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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1881)
BEE. OMAHA PUELISHIHC COPROPRIETORS. . SIS Parnham , 6 t SrA and IDlh Strtett TERMS OF SDBSCniPTlOK 1 Com 1 teir. In < ! v nee postpaid ) 18.00 . * * * * VJV J t JJ - * ' 6m9Uth . - * * ° " 4. 8monlL g-00 TIKE TftBUS- THE KAILS. 0 , & K , W. R. Hn 6:30 a. m. , 5:40 : p. m C. B. & Q. ( 2 > 9 m240 ; p. m. C. R. I & P. R. ) U. 0 a , m. , 2U > p. m CSt. . Joe 5M a. m. g.CHyM'.SSO * . ra. C. P. R.B. , llrtOa.m. 0. & R. V. to Llncolr. 10 * . rn. * B. * M. R. R6:40 am. - ! . ' O. k N. W. , 7&C a. m. orTRIH6 0. * K. W. K. K. , IV a. m..11 p. m 0. B. & O , . , 11 a. EL. B.SO p. m. C. R. I. & P. , 11 a. m. , 11 p. m. 0. B. k St , ) oo.ll a m. , Up m. 0. P. R. R. . i p. m. 0. & K. V. from Lincoln , 12:10 p. m , B.Clty 4 P. , 11 a.m. U. &M. luheb.,1 p. m. Local nuillB for States Iowa leave but cns * day , rls : 4:30 : a. m. Office open from 12 to } p. m. Sundays. THOMAS ? .'i. Arrival And lepartnre of Trains UNION PACIFIC. LliVH. Dally Kiprvst 1J:16 p. ffi. E:2fi p. ru do Mixed . 8:10 p. in. 4:13 p. au do Frelzht _ ,5.50s , m. lWv. : tr. do _ . .E:1 ! > , d. UZOa. m. TIKI OARD OF THE BURUNGION , LIlVIOlUnA. I AKKITIOIMUJL Czprnes . SiOp. : m , ' Kipcees . 10:09 a.-m , Uall . 6:00 n. m. Kali . 10:00 p. m. Sundays Excoptod. j Sundays Exceptcd. CIIIOAOO.inOJKiaLAKD & PACIFIC. lall . _ .o:03 a , m. I Mail - .10:00 p. ra. Express - SO : ; > tn. J Esprew.-.10.00a. m CHICAGO A-Or.THWG3TEEK HiU . _ .B > 0 . m. I Mail 730 p. m. K'ptesa _ St3 : pi a. | Express , . .10:00 a. m. Scadsjzosoepted. KANSAh CITT.8T. JOE A CODSC1L fcLTJFFa LEiVl , . * U.ll . . . _ .K Oi' to I K prci . i:4 : % . Cxrro9 . . .WOp ra. I U&T . 7-toi. Tbo only Hue running Vullman Sleeping Cars out ol Onith to Union Dep"t , OU&.QA & XORTJIEKri KEUKASKA TAIL WAT COMPANY. Lca > c. Arrive. xpr a > _ . .8:00 a. ra. t rxprose - .iZO p , ra Kued . l Up m. ( Miked . 10:45 : a. m Dally Kr ? t Sundays. a. a iu B. n. in NEBRASKA , L iVB. Through r pro _ . AccommoJit'on . 7:00 p m AHK-VK. Through Erpres . ; 7rOp AcoommoJa'ion . 8.53 ia 810UX CIT7 & BT. FUJI. K R. M.ll e-.lGatnl Krprera 10.-00 i w E,40pm | i 720 p WAEAEU. ST LOUI-ftPAC-Jna LXAVUi 4KRIVI8. Call B a. m , | Mall 11:56 a. m Gipro-9 E:10p. m | Express * :25 p. ra BB1DQ EDI VISION TJ. P. R R Leuve Ouulu , dilly. S m. , B a. m , 10 a ra. 11 a. to. . 1p.m. , S p. in. , 8p. m . B p. mBp , iUate Council Bluffs ; 335 a. m. . 826 a.m , 10.16 . m. . 11S5 H. ia. . Irtfi p m. , S:26 : p. m. 8Z6 ; p. m. , 6:25 p. in. , 6:25 p. m. , Fear trips on Sunday , loavtlty : Omaha at B and 1 a. m. . ! and 6 p. m. ; Council Ulnfls U BJ5 11:2& n to. , and 2:25 and :2i p. re. MttlNOIt. TRAIRB. Lemlc Oaiahi : 6 a. u. , 7 a. m. , bU)0 ) m. , p. m. , 1:60 : p. ra. , 7:25 p ra. , Uave Couadl tilling : olb in , , 3:40 : a , m. 11 HO a , m. 6:25 p. m. , 7.-00 p. m. . 7:50 p. m. Dully except Sunday. OMAAA ft RKVUBLICANALLEY R. Lttvi , iRRivm. llall 10-.46& . m. , DmJ' nrcpt S ' J. EKCL'SH , AT LAW SlOiouth Ihirtcenth ATIOUSKY St. . with J. M. WOOLWORTH. CHARLEB POWELL , OK THE I'tACE Coruoi 16th an JUSTICE EU. , Omaha Neb. tf . SsrtERAL , 3TOISNK7 AT L W Room 6 , Cn-lghto i. Blfv > . . 15tb St. . OMAHA , NEB ft. C. " : SQUP , 4 TTohhET AT LAW In A Block , with George E. Prttchott , HBfl - n hiii M , tiilAQA.NCB. UfBT AT LAV Cm-iHJ.iI Bolld A. M. CKAUWiCK , TOSNXT AT LAW-Offlw Ikf * Farnttm Str et. . L i' A AK * .t Ofilce WiOielgcion islpsfe , ne t u l Post Office , PJliHA , KEEEAEKA , O'BRIEJi & 3ARTLEH , A-ttornsys-at-Law , OFKJCE-Unlon blosk.PWtwath inc" Tarnham 3C J2HS. ATTORNEY AT LAW. r,3 H ijtocK. sort. QCRQ- I&TK STS. OiLlHA. NEB. , J..Oornel ! , -itoriiey-a t.-La w. ici : Front looms , np'Vittn , ! a Uauscoui' brick bdliir5 , K. t ? corner fUWnth * K * f < .riirn fitrm > t < i. Jllij H L i u r u s - t.-L a . ) kttcnttoa wlU rx ea. Ju r. ! . nlt orjlorrtloiuiof o\crv vwniij'i * * § * T. > . . to J IbeConrwot tue UU' and the ll'ilt l Bteton. Office. FamltJi St. , oppojHc Osnrt Houot. EDWARD W. SISERAL , . T7ORRKV AT 1.AW Ueoui 0 rt Slock , 1Mbvud Pon.-la < ttref ta. noMh S. F. KAHBSP.SQM , TTOBKST AT tA\V H Fanh m _ Omaha KabrMka. Jos U. CXtRKROS. G. J. He lit , CLARKSON & HUNT , Successors to RICHARDS & IIUItT , A.U ors ay s-a t - L a w , 15 S. 14th Street , Omaha , Nob. SANTA CL.ADS FOUND Oroutest Discovery of tlio Age ft ouuoTtuI < U ic > . .riosln the world hare bcsnrai'it ! AmonK other thinjM where Sasta Claup tt jcd Children oil ask < f he makes roods or not , It really he Ere * In mountain of snow. L9l yoir an excnntion sailed clear to the Pole &nJsudJanlydroppodlnlowhatecmcdlkci.holo ! Hliero woii'lT ul wonders they found * nowland , H'hUe fUry-Uke bohicr appeared on each huid. rhnre were tnorutalns Uko oars , \rlth more bcauttlul LVWU , And ( ir hhhtt.r ulz'.ee than cvoj wue cn. . Girdo with the huits of a rainbow were found , While Cowtrs of oxqu'dto f rainnca ircro CTO Sot loa ; vurc tlitr ; left to wander in doubi A hclnf soon cnuiu they hul heard tnach sbont , T < hant Claut * fw'.f and thlcthty all cay , l ! eked like the picture r tun every day. tie drove up a team that loci\l very queer , 'Tvrks a toiin utiTa.-ebupnerf" int * d of tclr.Jr , He In a gbcll Initixwi of a plcicli , tint he took their onotd aud drove tht-n c - . Be itnowed them < J. o. rr his nondarfnl realm , And factories ruklnccod * for women and rnra furriers < * cie oicis ? ou h&la crcit and email. Tn Cuneo't thav eald they were cndlug them CU Kris tilr.jlo , the OIovc Maker , told thorn t onn , \ H our Glows we &rr sendla ; to Bunco , M > - U ohnwo-1 them nuepcuilers and many thlnjrs zaoro. JnyiiU I alia took these to friend Ean 'B store , ift.ita CUns then whlepared a secret Le'd ' tsll , is In Oaiaha every ous knew Bunco well , II e thoro'ora should eond his ( roods to his can , Knowing his friends will get thelt fall ( hare. Now rcmamber ye dwellers In Omaha town , All who want prcgontt to Bonce's go round. Fur thlrta , collars , or cloves great and small , Send TOUT sister or aunt one and ai- Unnce , Champion Hitter of the Wnt , Doajlit ot , Omaha Hamburg Line. WEF.KLY LINE OF STEAMERS LEAVING KEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY AT Z T. M. , FOR England , Franca and Q-ermany For Passage appl j to C. U. RICHARD & CO. General Pisjenyer Agent , 61 Broadway , New Tort. UAVK t. MOORES 1 . . HKSRY PUNDT , | OMAHA. VINEGAR WORKS ) " ERNST KREBS , Manager : Uaculfcctunr ot all kinds ot . | K. Ett , Stk and lO/i. OUA.BA JfJJ . ? " OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ART EMPORIUMS J. U. ROSK'S Art Emporium , 1516 DoJge Street , Steel Enjnaungs , Oil Paintings , Chromua FuDcr Frames , FramiBfaSpecfalty. Low prices. J.LOXyEK _ , 3303 Douglas Si. Goad Stylei. ABSTRACT AND REAL ESTATE. JOHN L. McCAGUE , opposite pobtoffice. W. R. BAKTLETT. 317 South ISth Street. ARCHITECTS. DUFREKE&MENDELSSUOh" , AKCnTITECTS , Room It , Croijhton Block. A T. LAROE , Jr. , Room 2. Crelgbton Block. ' BOOTS AND SHOES. JAMES DKVINE & co ; Fine Boot and Shoes. A good assortment of home ixork on bind , car. 12th and Harney. 'HOS ER1CKSOX , S. E. cor. .CthandDonglaa JOHN' yORlUNATUS , 605 10th St. , maaufactures tc order good work at fair prices. Repairiag donc. _ " BED SPRINGS- J. F. LABRIMEK , Manufacturer , Tleschers' Blk. BOOKS , KEWS AND STATIONERY J. 1. FKUEUAUK , 1015 Farnham fctrest. B nER AND EGGS- McsHANK & SCHP.OEL'EH ' , the oldettB. and E. h.itue inTCenraelui ; established 1&7S , Omaha. BOARDING CENTRAL . - . - -y . REaTATOANT , ' ' MRS. A. RYAN , southwest cor. ICth and-lisilgc. . Beit Board for the Honey. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ZIuli at a'l Hours. Boird by the Dsy , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cash. Furnished RoomsMippljed. CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS WM. S.VYDEt : , No. 1318 14th and TTarncy St CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS- AHDHKW ROshWAT R.1510 Tkraham St Tovrn Sun oya , Grade and Sewerage Sjttemsa gpecialty. -i COMMISSION MERCHANTS. JOHNG. WILLIS , 1111 lode ) Street 3. C. BEEMER , For details see largo Ad\crtise- Plat in DalUGd Weekly. CIGARS AND TOBACCO- WEST 4 FRlT-fCllER , Maanfacturers of dears , and Who eaalc Dsalcis in Tob cco , 1S05 Usug. W.r. LORES ZKN.jiiinufiicturer , 51410th St. CORNICE WORKS Western Cornice Workr , Manufacturers Iron Corn ! c , Tin , Iron and Slate Koofin ? . Orders from any locuity i-romr Uy executed in the best manner. Factory sod Office 1310 Dodge Street. Galvanized I run " Cornices , Wtndorapi , etc. manufactured "and ] ut up in any part ol the country. U SLN'UuliD , * 16 Thirteenth at. CROCKERY. J. BOKXER , 1S09 Dcni < ] a St. Good Line CLOTHING ANDFURNISKINCCOODS OF,0 II. PETERSON. Alsn Hat * . C pt , Boats , Shoes , Notions and Cutlery , < SOI S. 10th H. CLOTHING BOUGHT. C. SHAW will pay highest cash price f-r second hand doihlne. Comer 10th and Farnham. DENTISTS- DR. PAUL. Williams' Block , Cor. 16th & TJodje DRUGS , PAINTS AND OILS. KOHX&U ) , Pharmacists , Fine Fancy Goods , Cor. ' 15th and Tcuglas Strets. W. J WH1TEUOU5E , Wholesale & ReUll.16 sL C. C. FIELD , 2022 North Side Cumin ? Street. U. PARR , Drtureiat , 10th und Howard St ; DRY GOODS , NOTIONS. ETC- JOHN H. F. LEHMANN A CO. , New York Dry Goods Store. 1310 and 1312 Farn ham street J. C. Enewold , a'so keats i shins , 7 th & fttdflc FURNITURE. A. F. GROSS , vcw and Second Iland Fnrniture and Stmei , 1114 Douglas. Ui < hctt osh ptice pt'.J for stcond hand goods. J. BOVyEK , 1309 Douglas' ' St. Fine Ooode , &e. FENCE WORKS OMAHA "EN'CE CO. GIST. FRIES & CO. , 1213 Harney St. Improv ed Ice Boxes , Iron and. Wood Fences. Railings , Counters of Pini und Walnut. FLORIST- A. Donasune , plants , cu. . flonen , seoJs , bcquets etc. , N. W. cor 16 < h and Doitrlaa Stg. FOUNDRY. " JOIIlfWFARNK fe S0i > :3.cor. 14th 4 Jackson St , FLOUR AND FEED OilAtlA CITY-MILLS , Sth and Fimham Sts. Welflhans Bro . , proprietors GROCERS- Z. STEVEN'S 21st between Cumins and Izard. T. A. Mc3HANK , Corner 23J f.r.d Cumicg Sts. HATTERS. W. L. PARROTin 4 CO. , 130C Douglas Street , Wholesale Escluslrely. HARDWARE IRONAVD STEEL DOLAN t LUTO WORTHY , Wholesale , 110 and 112 15th St. A. HOLMES , corner 16th and California. HARNESS , SADDLES , &C. E. B.W 1ST,320 13th St. , bet. Farn. & liar- HAT AND BONNET BLEACHERY. Ladies get your Straw , Chip and Felt llats done op at northeast corner Seventeenth and Capitol a\enue. WM. DUVE , PROP HOTELS CANFIELD HOUSE , Geo. Canfield , 9th & Farn. DORAN HOUSE , P. U. Cary , 013 Farnham St. * SLAVEYS HOTEL , F. Slaven , l lh Street. Sou tin rn IIoUl , Qua TJann-1.9th& Leavenworth IRON FENCING 3be Western Oriiiie Works , Accnts for the Ch.nnplon Iron r cnce Co. , lia > e on hand all kirulu of Fancy Iron Fmce > , Ciestiiu s , Fineali , Railinfru , ete lnlpPoiKOFtrecC ap2 INTELLIGENCE OFFICE- MRS. LIZZIE DCST , 217 16th Street. MEWELERS JOHNBAUMFR , J3U Fainham Street. JUNK. II. BERTIIOm , R&rg and Metals. LUMBER , LIME AND CEMENT FOSTER & GRAY , comer Clh and DougUa Sts. LAMPS AND GLASSWARE. J. EONKER i09 nooslas St. Good VarictV. MERCHANT TAILORS. O. A. LINDQUEST , One of our most popular Merchant Tailors Is re ccivine the latest dctifns forSprhur and Sum' ruer Goods for ccill Vra n's wear. Stylish , durabln sill price * luwaetvcr 215 1 Sth bet. Doug.&F r. MILLINERY. MRS. C. A. HIKGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fancy Goods In c cat jariety , Zephyrs , Card Foanis , Ho.icrr , s'ovrs , oorteti , is Cheapest Ilo-jto in the West. Purchasers save SO pet cent , Onler u.v Mail , 115 Fifteenth tit. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS- W. S.GIB nS.Jl. D. , Room No. 4 , Crclghton Block , 1Kb Street. P. S. LEISENRDfO , II. P , Masonic Hock. Q L. HART , 31. D. , Ejo and Ear , opp. posUffioe DR. L. B ORADDY. Ocullnt&nd Atlrlft S W.isth and Fsrnham St. PHOTOGRAPHERS- OEO HSYN , PROP. ' Grand Crntral Galler ) , 212 "Jixtccnth Street nevMasonlcHMl. First-class Work and Prompt * ne-is"'t uanntecd. PLUMBING , CAS AND STEAM FITTING P W. TARtY A CO. . 218 12th St. , bet. Faro- bam & Douglas. Work promptly attended to. D. FITZPATRICK , 1409 Douclis Street. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING HEN'KY A. KOSTE S.U12 Dodge Str et- PLANING MILL- A. MO YER , manufacturer of cash , doors , blinds' folding * , DCWO s , balusters , hand rail' , furnish * ng. scroll sawing , &c. , cor. Dodce and 9th sti PAWNBROKER ! J. ROSENFELD. SS210th St. bet. Fain. & Ear. REFRIGERATORS CANFIELD'S PATENT C. F. GOODMAN , llth St. , bet. Farn. & liar. SHOW CASE MANUFACTORY O. J. WILDE , llannfactnrer nd I > ealerin ll kinds of Show Cases , Uprifht Cases ic , 1317 Cass St. STOVES AND TINWARE. A. BURMESTER , Dealer In Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Roofs and all kinds of BuUdimr Work Odd Fellows' Block. J. BUNKER. 1809 Pong. Si , Oocdand Ch-sap. SEEDS J. KVANS , Whole ale-and Retail Seed'Drills- and Cultivates. Odd Fellowg U > U. SHOE STORES. Phllpp ! Inn ? , 1S20 Farnham st. bet. ISth & 14th. SECOND HAND STORE PEKKIKS & LEAK , 1418 Douglas St. , Sew and Scond Hand Farniture , House Furnishing Goodt , ts. , bought and told on narrow margin * . SALOONS. EEJfRY KAUFMANS , In the cew brick block on Douglas Street , "lias Just opened a most rlegant Beer Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 every day. FLANNERY , On Farnham , next to the B. & M. headqauton , ha * reopened a neat and complete cstabllih- ment which , barring FIRE , and Mother Shlp- ton'i Prophecy , will be open for the bojs with Hot Lunch on and after present Oate. "Caledonia. " J. FALCONER , 679 18th Street UNDERTAKERS HAS. R1EWE. 1012 Famham bet'lOth fcllth - 99 CENT STORES 3EXRY POHLMAV , toy . notioiw'pictures , welry , &i , 61314th bet. farnhim & Doag'as. . C. BACSU3,1203'Farnham { st. fancy poodf. A&EIOULTUEAL , "Why Raise Sheep ? National Live Stoek Journal. Because it will pay. That is to say : A farm of a given size can be stocked with sheep for less money than will be required if cattle , horses or hogs are employed. Sheep will come near er utilizing everything that grows on the farm that either or sll of the above named animals. Less labor will be repaired for get ting feed and stock together. The returns will come in sooner ( except with hogs ) and ofteuer than trom any other farm stock. Less money is required for fencing and shelter , when these are supplied ; and less labor is involved in herding , where outside pasturage is accessible and preferrred. Add to these the farther fact that a handsome income on the investment can be had without the sale tf the animals themselves , and one has the reasons why every farmer not exceptionally tituated should have a flock of sheep suited to his sur roundings. Cultivation of Wheat. Arthur R. Jenner Fust , in Journal of the Amer- ictn Agricultural Association. It is my firm belief that the real reason why ci" wheat crops onlyyield half as much as the English crops is , that in England they utilize sheep as grain growers , while we only consider them as wool aud mntton makers. I have even Heard of an estay on "Sheep as the BCivenpors of the Farm , " mean ing probably , ' " 'pickers dp of nncoosid- ercd trifles" in the form of weeds. Now though I object entirely to sheep be- In ? degraded into "scavengers/1 J with admirable inconsistency , admira them greatly in their office of dang carriers. And with reason ; for I was born and bred up to manhood la that pirt of England in which the whole of the j | farms are indebted for their very ex istence , as productire soil , to th eheepfold * * * How many years aio ; the regular system of folding tirat obtained I never could find ont It is a very simple business. Th sheep go to fold about seven o'clock in the eveningfthe npxt morning ns soon as the dew is otf , they are let out , and run on the natural down pistura fur an hour or two they are then allowed to fee : on some early forage plant' rye , tares , Winter barley , Winter osts ; then a few hours on the downs ngain ; another feed-of forage plants , and about 4 p. m. they graze their waj aloit ; the downs to the fold. The in- closure of wattled hurdles is arrangec to accommodate a certain number of sheep , so , thai the land may bo proper ly ana regularly manured. The calcu litlon is that ouo sheep mssing one night on one equ ro yard of lacd is equal , in money value to , 310s. ( $17 50) ) J per aero ; ) and it is upon this bisis that acts of husbandry , as they're called , for which the incoming tenant his to pay his predecessor , are valusd. Think for a moment of what passes in the fold during the night. Tre lane has baeu recently plowed ; the linquic aud solid' dejections are therefore easily absorbed , the oil from the fleece forming by no means an inap preclable part of them. The sheep many weighing from a hundred to I hundred and twenty pounds each , pass eight or ten hears couched on the eamo spot , and the pressure of their bodie ? , together wi'.h the trampling o ; their tiny , pointed hoofs , condense and solidity the land in a fashion thai no roller could hope to emulate. Baby Monkeys. ChJmbers Journal. Monkeys are born in almost as help less a condition as are human beings. For the first fortnight after birth they pass their time in being nursed , in sleeping and looking about them. Daring the whole of this time the cara aud attention of the mother are most exemplary ; the slightest sounder or movement excites her immediate notice ; and , 'with her baby in her arms , skillfully evades any approach log danger by the moat adroit manojuvres. At the end of the first ortnight the little one begins to got about by itself , but always under its mother's watchful care. She frequently attempts to teach it to do for itself , but never forgets her sol Icitude for its safety , and at the earl iest intimation of danger seizes it In ier arms and seeks a place of refuge. When abont six week old the baby bo- i > ins to need more substantial nutri ment than milk , and is taught to pro vide for himself. Its powers are speedily developed , and in a few weeks its ability is surprising. The mother's Fondtiois for her offspring continues ; she devotes all her care to its comfort and educationand , , should it meet with an untimely end , her grief is so in tense as to cause her own death "The care which the female bestow upon their offspring , " says Duvancel , "Is so tender and oven refined , that one would be almost tempted to attri- Diito the sentiment to a rational rather than "nn instinctive process. It is a curious and interesting spectacle , which a little precaution has sometimes enabled me to witness , to see theto 'omiles carry their young to the river , wash their faces in spite of their childish outc-les , and altogether be ( tow upon their cleanliness a time and attent'on that in many cases the children of nnr own species might Tell envy. The Malays , indeed , re lated a fact to me , which I doubted at first , hut which I believe to be in a great measure continued by my own subsequent observations : it is that the ynung siaraaugs , while yet too weak to go alone , are always carried by individuals of their own sax ; by their fathers if they are males , by their mothers if females. " d'Osbonvllle states that the pa rents exercise their parental authority over their children in a sort of Radical and strictly impartial form. ' 'The young cues were seen to sport and gambol with one another in the presence of their mother , who sat ready to give judgement and punish misdemeanor ! . When any ona was found guilty of fonl play or malicious conduct towards another ofthefamily , the parent interfered by seizing the young criminal by the tail , which she held fast with one of her paws tlllsbe boxed his oars with the other. " Food Adulteration. It is quite tima that some general movement should be made to check the practice of adulterating food. There is scarcely any article ) of food that has not been tampered with more or less in preparation. The announce ment that portions of auimal car casses could bo put through a process which would transform them into but ter hsa caused a very unpleasant sus picion to enter one's mind when the genuine article is served. The closer the imitation , the more dangerous the' cheat. A spurious article that can be distinguished at a glance from the genuine is sold only to these willing to take it at the price. ' It may ba nrgod that imitation which is so much like the genuine-as to defy detection is BO nearly as good' ' as the genuine that no harm is done by its file. On this point , , however , there will be a difference opinion/ The palate is educated as well as other seuses , and may be outraged through the'opera tion of thoCmlnd. Aa tbore is no pleasure which can be diverted en tirely from the.imagination , we must udmlt the mental as well as physical element in any taste we may possess , rhe mlndis _ trained to associate sweat , Fresh bntter with the living cow not trith the fat that attachs to her carcass ifter her service is over. The asso ciation is in harmony with the -flavor if the batter , and constitutes an ele- [ ' ment in the pleasure we experience at the taste BuHf < this association is destroyed If the idea , when butter is ! placed before us , comes Into our mind that the refuse of carcass has been skillfully treated and the result served up as butter our enj yment of what we have is impaired , if not entirely destroyed. The taste which is independent of the imagination is nu taste at all it is simply an animal craving for-nourishment. But butter i IH only one of 'the many articles which j are imitated or adulterated. It is i just as well , perhaps , not to go too I much Into detail. People who drink J' ' chiccory in place of coffee would not j enjoy the bayeMge the batter If In- j formed precisely what proportion is ' chiccory and what coffee. As for tea , the less we know of the manner of its preparation the batter. The knowledge , however , cf the extent to which we are impoied upon Is neces sary to put an end to the Imposition. With this purpose in view , boards of trade have inquired into the myste ries of the preparation of cer tain articles of food , and are surprised at tbs result of their inquiries. For instance , 8,000,000 gallons of vinegar is sold and used in Boston each year , of which less than one-tenth is the juice of the apple. The rest Is a de coction of molasses , glucose , acetic acid , sour ale , lager beer and distille ry slops. These Ingredients can be worked Into something like vinegar and sold for about one-half the cost of the ge'nulne article. In nearly all cases the spurious is seld under the representation that it Is the genuine , though , perhaps , not at the price the genuine article would * command if there were no other in the market. But there is a kind of vinegar worse and cheaper than this. One cent's worth of sulphuric acid supplies - , plies the "soar" for four gallons of vinegar , and , when disguised by other ingredients , its presence cannot be detected by the taste alone. The inspector specter of vinegar for Boston has recently published a report , in which he describes the methods of adultera tion and tha inyredients used. "Pure apple vinegar" is advertised and sold in the market as low as six cents a gallon , when the actual cost of a genuine article is twelve cents. A consequence of the cheat is that by giving a fair price one cannot be sure of procuring the genuine article. If the law can compel manufacturers to label their goods for what they are , people may not only distinguish be tween the genuine and spurious , but procure the former if they want it. THE GERMAN PRIVATE SOLDIER HIS TRAINING LESSONS IN SELF-RE STRAINT PUNISHMENTS. London News. The soldier's education commences from from the moment when he sets foot in the barracks. As ho is a mere bov , and might feel cock-a-whoop abont his uniform , he is not allowed to and swagger about town alone. During six weeks he remains in charge of a "gefreito , " who acts as his mon itor. The "gefreite" is either a cor poral or an old soldier that is one who has served at least two years , and is known for steadiness. Four re cruits are put under him , and he is re quired to instruct them in regimental customs , etiquette and rules ; to show them hovr their coats are to be made up , to point out aud name the officers to them in fact , to do them all the friendly offices possible. When the day's duties are over the gefreite generally takei his pupils out for a walk in the town , warns them of what places they must avoid , tells them where they may go , teaches them how to walk , whom to salute , etc. , and prevents them from squandering their money. His ser vices are given quite gratuitously. They are a token of the confidence whch his superiors place in him and he must not accept so much as a glass of beer In remuneration for them. All these provisions are most wise , aud the necessity for them will be readily un derstood. Germany is a poor country and it is hard enough for persons of the lower classes to see theiraons com pelled to serve in the army without their having to feel that these boys will learn extravagant and vicious habits in the regiment. On the con trary , German parents have the great cemfort of knowing that their sons will learn nothing but what is good in the army. Any one who has seen Ger man soldiers walking about the streets must have been struck with their in variably good conduct , their gentle ness , civility , and sobriety. Such a thing as a drunken soldier is no more to be met with than a drunken clergy man. Night brawling , riots in houses of ill-fame , ruffianly impertinence to women things common enough in some armies meet with no indulgence at all it the hands of German officers and sergeants. The French officers fancies he has no business to supervise the morals of hi * men ; he would , in deed , be laughed at by his brother officers if he attempted to do so , aud improper Intimacies with the other sex are regarded by him as thu most venial of peccadilloes. The consequence is that the streets round every French barracks teem a whole population of loose women , who are the soldier's ruin , driving him to drink , extort money from his friends on false pre tenses , break rules , and sometimes in steal. There Is nothing of this kind in connection with German barracks. A German soldier who is known to have contracted blamable intimacies to is pulled up short by his sergeant before - F fore the mischief can go very far. If ai the lad Is not to be cured of his folly , very strontj measures will be taken with him , aud perhaps he will be seut off to a garrison hundreds of miles hway. In some , the object of Ger man officers is to place themselves to ward their men in loco pircntia , in order thit when the soldier returns to of his homa his friends may be abio to say that he has vastly Improved In every respect. The veneration tl for the uniform is inculcated with such sare that a recruit to becomes penetrated with it almost at once , and dismissal from the army is accounted a mortal disgrace wuish leave * the delinquent no option but to go away from his country. Thieves , deserters , mutineers , incorrigible drunkards , are sentenced to stiff terms of imprisonment , but are never per mitted to serve again when their terms of punishment have expired ; nor ie any lad who has been tentenced to Imprisonment by the civil courts be fore the age of 17 allowed to enter the army. The recruit who joins : must have A blamdlesi record , besides being sound of wind and limb. As to this , it must bs remarked that the medical examination of intended . recruits takes place before the con- : Ecription , not after it , as In France ; and the doctors are very particular in passing none who , from physical ; infirmities , would bs likely to make poor soldier * . This may serve to ex } plain why lads who have not gone Into the army ara held in somewhat undeserved contempt. Although there are plenty who have escaped military service simply by drawing exemption numbers at the conscrip tion , it is too readily taken for grunt ed by the people that a man who has not served must have done something wrong , or have some blemish in his body. Young men of good education and social positions never oacipe ser vice , as they Invariably volunteer at 17. In 1879 there was not a soldier of superior education who had been enrolled in the service by conscrin- * ion. Meteorological Beport. Month.of May , 18S1. Maan barometer. 29.978. Highest barometer , 30.499. Lowest baromeUr , 29.520 inches. Monthly rang * of barometer , 0.979 inches. Mean daily range ot temperature , 4,51 degrees. Highest temperature , iSdegrees. Lowest temperature , 6 degrees. Monthly range of temperature , 72 de grees. Prevailing direction of wind , north. Greatest velocity of wind , sontbeMt on 80th. Total number of miles , 8,185. Average hour velocity , 11,37 miles. Number of clear days , 5. Number of cloudy days , 14- Number of days on which rain or snow fall , 14. Gates of frost , 13th , 13th and 2nd. COMPARATIVE TKHPEBATOBia. Dr. Lentz.the traveler , report * hay ing found singing land in the Sahara. At certain times he heard low mur mur in cs ; and plaintive sounds in the sand hills of the desert. These sounds would Increase and decrease in in tensity , an ! ceaae at last , He ex plains the phenomenon by differences In the tetnpearture causing the loose grains of sand to hit against one another and make the air roveberato. Travelers often reported having fanci ed hearing a tolling of distant beliB by the side of each land hills , similar to the sounds produced ; by river or a waterfall. Almost Craey. How often do we see the hardwork ing father straining every nerve and muscle , and doing his utmost to sup port his family. Imagine hi * feelings when returning home from a hard day's labor , to find his family prostrate with disease , conscious of unpaid dee tors' bills and debts on every hand. It must be enough to drive one almost crazy. All this unhapoluess con'd be avoided by using Electric Bitters , which expel every disease from the system , bringing joy and happiness to thousands. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by lab. < fc MoMahon. (4) ( ) GBEATEST REMEDY KNOWN. Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption > s certainly the greatest medical remedy ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity. Thou sands of once hopeless sufferers , now loudly proclaim their-praise for thia wonderful Discovery to which they we their lives. Not only does Itpon- tively cure Consumption , but Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Brorchlta , Hay- Fever , Hoarsneis and all affections of the Throat , Cheat and Lungs yields at once to ita wonderful curative pow er as if by ma ic. We do not ask you to buy a large bottle unless you know what you are getting. We therefore earnestly request you to call on your druggist , J. K. ISH , and get a trial bottle free of cost which will convince the most skeptical of its wonderful merits , and show you what a regular one dollar fiize bottle will do. For bale by lah & McMahon. (4) ( ) NOTICS We were mffprinj tha mot excru ciating pain from inflammatory iheumttigm. One application of Or. Thorn is' Eclectrc Oil af forded almost nstant relief , and two fifty-cent bottlej effected a permanent core. O. E COMSTOCK , Caledonia , Minn. Arnica Salve 1'bo BEAT SALVE In the world ( or Cuta , BrnioBB , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Tatter , Chapp- ad Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve Is guaranteed to give perfect eatlafac- tied in every case or money re funded , Price 25 cents per box. For sale by 8dly Tab & McMahon Omaha. NOTICE ! To Whom it May Concern : Owner * of outlet number 210 In Florence , Ne- . You are hereby notified that on the 18th day of Aujujt , A. D. 1S79 , one Thomis Barrett pur chased nH outlet number 210 In Florence , Dong- las County , Nebraska , and thit the tlmeof re demption will expire August 18th , 1551. Said outlet was taxed for tha jeir A. D. 18T7 , for whlcb taxes it was sold as a'oreiaid. 8M outlet - lot was taved In no name. The certiflea'e of sold sale hat been transferred to and in now held by me. DEITEE L. THOMAS. _ ap28- LEGAL NOTICE. To N. Schmithroth t Co. : You re hereby notified that on the 19th day of March 1SS1 , Joseph B. West < urt Cbatiea L. Frltscher commenced a civil action against yon D'foreGusUr * Penecke , Justice of the Peace In and for the county of Douglat and state of Ne- bra > ka , to recover the sum of 190 90 and interest thereon from the 27th day of Hay , 1830. An or der of attachment has been issued in said action and your property taken thereunder. You ire required to appiar , answer and di- fend Bait ! action on the 17lh day of Uay , 1881. CilAKLKS H. BROWN , Attorney for West & FriUcher. M-erm-tt SPECIAL MASTER COMMISSION ER'S SALE. By virtue of ai. order of * ! iuued out of tke District Court , In and for Douglas County , Ne braska , and to me directed , I will , on the 31ft day of May , A. D. 1881 , at U o'clock noon of paid day , at the south deer of th * Co tut House the cty of Omaha , in said Gtnnty , seU at public auction the property doicribed In said order , to wit : Lottix(6) ( ) In block one hundred in 1 serAty-one (171) ( ) , In the city of Omaha , In said Douglas C'onnty , Nebraska , together with all the appurto lances thireunto belonging , sitMy n ] udgmnt et tald court recovered by Ferdinand Streltx airainst Andrew R. Orchard uid Aman la M. Orchard , defendants. WILUAM. SIMEKAL , apIS-It Special Master Ooomusnoner. NOTICE ; To Whom it May Concern : Owner of outlet number 209 in Florence , Doug Ics County , Nebraska , Ytu are hereby notified that on the ISth day Aurust , A. D. 1879 , one Tbornan Birrett pur chased s ttd outlet namb i 209 In Florence , ? > eb. , ind that the time of redemption will expire Auznst 18th , 1881. Said outlet was taxed for tne year 1877 , for which tax It was sold as afore said in the name of the FIoieaceLtndCompiny. rne certificate of stld sile has been transferred and is now held by me ipS8St DEXTER L. THOMAS. LEGAL NOTICE. Jacob Johnson and Ellen Johnson , bit wife , will tike notice that on the 20th day of April. 1831 , Wlllhm T. Seaman , plaintiff , herein filed Us petition in the District Court , of Douglai County , Nebraska , against said de'endants , tha object and prayer of which are to fareclote a certain mortgage executed by the laid defend- uiti to one F. B. Brjunt. and by said Bryant July sold and transferred to one C. J. Canan , and by said Canan duly so ) d and transferred to said Seaman , upon let nice (9) ( ) in block "Y , " in Shlnn's 8d addition , to the City ot Omaha , In Douglas Co. , Neb. , to secure the payment cf a ertalnpromisary note dated April 9th , 1374 , for the sum of 1116 25 and interest , and cue and payable In three months from the date thereof , tnd tnat there Is now due npon said note md mortgage the sum of f 118 25 and interest at .he rate of 12 per cent per annum from maturity md an attorney's fee ; clalntlff prays for a decree hit defendants be required to pay the tune or hat taid premises may be sold to satlzfy the unount found due. You are required to ansrer si'd petition ec r befon. the 30th day cf M y , 1831. WM. T. SEAMAN. By A. CHIBWICX , His Attorney. ted , Apiil 20th , 1S31. aptter thil UNO. Q. JACOB3 , ( Tormirly cf Qlih 4 Jacoix. ) TAKER fo. HIT Fsrntum St. . Old 8Und of J eob Oil 1RDKRS Hi TKLKGRAPB SOLICIT * SUBSCRIBE FOR THE WFJEKLY BEE , The Beat"in the West. THEE NO CHANGING CiRS StjrWTBS OMAHA AND CHICAGO , Whtre Dire ct connections re Made IVHh Throngh Sleeping Car Lines TO New York , Boston , Philadel- pbio , Baltimore. Wasli- AND ALT , EASTERN OlTiES. THE SHORT LINE via PEORIA for Indianapolis.CincinnatiLouis ville. AXD AU. TOUTS n TBI THB BEST LINE FOR ST. LOUIS , Where Direct Connection ! are made in the UNION DEPOT with Throuzb Sleeping Car Line * for all PolnU S O TT TEC. The New Line for PBS 3 COI3ST ES. The Favorite Koute for Tha uneqnaled Inducements offered by this Line to Travelers and Tournw , are as follows : Ihe ( eUhrated Pullman (16-whceI ( ; Palace SleepIng - Ing Can , run only on this Line. C. , B. & Q. PjJac * Drawing-Room Cora , with Horton's Kc- llninf Ch-lrs No extra clur < i for Seata in Reclining Chain. The famous < - . , V. & Q. Palace Dlninir Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cor ? C'tscl with Elegant filth-Backed lU'Un Kevolvinir Chairs for the exolutivo luo of first-tJasa pieson- g n. Steel Track and Superior Equipment , com bined with their Great Through Car Arrango- sntnt , make * this , above all others , the favorite Boute to the East , South , and Sonth-Kist. Try it , and you will flaJ traveling a luxury Instead of * discomfort. Through Ticket * via tbh rele rated Line for sale at a'l ' offices in the United btatesand Canada. All information about Rates of Fare , Sleeping Car Accommodations , Time Tables , &s , will bs cheerfully given by apph In ? to JAMES B. WOOD , General Passenger Agent , Chicago. T. J. POTTtR , General Manager , Chicago SHORT 188O. K.C.,8T. JOE&G.B.8.K. , It the only Direct tine to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST from OMAHA ua the WEST. Ho change of cars between Omaha , and tti. LouU ind but one between Omaha and New York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Eastern & Sffegtern Cities With lees charges and in advance of other lines. This entire line la equipped with Fnllmaa'i Palace Sleeping Cara , falace Dsj Douch es , Miller's Safety Platform end Coupler and the celebrated HEE THAT YOUR TICKET READS J sWVla Kansas City , Si. Joseph and'Bt OTConncilBlnagK.R.vla Stttt JST Joe anOSt.Lonl5.-ea Ttck U for sale at all coupon siitloua In tht West. J. F. BARNARD , A. C. DAW2S. Ocnl Snpt. , Qen'l Pm. & Ticket Agt St. Joseoh.Mo. Bt. Joseph , U.O , W C. 8EACHREST , Ticket Agen. , 1620 Famhao Street , ANDY BORDEN , A. B. EABNABD , Pass. Agent,0mah . Oon'rl Agent , Omahi. a week in yuur own town. leroc and outfit fre . Adrfn-83 n. Hill t & Co. Ponland , Ha HaM. M. B. KISUON , General Insurance Igenf , PHO3N1J ABdUrun , - . . J Lon. don , Cash Assets . $ S,107i : : ffESTODTeSTKK. N. Y. , Capital . 1,000,0 J THE MERCHANTS , of Newark , N. J. , l.OOC.CO OIRARD FmEPblladelphaCapltal. ! . 1,00,000 NORTHWESTERN NATIONALCap- iui . eoc.oo- FIREMEN'S FUND , CulUornla . 800 M BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE Co 1,200COC NEWA IK FIRE INS. CO. , Acsets. _ SoO.CCC AHKRICAF CENTRAL , Aeseta . 300 WC S ut Cor. nf Fifteenth AT Douglas St. OM4HA.NT1. To .Nervous Sufferers The Great European Remedy Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific Medicine. It is a positive cur * forSpermatorrhea , Semiim. Weakness , Impotency , and all dlsesses resulting from Self-Abuse , as Mental Anxiety , Lo ol Memory. Pains In the Back or Side , and dlsci > < e3 ixrcsi. thit _ leaA . . to Consumption Insahlty and anearlysravo The Specific Vedldne U being use with wonder ful success. Pamphlets sent frea to all. Write for them get full particulars. Price , Specific , $1.00 per package , or six p ci- agesfortfi.M. Address all orders to . B. SIMPSON MEDICINE CO. , Nos. M and 103 Main St. , Buffalo , N. 7. Sold In maha by 0. F. Goodman , J. IV. Bull J. K. I Jh nd all druggist ( verywheie. a week | 12aday at home easily made ; cash o IMrrt * Ttni. * Op PnHlr..l.V AGENTS WANTED FOR Fastest Selling Bocfe of the Agel Foundations oi Success , BUSINESS AND SOCIAL /ORMS The laws of trade , legal forms , how to trans act business , valuable tables , social etiquette , parliamentary asnage , how to conduct public bnslnealu ; fact It is a complete Guide to Success for all c.utos. A family necessity , /'dross "or circulars and special terms ANCHOR PUBLISHING - ING CO. , St. Lmls , Mo. _ _ CHARLES RIEWE , UNDERTAKER ! Metallo Cases , Coffins , Caskets , Shrouds , etc. Fare m 8tre . Oth and llth , Omaha , Neb. Til < ? r ohlo orilen orotnntlv attended to. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC AKD St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Reliable "Siota Ciiy JRoute 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE From-COUNOIL BLUFFS to ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMAROK , A'nd all points In Northern low * . Minnesota an Dakota. This Una la equipped with tha Im proved Westlnjhouse Automatic Air Brake * am Miller Platfoiui Coupler and Buffer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT If cnsnrpaarod. Elegant Drawing Boom mi Sleeplu ; Care.own.ed and controlled * > r the com pony , run Through Without Change betwMn Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bloffa , and St. Paul. Trains ICITO the Onion Pidfl Transfer Depot at Council Blafft , at 6:15 p m. reaching Sioux City at 10:23 p. m. , and St. Pan at 11:05 a. m , maktny HODBS -ADVANC * o AMY OlJIEB ROUTJL Rctnrcln ? , leave St. Paul at $30 p. in. . rLic at Sioux City at 1:15 a. m. , and Unlc , . Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , at a a. ro. Be Euro that your tleketa read vl " 8. C k P. R. R.1 F. C. HILLS , Superintendent , Missouri Valley , Iowa' P. E. ROBINSON , Asj'i Gen'l Pass. Agent. J. H. O-BRYAN. ij.1 Paaaengar Agsnt. & Council Bluff MAKE NO MISTAKE ! MICA AXT.T : GREASE Composed largely ot powdered mica and MturU'l i the ba'it and cheapest lubricator In the world. t h tb best because ! t does not earn , but forms a hUhly poUalicd surfa-'e over the axle , dolnj away with a lar o aiuouut of friction. It is the cheapest because you nuflJ UK bnt half the [ luntlty in ( rreisln ? your w con that you wonll if any other * xle jjrea e made , and then run _ 'our v.3ion tnicsaslong. It angwera equally 3 well for 31111 Gearing , Threshing Machine * , ! uRi93 , 4c , aa for warons Send ter Pocket IjcIopeJUof Things Worm Knowing. Mailed reetnscr nl.ircfa MICA MAHDFAGTURINC CO. , 31 MICHIGAN AVENUE , CHICASO. YO'.T Dealer For It nctl AGENTS WANTED F jR CREATIVE SCIENCE and Sexual Philosophy. 'rou. ! rlr ilhwtratcd. The moat important in eat bo < .k published. Every family wants ixtraonlinary inducements offered Atent ( . Address Aa ra'PuBUsnixaCo. St. LouisMo- WROUlBHflifoT FENCES. Wlro Fendnif and RaUlne Sp cJallty. Their beautr , pormanance and economy daily warkn ! ; th extinction of all fencing chenp rmterial. Elegant in dusn. IndCfitrnctlbla Fence * for Lawn3PnMlc Grounds und Comet - t y Plata. Iron Ya 3 , r.ivrn SattM , canopied and of runic patterns ; Chairs aud every description of Iron nd Wira ornamental work deslirned awl manufactured by E T. BARNUM'S Wire and Iron Work , 17,29 and 31 Woodward Are. , De troit , Mica. Scii < " . - "B 'vl Dialogue and rlca lint "ecSt $2,250.000 ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. E.XTILVORDINART DR.VWINO , APRlLlZth. 15000 TICKETS ONLY , 722 PRIZES. SMALLEST PRIZE , $1.000. 1 Priza $1.0CO,000 1 Prize $25,000 1 Prize 200 , WO S Prize3 , $10 , (00 each 0,000 1 Prize 100,000 S Frizes , 6,000 a-h 40,000 1 Prize eo.000 722 Prizes am't'jr to $2,250,000 Whole Tickets , SI60 ; Halves. $30 ; Quarters , $40 ? Tenths$10 ; Twentieths , $3 , Fortieths , ft. Little Havana la governed entirely by the above drawing. 1 Prize , $6,000 722 Prizes , $16,119. Whole } , 82. Halves , SI. ROMAN & CO. Successois to TAYLOR & Co. , New York. Direct all communications and money to ROMAN & CO. , * General Agents , 233 Chapel Strecta , New Ilavon , Conn. m4lm GEO. a. PAKSELL , M. D. Booms < n Jacobs Clock , up stairs , corner of Cacltal Avenue and 35th street. Residence 1425 Sherman Avenue. May iie consult ed at resi leice 7 to 9 p. m. except Wedneadayi. SPEC1ALTV Obstetrics and Diseases of Wo. men. Office hours 0 to 11 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m. Sunaaya 5 to 7 D. ra m2-8m REED'S ITIME " , By "Aimont , " he by Alexander's "Abdallah. Sire of "floldsmith Maid ; " First dam "On Timo" by'War Dance , " san of the r downed "Lcxliijtoo ; ; " Second , "Ella Brojkonridge" by "Collossus , " son of imported "dovsreizn. ' "Almont'g" first dam by "Maoibrlno Chief andhUSiroby HjsJlck * * "Hambletouian. " This remarkable boree will be five y ara old In May , he will serve only 35 marcs ( half of whicli number Is naw cnjajed ) at $2iCO per mare , payable at time of service. Season commence } April 1st and will end Sept. 1st. After that time bis tcrvice will be nut at $35 00. Any mare that his trotted in 1:30served : FRSK ALLTIMEwillstandMondays' Tucsdjjs' and Wednesdays' each week , begin ning the first ot April , on Twentieth , wegt of Eighteenth street car-track terminu , and the remainder of each week at the corner of llth and Howard streets. D. BEED , Proprietor. Stable Corner llth and Howard Streets. marleodSm Machine Works , J , Hammond , Prop. & Manager. Tha rawt thorough appointed and complete Michir.e Shops and foundry In tha lUta. C tlnd ol over ? description mannfictad. Enint , Pumpa and every claaa of machinery msrto to order. order.pedal attention given to Well Angnrs , Pulleys , Hancers , Shaf tinjr.Bridfje Irons , Geer TJattlng , etc Pl&njforuow Jfachinery.Heachanlcal Dracrbt n ? , Models , o ; . , neatly exvnted. B6 Harnev St. . Bet. lltti ana 16tb. TBIIE APPETIZER SURE CURE For COUGHS , COLDS , BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA , CONSUMPTION - TION , and all Diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS. The mort acceptable preparation ! n tha known world. By addlnjr to TOLU ROCK and RYE ittli Lemon juice , you bars an eiellent Appetizer and TontC. for sreneral and family ns . Ti * Immense and Inereartnf talei and the numerous testimonial * nceir d dally art th * bat tridtnce * o f lu Tirtues and popularity. Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than any article in the market. PA'ITIflll .DONT BE DECEIVED by nnprtnclpled dral r who try to palm off upon TOO UH J I lUll * common Bock and Rye In place of our TOLU ROCK and RTE , whlchl. the only MEDICATED article mad , the GENUINE natter a GOVERNMENT STAMP on each bottl * . Extract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue : TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE OF INTERNAL RKVKJfU 1 Wi Hts ox D.C. , Jan nary J8.1SSO. I MMin. LAWRENCE ft MAKTCf , 1111 ICadigon St Chlcaeo. lllj. ; GHTUXKI : Tub compound. In tha opinion of thl * office , would have a wjffldsnt qantltT > the BALSAil OT TOLU to giro It all th advantajea ascribed to this article la pectoral complalnU while tha whlalcy and th * lyrnp conitttnte an emulsion nnderlnR It an atneabe | | rtmdr to tb patient. Coiaponndid according to tha formula. It may properly b claued a * a MEBlClhAL PREPARATION und r th * proTislons of U. S.Hprlwd SUtutcs , and when toeUmp , my U sold by Druggijti , ApothMirle * and Oth r Persona wltnout rcnderio ; ; them liable to pay tpieUI tax at liquor dealer * . Tours Respectfully , ( Signed ) GREEN. B. BAUM , Commissioner LAWRENCE & MARTIN.Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DRUGGISTS , GROCEBS and DEALERS everywhere . . . tf C.F. GOODMAN. AGKST. mfAH\ T.His NEW AND CORRECT TVTATa fts' " ProYes beyond any reosonablo question that the CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN R'Y Is by nil odds the best road for you. to taio when travellns In either direction between i Chicago and all of the Principal Points In the West , North and Northwest. < Carefully examine this Map. The Principal Cltlej of the West and Northwest are Statlotu on this road , lu through trains rnaku dose connection * with the trains of all railroads at Junction points. THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , M PULLMAN HOTEL JJINZKTG'CAKS.V It Is the onty road that runs Pullman Sloeplnfr Cars North or Northwest of Chicago. It ha nearly S.opoSliLES OFROtW. It forma the followlnjr Trunk Lines ; CoancllBluffs.Denver&CalifornialJnf ! . " "Winona , Jllnneso to & Central Dakota Lino. * * ty.fcor. Nebraska&Yankton . " " . . . Jouk Line. "Chicago , St. Paul and Minneapolis Lino. A r-lu.111019' Fieeport & Dubuque Line. " "Mllwaukoo. Green Bay & Lake Sttportor Line. " Tickets over this road ara sold by all Coupon Ticket Agents in the United Slate * nd . t/anadas. Eemember to ask for Tickets via this road.bosnre they rend over It , and take none other. JIABTIS nr/aHITr.Genl / Manager. Chicago , AW. D. SXESSBTT , GenT Pass. Jigent. Chicago. HARRY P. OOEL , , Ticket Aitent C. SN. W. Railway , 14lh and Tarnham Streets. I ) . K. KIMBALJj. Assistant Ticket Azent C. & N. W. Rallway.lUh and Farnham Street * . J. BELL , Ticket Agent C. & N. W. Railway , U. P. R. R. Depot. JAMES T.CLA.RE 'General Atent. GHAS. SHiVERICK. FURNITURE , BEDDING , FEATHERS W JLIsrXDO'W SDaiIDSS. . And Everything pertaining to the Fnrnitnre and Upholstery Trade. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS AT THt ap U moo th ut 1208 and 1310 Fnrnliam Street. -OF- LIST y MAMMOTH GLOTING HOUSE. Hard Wearing Goods I Men's Cotton Suits 5400 Men'a Cottonade Pante 10 to 1 50 Men's Cotton Worsted 600 Men's Cwdimsre Pants 3 00 to 500 Men'sJe.ina v. ' ' * 592 Men's Worsted Pante 3 60 to 5 75 Men's Satinet Soita SfrOto 6 CO Spring Overcoats 800 to 1800 Men's TJninnCasi Suite 800 to 1000 White Vesta 1 00 to 2 00 Men's All-Wool Suite 12 50 to 18 00 White Shirts 624 to 125 Men's Wonted Suite 13 50 to 20 00 Fancy Shirts. 37ito 175 Men's Blue Flannel Suits. . . . 750 to 13 50 Cossimero Shirts. . . . . . . . . . . . ICO to 350 Yonth'sSuite 400 to 900 Blue Flannel Shirta lOOto 175 Bo/sSnlto 27oto 900 Overalls and Jumpers..50c and upwards Children's Suite 250to 600 Suspenders 25 to 450 Men'i Jeani Pants lOOto 200 Cotton Half Hose 40c to 315 00 per doxen Complete line of Keck Wear , Linen Collars and Sum mer Underwear. Silk Handkerchiefs , Hats , Caps , Gloves , Trunks and Valises , Boots and Shoes. Agent for San Francisco and Oregon City Woolen Manu facturing Company. M. ELGUTTER'S MAMMOTH CLOTHING HOUSE , 1001 Farnham , Corner 10th Street. THIEI IPIEOIPILiIEiS3 OUST-E IPIRIIIGE Cash Dry Goods Store , CORNER SIXTEENTH AND CALIFORNIA STREETS. . . ; With a Fine Hew Stock ot DRY GOODS , NOTIONS AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. It will pay you to examine this stock as everything is entirely new , and great bargains will be given. & - - IPZROIPS ! V