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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1881)
The Daily Bee. " * " g. Tab. 24 Uuie'uk e u eaK. hn's. uJE Buffett's. lieapi uf JJut > * gsat Co. the jewel. h.W'i , MciluUn & , Block. o2C-tf .s , Crtightou Ituuorted cigars , at Saxe's , druggist. -JacklUbbits , 25 cents The legislature wiil probably adjourn Saturday. Key West and domestic cigars , at Sale's. U S Marshal Bierbower has received bis new commi-slou. The d < > g PQ BOuer nan been on the war p tt for the past week. Eememb r the Danish Society's Mas querade Feb. 26th , - tf Eggs , Oranges and Lemons , 25 cents per dozen at Buffets. 23-4 : Considerable local news of importance is unavoidably crowded out to-day. The Naolworks are temporarilr shut down , owing to an accident to machinery. Genuine PanishKio. Glore , at L. C. Enewold , 13.h and Jackson Sts. wf&s The K & M. in JVebrawka it cleared of snow now from one end to the other. Throa h trains will prebablv begin running on tbe St. Paul & Omaha to morrow. Don't forget , the Danish Society's Masquerade is on Saturday the 26th. tf Mr. John E. Bushey , the U. P. car penter , is the happy father of a ten pound boy which arrived on the 22nd. The revival meetings which have been in progress at the south Tenth street M. E. church , are still ging on. The next and last Imperial party until after Lent will take place thu evening at Masonic HalL Mr. Eichards , foreman of the Omaha machine shop ia the last happy man re ported. The little one weighs 12 pounds and is a girl. A temporary sidewalk has been laid across the 10th street sewe fill , to the great satisfaction of pd etrians. Councilman Kaufmann is the architect. An employe of the Willow Springs distileiy wa < sh..t near the base of the knU on M-n'ay rve-Jnj ; by comrade who was banting tats. The wouud is not serious. serious.Mary Mary Bub , the yonnr German woman who landed io Onuharecentlv in . 'estitnte circmnst nces went frotnheie to Fremont where she w < i8 adjudged insane and s snt to Lincoln. A big vtonn in Iowa delayed yesterday morning's Northwestern train five hours , Bck Island th-ee hours , and C. , B. & Q. one hoar. The west-bound TJ. P. train left Omaha two hears late. Freder'ck Gijeb h is began suit against the Metz Bnwing Co. , for 52 li.OOO dam- ag or injuries raceived at the boiler ex plosion la t Augn t. Hii ground is that the eajine-r was incompetent. The minlrs -if the Omaha amatner cl 'i ' > vil nwthi * ev un at J. J. JV 41 . 'r i i ' 'V"'ock to make a. ci t f Ji ut t t ' < . ! -wn" and "P-wp > "T > ' i in .i-expect- < _ < ) i-t < in it en > l n " Th sleof vc-velst-Uf the Bive- Kinj c n ! P-j irn s 28 . ' 'ezini lo rn rr w m t-ui i j a Mix Mi-ver & Bro's , M 9 > 'c "C < ' hit will b"tie ofhe reats of til --w > 'ithe lire c impany l > elng forme 1 of fir-it c'.im art 's. and th 'Acad emy i rillb c-iivvlelby the elite of the city. The Unity Lycaam meets at the Unitarian church eve y "the Thursday evening. The next meeting occu s to- morrtw nuht when there will be Bpeakinr , reading , declamations and a general good tine. Every ody invited. L. P. Hovey , from ra'rolls , Iowa , opened to the public an elegant and well furnished hotel tnd eattag h > nse , on the S. C. & P. rai'way , at Nor oik , M .nday. : Mr. Hovev , is an ascoraplished man in < the hotel business and the public is assured genial and ba dso JIB treatmeot from him. | j An amusing incident happened on tbe train between here and Plattsmouth , ] while Marshal C. J. Westerdahl was bringing up a prisoner , to whom be was cb ined. The prisoner stole tbe marhals watch , while in conversation with him trying to obtain some inform- \ tion. j i Washington' * birthd ay xras celebrated ] in Omaha by the closing of all the govern * ' tn nt offices , ( he banks and public schools. ; In the Utter the sfternoon of Monday was devoted to a ipec'al programme of exer- , cities ia which patriotism was given vent ' * in ea ays , declamations , etc , tbe subject having been studied np by the pupils for ' , evend weeks preceding tbe day. > -The mwagercf the St Joe operabouse was In Omaha yesterday arranging forjsale of tickets to the Bernbardt performances , j Feb. 58th and March 1st , in that city , j about twenty being duposeiof here al- rea f. The railroad fare from Council Bhiffs over the Kansas City , St. Joe and C. B. road will be $3.90 for the roand trip , tickets good from the 28th of February to MarcS 2-d. Seats a < now on Bale at Max Meyer & Bro'a. jnnsic g'.ore. 'Estey Oigan. Estey Organ. Estey Organ. At Hospe's. Alt Hospo'e. At Hospe's. Kimball Organ. Kitabitl Organ. .Ktmbull Orgu. * 21-3 : At A. Hope's , jr. Grand lecturer a Li dee. 'Right W.Mhipfal Biram 0. Ryder , Rind lec urer of the Grand Lodve | L -F. &A. M , of Nebraska , is bold- inj ; a grand lecturer'a lodge in L'a- ojln , which will continue until the 26ti. T.iejr ilroads of this city give une And one-fifth fare rates. Dani&Eid Gloves m white and light col-r * , of JB Atodel't lest mote , Oo- piuhX'en , atL. 0. Enwold's , 13th and J cktou utreeU. Tneae glovea are the ve ne t mtd-t , fit excellent and are v W U'a 'e.xml ' no aacond-clasa nor ulli is , j ' . ! .i.l'v selected 0 i , i 03 B ( no Uible .i l , 2-Hj p mud , fr g-i u * , 251 out i z , ! Wil- ? - I'.a u G - ut.uiHi16 n nmi Jj rtaONAL.-c-A.i W Ingrauibjis retained. < Mc. F > ed Krig , the brewer , is" danger- rh.Hmatism. Henry .Lehman , the wall paper dealer b retomed from Chicago wheere * he s been for two weeks acquainting hiw U the Uttit stylei and design * of THE SAENGERFEST. Preparations for an Approaching preaching Musical Event. What the Offlceisof th = j Bund Are Doing. It is now only About thre < > months until the time f holding the Seventh Bi-enntal Steugerfuat of the Pioneer Sat-ngerbund , orgatvzitirn com posed of the various Gtrmun singng eocieties of the Misronri Valley and dating its existence as far back as 1866. The exact date of the affair Is not yet fixid but it will occur in the month of Jane , will last five cUya and will be a most important event m the city's history. The' Band is composed of the fol lowing societies , the membership of each being denoted by the figures at tached : St. Joseph Maennerchor , 94 ; Council Bluffs Masnnerchor , 22 ; Grand Island Liederkraoz , 64 ; Atchison - son Liederkr&.i , 26 ; Levenworth Mwnnerchor , 45 ; Kansas City Arion , 130 ; Kansas City Orphans , 47 ; Ne braska City Liederkrat.z , 45 ; Columbus - bus Mraiuerchor , 61 ; Pla'tsmoath ' Llederdranz , 33 ; Omaha Masnnerchor , 61 ; Omaha 0 ncardia , 60 ; total 574 Of these 226 will participate in the concerts with an orchestra of thirty members. By the constitution of the bund all theaa societies are required to be present. They are now working to get the following societies to join the bund and participate in tha Saengerfest , and with every prospect of success : Lin coln German ! * m&ennerchor ; Crete maennerchor ; SUtne , Kansas , maen- nerchor ; Sioux City maennerchor , aud Pappilion maennerchoir. Should. these societies join the bind it would swell the membership to 920 , and the number of active participants in the concerts to abiut 300. The outside societies are anticipat ing , from tha well known enterprise of their O naha brethren , & grand af fair. They have repeatedly informed i the secretary that they would attend in a body , aud a fu 1 attendance from the societies , as w-11 M a very large attendance from outsiders , is looked for. The executive committee , which consists of G H. Herman , -JBe ry Pundt , Jo'-n B umer , 0. E B irmes- ter , H. Rosei zwelt' , Geo. E. S rit- mannand Hen-y Strasbnrp , will hold a meeting this evening and appoint snb-cnmmitteeg. A meeting of the two Omaha socie'i-B will then bo call ed to sanction tbe action already taken. If nrrapgomenta are effected as they should be U wll incur an ex pense of not less than $8009. A tem porary hall should be built for the meetings and concerts , as the Acade my is the only place anything like ad p ed for such an occasion , and it is not large enough to accommodate the visitors who will certainly bt > pr < sent. The finance co mittee. con sisting of Mx Meyer , H nry Pndt , John ° r , George Linde , William Aust , and Gj"'g H immd will be in canvas int : the c'ty for sab cripti > ns i side of & weed's time , ai d Omaha should not be backward In her re pen * , but j show a liberality equal if not sup r'or , t" > that other dries whsrain the Paan- , gerf sts hav-j been held. Liberal subscriptions and active aid from ' business men will make it a grand affair. Is will require considerable . time and much psi. is taking Inbor to , bring maHers to perfection , and everything b ing now ready to begin active work , assistance hnmld be readily forthcoming. ! As stated th Saengerfest will last f-r fiva days the programoia b ing as follows : First day Raceptlon of quests and in the evening a grand "Welcoming Concert. " ( | Second day Grand parade in which all the societie % and manufacturing 1 interests of Omaha will be requested to participate , closing with an even- { lup concert. Third day Afternoon matinee and Grand Concert in the evening. ! Fourth d v Picnic. In the evening - ' ing Grand Ball. ; Fifth dty Annual convention of the Bund. The f llowine are the songs to be i rendered by all the societies , aecom- < panied by the orchestra [ brass. ] " . " "Smger-reH. "WIeisr och die Erde so schoen. " "Der Dents he Eaum. " It is a ctreful selpction of songs , all of which are newly imported from Germany through , the well-known inn of Max Mnyer & Bro. All irqu ries and coramnnicatlons addressed to the secretary , H. Rosenz- weig , will receive promot attention. BOOTS AKD SHOES of every description , Rubbers , and a nil line of good * of this kind , all of which -will be sold at bott > m figure * , t the new shoe store of H. B ASWITZ , 1422 Douglas street , near Fifteenth. feb2l-eod 3t The Academy. Mr. J. S Hulbert has assumed the mauknement of the A .ademy of Mn- sio , and being recgnized in this city as a responsible party and an excep tionally good business man , we may expeo : to receive nothing but the best at his bunds. He knows what the public want and will give us a fine Line of amrsements FOUND. A check book on a L'ncoln bank Inquire at this office. If your watch does not kap gcod time uid you wish to make it run as good as neu > , take it to EDHOLM & ERICKSON. P. S. All work wtr uted. FOE SAL Hume furniture for e lt ) si 1310 "avenport streetbetween 13 h and 14 h stye's. 23-2 snot At. If the cowardl > cur who find a that into my yard , at my Newfocndhid djg , "Turk , " Mot day night , will c-ll at my shirt factory , 1122 Faruam 'Jee * , I will aetiln witti him'in tie W. B. BAEKISON. Turner tna quura-ie'bill Febrmry 22nd. f9-tS A DETECTIVE'S STIFF. The Whole Story of Royal Riggins' Resurrection a Canard. The Coffin Nevdr Unsealed at AIL 0 ir raiders will remember the re cent xccunt of > in alleged resurrec tion jf the boHy of R .yal T. R ggins , who shot hitust-lf on the Union Pacific emigrant tr in , near Nunh Phtte , some months ago. It was claimed that Rig tui was insured aud that the coffin was found filled with tand , in dicating that there WAS an attempt to defraud the Insurance coinpinyoic. Yesterday a letter was received by Mr. John G. Jacobs , the under taker , from Dr. E. B. Eusor , tbo brother-in-law of the deceased , which places the matter in a new light aud shows the whole story , as started by Tne Chicago Times and Marysville Democrat , to ba without founda tion. The doctor says : Riggins never Lai nia life insured in any company , and ther * has never baeu any application made for money , his grave bas never been disturbed by any person. Deputy-Sheriff Stotta never went to St LJUIS afur 'the chief con spirator' or any one. " "The lie was started by a mtu named Johu Broyles , who was acting as a detective in the Talbot trial Wanting to make himself appear smart he told a lawyer in Marysville , named Gr ffl i , in the presence of Judge Morehouse , that ho ( Brojl < j ) was working this up. I saw it in the St. Louis papers and fol lowed it back to Marysville , Nodaway county , Mo. , and there found thai Griffin was the man who wrote the first article , being instruct ed to do so by BroyKa We nil tike care cf Broylus and othora who started the scandal , if there is a law that will reach them. " This pretty effectually disposes of a story wnich appeared to come under the head of "truth stranger than fic tion. " Undertaker Jacobs is also sat isfied that his excellent work in seal ing up the casket was net disturbed to subititute sand for the dust to du-st returned , and the St. Joseph medical men are relieved from ths suspicion of having "an-iked" the body out oi the coffin on its way lotbs grave. * It was a big jam and this furnishes a very satisfactory solution. RUBBKRS. SHOES ! SHOES ! Full line uf Men's , Ladies' , Misses and Children' * shoes , at the now shoe store of H. BASWHZ 1422 Dt-ugl a St , near F-ftecntb. 21-eod-3t If your watch does not ktep good timp , and you wish to m ike it run as goodasiiew , take it to ED HOLM & BRIGHTON. P. S. All vrork warranted. Linen nnd embroidery sale at L. B W.llumi & Son. Deatn Record. Died , M inday at 6 o'clock p , in. , Alice M. only dauuhier o ? T. W and EizibethC. Mcfiuiru , aged two (2) ( ) years and four (4) ( ) months. Fau-ral from residence uf parents , No. 314 Ninth street between H irney and F.rnhatn streets. Lincoln papers please copy. Henry , son of Bertha and Wilhelm Toss , February 22nd , aged 10months. take place from 23rd and Lexvenwrlh streets , February 24th , 2 o'clock p. m. Mrs. Annie Diedricb , wife of Ed ward Diedrich , died February 22 id at 12 o'clock of apoplexy , a ed 30 year * . The funeral took place at S p. m yesterday - < day from the rosi'enca on 20th and t Gainings streets. j Mr. Luther B. Whitmore , who "was for several years the cashier of the freight department of the Union Pa- citicj bridge division , ditd Tuesday at his residence , No. 712 nor.h Nine teenth street , of consumption. Fu- i neral notice hcre-ftcr. J , Miaa Carrie , niece cf O. F. Dnvis , Esq. , of this city , diedFebraary 22J , at Lake Forest , Ills. , where she was ! visiting frieids. Mr. and Mrs. D.ivis | left for Lake Fcmtlast evening. The deceased was well known and greatly beloved in this city , where the news of her death is received with profound Borrow. Charles E , son of Mr. and Mrs. William Smith , died February 22nd , aged two years. The funeral took place at 3 p. m. yesterday , from St. Barnabas' church , Richard Johnson , died February 22nd , of consumption. The funeral t ok place at 2 p.m rest r3syfrom the late residence on Harney and Twelfth streets. " . Tbelvanhoo Dramatic and Musical club have secured the Aca'etny of Music for Thursday , M rch 17th , matinee and evening , when they in tend producing the historical drama of "Rjbe't Emmet , " in three ac's , with appropriate scenery and a strong oist , and all duo regard to auxiliaries. The club has lately been reorganized and has among its members some of the best amateur Uleat In the city. T ckets for the entertainment are now out. WANTED By y mng gentlemen : 2 or 3 furnished or unfurnished rooms in a goodhouso well located. Address A. H. , 1310 Davenport street 23 2 THE EVSNT OF THS SEASON Ir SHALL SURPASS ALT. OTHEBS The Maeunerchor m-squerade , .Tuesday eve , March 1st , Brandt & Mete's Hall. Steiiihauser and Hoffman's rchcstro will furnish tha music. No money or time will be spared to make it a prund succes * . Tickets to be had'at M x Meyer & 0- > , John Baumers , E. Wy- man's , J. I. FruehaufV , and at the door. fe 2l-mon wed. RUBBERS. SHOES ! SHOES ! Full line of Men's Ladies' Miis > aid Children's shoe * , t the newsbi-e - > rtrof H. BASWI1Z , 1422 Donglai St , near 15h. 21-eod 3t THE G , B. rls What the City Council Gave the Charges Against Coun-I oilman Stephenson. The End of What Should Have Had no Beginning. An adjourned meeting of the city ouncil was held Tues ay o tle up the case of Couucilm < tn James Stephenson , agiintt who n certain vauue charges had been preferred by tha jud'ciary committee , under in structions i f the council. Ten of the twelve members were present , toge her with a cloud of wit nesses subpceied by the defendant and by the counclL President Boyd stated the object of the meeting britfly , after which Mr. Libagh asked that the city attorney , who was present , give his opinion ns to the right of the body to expel a member , on being convicted of charges of this character. City attorney Manderson stated that he had given no particular re search to the subject until called upon to-day by Judge Wakeley , counsel f > r the accused , who had asked him if the council had suuh a right. In his ( the city attorney's ) opinion , a body of their character must have the right to remove temporarily or permanently a member. He cited commcn law in support of thiu opinion. The following resolution introduced by Mr Diily , was theu read by the olerk : RESOLVED , That the investigation of the charges brought against Cunn- cil-nan S ephenenn be postponed un til March 29h , 1881 , at savea o'clock p. m. Several of the councilmen followed the reading of the resolution with brief remarks , tbe general tenor of which was that while the charges had been made in good faith by the committee they were groundless. Every member who ex pressed an opinion on the subject as serted his belief that tha charges were groundless and that further proceed ings would be folly. Mr. D.ily said , in behalf of Mr. S ephenson , that that gentleman was ready whenever the council was ready and that he would leave it in their hands. Mr. Dodge's resolution , ( it wai in troduced by Dailey but signed by Dodgt ) wai adopted. The council udi < urncd. It was the intention of the mnver of this resolution tuai it thoulddo away entiiely with any further proceedinga In the matter , and this is the almost unanimous desire of the council. The 29th of March falls on Friday , on which date there is , uf course , no meeting , unless a special one sh < uld 30 called , and as the entire council will go out of office within a week's ; ttne , it cjuld not be brought up tiereafter. Mr. Stephenson's course since he enie ed the council has beeu that of a nun d-termined to Gght for the city's interests at all times and at what ver personal c.'at i f time or money. If .it time * ha has nff-nded th-j b dy of which he is n mambrr , ii las beeu beciuce he was too plainspoken - spoken and severe on other memburj Of Mr. Stephensoifs hens < y aud in cearity in matters great or small we do not think there can be any qu s tion. Those who have oppos ed him most strongly have said as much to our reporter and expressed their regret that the charges in question were brought. Now that they are disposed of to the satisfaction of both parties and the public which is heartily sick and tired of such foolishness it is to ba hoped that the remaining few weeks of the existence of the ciry leg islature will be * passed in peace and quiet. BOOTS AND SHOE-5 of every description , Rubbers , and a Vil line of goods of this kind , ail of which will be sold at bottom figures , at the new short store of H BaS WITZ , 1422 D JUglas street , near Fifteenth. feb21-eod-3t - - BUY TOUR JEWELRY AT Whipple. McMillen & Co.'s , Oreighton Block , 16th street. , Worklngmen know where to go for your drink of pure Kentucky 10 cent whiskey , imported gins and Irish whiskeys , Bndwe'.aer beer. Agent for St. Gotthard Bitters. D L. McGocKiN , jin 27 1m 314 S uth 10th Si INVISIBLE"HAIR NETS Only ten cents each , at Mrs. Wood's , Sixteenth street , near Capitol avenne. fl7-eod3t BOOrS AND SHOES of every description , Rubbers , and a Pull line of goods of ; hls kind , ell of which will be Duld at bottom figures at the new shoe store of H. BA WITZ , 1422 Douglas street , near F f-eenth. feb21-eod-3t GEAND CENTRAL GALLEBY. 212 16th street near Masonic Hall guarantee strictly "first class work , " ind promptness. Give us a trial. f4 eod-tlm And please d n't you forget On Saturday the tweuty-slxth , We "give otir grand masquerade and ball , In both Metz's and Brandt's Turner halL It will be the greatest yet on call , Mein Freund , one dollar , that is all , Ad-nits you to t oth the halls. All respectable persons are invited : Tickets SI , galler es 5c , to be had at fj , Jargensen , cor. Jackson an i 10th Sts. , Members of committee and at the door. Strict order willbe _ maintained , Committee of the Danish Society. " " . w&g-4t Occidental Hotel , c rner of Tenth and Howard streets , J. J. Paynter , proprietor. This ho tel has been repaired and furnished with new furniture throughout , aud affords fin -class accommodation to the traveling public. Ohargei reasin able. fi THE DARKEST HOUR. That Which Precedes tha D wn of brighter E > pes for Ireland , The Signs of the Times Ana lyzed by Hon. John Rush. An Appeal to Irishmen to Ra 17 Around the Land League. To tbe Fdltor of Your p per has baen consistently kind and honorable in Its treatment of the Irish lan-i quest'on , and in the name of the Irish-Amaricau element of Nebraska , I thank you for your outspoken and onerous sympathies Were I an Englishmen by birth , I should hold you iuthesiine respect. It is now pretty generally understood that this is not a "war of races , " that in fact it is nothing but a manly aud Independent protest of the people against fostering aristocracy , whose pollu'ed hinds have transmuted con tagion to the Irish and English people alike. It is.a fact worthy of commen dation that the press of thh c mutry. echoing the sentiiqentj of i'S readers , has unhesitatingly pronounced against Englind , and is in perfect accuid with the Lvnd League. This is but just and reasonably if it were other wise it would cot only ba in direct conflict with our own principles as a democracy , but it would be a virtual acknowledgment of the superiority of monarchial institutions as compared with our OWP It Is to be regretted , however , that some papers have seen fie to criticise the action of P rnell a > id his associates in their opposition to the coercion bill in the house of commons lately. These mistaken advisers , who mean well , nu doubt , think that the home rulers ought not to show such hostility to Gladstone , and with some pjtulence they accuse the Irish of imprudence , precipitancy , hostility to "friends" &c N > w I will ask , does any man suppose for one moment that any good to the Irish can come of Gladatjne'H government except thnt which H co erccd ? Americ-ms have a very crudu idea of "whig" and "tory , " as applied to English politics ; it is only thosu who have lived under the < iilTeort ad ministrations of the English monarchy that can judge with an ; accuracy. But why should we m this country man : fe-t any friendship for the libaral ( ? ) Mr. Gladstone I would draw ihuat tention of your readers to an editorial of Harper's Weekly , publis'iod May 24th 1862 , and reproduced in The Na- l onal ( Washing o ) pubhc-m. . Mr. Curd * , after d < apl Tin , * the treachery of E igl'nd , and piufully whitttng over the lues of snch an ally to the north r.t a time wuan we "heede < i friends , em-- meratvs t1 e f eveipl acts of perfii y wh , ch had characteriz dEaglaidevtm : at this ea ly stage of the civil war , and , which "will ' comp-l the pr.-sent g-nerrttion of American's to go down into their graves before her deeds of 18G1 s'l-tll ba for- ttxn or forgiven. " Mr. Curtis goes on to say that , ' When the war actual ly broke out England did every thing she could do iu assist ibu robtla , alioit of actually declaring n r uoon u- . With indrcent haute eho recognized the confederate states HH btfll g-neuta tha very diy before Me. Ad-uns ar rived in England. Her newspapers , great aud small , with a tow bright ux ceptiona , elaborately decried us mid vaunted the rebel cau-e. They derided - rided our army , sueert-d at our navy , s.r.ive vigorously to break down u credit , while io the brunt h the ) lauded the rebrlt > , talkud of the chival ry of their sol-iie.-s , the sng-icity f their leaders , and tne utter mipuaat biiUy of subjugnti g such a people From being furious abolitionists thev became mild apologists for tlnverj. * * * Mr. Gladatom , cabinet minister , justifies E < i Und's sympathj with the rebels " , Following th's Mr. Curtis clurgeEmland with uti-ig her ports f > r the fi ting out , and protection of rebel cralsers. Southampton ana Gkbrftltar , and Bermuda , and the Bthaoias were havcus of rest , for over- wjrked Aiabamas. But Mr. Glad- atone , cabinet minister , "liberally" justifies England's sympathy wirh the rebels. How different it WHS on the other side of the Irish sea. The people of Emerald Isle (1 ( know svhfireofIspeik | ) considered the American fra'raciditt rebellion as the greatest curae that ever came upon mankind Every- movement from the diiKster cf Bui Runto the murder of rur martyr presiden' , in which defeat tutt the artnj of tl.o north , c-tusad regret and and heart iircorrespoiidintr < pro portion as the victories of Grant , Sherman and Sheririan caused noiver- 3 d joy and happiness. And whet is true of the Irish tna > iu justice bo al so said of the ptoductug classes in England and Scotland It tvas the ari6tociatc governing power of Ens- land , ( of wuici Mr. Gladstone was cabinet minister ) The Lond'in Times spoke for whoa it exultantly cried "The American bubble is burst ! " No , no , Mr. Editor , Parnell must not be blamed. Ha aud his colleagues have shown rcma kible wiscom as well as untlrin per feveranco. Instead of violating any law , thuy have com pelled the English government to break to law itself. Ju < t imagine the ridiculous position that ninety day's trial ( I ) of the "irav-rar j" placed England in. When she frund her plans frustrated , when she could not incarcerate these men in her vile dungeons without fear of denuncia tion from the civilized world , l > ku any old crone , smarting nndor defeat and disappoiutment'aht ! b came purish and venomous , and - Michael Davitt , in the d-ad of nigbt , aud without trial or > ven a inoraeut'a warning was stealthily remanded back to prison ! England could not g t a jury to convict him , so she became jud d and ju.y and executioner - ecutioner ht-rself. Poor Micha-1 will no doubt die in prison , as Edward Duffy died , and a great many other ? , but , their memory will be immortal , and Iheir murder will ba avenged. "Davitt may or may not b" a danger- ons person , but no man in Ireland has saved more lives and more property than he , and the innuman shout of exultation which greeted the an nouncement that he had baen re stored to a convict's prison wa more worthy of the R min arena thin of the English house < f cotruions. " The foregoing quotation Is from Labou- chere. Don't you think thak this is a pitiable position for Britania that "rules the wavfsl" Truly , uneasy rests the head that wesrs a crown , aud such a crown as that uf England , whose guld WAS assayed from Vlary's bone * , and wh s * jewels are the crystalized tears of ci.uuiless wid ows and orphans. O God of heaven 1 euie'y ' there is a day of reckoning. May-be the time hascnme when Sampson like the vctims if Eng land' * tyranny the B era and Ic sh * nd H > udo taneifi and Afgh nn m d Z i ui will rise up in their rright mid teai d wn the entire sttusture of English domination , begot in sin aud propagated in in'amy. S 'me saga cious readers may gay that I am too sanguine. Wei ] , in answer _ to this criticism , I will quote what James Anthony Frnude Bay a in hia latest chapter of English history. If I am too visionary , he mu-t be too gloMny and mor ise. Sp ° akiog of Irelind'a obtain nahvr liberty , he say a : ' "Be It so. Then let Ireland be freo. S le is iiiiserabld because she is u ruled. \Ve * nti > ht rule her , but we will nofc lest our arrai gemunts nt home might be interfered witn. We cannot kfOp I eop'e chained to us to be perennially wretched , because ir is iiicDiiyenient to u < ti knpp order among t1n > . ! > an independent Ireland the ablest and sir n e-t won d coma to thr front , aiu tha bi-or eleoietita la crushed The state ef things which would ensue miyhtnotb eatixfaciory to us , bu' at le < s there w uld bj no longer the iu- Tera on of ( he n > itnr < l order , which IB maintained by the E igliab c iii'.ostion audth ) coiupelled slavery of iduo- tiou and iutt-liiyenco to tbo i.uninrual majority. This , too , ii called imjjdssi'jle , yet if we will neither ru Ireland , nor allow the Iri-.h to rule themselves , nature and fas' may t-11 us that whether we will or LO , u tx- periment winch has lasted 700 > e ra shall be tried no longer. Between ihe iwo "impceaibilittes , " we may be ubl'g-id to chooac if Itel-nd is to cease to be our reproach , and the Iri'h race a danger and a torment to us in every country to which they emigrate. " 'heerful ' words , Irishmen , coming fnmsuih a gloomy source. Be attad- fist , j i the land luaune , offer pisaivo resistance , practice Boycotting , and when U becomes ab3"lutely necess ry lei a L rci Loitrim now and then be morally execu'ed , BO lhat his miadetda m y become salutory warning tooth ers of his ilk. JOHN RUSH Turner tnasqierade ball February 22nd. f9-t3 BONNE R 1309 , Douglas street , has the largest and beat stock of House Furnishing Goods in the city , ecdtf ACADEMY OF MUSIC. EiLBBRT , Monday Evening , Fobraar ) 28 GREATEST ATTRACTION of the eeibon. RIVE-KING ! 1 ! RIVE-KING ! 1 ! CONGEST. Madame11 JU'M Rive-King will be supported bj- SIGNORA LA.TJRA BELLINI , the great prima donna so prano. Mrs. Emm * E. Mabelh ( contralto , ) Mr. George H. Broderick ( baae. ) Mr. Ferdinand Dulckon , ( musical director , ) and Herr Reinhard Richter , ( violin virtuoso ) . T cketn reduced to nsual prices. Re served seats at Max Meyer & Bro 'e , after Thursday morning , February 24 , at 9 a m. , without extra charge dfeb 23 24 26 SPECIAL NOTICES. NO riCE AdvetrtaemenU To Loan , Fir Sale , Lent Found , Wants , Hoarding , jcc. , will be in- in tlieda co um 19 once for TEN GhNTS per line , each subsequent Insertion , FIVE OE.NT3 per Hie The first insntlon sever leas than TW NTYri ECLSTS. SO Jrt > iir--CAj kJJT vr ; . . . . .m- ' ) > fir Birc * WANTFD * El > l immediatl > at 601 17th street , must be * g od cooic. S72--4 Dishwasher at tbe Pacific HI use WANTED > 74-23 A tr vehn * j Icaaiiu totake-ir- WAITED cu torn mud : shirts A hminess cxuo-eio and > itj refer nc s icquired. Oma ha hi.tFacto-v. 36123 Bfraera at ivtiew h > ar WAJsTKD ten minu'ra wilk of bos niea iata fthuiity No 122. U dge street , -south eas r ner DxlBB n l lth. I'bl Ag tl Io do general ho > 8 > o > K. WA t2i4D.vmpuit Dt , bet. 12 h and ISth utre.ts 371-tf To rent , f T a term i f > ears the WANTED ! storv of some 'orlak hull iirn ( eon to I e eec ed ) , situated on thi con-r ol the st eet in the b isinea-ceutT 11 Omiha. C < 11 or address Ge . R Rathbun , Principal Great Wist- crn Business College. 370 tf WANTED A large boy at On h Shirt Faciory Laun 'ry. 363-23 " | TT ANTED t'n'urnlphed ' room.must be central- YV ly'oattel.daressC. . , Beecfflee. 'ANTED A cook and chamber mud. St Charles hotel. 3 6-22 An unfurnished room by mother WANTED l , central locality , terms reasonable. Addri-SJ A. T , Bcejjtfice. 357-tf WANTED-Good woman co-k , at Mrs. Me- I ty on PoppUtou St. , bet 2Uth and 22d 33 $ tr WANTED A cool English an ! Gtrman cor- ri'si'oniknt , must boa firat lana renman. dilre-s with refereiicts W. H. , Etecffice 34t-tt ANTED Thoroogly competent girl , at W 1916 Farnham Si. Good waz.a. S33-U WAimD Ajood girl for general hon = e- worl , must be a good cook and wather and iron r Apply Eoutlreast corner 20th Jand California Sts. 315 tf WA HiiO 4n experiencEd butcher wants to st-m a mcataarketi n some small west ern tnwn , where there is none , or where one Ig necde ; would UVe a reliable partner. Addre1" fr. K Webb Jiuks. n/DaK-ijti Co Neb. 80-tf fTTATTEr1 A ? oed hnu3e-keep > r , U09 Farn VV ban street , up flairs 32-tf j . ' OR RENT ' 'ne furnished room on J1 bet. 17th and 18th , 2 b'ocks fn.m P. 0. Enquire at l o. 17 7 360-tl T.jR RKNT tlnely furnished-Iron room onfi side , at 1310 Davenport bt. 195-tf , , l OR RFKT Xew house , eight rooms , hard J"and soft water , on 23d and Caaa Sts. En. qul.o 30712th St. 123-tf ' . RENT A foralsheJ , sc/uth lent room. i Inquire at No 1612 Karnham St. 884-If KKNT 2 furnished rooms over Her- FiOU Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th and ! V.lce6treet3. 2R9-tf FOR SALE , pOr SALE My place of four acres in West ! Omaha , with good buildings and lotn of fr > it , terms very easy. Ala , i have for sile fine pair of good sized horse * , with new lumber w ron and harness. Ou on a jo > r time if donrcd. Enq uro 13th St. ortr State Uanb , Onithi , Nob. 873 1 w't T7\OR SALE At a sacrifice. Aneworpn , 14 I. stops pnd i octiveK Oairantcrd fnr 6 years. .Enquire of F. Fojdjlo at Cru ckseanka. S61.uod-tf I7IOR S * I.F Twn ptt coons. For further in. 'I ? f01 mation address llcnry J. Aovc " . f. 0. , Oitalu , > eb. 363-23 T70R SALE Ahiut six tboosand feet of eo"d " sheetinrand scnntllng- . Enquire J J Fhlbin , at Wbitn.y's shoe store , 1421 Douglas strea'v. S6'-tf r.U R SALE Ten (10) ( ) residence I > ts on upper I1 rarnhamsireet. John L. M.Cac"e ; , opj. P O. 3t9-tf "T710KALli Mats of Dotults and Sarpy JJ uUfities A. RO EW TER , 1520 fain- h m treet. 320-ti 170R SALE Honsa and lot at 81260.00. JOHN J L. McCAGDE , Opii.Pogtbffice 81Q-tf T > R SILE Seven coed buslne-ta lots on F Faruham street , JOHN U SlcCAOl E , fotf Orposi'e I'ostofflce. > R SALE Lease and furniture ofaOrs' . Et class hotel Iu a town uf 1COO Innabttant" , in atate of Ne > raaka. Ills 21 eds , the travelling men's resort Inquire at Bee office 213-lf" FOR SALE A fAR'QAIN A Lui'dm ? with saloon flxtures , furniture and < t CK , on intb St. , opposite the U. P depot , for ule very ci.oxp. Or the fixtures , furniture and stock will be cold and building rented. Inquire of Et > K * El MAN. 79-lf F1 . SALE TJTO clooe csrrtx1 , t A. J. mi ' - 911 tf A. W. 1VASON , JD E ITT T ST , OrrtCK Jacob's U ck , corucr ( hpkol Are. and \5'n Street , Onubt Keb. S. P. MORSE & CO. , Cash Jobbers and Retailers of DRY GOODS ! DRY GOODS ! 1319 Farnham Street. We Call Attention to the extremely Low Prices of our present Stock of HOUSEKEEPING GOODS , TabIeLinensTowelsNapkins Table & , , , PianoCovers , AND HAVE MADE REDUCTIONS IV 66-hch Bleached Linen Damask , formerly 70 cents , Now 60 cents. 60-Inch " " " 90 cents , Now 70 cents. I 64-Inch Satin - ' " $1.00 , " 75 cents. 64-Inch " " 1.25 , " SI.OO. 68-Inch Double Satin " " 1.50 to $1 60 , Now $1 20. 68-Inch Doub'e ' Datin " " 1.75 to 2.00 , Now 1.40. Two-yard wide Barnsley half b'eached ' Damask at 75C. , well worth at retail SI 25 Two-yard wide Extra Double Satin Damask , elegant patterns , formlrly $2.00 , now $1.60. 4-4 all Linen Fringed Cloths , formerly 75c each , Now Reduced to 45c. 5-4 all Linen Fringed Cloths , formerly $1 00 each , No\v Repuced to 65c. 7-4 " " " 1.25 " " " " 95c. 8-4 " " " ' 1.75 " $1.25. 10-4 " " " " " " " " - 2.50 1.95. ' arge siz > Linen Sets , Table CIoth = and Napkins to mitch formerly $7.00. no-w reduced to $5 75 each Larga size LmeuSe a , Table Cloths and Kapkias to match , formerly $9 00 Now Reduced o $6 50 L arge siz * Linen Sets. Table Olotha and Napkins to match , formerly $10 00 Now Raduc d to $750. Laree size Lin en Sets , Table Cloths a d Napkins to match , formerly $11 OOand $ 2.OO , Now Keduced to $9 00. TOWELS ! TO"V\TEJ3LS ! Very heavy double Damask Towels , 24x44 inches , reduced from 50c to 37 I-2c each. Fine twilled Barnsley Cream Damask Towels , hand knotted fringes , reduced from 75c to 54c each. Fine French double Damask Towels,26x50 inches , formerly 90c , reduced to 54c. To encourage the pnoiiof , now so popular with many Ladie" , of purchasing Embroideries early in the j" , ' r tnpreby a tic patingthe wants of summer , we m tke a Animal Luaiom e ch January tf of- fr/ing a LAKbE * * TOt K if cor fully SB ected patterns , Our stock ih s .vear has b en pronounc d finer a d cheaper than ev r b for ; we hav * Patterns and NOYB ties usually bo ght by other merchants - chants a year lat r. We have a ranued tj be supplied weekly withf'-esa goods. The prices asked are much i ewer than those ol ± a tern houses who nave gained a world-wide notoriety : Muslin Embroirterlc-s firm Ic toE.OO a yard , on Muslin firm 1-2 mob to 54 Inches wide French Percale Em broideries from 5c to $2 OO a yard. French iNalnsook and Swiss Kmbroidertea rrom 15cto $2 75 a y.-trd Hw-ewehave nccumu' ' ted alnrerelot of Odd. Pairs and. various sizes. ToeSecc a speedy sale , we have BUNCH ED S COKINGS In each Bunchwe tia' e putall of one szeaomeco it in tenpi' < elghr a < > me peven flva and three , and we have 5OcBunches. . 75c Bunches , $1 OO Buochee , $1 5O Bunches , $2 Ou Bunches. $2 5O Bunches. BLACK OASHERES Our Spring importation are now in New Yurie. We hate receixed sample pieces of 40 and 43-inch at 90c. 6 1.00SI 15 and -SI 25 , and can assure our patrons no such values tcere eierbeforeshmcn by its : Mail Order Department We call attention of non-residents of Omaha to this department ; throwjh it ice solicit orders for goods or samples Orders so sent are filled by the return mail or express. Selections are made by competent clerks only , and we guarantee sat'uj 'ac tion or refund money. We carry the Largest Retail Stock west of Chicago , an ! a/ord gou all the luleautages of a pereonal visit throityh our Sample Emelopes. One Price only Marked in Figures. S. IP. ZMZOIRSIE &TOO. v -i - n. Absolutely Pure , Undo from Gnpo CreanT rt r. Io otbsr preparatfnn makes snJi lUhl , flaky hot tireuts , or Uuarious pastrv. Can be eat n hy ( Irupcptiifl wtliimt ffar cf the ills resnltlnz from he in- nu'-'Stihls food. -inirt only fa cans by all ( Jrooerj. ROTAL BAKINO POWTIKP. Co. , Hen York. Complimentary to Omaha Har monic Society. ACADEMY OF MFSIO ! Thursday and Friday Evening * , Feb. 24th and 25th , c And Saturday Matinee at 9 O'clock. The Br'lliant Histoic Opera QUEEN ESTHER IN Median , Persian and Jewish Costume. 26 SOLO PERSONATIONS 25 Grand Chorus & Semi-Chorus. OF ONE HUNDRED VOICES. R. W. SEASEH , . . . . Director. * Doors Open at 7. Commences at 8 * 5T Vdatasioi 60 cenU ; Reserved Seats 75 cl * . Kescrved Stats may be pioiurrd at Max Meier's , en aid after Monday , tebrnary 2111 , at 9 a m. Librittci containing all the words of the opera lOcentaeoc1. Carrbees Toay be ordered at 10:10. f 19 6t NOTICE. The annual meeting ui the st ckholaera of the Omiha Publi bin * Co. vill oe hrld Homlir , Mir.h7ih 1831 , 73) p. m . at theoffljeof The i m h Bee. E. RO3EWATBU , Pfojident. Om ha. Fib. 1st , 1-81 J. H. FLIEGEL & GO. Successors to J. n THIELE , MERCHANT -TAILORS , No. 1220 Douglas Street , A.T = T A SUBSCRIBE FOR THE WEEKLY BEE , The Best in toe West. AGENTS FOR DEVLIN & CO. , BOSTONCLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHINGHOUSE , FAKflllUM STREET. MARHOFFS TRUNK FACTORY. The largest and beat assortment of Trunks and Valises in the West. Telescopic Oases and Sample Trunks a Specialty. H. H. MARHOFF , - - - PROP. 117 14th St. . S Boors North of 5OOOO , CHEAP CHEAPER ! CHEAPEST MAX MEYER & BRO. P .jrose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then e tire stock of Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry , Clocks8 Silver-Ware , * Pianos & Organ .A "TO 3D GENERAL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE At Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 Der cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House , preparatory to moving into their New Store , Cor. 1 1th & Farnham We Mean Business * Come and b Convinced MONEY TALKS All sales strictly cash , therefore we are enabled to offer the consumers of the weed only first quality goods for iheir money. Beat straight lOc Cigar in tne city , - Best 3 lor a quarter Cigar iu the cit7 , Be-t Straight 5c Oigar in the city , DeiroitPin Cut a Specialty , Oar 80 : Fine Out Js a gbod one , Bagle/s Mav Flower i 8 and 16 ounce tins , For 40c we have bang up Smoking Tobacco' , | - AT THE - ' MICHIGAN TOBACCO STORE , " 1417 Dons as Street. We are the only Dealers in the Celebrated Bagley's MayPlo-wer - - dec22 od2s