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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1881)
.Jhe Daily Bee. Wednesday Morning , May .4. ' . ; UHEVITIES , . P * tenon sells coal. * Frederick , leading Hatter. mlltf ' Nice Brushes atKuhn's. - Try Base's Peruvian Beer. , See Polack'a advertisement. W 40 W residence lots. Bemis , agent y 500 business lots. Call on Bemis. . j Bemis' new map of Omaha , 25 cents. Bern ! * ' real estate boom. First page. , . 250 houses and lots. Ikmis' agency. t 200 farms and 900,000 acres land. Bemis agent. Remember the Great Lingnrds' this , -Trj Sale's celebrated Cream Soda. C-Wh5pple , McMillan & Co. , the jewel era , Crtigbton Block. o2G-tf Fine c'gars by the box , very cheap , at Kuhn's Drug Store , . For FINE Commercial Job Printing call at THE "BEE Job rooms. Full line of Imported and Domestic Cigars at Saxe's Drag store. Mixed paints , Wbitehouse's drug store 16th and California streets. &Sodlm If you want Bill-Hcadi , Letter-Heads Envelopes or any job work , call at THE B Job Hooms. Prices that will sui erery one. An opportunity is offered to obtain an interest in a jobbing house in this city For particulars call on or address D. H. Goodrich , Manager 11. G. Dun & Co. The Northwestern Academy of Med Idnewil meet in this city to-day , in joint session with the Nebraska State Homoeopathic Society. The session vril continue for two day ? . Prof. Aug. Walther gives a concert and lecture at Masonic Hall this 'evening. The Omiha Zither club , Prof. AV. 'Chambers , and Missee Jennie Cronnse llattie Whitmore , Blanche and Allie Withnell , aniLMinnio Kennedy take part. The Omaha & Northwestern train die not leave yesterday , as expected , ant teveral expectant passengers were disap pointed. At 1 p. m. a train left for Blair * > and if it gets through the regular train wil leave at 9 o'clock this mcrning for Tckamab. Thejpolice made a grand raid Mondaj evening on the fraternity Lo lodge in . barns , box can and empty tenement * , " nd yesterday as a result fifteen knights of the road were arraigned before Judge Beneke. "Two who were under sixteen .years of age were discharged. The re mafader xvero sentenced to six day hart labor at the county jail on a diet of brcai and water. ntertainment to ba given under tne auspices of Custer Post No. 7 , G. A. 'K. , tbU evening , bids fair to be a nrand affair. Miss Helen Mir White has "been engaged to read several choice selections , among which will be "By the "Left Flank , " which will be of special in terest to every veteran. The fact that this lady wil ] appear , and the very laud able puipose for which the entertainment 'is given , will be sufficient to induce people to turn out in large numbers and fill the academy. It has been the usual custom to canvass the city and solicit subscrip tions to defray the expenses incurred for the observance of Decoration Day , but this year the G. A. K. has arranged to raise the funds by this entertainment. Considering the attractions offered and the moderate price , every seat ia the academy aueuldbe sold. Black Milan Hats and Bonnets re duced to § 1.00 at HICKMAH'S. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT BUSHMAN'S. NO SUCH VALUE ! ft * NO SUCH VALUE ! NO SUCH VALUE ! IN OMAHA u a can be found as Bushman'a in Silks , in Hosiery , iu Drees Goods , in Fringes , Cord and Tassels. Fancy Ornaments , Buttons , Prints , Ging hams , Table Linens , Shawls , Ribbons , Ties , etc. , etc. , etc. COME AND SEE ! COME AND SEE ! COME AND SEE ! No FEAUD , KO HUMBUGS , KO ADVKK- TISIKQ DODOES , but the genuine bar gains and fair dealings in all depart ments at BUSHMAN'S , S. Wj Corner .Douglas and 15th St. " i ap2G-tf Meyer & Bro. opened the most elegant line of silverware and jewelry ever exhibited In Omahathelr store itself Is worth looking at. CORSETS ! CORSETS ! CORSETS Hare yon priced those lovely Cor- at ATKINSON & CO.'S ? FOR SALE. Southwest corner Capitol avenue and 16th. Price § 10,000. Also r Northwest corner Dodge and 15th. Price § 15,000. Apply to - ! JOHN M. CLA.RKK , Real Eitate Agent , S. W. corner Donglas & 14th. JEWELRY. GRAND OPENING ' at EDHOLM & ERIOKSON'S " - To-night. Come a'ld bring your ladies. HICKMAN'S MILLINERY HEADQUAR TERS are complete in every depart- - " " * ment _ apUtf All those Children's Nobby Hats came from ATKINSON &CO/S. The finest Display of fine Jewelry and Watches , is shown at Max Meyer & Bro'a. , Elegant New Store. DRESS GOODS ! DRESS GOODS ! f DRESS GOODS ! V- The Northwestern Academy of Medicine will meet in Omaha , in joint session with tha Nebraska State Med ical society , oa the 4& and 5th in stants , in the Academy of Natural Science's room , in William's block , corner Fifteenth and Dodge. TO-NIGHT. . "Grand QPENING of elegant Styles of Jewaly i KDHOLM & ERICSSON'S WANTED TO RENT A house of throe to five rooms within i of a mila of B. & M. , address , Bhnk , BES office. . - -H THE STRIKERS. A Delegation of Twenty Men Visits Mayor Boyd , He States That Men Who Want to Work Will be Protected. Strikers' Meeting To-Night. A delegation of about twenty t the water-works strikers called on Mayor Boyd at his office yesterday to make a statement of their side of the question : They say that all the workmen will stick together in demanding § 175 per day , and spoke rather adversely to allowing mou to go to work for any less. Mayor Boyd said to them that all men had a right to quit work or de mand more wages ; but , on the other hand , they had no right to prevent those who wished to work from doln ? so. That as long ai they used no force or coercion to prevent men from working , no attention would be paid to the matter by * the authorities , but If they used force or created a disturbance of any kind , the laws would bo enforced. He said if any man or number of men , wanted to go to work t fl.50 per day , or any ether sumIhe , whole power of the city would be nsed to protect them , and If that failed then the state , and if that power proved insuf ficient , then the United States. The mayor advised them to compro mise on tha best terms possible , and to go to work. If they could not got $1.75 , take § 1.70 ; if not that take SLGO , and if they could not get § 1.00 they had better take § 1.50 and resume work , for they would lose more by remaining idle two weeks than they would gain in three months , even iu the event of their demand being com * plied with. The mayor also told them that with the price offered or asked he had noth ing whatever to do. As for himself he had always paid good wages and be lieved in the principle and would be glad to see every man get good , fair compensation for his labor. They left , some assuring the mayor that no violence would be resorted to. 2 > 0 COMPROMISE OBTMNED. The committee appointed Monday evening at the meeting of the water works strikers to confer with the con tractors , met the latter gentlemen yesterday , but no agreement was arrived at , the contractors declining to pay more than § L 50. Arepresenta tive of the workingmen declares that a majority of them are in favor of standing out for tha figure demanded , § 1.75 , with weekly pay. The committee - mittee } called another meeting for last evening , at 7 o'clock , at Jefferson square. The striken express their determination to be quiet aud peace * able. * A Quiet Mooting. The mooting called by the striken at Jefferson Square , last evening , was attended by about four hundred pee ple. Mr. Kelley waa chosen chair man. * The committee appointed on Mon day evening to confer with the con tractors reported that no compromise ) bad been arrived at , and also In re gard to the action of the Mayorwhlc * [ B given above. Ex-Councilman Shannon , W. A. Fonda and Mr. McDonagh , publisher of The Watchman , addressed the meeting. Fonda's remarks were some what emphatic , and ho sharply criti cised the position of the Mayor. McDonagh defended the Mayor's position , rj balng both sensible and [ ust. He said that a refusal on the part of the strikers to compromise at 5L60 per day wn unwise and a futihcr strike untimely. Many , if not all , of the men standing out were sorely in need of work and of money , and they were working an injury to their families by persisting in the strike. The effect of it would be , ho said , to seriously retard the building boom in the city , and only those cap italists and contractors1 rj were obliged to build the present season would comrdence work. No resolutions were passed by the assemblage , but a committee of five to solicit aid from the citizens for the strikers were appointed , and the meeting , which was very tame all ; hrongh , adjourned. For iurope. Mr. Henry Meyer , of Meyer , Elaapke & Co. , and Mr. Grafo , of Wahoo , will sail from New York on Thursday for Hamburg on the steam ship "Herder. " Mrs. Maty Ann Kane , of Omaha , will sail for Liverpool on Thursday of next week , on the steamer "Gallia , " of the Canard line. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Roberts will sail or Liverpool on Thursday cf next week on the "Scythia. " Black Milan Hats and Bonnets ro- lucod to § 1 00 , at HICKMAN'S. VISIT The Grand OPENING AtKdboltn < fc Euckson's , To-Night. Ilich fabrics , new styles , exclusive novelties. ELGUTTER'S MAMMOTH CLOTHING HOUSE , 1001 corner Farn ham and Tenth streets. ' Ch&rles Childs purchased through the agency of John M. Chrke 22 ] feet olning Henry Pundt'a grocery on farnham and will build a three story > rick. Having opaned a Wholesale and Detail Store for the exclusive eale of Butter , EgRa and Cheese , we Invite the public ta give "us a cilL Our motto will be : Quick sales and small profits. G. m35t Black ftTilnu Hats and Bonneta re duced to $1 00 , at HICKMAS'S. Black Milan Hats reduced to 75c ; up'town price ? 1 , at the "Boston 8tore , " 616 Tenth street. 51 * * T * + * * * * v * _ 5 ANOTflEE STEEET BOBBERY A Kansas Man Relieved of $115 , J. H. Welrington , of Independence , Has. , a passenger of the steamer Da- * colab , was knocked down'lait evening by two highwaymen , near the histor ic corner of 10th and Doughis streets and robbed of § 115. He stated to the officers that he stepped into a sa- .con , with a satchel , and when he paid for his refreshment he took out a large roll of bills. It is supposed that the sluggers followed the man's foot steps , for they struck him without WErning , and robbed him of the amount of money abo7e mentioned. His eatchel was dropped in the mud and not recovered until a late hour last night. The robbers could not be found. Funeral Mo ties. The funeral of'"Mr. Jacob Richard will tke place from his late residence on llth street , between Farnham and Harney , at 2 p. m. to-day. Friends of the family Invited. The deceased has been a resident of Omaha for the prat sfx years. His death is a cad blow to his family and is much regretted by his many friends. Mr. Richard wes widely known in Iowa , where he was for many years one of the leading builders and con tractors. Postal Changes. The following are the postoffica changes in Nebraska during the week ending April 30 , 1881 , furnished by Wm. VanVleck , of the postoffice de- pcrtmen. Established Laird , Frontier coun ty , John W. Crosby , P. M. ; Sherman , Fnraai county , Isaac Orr , P. M. ; Varlton , Red Willow county , Joseph Williams , P. M. Discontinued Boone , Gage county ; New Era , Farnas county. Postmasters appointed AJda , Hall county Watson H. Wilson ; Bennett , Lancaster county , Louis P. Derby ; Big Spring , Cheyenne county , R. W. BlggaCereeco , Saunders county , Arthur 0. Creamer ; Dublin , Boone county , Adam Patterson ; Hanover , Grge county , Theodore Soyler ; Na- ponee , Franklin county , John S. Ray ; St. Joe , Hamilton county , Merritt Higley ; Scotia , Greoley county. John J. Bean. T. M. C. A. Report for April. The general secretary makes the following report of the of the associa tion's work during the past month : Attendance at rooms 1400 Daily momlm : prayer meetings 102 Weekly prayer meetings 74 Young men's meeting 515 Saturday evening song servicr 525 Helpers at jail 34 Training class 1C Monthly social reception 75 Xi3hts with sick 11 "yoke Fellows" meeting 24 Literary society 93 Family calls 4 Papers distributed Sunday morning. 270 Invitations to meetings 1270 Everybody's meetings (10th ( st. Mis. . 160 Visits by com. in interest of work. . . . 13 The present location of the Associ ation rooms , 1001 Farnham street , Is pleasant and quite well adapted to their summer work , but would not be sufficient fur the agencies and attact- lens of the fall and winter. The board of directors have contracted for one- half of the second stoiy of the Koater & Clark building on Fourteenth street , between Douglas and Dodge , and when arranged and divided into different apartments Itwtll bo convenientpleas- ant , and probably answer the purposes of the arsoclation until they have a building of their own , which ill not probably bo long. The work of the association ii taking a prominent place among the young men and onr best citizens , and is destined to work a good influence , for the elevation of the morals of Omeha. The above're- port speaks itself. Black Milan Hats and Bonnets re duced to § 1 00 , at HICKMAN'S. CONCERT AND LECTURE. By Prof. Aug. Walther , assisted by his pupils , glee and zither clubs , and Prof. W. Chambers , violinist , at Ma sonic Hall , Wednesday evening , May 4. Concert commences precisely at 8 o'clock. * Ladies' Canton Hatslatest styles , 25 and 35 centa ; up town price 50 cents at the "Boston " , store , 616 Tenth street. 5t Copper-plate Engraving for Cards and Wedding Invitations , in the best manner at Max Meyer & Bro'a. , the leading jewelers In the west. Have yon priced those elegant pat terns at atATKINSON ATKINSON & CO.'S ? Laces , Gloves and Parasols ! Shirts and Dusters , nice ! Have yon priced that elegant stock of Fans , at ATKINSON & CO.'S ? Real Estate Transfers. The following transfers were re corded at the county clerk's office yesterday , as reported for this paper by J. L. McCague , real estate tvqent and conveyancer. Samuel E , Rogers and wife to Frederick Henrlch : lots 3 and 4 In block 8 , S. E. Rogers adlitlon , w. d. SSOO. R. Sherraod to Chas. Solvers : nw. i section 3 , town 15 , range 11 east , w. d.-81,800. "Henry G. Blair and wife to John D. Creighton : lot 7 In block 20 , city of Omaha , w. d. § 4,500. OrvilloJP. Chubb and wife to Ohas. J. Pratt : iot 19 , Keyo'a sub-division , w. d. § 950. Ellen J. Seymour to Lucinda B. Hillf , lot 6 in block 14 , Omaha , w. d. g40CO. Jas H. Baldwin to Henry F. Cady , et al. ; part lot 4 In block 224 , Omaha , w. d.-$1175. Chas. W. Hamilton to David Me' Intyre , e * lot 2 in block 22G * Omaha , w. d. § 350. Union Pacific railway company to Johann Runge , lots 4,11 and 12 , In block 11J town of Mlllard , dejd § 60. Charles Childs and wife to Henry F. Cad , et al. , a i'of block 199 , Oaaha , w. d.-$7,000. Johann Runga ai.d wife to Theo dore Malchart , lots 4 , 11 and 12 , in block 11 , town of Millsrd , w. d. § 375. Anna Larson to Christian P. Lar son , undi. | sw i , section 32 , town 16 , range 12 ewt , q. c. d. B. E. B. Kennedy and wife to Tnom&s Gibson , ne. of sw. J section 27 , town 15 , range 12 east , w. d. § 600. Theodore Melchart and wife to HansEhleas , n. jt of n r. section 3 , town 14 , range" 11 , east , w. § d. S1.900. .Willis 0. Redfield and wife to Geo. H. Petenon , parcel in section 34 , town 15 , range 13 , east , w. d § 2'jO. ' BOLD BUKGLARS , , Who Continue to Blow Open Safes With Impunity. The American Sewing Machine Company Receives a Midnight - > night Vieit. The office of the American sawing machine company , in Jacob's block , on Fifteenth street , was entered I 7 burglarflJMonday night , the safe blow u open , and between $10 and § 50 In cash , and a large quantity of notes and valuable papers taken. Mr. X L. Smith is agent of the company. The first known of the affair was when Mrs. Bice , who occupies the rear rooms on the first floor as a dress making establishment , arrived yes terday. A atracgo scene met her eye on opening the door. The safe stood at thf. left , the enter shell ot the door standing open , while its inner portion , which had been blow a off by powder , lay on the floor. The carpet on the floor through the middle of the room had been 'cat and used for the purpose of deadening the noUe of the explosion , and lay a torn and water- soaked masa In front of the safe. Un derneath the safe , between it and the floor , was a pile of valuable silks , alio soaked with water , which had been taken from Mrs. Rice's establishment. The Interior of the case waa complete ly gutted , the money box having been torn out with pries. Gentlemen from the neighboring stores wereat once called in and Mr. Smith soon arrived. The bnrglars hat : drilled two holes through the safe door. The first , which was just above the combination , had struck the lock on the Inside of the door. The seconc attempt was made half way between the door knob and iha combination , and had been partially succoasf nl , , the explosion of powder which followed loosening the door but not entirely opening It. The work waa completed , as marks about the edge of the edge of the door proved , by heavy pries. A brace drill was left en the floor by the burglars. It was of larger size , however , than the one used in opening the safe. It bears a private mark and was very likely left behind for the purpose of throwing the officers on a false scent. No one was sleeping in the sewing machine or dressmaking establishment. The noise of the explosion was heard , however , by a young man sleeping In another part of the building , who thought nothing of the matter and made no investigation. There is1 no clue to the bnrglars. It is now evident that there h a well organized gang of burglars in Omaha , who are evidently exports in the business and whoso attempts are growing more and more numerous. There is a demand on all sides that the city council at once increase the num ber of the police force. It should be sufficiently large enough so that fre quent rounds may be made at night on every business street , in which event a lighted interlorxwould be the best protector a store could have. Some measure is necessary at once. We are closing out onr $1.50 black MILAN Hats and Bonnets at § 1.50. Those goods are from onr wholesale department and are special bargain ; . HICKMAN'B , Headquarters Millinery , Wholesale and Retail. Help wanted at Atkinson & Co.'s Sales Indies and Trimmers can find cl tuatiens by applying at once at Crelgh- ton block , 15th street , near the post- office , tf HOSIERY ! HOSIERY ! HOSIERY ! at the acknowledged leading honeo Of ATKINSON & OO.'S. Children's Sailor Hat * retailed at wholesale prices at the "Boston Store , " 616 Tenth Street. m3-5t THE TUEKISH BATH , A Valuable .and Novel Insti tution. Some two years since Dr. Dinsmoor opened his Turkish bath rooms in Williams' block , at the northeast cor ner of Dodga and Fifteenth streets. At that time the Turkish bath as a remedial agent was almost unknown in Omaha , and the establishment of such an institution on a large ecalo required an amount of nerve , and an amounl of confidence in tha agents employed , which few men srould have displayed. From time to time since its opening the BEE has recorded the growth of this institution , until It is safe to announce to-day that in its expensive - pensive Equipments Dr. Diusmoor's establishment will tike the prece dence of any other establishment in the West , Chicago not excaptod. A BEE reporter happened In the es tablishment yesterday and was eur prised at the changes which have taken place within a year , and "which make the establishment very roomy , comfortable fortablo and luxurious. Reception rooms , consultation rooms , offices , and all the bath rooms , hot rooms , etc. , are so arranged that absolute privacy is secured. Certain hours are devoted to ladies , during which lady attendants are in sole charge , and many ladies from leading families ar. < undergoing treatment here with re markable results. The value of the Turkish bath , the Mclntosh electro , thermo bath , with combined galvanic and Farradlc battery , and the various other appar atus , including sulphur and other baths , Marah'a cumulative health lift , etc. , as remedial agents is now conceded - coded , even by many regular physi cians , some of whom send their pa tients to Dr. Dinsmoor'a establishment for treatment. The value and importance of & sanitarium of this kinl : in Omaha , managed on proper principles , as i Dr. Dinsmoor's , can hardly be over estimated. It is in asknowlodged fact that the treatmentAS ! good-aa that given at Clifton Spring * arid' ' other establishments of the sort. THE NEW SCHOOL "BOARD , The.y Pick Up the Reins of the Educational Steed and Start out in Good Style. The new school act having so decl * dedly deprived the old educational board of authority , considerable in * torest was centered in the first meet ing of the newly elected beard , which was held Monday Previous/ Its organization , however , the old board met to complete its duties. There were present President Marsh and Messrs. Bamford , Lang , Morrell , Bloom , Connoyer andSecretary Wood- worth. The secretary read the city treasur- i -'s report , aa follows : Balance from last report S 3,929 f9 Tax collected in April 10,725 o'J Finesand licenses C09 20 S15.2G1 29 Warrants paid in April 4,387 1) ) Transferred to sinkinB fond. . . . 2,14i 12 Balance oa hand. 8,731 37 S15,2Gi JO Balance in sinking fund 1 r 1 ( Bonds in sinking fund 11 / 2 . > An application was read from J. I Hobbs , rsking to bo appoint } d janitor of the North school building. On motion , the board.took a recess of ten minutes to allow the secretary time to write up the minutes. The board wci then called to older , and the scrotary read his minutes , \fter which , on motion of E. K. Long , the board adjourned sine ilia. On motion , Mr. E. K. Long wca elected temporary chairman , end Ohas. Connoyer , temporary secre- taiy. taiy.The temporary chairman announcsd the credentials of tbe several membeu of the board to be correct. A ballot was then taken for presi dent with the following result : E. K. Long , 5 ; A. L. Ferguson , 1. Mr. Long was declared president cf the board. Mr. Long said : I accept the office and thank you very much for the honor. I will endeavor to perform the duties as impartially and faithfully as lies in my power. Yon will please prepare your ballots for secretary. The ballot stood Mr. Connoyor 5 , Anna Fees , 1. Mr. Connoyer was declared secre tary.A . A ballot for vlco president resulted in the election of Mr. McShanu , the ballots being as follows : First Ferguson 2 , Thrall 2 , Mo- Shane 2. Second Anderson 1 , Thrall 1 , Me- Shane 3 , Ferguson 1. Third McShane 4 , Ferguson lAn- dorEen 1. The secretary presented his bond in the sum of § 1)000 beaiing the names of Ferdinand Streitz and A. McGav- ock , which was approved by the board. Ho was then sworn in by Judge Benecke. On motion of Mr. Ferguson the board proceeded to dra v lots for their term of service. Six cards were pre pared , three bearing the words "one year , " and three the words "two years. " As the names of the mem bers were oiled each advanced to the president's table and drew a card. The result was as follows : One year Long , Oonnoyor , and Thrall. Two years Anderson , McShane and Ferguson. On motion the rules of the old board in regard to committees were adopted. It was also decided to organize the standing committees as follows , re ducing the number of committees to five : Finance , claims , buildings and property , readers and text books , rules , forms and printing. President Long appointed the com mittee as follows : Finance Thrall , Long and Ander son. son.Claims Anderson , McShano and Thrall. Buildings and 1'roperty Connoyer , Anderson and McShane. Readers and Text Books Fergu son , Connoyorand Lone. Rules , Forms and Printing Mc Shane , Thrall and Long. BUSINESS. Janitor Morarity , of the North school , sent in his resignation. It was accepted and E. S. Doty was chosen his secretary. The secretary read a communica tion from Gee , C. Bonnor , suggesting the establishment of savings banks for the school children. Referred. CASS STREET SCHOOL. A proposition to pay $200 for old Caw street building , from John S. Wood , was referred. The estimate of Architect Driaco'l of expenses Incurred on the FiLh ward school building , was read. Mr. Connoyer laid that the amount to be paid to the architect before comple tion was limited to seventy-five per cent. Besides , the board had re jected the building in December last. Mr. Anderson stated that jie under stood the 5th ward building was un safe , and called for Mr. Duscql's re port. Mr. Drlscoll stated that the defective drainage of the lot was the cause of the damage to the building , and stated that this was caused by failure on the part of the board. Mr. Anderson enquired if it was the board's duty or the contractor's , to keep the water out of the building. Mr. Driscoll saidthat { the control of that had been token out of the con tractor's and architect's haudd. He had himself spoken to different mem bers , trying to fet them to do some thing about it. Mr. Connoyer askcJ if the water would have damaged the building If it had been finished on contract time , the middle of September. Mr. Driecoll said It would not hive made any difference and neaortsd that it was one of the best buildings in the city and perfectly safe. Mr. Llvesey , the contractor , "ad dressed the board , claiming thnt the water got into the building and set tled. The matter was loft in the hands of the committee on buildings. A resolution w&s adopted thnt In the judgment of the board PJoasant street should fej opened to Farnham street for the accommodation of pupils attending the wait school. Claims were allowed , auditing the teachers' and the jinitors' pjy-roll. The secretary waa instructed to notify the trustees of the Lake's addi tion school of the new law , which gives the board control of that district isorth of Grace street , which haa ben independent hitherto. The question of fixing the e-ecre- lary's salary then cama up and was referred to the finance committee. Adjourned. Liverymen's Notice We the undersigned' lirorymcrjot Dniiha , agree , on account of the great advance in cost of hay nr J c aiu , to charge the following pnws for board ing lioises from and after May 1st un- ; il further uvticu : 1 horse and 1 buggy per month. . . . S15 00 " " . . . . 28 00 2i 2 in J-a triage S ) 00 i and saddle per month 12 00 " lwaKou " 32 00 " " - 24 00 i 1bujreyor carriage. . . . 27 00 . 1 " " " " 15 00 lorsesin box stalls S18 00 to 20 00 O. N. IU1I3ET , GEO. W. HOMA > % J. H. McSHAh'E , C. J.MESTEE. . i AN ARCEITEOTUEAL MON UMENT. Which Will be Occupied by Mi itary Headquarters ' Department of the Platte Strang'snow building at the north east corner of Farnham and Tenth streets will , to some extent , inaugu rate a new era in building in Omaha , for it will be < ho first complete Iron front building in the city and will be the first building equipped with a by- drau'ic ' elevator , which can only ba used whcro there i ? a system of water works. The elevation of the building shows a beautiful front , which will be painted in different colors. The iron front will also turn ten leet on the west side of the building , the effect being novel and attractive. The three upper floors will be occu pied by the military headquarters of the department of the Plalte , in cluding Gon. Crook's office and that of all the other department officers. .This part cf the building will consist of thirty-four handsome rooms , and will be approached through a "broad front entrance near the eait aide of the building , which will conduct to a broad staircase or by turning a few steps , lead to the elevator. The order for the removal of the headquarters to Omaha was isiiod same months sines by Gen Sheridan , but owing to the difficulties iu securing a building has been delayed until this time. Mr. Strang will occupy , with his business , the first floor and base ment of the building. The building will be completsd July 1st , at which time it will b3 occupied by tha military heidquartars. You talk about school hats , why You can buy them for a song , By going down to Atkinson' * , the Leading house in town. The acknowledged LEADING house in town. On tbe 4th of July. * Iu order to have a grand send off on that glorious patriotic day , MOORE , the loading and meat enterprising Harncis man of Omaha , has kindly consented to take an Airsonaughtical ride with his famous Hepsodom LION in Mr Pierce's Balloon this is the cap-sheaf this last arrangement , with all others now fully arranged for that day foreshadows ono cf the greatest events of the Nineteenth century j Coma everybody. Come from the high pjaks of the Rocky Mountains ; como from the foot-hilh ; come from the swamps , hazel-brush , the bamboo thickets of the Sjath ; come from the Great Lakes of the North ; come from Scoughegon Main , and from Posy county , Indiana , come , come , come. Milliners Supplied with Hats at Manufacturers' prices at the "Boston Store , " GIG Tenth Street. m3-5t JEWELRY. GRAND OPENING at EDHOLM & ERIOKSGN'S To-night. Come and bring your ladies. Men's and Boys' Straw Hats , Veiy Cheap , at the "Boston Store , " GIG Tenth Street. ir.3 5t Dissolution Notice The co-partnership heretofore ex isting between Louis Belndorff.viJ F. Manas has this day been dissolved by mutual consent , Mr. "Beindorff con tinuing the business on 1322 Douglas street and Mr. Mausa taking charge ot the business at No. 010 IGth street. Thanking our frionda for the past patronage and BoIicitiDg a continuance- for the future we remain respectfully yonrs , Louis BEINDOKFF , ml-3t F. MATJSS. SPECIAL NOTICES. T3 TO LOAN At8per cent interest - / . terest , in turns of § 2500 and upwards , for 3 to 5 > cats , on fi'tt-casicity Biid farm vroperty. EHMIS * RIAL E&TATE and LOAF AQBNCY , 15th and Douglas Ste. TO LOAN Onfirtt-c'asj real estUo Apply to T. W T. Richards , north- \ \ < &t corner Farnham and ISth St3. 755-3 TO LOAN 215 S. llthSt. CUrksou MONEY . C7-1 ! SO MJAN-O&tl at Low Odea MOKST 7nOMAS.ncurnB.fl.-elghton Blcck ? TO LOAK 11C Famhun street. MONK . Edwsrdu Loin A nov-S2-tf HELP WAHTE3 IT' ANTED Good girl for general housework \ V In em 11 family. Apply on Douzlas St. . bttwcen llth and 12th. 7S7-3 TTiMPLOYMEXTAS TEAMSTER WAN I ED JJ By a drst-cla-s man who is well acquaint ed in town. Noth'ntr les tlnn SO' ' ) a month and free expenses Is wanted. Addres 14 C. II. , Bee Oftlce. 77C-4 TTTANTED A girl f r honsewoik , by Mrs. YY Kinnard , 19th ana Dodge § tr eti. 777-1 'AK5KD-A irIat French Coflee House , 13th streit. 7SO-5 "V\7"ANT D A firat-chsi i nuteuractorto join YY a tan I comedy Co. Good engagement all summer t ) a < aruble gentleman. blit3 full jar.iculars , letttrjto "Comjdy , " Haa Offije. 773-4 " 1TTANTED A colared z'rl for nurse ; roust > V luva reference. Apply 733 ISth street , 2d I erse south ut Cumins. 7S3-1 2 or 3 carpenters tnd cabinet WAJiTED . Inquire next t j Bee office , 7 C3 A M"K1Uchino handi on shirts , at 1122 W rarnliim. W.ll. HAKRI-iON . 7CO-3 A Rood carpenter and two OA1SVKXTKK : to set | K > sU imd build fence .luted by Or iMnraMi , HO" ) F-irnhim St 76S-tf WATED-By a youn ? mm (22) ) , SITUATION - , oarrespondent , Biltem n or In any tthir cat loyment. Speaks English , German Surecdlsi , Danii ! ! , Itilian and French. Siiall salary to bcjinwith. AddrezsBe * Office O. E. 500. 607-1 \T7"ANTFD Twenty-five teams to work on YY upper reservoir ; steady work. A R. I10EL. 7CG-3 "VTTAMSO A youn ? man ( Scandinavian ) > Y want to work in i rominisiion or wriole- fale houie. Address X. X , Bee Cflicc. 772-4 TED TJ rent foir o five rooms , ra't- WA1 tMc for tiou < ekrt-ii. ; , in tome bus nuts block located in central iwrt u' city. Address C.S.F. , EcoOffice. 773-0 TTJ.VilED Two bo nliyln i.nyalo Umtly , VFor ttm , k , d tc j . " , Post Offlco Pox 337. 7S4-tf WANTED 51 * 1111 kr i nrc of I ottl : , pil- vat" tx ; < rtMii ; > o b A ; h 'Ujp , tie 113 FarnliaT tt. 7CO-3 WAJ'T'i' v n u.tUmb ) a MIIII of family , tt.aih , indu-trions ind willlnc to be OK- in any bonvable cipadt ) . CcmpcnKation cor 1 n to capability , i'lcajo uddrcsi J. E. It. nre of Eca office. CC4-U "IT7 A > TED EHuilion as copyist or at any 1Y kind of writing , by a competent young iariy. Address "T. A. " Bee oiHce. Reference given and required. 520-tf TTTASTED Two more boarders at 313 North YV 17th streetbetween Davinport and Chicago cage , east Eld . * 337-tf SPECIAL NOTIOES-Continued FOR RENT-HOUSES AND LAKD. "T710R KENT 2 rooms , furnished ; with orwlth- JD oat bond. Inquire at Mrs. Allen , on Capitol avenue , between Otb and 10th. 773 4 FOR BENT Cottage , No. 1215 Dodge St. Five rooms ( front room reseed. . ) Apply to J. S. Hitbert , Withne 1 IIou'c. 779-4 ; HOUSES AND LAND Hernia rents house * , stores , hole' ' firms , lotg , Unds , offices , rooms , etc See 7t page. FOR KENT A lirze furnished room on first floor , with board. Also a few day boarders wauted. 1S03 California street. a2S-eod-723-tf TTIOR RENT Larga front ro m , f urnlf tied ; N. J } E. corner 16ih and Burt. 751-3 TJIOR RENT On first flcor , furnished room Jj jonthwcst corner 10th and D-venport. 759-tf . RENT PI anntrcomurnlsnedorun- L.10H 1 . ; , K conur l&ch and Cillfornia -eel. 71D-tf T7IARJI TO RKST T. MURRAY. 729 4 mo REN r Slnile room , nicely furnished. N. JL E. corner 17th and Capitol Av 7173 , 'OR RENT Furnished rooms. Inquire at L' 1318 Chicai-o street. 696-tf RENT The building 1000 Burt ttiett FOR / used bv John Cana is the London rrcat market. Sjmc butcher tools lor sale. Ap ply on the premises ortf John Bium < r , 1311 Farnham ttreet. 635-tt "f riOR RENT A store , corner lOih and Leaven JJ worth. Inquire nextdoor , at Peterson's. 622-tf RKNT 2 furnished rooms ovei Mer chants Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th and Dodge streets. 289-tf FOR SALE. SALE-10.600 brick by 3. T , Peterson , FOR Estate Asent. Sinthcasc corner 15th acd DoujUs SU 7SI-3 T > EUISSe'ls houses , lots , farms , lands. Sec Jj 1st page. FOR SALE. CHEAP Inquire Pf HOUSE & . S. . coucr 15th and Douglas Sts. 762-a MARKET FOR SALE Haviiii * to go MEAT Europe ucxt rrotb , I wl'l icil my mar ket buiMlnp. fixtures , tool" , harness , na7ons , etc. . etc. Pautliewt corner 10th and VcdccSta. A. JIEVEK. 701-14 p EMI31 NEW C1TYM APS.25c.-Seo 1st paze , " 171 OR SALE Good new hotel , In town of I' Slrom bur ? , terminus of 'lie O. & K. V. lull r oiJ. For full pirtieulars inquire at Com mercial II ; > uj , Stromsburg , Neb. 77 < M T OR SALE CHEAP 1 acra ground , house with U 4 rooms , barn , cistern , small fruit , etc , South Onuhi. Terms easy. Enquire 811 N. ISth st. , bet. Kurt andCummtngs. 634-eodH riOR SALE $2500 in S and 10 pel cent mort Jj gages. Address Post Office drawer 62. 757-3 ' REiL ESTATE EXCHANGE. See BEM1S' page. . T7IOR SALE Half lot , cottage with throe rooms JJ co lir , cittern , we 1 ana stable. Apply on premises , 2t'.h between Chicago and Davenoort 71C-C FOR SALK CHEcP Inquire a HOUSES & Bthtn , 15 h and Jackson. HILLS OF RHUBARB ROOTS FOR SALS , CU2AP Must be sold by May 1st. Call at onr fe'd store , lOih and Davenport or at eardcn on 13th St. C1URLTON HROS. 721-tf T70R SALE Beautiful residence lot ; location T first-cl ST. Price § 1600. JOII.V L. Me CAGUE , oppoiite Post Office. 712-tf REAL ESTATE BOOH. Seelst page BFOR SALE-IIouso and lot on North 18th FOR at $1600. Inquire of John L. Me Cane opposite the post ottice. 7C1t ( "T70HSALE A Rood paying icatiurant. In JJ quire at this offi . 703-25-lm "T710U SALE Side bar top bn'igy , coed sa new J ApillytoB. B. , atS. I'.Mo-saCo. CS7-t 210 acres choice land J mile cast o CHEAP , 150 acres broke and 20 acres timber,40 acrc3 pasture fenced , lar-e two story house and gcxxi oat buildings. Titles perfect. Owjel by a widow ladv ilesirin } to move. C sh or city property In cxctiango . , C74-tf EARL B COE. "n OB BALE Maps it Douzlas and Sarpy D counties. A. K03EWATEB , 1520 H n ham Street. 320-tt SALE Lease and furniture ol a first EOB hotel In a town of 1300 inhabitants , in atata of Nebraska. Has 24 beJa , the.travelilnz men's resort. Inquire at liee office. 2 3-tf OK SALE A BARGAIN A building with E saloon fixtures , furniturjand stock , on 10th fat. , opposite tbe U. P. depot , for sale very cheap Or the fixtures , furniture and stock will be soli and building rcniud. Inquire of .EL ) . EREISS MAN. 7H FOB i-ALfi Tso close carrta ea , at A. jJ. Simpson's. 911-tf mil E DEST THIND YET H. O. ' lark & Co.'a JL mpcriatSelf Riisins ; Winter Wheat Flour , for Pancakes , Biscuits , and all kinds of pastry. Try it. Ask your crocer for it. 47S-tf MISCELLANEOUS. TTMBHELLAS AND PARASOLS Repaired by U M. Schutt , 1Kb and Karnham Et. 780-tf AND FUaMSUED ROOMS In pri- BOARD family for quiet permanent lodzcr ; siato terms and local 011 Address U. P Bee Office 782-3 TT19UXD A sadillj. Owcr cm hare the 1 ; sameby callinjat J. II. Curchman , 2113 UiicagoSt. 733-3 B EMIS lias rattl n ? Ion ; lliti of houses , lots , lands ami farms for ra'e. Call and cet T OfaT A small cla-k brindle cow , with white Lj tpots , rope around the Inrnj. Information leading to her recovery sni.ably regarded , at J. M THURSTO.VS.COthaidDavcniioit streets a27-737-lf - Rubber coat between 21st and 16th ICST-A J on Izard t r Burt. Ecivtrto G. T. Cbrniah ind rcccoienard. . 710-1 , 4 M.BI10WN , cor..crcf 12th .md Chicago . streets , is readj ID to'e or c'ccpjn wells. Sat'gfactlon gnarant'd. 503-tf niEAUS CAN BE GOT At John liarrs stable _ [ . for all kindi of work , at reasonable lUures nrar corner Oh and Lfntpnwirth St. 378-t DOVrKOKQET Tbcsu cessorot tne Ameri- can House on DoUjil s at. , bet. Oth and 1 ith , for noardjho-dm.f. lodninc and transient costumerj. Bcscccifolly , 664-tf JULIUS i LOUISE ROSS POWDER Absolutely Pure. Msdo from Grap Cream Tartar. No other prepiratlon makes lach light , flaky bet breads , or luxurious pastry. Cm be eated by Dyepep- tics without ftar of the iUi resulting trom heavy nilic4tible food. Sold orly In canf , by all Grocers. BOTAI. BAKISO POWDIR. Co. , New York. LARGEST STOCK ! O 02 e- Cfl (0 co Hand Sewed Shoes a specialty AT H. DOHLE & GO'S. Leading Shoe Store , OMAHA , - - - NBB. ap < d&wlm Omaha , Collins Cheyennet A. POLACK. Colorado Spring and Summer CLOTHING ! LATE AND NOBBY STYLES Men , Boys and Children. Clothing Made to Order in the Latest Styles. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Prices to Suit All. 323 Famham Street , near Fourteenth. MAX MEYER & BRO. , the Oldest Wholesale and Retail JEWELRY HOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SILVER WARE , CLOCKS , rich and stylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Art istic , and choicest selections in PRECIOUS STOXES , and all de scriptions of. FIXE WATCHES , at as Low Prices as is Compat ible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Build ing , corner llth and Farnham Street. 3lA\ MEYER & BRO. MaxiVleyerf Bro. THE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE in the West. General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or on installments at Bottom Prices. A Splendid Stock of Steinway Pianos , Knabe Pianoe , "Vbse & Sons Pianos , and other makes. Also dough & Warren , Ster ling Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. , &c. Do not fail to see us before purchasing. With the Best Selected Stock of CLOTHING & FURNISHING GOODS in Omaha. We are PAE EXCELLENCE THE YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHIERS. BOSTON CLOTHING HOUSE , FARMIA1I STIiCET. SCHLANK & PRINCE. W . F. STOETZEL Dealer in Hardware , COOKING STOVE and Tinware. Stove Repairer , Job WorKcr and Manufacturer of a Kinds of Cans , Tenth and Jackson Strrctx. O. MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS , Wholesale and Eetail ! FIRST-CLASS TRIMMED BONNETS , $8.00 , $10.00. $12.00 , $15.00 , $20.00 , These prices arc from $2.00 to $5.00 below other houses. Fine Hats. 25c. 75c , $1.50 , $2.00 , $3-00 and $5 00. THESE ARE SPECIAL BARGAINS. Baraln , In Untrimmed n s , 15c , 2Sc , 50c , 76c , 11.00 , upfo 32.CO. Floners , Tip * . Patina ami Material ? Very Cheap PARSOLS , GLOVES , HOSIERY , CORSETS , Ties , Lacas , Embroldeiles , . . . . . . Rnshln < Buttons. Lace and Linen C'liars. Handkerchiefs ana HH.I..I . Hollow , at L-iweg' C'jsh 1'ricej. LOOK HERE ! Crewes5c ! _ per knot ; Penny Zypbyw . , and in any quantity , canr n and m-ile-Kla a full Hn , and prices tha lowest In tte city. We . do all kinds of rtampm < . Kicijrtuerlo , Silkn , fult stock. Our Oooda are flrst-claig. Orders by Mail Promptly Pi-led 115 North ISth Street , JACOBS' BLOCK. J. W. Murphy & Go. , WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS AND AOitfT3 FOR Corn"'lth an ! Kentucky _ _ Distilling Company j * aplldtf HORSE SHOES AND NAILS , Iron and Wagon Stock , tha Best .isjortmer.t of WHEELS in the West. At Chicago Vrirrt. W.J. BROATCH , 1209 & J2H Harney Street , Omaha.