , who was mi | posed to bo very poor , W.IH found to have $300 in her trunk. Fatal Foml. National Aiwodatul 1'rumi. CIIICAIIO , Juno 10 p. m. The Gillespio foundry company's building and Rogers' omnibus barns , adjoining , were burned hist night. Loss , § 10- , 000. Partly insured in local compa nies. nies.A A ( juarrol between Thomas Hums and Charles ! ) Hell , ualoon-kcopurH at 51)3 ) South Chirk street , on account of the alleged unequal division of profits culminated this morning about 7 o'clock in Hums shooting Hell dead while the latter was asleep in bed , which had been occupied jointly last night by Hums , Hell and a woman of the town. Tom Scott's Will. National A wxlattxl : 1'runM. PuiKAiiKLi'iiiA , Juno 3 10 p. in. The will of the lute Thou. A. Scott was admitted to probate in the ollico of the register of wills this morning. It is lengthy paper , covering four teen pages of legal cap , and contains fifteen provisions and four codicib. The are no public nor chaiitublo bequest - quest * , THE TRAMP 0F TYRANTS , Bloody Souffle ill Olara in Oon- sofiuonco of Eviction , The Soorotary of the Bnlliuu- moro Land Longo and Five of itsMombors Arrcatod The Military Under Orders to bo Rondy for Action at a Moment's Notice. TUB rOKKt'lON AIT - tlllOWINd WO 1MB DAILY. Dimu.v , Juno 3-10 p. in. With every hour now arrests under the co- ircion act are nmdo , and now out- ) rtaki of the poonlo are announced , his afternoon. A body of IfiO mom- jors of the constabulary police wuro sent to reinforce the police at Now- > allas. A French force of military ms also boon dispatched to that place. The secretary of the Uallinamoro land eaguo , and live of its members uoro irrested to-day under the coercion act. I'ho condition of the country grows ivorso every day. TIIK MII.ITAUY MOVINd. UriaiN , Juno 4 , 1 n. m. The lly- ng column which loft the city last night included three hundred Cold- streaui guards , one hundred guardH- non o the Scots fusilcers , with artil- iory service wagons , ambulance wagons mill the army hospital corps The whole force concentrated for posi tions at the castle of Now Pallas , near Limerick. They number over one thousand men. A Hying column at Formay is under orders to bo ready at a moment's notice. Troops are going from Cork to Now Pallas. THE FKACAH IX COUNTY CI.AllK. DinaiN , Juno 1 a. [ m. Follow ing is a detailed account of the affray between people , military- and the po lice in County Claru , which took place yesterday , ft appoara that eighty po- iccmen proceeded to Hodyko for the purpose of assisting in thu eviction of tenants. Hodyko is a small village midway between Scarifl' and Tulm , where some military are at present garrisoned. The police , while pro ceeding in small parties to the placu ol assembly , were attacked in detail by tlio people. Ambulance wagons con veyed tno police from Ennis. Thoj were under the county inspector's command on the way from Ennis. A hive of bees was lot loose , and the sting of the insects caused the horses to become unmanageable. Ono mad dened beast dashed itself against a wall and was killed. Mounted order lies were dispatched to Tulla fur the assistance of the military , while the police in united force proceeded to the house where the eviction was t ( take placo. It was situated on a hill , cij l as they .isconded toward it the po of desperate men , who , from a cover of fences nt each side of the road poured galling fire into the ranks ol the constabulary. The latter were immediately deployed in skirmishing order and returned thu fire with effect , killing one man and wounding several others. The police mice-ceded in reaching the house , which was found to be fiillea with armed men. They broke in the front door , and took the garrison by suqmso. The riotora rushed through the back door , but several were arrested. Some who had attacked constabulary from behind the fences wore also taken , and in all some thirty prisoners wuro cap tured. The house was taken posses sion of and the family inhabiting it were cleared out. While returning with their prisoners the police were attacked and fired upon thu second time , one of their horses being shot dead. Beyond this no serious casual- hies resulted. Thu mounted men who were dispatched for the military had also to nin a severe gauntlet. A de termined effort is being made to pre vent them from reaching Tulla. They , however , rode into the town through all obstacles. 'J ho police succeeded in conveying their prisoners to jail. Late reports about this affray state that a farmer named Maloneylms died from the elfectu of a blow from the butt end of a gun. VIKNNA , Juno 3 1 a. m. It was stated yesterday that the projected meeting of the three emperors at Ischo has , since rccents events in llussia , hccamo doubtful. The leaders of anti-Jewish proclivi ties are raising popular prejudices against thu Jews with redoubled vigor. A Joalou * Hnslmnd'i Crime. National AnsotUteil I'II-HI. MONTICKI.LO , Iowa , Juno 3 , 10 p. m. James Hogan made a murderous assault last night on his wifu , from whom ho had been divorced a few weeks. Ho called at her house and frightened her into admitting her in fidelity , when hu immediately tired six nhots at her , all taking effect in her head , neck and shoulders. Ho then reloaded his revolver and sent a bullet into his own brain , The woman stands a fair chancoof recovery , Exploded Tun- National Axxoclatoil 1'ruvi , NKW YOHK , June 3 10 p. m. Thu boiler of the tug boat Jacob Brandon exploded to-day off Sandy Hook , wrecking the vessel and causing thu death of thu engineer. William Card was blown overboard and drowned. The tug at thu time of the explosion was towing scowa for the street clear ing department. Virginia's Readjuator * . National AiwH'Iatcd 1'reiH. RICHMOND , Yu. , Juno 3-3:10p : ( , in. The Readjustees state convention re-assembled in the Theatre this morn ing ut 10 o'clock. Hon. John Paul , chairman , announced that the namea of W. E. Cameron , V. D. Grover , Jno , K. Massey , John S. Wise. H. H. Hod- dolbergor , and Win. Mahono , had boon in nomination. Dr. llichard WUo , a delegate fron Williumsbuig , elated to thoconvon tionthatlaat night ho had plwed u nomination the name of JJTahono , for > ) venior , without his ( IMahono's ) ' < nowlcdffo or conncnt. Since then lie ias soon ( Ion. Mahono mul i > con ic- picslcd by him to withdraw Ins name , which was done. While the v W ) nna " ) oing taken lliddelberger arrivcvl in ho building and Mcppiin * to the front ) f the staijo wild ho had umloratootJ. his morning before the convention vas called to order that his nnme had lot bocii brought before the cvtivcn- ion , and that some of his friend * had list favored him with complimtmta- y vole. ifoiho ] > cd llnwo who y tci or him , particularly delegates from hi - > wn county , bo ruliowi of any per- onal or other obligation to vote ( or * tim , and they would support dine other person whosenainu ImA. > een placed in nomination. A SoliVOnt Soliexao. As 0f Utoil 1'rcs * . Juno 3 10 i ) . in. A. tartling discovery was made by tho- xilico this morning in consoquanco of ho arrest of a well-known thief , Sam lanua. Among other things learned vere the particulars ! of an attempt to vay-lay and rot ) the United. States * jxpress company messenger on' the ) ubuquu road , whoso siifo on cvoty rip contains all the way from $50,0X > o half a million dollars. It auunif * j .hat the express company have boon / mckagcs of all kindn from the delivery ' ' , < nigon. Those robberies , have bccu on for several weeks and the ossos now amount to. suvural thousiuul lollars. Thi-ough Uanna-'s arrust thin uorning it was loomed that a driver was in the habit of posting Ilanna nn. o thu route and whim the latter wmv. seen on the street corner ha disclosucl the secret to a chum \yith whonv ho subse < piontly : had a falling out. As A. means of revenge the ohuin. gave tlio police u pointer. The driver was ar rested mul gave the plans of the con templated messenger robbery which was to have taken place in. a him ! neighborhood , near the old Clinton street depot , from which thosoi traijia now leave. WASHINGTON GOSSIP- National Associated Trcm. WASHINGTON , Juno 3. Secretary Lincoln and Gen. tjhonnan will attend , the annual reunion of the Army of the Potomac at Hartford , Juno 8th , Oth , and 10th. They will bo present tit UK- Went Point exorcises. They will bo accompanied by Col. Barr and Secre tary Lincoln's private secretary Mr. Sweet and Adjutant General Drum wont to West Point lost night. The president has appointed ! Goo. M. Dusker United States district attorney for the southern district of Alabama. ' There WOH a full attendance at tlio cabinet mooting to-day , withftlio ex ecution of Secretarys Windoni , and. Kirkwood , who are in the west. President Garfield andi Secretary Hunt wont to Fort Monroe this < after noon mi a. picas uro trip and will neb TIIK NF.W . WAHIIINOTON , Juno 3 10 pj nit The commissioners of the newly ap pointed treasury oflicials were issued to-day. Sixth Auditor Ela und Deputy Crowoll were sworn im Tlie- now fifth Auditor S. Alexander of Ind. , is expected hero to-morrow. Tlio rumor that the temporary- absence of assistant postinostorgonoral Tynor foreshadowed his retirement fr m public lifo has given rise to > the further rumor , that ho has hweu iskcd to resign. Ono reason asmgnod is that the star route investigationo luivo como to close to him , and another that postmaster general Jaiiica wants personal friends nearhim. . I'ostmastor general Jamas say there is no foundation for the latter rumor , lor oven the former so far as.ho knew jonoral Tyner'r resignation asa. . customary fonnality lias boon in exe cutives hands since inauguraHun , bub .he president doesn't intund to accept "t at least not u present. PACIFIC COAST NEWS. National Antoclatrd I'rcu. mmWAUY 1NJUNCTL0N. SAN FKANCIKCO , Juno 3 10 p. nu fho question of hydraulic- mining In ) oforo the superior court of Sacro- nento on application of thu attorney eneral to perpetually njoiu minea. rom discharging the tailings ordobria nto thu foathoi : river. Judge Densou ias mBuedn temporary Lin junction dur- ng the argument of applicatiou- ItKMOVKl * . Prof' Leconto and three others of the faculty of the university , will bo umoved ut the next meeting of the board of regents , in accordance with action taken at a meeting of Wedncs- lay. Tlio Regular Army.O ! A court of inquiry will bo held at Fort Omaha on Juno to investi gate certain charges made by the medical director , department of the Platte , 11 gainst Corporal Lewis H. Rosenbach , of company G , Ninth in fantry. The court will consist of Col. John H , King , of the Ninth infantry ; dipt. Samuel Munson , Ninth infan try ; Capt. Lcwimrd Hay , Ninth infan try , and First Lieut. Morris C. Foot , adjutant Ninth infantry. First Lieutenant A. H. Bowman of Co. I , located at Fort Sidney , Neb. , has been promoted to the captaincy of Co. A , ninth infantry , at Cheyenne vice Jordan , who has boon promoted. Second Lieutenant John A. Bald win , of Fort Omaha , is promoted to a , first lieutenancy at Fort Sidney. First Lieutenant Henry E. Kobin- son , of the fourth infantry , is detailed as a member of the general court mar tial convened to meet at Fort Wush- akio , W. T. Sergeant John Lonegon , of Co. O. fourteenth infantry , ia granted a four mouth's furlough.