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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1881)
VOL.X. _ OMAHA , NEBRASKA , TUESDAY .APRIL 5 , 1881 NO234. . Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents L B , WILLIAMS &SONS , This Week We Will Offer 1 CASE CHILD'S HOSE at 25c and 35c per Pair , Worth 60o and 60c. Also 1 OASE Ladies' Silk Clock Bml- Regular i 1 At 26c a Pair. This is a BABE BAKJAIN oi which it would be wtU to tab advantage- ONE CASE , LADIES' ' ASSORTED FANCY HOSE , At 25c a Pair. Tneso are all New Designs and FAST COLORS. We Also Offer : ladies' Hose at I0c . - 19 I-2c 4 < l 15c - $3.00 LADIES' HIP AND SILK HOSE , AtBUINOUSPBICES , 1 Case Gent's Half Hose At S5c per Dozen. OUSTS C .SE Celt's Fancy Half Hose , Regular Made and Fast Colors , at 25c a Pair. Theae Hose are worth , aad have 2Mnrerbeen sold for less than 40c. We are displaying a very 'Large and Elegant Assort- mentet GENTS HALF HUSE , At Prices that SURPRISE EVERYONE. Don't Fail to See these Goods , L. B. WILLUMS d SONS "Oasli Betailers. * Oor. Dodge and 16th Streets. . i CO 0) ) 0 $ < Z2 CO CD 2bb bbc 9 PB LLl PBH CO 3 3S CD CD CO C O E "SG NEW HARNESS SHOP. Th < nner > lined luring bad nine nan ex perience it < O H. t J. S. Collln- , and twentjr- lear ] eon ot practical harneas raii-li'p , I as cow eomsien ed botinea lor blmirlf In tbt tare * new tbop 1 door south ot the southeast comer ot lltb ud Harnej St * . He xi\\ \ \ employ a l rx ore * olablltd workmen and win flu all orders in fail pllne promptj- ) and chetelr. K. JNO. Q. JACOBS , ( Tom rtj ot OWi ft Jaeofes ) UNDERTAKER So. U1T Farnham . , Old BUad ot Jacob OU O&DKRS sr TKLHQRAPK SOLICIT f Undoubtedly the best shirt In the United States is manufactured at the Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority of Material and workmansb'p , con * oined with their great impronments , that Is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced backs and Reinforced sleeves , makes their shirt the most durable and lest tilting garment of the kind , ever manufactured at the H jderate price of $1.50. Every shirt of eurmake is guaranteed first-class and will refund the money if found otherwise. We make a specialty of all wool , Shaker , and Canton flannel , also cbemoia underwear , made np with a view to comfort , warmth and durabil ity. To Invalids and weak-lunged persons we offer speaial inducement * tn the manner these goods are made for their protection. GOTTHKIMEB , TWO DOLLARS WILL BKOORB THE WEEELY BEE For One Year. WASHTNTGTOK Johnston Makes a Feeble Effor to' "Get Back" at His Colleague. Funding of the Five and'Sia Per Cent. Bonds Post poned for the Present The Republican Senators De cide to "Stay" With the Bourbons. Many More Matters of Mo ment Mentioned. SENATE. Special Dlnatche to The Be * . WASHmaioir , April 4 10 p. m. Mr. Johnston was suffering from i cold and submitted a number of ex tracts to be read by the clerk. Oo < of them was an editorial from Rtd < -dloberger's paper , The Virginian , in which Mr.Mahone was declared tr be a democrat , though not a bourbon. He also had a part of the Riddle- berger bill and speech read , .to- show the inconsistency of AlessrsMahone'g and Riddleberger's present petition with that occupied by them during the last presidential campaign. He denied Mahone's charge of democratic misappropriation of the national school fund , arguing that the alleged transaction was necessitated by the same panic that caused the United States to abolish the sinking fund , and because the-state revenues were not sufficient for the expenses. Speaking of Tirglnia electors , Mr. Johnston denied the charge that tis sue ballots had been in general use. He never heard of them except in Mr. Mahone's district "What did ? " you say interrogated Mahone. * "Where were they found ? " asked ihe speaker of Mr. Dawea. "All ever , thick as snow flakes , " was the reply. "J.Q Petersburg ? " asked Mr. Johns ton. H"Ko ; they reported no violence there. " "That was my colleague's district then , " said Mr. Johnston. "And he has repented of it , " con tinued Mr. Dawes ; "would that yon had done the same. " In procppding , Senator Johnston stated that Virginia's principle of al lowing no one to vote until tbe pay ment of certain taxes was alone in tended for the good of the public schools , and not for disfranchisement. On the question of Virginia finances he also Quoted the state records to show where Mahone and Riddleberger were as dumb as oysters on questions where now they are as clamorous as " * " " " * . - - - crowo. - At the conclusion of Johnston's speech Saulsbury renewed the ap peals that had been made to the re publicans to abandon" obstruction to public business , and added another In the name of party fealty. He ipoke in a humorous way of the republican president with his hands tied by a majority of those who should be his friends , and asked them for his sake to proceed to. the consideration cf executive "biz" His motion was rejected ayes 26 , nays 27- Jones , of Florida , denied the charge f Logan , made last Friday , that his state ( Florida ) had been the scene of frauds .at elections. Such reports had no foundation in' fact , and had been spread as misrepresentations for party purposes. He submitted a part of the message of the republican gov ernor of Florida to show that republi cans well understood the patriotis and peaceful character of her people , and quoted from EcCauly to show that , though lying might for a time avoid it , but it would sooner or later lead to disaster After tbe conclusion of Jones' speech dilatory motions * followed until 4:40 : p. m. , when , on motion of Dawes , the senue adjourned till noon to-morrow. KEPDBUOAK CAUCUS. The republicans held a full caucus this morning , but came to no agree ment s to the conr e to be pursued. The dlccatisfied elementdisclosed itself and urgently argued that it would be best to proceed to the consideration of executive business , but a majority could not agree thereto , and the cau cus adjourned without settling any thing except to keep np the fight , at least for the present. Further information mation in regard to the caucus shows that it has been decided to Gght it ont on the present limit if it takes all summer. The number of those who wish to proceed with executive busi ness Is so small that their weight was little felt It has been decided to get a certain f w confirmations out of the way soon , but when , and just in what way , will be a matter for consid eration at a full caucus A great ma jority of tha caucus were unshaken in their decision to insist on the elec tion of officers of the senate , and it was said openly that they would stay till next winter , if necessary. The democrats are equally firm. It is announced seml-officially from the treasury department that the fore casts of the government's action rela tive to the five and six percent bonds , which mature July 1st sent ont in the National Associated Press dispatches have given the correct line of action now Informally agreed upon by the cabinet la these reports last Sun day the summing up of the results of the conference bet Teen Secretary Windom , Attorney General McVeagh , Anistant Secretary Upton and Comp troller cf the Currency KQOX , and the New York bankers , it waa stated that the outcome of the conference wouldj > e such a deference to public opinion against any action bearing the semblance of judiciary against ac tion under a strained construction of the law , and against any loan at a bigber rate , even nominally than three per cent ; that no issue of any kind of bonds would be made , but that the maturing fives and sixes would be allowed to continue out- itanding till some funding bill is passed by congress , and the govern ment would in the meantime pay holders a common rate of three per cent interes * Assistant Secretary Upton and Comptroller Knox , npon their return to the capital from New York to-day , at once went to the treasury department and hsld a conference - ference with the more prominent treasury officials. After these Inter views an agent of tbe National As- sociated Press called npon many c the officials , and they all said that i was their opinion that Secretary Win dom would take no action towan funding the maturing fives and sixei but would make some arrangement with holders by which the bond would continne outstanding at thro per cent Interest , until congress shsJ pass a refunding bilL CAPITAL NOTES. Special Dtcpatcfaet to The Bw. " The new commissioner oflndiai affairs , Hon. Hiram Price , of Iowa will reach Washington in a few days President Garfield enjoyed a com psratively quiet day at the execntivi mansion. There were very few callers and for the first time since the 4th o March , not a rngla senator put in ai appearance. Neither were there an ] delegations. Senator Spencer , of Alabama , wai mentioned for the Brazilian mlssicn Gov. Foster , of Ohio , is named by hL friends for the Berlin mission , anc Marshal Jewell for the Austrian mis sion. Mr. Jewell desires to go abroac and will go al his own expense if thi President falls to give him a foreigt miislon. Gen. Sherman , accompanied by hii aid , Col. Bscon , left on the 8:50 : p. m , traain by the Baltimore and Ohic road to attend the reunion of the Army of the Tennessee at Cincinnati. They will visit St Louis and Chicago before returning to Washington. It is announced that Gen. S. W. Hurlburt , of Illinois , ban withdrawn as a candidate for the Mexican mis sion. It is stated Senator Stewart , of Pennsylvania , and ex-Marshal Pit- kin , of 'Louisiana , are applicants for tha place , but it is stated on very good authority that a prominent In- dianian , who is an ex-naval official , will be appointed , provided he will accept There was a rumor about the capl- tel yesterday that Senator Gonkllng had prepared a speech , which , while indirectlyattacklngtheadminUtration , will be aimed more especially at Blalne. It is reported that tbe sena tor has said that the president has acted in bad faith with him through out , both at the conference at Mentor , which the president' invited , and at a subsequent one at the White House , on Saturday , two weeks ago. It is reported that the senator will atcribe the responsibility of the New York collectorship appointment to Secretary Blaine. Again , it is said that Conkling complains that he was. not consulted touching the judicial appointments in his state. Gov. Cullom and Lieut Gov. Ham ilton , of Illinois , are both in the city. On being -asked this morning how it was that the governor and lieutenant governor could both leave tbe state at the same time , Gv. Cullom replied that he understood it was the duty of the governor to go where his people were , and the lieutenant governor ad mil ted that he met more Illinois men here than .in prln fi < _ : " * "The sale of tickets forSarah Bern- hardt's two performances at Albaugh's National Theatre , commenced yes terday morning , and by four o'clock p. m. the entire house _ was sold for both performances. The theatre will' seat 2,000 people. It has been finally decided that the remains of the late Senator Carpenter will leave this city for Milwaukee Friday morning. The senatorial com mittee accompanying the remains will consist of Senators Conkling , Logan , Jones of Florid * , and Oockrell , to gether with Senators Angus Cameron and Sawyer. The house committee will bn composed of Representatives Carlisle , Lapham , Robeson , and Tucker , together with the Wisconsin members now In the city. Pendle- ton was expected to go , but ill health and Important private business will prevent him. The members of these committees will not return before Wednesday of next week. Some of the democratio senator * af fect to believe that the dosd lock in the senate will be broken the latter part of the present week , or the first part of next. They think the repub lica&s will take advantage of the ab sence of senators who accompany Sen ior Carpenter's remain * , to permit the passage of a motion to go into ex ecutive session. Should this prove to be the case it Is believed tha transac tion of executive businesss will oc cupy so much time , that when it is all finished both parties will be glad enough to adjourn and go home , leav ing the contest ovar the election of officers to be decided npon in Decem ber next Senator Voorhees has received a large number of letters from friends in Indiana commending bis action in the senate on Friday. Senator Ma hone has also received a lu-ge number of letters from friends in Viiginia and elsewhere , applauding his action. ELECTRIC BRIEFS. Special DUp tdit to The B e. The strike in the Springfield , 111. , watch factory continues , forty-seven men refusing to return to work. The Wisconsin legislature adjourned sine die yesterday after a session of eighty-three days. W. B. Hamilton , for many years in the provision business at Louisville , KyM and identified with many of- that city's enterprises , died yester day morning. James Buell , of New York , who was until within a few months presi dent of the Importers and Traders bank , and president of the United ! States Life Insurance company , died yesterday. At Pittsburg , yesterday , the new mayor and city council took their seats. The clly treasurer and other city officers also assumed their re spective duties. BKOCCTILLE , Ont , April 4. This morning W. Frazer , Arthur Wright and a young man from Montreal , name unknown , went duck shooting. The boat capsized and Wright and the young man were drowned. Frazer wss found climbing to the boat and lies insensible. CHICAGO , -April 4. Dispatches from Colorado announce that the body of Mr. Joseph McLaoe , killed near Wallace , OoL , three years ago , has been found on the pnirie and identified by the arms and jewelry upon it. The Rise at Yanfcton. Special DUpatch to THI BBS. WasmHGTON , April 5 1 a. in. Tbe signal corps at Yankton , D. T. , reports the river risen fifteen feet In the past twenty-four hours. The water ID the ! lower town is four .feet deep. There is a gorge above and below. Tne wa er Is still rising. FOREIGN EVENTS . "The " Town of Scio , Asia Minoi Shook Up by an Earth- Four Hundred of the Inhkb itants Killed and Wounded. The Colored Folks of Peru In augurate a War of Races. . EARTHQUAKES MH ASIA MIKOB. Special Dispatch to Tn JBim LONDOX , April -4 10 p. ml A Constantinople dispatch says severe shocks of earthquake .have been ex renced on the eastern coast of Asia S fnor. The town of Sclo la repbrtec been almost destroyed anc many persons killed and wounaed. to The3l e. . . April 5 1 a. m. L tei dlspatphps from Constantinople report the. earthquake at Solo as more terrl ble thain was reported at first. Ad vices W trnslworthv authority 'state ' t.iat notxsl/ss than 400 have beet killed and wounded. The population of Scro"ifl' ' ; ( )0V ) ( , aud jvhen , the firsl shock'of earthquake was felt , the pee pie , terrified beyond description , ran from their houses and sought refuge in more open places of the town , but the shock was so viole n't -that multi tudes were unable to shun the falling walla of buildings , and were buried be neath the debris. The water in the harbor for a little time sank so low asto | show the bottom and then re turned with great violence , over whelming the town in the vicinity of ; he shore. - The entire island felt the earthquake more -or less , and ranch damage is believed to have been done in the inland villages. Solo- before the Servian revolt , was verr proa' perons , as it Is one of tha richest and most beautiful islands ontheLevait , bub is now less papulous. f Lord Beacousfield's fever increased during the night , and much alarm Is felt for his recovery. ' GLADSTONE'S Buooxr. BpacUl dispatch to The Be * . LONDON , April 4 10 p. m. Glad stone , in his capacity ai ahancellor of the exchequer , laid before the house of .commons this evening the financial badget for the confog fiscal year. Great interest * and Anxiety had beetf felt respectingthis" matter1. If was well known tbatiheexpsnditnres ad been unexpectedly and extraordinarily large' , as the .cost of the wan in .Afghanistan , Zululaud and Basutn have been great , and the evpondltures on account of the state of .affairs . in Ireland having been large Mr. . Glad stone's remarkable record as , a finan cier had raised hopes that he would devise methods , by which , .the .deficit oonld'Bll t > e met , and that ev tra Bar- plus would be left. These pleasing anticipations were realizad this even ing , when Mr. Gladstone , in . one of his best 'and ' most lucid speeches laid his budget before the. . house , showing tho.coun'ry how it might meet all its outstanding and current obligations for the. year and still have a surplus of 1,345,000. The spee k was re- ceiyedwith cheers from the govern meat benches. The opposition have given notice of tnelr intention to strongly oppose certain features of the budget , and the debate upon it'will' ' be lively. Gladstone , continuing his. speech explaining the budget , said he found it would be necessary , to increase. property income , postoffico and land taxes. This statement was received with loud murmurs oi dissatisfaction , , but he added that as some compensa tion for this custom duties 'would ' be necessary , .he had always found that the greater the reduction on imported articles the greater was the consump tion of them , and the larger the reve nue consequently derived from them.1 In 1880 the re venue from land and house tax was 2,670 000 ; income ; 9,230,000 ; po < toffibe , 630,000 , and crown laud , 390,000. All these were to be now increased , but the customs duties , which last year were 10,326,000 , were to be decreased , BENT OX WAB. SrecUl Dispatch to The Bee. LONDON , April.4 5 p. m.A' Constantinople - , stantinople correspondent says the Turkl are showing great activity in the Salonica district , and are building a battery at Cape Oaradauran which will command the entrance to the harbor and be mounted with heavy guns. A largo force la distributed over the Kassanda district keeping watch over the villages. Reinforce ments are pouring1 in from C'onatantin- oplej all in excellent condition. The correspondent says no one in Greece doubts that the issue of the Greek , boundary question will be warv Eyary day ; which passes serves-only to. make this move rnortf certain. Greece is making war preparations without in termission tint with determination on the frontiers. Anunxber of depots are being 'established for war stores and , men of the reserves are . the rate of a hundred.-a day. A. MYSTEMOUS WASHING. SfwobJ Dupttcb to the Bee _ VIENNA , April -4 4Tp. > ta. News from Petersburg' continues sensa tional and a few ni 'fits' ' ago it is'raid , that the czar on retiring discovered under his pillow a communication Djaring the official stamp of , the nihil ists , ' warning him if representative government and a liberal constitution were not granted to Russia within six weeks from his accession he would by a resolution of the executive' commit tee , suffer the same tragic end M the dead czar. CAILECRAMS. Bpcdd Dispatch w to THB Bn. A St. Petersburg dispiteh says Gen. Trepoff is among those elected by 288 districts to the temporary council. , . A Bucharest dispatch says that Bag- land , Italy and Turkey have recog- nired the kingdom of Eoumania. Dispatches from Algeria state that the Kabnmis and other marauding tribes are threatening to attack the French frontier. It is believed here that French troops ordered at ones toenter the terrttory-to sup * press the movement among- the tribes , which has'of ' late been gathering for midable strength. The Panama railroad has been ra- leased for the term of thirty years from the obligation * of 'article 4 , of the ernnaonLqfColumbi , . , South .Aaerica , which bound it to extend the ralroad : to the Island * in. - the bay of > Panama. . - . f * rvi t ' it , . - j. . * ' The consideration la the payment/ / ) 810,000 per annum , or 8300,000 bi the period mentioned. t / The colored people of Pern are mid itating a war of races. It has already broken ont in the valley of Oanltt where more than 2,000 Chinamen hive been barbarously murdered by jthe negroes. On one plantation six ban dred Inoffensive men wefe mufderec In ccld blood. ABBESTEDFOBABSON , Two Omaha Men Taken late Custody by St. Louis De fectives and Looked Up - " " in Jail , St. Louis Ditpatcfi , April i. I .Several weeks ago the firm of 0. B. DeGroat & . Co. , hatters and gents' furnishing goods , doing business in Omaha , lost .their stock of goods by fire ; the building was rented , there- fora that loss fell on others SuspN clon of arson wat entertained , esp1 cially from the fact that the insurance and immedi was speedily collected , ately" after the DeGroats left .Omaha. The matter was presented * to the grand jury . ( the first one called after the fire ) , and a true bill , was found against the two brothers- and a man named Herrick. who , waa associated with them In busing. Herrick re mained in Omaha/to settle the ac counts of the firip , aQd waa arrested there .immediately after the indict ment was mad known. ' Search was made for th < p.eGrpats , and it was as certained ttia't they came to St. Louts , where the/'regiatorod at the Laclede under asanmed names. They were recognised by an 'Omaha , alderman and byanXJmaha ! lady stopping at the ho- tel/fter which they left suddenly. They returned on Thursday an'd reels- t/red under their proper names , giv ing their residence as New York. The names were recognized by St. Louis detectives , who knew of the crime charged against them , and after communication with Omaha , they were taken into custody yesterday. They are young men of goid ad dress , of most respectable family , and when in Omaha were engaged in the Mission Sunday school work most os tentatiously. Their friends claim they are innocent men , nothypocrltes , but Chief Engineer Galligan , of the Omaha fire department , and others j claim they can 'prove the crime and 4B h'd them to the.penitentmy. N DOMESTIC The Cincinnati.ElectionBesults in. .a Victory for the Democrats. " Several Serious Rows , Two . otWhich Prove Fatal. - Fall to-Agree Special Dimtch to The Boa. NEW YOKK , April 5 1 . m. Row- ell and Davis failed to agree on the terms for a match last night , and Rowell will sail for Enghad to-day. Municipal Elections. Special DlspaUh to Tha Her. COLUMBUS , 0. , April 4 10 p. m. Theelection ; was very quiet , and the total vote will fall one-third abort. The weather was very rough enow andianshine alternately , with slush filling the streets. It seems conceded that ; the republican scratching will re sult-In the defeat of 6. G. Collins for mayor , and the .election'of the demo cratic candidate , 'G. S. Petera. The opposition to. him in his own party has been rank , but the Irish disaffec tion fromth-i democrats may equalize matters. ' la November Gatfield's majority was 474. SpocU ] Olipatcb to Tha Boo. CMNTOS , III. , April 6 1 a. m. The temperance people elected their tioVetby large majority. Speclal.dkpitch to The Bte. CINCINNATI , April * 10 p. m. The canvass of all the voting plaoas at 4 p. m. pave little indication of the result Such scratching never was seen -here before. It looks as if a straight ticket would be a curiosity. Specials throughout the stale speak of the municipal elections passing off wUhout incident of note. Spe ialDliprtch toThrBee. CINCINNATI , April 5 1 a. m. At this hour only ten voting precinota in ihe city have been heard from , which show a democratio gain over the vote for Mayor two years gi of 442. If this same proportion of gain is kept up over the entire city the democratic ondidate for mayor will ba elected by 1,500 majority. An unheard of. amount of scratching ; was done. The republican ! acknowledge their defeat. 13.6 a. m. Sixteen voting pro- ri nets give a net democratio gain of 650 over the vote for mayor two years ao. Thas't gains indicate thai Means ( democrat ) U elected mayor by about 2,000 majority. Ihe Bocfcford Railroad. Bow. Special Itlitmttb t" Tb He * ROCKTOBD , III. , April 5 1 a. m. Receiver Holcomb was ordered to-day by Judgu Eustace to take possession ot the Chicago and Iowa road , but he didn't do it. The Milwaukes people ple are holding the line with about 500 men aad say they , will not give it np unless compelled to by force. Further serious trouble is expected. Election Bows , , tipedal Diipttch to The BM. CINCINNATI , April 5 1 m : Several serious rows and shooting scrapes occurred yesterday , but cnly two that will pmra fatal. Charles six times Frank Howard was sb ° by Coffee , but I * 4Ul l ve. Tim Con- Johnston and ners was shot-by Tom will die-before morning. Tne Ball Boiling. SpecUl Dtepttch to Tat Be . UEwYoBX , Aprll5 1-a. m. Base ball : Metropolitans'6 , Datroits 4. Three Doctors CoulOnt Bave Her. Spean mipatch to THB Bn CHICAGO , April 6 1 a. m. Little Maud L. Heaford , aged two years , at 42 north Curtis street , was watch ing her aunt , Mrs. Webster , packing a trnnk , and while the latter * ! back was turned the child picked up a small bottle containing strychnine , and in a twinkling bad uncorked it and swallowed the contents. It died in fifteen minutes , in spite of the efforts of three doctors. Singular Omission. SptcUl Diipatcb to Tha Bee. MADISON , Wis. , April 4 4 p. m. Tha state legislature had set this afternoon for the final adjournment but the discovery that the village o Ridgeway , lowfc county , with 50 voters , was entirely omitted from th apportionment bill , makes tha document illegal , the legislators wil probably have to remain to remedy it. Party Lines not Observed. CHICAGO , April 4 4 p. m. There Is considerable interest in mnnicipa election , principally on the mayoraliti question. John MoLark is candidate of the repoblicaan , Alderman Carter Harrison , present mayor , of the clem ocrats , but party .lines will not ba ob served to any extent- , the main issue bain ? temprrance. It fs understood Clark has pledged himself to have the saloons ( closed on Sundays and to wage war on Rambling honsM henca nwjjgjgrcvlng peopla wflrirappoff Him. Cincinnati's Election. Speotil DUp tch to Tbt BM. CINCINNATI , April 4 4 p. m. Great Interest .is manifested in the municipal election in progress to-day. The weatker is fine and the crowds about the voting precincts is unnsu- * \ly \ large. The complication Is a very singular one , McMaans , the demo cratio candidate , Is supported by The Cincinnati Gazette and the temper ance element of the republican g > rty , while Jacobi , the republican candi- dafe , has the open suppart of. the saloon interests , whether democratic or republican. Both sides are sup plied with finances , and the fight is the liveliest ever known In municipal affairs. The result will bo close. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. r m m * Chicago Live StocJc Market CHICAGO , April 4. Cattle Active and prices firm and steady at Saturday's figures ; $4 35 ® 4 80 for common to good ; $4 00@4 CO or butchers , steers ; $4700535 for air to choice shipping steers ; re ceipts , 5,000 head. Hogs Moderately actira ; 93 00 ® 5 W. for , culls ; | 5 70@5 80 for light packing ; $5 30@5 80 for heavy pack- ng _ and $5 70 Q6 30 for good to 'ex tra smooth heavy shipping lots ; re ceipts , 10,600 head. _ St. ttoaiH Proauce Mor&9t. ST. Louis , .April 4. Wheat Higher and unsettled : No. 2 red , 8107J@107 for cash ; 3107 for April ; 91 071 08 | for June ; ? 105J@1 05 for July ; $1 03 | for Angnit ; $1 011 011 01 $ for the year : No. 3 do , $1 Olf ; No. 4 do 94 } Corn Higher , but slow- * " ' * 2@41o or cash ; 42o for Aprflf42J@43o for "ay42o ; for .July. : Oats Higher at 35@36Jo for c h ; ye Slow at jl 04. Darlny Unchanged at 80 3100. Butter Steady ; My 20@28c. Egg Quiet at 133. Pork Dull at J1675. Lard Firm at 810 4010 60. St. Lioula Live btoctc Martcet Sr.-Loin8-Aprit.4" -r-Hog Active ; Yorkers and Bal- tloiores , | 5 60 ; mixed psckin ? , 25 40 @ 5 80 ; choice to fancy , $5 90@6 20 ; ecaipts , 4,400 haad ; shipments , 1,400 lead. OhicaRO Produce Mar&et. CHICAOO , April 4 Wheat Spring , § 1 01 j@l OU April ; SI 06J bid for May ; © 1 06 | or June ; ? 106g for July , and 97 for ho year. Corn 38S@38c Awril ; 42f@42o for My ; 42i@4l | for June ; 4343c July ; 4343c August. Oats April , 31f o hid ; May , 35f@ 35d ; June , 35Jo ; 33 033ic ; August , 28i@28fo Fork Mess , $15 57i@lf > 60 for Hay ; $1572i@1275 ior June ; 815 80 © 15 85 for July , and 814 40@14 95 or the year. Sales , 5,750 bbls. L rd 810 45@10 50 for .April ; 816 55@15 67 for M y ; $10 65 ® ' .0 67J for June ; 810 72 @ 10 75 for Tnly , and 110 21 for the year. Sales , 3,750 tierces. Bulk Meats Short ribs , May , 87 9007 62J ; June , 87 70@7 72A ; July , 87 77 $ bid. . ' New Tone Produce Market- NEW YOBS , April 4. Flour Very moderate demand and quotation firmly held. Wheat Opened higher and closed we'k or moderately active ; spot pairs of No. 2 red winter , 81 24@1 25 ; No. 2 red winter. 81 24@1 25J ; No. 1 white , 81 22 © 122f ; No. 2 white , $121mixed $ ; winter , 81 21i@l 22. Oorn-Mlo8ed a shade firmer ; spot sales of No. 2 Now York , 69@59c ; No. 3 556 ; steamer , 57j58o. Oats Closed | © lo higher and op tions a shtda higher on * fair trade ; No. 1 whit * , 50@50jo ; No. 2. 483 ; No. s 47o ; No. 2 mixed , 47i@47jc ; No 3 mixed , 46jc. Pork Steady at 815 00@15 25. Lard Lower and demand fairly activp ; Jiteaaer western , 810 95 ; city , $10 80. 1 Cut Meat ! Steady and in moderate demand ; pickled hams , 9j@9ic ; 4moged do. 10@10o ; pickled shonl- ders , 6J6io ; smoked .do , 7ic. ODtf OF CUSTODY. ki L The Sii Brule Prisoners at WeetPoint Releatedbythe , ; ' Supreme Court. Oo Friday last Tn BEE alluded to the fact fi * United States District Attorney Eambertson waa endeavor * fog to secure.ihe releaas on a writ of habeas cor pas' of the six Brule prison , ers confined a\ West Point on a charge of murder. , The news comes from Lincoln that f United States District Attorney Lambertion laid the matter before the supreme .court at Lincoln on Fiiday , and that on Saturday an order for their release WM issued. Deputy United States Marshal Moody started yesterday for West Point , armed with the papers to se cure the release of these prisoners and will bring them back to Omaha , taking them from this point to their former homes , at Bosebud agency. These Indians are Two Calf , Horned Horse , Gray Dog , Bd Thunder , Bear Man and Turning 3ear. They were arrested lait July bn the charge of mur dering a herder named Williamson In 1877 on McOann's range , near Snake river , and for stealing horses. For various reasons their trial ias been deferred from time to time , until it began to look as if tbe trial of a pris- oner in Nebraska was the worst klni of a le al farce. The evidenca agsins the prisoners waa purely clrcumstan tlal , and all who have paid any atten tion to the case are satisfied that thi release of the prisoners is the propel thing. FOURTH WARD. ADDITIONAL NAMES. BashmaanHH Buihmin Wm Burt F H Blake LJ Burnett L T Bowen F B Barker Wra Bedson Tbos Brennan T F Belles SD _ Cheater CL . .Casper E - ' ' ' OoopeTTTW" Crebo Jos Olair M A Cook Chas B Donahue A Dimmick.S 0 Dickey J J Daily A H Eastman W L Fleming J A Fitchit G W Finlayaon A Goble M H Godfrey C H Eansen I Harpster J S Etuntington C S Hnntington A S ELuntington L'O HallOL Sfbbelor Louis Hook D ( col ) Hathaway S B Hanson Fred Jay Jno Eitchea R Knowles H CJaFranceo Wm Linden Dina S Lnvett J L Miller C D Murray J S ilorton 0 'W ' Madsen J Vlalm Jacob Morton J H Vfurray Thos McGorryP Dben Anton Ogden W B Peterson W Pown Frank Park Jno Poland L Piet W W ParratfeJH Rudolph H . Repmann A . [ ttchmondH Randolph W / ilaipke L Redick Ohas / Smith Chas E Schons Jean / Simon Snew HE / SnowH W Spratlan S W" Shiverick Ohas burner-Jas Truelien Thos Thompson G Turner 0 N Vapor J C. i White Jessfe jr ) ss or DOUOLAS ) ls o certify that the , above is a of additioal voters registered n the Fourth ward , city of Omaha , to ate. In witness whereof I hereunto set mg hand this 4th day of April , A. D. , 88V. JOHN F. WOOD , Registrar Fourth Ward. SIXTHWAED.i -i _ ADDITIONAL NAMES. Jlaynoy F S "BeryGnmV , _ - . iurke Joseph J Btown Wm Boyden G W Craren Wm Corns J H Doty E S jr Dormin Ang DeboU G M DoherV Joseph Jriscoll C F Doane C W ) ewey 0 H Dewitt i A ) avia H J Dorsey J W ) onahne J H Donahue S J ) oerty Frank Dean Henry Durkee F J Dillon B A Smerson Wm 1 Emerson Wm S Sdstrom Mart Ednolm B n Kllingwocd J M Eitner Ernest Elleyard G J Erickion Fred Fitch H V Fdtcher 0 L J BEd Flannigan Pat Ed Fitzpatrick D iUlconer Ed.W F nell John Turhmaun Maur Foskett Christ J Gorman T J Gorman Pat Gibbon W L Gurske Ed Jould John A Golden Thos lewinner Edward Cnapp J E , K9llay W T Cammer Stunislous Nathaniel Lewd Henry Miller MyllerGL iuckley John Miller A J rloore Christ Martin Henry rloe Henry A Marsail J W Jason Ohas E Nickll Thomas kelson Samuel Oithoff Henry Peterson Andy Phillip Thomas Sampson 0 H Spencer J R Starkey A H SshullerOK Trotten Wm Weljhsns W J WakelyE foung D F 0.0. FIELD. IJbT OF LSTTBK8 Elemaining in the Omaha postoffice or the week ending Saturday , April 2,1881. Anderson K A Anthony WE AcpinwallW Armstrong J Alison D W AlsonC Andrit T-2 BurtGW Brady GJ Beoker J H. Butler S TSntler S BlakflleoEH BurtTW Birmingham T J Brnshe T BondT Brellin R Barnes J J BowtA- BdylesE .T i.oohroye A Backmann H Bauer G Chealey Lary L T Clark Carlson T P Carrel F Crosier G A CrollF Clarlc D C Chandler C Church A C Carpenter 7 Dacey J Oryden C S DnncanF Deroit 5 Davis W.GF : DrearingC ' gngioere S Eicher D Frankfort W J Fitt rl yJ jleming R G Goldm n G Goodnoll G Gibson T Gera-dCM H din C W lanshutW Hoppin R' Han W Hopkins JW Habercom SW Hicks W S Howard A P HirpeterJH HullCW Hicks'G.N H ye HE Jerrte Fritz Iretoa JH TacksonJ M Johnson H Jacobs J W Toned A KmbaUWW iraua J > . . Zno'ths B- Sas > llJ k wan W - * Sawler J J 2 S Tingtod H ' McC-mbridge JJ Miller BTCDr Mnchenbough J A .lotmey J F -MalLiJA iIcGnire J Med-ikancMr Morton W H MortmiF i GregorWS ilanniugE Mnl ry-M McKeyGH NeffJt > O'Connor TP Otis H ' Peterson N P PikePA Pont WC Persson M * > u PeUnon John ReudinhA Rice MA ResdR RobbettP Ryan 8 Rley.T RosaJS Revers H tbbertsoaHJA RichardionP * ioachD .Seymour R The only place in the West for genuine Bargains is the BOSTON STORE ! 616 Idth Street , Between Jackson and Jones. ' Special offerings duringjlie month of of April : Jflnset aieTCanton Hats 25c and 35c , sold everywhere nt 50o. * 2 Cases Misses'Sailor Hats at 30c , worth 50c. 2 Cas'aMisaes' Trimmed Sailor flats 35c , worth 60c 3 Cases ladies' Milan Eats 75c , worth $1.25 , ' 2 Cases Ladies White Canton Hats 35c. worth 50c 350 L.dies'Trimmed Hats at Prices that will make evervon - happy. Jruu Our buyeihavinff purchased this stock from an Eastern Manu facturer at i large discount for cash We can assure our numer ous oastom ra that no such bargains were ever offer * d in this citp. Milliners can save money by buying their Hats at this establishment. DRY GOODS ! DRY GOODS 1 1 Lot Bleached Damask Napkins 75o a dozen , worth $1.50. 1 Lot Bleached and Unbleached Damask from New York Auction " Sales at Prices to Snit all. New Prints , ( mgmams , Perca'es. Lawns , Buntings , Drees Qioods , Silks , &c. , &c. , arriving daily. \ Orders/from the Country Carefully Attended to. : ' P. G.-IMLAH , - - - Manager.- * BOSTON ; STORE. } Omaha , - - - Neb. " " EDHOLM ; I ' V Wholesale and Retail M lactnrius JEWELERS. LARQK3T STOCK OF ! , ' Gold and Silver Watches and Jewelry Tn' the City. Gome and See Our Stook as We Will Be Pleased * to Show Goods. EDHOLM & ER1GKSON 15th & Podgn. Opposite Po.-toffice. THE GREAT WESTERN CLOTHING HOUSE ! M. HELLMAN & GO. , Spring Suits I " AH Styles ! IMMENSE STOCK ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ! Largest Clothing House West of Chicago ! A DEPARTMENT FOE CHILDREN'S CLOTHING- We have now an assortment of Clothing of all kinds , Gent's Furnishing Goods , in great variety , and a heavy stock of Trunks , Yalises , fiats , Caps , &eThese Goods are fresh , purchased direct iron the manufac turers , and will he sold at prices lower than ever he- fore made We Sell for Cash and Have but One Price. A large tailoring force is employed by us , and we ma Suits to Order on very short notice. C TjTj A-NT-P SEE TJS. 1301 and 1303 Farnham St. . Corner 13fh. JBL. J m jaML JL. JI MJL.J y DECORATIVE PAINTER Best Designs , latest Styles and Artistic Work. Prices and Specifications furnUhed- Get my Fieares before Ordering - dering Work tlsawheie. SIGNS , Paper Han ging. Plain Painting of all Kinds. . 13 JSOarncy Street , Stewart BY SchnltzJ Small C Small J W Small A. ScemG Sprague E G Sexton P 31 SincUrD J Skoyleni J Smith A Scbtmmernorn Shtuts H Hautr W. Tice N G TahnK Tay'orGT Williams ID WittenaicW Wulff A Welch J Way Freedom 'ZMridze fcHawey H Durs & Son Coffiis & Stephens Ham & Tibbals "Sfc lADna' IJ3T. Andero BMrs Bowman M.Mirt iKHia ' BohtnrannMi'sS " * X ! fiw 'e * * ; ' ' BrandR Canmern i Uaih Miss F CodyM DenninrfMrs Mary Danakey MLw E Dove Mrs Indycntt Miss J GreslyirC HeftS Miss Howard Mrs S .Tacorfon 31K Janssen Misa B Jordan Miss M Jones ME SyorchmiisM Mahoney E McPaddin M. Miller miss E Atann miss Lou McMillan miss M Nichols mrs M C Peterson miss E Panlsson miss K P 7'ickard mfrs M A liyan miss T Smith rnr * B Haltrman L Smiti mra J Smith miss C SicksonrmiasR bmithm-sM V Stifer mrs S Streets Mrs J Thomas mi s S 2 Tomson mis E Vasbinder mrs C E Welch miss J TH03.F. HAHPo tma t r :