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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1881)
THE DULY BEE OMAHA PUBLISHING COPROPRIETORS. . fie FarnJam , kcLSOiand lOti Strut * TERMS OF SnESCRIPTION. 1 Oopy 1 year , In advance poitpald.f8.0l ) S months " " . . . . . .t.0 S months N * ' . 2.01 TIME TABLES- THE MAILS. 0 , N. If. B.K 530 . m. , JtOp. m. 0. B , ft Q-6 30 a. OL , 40 p. m. C.R.I4P.R. B. . 6-JOk , 0It Joe B'JO . a. 8. City * P. 630 vm. U. P. K.B. , Ili0m.m. 0. ft E. T. to Lincoln , 10 a , m. B. * K. B. B8 : i. m. 0. * N. W. . 7:30 m.m. ornnta C. K. W. . R. , 11 a. m 11 p. m. 0. B. & Q.,11 ft. m. , 930 p. m. 0. H I. i P. , 11 a.m. . llp.m. C. B.Bt , Joe. , lift. m. . Up m. O. P. B. B. , i p m. 0. * R. V. from Lincoln , UUD p. ffl , B.OUy JtP.Ua.m. B.AM. lnhob.ip.m. Local malla ( or State * Jew leave but oao * dy , vie 4:50 a. m. Omoe open from 1 ! to J p. m. Sundays. THOMAS F. HALL. PosameVr. _ Arrival And Departure e ! Trains UNION PACinO. LIATB. ABJLITB. . 1:25 p.m. do Mixed . 6:10 p. m. 425p.m. do rrolgbt.jaO.m. lWp. tr. do - 806 ft. m. 1230a.m. roa OA.RD or THE BUBLIKGTOH. . LUTBOKAnA. I AKKITB OKAHi. ErptMi . StOpm. . Eipre . . 10 )0 ) a. Mall . 60 a. m. Hall . 10:00 p. m Bunday * Eicepted. | Bundays EicepKd. CHIOAOO.fBOCE ISLAND & PACIFIC. Man . _ .e f.m. I an. . < . . . .lft00p.m. Krpnai.Etv p.m. | Expre _ . .100 a. m CHICAGO NORTHWESTEfiH. Mail . _ .8. ' 0 a. m. I Mafl . - 7:20 p. a , 1 pren.tiOpl m. | xprMa _ _ 16SO ft. m. Sundays excepted. KAXBAS OUT , ST. JOE k COUNCIL BLUFFS LU.VB ABitVl. MaQ . _ .8 0 a. m. I Kxpreaj - 7 : < 0 ft. m. KxW * l . 8.-00 p.m. | Hafl . 726 V- The only line running PnllmaB Sleeping ; Can oat of Omaha to Union Depot. OMAHA ft NORTHERN NEBRASKA EAIL- - WAT COMPANY. Leave. Arrive. expr . _ . .8:00 a. m. I Fxpreei - 430 p. m. Mixed . l:50p m. ( Mixed . 10:15 a. m Dally Except Sundays. B. ft M. R. R. In NEBRASKA. LJJ.VK. AKMV . Kxpre _ . 8:60amJ Freight . 830am Freight . 6:55 p m f Expreu . < :1'J p m 8IOUZ CITY & ST. PAUL B. B. MJ1. . . . . . _ 8:10 a m I Express . 100 ftta Crpreai . _ 8.40pmMi720 | p n WABASH , ST. LOUIS * PACIFIC. UiVM. AHUTBB. all . - 8 a. m. I Mill - . _ _ 11:65 ft. m Expneo..BiO p. m. | Expreas.i:25 p. m. BRIDGE DIVISION U. P. B. B. Leare Omaha , dally ; 8 a. m. , B a. m. , 10 a EL , II ft. u 1 p. m. , S p. to. , 8 p. a. , ( p. B , , 6 p. m. , Lemre Conndl Btnttf 835 ft. m. , 8:25 a. ra 1036 ft. m. , 1125 a. m. , 1S5 p. m. , S:2S p. m. , I3fi p. m. , 638 p. m. , 635 p. m , , Four trlpi on Sunday , leaving Omaha at B and 11 a. m. , Sand B p. m. ; Council Blob at 935 , 11:16 ft. m. , and 256 and C25 p. m. Uare Omaha- . m. , 7. a. m. , 830 . m. , 1 p. m. , i-M p. m. , 7:25 p. m. , Leave Council BluHr 6:16 a.m , , 9:10 a. nu , 1140 a , m. 6:15 : p. m. , 70 p. m , , 720 p. m. Dally except Sunday. OMAAA & REPUBLICAN VALLEY B. . LIAVX , 1UOTZ. Mall . 10:15 a. m. , .4:35 p. m. IHIIv exceot Bnndtv * . ATTMKTI-AT-tAW. J. P. ENCL'SH ' , A TTORSEY AT LAW-510 Eonth Thirteenth JSt. . , with J. M. WOOLWOJtTH. GEO. W. HILL , ATTORNEY-AT-L1W. Office on Farnham street , between 16th and 18th , nest to office city water works , Omaha. Buy * and Belli Omtha City property and Ne braska l nd . Mlnlnc property Inal part * ot Coloraao , lor B1 * . From a long residence In Colorado and experience In minlnc property , I am prepared t- > offer safe and profitable Invest- mentg to purchasers f28-2w CHARLES POWELL , OE THE PEACE Corner 16th and JUSTICE Ste. , Omaha Neh. . WK. SISEHAL , AT -RoomB.Crelghton ATTORNEY St. . OMAHA , NEB. D. U THOMAS , 4 TTOKNKY AT LAW Loans money , bnyl A , and Belli teal estate. Room S , Oratghton Block. A. C. TROUP , . TTORNET AT LAW Office In Hanscom't A. Block , wtth aeorpe K. Prltchett. ItOfl tarnham St. OMAHA. ITgB. DEJCTERL THOMAS , AT LAWCrnlcfahankB BolU ATTOIUtirr * taa A. M. CKADWICK , AT LAW Office 1504 Farahani ATTOBNKT - . J9KI.PEAIODY , JAWYKft OflSoe In htoo Block , nnxt U Li FoMOBoe , OUAHA , ABKA. Procured. rorUOi KADI ' BARRETT Q'llUEN , Attorneys-at-Law , OrFIOE-PnlonJSloclt.rTfteenthaai ? Fareham ATTORNEY AT LAW. MUCH BLOCK. COR. OOQfiI6TK STL OKAHA. HEB. _ _ _ W. d. Connell , fl.ttorney-a t-La w. 0 Doe : Front room * , op italn , In Hansoom'l MW brick building , K. W corner ntieantfa and Tamtam BtrnU. . B IDIOT. Omta IL UKHCI RBDICK REDICK , Attorneys-at-Law , 6 | > edU attention will M cirvi to all fult * * 3iiut orpor&lons ! ot crery deeerlpUon 2 will practice to al Xbe OourU of tbe State and the OnlUd States. Office , Faniham St , oppotlte 0qrt HOUM. EDWARD W. SIHERAL. t TTOCKET AT LAW Boom 8 Crelfhton A. Block , 18th and Ponylai ttreet * . nottdh C. F. HANDER80N , A TTOKKXT AT LAW Ml hrahaB Knet A. Omaha Sebracka. V. T. BlCKaMt. o. J. Hum RICHARDS & HUNT , A.ttorDays-at-Law , Omo as South Fourteenth Street. SANTA OLAUS FOUND. Qr ateet Discovery of the Age. Wono rtnldl corerli ln tha world hanbwam d Among other thing * when Santa dan stayed Children ott art U lie malm goodi or Dot , If rtklly he Bret in a mountain of now. Last year an excursion dled elecr te the Pol * And raddenly dropped into what KemedllkdJiole beautiful preen. ' Aad { ar brlchter tkloi than ever were ceen. Bird * with th * bun of a rainbow were lound. While flowen of exqnltlte tngrance wen ROW ingaroo&d. Hot long were they left to wondir U doub < A bemc teen came th/ had heard much about. Twai Santa Clana * wtlf and th bthey mil My. lelcokcd like the picture ct e ervry day. De drore up a team that looked T rr queer , Twai a team of crasaboppen Instead ot reindeer. H * rode in a theU Instead ot a Blelgh , Bet h * took them on board and drove them away. H showed them aU UTOT nil wonderful realm , And factories maUnr. iroodf tor womtn and men rurrlen were worklnc on hats treat and tmalL To Bunce'i they nid they were sendlmr them alt Krii KlneU , the Qlovo Maker , told them t one * . AU our Qlores we are sending to Bonce , Santa showed them ( otpeadtra and many thing * Bioro. aayine alu took than to friend Banosl to x Vl * " tben ' P'f'd a tecret he'd UU , A In Omaha every one knew Buno wen. He therefore iheoid send hi * rood * to hii cum. Knowing hli trlenda will g t thd , foU baaT' Kow remambor ye dwellers in Omaha town. AU who want present ! to Bunct'i co round. For tblrt * . collars , or gloree treat mad email. Bead TOUT sister or aunt one and aL. Bnnee.Chami > lon Batter of the We . Doaclai * 4it . Omnm NAMIU8&AMERIC N PACKET CQ.'S WeeHy Line oi Steamships Leartnc New York Krery Thursday at I p m. ft . England , Prance and Germany. C. B. RICHARD & CO. Paesenge Ajeati , Broadway. N wTOTk OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY ART EMPORIUMS- J. C. ROSE'S Ait Emporium. 1516 Dodgi Street , SUel Engravings , Oil Pointings , Chroma Fancr Frames , FramlngaSi-edjlty. Lowpnocg J. BONKER , 1803 Douglas St. Good Styles ABSTRACT AND REAL ESTATE. JOHN L. UcCAGUE , opposite postofflce. W. E. BJLBTLETT , S17 South 13th Street. . ARCHITECTS. A T. LABQE. Jr. . Boon g. Crelghton Block. N , AUUHTlTKCfS Boom 14 , Creighton Block. BOOTS AND SHOES- . JAMES DIVINE & co. , Fine Boots and Shoes A good assortment o home work on hand , car. 12th and Homey. .THOS ERICSSON. S. E. cor. 16th and Donglai JOBS FORTONATTJS , ! 60510th St. , mannbctures tc order good wor ! at talr prices. Repairing done. m BED SPRINGS. J P. LARRIMER. Manufacturer. Tlgachera'Blk BOOKS , NEWS AND STATIONERY J. I. FBUEnAUK , 1015 Farnham Jutreet. CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS WM. SNYDEE , No. 1819 Uth and Barney St CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS- ANDREW HOSKWATER , 1510 Farnham St Town Surrerg , Grade and Sewerage Sjetcms j Specialty. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. JOHN G. WILLIS. liU Dodge Street. D. B. BEEUER , For detail * see large Adrertlse- ment In Dili and Weekly. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. WEST t FRIT CHER , Manufacturers of Cigars , and Who esale Dealers in Tobiccoj , 1305 Ueug , W. f. LOREKZEN , rtanuiacturer , 61410th Et. CORNICE WORKS , Western Cornin Works , Manufacturers Iron Cornice , Tin , IrJnand Slate Boo&ng. Orders from any locality promptly executed in the best manner. Factory and Office 1310 Douge street. Galvanized Iron Cornices , Window caps , etc. manufactured and put up in any part ot the country. T. SlNQoLD , 41S Thirteenth St. CROCKERY. J. BONNFS , 1309 Douglai St. Good Line. CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS OKO. H. PETERSON' . Also Hals , Cape , Boot * , Shoes , Notions and Cutlery , 804 S. 10th ft. DENTISTS. DR. PAUL , Williams' Block. Cor. 15th & Dodge DRUGS , PAINTS AND OILS. KUEN & CO. , Pharmaclsta , Fine Fancy Goods , Cor. 15th a-.d Douglas Stregts. W. J. WHITEHOUSE. Wholesale & BeUll,16 st. O. C. FIELD. 2022 North Side Turning 8tree M. tAKtt , llrngitist , loth nd Howard. ' FURNITURE. A. F. GROSS , > ew and Second Rand Furniture and Stores , 1114 Douglas. E. 0. Turgeon Agt. J. BOSNER , 1809 Douglas St. Fine Goods , &c. FENCE WORKS OMAHA FENCE CO. OUST. FRIES & CO. , 1213 Haraey St , Impror- edlce Boxes , Iron and Wood Fences , Office BtlUngs , Counters ot Pun and Walnut. ] FLORIST. A , Donairhue , plants , cut Mowers , seeds , boqueta etc. , H. W. cor 16th and Douglas Sis. * GROCERS. Z. STEVENS , 21st between Cumlng and Izard. T A. Mo HA > TK , Corner 23d ard Cum'nir Sts. HATTERS. W. L.PARBOTTE4CO , 1S06 Doughs Street , Wholesile Exclusively. HARDWARE IRON AND STEEL DOLAR fe LiNGWOETHY , Wholesale , 110 and 112 15th St. A. HOLMES , coin.r 16th nd California. HARNESS , SADDLES , &C. E. B. WEIST , 329 13th St. , bet. Kara. & Ear- HAT AND BONNET BLEACHERY. Ladies get your Straw , Chip and Felt Hats done up at northeast corner Seventeenth and Capitol iTenne. WM. DOVE. PROP HOTELS CANFIELDHOUSE , Geo. Canfield , 9th & Fara. DORAN HOUSE. P. H. Cap913 Farnham St. SLAVEJTS HOTEL , F. Slaren , lOlh Street. INTELLIGENCE OFFICE- MRS. LIZZIE DKKT. 217 16th Street. JUNK H. BERTOOLD. Rayn and Metals LAMPS AND GLASSWARE. J. CONNER. 1S03 Douglas St. Good Variety. MERCHANT TAILORS. G.A.LINDQlTKSr , One ot onr most popular Merchant Pallors is re ceiving tbe latest de&lgns for Spring and Sum mer Goods tor trentlemt n's ttfrG ytUD , annbla and crtf" l < nr wvreri5 13th bet. Doug. & Fir. MEAT MARKETS. The Boston Market. MOGLE& JESTER , Fresh and Cured Meats , Pane. Finn. Poultry. Etc. . 2029 Cumlng Street. MILLINERY. MRS. C. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fancy Goods in great lariety , Zephyrs , Card Boards , Hotierv , gloves , corseu , &c Cheapest HOUM in tbe West. Purchaser ! save SO per cent. Order by Mail. llSFitEeen'h . PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS- W. H. GIBBS , M. D. , Boom No/i , Crelghton Block. ICth Street. _ P. S. LSISENRIKQ , M. D , Masanic Block. C. D. HART , M. D. , Eye and Far. opp. post fflce DR. L.B. GRADDT , Ocnllft and Aurist , 14th and Douglas Streets. PHOTOGRAPHERS. GEO. HETN , PROP. Grand Central Caller } , S12 Sixteenth Street near Masonic Hall. First-class Work andPrompt * pera OnaraJitecd. PLUMBING AND CAS FIXTURES. PANTINGAND PAPER HANGING A. KO TK * * . 1412 Dodre Street. PAWNBROKER J. ROSESFELP , 322 10th St. bet. Fatn. k Har. STOVES AND TINWARE. A. BDRMESTER , Dealer In Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Boots and all kinds ot Buildin ; Work Odd Fellows' Bock. _ J.BOSNER , 1809 Doug. St. Coed and Cheap. SEEDS J. EVAN'S , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and Cultivator * . Odd Fellows HalL SHOE STORES. Phlllpp LOB ; , 1320 Farnham st. bet. 13th & 14th. SECOND HAND STORE PEKKIN8 & LEAK , 1416 Donglas SU , New and Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Goodi , fee. , bought and sold on narrow ma/gms. SALOONS- HENRY KAUFMANN , In the new brick block on Douglas Street , haj Jest opened a most elegant Beer Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 every day. FLANNEBY , Jn Farnham. next to the B. & U. headquarters , us reopened a neat and complete establish ment which , barring rlBE. and Mother Ship- Ion's Pwphccy , will be open for thclAjs with Sot Lunch on and after present date , "Caledonia , " J. FAL OKER. 679 16th Street UNDERTAKERS- CHAS.'BIEWE , 1012 Famham bet. lOtl & Uth M. R. RISDON , General Insurance Agent , BFPP . 'NTH : PHgafll ASsriM. . . _ u . j Tjon. don. Cash Assets . I . tS.10T.Ul ffESTCHESTEKt < N. T. , Capital . l.OOO.OW THE MERCHANTS , of Newark. N. J. , LOOC 00 GIRAUD FniE.Philadephla.Capltal J iW.OOO NORTHWESTERN NATIOKA Cap- . . . . FIREMEN'S FUND. California. . 800 1C BRITISH AMERICA ASSTJRANCECo LSOO.OCO NEWA IK FIRS INS. CO , Asset * . . . . EoO.OOC AKKRICAF CENTRAL , Aswts . SOOOOO 9 art Cor. ot Fifteenth & Douslas St _ _ _ OMAHA. NK . < PC t < COfl * 4ay at homo. K\mp * s w or t > 3 I JbiU traa. Addreti SUason * Co Portland , Ha. VACOfflE. How the Boyine Virus is Pro cured The Mode of Opera tion on the Franklyn , Pa , Vaccine , Farm. Philadelphia Times. "Well , air , if you come around at 11 o'clock , well be taking the virna from a young heifer , and yon can see for yourself how it'a done. It won't interfere witn our trade , I guess , to let yon see all there is about it. " The i-oeaker was Dr. J. P. Selbert , of the Franklin Vaccine farm , Cham- bo raburg. It was in a little oatbaild- ing , large enough to contain a loaded hay wagon , but not any larger , in which a large circular atove was send ing out heat sufficient to equalize the temperature and make it comfortable in the coldest weather. The only other object of account In the room was a queer article looking like a hay-rick , for the bottom was filled with hay. which bore a smooth , shiny appearance , as though it had served as a bad for some animal. It had four legs starting out from its corners , making it look like an inverted table except that-the let's went out at anch an angle as to give them a sprawling appearance not known to any of the conventional legs of this m dern time. Up In a rafter to the left of the atove was an ivory paper-knife. Directly opposite on the other side were two razors peeping up from behind another rafter. On a box near the stove was a small cigar-box half fnll of quills , such aa are used for vaccination pur poses. On another box in another corner was a small paste-board box nearly full of ivory points , also Uded for vaccinating. Eleven o'clock came and with it Mr. McKnight , _ Dr. Seibert's partner , a tall , thin gentleman , with black eyes and black whiskers , as uncompromis ingly long and angular .aa the doctor was abort and chunky. "Joe ! Jim ! " shouted the Doctor to two 'stout colored boys who atood in a rough-and-ready manner imme diately outside the door , "bring her In. " Both boys disappeared into a stable and shortly returned , shoving , push ing and pulling a white-speckled heif er , about 8 months old and- with a green ball of fire in each eye. Having gotten the heifer alongside the track , the doctor and Jim held its head , while the tall partner and Joe made their base of operations its tail , and there was that ominous alienee that usually attends the pre liminary suspense which precedes the discharge of a gun. The doctor , slowly releasing his hold of the heif er's nose , cautiously slipped around to the other aide to prepare ) for an Important counter movement , to be put in operation as soon as Jim sounded the order of battle and threw the heifer on Its aide , SOUE OF THE REQUISITE. The annimal now lying on its back and having its four feet tied to tha wooden arms of the rick , so that its legs indicated the four points of the compass , the mode of propogating the vaccine matter was clear. Down on the upper part of the" thighs , imme diately under the flanks , tha hair had ill been shaved off to the skin was left perfectly bare. On both thighs together there were about twenty Fairly-developed vaccinations , each place being about the size of a quarter- iollar. The animal having been vac cinated , has now duly arrived at that state kno'wn as vaccinia , or cow-pox , the only part of the body affected be ing in the places mentioned , where the hair had been shaved off , the symptoms being nothing more than the development of the twenty vacci nation marks and several smaller spontaneous places in lha same re gion.The The doctor now took down the ivory paper-knife , and taking a small bench , placed it alongside the rack , seated himself thereon , rolled up his sleeves , and began at once the work of taking the virus. First he scraped off the crust from the vaccinated places , which caused the animal to writhe and twitch in unmistakable pain. After the crust had been removed from about five of the places the doctor called to Joe to bring him the box containing the quills "We never feed a heifer in th - mornlng before throwing herj" said tha doctor , looking in a pre-occnpied manner at the exposed places where the blood was now appearing ; "she's less liable to bloat. In the poaition shs is now she can't possibly hurt her- aelf. " It would have been impossible to lave placed 'he animal in a more se cure position for the purpose , head as well aa hoofs being tied fast to the rack. What struggling she did was confined merely to intervals of jerk ing and twitching. "You would suppose , " continued the doctor , who sat with his left side resting against the heifer , with a bunch if quills in one one h nd and his j knife in the other , "that in taking : the vacine matter we took blood. But that is not the caie. j Good vaccine matter , of lymph always rises up over the blood. " I "Ah ! By George , that's good lymph , " j said he. "See those vesicles flow ! Some vesicles flow better than oioors. A high bred heifer will yield better than the common stock. Take an Alderny or a shorthorn and yon won't want any better. Their skin is more delicate and the flow is more active. This animal ii a sVorthorn. Vaccina ted her last Friday. To-day is Thurs day. She has been vactnqated about Bye and a quarter days. They mature usually from the sixth to the U th day ot the vaccination. The henr that we tookfrom yesterday ] had been vaccinnated about 7 full days. You see , we have to take them just when they come ; it doesn't do to let them run even a quarter of a day over time. If we did , the places would break and begin to dry up. It'a a relief to the heifer , as well as an essential , to the procuring of good virus , to take it at the moment it matures. You may not know it , but there are two stages the stage of maturation , when the crust has { formed , and the pusular stage , when the lymph becomes thick and assumes the form of pus The firsv stage is when we must take them the only stage at which the virus is worth anything. The doctor now began rotating his quills over the places from which he had scraped the crnst , and aa fast as they were "charged" he handed them to Jim , who sat on a bench on the op- posit tide of the heifer with a small wooden visa-like apparatus In hand , in -which he placed one end of the quills , leaving tha charged portion protruding out to dry. One peculiarity was that although the duel or rubbed the quills in a rotary manner right in to the blood which welled upfrom the vaccinated places , yet' ' there was no trace of blood on them when they came out , but a thin yellowish fluid looking much like mucilage. This was the lymph. Every quill containing it waa "charged , " or , in other words , ready for shipment and use. The hia work progressed , handled the quilla with sparkling eyes. QUILLS AND IVOBY POINTS. The doctor had now "charged" about sixty quills from the five places from which he had removed the crnst , all being grouped so close together that they could have J > een covered by a man's hand. Then he began to use the ivory points. He took- them and gteeped both sides In the lymph , pasa- ing them over to Jim as he did so who , hav'ne ' placed his vise contain ing the qnllla on a r fter to dry , no * took up a similar thing to hold thi points. Both quilla and points an sold In large quantltiea by the druj atorea. Quills are the moat expensive Neither are expected to vaccinate more than one peraon , though thej have often served for more. Th < quills are sold at twenty-five centi apiece , or twenty j cents apiece when taken in quantities. The points are sold at ten cents each. ' "One quill , " said the doctor , "wil vaccinate more than one person though it ia seldom used for more. ] have vaccinated as many as eight per sons with a single qullL They an more reliable and convenient than the points. The points were in vogut long before the quills. But there if some property in the qnlllt which seems to preserve the virus for e longer period than the points. In vaccinating we don't acarlfy the fleshj we abrade lay bare the ablorbenU without breaking tbe skin. That h all that la needed. In scarifying the ikln Is scored one way , then anothei way , until the blood comes. Wellj in doing tht you may only strike one or two absorbents , which may not be enough. But bj the abrasion of the surface all the absorbents are laic bare and the vaccine matter has a full chance to act. " Meantime the tall partner had not been saying much , having been foi the most part and Interested listener and gratified spectator seve ral orders having come in from Philadelphia and other points meantime , and hav ing been read aloud by the doctor , who paused in his work in the * moat amiable frame of mind for the pur pose ) . But now the tall partner spoke up. "Some people , " said Mr. McKnight , "think that all we have to do ia te vaccinate a heifer , take the virus , and then stand it aside until we want It agpln. Thatjsn't the cue. Tbia heifer here , after taking from her once , wo will never use again. We never take a aecond time from the same ani mal. " "This , " aald the doctor , "la a great deal easier than the old crust plan. A physician can now take a point and vaccinate nve children where , in the same length of time , with the crust he could vaccinate about one. " 801IE GENERAL FAOTb. The heifer had now been an hour and a quarter on ita back , and during this time the doctor had been occupied taking the virus from the five abra sions mentioned. Fifteen yet re mained , not one of which he had yet touched with hla knife. About sixty quills and fifty points bad been "charg ed , " and the five abrasions were still flowing. The doctor stated it usually took them from two hours and a half to three hours to take the virus. Ordinarily they make about twenty abrasions to each heifnr. Underneath the thighs , near the teat aa it ia , there ia no danger of serious con sequences In the way of catching cold In them. The heifers are always kept in the stables from the time they are vaccinatednntil they are entirely recovered from the ef fects , when they are returned to their owners in good condition , that being a condition of the contract The vac- does not own the heifers , but "farm them" for the purpose. The proprietors have agents going con stantly throughout Franklin and Cum berland counties looking up helfera for this purpose , for which they so much for their uae. The animals range in age from 6 to 18 months , though alze more than age is the requisite. Heif- . era alone are taken , because they can be handled easily , while grown cows or young bulls cannot. The Frank lin farm has about thirty-five heifcra in ita stables at present. The de mand for vaccine matter has been un- nauilly" brisk thia winter- more so than at any time ainca 1875-70 , when the epidemic was in California. The- prevalence of small-pox in many small towns of the state , aa well aa in the cities , baa quickened the demand and rendered the market active within the List few weeks. Dr. Seibert says they have more orders than they can fill and that the business la increasing rapidly. There are two other vaccine farms in Chambersburg the Pennsylvania and the Jenner. The former was established .six or seven years ago by th - ' - ' R "b SAnoonur , and was run by him , with lr. Seibert aa his assistant , up until about a year ago , when he died and the farm went into tbe handa of an other partner. During 1875-76 , when the small-pox raged in Califor nia , Dr. Seibert says they shipped from Dr. Sensener'a farm from 1200 to 1560 quilla dsilv. They are now supplyirg , Philadelphia , but not ex- clusivtly. A great quantity of vac cine matter cornea from New Eng land , mostly from several old-estab lished farms in Connecticut. A COW BOY'S LIFE. A STAMPKDB IN THB MOUNTAINS ON A DAKK NIgHT THB NATURE OF A COW BOY'S SLEEP "MILLINO" CATTLE. Sin frauclaco Chronicle. "Gabriel vill require a large club attachment to that horn of hia , or else he will never be able to rodeo the mountain cowboys , " remarked Ben Heywood , a Utah cattle dealer. , " "Why so ? " asked a Chronicle re porter. . "Because"replied Heywood"thero a no circumstances under which a cowboy will not sleep it not physically molested. In the midst of a moun tain storm , when the crashlng.thun- der cornea simultaneously with the ; lrlng sheets of lightning , the cow- 3oy sleeps peacefully ; in a dry creek sed , with his head down grade , he lumbers sweetly ; in view of tarantu- as , rattlesnakes and centipedes for bvifellows , he closes hia eyes , and dre&aaa of a heaven of unlimited plug tobacco and unitinted sleep. Gabri el's trumpet would indeed sound in valnwhen the time came to check off a drova pf o-jwboya. Lwt spring I waa driving four thouaand head of cattle overthe "Rocky mountains by the south Wyoming pass , and a 'run' the terror of catUQ.drivers took placf under circumstances which showed just how sound In the sleep of i cowboy. I had fifteen boya a 'bo with the ' ' 'cow' ; preSx may moan a /orty-year-old / man with me. It tales nearly that many to start a dove of four thousand cattle , though a aalf-dozen boys can take care of the dtove after the firat week on the road. By that time the cattle know what la etpectel of them , and give na very little tonble. \ m CAMP. . "Well we were camped one night on the vev summit of the mountains. The aleepng ground for the atock waa in a littlafive-acre patch of grass ; all around wjce sagebrush and rocks of volcanic fi-mation.1' You understand that afterUttle are quietly aettled at night on od sleeping ground three 6r four mn alowly ride in a circle around theThia ia done by relays of men in ' ( atchea,1 the watch being changed at lidnlghf. I have many a time seen a twboy on a broncbo rid ing round id round the drove at night fast aaJep in his saddle. On the night in tuestlon I happened to be standing U firat watch myself , and only had o boya with meThe night was ovetm ana dark , tha few atara which ahie between tha rifta of driving clouds W serving to outline the masa of aiding cattle. The air seemed anrchaid with electricity , fold though therUad bean no light ning It was just to a night In which runs always occur. I have heard n < end of scientific and practical expla nation of stock , runs or stampedes generally by men who never saw OBI in their lives. It is well enough tc say that something frightens them , il you know nothing about It and waul to explain it ; but that don't explain it , no way. way.CAUSE OF A BUN. "They say that a coyote , or sonn other prowling beast , frightens one ol a drove and that infects the other ; with panic and the stampede begins , Well , it ain't BO. If you have a drove of a thouaand or ten thousand , the panic affects every one of them at ex actly the lame instant.It is some thing harder to account for than by a prowling coyote ; and because a run never occurs except on such a night as I have described. I leave it tc those who knowall about atmospheric influences and such , to tell just what it is. Anyway , I waa a little uneasy that night , for one of the two boya on watch with me was only a tenderfoot ; understand ? A man new to the busi ness and fresh from the east. It waa nearly 12 o'clock , and I had just turned my horse's head toward camp , which was about fifty yards in the rear of the sleeping ground , to make up the relief watch , when the run commenced. Every one of that drove of four thousand cattle waa on its feet like a flash , and at exactly the same Instant. With a rush like a whirl wind which levels a forest they were off in the darkness , the strong and heavy ones in the lead , of course. The rattling ; of horns and 'thunder- Ing of hoofs waa deatening. The ef fect It has on a person who experi ences it for the first time was shown by the action of the tenderfoot. A NIOHT STAMPEDE. "He turned his torso's tall toward the stampede , burled hia spurs in hia brono'a flank , and never stopped until he was out of hearing. He waa crazier with fright than the wildcat steer In the drove. Well , seeing § 80- 000 worth of stock running away from me , and having had thirteen years' experience , I naturally acted different. By the specter starlight I could see the cattle outlinad aa a black , rush ing , clattering , thundering stream , rushing wildly , and at each instant becoming wilder , over the rocks and a stretch of sagebrush. My horse waa trained in the business and knew what was the trouble as well , and just as soon , too , aa I did. I did not have to guide him. 1 followed along by the aide of the stampede , and aoon overtook the leaders. It don't do to try and turn a run too quick. 'I kept by the aide of the leaders and quartering on them ; striking their. flanks and pushing grqHilIy against them on the left , ilowly tuiiied the leaders slightly to the right. If that can be done it is only a matter of time before the line of cattle will 'mill' itself. The leaders Duly need be turned , ths rest all blindly follow. By conetantly keeping them turning to the right the leaden were swung clear around finally , and overtook the fag end of the line. EUNPINO IN A OmCLE. "There they were mailing around in a circle , the center of which soon closed up and they were 'milling ; ' that is , they had formed a solid wheel and kept going round and round themaelyea in the < jame apace 'of ground. I tell you that cowboy and myself did some tall riding around that 'mill' to keep the outside atock from flying off at a tangent , as they will do sometimes. Little by little they slowed down , and aa soon as we could make our voices heard we quieted - ed them by singing and talking to them. There ia nothing that will bring a- crazy steer to hia senses as qnlck aa the aonnd of a human voice , and if you can only sing a littla yon can do the work all the quicker. The clashing and crashing of horns and the Bounding of hoofs grew less and less deafening ; one after another would recognize onr voices'and alow down , until finally , almost as sudden ly aa it , had started , the run was at an end and the cattle asquiet and well- behaved as ever. In tbe morning the circle where the .mill had been was aa devoid of vegetation aa a dancing hall. The sagebrush was ground to powder , and the ground , ifcoiriirnad been looked exactly aa ifco- prepared for a circus ring. Through iheaage brush * here the stock had run a straight , smooth swath waa cut as if by a mowing machine with a potato tate digging machine attached. I started to say how a cowboy could sleep ; throughout that run , through out the excitement , the deafening loise and the danger , those cow-boys n camp slept , aa they fmlght if in a leather bed in the Pahca hotel. " THE CENUIME BR.C.MeLANE'S LIVERPILLS are .not recommended as a remedy " for all the ills that flesh is heir to. " but in affections of the Liver , and in all Bilious Complaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick Head ache , or diseases of that character , they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used pre paratory to , or after taking quinine. As a simple purgative they are nnequaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar-coated Each box has a red-wax seal on the lid , with the impression , JIcI/ANE'S LIVER PILL. Each wrapper bears the signa tures of C. McLAKE and FLEMING BROS. $3S Insist upon having the cenuine DR.C.McLANE'S LIVER PILLSr pre pared ? FLEMING BBOS.Pittslnrghja. ; , : he market being full of jjnifations of ; he name JTcIxjne , spelled differently , rot same pronunciation. _ HOW TO CURE CONSUMPTION , COUGHS , , Gelds , Asthma , Group , All diseases of the Tnroat , Lungs , and Pulmonary Organs. ! USE-ACCORDING TO DIRECTIONS ALLEN'S LUNG' BALSAM. Prepared fri frulti W /s the Best and Most Kgreeable Preparation in the World For Constipation , Biliousness , Headache , Torpid Liver , Hem orrhoids , indisposition , ana all Disorders arising- from an ob structed state or ttie system. Ladies and"children , and those who dislike takljg pills and nauseous medlclnes < are espe cially pleased with Its agreeable qualities. TROPIC-FHUIT tAXATrVBmay be used n ell cases that need tbe aid of a purgative , cathartic , or aperient medicine , andwhlleltpro- aces tbe same result as tbe agents is ntlrely free from the usual objections common to them. Packcdnnbronzxl tin fcoxct only. Price 25 cts. Large boxes 6oc. SOLD BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DRt/CGISTS. * e HH | | B B BiBiVii i i Be mHi1HmV C. F. Ooolnun , Wholesale Agents , OmahaKeb. 1/AUTCn localAirentaererywhere to flnn I L.U Tea , Coffee , Baking Powder. riaToring Extracts , etc , by sample , to families , Profit good. Outfit free. People1 * Tea Co. , E JT SOW , 8l Loufa , Mo. T'TTTT ! NO CHANGING CiRS BKS1WBES .OMASA Am CHICAGO , Whe-e Direct connections ara Made With Through Sleeping Oar Lines TO New York , Boston , Philadel phia , Baltimore , Wash ington , AND ALiL EASTERN CITiES. THE SHORT LINE via PEORIA for lndianapoIisCincinnatiLouis- ville. 1KD ALL FOINTS IX TBS THE BEST LINE F6R ST. LOUIS , Where Direct Connections are made in the UNION 1 > EPOT with Thrush Sleeping Car Lines fur all Points S OTTTIS. The New Line for The Favorite Eoute for ISLAJST3D. The uncquiled inducements offered by this Line to Travelers and Tourijtg , are 03 follows : Ihe celebrated Pullman ( IC-whccl ; Palace Sleep. Ing Cars , run only on this Line. C. , B. & Q. Pilaca Drawing-Room Core , with Horton's Re clining Ch in No extra clurge for Seata in Beclimng Chairs. The famous O , B. & Q. Palace DininoCare. . Gorgeous Smoking Cars flttsd with Elegant High-Backed Rattan Revolving Chairs for the exclusive use of first-class pissen- gers. gers.Steel Track and Superior Equipment , com. lined with their Great Through Car Arrange ment , makes this , above all others , the favoriU Route to the East , South , and Soath-E'M. Try it , and you will find traveling a luxury Instead of discomfort. Through Ticket" via thii Cele * rated Line for Bale at all offices In tbe United Statesand Canada. All information about Bates of Fare , Sleeping Car Accommodations , Time Tables , &o , will be cheerfully given by apph in ? to JAMES R. WOOD , General Passenger Agent , Chicago. T. J. POTTuR , General Manager , Chicago K.MT.JOE&C.B.Hi. . , ' Is the only Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AN ! > THE BAST From OUAHA and the WOT. Ho change of cars between Omaha an J fct. Locla * nd but one betwe n Omaha taid Kew York. SEX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS MACH1XO AIL Eastern & Westes-e Cities With leas chargra aadln aJv&nce of other lines. This entire Una Is equipped vlth Pnlha&n'i. Palace Sleeping Cars , Psl&co Da > Coach- caviller's Safety Platform and Coupler and the celebrated Weetlngbouse Air-Brake. fiJ-SEB THAT YOUR TICKET BEADb'SSI tS"Vla , Kans&a City , St. Jojc h andTa OCouncilBlulIaU.B.tvla St"a tSTJoa and t.Loul3.-E6 Tickets tor sale at all coupon aUtloca In ths West. J. F. BASNAR , A. C. TJAWZ3 , Gen'l Sup : . . Oea'l Pisa. & Ticket Ag't St. Joseoh , Mo Si. Joseph , Uo , W C. SEACHUESr , Ticket Agcn. , 1020 Farnh ia Street , ANDYBOKDEN , A. B. BARNABD , Pasa. Atent,0maha. ( Oon'rl Ajent. Om ha. BY im : USE OF PR. BOSANKO'S PILE REMEDY. INTERNAL. EXTERNAL , AND HCfrlNG PILES i ia a > OBCC on the application of M toaanfco'a Pile Remedy , trhlch nct A gctly open the parta affected , alnorfalai tie Tnmorm. allaying tbe iateme all outer remedies n Tp ffclkiil try tt ateeoo other , and tell yaoe metfV0n9 t merit * . DO NOT DELAY tocn the flrala on tbe syttexa. prodoo * temuuient dbabllliyt but 607 It , TRY It LOURED PRICE , 50 CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , MrfwbenyoacannotobUUnttoffelin.'ni till scad It , prepaid , on receipt ofpric < 9r. Bouiako'a Trentlae oa FUe cent Cm mspplleatlon. Addreu HE DR , BOSANKO MEDICINE CO. PIQTTA.O. _ _ THE COLORADO BUSINESS COLLEGE Thlslnstitntlon , located at Denver , Colorado , he Educational and Commercial center of tha West , is pra-emlnently the best and most practi cal of its kind for the ] MERCANTILE TRAINING -OF > Young Men and Ladies. Q. W. FOSTER , President , D. W. OADY , S6creta/ > The most extensive , thoroagh'and complete natltntlon of the kind Ig the world. Thousands of accountants and Business men , in the prin cipal cities and tewna of the United Statw , owe their succcaa to oar coarse of training. The Bieht Kind of Education for Young Men and Ladies , fine , new brick block , at Junction ot three treet car lines. Elegantly fltUd and f ornlahed apartments or the application o ! and carrying out of our norel and srattmatlc methods ot BUSINESS mAHOTGL Young men who contemplate bustncaa lift , and parents bavin ? sons to educate , are particu larly requested to send for oar n w Circular , which will giro full information aa to termr , ondltlon of entrance , etc. Addnra a W. FOSTER , President , * Denver Colorado a week in yoor own town , lerms and outfit free. Addras H. Hallett ft Co. , Portl ij Me- FRITSCH'S PRUSSIAN Cough Syrup THE LATEST VICTORY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE The only existing remedy for every spe cles of Acute or Clironlo DUeaso ot the Organs of Respiration , and an absolute SPECIFIC FOR CONSUMPTION : rpHIS all-powerful Tcgetablo prepora JL tlonoipelfffromthelnngsand air pas sages , the mucus and maco-pus produced by pulmonary Inflammation , lieale th < Irritated membrane * , and renovate ! every organ which utilizes the breath oi L.lfo. It contains no stupefying poison nnd is in all respects n healthul medi cine. The rapidity and certainty witl Which It ANNIHILATES A COUGH Is astonishing. It * effects go deeper thai the mera symptoms of pulmonary dl ease and discharges tha cause from th < system. Free and painless expectant tlon is the mode by which it relieve ! the lungs , chest nnd throat from the burdens which oppress them ; thus arresting Consumption - sumption and Bronchitis in the germ before - fore they reach the more dangeroni stages. The/emaclated sufferer BATTLING FOR LIFE with the most terrible scourge of our ell. mate will find Fritsch's Prussian Couch Syicp a potent ally.and-nill assured ! ] win the fight by adhering strictly totliii great medicine. The GASES NOW ON RECORD in which it has been administered witri entire success as a remedy for every-va riety of malady which affects the Re spiratory Functions , amount * to more than FIVE THOUSAND at the present date , nndyet the prepara tlon is only in the infancy of Its useful ness. The great defect of all Ctfugh Itemedios hitherto Introduced Is 'that they are simply expulsory. Hence they are useless ; for unless the causes of the acrid secretions which are coughed up are remoied.nnd the ruptured , inflamed or maturated surfaces healed and re stored to their natural tone , a cure is Impossible. Fritsch's Prussian Cough Syrup accomplishes these objects. The mucus nnd muco-pus which are the con. sequence of I.ung.Ulscase , are thrown ofl by it , while at the same time it soothes and invigorates tha weakened tissues. "LIFE FOR THE LUNGS. " For coughs , colds , influenza , bronchial dimcultles , tightness of the ohest.hoarse- ness , sore throat , trachitls , inUamma * : lon of the lungs , dimcnltyof breathing , ileurisy and all disorders of a pulmonary nature , it has never been equaled. Sole aeents hi America. BIGHABDSON & CO. St. Louis , Mo. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. FRIGE ONI.Y 25 CENTS. ' Gentle Women Who want glossy , Inxnriant and wavy tresses of abundant , beantafnl Hair most use LION'S KATHAIRON. This elegant , cheap article always makes the Hair grow freely and fast , keeps it from falling ont , arrests and cures grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , .giving it a curling tendency and keeping it in any desired position. Beau tiful , healthy Hair is the sure result of using liatliairon. A now aud hitherto nnknoTn remedy for all licaaea o ! the Kidneys , Bladder , and Urinary ( TOM. It will poamv ly care Diabetes , Qravel Drop- y , Brizht's Disease , inability to retain or expell h ? Unne , Catarrh of the Bladder , high colored and ecanty rrine , Painful Urinating , LAME BACK , Genera ! Weakness , and all Feicale Com- plalntg. It avoids Internal medicines , 13 certain in it Sects and cures when nothing else can . For sale by all Druggigta or Bant by mall free upon receipt of the price , $2.00. DAY NEY PAD CO. , PROP'RB , Toledo , O. 98 your aiitiresa for oar little took , How 9 WM Saved. " IT iqW o-nit - > r f \ .w- . SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC AND St. Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Reliable Sioux City Route ! 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE I Prom COUNCIL BLUFFS to BT. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMAROK , Lnd all points in Northern Iowa. Minnesota and Dakota. This line Is equipped with the Im- iroved Wcstlnzhouja Automatic Air Brakes and tiller Platform Condor and Buffer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT g unsurpassed. Elegant Drawing Boom and lleeplnit Carowned and controlled by the com liny , ran Through Without Change betwien Jnlon Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , nd St. Fatd. Trains leave the Union Pacifi ansfer Depot at Council Bluffs , at 6:16 : p m. , caching Sioux City at 10:20 p. m. , and St. Paul at 11:05 n. m. , making HOURS is ADTAHCB 01 ANT OTHSB Roun. Returning , leave St. Paul at 330 p. m. , ar > rivLnr at Sioux City at MS a. m. , and Union 'acme Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , at 9:50 : a. m. B sure that your tickets read" via "S. 0. fcP.B.B.1 F.C. HILLS , Superintendent , Missouri Valley , Iowa P. E. BOBQISOH , Aea't Oen'l Paae. Agent. J. H. ( VBRYAH , and Passenger Agent , Conndl Blnfli MAKE NO MISTAKE ! MICA A1CT.7. GREASE Composed largely of powdered mica and Isinglass Is the best and cheapest lubricator In the world. It is the best because ! t does not from , but forma a highly polished surface over the axle , doing away with a large amount of friction. It U tbe cheapest because you need use bat half the quantity in greasing your wagon that you woull of any other axle grease made , and then run your waeon twice as long. It answ r equally aa wefl for Mill Gearing , Threshing IMachlnw , Buggies , te. . as for wagons Send for Pocket Cyelopedlaof Things Wortn Knowing. Mailed 31 MICHIGAN AVBNU Your Dealer For It oct20-U ' | 12a day at homa easily made ; eaab outflt free.Addresi Tms fe APPETIZER SURE GURE For COUGHS , COLDS , BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA , CONSUMP TION , and all Diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS. T "LIT " ? * f 'P-1" P"P r tlon In the known world. By adding to TOLU BOCK and RTE Ittlt Lemon Juice , you nave n exellent Appetizer nd Tonic , for RencnU and Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than any article in the market. Extract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue : TBJASTOY DEPARTMEiT , OFFICE OF inTKKSAL RKYESU { Wiaanaios. 1 > . C. , January 28.1SSO. ( Messrs. LAWRENCE & MAKTIH , 1111 Madison St. , Chicago. Ills. : < J th ° oplnlon 'tnl8 offlce , BALSA OF TaLnCenJ0nn * ° would have a sufficient quantity ) ' . ' * * na whlsky and the constitute tyrup an emulsion rendering It an agreeable remedy to th patient. Compounded according to the formula , it mav nronerlv h * CI&MM ! & * .MvriPTVAT ; the provisions of U. 8.5e l. d/ttSndw ? iti U old by DrugglsU , arfea and Apothe Oth Persons ; r without rendering them lUbla to par ipeolat . r ' T tax aa liquor dealers. Tours , Respectfully , ( Signed ) GREEN. B. BADM. Commissioner LAWRENCE & MARTIN.Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DBTOGISTS , QRO ES JEALEBS everywhere IO ? IS A GRATIFYING FACT THAT THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead ily and rapidly increasing in pnblic tavor. The White Machine justly claims to be the best made , the easiest running , the 'simplest in construction and the most perfect Machine in the market. The White Co. employ as agents men of in tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied , because they find everything juat as repres ented. Everybody should use this Machine. The sales so far this year are more than double the corresponding time last year. All orders addressed to the Omaha Office will be promptly filled. JOHN ZEHRUNG , Cor. Dnvenport nnd 15th Sts. Omatau THIS NEW'AIED CORRECT MAP * % Proves beyond any reasonable question that the CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN R'Y Is by all odds the best road for you to take when traveling In either direction between Chicago and all of the Principal Points in the West , North and Northwest Carefully examine this Hap. The Principal Cities of the \7e < it and Northwest are Stations on this road. Its through trains make close connections with the trains of. all railroads at Junction points. j - \ J ° ? | \ $ * r f V1'.58 w-v j * a < . > y. ; f" * ' r * vi. CHICAGO fe NORTB-WESTEftM RAILWAY , THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , Over all of Its principal lines , runs each way dally from two to fourormoro Fast Express Trains. It Is the only road west of Chicago that uses the , PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CABS. ' . It Is the only road that runs Pullman Sleeping Cars Korth or Northwest of Chlcaco. It has nearly 3,000 JUZI S O 'JZOAO. It forms the following Trunk Lines : MPJ L SPJW&C J/oralaLIne. " . "WlnonaJHnnespta& Central Dakota Line. * " * y..I'or.Nebraska& Yankton Llne."ChIcaKO , St. Paul and Minneapolis Lino. Plnols' Freeport & Dubuqno Line. " "Milwaukee. Green Bay & Lake Superior Line. " Tickets over this road are sold by all Coupon Ticket Agents Ia the United States and . Can.idas. Remember to ask for Tickets via this road.hjBsuro they read over It.and take none other. MAEYIS HnafflTT.Genl Manager , Chicago. x % W. H. STESSEIT , Genl Pass. Agent , Chicago. HARRY P. DDEIi , Ticket Aetnt C. & 5. W. Railway , 14th andfParnhamlStreets. U. B KIMBALtL , Assistant Ticket Aeont C & N. W. Railway , llth and Farnham Streets. J. BELL , Ticket Airent C. & H. W. Railway , U. P. R. R. Depot. JAMKS T. CLARK 'General Aetnt. Aetnt.HIVERIGK. . FURNITURE , BEDDING , FEATHERS STT A PjBS. And EverytMng pertaining to lh * > Fnmitnre and Upholstery Trade. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF NEW .GOODS AT TH * W JiJST 1208 and 1210 Farnlium Street. ap It moo th tat utter 1001 FARNHAM , cor. 10th. * Grand Display -OF- SPRING CLOTHING !