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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1881)
f The Daily Bee. 'Monday Morning , May 2. May fa here. United States court begins to-day. B. & M. trains are running regularly. Meeting of the board of education thli evening. Grand army entertainment on Wed nesday evening. * The steamer "Bucket" Is eipectec lere in three or four days. I Marshall Angell orders that all alleys S nst be cleaned within ten dayi or the property holders fined. AmeetinKof tke carpenters and join ers' onion -will be held at 8 o'clock to- Borrow evening at Brandt's Turner Hall. < . The diagram for the entertainment oi the Lingards to-morrow evening , "Stolen Kisses , " opens this aoruing at Edholm & Erickson's. The monthly re ee ting of the Nebras ka state stenographers' association trill be held at 8 o'clock , at the office of Jehu T. Bell. One hundred and fifty Mormon emi grants arrived in the city Saturday eve- sin ; ; over the Northwestern road and were sent to Utah. Arrangements are miking to add an other feature to the Fourth of July cele bration in this city , in the shape of an ex hibition by the Omaha brigade club. This dnb was recently organized and has some fifteen members. George Patterson is president , Harry Cranz , secretary , and John Carrier , captain of the club. Paterson sells coat. J Frederick , JLeading Hatter. tnlltf Nice Brushes at Kuhn's. See Polack'a advertisement. 4030 residence lots. Bemis , agent. , 500 business lots. Call on Eemis. . 1 I Try Sare'a celebrated Cream Soda. L Bemis' new map of Omaha , 25 cents. Bestis * real estate boom. First page. 250 houses and lots. . Bemis' agency. 200 farms and 900,000 acres land. Bemis . | Work on the new elevator begins ha week. Saxe's celebrated Cream Soda now on 'draught. ' t makers wanted , C. J. Canan & ' Oo'e. Whipple , McMillan & Co. , the jewel. ra , CKlgbton"Block , o26-tf _ Fine'cigars by the box , very cheap , at "Kubn'B Drugstore , ' " For TJSZ Commercial Joh Printing , call at THE BEE Job rooms. 3nU line -Imported and Domestic Cigars at Saxe'e Drag store. Mixed paints , Whitehouse's drag store , Ifch and California streets. aS-sod-lm The eale of reserved seats for the Lin- Tfaids in "Stolen Kisses , " has commenced. The New York Hat Co. have received their Spring Styles. See their card in this . issue. ; _ _ TheBteamers"Rtiche ; " and "Dakota" are now expected here on their way up the > rirer. -Nindel &Krelle , Hatters , Sign of the Golden Hat , 14th St , bstween Farnham and Douglas. 15-tf Pioneer Hook and Ladder Company holds ita annnal meeting and election on Tuesday evening. If yon want Bill-Heads , Letter-Heads -Envelopes or any job work , call at TEZ ; Job Rooms. Prices that will suit etery one. Miss Julia Hardenburgh and Miss L. A. Eogers will Rive a musical and dram atic entertainment at the Unitarian church thia _ evening. . u.-rAn opportunity is offered to obtain an Interest in a jobbing house in this city. For particulars call or address D. H. ' Goodrich , Manager B. G. Dun & Co. . ; The carpenters and joiners resolved to demand " 25 per cent. " advance on May 1st , instead of " 25 cents advance , " as was , reported to THE BEE after their meeting a "low evening * since atJMetzhalL Krug , the brewer , sent m keg of Bock beer to the BEE office Saturday. The ami- - ' ' treating law has not yet gone into effect , smd probably does not include Bock beer , which comes , like Christmas , only once a 'ANNOUNCEMENT BUSHMAN'S. SUOH VALUEI - . - NO SUCH VALUEI -p.i L "NO SUCH VALUE ! IN OMAHA befound as Bnshmtn'a in ry , lu. Drera.Gboda , in Fringw , Cord and Twels. Fancy Ornaments , Unttoni , Prints , Glng- . h ms , TWo Linens , Shswb , Ribbons , r < Tiea , etc. , etc. , etc. COME AND SEE ! COME AND SEE ! COME AND SEE ! , , No rEJLTJD , NO H0MBUQS , JTO ADTZE- ' Tisnro DODOES , but the genuine bar- ' " galna and lair dealings In all depart ments at BUSHMAN'S , " "iS.l-W. Corner ttonglas and 15th St. _ _ ap26-tf THE CHEAPEST PLACE for best quality Boots and Shoes is at KTDD'S NEW SHOE STORE , IBth , street , Jacobs' Block. No old fossil or petrified shoes , such as Dry Goods Stores keep. PERSONAL Rlchsrdm , daughter of Lyman Richardson , of thi Herald , left for Den ver , yesterday. Mr. C. P. Southard , chief operator in "IhVtelephone exchange office , leaves for the east to-day. Miss Ella J. Spoor left yesterday for St. Louis , where she will take tip her residence with her parents. Engineer Bradley , of fire engine Ko. 1 , is Tery ill at his home in this city. He is .afflicted with a bronchial affection. \T Auditor ft "W. Gannett and family atarted for Ogden , yesterday , accompanied by Mn. Afandereon and Mrs. Wallace , Mr. D. 0. Clark , superintendent of the coal department oj the U. F. railroad , left for the east yesterday afternoon. R. R. Bingwalt , general agent of the Pennsylvania railway company's last freight lines , left for the east yesterday afternoon , by the Burlington route. Mr Ring-rait goes to Mt. Clemens mineral springe , Mich. , near Detroit , for a conrra. trf treatment for the rheumatism. . fcNe x Hbe "Lutheran church , Den ial street , between 12th and 13th. V i w A , W. TUELRIEDE , exclusive boot and shoe dealer and annf actarer , will and does give bet ter bargains than any other store , dry g oodi * or not c pted , in allldads 'of'boot § adstoe . A trial is asked t Follrledc'i. MOB LAW. Disgraceful Attempt to Take a Prisoner from an Officer. The Policeman Calls in Vain for Help from the Crowd. At about 5 a'clock lest evening a fight occurred In Curry's saloon , on Tenth street , between Douglas and Dodge , the participants being Tom McOue , a whiUTxnan , and a colored man named AL Irawla. Officer Pat Ford , who is proprietor of _ the Niagara home , in the same neighborhood , was seated at his sup per , being off duty , when he was in- formea of the trouble , and started at once for the ealoon. From what he could see and learn McCae was chiefly responsible for the trouble , and ho arrested him at once. McCue Insisted that tbe negro should ba arrested , and the crowd with him joined in the de mand. It was evident , however , to the officer that under the circumstances he had his hands full with one man , and he ordered his prisoner along with him. McCue declined to go , and a scene followed which It ia hoped may never be seen in Omaha again. The prisoner was a strong man , and while Ford could get him across the room to the narrow door he was unable to get him through the aperture. He attempted to do so again and again , and'flnally called on the crowd in the saloon and at the door , which by this time numbered two orlhre , hundred men , to assist him. Not a "man would do so. In the meantime the prisoner waa violent and ugly , and had struck and kicked the officer .several time , whose braised and bloody countenance gave evidence of the force of the blows. The officer at last drew his billy , when all other means had failed , and used it effec tively , for the moment bringing the prisoner to terras , and starting with him for the jaiL When a few steps from the saloon the prisoner again made , an effort to get away , and for a moment snccseded , bat Ford was ac tive , and in a moment had ilm in hand , and once more appealed to the crowd to assist him. By this time it waa evident that Ford and his man wore Immediately surrounded by friends of McOne , and that none of the few respectable men" in the out skirts of the crowd would be per mitted to assist the officer. By this time the officer hid been struggling with his prisoner for nearly an hour. Many ruffians and despera does in the crowd were urging McOne to break loose or to ' 'hit the 'cop' again. " The crowd had been momentarily increasiog until it form ed a vast mob. One saloon keeper , named Julius Ross , openly advised the crowd to"make Ford let McOue goer or take the nigger , " and at last m.a.- ted the steps in front of his saloon and proceeded to make a speech to the crowd to the same effect. Officer Ford succeeded in reaching lis house at last and allowed his pris- er to enter and wath the blood from ais face. At this juncture Officer McEwen joined Ford and the two proceeded np Farnham .street with their prisoner. * The incendiary talk of-Ross and others had born fruit , however , and at the corner of Twelfth street the officers were violently attacked by a mob of some twenty roughs , headed by an oldman named Connelly andhls scns $ Iart and Tom and Mike GUllsan. Fordjns brutally pounded , kicked and bruised. One of the gang drew a revolver and brandished it. Ford also drew a weapon , bnt refrain ed from using it. The officers were joined by Officer Black , and proceed ed to cake the three Connellys Into custody. Two men In the crowd of fered to take the elder'Connelly to jail , and , as it.lookedlnnlikely that the officers would reach'the lock-up with their men were permitted to do so. Instead of taking Connelly to jail they took him home. Another movement to capture the prisoners'was made arid a rQBh made up Farnham street , the police having got a .couple. jf blocks the start. About a regiment of men , most of whom were probably moved by by cu riosity , passed up Farnham street on a rnn and joined the mob in front cf the court house , but whatever their Intentions were the officers got through" to the jail In safety with Me- Cue and the Connelly boys and looked them up. Officer .Ford evinced during the en tire transaction the grit , tenacity and staying" powers of a bull dog , and it will be a source of regret to law abid ing citizens to learn that he received aome iLjuries in the fracas which may prove serious. "So person trho saw the affair can doubt the necessity of an Immediate addition to our police force , which in time of emergency Is wholly insuffi cient for the demands oE this city. MOWEKS , ALL OF THE BEST PATTERNS , at Erana' SEED Store , a28-3t 14thndDodge. . " LARGE STOCK of Lsdlea' and Misses' best quality N w York and Philadelphia Shoes , and stacks of them coming , at KIDD'S JSEW SHOE STORE. * * * " XA.STCHANOE ; No New Scholars will be admitted in the Dancing Sihool 'after , Thurs day , May 5th. AH those wishing to join will be admitted Monday and Thursday at 4.p. mt , Inquire at A. HOSPS'S , 1619 Dodge St. California Port Wine st PandlV , IF YOO WANT the best gooda , the finest and most -stylish work , at the lovxst possibleprict , go teA A KtNSON . & CO.'S. , Go hear * 0'Leary tb-hight. "Three Ply" best 5a cigar In market - ket at Pnndt's. All those Children's Nobby-Hats' ' came fronvATKINSON , & CO/S. ,33. ANOTHER BUBGLARY , The Hardware Store of D. A. Piercy Entered on Sat urday Night. An Attempt to Chloroform thd Family and to Blow Up the Safe frustrated. Two or more burglars , doubtless members of the gang which has been committing various depredations in this city since communication opened with Council Bluffs , entered the hard ware store of D. A. Piercy , 1211 Farn ham street , on Satnrdy night , drilled a hoto Into his safe and carried ofi about fifty dollars worth cf property. The entrance was made through B window in the rear of the store , out of which a pane of glass was cut. One of the burglar ; , wno is evidently a small or a very limber man , crawled through the opening thus made und sprung the lock of the rear door , ad mitting hia companions. They then proceeded Into the front store and drilled a hole In the safe door. This was evidently accomplished with an ordinary drill , and must htve taken an hour or more , as the door plate Is of the best steel and nearly three- quarters of an inch thick. After this was accomplished powder , to tha amount of a half pound , was poured into tke hole and preparations made to blow the lock. The burglars must have been unable to use a lock , as that amount of pow der would , doubtless , not only have blown the door and the leek , but would have shattered the en tire safe and awakened eveiy one within a half block of tbo store. iTo provide against arousing Mr. .Piercy and hia family , who reside im mediately over the store , one of Ihe burglars went np stairs by a back ( stairway out of the store , and went Into Mr. Plercy'a sleeping room. Mrs. Piercy had been awakened a abort time before by the crying of one of her children and on getting np had noticed that it was just one o'clock. She wai hardly asleep when the ma rauder entered the room , and heard him step. Thinking it was the ser vant girl she called her by name bnt .received . no response. The atep was heard a second time , as if receding , and still thinking It was the servant girl who- was up for something Mrs. Piercy paid no more attention to it and did not awaken her husband. In the morning Mr. Plercy'a little daugh ter discovered that the back door of the store was open , and the discovery of the burglary was then made. It was found that a quantity of old bed- quilts and sackshadbeen brought to the back door , probably for the purpose of covering the safa when the explos ion occurred. About fifty dollars worth of cutlery and plated ware was taken. The burglars evidently left in a hurry and took -what they could con veniently get their hands en. No clua of any value was left in the store , bnt the police are actively work ing np the case , and will probably get the thietes within a day or two. EISING MEN. Important Promotion of Two U. P. Officials. The first of the following general orders was issued from U. P. head quarters Friday afternoon and the latter Saturday : UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY -I GENERAL PASSENGER "I OMAHA , Neb. , April 29 , ' 81. Mr. Samuel 8. Jones Is appointed Assistant General Passenger Agent of the Union Pacific railway company , with headquarters at Omaha , Neb. , taking effect May 1 , 1881. J. W. MORSE , General Passenger Agent. Approved : Tnos. L. KIJTBALL , Assistant General Manager. UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY , GENERAL PASSENGER OFFICE , Omaha , Neb. , Apr. 29. Mr. 0. P. McCarty is appointed Assistant General Ticket Agent of the Union PaciSc railway company , with headqnarters at Omaha , Nebras ka , taking effect May 1st , 1881. Approved : 0. S. STEBBINS , General Ticket Agent. Tnos. L. HHIBALL , Assistant General Manager. Mr. Jones has been in the employ of the company for several years , beginning at the foot of the ladder and working up step by step to his present appointment. He is an ener getic and vigilant young man , devoted to the interest of his employers , and enjoying to a rare degree the confi dence of the general manager. Bar- lug the last year he has been chief clerk of the ticket department. He has many friends in Omaha to con gratulate him on his good fortune. Mr. McCarty came to Omaha some thing over a year ago from Indian apolis , where he was chief clerk of the passenger and ticket departments of the L , B. & W. R. R. His knowledge of the ticket business in all its branches had made him widely known among railroad men and attracted the notice of officials here. Soon after his arrival he was made chief clerk of the ticket department and placed In charge of a ticket room , whose business is more , than usually complex. He bad charge not only of all ticket printing , bat also of all pas senger tariffs , including through rates and divisions with other lines , the in numerable delalls of which , on more than 3,000 miles of railroad , can only ba appreciated by railroad men. Liverymen's Notice We the undersigned liverymen ot Omaha , agree , on account of the great advance in cost of hay and grain , to charge the following prices for board ing horses from and after May 1st un til further notice : 1 horse and 1 buggy per month.$15 00 2 " " " . . . . 28 00 2 and carriage 30 00 and saddle per month 12 00 "IwaRon " 1200 " " 24 00 1 " bagsyor carriage. . . . 27 00 j _ H "T. 1500 'Horses in box stalls § 18 00 to 20 00 O. N. EAMSET , JAMES STKPHEKSON , GEO. W. HOJUN , . J."H. McSHAiT ? , ' THE STAGE , Thoa. W. Keene aa Richelieu Coming Events. Thos. W. Keene appeared at the Academy of musicPriday evening in the great title role of "Richelieu , " play ing to a crowded house. To say that Mr. Keene's performance wa alto gether more satisfying than that of any actor who has preceded him in the same part in Omaha , Is undoubt edly to give voice to the general im pression. One great actor appeared in the same part In Omaha not many menths since , bnt Lawrence Barrett's personality constantly appears and in spite of his powerful reading of the part , his polished and studied work , it is not less Lawrence Barret than Richelieu that we behold during the performance. Not so with 'Keeno , whose art covers the appearance of art and glvea us simply Richelieu , the crafty and suspicious statesman , the powerful and destroy ing avenger of his wrongs , the old man , failing , weak'and broken in con stitution , bnt still in the full vigor of his mental powers. It may be un common for a journal to pay so une quivocal a conpliment to a tragedian who has but recently essayed leading parts , bnt it was the impression of not a few last evening that Keene's Rich- eliu is a better character than that of Barrett. Most of the support was exception ally good , especially Miss Henrietta Vaders , as , " Frazier Coulter , as "De Wauprat , " and Frank Roche , as "De Baradas. " It waa no small annoyance to the audience that several of the people in minor characters should presume on the supposed uncivilized character of their audience to grossly slight their parts , to appear with a broad grin in the most tragic portions of the play , to ogle the audience , and to generally mar the performance. It is to be hoped that the manager will give some of his company a lesson In this re gard. THE MNGAEDS. The Lingards appear at thd Acade my of Music this evening in "Stolen Kisses. " WANTED Twenty teams to do scraping on Union Elevator. Inquire corner 13th and Lsayenworth street. DAN. SHANNON. GRB4.T SALE of Ladies' , Muses' aid Gents' Straw Hats , all the latest styles , for a short time only , at the "Boston Store , " 616 Tenth st. 29-2t HOTEL BOARD , at the Hudson River House$3.50 to $5.00 perweek. Should you change it will pay you to call. Newly furnished throughout. 29 2t J. 0. GBEEN , Prop'r. HATS I HATS ! HATS ! New stock of the finest hats , latest fashion and style at NINDEL & KBEME'S 14th street , between Farnham and Dsnglas streets. Sign of the Golden Hat. tf Another large invoice of those fine goods jaat received at ATKINSON & CO.'S , Orelghton Block , near P. O. See Dr. O'Leary's anatomical model to-night. Admission free. Stuffed Mangoes at Pundt's. If you are in search of a nice DRESS PATTERN , for a small amount of money , go to ATKINSON & CO.'S. Tea Moss Farine at Pnndt's. New goods received at Fullrlede's. CONCERT AND LECTURE. By Prof. Aug. Walther , assisted by his pupils , glee and zither clubs and Prof. W. Chambers , violinist , at Ma sonic Hall , Wednesday evening , May 4th. A Card of Thanks. I desire through this card to thank all kind friends who rendered services of benefaction during the illness and last moments of my deceased wife. Especially do I feel grateful to Mrs. Coltra , Peironnet , Thompson , Wood ward andljawia for their ceasoleas de votion in watching and ministering before and after death , and to Messrs. Coltra and Cross for timely assistance. To Mrs. RoddU , Weeks , Bradley , Pe terson and other Indies for delicacies , arid to Mr. Geo. Darrow , Mrs. Grif fey , Mrs. Peironnet and Miss Kate Elsasser for beautiful offerings of choicest cut flowers , all of which I appreciate and will over cherish a warm recollection of all who proved to be true friends , when friends were most needed. JOHN McAEDLE. OMAHA , April 30,1881. PBOTEOTION TO BRUTES. A CAED FEOM THE SPECIAL AGENT OF THE N. S. P. C A. OJIAHA , April 30th , 1881. To the PaWic : At a meeting of the society for the prevention of cruelty to animals , held at the residence of Judge Sav age , on the evening of April 29th , 1881,1 was appointed agent of said society for the purpose of Investi gating and prosecuting all viohtlons of the law passed for the purpose of preventing cruelty to animals. Mat ters of this kind will be promptly attended to by me. I am heartily in sympathy with the objects of the society , and though I do not intend to roake it a matter of per secution , I shall certainly and un flinchingly do my duty. All commu nications , either by card or telephone , may be sent for ma to Wm. Fleming's grocery store , on southwest corner of Fourteenth and Douglas streets. D. B. HOUCK , Special Ag't. BARGAINS in Tea , Sugir , Coffee and Spices , at the TEA STORE Of W. R. BENNETT & Co. Unity Lyceum. The last of this series will , be given on to-night at the Unitarian church , | and consist'of dramatic readIngs - Ings and music under the direction of Miss Julia Hardenburgh and L. A. Rogers. Miss Hardonburgh will recite several plecej , assisted by her pupils. Miss Rogers will be assisted byMba Ida Gibsor , Miss Gilmore , Miss Kimball , and Misses Northrop , Pencil and Chapman. j COMING HOTF7LS.i The Lutheran Church Accepts the Offer of the Kew Hotel Company , And the Scheme Now De pends on Liberal Contri bution from the Street. "What the Kitchen Brothers Propose to do on Farnham. Friday evening the trustees of tbe Lutheran church property on Douglas street , made the offer to change the figures first set on their property to the new Hotel company from $20,000 to 817,000. The proposition was again declined , bnt Saturday the trustees accepted the proposition of the Hotel company of § 16,000. It only remains for the property owners on Douglas and adjacent streets to raise the $15,000which they are ex pected to contribute to the enterprise , and it will be a , success. As this is an essential part of the scheme it can hardly be said that the enterprise is a fact until the necessary names and amounts are on paper. It is proposed to build a five story hotel of brick and atone , with a froct on Douglas street of 151 feet , and on Thirteenth street of 132 feet , to cost not less than $100,000 and to be equipped with elevator and all appli ances of a modern hotel. That portion tion of the building standing on the church let , 22 feet , will consist of but a single story , in order to afford light to the upper rooms of the hotel A business block will be built on the remaining 66 teet of the church prop * erty. erty.It It is understood that Mr. Samuel Rogers has stated that upon the hotel scheme becoming assured he will build on the corner of Douglas and Twelfth , adjoining , a handsome com mercial block , which with the build ing above referred to , will fill the Douglas street front fram Twelfth to Thlrteeth street. Mr. Shears , the principal stockhold er in the { enterprise , and the future head of the hotel business is a man of large means and an experienced hotel keeper. He has been proprietor of some of the best known hotels In the east , the Burnett House , of Cincin nati ; the Olifton House , of Niagara Falls ; the Osborn House , in Roches ter , | and Toledo's immense hotel. Enough is known regarding him to make it certain that any hotel of which he is the head will be thorough ly first-class. It is proposed to erect the hotel in juat as short a time as possible after the enterprise is assured. KUCIIEN BROS ' SCHE.UE. Kitchen Bros , have not yet com menced work on their building , which is to occupy the old Grand Central lot , but it Is stated , on what appears to be good authority , that they will soon begin the erection of a handsome four-story building of St. Louis pressed brick , which will also be equipped with a team elevator and all the latest appurtenances Some overtures have passed between the Kitchens and Tom Murray , whp proposes to erect a threa or four story block on the west aide of Fourteenth street , between Harney street and the alley , looking toward the construction of an arched passage over the alley between the Kitchen's Hotel and Murray's block and the fitting up of the upper portion of a part ef Mur ray's block to be need as a part of the hotel. This , however , may be simply talk. Beating the Boys In Blue. The base ball nine from Ft. Omaha came down on Saturday and crossed bats with the Union Pacific club. The playing was falr.on both sides-batting being quite strong. , Score : Union Pacific , 21 ; Barrack's club , 3. Opening Navigation. The Union Pacific train , westward bound , for the first time since the big rise , succeeded yesterday morning in running the entire distance from the transfer depot. Largo gangs of men hsvo been at work day and night bal lasting the track and it will be in per fect running order by to-morrow. MENS'CALF BOOTS from $1.50 to $3.75 , at W. L/KIDD'S NEW SHOE STORE. Warranted sc-lid. CALIFORNIA canned goods , cheap at J. I. Nichols' . Our Roods ALWAYS had a reputation and now it is proven in WEITISO throughout the world. E GUTTER'S MAMMOTH CLOTHING HOUSE , 1001 Farnham , corner lOth'street. GARDEN TOOLS and Seeds , at e TEA STORJS of W. R. BEHKETT & Co. CHOICE FLOWER SHEDS French , German and American growth , at a28-3t Evans' Seed Store. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Hade from Gra.pJCreamJTartar. | No other prepiraticn makes inch light , fitly hot breads , > r luxurious pastry. Cm be eated by Dyspep tics without fear of the His resulting trom heavy ndigestlble food. Sold oily In cam , by all Grocers. BoTUjBixaa FOTOIK Co. , Hew York. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO T0 LOAN At 8 per cent In . terest. In turns of $2500 and upwards , for 3 to 5 years , on flrst-c' and farm rroptrty. EIMIS' RIALESTATI and IOAJ AOKSCT , 15th tnd Dojglaa Ma. _ Of fA TO LOAN Onflr t-c'as3 real estate U > 0 U U U Apply to T. W T. Richards , north west corner Farnham and 18th Sti. 755-3 ONEY TO LOAN-S16 S. UthSt. Clarkson & Hunt. C27t i IO M > AK CaU t law OSes P. L. THOMAS. Rooni8.CTelghton Block ? 70 LOAH 1103 Farnham street. MONK . Edwanln Loan Azeacv. cov-22-U HELP WAHTID Two boirders In prtvata family. WArfED For tarmf , &c. , address a , Port Office Box 337. 754-tf Youujgirl to tend children and WAN1ED tiblo. Applv CUsj street , wrath ride , 4th do r wejt ot 20th St. 755-tf BOY WANTED To attend bar ; ba well re- A comended. At 3U Eouth 10th St. 750-3(1 ( WAKTED Man tot-ke care of hoiscs , prl- vato expretslngwork at house , etc 112 Funham St. 7CO 3 mWO GIRLS WANTEO-Citf Hotel , cornel J. 10th and Hirney. 763-1 A LARQE Uofumiahed room ( or rent , on 20tq J\ _ and Harnej , southwest corner. 653-tl AN TE D A first cla 8 rook at the Occidf n- til Hotel Immediately. 742 tl WAKTEP Girl , 240C Davenport street. 743-3C WANTED Girl for general housework , $4 a week t > a comptent girl. Apply at southwest corner California and 21t st ) . 747-3C YOUNG MAN WANTED-To leam the A baker trade , or ona who his been In the business for some time. [ Inquire t Gcorg Weber's Uakery , soutb loth street , or Pete Gc < n. 730-29 WANTED \ competent girl In small family Ap Iy noitheast cornt r Webster iU :3r < Bttec's. 724-tf WAN1ED A good girl , at 2317 Dojze St. 720-tf WANTED Woman cook , at the O'Connel House , 10th street between Dou/Us ant Dodje. 732-CO "TTTANTED By two youn ? men , a large fur V V niahcd room fu a peed loca ity , board do Eitcd. Would prefer to rent wheru there are nc otter hoarders. Reference * given. Addre * "P. D. " , Ece Office. 734-29 - maid and iitchcn girl Inq lire at the Emmet House. 700-1 By a young man a situation at WANTED clerk In ; hotel or board ng houe No wajcs desired , simply board Good rcferrence freo'y liven. Audress by letter R. W. , Bee office CCC-t 2 men to work in gtrden. Ap ply on Sherman Avenue. D. J SMITH C90-H > TED To sell 10.0CO blick cap raspOerry WA bushes and 2000 grape vines , at John G Willis , t .0 Dodee Street Commission Hotuo. Al BO a larhu quantity of top nd bottom onjonsets. A situation by a man of fam ly WANTED , IndU'trious and willing to be use ful in any bon > rable capacity. Compensation according to capability. Please uddresi J. K H. . care of Bee office. 604-tf ANTED Immediately a cook at lizard's W Palace. 654 tf TT7ANTED Situation as copyist or at any W kind of writing , by a mmpetent younj lady. Address "T. A. IJeo office. Reference given and required. S20-tf TXT ANTED A partner with 52,000 to join ad W vertisT in tbe extension o an cstablishet and re of the bestpiyln ; business in the west Apply to E. W. Slmeral , Room 0 , Crelirhton Block , 16th St. 4-ig-lm TT7ANTED Two mere boarders as 313 North W 17lh street.bctween Davtnport and Chi cao , east side 387-tf fOR RENT-HOUSES AND LAKD. T710R RENT Brick homo , eleven rooms , on JQ Cass stro.t between 13th and 14th Apply t ) T. W. T. Richards , LOitcnvot corner Farnoam and Sti. 75G-3J TraOR RENT Largs front ro m , farnlfhed ; N Jj E. corner 16ih and Bnrt. 751-2 "OOR BENT Ono laree unfurnlihed room with J } closet ISlSCtssSt. 752-2 TTTTOR REM On first floor , furnished room JJ touthwcst corner 19th and Dnenport. 750-tf TT10R REST A Urce furnished room on firs JP floor , with boaid. Also a few day boarder ! wanted. 1803 Ca ifornia street. a23-eod-723-U TTOUSES AND LAND Bemis rents houses XJL stores , hotels , farms , lota , ImJs , offlc.r rooms , etc. Sen 1st pige. EOR fcZNT Comfortable dweIi"p ! , 7 rooms all modern Improvements , 2 Id and CMS streets. Enquire 307 8.12th s : . 745-1 FOR RENT Fl asant room ? , furnished or un finishedN E. corner lCh and Cilifornh street. 749-1 TO REVT T. MURRAY. 729 4 FARM mo RENT Sinele room , nicely famished. N. JL E- corner 17th and Capitol Av 717-31 rilO'REST One large room and else * .L northeast corner 16th and Doughs St. 714-2 ! | 10R BENT Furnished rooms. Inquire at 1 1818 Chicago street. C3Otf TTIOR RENT The building 1906 Burt tie t Jj formerly used bv John Cans ts the London meat market. Some butcher tools ( or Bale. Ap ply on the premises or ol John Baum r , 1311 Famham street. R .tf TilOR RENT A store , corner 10th and Leaven JJ worth. In quire next dcor , at Peterson's. OJ2-U RENT 2 famished rooms over Mer chants Sxchango , K. E. Cor. 16th and Dodge streets. 289-tf FOR SALE. TT10R yALE-2500 In 3 and 10 pet cent mort- _ C gages. Address Post Office drawer C2. 757-3 T > EMI3 Sells houses , lots , farms , lands. See D 1st pige. TT\OR \ SALE Ha'f lot , cottage with three rooms Jj ce lar. rittern , we 1 and stable. Apply on premise , 2t.h between Chicago and Davenport 7JOO TT ° US S FPR SALE CIIBdP-Inquire at rl Ealawin & Behm , 15 h and Jackson. p EMI6' NEW C1TTMAPS,25c. See 1st paee , HIILH OF RHUBARB ROOTS FOR SALK , CHrfAP-Must be sold by May 1st. Call at our fe d store , 16h mil Darenport , or at garden on ISth St. CHA.ULTON HROS. 721-tf TORSALE Beautiful residence lot ; location P firjt-ci s . Price $1COO. JOHN L. Mc- CAOUE. oDpo lte Post Offl-e. 712-tf T70R SALE-House and lot on North ISth C street at $1COO. Inquire of Join L. llc- Cajuo opposite the post oiflce. 71)4-If ) EMIS' REiL ESTATE KXCHANQE.- B 1st page. TJ10RSALE A good paying restiurant. In- JJ quite at this cfll.-o. 703-25-lm SALE S ( do bar top bnrgy , coed s new EOH to P. ft , at 8. P. Motga Co. 6S7-tf 240 airca choice land i mlle can of CHEAP , 150 acres broke and 20 acres timber , 40 acrcj pasture fenced , large two story house and gow out huildin a. Titles perfect. Cwocl by a widow lady desirin ; to move. Casher or city property in exchange H.IESTADROOK , 671-lf EARL B CoE. T7OR b ALE Ma IB tt Doozlu and Sarpy Jj counties. A. KOaEWATEB , 1520 Karn h n Street. _ 320-tt BALE Leasa and furniture of a tint- FOR hotel In a town ot 1300 inhabitant * . In btato of Nebraska. Hu 21 he is , tho.travelllnz men's resort. Inquire at Bee offic * . 2iS-tf D R > AL ESTATE BOOM. Seelet page. IJIOKSALE A EAKOAIN-A building witb Jj saloon fixtures , furniture and stock , on 10th St. , opposite the U.P. depot , for gale very chrap. Or the fliture * , furniture and stock will be sold and building rented. Inquire of.Ku. KREISS- MAK. 79-tf close carriages , at A. U. FOR . 911-tl mil E BEST THINO YET-H. O. Clark & Co.'s JL mperial 8 U R isin ? WInser Wheat Flour for Pancakes , Biscuits , and all kinds of pos'.iy. Try It. Ask rour jrrocerforlt. 178-tf - Rubber coat between 5lst and 16th LCST-A on Izird r Bnrt. Do irtr to G. T. Corrish nd reward. 7 < 0-1 MISCELLANEOUS. T OST-A small da-k brlndle oow , ith white JU f pots , rope around the horn ; . Information leadinir to her recovery cniiably rewarded , at J. 21 THURSTON'S , SOth and Davenport streets a27-737-lf ( i tills lias rattl n ; lou ; ibta o ! houses , lota , _ D * landg and farms fur tale. Call and get A m. I i M. BROWN , comer of ISth and Chicago ' I. streets , is ready to bore or deepen well ? . Bat'jfaction guaranUed. mEAMS CAN BE GOT At John Bans stable _ L ( or all kinds of work , at reasonable figures near corner 13th and Leavynwitth St. 378-t D OUT FORGET The successor of the Ameri can House , on Douxlis at , bet. 9th and iJfth , for Hoard , boanlhur. lodging and transient costumen. Respectfully , * 561-tt J OLTOS ft LOOT3E ROSS CHEAP LAND For Sale. 1,000,000 Acres OF THE FINEST LAND IN EASTERN NEBRASKA. Selected in an early day not Railroad Land , bat land owned by non-residents , who ara tired paying taxes , and are offering their lands at the low price of $6 $8 , and $10 per acre , on long time and easy terms , We also offer for Bale Improved Farms IN Douglas , Sarpy , and Wash ington Counties. Also , an Immense List ot Omaha City. Real Estate , Including Elegant Residences , Busi ness and Residence LotaCheap Houses end Lots , and a large number of Lots in most of the Additions to Omaha. Also , Small Tracts of 5,10 and 20 acres in and near the city. We have good opportunities for making Loans , and in all cases personally examine titles and take every precaution to in sure safety of money so invested. Below we offer a small list of Special Bargains. Boggs & Hill , REAL ESTATE BROKERS , 1408 North Side of Tarn. St , , Oop. Grand Central Hotel , Omaha , Neb. CAD DCUT FarmoMBO acres , 3 mile * rUnntlll west of dt/.m cultivated good house , Sam and oat bulldlnirB. BOG03&HILL. CflD DCUT lO-acie Jarm st barracka. rUIl null I Ooed Improvements. BOOQS H HILL. CflD OAI C Beet located residence lot In rUIl OMLC the city , ZlA > hd Dodee Sts. B0003 & HILL. CAD CAI C A very nice 5-room cottare , rUIl OMLC leaaM ground renU for 20 per 11. on tb. BO G OS & HILL. CflD OAI C Kew house of 1 rooms with rUll OHLC full lot , 2flsh and Farnham. Only 1200 , required down. Pnce 81100. BOUU5 & HILL. ( "An CAI C New housa with hill city lot , lUn OHLC near High School , brooms , largo bay wim'ow , huh. doors and ceiling. Everything perfect , $2150. BOGG3&B1LL. C AI C Comer of two choice lots In OHLC Shlnu'a addition , requeit ute to at once sub mtt h st cash offer. 0003 & HILL. CAI C A ° ° d and desirable red- OHLC dunce property , 14000. BOOQS 4 HILL. FINE RESIDENCE Not In the market. Owner will sell for J650U. J650U.BOOGS&BILL , CAI C 4goodIoU , Shinn'l Sd ad. OHLC dfilon , 316nea b. BOGGS & HILL. CflD CAI C Anew IJ-story brick bouse rUn OHLC with.2 loti , on corner S9th and Dougloi , JUOO. BOGGS & BILL. CAI IT A vcjrv' "nc residence lot , OHLC to Eome tarty d iring to build a fiuo house. 3300. BOGUS & BILL. C AI C About 200 lota in Koualze & OHLC Ruth' * addition. Just south of St. iUry's avenue , $ J50to-3pO. The-elota are near business , surrounded bf CDC improvements andaie 40 per cent cheaper than any other lota I tie maiket. gave money by bu > ing tha-e lota. BOQud * HILL. CAI C 10 Iot5 > = l * Me tot fin OHLC residenceon'Patk-Wlld ave nuc , 3 block ! a. K. at depot , all coTered wit flno largo trsw. Price extremely low. (600 tc 300. BOGGS & BILL. CflD CAI C Some very cheip lota In rUn OALC Lake1 * addition. EOGG3 & BILL. CflD CAI P Cheap comer lot , come rUn OHLC Douglas and Jefferson St BOQG3 & BILL. rnn QRI r 95iota on esth , srth. zstb rUll OHLC 29th and SOth Sta. , between Farnbam , Douglas and the proposed extension of Dodge street. Prices range from 9200 te fiOO , We ha\e concluded to give men of small means , onomore chance to secure a home and wil build bouses on these lots on small payments , and will sell lots on montnly payments. BOGUS 4 ; BILL. C AI C lco acre 9 miles from city OHLC about 30 acres Tery choice valley , with running water ; balance gently rolling prairie , only 3 miles from railroad. $1C per acre. B9GO3&BILL. Q AI C * * > c 3 ln oie tract. 12 C rt LI. _ miles from city , 40 acres cnl- > iVAted , Living spring of water , some nice val leys. The land is all flrst-clats rich pralrlt. Price $19 per acie. BOGGS & BILL. Q AI C 1 0 acrts } mile cut of Elk OHLC horn Station on railroad , ftuiimng water , 20 acres c-iltivated. COGG3AHILL. QAI C * G ° acres 1 > t miles north of OHLC Klkhorn Station , must be Bold for what it will bring. BOGGS HILL. OAI ET 0 acres next south of Dins OALC da ! In 4-15-11. A good and detirablo tract , runs d wn on to valley of Pap- pillion$10. BCGQ3&BILL. CAI C 70 acres In one tody , Tlmiles OHLC west of Fremont , isalllevel lanJ , producing hearv growth of gnu , is high valley , rich soil and j mllej from railroad and side track , in good settlement and no better land can De found. EOGGS & BILL. Q AI C A highly improved farm of . w. . CrlLU 240 acres , 3 miles from city. Fine improveaeota on this laud , owner not a practical farmer , determined to cell. A good opening for come man with means. BOGGS & BILL. CnJ OAI C ICO acres In MC. I , town 16 , rUn OHLC nngell. Mmt be sold this mo th. BOGGS&B1LL. C AI C 200 ° acreg ot IaD J ° car lia- OHLC laid Station , 3500 near Hk- born , 93 to S10 ; 40CO aerra In north part of cncntj-.j ; toS'O ; 3003acres 2 to Smiles from Ftorei.ce. 83 to iiu ; > 00 acres ett cf the Elk- hoin4tol ; 10,000 iuro scitlored through the county , $6 to S.O. Thtabove lie rear and adjoin nearly eviry fa m in ti e ctuoty , and cn mostly be soM on smalt cash rnjment , with balance in 1-2- 3 4 and 6 ears t me Cfl P Q A I C Fcreral fine rea'dance prop- rUll OMLb tr.Ies i.tver be.'ore offered and not krowu In the market s lelntr forule. L"aloii3 ! > lltcny ! omadr known to purchasers 'M&ria : ; bu i e-rf , ' * SeGO i &B1LL. f MPKOVGD FAIlJId wc have for sale many i iruprjicdfam i around Omaha , and In Tall rarlstf Pcutlts. batpy and Wailiinztcn conn , tics Abe r'airaa in lo a. for dcjcilptlon aid irictscall cnui. r.cca ? 10 and DGUiUu , svce-.s froa " EOGGS k HILL , Iwin-si lots nnv we-t of JL * -awr-c Temple prito diaio d , t t 003 lch- BOOG3&.H1LL. L OR SALK-S bnslneiw lots wet ef Odd Fel- 1J Iowa black. 32:09 each. BOG03 & HILL FOR SALE 2 r-mlne < 8 Iol. south iHe Douf- las si. b..teen 12th and 13th. f35uO each. BOUGS&HILL. "TJIORfAlE ICO acres , roverrd lth young JU timber ; Living water , inrroanded by 1m- pri.vtd farmi , only f eii miles li m tl y. Cheap- esI ndoa band. BUGGtf 4 HILL F nons rontemplatln ; buying : thnnld not examine ourUst of Und * ECKJQ3AHIL , A. POLACK. Colorado Collins ! l \ Spring and Summer GL ING ! LATE AND NOBBY STYLES Men , Boys and Children. Clothing Made to Order in the Latest Styles. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Prices to Suit All. Famliam Street , near Fourteenth. With the Best Selected Stock of CLOTHING & FURNISHING GOODS in Omaha. We are PAS EXCELLENCE THE YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHIERS. BOSTON CLOTHING HOUSE , FARNHAM STREET. SCHLANK & PRINCE. MAXM GUNS , AMMUNITION , SPORTING GOODS Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and a fall line or 3STOTIO3STSAISTZD iF-.A.nSTO'Sr O-OOJDS Send for Price List , MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Neb. MAX MEYER & CO , WHOLESALE STS ! Tobacco , 25 cents per pound upwards , / -i Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards. Cigars from § 15.00 per 10450 upwards. W.F. ETZEL . . La I & & & Dealer in Hardware , and Tinware. Stove Repairer , Job WorKerand Manufacturer of si Kinds of Cans. Tenth and Jackson Street * . O.A _ . IRZOsTG-IBIR , MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS , Wholesale and Eetaill FIRST-CLASS TRIMMED BOHNETS , $8.00 , $10.00 , $12.00 , $15.00 , $20.00. These prices are from $2.00 to $5.00 below other houses. Fine Hats , 25o. 75c , $1.50 , $2.00 , $3-00 and $5 00. THESE ARE SPECIAL BARGAINS. Bargain , ! In Untiimm * * . "c. 23C. 5 < * , 7Sc , 11.00 , nplo $2.50. Rouen , Tips , B tlaj ca Uateri&If Y rj Cheap PARSOLS , GLOVES , HOSIERY , CORSETS , ties , L C33 , Emoroideiies , Bnshin * , Buttons , Lace and Linen Cellars. Bandktrchleh ata f vl Notion j , at Lone * : Cash Pricej. LOOK HERE ! Crewels , 5c perlcnot ; Penny Zypbjn. . and In any Quantity , canvaas and materials a full lln , tad prices tha lowest In the city. We . do all kinds of Umpin . Emqroiuerlt * . Silk * , full stok. Our Goods are fint-clus. Orders by Mail Promptly Pilled. 115 North 15th Street , JACOBS' BLOCK. d. W. Murphy & . . M 4 % m * * u m * * DEALERS . , , _ . - , , , , AG4.M3 FOE j- i ientucky DistilliDnnTn \ Tnr . < * > , nth DOUZIMSU. , . apildtf -O UUlillJtUly. OMAHAKSB. HORSE SHOES AND KAILS , Iron and Wagon Stockf _ tbo Bast AMortment of WHEELS ! in the Weak At Chicago Prices. W.d. BROATCH , 1209 & 1211 Harney Street , Omaha. Pf rih