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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1881)
The Daily Bee. Thursday Morning , March 10. Peterson sells ooaL Hosps sells Artists' Materials. m5tf Imported cfears , at Saxe's , druggist. in from ths Twenty cars of tea came west yesterday. Whipple , McMillan _ & Co. , the jewel , Block. o2frtf era , Crelghton Key West and domestic cigars , Saxe's. Full line cf artists' materials , at Chicago cage prices. Kuhn'a drug store. jnl-lm Schaller Las sold over" five hundred ears of hogs this year. James L. Collins , the U. P. carpen. ter , is the happy father of a twelve-pound boy which arrived the 9th instant. An extrajcoach was sett out on the loontrainyesterdaytoaccommodateth fun- usual number of passengers. Also an ex tra mail car. A misprint in yesterday's BEE an nounced the ball of Engine Co. No. 1 to take place on the 20th. It should have read "on the SOth inst. " The heavy frost Tuesday ornamented trees and telegraph poles in fine style , the suits they wore this morning corresponding with that of mother earth. Boys , shake hands with Mr. John Bonevier , the tool dresser in the U. P. shops , because he is the happyifather of a ten pound girl which arrived the 8th in- tant. tant.Last Last evening the Boot-blacks'Brother hood were settled in their new quarters at 1216 CMS street , and had their first meal there. Their night school is to ba re sumed regularly now. Three "prairie schooners , " with set tlers for northwestern Nebraska passed weot through the city yesterday.If the worm always falls to the early bird they will car ry off the grub. In several western cities , the Western Union messenger boys are out in new uni forms , which are decidedly becoming to them. The suits are of blue , with shoul der straps and gilt braid. The boys in Omaha will also doubtless be. uniformed at an early day. CapL Humphrey Moynihan , a broth er of Mr. Andy Moynihan of this city and deputy sheriff of Cook county , Hlinoist left for Denver yesterday to bring back to justice a prisoner charged with robbing his relatives of & 350. He spent a day in this city very pleasantly en route. The ladies of the Congregational soci ety invite all their friends to a supper , given at the Congregational church this evening. Supper from six o'clock to eight. The special cnterttimnent is under the direction of Mrs. Squires and Mrs. Hains. Come and enjoy a pleasant evening. The lumbermen on our rivjr front are laboring under great anxiety over the inevitable overflow of the Big Muddy. One of the principle dealers is re-piling all his lumber on trestle-work about two feet above the high water mark of the lost flood. We understand , also , that the Smelting Works apprehend trouble in this direction. The Ladies' Aid Society of the First Methodist Episcopal church hold their monthly sociable at the parsonage , on Davenport street , between Seventeenth and Eighteenth , this evening. A very interesting and Enjoyable occasion is anticipated. Come and participate. As our reporter was threading his way through the-mnddy mazes of Tenth street about noon 7esterdaymlne host Sla- ven , of the Slaven Horse , observing his hungry look , collared him and loaded him up with a good square meal. That's the kind of a man Felix is , and don't you for get it , Mr. Davidson , formerly foreman of Boyd's packing house , to-day began killing hogs in Hoe's packing house , the new firm being known as Davidson & Co. It is a fact worthy of note that he purchased his first car of hogs of Schaller. who also sold Boddis & Thrall and Sheelys their first car of hogs on going into business. Ihe latest curiosity is an alarm watch and Is on sale at the Jewelry house of Edholm & Erickson , the jewelers , fifteenth street , opposite the postoffice. _ This enter prising firm has just opened a case of the elegant watches and have already sold quite a number. There was never before anything of the land in Omaha * These watches are perfect beauties and work to perfection. Mens Rubbers , Womens Rubbers , Misses Rubbers , Ohilda Rubbers Mens Rubber Boots , , Women's Rubber Boots , . Mous Low Arctics , at WHITNEY'S. THE HOWE. The light running new "Howe Sew ing Machine. Office 1516 Dodge street m8-5t The Deacon "Piked Out. " Deacon Goodfellow came out of his front gate lust Sunday morning _ and skipped bllthly fotth on his way to church , his mind doubtless filled with thankfulness to the creator for vouch safing his people suchawarmBunshIny Sabbath morning , after the long suc cession of riproarlng , rampant rip- snorters that has been the lot of all church-goers during Ihe past long pell K of weather. As he came lu front of a store on the sunny side of Farnam street , he was paralyzed , as It ware , at the scene that flashed before his aged optics. In a recumb ent position on the doorstep were two thirteen orlgfourteen-year-old nolens of poor , but noble , houses , Indus * trioniiy engaged in the consumption of a couple of nickel cigars , vulgarly called "stinkers. " . The good man paused on his journey mni thus spoke unto the tender-yeared smokers"Why , boys , I'm scared ! " And he , that sat on the right baud , answered him , saying : "Then why'n the d 1 don't yer pike out ! " . And the deacon "piked out , " mattering some- thlak about the hard character of the average youth of lie present'genera- tlon. Masonic. There will be a special communica tion of St. John's Lodge , No. 25 , to morrow ( Thursday ) evening , for work in the E. A. degree. Visiting breth ren are cordially Invited. - JAHBS B. BKUXEB , Master. Died. ABBOTT Joseph , only son of Joseph and Llzde B. Abbott , aged 4 months , died yesterday morning , March 9th , 1881. Funeral took place at 2 o'clock to day , from the residence of Mr. JL M. Brown , 12th * nd Chicago. EAILWAY BAOKET. A New Extension of the Union Pacific. Tragic Death of a Wabash Engineer. . Trains are beginning to make sched ule time again and -will probably keep It up until their next'enemy , the flood , comes. The Rock IslandI train In'fycsterday was one of the heav iest that over arrived at the transfer and was only fifty minutes late. The Northwestern was only two hours late , which nowadays Is not worth speaking abont and the west-bound U. F. train left ob time. time.TO TO FTJGET'S SOUND. Mr. T. A. Clark , of the engineering corps of the Union Pacific oad , leaves to-morrow with a force of assistants , to begin the survey of a proposed Un ion Pacific extension from Granger , in "Wyoming , to Portland , Oregon. This line runs from Granger to Bear river , thence through Soda Springs , Idaho , and down Snake river , thence to Portland. The line Is abont 800 miles In length and will be made ready for the work of constructing at the earliest possible day. Mr. Clark , of this city , has charge of the surveying for the first one hun dred and fitly miles from Granger , and expects to be engaged until the middle of the summer or longer. This extension will give the Union Pacific a valuable outlet to Portland , as well as reaching some valuable points In Idaho. DEATH OF AN ENGINEER. Many at the railroad men and others of this city will remember John B Myers , who was in this city some years ago , putting up the Baldwin locomotives for the Union Pacific as they nrrived from the works. Myers subsequently ran engines on various' roads in Iowa , and married a niece of JodgeBryant , of Council Bluffs , where he resided for some time. Of late he has been an engineer of the Wabash road and lasV week was killed at Moberly , Mo. , under distressing circumstances. On Thursday night he was summoned , to take charge of his engine and in reaching the point where his engine stood , It was necessary for him to crawl over a train that was then at a stand still. In crossing to the other side , It Is supposed he fell -beneath the cars , which begin to move just as he got on them. Three or four trains passed over his body before It was dis covered , terribly mangling it. The remains were encased in a handsome casket and were taken on Sunday lajst to the home of his father , near Chicago , accompa nied by the sorrowing wife , a delega tion of the brotherhood of engineers , and an escort of Knights Templar , of which order he was eminent com mander at Moberly. The deceased was well known in Conncll Blnffshav- ing resided there for five or six years. Ho was a gentleman greatly esteemed by all who enjoyed his acquaintance , and was known as a very faithful and careful engineer. A DESPERATE BARGAIN In Crulckshank ; great birgains in fine dress goods at 50 cents , there are all wool cashmeres , double width 9-3t Cruickahank's Custom Shirt , perfect fitting , and best materials. Laundried SI 40 , unlaundried § 1.25 , made to order laundried $1.50. As this is just abont one-half the price some shirts are sold at , people will not believe that they are the same quality. Come and see that they are made of Warn- suttii , or New York Mills muslin , and the best Irish linen. 9-2t , Latest Novelties at Gruickshank's. New Fringes. New Fancy Beaded Ornaments. New lojpjrfal Glove , Fester fas tening. New Japanese Silk Handkerchiefs. New Polka dot Heae. New Embroidered Edgings. New Fancy Dress Goods. New Black Cashmeres. New Colored Silks. New English Walking Jackets. New Russian Mantles. New Spring Ulsters. New Silk Dolmans. 9-2t One basement salesroom crammed to tto calling with domestics. Lonsdale muslin , seconds , 8J Lonsdale muslin , lOc. Fruit of the Loom , llAc. 4 4 unbleached muslin , 5 to lOo. 8-4 , 94,10-4 bleached sheeting. Unbleached sheeting , do. do. do. Pillow muslin 5-4 and 6-4,15 to An Immense assortment of new Prints end Glng'iams , all .the latest styles , and a desperate bargain in drees goods at 15c , worth not less than 35 J. These are imported goodaand wejhave the entire center counter covered with th'em. 912 A. OR'UIOKSHANK&OO. ' Police Court. Two men paid $3. and costs each yesterday for being drunk and dis orderly. A boy was arrested for stealing a pair of boots from Doll , the shoemaker but there being no evidence sufficient to hold him , he was discharged. Four tramps were sent to join the - street gang for fire days each. A young boy who has made a busi ness of stealing THE EVENING BEES left by the carrier along 12th street , was caugnt in the set Tuesday and run in by Officer McOlure. He ad mitted the charge but claimed to be acting as agent for an other boywho sold the papers as he brought them In. As hewas a mere baby the judge dis charged him on promise to do"so no more. Jacob Metzger who was arrested on t the charge of Michael Wallenz , was this morning acquitted for want of evldenf to hold him on. Mrs. Jj. Kroltzsch , the popular dress maker , has removed from 1214 Farnham street to 1513 , Douglas street , 2 doors west of Cruickshank's. 7-4t PERSONAL PAKAUBAFH8. Ex-Marshal Daily is in the city. Mr. H. J. Parr , who assisted Prof. E. W. Seager in giving "Queen Esther , " has taken the music department of A. Hospe , Jr. , in charge. Dr. Tamblin , a celebrated physician and surgeon , a scholar and a gentleman , of St. Charles , Minnesota , thinks of coming to Omaba to locate. There is always room in out growing city for men of Dr. Tarn- blin's reputation. Quite a number of per sons in Omaha have known the doctor for a number of years. Major J. H. O'Bryan , general agent of the Sioux City and Pacific railroad , left to-day fer his former home in Kentucky. One of the chief objects of his visit is to be present at the celebration of the eight ieth birthday anniversary of his venera ble mother , which will occur on the 15th inst. The old lady is still ha'e and hearty , enjoying remarkable health. Mons Rubbers , Womens Rubbers , Misses Rubbers , Childs Rubbers. Mens Rubber Boots , Womens Rubber Boots , Mens Low Arctics , at WHITNEY'S. TERRIBLE LOW ! LOOK ! LOOK ! ! Large Ohromos , framed , 65c. Large Paintings , $4 to $7.50. Two dollar frames for ? L Mouldings , made up , naif price. Motto frames at 15s. 8x10 frames , from lOc up. Come ! come ! ! and be convinced. A. HOSPE , JB. , 1519 Dodge street , next door to Harris & Fisher's. LOVE VS. DUTY , A Case in Which a Mandamus Could Properly be Issued. 1 x A pretty waiter girl In one of our boat hotels , who recently resigned her position to marry a young man who has for some time past professed ab solute devotion to her , was thrown into consternation inexpressible to-day by the receipt of a note from the would-be bridegroom to the effect that as his mother was so opposed to the marriage he could have to decline the happiness of matrimony. We have not space to go Into details but suffice it to say , that the young man was to have made the pretty wai ter girl his bride this evening , the guests were invited and the wedding feast'prenared. A friend of both parties hadfittedup an elegantsultofrooms for the occupancy of the newly married couple , and now all high hopes are apparently dashed to the ground , and the only resort is to apply to Judge Savage for a mandamus. The young man is evidently only wavering between affection and filial duly , for not a great while ago he was reported to have attempted suicide from jealousy in this very quarter. COME QUIClE " Persons who have been awaing the new line of engravings , are notified that they have just arrived at the Art Halls of A. HOSPE JB. , Dodge St. , next door to Harriss & Fiiher. m-9-3t FOB SALE. A first class piano , en tirely new. A bargain for cash , or easy payments. Enquire at EDHOLM & ERICKSON , m8-3t Opp. the Poatoffice. A Celebrated Case. Our readers will remember the case of Hallonbeck vs. Kelsey , the parti culars of which were given in Satur day's BEE , under the head of "Oats vs. Plums. " The case was settled by Judge Wright , subsequent to the appearance of the ] article in question , a judgment being rendered in favor of the plaintiff for $9.05 and costs. The costs amount ed to $265.40 , while the amount In controversey was originally only $22. The effort to impeach the testimony of Mr. Hollenbeck was entirely unsuc cessful. We understand that no ap peal will be taken in the case. REMEMBER "WHIFFLE , McMm.EN & Co. , the Jewelers , Fifteenth street , when you want anything in the jewelry line. A fine assortment of gold and silver watches just opened. 8-3t Attention Friends of Woman Suffrage All who wish to become members of the "Nebraska Woman Suffrage Association" will please send name and .membership fee of $1 to the undersigned secretary of the associa tion , on receipt of which an acknow ledgment and copy of constitution and by-laws will be promptly forwarded. MBS. H. 0. BmERBENDEB , Secretary N. W. S. A. OSOEOLANeb. . Eeal EstateTransfera. The following transfers were re corded at the county clerk's office yes terday , as reported for this paper by John L. Me Cague , real estate agent and conveyancer : John J. Morrell and wife to Allen Koch , portion of lot 6 , in block 138 , Omaha , w. d. $2,000. Anna and John E. Kenna and L'ez- zetta and J. S. Jordan to Union Pacific railway company , deed right of way. $75. L. D. Kellogg and wife to Amos 0. Babcock , 2 acres In nw of se J of section 9 , town 15 , range 13 east q. c. d. $250. Florence N. Leavitt to H. T. Lea- vitt general power of attorney. O B. Llelden and wife to 0. H. Rasmnnson , 3J acres in sw J of sw J of section 21 , town 15 range 13 east , w. d. foOO. Augustus Kountze to JohuSekera ; lot 11 , block 9 , Kountze's 2nd add. , w. d.-$300. John L Redick to Martin Spitley ; lots 3 and 4 , block 52 , Omaha , w. d. --$2,800. Omaha City to John McBride ; lot 2 , block 365 , w. d. $500. . A. J. Poppleton to Delia L. Fergu son , lot 3 , Elizabeth Place $100. Francis B Hayes and wife to Wiley Taylor , e fc ne $ , .sea 17 , 116 , r 12 , q c.d. $800. Thomas Muaray to Henry Kauae,53 acres in sec. 3. t 14. r 10 e , q. c. d. $1.00. EGGS ! Eoasl ! FRESH ! FRESH ! ! At Loictrt Quotation * . FLEMING'S. SNOWED TENDER , The Ordinance Changing Ward Boundaries Emphatically Disapproved , A Special Meeting to be Held to Consider the Matter. Considerable Business Trans acted by Enforcing the Gag Law. At the regular meeting of the city council Tuesday evening , there irere present : Dalley , Dodge , Hornberger , Kanfminn , Kennard , Kent , Labagh , Roddls , Stephenson , Thlenmn and President Boyd. The minutes of the preceding meet ing were read , and after a hot discus sion , In the course of which Presi dent Boyd threatened to arrest Coun cilman Siephenson , were approved. The mayor sent In the following communication In regard to ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL. . MA OB'S OFFICE , March 7th , 1881. Gentlemen of ths City Council : Tne suggestion made In an editorial in The Herald yesterday , concerning St. Joseph's HoapltaHn this city , and its need of assistance at this time , it seems to me , demands the early and favorable consideration of your honor able body. It has been my privilege and I felt it to be my duty to call the special at tention of former councils on several occasions , when sending in my annual messages , to the absolute necessity of making some provisions foe such care of the helpless aud indigent sick of Omaha as they can only .receive at the hands of the public In a well conduct ed hospital. Up to this time the city has had other uses for its funds which were deemed of more pressing importance than the establishment of such an institution , and , too , from present iudications it will be some years yet before such a noble charity can be opened by the city. In the meantime it may be that some method can be devised by virtue of which yon may feel warranted in affording aid from the city treasury to the hospital referred to St. Jos eph's a ready refnge for the suffer ing , which I have often had occasion to observe has been of inestimable value to those unfortunate ones who have been compelled to ask admission within its portals. If the nursing , general care aud medical attendance there afforded cannot be properly rennmerated , at least such aid as will relieve those in charge from the unpleasant duty of soliciting alms , in person , for those there cared for , should be afforded. I therefore recommend that this subject be referred to the proper com mittee , whose duty it shill be to as certain and report at an early day whether the city council has the pri vilege of rendering the desired aid and , if so , by what method and to what extent. CHAMPION S. CHASE , Mayor. The communication was referred to the committee on judiciary. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. From the mayor In regard to pro curing a plat of city lots. Referred to committee on pubHo property and Improvements , with Instructions to have the city engineer make a map , and that the city attorney be instruct ed to furnish an abstract. From the mayor Approving the or dinance changing the grade on Daven port street , from Eighteenth to Twen * tieth. From the olty engineer Giving profile of contemplated change of grade on Farnham street. Referred to committee on utreotn and grades. From Isaac Edwards Informing council that he had taken steps to re strain collection of alleged illegal tax es on certain lots la Selden'a addition. Referred-to committee on finance. From. 0. E. Perkins , truitee , va cating Rlvervlew addition. Referred to committee on judiciary. From the police asking $70 per month. Referred to committee on police to report at next meeting. From J. F. McCartney , city clerk , asking' ! or appointment of a committee to examine his books and papers. Re ferred to a special committee of three , to be appointed by the president. Messrs. Kent , Dally and Kaufman were appointed as such committee. From city treasurer showing bal ances on different funds. Referred to committee on finance. ' EESOIUTIONS. By Thieman : WHEEEAS , It'ap pears that the city of Omaha agreed with the Union Pacific to give forty acres or thereabouts to the said com pany on certain conditions ; and , WHEEEAS , Mie said laud was deed ed to Gov. Alvln Sannders in trust ; and , WHEEEAS , The question of said railroad company having fulfilled the conditions necessary to 'secure a full and valid title to said land is an open one ; and , WHEBEAJ , Some of the land was never taken possession of or claimed by said company , but remains to-day In the hands of Alvin Saunders , trustee ; therefore , be it RESOLVED , That the city attorney present his legal opinion to thlc coun cil on the question of how said land may best be recovered for the city. Adopted. Adopted.BEPOETS BEPOETS OF COMMITTEES. The committee on finance reported tnat they had destroyed the recently redeemed bonds. . The report was filed. filed.The The same committee reported ad versely to J. 8. Gibson's petition re garding his assessment , as he had filled his own blank. Report of committee that plat of Oak Knoll be not accepted was adopted. The committee on public property and improvements reported against passage of ordinance changing grade on Seventeenth street , near Douglas , as no waiver of damages had been filed as yet The report was adopted. The purchasing committee pre sented a majority and a minority re port in regard to the purchase of 1,500 feet of hose recently 6rdered by the council. The former was signed by Messrs. Dodge and Homberger , the latter by Mr. Stephenion. The minority report recommended that further time be granted and bids re ceived from the different manufac turers. The discussion which followed showed that while two eastern fac tories were represented in the city at the time of the purchase , bnt one agent had been consulted , and that , the hose had been ordered at ninety- three cents per foot , while hose was offered at ninety cents per foot , with ample guarantee and time to test the same thoroughly. The majority report was adopted. The W. * W. Lowe tax matter was reported upon by the committee byte to Ivhom it bad been referred , and their report wai adopted. The special committee appointed to rearrange the * ward boundaries , made their report , which has been publish ed in Hsz BEE. They also reported an ordinance in regqrd to the matter aud recommended ita passage. Report was placed on file. The mayor reported the appoint ment of H. R. A. Pnndt , Daniel An gel and John Baumer as appraisers of damages 'that would arise from the grading of upper Farnham r.treet. ORDINANCES. An ordinance to relocate the hay market on Chicago street between Fifteenth and Sixteenth , and on Fourteenth street , between Howard and Harney streets , was passed. An ordinance , re-arranging the ward boundary , according to the report of the special committed was introduced , and read first and second times. Councilman Hornberger moved that the ordinance be laid on the table. Adopted. A lively discussion as to the course to be taken in the matter of redls- trictlng the wards ensued , in which Councilman Stephenson was again threatened with arrest by the presi dent. dent.The The council then adjourned to meet at 7 o'clock , Thursday evening , when it is understood that the arrange ment of ward boundaries will be- thoroughly considered. FOB SALE. A first class piano , en tirely new. A bargain for cash , or easy payments. Enquire at EDHOLM & J3RIOKSON , m8-3t Opp. the Poatoffice. IT WAS LOADED , And the Ball Lodged in the Knee of Mike Ryan. Between 4 and 5 o'clock Tuesday a case of accidental shooting oc curred in front of the St. Elmo the atre , on Twelfth street. A party of yonng "bloods" stood upon the walk , and one of the number Jim HcNnlty , was .handling a pistol rather racklesa- ly , thinking , ( as is always the case ) that it was not loaded. Suddenly a sharp report told him that it was , and a friead of .his , Mike Ryan , who stood near , said that he was shot just below the right knee. The vic tim's friends at once took him to his room and Drs. Hyde and Mercer were called to examine the wound. They did not extract the ball but say that no serious results are apprehended from the accident. Ryan -\raa on the street again to-day. M'Lies.the Child of the Sierras. The Academy has seldom held BO large an audience , and never a better natured one , thanRaiaombled Tuesday to see and hear Annie Pucley in her favorite character M'Liss. The play is a dramatization of Bret Harte's story Melissa Smith , and is one of the strangest of its kind. It has many strong points and thrilling situations , that at timeaare almost melo-dramatic but running all through it , prevading its every part , and stamping it with a character all its own , la the part of _ M'lisa. A wild , ragged , rough , un tutored girl , whose conversation la almost confined to slang that she had learned from the "Boys ; " bnt with al , a pure , tendon-hearted little vaga bond who loved her "dad" better than her liberty. The character as pkyed by Miss Pkloy ia a charming bit of acting , ' and deaerves all the commendation it has received during her triumphal tour through the country. From the moment she bounds upon the scene ragged and unkempt , to the close of the last act , when having been polished by sev eral in ladiea " " years a "cemetery , she paralyzes Yuba Bill by her Frencn , , ka had the entire audience with her. She being at > iu to play each a character without of fence to any one ia genius. She ia a beautiful little lady and we hope to see her again In the new opera house , where the play can receive the setting it should have. The remainder of the company are all good , and each re ceived their share of applause. The veteran actor , Mr. John E. Me- Donough , played "Yuba Bell" with great effect. The Judge , who would not depart from the atatoota , was well * received , and , in abort , It ia a well- balanced company , and they stirred up the audience in a way an Omaha house seldom allows Itself to be. FOB SALE. A first class piano , en tirely new. A bargain for cash , or easy payments. Enquire at EDHOLM & ERIOKSON , m8-3t Opp. the Poatoffice. OJIAHA , March 9,1881. I will offer at private aale during the next ten days , at my residence 1713 Chicago street all my household furniture. J. M. MAESTON. m9eod3t Poatofflce Uhangeain Nebraska Daring. the week ending March 5 , 1881furniahed by Wm. Van Vleck , of the poatoffice department : Postmasters Appointed Oolon , Saunders county , Sheldon A. Taylor ; Oozad , Dawaon county , Edmond Win- chel ; Eight Mile Grove Oasa county , A. L. Root ; Homestead , Burt county , Frank A. Taylor ; St. Jamea , Cedar county , P. W. Brown ; Sprini ? Creek , Johnson'connty , Gaorge W. Eberbart , Thayer , York county , Allen Halatead. Undoubtedly the bes't shirt In the United States is manufactured at the Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority of Material and workmanship , com- olned with their great improvements , that Is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced backs aud Reinforced sleeves , makes their shirt the moat durable and best fitting garment of the kind , ever , manufactured at the Moderate price of $1.60. Every shirt of our make ia guaranteed first-class and will refund the money if found otherwise. We make & specialty of all wool , Shaker , and Canton flannel , also chemdla underwear , made up with a. view to comfort , warmth and durabil ity. To invalids and weak-lunged persona we offer apealal inducements inthe manner these goods are made for their protection. * PH. GdrrnEiMHR , . iMn "troet. . DRTSflJTCHCOCK COR I5T-H&DOUGLAS STS. THE DAILY BEE tha Latest Home and Tele- -News of th Day. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Advertisements To Loan , For Sale Lost Found , Wants , Boarding , Ac. , will be In seried In these columns once for TEN CENTS p r line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVE CEKTS per line , Tha first Insertion never less than TWENTT-FINE CENTS. TB LOAK-HOHEt. ' OUST TO M > ANU M L w Offlc * M' D. L. 7HOHAB. Room S. Cre ! < htoa Block IONKY TO LOAH HC F&rnhun street M Dr. Edward * Loan Aecc > , nOT-22-tf HaLP WANTED WANTED Situation by a young : man o any kind. First-clna city reference given. Address C. E.S .Port Office. 369-10 WANTED A competent girl'German ( or Ecandlnavian preferred ) . Inquire of OOF ] and MONTGOMERY , over Pint National Bins. 870-10 A special or active ! pattaer to WANTED an equal amount of capital in th retail dry goods trade. Have a go od opening to the bosmere. Address Secretary Board o Trade , Council Bluffs , lows. 883-11 TXTANTED A first class cook , Occidental VY Hotel , Cor. 10th and Howard Sts. 881-10 Girl at Troy Laundry , Harney WASTED llth and 18th. 360-9 Aynne man experienced in the WANTED business and ezpe-t at trim mlng windows. S.ate salary. Beferen M re quired. Address Lock Box 748 FlatVmonth Neb. 343 9 mO JIEBCHANT TAILORS Wanted situation J _ a § cutter , by a practical Ullor. Address N.J. , Bee Office. 863-9 CUB8T CLASS TABLE BOARD At 2/7 / Fam JD bam St. , bet. 15th and 16th. 355-1 ANTED First-class cook Immediately , a 277 Farnham St , bet. 15th and 16th. 351-12 - 'ANTED Girl to take cars of baby and W help at homework. Call at Ee Office. 349-tf "TT7ANTED Good frlrl to do lifht homework YV Enquire at 1519 Dodge St. 838-tf Girl at Ell Walnut St. between WANTED . 833-1 TIT ANTED A vrom&B c oV , at the Emmet W Home. . 332-10 EN WANTED To Chop wood. T. Murray M1 TT7 M. H. DOLMAN- Wanted Information o YV Wm. H. Dolman , lately a resident o East Oakland , California , when he hat a wif and four. children who have n t heard from him for over a year. Any one knowing what hat be come 61 him will confer a great favor by addrrs : ing Mrs. Wm. H. Dollman , 1271 Eleventh ATOMIC , Eat Oakland , CaL 419-16 TTT ANTED To rent , for a term of years , th V V third story of some brick building ( soon to be erected ) , situated on the co-ncr of tb street In the business center rf Omtha. Call o address Oeo. B Rathbun , Principal Great West era Business College. 370-tf An experienced butcher wanta- WAhTSD a meatnarketl n some small west era town , where there ia none , or whore one ia needeil ; would take a reliable partner. Addrewi E. K. Webb , Jaikaon , Datota Co. . Neb. 9Q-t 'TTT ANTED A good house-keeper , 1109 Farn YY. ham street , up ttaira. 32-tt FOB BEMT-HOU8E8 AMD IAHP. p OR RENT Barn , 277 Fambam St. , bet. 15th JT and 16th. 35S-1 TJIANOS AND ORGANS FOR RENT At from JL 81 BO to 30 00 per montn. F. B. Mewcs , 318 S. 10th St. 355-tf nOR RENT House of8 rooms , on Cite > _ T Hi'l ' , McCaguo , opposita postofflce. 421-t mO REST Front office , 317 S. 13th street X between Farnham and Harnty , eiat side H. W. Crtmer. 420-tf FOR BENT An e egant furnished front ro m with or without board , to two gentlemen Enquire 1619 Dodge street. 423-tf T7IOB RE T A store corner Loavenworth an JD 10th sts. AUo 6 mocking bird linrers fo sale. Enquire at Peterson , 804 10h at. 397-t TJ10R RENT Forty acres improved , farm S JD S. W. of Omaha. Enquire of A. Fudayaon 22nd and Harney Sta. _ 396-t Vtiott KENT A furnished , south lent room I ! Inquire at No. 1012 Farnham St. 884U r.lOK RENT 2 furnished rooms over Her L1 chants Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th and Dcrfze streets. 283-tf FOR SALE. TJ10R BALE A tmall engine , B. W. Payne & JU Son's make , bnt little used and in perfec order. Enquire of H. Q. Clark & Co. 837-12 T7IOR SAtiE Boardlnjr fixtures with house fo JD rcnt.and goodwill of fiomSO to SSregnla boarders. Aspicdld chance fora rpring opening House in good Iccatlon.Satiafactory reason ] girea for selling. Address 8. J. O , Fostofficc , Omaba 333-9 ] OR BENT S rooms. Enquire 1120TDouglas J ? Street. 334-tf "TOOR SALE Ten (10) ( ) residence lots on upper JJ Farnham street. JohnL. McCaguo , op. P.O. ttfrtf SALE Maps of Doutclu and Sarpy FOR counties. A. BOaEWATEB , 1E20 Farn ham Street. 320-tf TjlOR S LK Seven good business lota on I * Farnham street. JOHN L. McCAOUE , Klr Opposite Foatofflce. TpOR SALE Lease and tnmuuro vt tirst- JD class hotel In a town of 1300 inhabitant * . In State of Nebraska. Has 24 beds , the travelling men's resort , inquire at Bee office. 218-tf T710RSA.LE A BARGAIN A building with JlJ saloon fixtures , furniture and stock , on 10th ' St. , opposite the TJ. P. depot , for sale very cheap. 'Or the fixture * , furniture and stock will be sold and building rented. Inquire of El > . KKEISS MAN. 79-tt FOR SALK Two close carriages , at A. J. Simpson's. 911-tf MISCELLANEOUS- T OST OR STRAYED A brown main colt , 3j I J years old , white star on forehead , white spot on upper lip and white hind feet. The finder will pleaao leave word with John Anstrom at Simpson's carriage f ictory. 34310 T OST $1000 Saturday , March 6th. U ia I1 thought In Kountz's bank possibly , on 13th street Finder will bo liberally rewarded by leaving at this office. 359-10 mEAMS CAN BE GOT At John Barr e stable _ L for all kinds of work , at reasonable figure ! near corner 13th and Leavtnworth St. 378-tl FEVER AND AGUE. There b no clrllUed nation In the Western Hemisphere in which the utility o ! Hostettat's Stomach Bitters as a tonic , corrective , and an - bilious medicine , is not Iqiown and appreciated. Whileitlsainedldna for ill seasons and U climates , It is egpedally suited to the complaint * generated by the weather. being the purest and nest vegetable stimulant In the world. \ For sale by Dmreists and Dealap , to whom ap. flv for Hostetter'g Almanac for 1881. WROUGHT IRON FENCES. Wire Tendnjr and Balling i" Their beauty , permanence a nomy daily working the extinction of I fenclnz cheap material. Elegant In design , 'D'- ' ' Ubie Fences for Lawns. Public G ixnd Ceme- tery Flats ; Iron Vases , Lawn Settees , ied and of rustic patterns ; Chain and m. . . cription of Iron and Wire ornamental wor iesiKned anil manufactured by E. T. BA 73 Wire and Iron Work , 17 , 29 aad 31 W. - . - d Are. , De- tr lt , Mich 8 o ' * > * * ! -atalogne and . rlna Hgt SUBSCRIBE /OR / THE WPJERIT BEE , The Beat in vi West. S. P. MORSE & GO. , ; ; Cash Jobbers and Retailers of DRY GOODS ! DRY GOODS ! 1319 Farnham Street. \ We Call Attention to'the extremely Low Prices of our present Stock of HOUSEKEEPING GOODS , TableLinensTowelsNapkins , Table & Piano Cover AND HAVE MADE REDUCTIONS I\ 66-Inch Bleached Linen Damask , formerly 70 cents , Now 50 cents. 60-Inch " " " " Now . go cents , 70 cents. 64-lnch'Satin ' " $1.00 , " 75 cents. 64-Inch " " " | .25 , " $1.00. 68-Inch Double Satin " " 1.50 to SI.60 , Now $1.20. 68-Inch Double Datin " " " 1.75 to 2.00 , Now 1.40. Two-yard wide Barnsley half bleached Damask at 75c.f well worth at retail $1.25. Two-yard wide Extra Double Satin Damask , elegant patterns , formlrly $2.00 , now $1.60. 4-4 all Linen Fringed Cloths , formerly 76c each , Now Reduced to 46c. 6-4 all Linen Fringed Cloths , formerly $1.00 each , Now Repuced to 65c. " " " " " " " 7-4 - | .25 95c. 8-4 " ' ' " " - 1.75 si.25. 10-4 " " " " " " " " - 2.60 1.95. large eiz J Linen Sets , Table Olotha and Napkins to match formerly $7.00 , no-w reduced to 3 $5 75 each. Large size Linen Sets , Table Cloths and Kapkina to match , formerly 5900 , No-w 1 Reduced to $6 50 Large siz-i Linen Sets , Table Oloths and Napkins to match , formerly $10.00 , Now Reduced to $7.50. Larse size Linen Seta. Table Oloths aad Napkins to match , fonnerlr $11.00 and $12.00 , Now Keduced to $9.00. ! TO'WIEIjS I Very heavy double Damask Towels , 24x44inches , reduced from 60c to37 l-2c each. Fine twilled Barnsley Cream Damask Towels , hand knotted fringes , reduced from 76c to 64c each. Fine French double Damask Towels,26x60 inches , formerly 90c , reduced to 54c. " To encouragei the practice , now so popular with many Ladia ? , of purchasing Embroideries earlj in the year thereby anticipating the wants of summer , we make an Annual Custom each January of of- feiing a LAKGE STOOK of cirarully selected patterns. Our stock this year has been pronounced finer and cheaper than ever before ; we have Patterns and Novelties usually bought by other mer chants a year later. We have arranged to be supplied weekly with fresh goods. The prices asked are much lower than those oi Eastern houses who have gained a world-wide notoriety : Muslin. Embroideries from Ic to $ E.OO a yard , on M ialin from 1-2 inch to 54 Inches wide , French Percale Em Broideries from 5c to $2.00 a yard. French Nainsootand Swiss Embroideries rrom 15cto $2 75 a yard ts-n Mcumuifttedalar elot ot Odd Pairs and various sizes. To effect a speedy sale , we have BTJNCH- " 'COKINGS. In each Bunch we Have out all of one s ze ; some contain ten pairs. pom eight , some seven , flva and three , and we have 5Oc Bunches , 76c Bunches , $ LOO Bunches , $15O Bunches , * 2-OO Bunches , 82 SO Bunchos. - BLACK CASHERES-Our Spring importation * are now in New York. Wf hare recited tample pieces of 40and 48 inch at 90c. 9-1.00 , S 1.15 and SI.S5 , and can assure our patron * no such valuet were ererlefore shmnf by lu : Mail Order Department We call attention of non-residents of Omaha to this department ; through it we solicit frdert for good * or temples Orders so sent are filed ly the return mail of express. Selections are jide by competent clerks only , and ice guarantee satisfac tion or refund money. We carry the Largest Retail Stock west of Chicago , anti afford gou all the advantages of a pereonal visit < &rwg\ ovr Sample Envelopes. One Price only Varied in Figures. S. JP. - IMIOIRSIE & CO. Absolutely Pure. Maclo from Grape Cream Tartar. No otha preparation makes such lizht , flaky hot breulg or luxurious pastry. Can be eaten by drepeptica without fear of the ills resulting from he in digestible food. Sold only In cans by all Oroceri. RoiAi BAKISO POWDXR Co. . Hew York. CHARLES R1EWE. UNDERTAKER ! Uetailc Cages , Cofflni , Caiketo , Shrouds , etc. Farn m Streo . Oth and llth , Omaha , Neb Tel eraoh ! * * nMM o " < vnV ! * * tn lirj to. THE MERCHANT Isprepared tomakePanU , Sn > * nd overcoata to order. Prices , fit and workmanship guaranteed to gait. One'DoorWo * * ° T OrrjJckflhank'o. ilOly , /riO. G. JACOBS , ( formerly of Olah & Jacobi ) 0NDERTAK Ho. 1117 Farnham St. , Old Stand of Jacob Oil OBDBR3 ET THLKORAPU SOLICITS VINEGAR WORKS ) EBNSTZBEBS , Manager Manufacturer of all kinds of STIJST 33 G--A. IB Janes St. K't Olnnf 10 Any ona bavin ? dead aniouia I will remors Item free of charge. Leave orders southeast corn r of Harney and llth St. , second door. .CHARLES SPLITT. B. STEVENSON & CO. Carpenters and Builders , hare rcmovoJ to No. 1308 Dodge Street , where they aio prepared to o all kinds of work In their line on short notice t reasonable rates. A. W. NASON. ID E HSTTIST , 77IOK Jacob'i B ck , cor& r Capitol Are. aad \5 , h Street. Orrwha Web.- WOETH BEMEMBERING. That TAKRIST'S SKLTZJR Ariarcrr repre * In each bott.e thirty or forty zUanes of Spar car Sfltier Water , contaiuin ; all the Tirtnta ef the elebrated German f pnnjr ; It is always fresh and always rndy , and thus commends ItveUCto all for Its emcacr.portabiUty and cheapness. ALL D&UGOIISTS HAVE EC. AGENTS FOR DEVLIN & CO. , 'JL'JdL-HJ BOSTONOLOTH1 OLOTH1 in inHOUSE. . / fi " rl STREET. 50,000 CHEAP ! CHEAPER ! CHEAPEST MAX MEYER & BRO. F.opose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then e itire stock of Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry , Clocks. SilverWare , Pianos & Organ GENERAL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE At Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 uar cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House , preparatory to moving into their New Store , Cor. llth & Farnham We Mean Business. Come and be Convinced. MONEY TALKS All sales strictly cash , therefore we are enabled to oiler the consumers of the weed only first quality goods for their money. Best straight lOo Cigar in'the city , Best 3 for a quarter Cigar in the city , ' rfBe < jt Straight 5c Cigar in the city , Detroit Pine Gut a Specialty , Oar 80 3 Pine Cut is a good one , Bagleys May Mower ia 8 and 16 ounce tins , For 40c we have bang up Smoking Tobacco , ' 'MICHIGAN TOBACCO STORE , " 1417 Douglas Street. We are the only Dealers in the Celebrated Bogley'e May Flower dc22wxlim RHEUMATIC CORE Warranted a Safe , Certain and Speedy Cora for Iheumatism hi all Its forms , Kenralgia , Lama Uck , Pain lu the Breast and Side , Fain in the Stomach and Kidnejf , &a It Is an internal emedy , a Tonic and Blood Purifier , and while it remores the Disease it Improves the general health. SMITH , BLCK / > & CO. , PROPRIETORS , PUTTS SJOUm NEBRASKA- C. F.'Qooimin , general 'agent Omaha , Keb J. H. FLIEGEL & GO. Successors to J. H. MERCHANT TAILORS , No. 1220 Douglas Street , AT = TA