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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1881)
THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA PUBLISHING CO.PROPRIETORS. . 916 Ifarnkaw , bet. A ami 10th i > treOt TERMS Of SUBSCRIPTION. 1 Copy 1 year , In advance pottpild ) J8.00 ( in-rath * 4.03 B montlii 5.00 T 61. S THE MAILS. 0 , i H , W. E. R , 30 a. m. , SiO p. in 0. B. & Q.B MO a. m , 2:10 p. m. aR.I&P.R. R. . 6aOam.,2 : ) p.m 0St. . Joe tSO a. m. -O. P. R.R. , lltaa.m. O. & R. Y. to Linuoln , 10 a. m. a AH. R. R.SWa m. 0. kS. W. , 7 Ca.m. orTXisa 0. ftK. W. R.E. , Uam.U p.m. 0. B. & O. , 11 a. KL , 9 JO p. tn. C. B I. & P. , 11 a. m . 11 p. m. 0. B. k St , Jo . , 11a.m. , lip m. U. P. R. B. , i p ir > . O. t R. V. tromZJfiColn. iao p. m , B.City 4P. , 11 a. m. B. &M. ln > eb. , < p. m. Local mails tor SUtsi lows bat OUC3 dAT , > is : 1:80 a. m. Ofice open from 1 ! to 3 p. m. Bondays. TUOUAS F. HALL. P nmast r. Arrival And i > cparcnre of Trains USION PACiriO. toon. . .11:11 p. m. S.-25p.m- do Freight - 6SO . m. l0 p. a > . do . 8:15 * . m. TIME CA.SD OF TliE UaV * OKAtUL I ARr.m OKi . CiprMi . S : 0p a I Espies ; . lO Mall . BSO a. m. I ifaU . lOSOp. IB. Snndays Exccptod. | EnmSaya Except d. CHlOAOO.rROCK ISLAHD & PACIFIC. Mall . _ .Q.-03 a. n. 1 Mall . 300 p. tn. CHICAQO SORTHWE3TEBK Mall . .er' - 7 ItTreae _ E:43pia.l : Express : ° 0 .Jn. Sundujs ozoepted. KAKBAS CITST.ET. JOE & OOtlKClH BLDrFb LUYI 1XKITX. Kail . 8-OOk.m. I Kxt'ttta . 7 : 0 .m. Exrreas0 p. m. | Mafi . 7:26 The only line running Pollmau SleepmyCara Ctrt of Omaba V > Union Depot. Oil AHA t SORTHKKh KEBtLA8KEATL - WAT COMPANY. ripre _ J..8KiO a. m. I Fxpreae . ( : M r. tn. Kited. : . 1Op m. jJIUed . 105a. m Dally KxcsptfiuncUyB. , B & M. R. R. In KEBRASKA. LIAVX. ARRITI , Exprc . . . HiM a ml Freight . a Oa m Freight . 6:65 pm | Expm i . 4ljpm BIOUX OiTY & sr. PACL R R. Ml ! . _ e:10am | Kiproac . 10:00 am Crproa - 8,40pm | 2S. 4 . 70 p m W ABASH , bT. LOmHtP/CIl-'lC. U17EI. iRRIVM. daQ . - 8a.m. ] Mill - . - 1W5 a m ErpreM..SW p. m. ( Express. . . . .1:25 p. re. . P. R. R. LUT * Omaha , dally. S a. m. . S a. m. , 10 a la. , 11 n , m. . Ip , m. , 2 p. m.Sp. m,5p. m , , 0 p. BX.1 BX.1Leave Conndl Kna ; 826 a. m. . 926 a. m , , 10 5 a. m. , llSSa.ra.lSBp. m-:2B p. m. , ItU p. m. , S35 p. m. , 6r25 p. m. , Four trips oa Bandar , laivlng Omaha at 9 and 11 a. m. , 2 and 6 p. m. ; Coancll Sluffi tt 0:25 , 11125 a m. . and S25 and E:2fi p. n > . Lore Omaha - Q a. m. , 7 a. tn. , 8 0 . m. , 1 p. m. , liO p. m.1 726 p. m. , Leave Oonndl Bloffg : E-.16 a.m. , 9:10 a. m , 11 0 a , m.6:25p. m. , 7KW p. m. , 7SO p. m. DaUr except Bandar. OHAAA & REPUBL10AH VALLEY R. . HiV , ARRIVE. Kail . 10:15 a.m. , 4:35 p.m. Daily exeunt 8nn4aT8. CHARLES POWELL , OF THE FEACK-r-orner IStb and rTJtmCE fits. , Omaha Sab. WM. TTORMJT AT LA W Room 0 , Crelchton k BlocV , IBth Rt. OH AHA , NKB. 0. L. THOMAS , \ TTORNKT AT LAW Loans money , bnyi A. * nd 11 te l eeUta. Boom 8 , Cr Uhton Block. A. C. TJ50UP , t TSOUKBT AT LAW O c * la Han oom' A Block , with OeorctZ. . Prltohptt , 1BOC fyphUH St. OViAITA. WKB. " SHXTER U T80&48. it t.WOrnlci.-rtnik A. M. AT ATTOHNjCT Str el. S. L ? A5Gu" , TCR Oc IE OrfsLl-tc rA PCTtCfficfl , O AHA. KrE 5OTJJST MJflUO. COUiZfAiOKB O'BPJEM & 8ARTIETT , Attornoys-at-L&w , OrTlCE-Caloa Eltx-k.Klft nUi sn ? ATTORNEY AT J ; . cos. cour e ISTH OMAHA. W. d. Oonnell , ttorae- -La w. Office- Front n > ocji. d | tuir . ! n lew lirlck hulMmfc , N. V comet * Ui ifcM wi * irnbwn BttretK. * _ . S EI > J ' , K , A * toTuejs-at-La * x\ wJU t : vctto al. of cvnry < 5c flriitlaQ ; will < ; ui A ! ibc Ooarta ui tbo Fute acd the & Jt-Hi Suit * . OiT.CT , ? aiuh9oa S- , opposite AT. ! . ? Ksoa 0 S , F. Jtta * TTOKKCT AT IJJP V3 r rnruoi Street XX OmaLa . tt . T. BJCJLiRDS. O. J. EtJHT H1GHARDS & HUKT , Attorneys-at-Law. Ornci 215 South Fourteenth Street. BANTA GLAUS FOUND. Greatest Discovery of tne A e. Wonderful dlscovjrkwln the world barebeenmide ' Amonj other tUnE whore Santa Cau stayed Children oft ask U he maJcea coeds or cot , If really ho ftvta ( n a mountain of snow. Lart ye r an excondon ealled clear to the Pole Aad suddenly droppedlntoTrnatiiaciiied like thole Where road > .r of Trondu * tocy found lucwland , tThlle lalryuka belnri appeared > n eMh hand. There were njocntalnt Uke onn. icith more beantUolcroec , And far brighter klca than arcr vrrte teen , Blrdi with the bnoe of a nlnl > ow trcro found , VTJ'io Bcwen o ! exqolflte frccnn'jn ' irere cro tngaronnd. Kot loa ; < rere taer left to uoaicr In doab. A M-ijr soon cave th < ; had TiearJ ranch ahost Tvas Siuta Clius' twif Mid thiattxey all lay , 1 looked like the picture eaeeeroryday O drore op a team that looked v Tqnoor. T-as a team ot sramhoppcrt Instead of reindeer , Be rode tn a shell Instead ot a eloljh , Bet he took thorn on toud aud dro g them He showed them all orer his woadorfol realm , An < l fastened miking eoods for women aud men fumera vrre wurtinj ou hat * eraii and small. To Banoo'e tlier Bald they n-ere ( ending thorn all. KrU Single , the QIovo UaUr.toldthorn At no . All our Olorca we an eendlngjto Bonce , Santa tihpwed them nupenderi and min UJaci toori. Saying I alw look thcee to f rlead Banee'a elan. Santa Clang then irhUpcred a secret he'd ' tell , Ai tn Omaha every one knew Brne weU , Qe therefore b oid tend hlj gcodi t j hi * car * . Knowing hla frlmds will get their ( all share. Kow nmamber ye dweller * In uuha town , AU who waat prcarntt to ( Vance's go round , For ihlru , collars , or EOTO ! > { rroat aad small , Bead TOOT Utor or aunt one and au Bonce , Champion Batter of the West. Duncln -ol nraaha To .Nervous Sufferers The Great European Kemedy Dr. J. B , Simpson's Specific Medicine. It la a post tire cure f or S permatorrbea , Seminal Waku' < a * , Impotency , and ail diseases ; resulting bom Self-Abuse , a * Ueatal Anxiety Lo-s ot Memory , Pain lo Cie Btck or Side , and diseases that IcM to Consumption Insihhj anil an early grave The peoru VedlcLe la belnc use wit1 wonder , fnltuocoas. Pamphlet * out tree to all. Write for them anil ctt full part Iral an. Prlo Specific , f l.CO per package , or lir pack- fM for Address all orders to .B snirso. < MEDicnrzco. , Kos. " X and 106 1WEt. . . Buffalo , S. T. Bold in maV br a F. Ooodman , J. > V. Bell J. KI A' icd all drn ir Twywher * . - _ . - t epSdJcwly OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ART EMPJalUMS J. U. ROSjfa Act tmi > .r utn. 1513 DoigO Strtet , tet < l EnyraMnss , . UP uitin.BChr..mos PCT Ff.mM rr ml gaa ciat\'ti'v J. hO.NXElt ISO * U'U.Iia 't Go ) i Strlei. ABSIRACT AND REAL ESTATE. JObX L. AlcCAGLK. utpuete pj3 tfflce. W. K. BAETLETP , S17 Sou h 13th Street. ARCHITECTS- A T. LAR'SE. Jr. , oo 11 i. Crel-rU-m Bl-Kk. - Rooai 14 , C-eie.t4 > n Block. BOOTS /NO SHOES. JAJ1DVi.NE & CO. , Fine Boots ind shots A tojJ assortment o ( borne rr.-rk on bi'iJ , c r. IStli uml Hatney TUOd CRlCaSJ.yS E. c-.r C.'i ' A < l l njU < BED SPRINGS. J. F. tAURtW'R.Iomia turv. CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS , No. 1319 Hill ana lurnry St. CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS. ANDkhW iiOa. YIAT.VU , 16iO F ri > Uim St Town Surrey ! , Grade and Sontnge S. ) items a COMMISSION KERCHAHTS. " JODNO. WILLIS , 14U i > wig < rstreet. D. B. BEiMElt , Fnr detaJs see largo Adrert'Ee- ment in tiailaLd Weakly. CIGARS AND TOBACCO VfE T < t FR T CJLR i.a utectur M of C'jirs. ind Who csale D al. s in Toll cc > , 1335 LMUir. CORNICE Y/ORKS. Western Cornice Wok ; Manufacturers Iron Ccrui e , Tin , Iron and auto lo ! , fljj. ; Ordsrs fromuiy locality i r .nrilyc e = uteJia the bed jrui.ner. r lo > y nud < JlEv > J3LO U.idgetract. . Gttranizcd Inra Co nicts , Windonraps , etc. muiuffcc.ureJ Mil put up in any p tt o { the conutiy. T. eINH' ' LD , 115 tt. CROCKERY. J. BONSEK , J3J Ivualm Bt. Good L're. DENTISTS. DR. PAUL , Willurn Mock Cor.lJiUi &P Uo DRU S , PA1KT3 AND QltS. KC.HX&lO , Pharmacists , F. . c fii-cy Goods , Cor. 15th anil \\DirEaou i : Wbo'.cs * c & RCUU.IC st. C. C FltW ) " 0 K . . .i Ih * i < 1e ' umi i street. FUSSITURE. A. F. OltOSS e n i btcond Hand Furniture and htoviE , 1114 Dousl . E. O. Turecoa AzX J. BONNEKitt4 Djii4as ! St. Fmo GooO * . Ac. FENCE WORKS OMAHA KVOiJ CO. OCST. FRIKS t CO. , 12 3 Harr.ry ? t. Impiov- cJ Ice Uoxtg , i.-o. mil IV oil Ft i ces , cffico Counter- Tin ind Waljnt. G305ERS. Z. STEVES , 2t tlue ! > u Cumins and Izird. T A Mo lIAN'K. Corner J l a'.d C unjiT > < t3. HATTERS W. L PAl < KJXii&CO ( , If 06 DoualM Strtet , Wholes 'le Exc'nslvrly. H AB D WARE. A. HOLMES , corner 18'.h Mid CalifoTia. HARNESS , SADDLES , &C. E. B. WE1ST. 32 ISfj st. let Farn. & Har- HAT AND BONNET BLEACHERY. Ladies get yoirStr.w , CripnuJ t U Hatidone nP it northeast cor cr stvcnuentli and Capilul atenue. WM. D-VE , P OP INTmiG-riCE OFFICE. MRS. LlZZItJ D vr , 2i7 16 h Street. JUNK IT BrRTITOLn. ICa" > "H.I LAMPS AND GLASSWARE. J. KOKNF.R 1803 U.uylas Si. Cool MERCHANT TAILORS- G. A. Ijt.M Q tS , One of our ra at popular Uersliai t Tallo-g Is re- re.vinttbe latest de iRn1" for -prin" R ul ? um mofGoodHforceiU'cm 's e r S 3 itl > , dnraii. uidpncc I aMvo < - 215 Stliber. D < uc 4F r MEAT MARKETS. The Boston 11-r et , MOQLE& JR KR , Preai fiio Cnred Meile , Game. Flh P.n tr . Rt 2020 fn ioc t'ro t. MiLLIHERY. JIR3. P. A. KISi.Ell , Wa.l03ile and Keliil. Fancy Onnds in gre&t ta > ietv , Z-ph rs , Can Kcirar , Ho icr , clo''is erect * , & Cheapen Hoofe in the W.-st. Pnrjns r save 3J pjj ceut. Order nv MJ.I ! 15 F f n-i h * PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. W. S. GlRns M. D. , Room No. 4 , Crclhton Llock.lftliSt re t. . . P. S. LMSESRIXG , V. I > , Ma onio PIe t. C. D. HART , M. D _ Fys and a . opjCro t fflcr PHOTOGRAPHERS PHOTOGKAPdj MT.V TYPES. GEO. HtYN , I'ROP. Grand Central Gallen , 212 Mittenth Street ne-r Muonie I1UI. Hatisfiction ru.rute-d i.r Itonev R 'im l 1. PLUMBING AND CAS FIXTURES- D. FIlZ Al'KtCK. lit n ngl -"re t. PAINTINC AND PAPER HANCIKG Y A. K. IK - 1 12 l od r Street. STOVES AN J TINWARE. A. BUK.ME6TER , Dealer In stoves ami Tinware , and Mtnutac'u'-er of TmRocfiand all kinds o ( Building Wjrk Oild Fellowa' Block. J. BOVSER , 1J03 D u ? . S' . Go.d and Chssp. SEEDS- J.EVANS , AVhol sil * vud Ue'.iil Seed Drill ? and Cultivator , ' OJd Fil'o8 Hall. SALOON UES3V 1LJ.UFMANN , la the tew brick b'ockun Hou las Street , ha ] Jasto/.enj ! a moaS ole.-nnl Hccr Ittll. Hot Lunch 'ro Irt t3 12 evcr > dj\ . FL4N.VFRV , On Farnhim , next to the C. & V. Jiealqvtar' rg , hag reoptnud a I'eit ' an ! compute tstabiis'i. ' n.nt which , barni'S "IRf. R'3 M tW ahip- Jon'a Prop'iccv. til ! be open for the bojs with Hot Lunch on und aft "Ca'eJonla , " J. KAI COVFR , f73 ! 13th Street UNDERTAKERS CHAS. RIEWE , 10.2 Farnham brt , lOtl & llth MICA A T.7. G-ESASE Composed lar ly of powdered mica and lsmslas 11 the beit and ctaeap t abricator In the world It i the best bcc U9 i t doc-s K > t RCIH , but ( ormv * blzhly polished surface over the axle , doini atrayclii a l rs amount ot friction , 't is the cheapest becausa you nsed u e but half : bc quin titIn gn cdu ? j our -aon that j ou oul J of any other axle trreisa mtde , and Uien run your * aeon twice as lonjr. It answer * equalh aa well tor Mill Gearing , Thrcsaing Machine , Bn glea&cas for wagons Send for Pockei CjclopedUotThlnps Wonn Knowing. Milled free to my d ires8 MICA MANUFACTURING CO. , SI MICHIGAN AVSNUfi. CHICAGO. Your Dealer For It' ivffttf -T > - ' WORTH REMEMBERING. Ar < - > iEXT'earcte in - each bolt e thirty or fotyUvwes of Spir n ? Seltzer 'TCatcr , couUi.iin.rUl ths T > tua of ttip celebratstl Genniu prnr. it U ilu-ivo fresh and lw v r ody , and ihu > cunmenos llBlfto { all far Its efBucr no-l.bility an 1 cbcapces ; . AUL BKDOOI-.TS HAVE It THE ELKHO.RN METROPOLIS ' The Town of Oakdale , and its Pushing People. i T Rich Agricultural Country Surrounding. j i Corrtsponden of Ta-t Bu. OAKDALE Neb. , Feb. 17. Few people ple I have any idea how fast this coun try is being developed. The long stretches ( f unoccupied meadow land ; In the upper E.khora valley , are fast being converted into thousands of happy home-i. Ic is but a few years since ha atoilthy ladiftn file , the lone etage coach and the occasional prairia schooner -wcra tha only visible objects pat sing over theaa beautiful hills and valley * , bub now the railnray peaces through Oikdale and will soon be completed to Fort Niobrara , one hun dred and fifty miles to the northwest. Tnis country was given the romantic name of Antelope , because in an parly day it abounded in the timid little creatures bearing that name , From ten to twenty in B drove would cfccn acunper over the hills at day break vntbin bight of every rude hamlet in the country , at the time of its organi zation. Too court seal of the county is adorned with the complete imago of the agile animal. A few still remain in the northern part but the southern \ part of tha country consbta of rich \ arable lands upon which hundreds of intelligent families hive settled. The B. & M. railroad company have possession cf a considerable portion of ' Snst UnJ in the county , but are withholding it from markst till a com promise can ba effected with the couu- ty commissioner ; ) con-wiiing certain taxes of questioned levy. The law provides fcr the aaiowmenb of proper ty at two-thirds actual value , aud I am told the atSDssmtnt of this proper ty in certain years was higher than the figure at which the company ad- ' the land for ealo. The com in refusing reasonable prepositions for compromise , certainly show themselves advene to early set tlement aud development of the coun ty. If a proper adjustment of this ojfttter can be effected at once , so as to allow these cheap lands-oba placed up on thetnpiket thia spring , it will attract A respectable element of the immense immigration that will flood In upon uf , and result wi.h material advant age to Antelope county. Antelope cuunty'contains 60,000 seres of this land. land.The The state and county tax of An telope county is only twenty-one i.iilh , assessed valuation jf properly 5514,000 ; population , 3,959 , June C'jribus ; f i-jn st vote ever * cast in the county , 1,205 , st the recent county seat eke ion on February 1st. The county Beat fii > ht resulted in Otkdale retaining she.prizj , and the people at 'he placa M..W walk the street wtlh hgh he ids and smiling faces. Oildale : has a population of 300 , .nd a school of 108 pupils , under the IHcicut management of Prof. T. 51. duniingioa and Miss fork. The t'mii w s located in 1872 by R Q. Ktngetil , and now contains the fol lowing business men : W S Smith , \ms and loaning ; I. N. Toylor , estate and insurance ; P. H. tfiutersteeu , agricultural implements uid insurance ; N. D. Jackeon , D A. dolme > , B. F Admise , 0. F. Huut- nsjton , S D. Thornton , attorneys ; 0. E. B ckwtth and 0. H Wilson , liverymen ; Dworak snd Berkinan , . o'jecsl merchandise ; King , Elwoud & O.i. fjoniira ! m-rchundise , produce and g'ain ; Davis & Gove and T. P. i'r c , ilru s ; F. H < : rjry LsDoc , hard ware , stoves nd tinware ; J. % . Htz & Co will put iu a stock of hardware , cutlery and st ves m a few days. J. S. Fields , cigar a'and aud barbershop ; G C. Osooriic , butcher ; Bouj. Cooper and C E. L -vvjuv , hotels. Tharo is also the ujual number of blacksmith , carpen- er and hornuss shops. The town has Use two ailcons. O. P. Hutford is of the fljunng mill , the p .ptiltrity of which is attested by the j nitinuuiis line of teams going to aud " from it every day. People living twenty miles distant come here to get gristing doce. Hurford & Heck ire proprietors of the brick yard. Oapt. S S. Kins , ono of the pioneers in thd caun'y , ar d a victim of miafur- utie in the late wtr , le the county treasurer. 0. E. Lavejoy , the genial proprietor of the Lovejoy House , re tires from the hotel in the f priug and Air. A. K. Dunham will tak > charge of the place under the name Ciiy Hotel. Under the excellent manage- a ment of Mr. Dunham the public are assured thi housj will retain its pres- em pcpularity. D A tiro-story brick Intel 40x80 will tcai be erected in the epring. aiw Cbkdale is very fortunately located w on the gradual slope overlooking the Q low bottom land where Cedar Creek ' emptieH into the Eikhoru river It is ? iio : ubjeot to inundations or buried under snow drifis , and yet several ? - - - tr water are within trtl povrers guu tl shot of the town. It la also surroun tlS5 ded by a fine agricultural country of S5n rolling pri'rie land , possessing a rich , S5tc tc blsck soil with a ver > little stud mixed tl thtough it. To the north &nd west tltl dome autanca away will ba found more sandy land. Small fruits have shown titl tl a happy adaptalion to this ooil and tlVI many pnrchasi s of apple trees are ba m ins made this year. Several flecks of VI in sheep have boon brought in from Wis consin aud ruoro arc coming. At this portion of ita course the Elkhorn - horn has numerous tribntariei whoso so banks are lined with elms and oaks , cedar and other timbers being found nt their sources. in More favorable openings for farmers and stock growers would be hard to tind in the neighborhood of Oakdale , nnd the town affords fine prospects lor openings In almost every line of business. One of the most needed a stores for the place to-day is a readymade - made clothing house , another lumber ma1 : , aho another coil and grain deni of er will find & desirable trade easily established. Ofkdala is one of the foremost of our prosperous little fron tier to * rs , and A man roming into the w atatj with a little capital may find it w to his advantage to visit OikJala no di dioi matter in whttt line of business he oi may desire to euibuk. The people of tj this vicinity have been favored with tjT two months of sleighicg this year and tr every possible form , style and v rlsty trcc of tied c it w v n" imaginable may be se itreets. sepe ecn on our pe Sleigha iiavo uten seldom of use six other winters , but at present writing ta a teim attached to a wagon is a rare pile sight. Walls cf snow fringe the side pin walks separated from tHe buildings by d uirrow foot pahs ( ; Snow banks four le letli or fire f et high slro'cb the full width tli f the streets and are so farm and hard tlipi htt heavily laden teams drive over piS them without crushing through the tti surface. When all thia great quantity ttiet of snow a'-d ice melts , every stream et * ill ovetfljw , dozens of bridges will etat be swept away aud mill property , if thm not cirpfully guarded and protected , thtt pill sofT r very serious damage. ttw The enow drifted more than was ttF ever known before. In passing one F house which bad & narrow pathway lahi cut from the door-wjy through about- hi hitt -ir feet of snovr , I spied the iron , cn tt the end of a waBon"tongue produding laa from a snuw bank and the only other a viiible- portion cf that wagon was about two inches of the center-post on the dash board. The outline of a large snow Bank close by was evidently determined by a woodpile buried barc neath it and it is probable the jjCrtH4t , * * X" " " "T was star ding where loft when the last load i of wood was tossed on the pile , The railroad -was blocked by the drif-a ao that no eastern mail reached O.ikai dAle and Neligh for stven days. The S 0 & P. have employed about 200 char the track ! men ehovellmg snow to for trair-a and the first mail will roach here naxt Sunday sometime. The management of the road should be highly csmmendid for their earnest efforts spoaJiljr re-opening the road for use. Tha' handsome and com- modions depots erected at all the stations along the newly constructed portion of tnis road will also remind the travellinc public that this company is doing everything possible for the comfort and accommoddation of their patrons. Improved Stocs on the Farm. Improvement and progress is the order of the day iu every department of industry , and no less on the farm than in the factory. Our progress on the farm in improved labor swing ma chinery enables us to cultivate large crops , aud experience proves that it is more profitable to feed these farm crops ( except wheat ) to good stock than to sell them off to be shipped away in bulk , because in condensing the bulk we save expense of freight. In no dap.irmtent of agriculture in the west has there been greater pro gress than in stock breeding. Tno old prejudice against improved stock , improved machinery , or any sther im provemsnt : ban vanished ; the question is : Willitpay ! Than it is idopted. and find unmnal demand ai to-day wo a mand : for all the various improved breeds of stock. There are tSo fine stock breeders who make a business of raising thoroughbred stock , and it la to our enttrprisirg western breed- era that we are indebted for the prca- out large supply of thoroughbred stock , and the reasonable prices at which they ara now to be had , which pl&co tham within the reach of every farmer. Western farmers are all now pretty well fixed with good barns and shelter for stock and plenty of good feed. Stock is not expected to do wrc-11 rough ing it , but wo provide shelter , feed and water , and we want th1 ? stock that will realise the greatoat profit under our present system of farming and feeding. We can no longer efford to raise scrub stock , but the practical benefits cf Un improved breads are easily attained by the farmer by grading up Every enterprising farmer breeJs only thor oughbred males ; the first year hi ? young stock are half bloods , and he soon has by thii method of grading up ell high grade stock which realizes the dollars Und cents benefit of improved stock on the farm. His high grade cattle for beef mature early , grow large , , atll for the highest market price for the European export trade , and give the bee > t return for the feed and grass they oat , and if extra care and feed are given them , they pay a handsome premium for It. The hogs are pretty generally full blood * already , and ahoep as fast at possible are bairg bred up to the same stsndird , ns a sheep breeder remark ed last 'month , that while formerly purchasers wanted cheap breeding stock , now they want the best. Horse breedirg has been complete ly revolutionized ; the worthless would- ba trotters that swarmed all over the west have been retired , as they were not profitable to sell or to keep The Normal's , Clydcsckle ? , end English draft horses have been imported from France , Scotland and England , and have given us a valuable draft horse. The cross has proved a grand success on our common mares , the grades are well adipterJ to the farm nnd are pro fitable to sell. The Clevo aad B ys are being suc cessfully intoducad for carriege horaea and the thoroughbred horse f > rllg.t ! harness , cpcod and endurance , still hold their acciutouied popularity among their friends. Horse breeding has come to be one of the : uoat profit able interests of stock farming. SHU Culture. San Fraachcu ChroUde. The regular meeting of the Acsd- emy of83ifenocs _ as . hold . last . evening , Prof. Dividaon presiding. After thd disposition of the ueual preliminary buainccs , Dr. Henry Gibbons , Sr. , read a very interesting paper on eilk culture , particularly in regard to the adaptability of tbe climate aud laud of thu atatu to tins purpose , the neces sity that the state should have scmo distinguishing industry which would always ba. ret erred to in connection with California , aud the vast amount ft of benefit it would be to the people as ft menus of furnishing employment to thousands , and of proving a source of wealth not only to thoeo engaged iu it , T but | to the whole cotninunwealth. Af b ter a general description of the rise and growth of silk culture , especially nitv with reference to thia country , which tvsi now ! employs between 60,000 nnd 80- , si 000 persons in the manufacture of site silk , from the raw material , he turned his attention to this state. Some co coons are produced hare now , and in the silk markets of Europe rhey bring the highest market price , being re garded as the finest known. Califor nia is peculiarly adapted to ellk cul ture , the mildness of its climate and the nature of ira soil bairg such that the mulberry will recdily gro , and the worms spin their cocoons with lit tle to dread from their greatest ene my cold. The trees could bo grown very easily , even from cuttings phced the ground. SILK CULTUEE AN BASY MATIEK. They were very vigorous snd grew rapidly that in twelve months tiioy would be as many feet hiph and ready for the aorvico they were to perform furnishing sustenance to the worm. Any farmer could sprinkle his firm with mulberry trees and carry on the business of silk culture without unv interference whatever with his other farm duties , as the worms only nesded room in the hous3 , whore they re quired only thocaia which could ba bsstowed upon them by tha membt-rs the household. It - WJB vastly more profitable than raising grain atid at tended with far less work , risk and expanse , and , ab ivo all , the product , whether in cocoon * or the raw silkj would sell at very hish figures imme diately on arrival in San Francisco in the eastern cities , or E-irope if the producer chdsc to Bend it there. The annual profit per acre of mulberry trees planted ten feet apart was , ac cording ta a very carefully noised series of calculations , allowing Urge percentages for accidents , eto , some : or seven hundred dollars , an thia taking the very lowest percentage of production as a basis. It was a busi ness < which must by the'Very lawj of demand < and supply be , to say the least , very profitable. At present the silk cccoona and raw material are produced in China. Tnese come to San ; Francisco , largely , travel across the continent , and thence to Europe , where , after being manufacturtdthey enter this country ngain after paying import duty of GO- per cent. , and thus reach the consumer. This state ment eufficiemly answered the cry that the iabor necessiry in production was much higher here than in France , for instance. There the cheap " labor is more than out-weighed by the heavy land rental While it was tine that much of California is held by land monopolists , still it was also the case that more than enough for all pi-e who would ever w nt to engage in silc culture could be easily obtained land eminently suitable in every respect , and in the hands cf no monopoly or monopolist. It would give the slate an industry. She could produce vast quautities of the raw material. There were two silk manufactori- already iu successful operation in this state , and the raw mtfeml could be made up hero , or if not , then in tha east , and with the acknonlidzed cuperiori- ty of the California product over all others , this state and country ciuld be .r away the palm from the nations as the producer of the finest silk ma terials. < Not only would it develop the state and put large sums of money in her pocket aud this of the nation , but it would furnish an easily-learned and lucrative trade to the youog of both sexca in this state , which was somethicg viry mush needed for the nealthy rowrh and exp-msion of ita industries , influence and morals. A THKE1TKNED DANQF.Il. The Djctor referred to the cheap ness with which Chinamea work and live , their expsrtness in and thorough knowledge of silk culture , their im migration to this country , their acuteness - ness in bustnosn , and quickness in per ceiving where money could be made , and their united action in taking ai- vantage of * uch opportunities , and predicted that unless the dominant race was prompt in action they would awake to find that enterprising Chi nese merchants had placed their coun trymen on multitudes of mulberry farms all over the stite , and find the production and trade BO securely in their hands that white competition would bo hopeless. The diuger was all the greater as the California pro duct was BO much finer , the state waste to peculiarly well adapted to silk cul ture , the Ohincca were the oldest and most expert * of all nations , and were already firmly lodged in the state. It waj a great danger to the future great industry of the state which all should btrivo to avert. Dr. Oibbona g&vo a very intotejting description of the life and work and manner of handling the silk worm , from its birth as a worm to ita death as a moth , and was heartily applauded on concluding. Dr. Bahrreadan interesting paper on the phylloxera. Mr. Lammoa ono on various kinds of locusts , and the secretary , ono on the habits of tha sea otter , written by W. IT. Fisher , not/ iu Alaska , and ( he sniiety adjourned. The Venamx of Sawdust. New York World. There are about 500 venders of saw dust in thin city , having a capital of about ; 200OCO investedin and doing a busings amounting to more thun 82000,000 annually. "Forty and fifty years ago , " said one of the piou- eara in the busings yesterday , "you could grit all the sawdust you wanted fru nothing , and the mills were glad to bave/you away. WhenI began , about twenty-five years ago , they only charged fifty cents a load , but there was au increasing demand and the price iucru6d until now the average price is $3 50 a load. People think we get it for nothing , but you see we have to pay a good round price for it. There ware only a few men carting jawdust around , odd job like , when I began , but now itul hss grown Into a large , reg ular legitimate bujincaj. We got our sawdust from the mills up town , over alfr S3al Greenpoint and in Jersey City , and from the box factories and planing frC . They aU charge about the same ptic . Four to five years ag i Mr. D. C Newell got out a patent machine to grind up shavings , and now wo can get ground shavings from four of the large mills. They are coarser than sawdust , mai and are shaken out ao that they rro ain not so dujty , and some paopln like them better. In the summer time tl e mills are busy and sawdust is plenty and cheap. The demand for it is b < t so good either Tnis winter the sup ply his been very scan' , f it the oiilla cau't ! get their lumber from Albany acd the west on account of the cold and iinnd I have saei nen pay § G and § 8for a load of sawdust. Wco are our customers ? Why almuU ev erybody. The hotels , eating houses , groceries , dry voods and other busi ness houses Sawdust is wet and spread | over floors , laying the dust and making the sweeping cleaner work.- , Plumbers use a great deal about pipes and buildings to deaden walls and floors. Soda-water men and packers of glass and smtll articles of every kind use it , and dolls and some living creatures are more or less stuffed with it. Almost everybody uses it in one way or the other. Washington - ington Market takes two or three loads irtl day , and n great deal i * spread on the piers , and stables require many loads a day. Yellow piue make3 the best sawduet. It is the least dusty asd ! has a good healthy smell. But any white wood dmt will do. They mske a great deal of black walnut saw dust here , but it will not sell , and en they have to burn it. Our profits ? They must be fair or there would not be so many in the business. You needn't say so , but wo make about twice as much on n load as the mhl men do. But our expenses are con siderable. Oh , it is a big binlnsss I tell you. " . Free ot Cost. DR. KINO'S NEW DJSCOVEEY fo Consumption , Coughs and Colds Asthma , Bronchitia , etc. , is given away in trial bottloa free of coat to the afflicted. If you have a bad cough , jjpld , difficulty of braathin ? , hoarseness or any affection of the ( throat or lungs by all means give this wonderful remedy a trial. Aa you value your existence you cannot afford to let this opportunity pass. We could not afford , and would not give thta remedy away unless we knew it would accomplish what we claim for it. Thousands of hopeless caaej have already been completely cured fay it. There is no medicine in the world that will-cure one-half the cases that Da.Kixa's NKwDiscovEEY will cure. For sale by - (6) ( ) JAMES K. ISH , Omaha. Gentle Women Who want glossy , Inrnrianfi and \ray tresses of abundant , beautiful Hair must nso LION'S EATHAIRON. This elegant , cheap article always makes the Hair grow freely and last , keeps it from falling out , arrests and cures grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair Gtrong , giving it a curling J tendency ana keeping it in any desired position. Beau tiful , healthyHair is the sure result of using Euthairon. AOESTS WANTED FOR OUR NEW BOOK , "Bible for the Young , " T Beinj the story cf the Scriptures by Rev. Geo. 0 Alexander Croot , D. D. . In slmp'a and atiracS tive luiicuage for old and youje. Profuielv illartrattJ , rrakin a mo.t lntei tlr r and Ira - ve youth's Instructor. Every parent will B teeure tbii work. I'-eiobcri , jou should drri cautel' . PdceSSOO. , Sen- ? for circulars with extr terms. - J. H , CHAJ1BEBS & CO. , . &t. LooJa , Mo iQ fears before thePubtiG , an. a. azcLAHS's LIYES PILLS are not recommended as a remedy ' for all the ills that flesh 5s heir to , " but in affections of the Liver , and in all Biliotu Complaints. Dyspepsia , and Sick ache , or diseases of that character , they staiul without ft rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used preparatory paratory to , or tiftcr taking quinine. As a simple purgative thevare unequnled BEWARE OF IMITATIONS , The genuine arc never sugar-coated Each box has.a red-war ieal on the Mt with the impression McLAJvE'S LIVL'R PILL. Each wrapper bears the signa tures of 0. MC-LASC and FLEMING UKOS. Z3 ? " Insist upon having the genuine DR. C. McLAXE'S LIVER PILLS , pre pared b * * FLE&ING BKOS. , rittsbnrgli , Ta. , the market being full of imitations of the name Jlc&aiic , spoiled differently but same cronunciation- mw TO CURE GONSUrVIPTiON , COUGHS , Colds , Asthma , Croup , All diseases of the Throat , Lungs , ana Pulmonary Organa. ? USE VCCORDIhO TO DIRECTIONS ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. fps Prepared from ! 4j'1y tropical frulU Is the Best and Most Agreeable Preparation in the World For Constipation , nnioiisiiess , KleaaacHe , Torpid Z.i or , Hens. orrCiOltlH , IndisiJOSitioii , uiitl all Oisorilera arlsinjr from an ot > - Strustcd Ktate or " and children , and lhi c ulio dltllkc takl IT plll3 nnd nauseous rnc < licinr , are espe cially pleased Hh Its rgrecnble qualities. T OPIC-FRflT LAXATlVn may 1)0 n < w < l In fll cases that ne1 UIP aM of n nursatUe , cnUl-jrtlc , or nporiont in " 'l'cn ! .Hrdwnllf It pro duces tliPianiorp nlt mthnspntsnnm l. It Is pnfircly free from tlio nsiml ohjcctlonicomnion totnem. PieitJ'la brond tin boxes only- Price 25 cts. Large boxes 6oc. SOLD BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DRUGGISTS. 0. F. Ooojm-n , Whule ale 3 , OmOia.Neb. Uf A 55TC n i gents sverywhero to K' WAN I CU Tea. foffcc. C Un PowUei. Extracts , etc , by ncinle , to Proflt ; ooJ. Outfit froo. Peoplo't Tea Oo. . EOT 2030. St. Irfinls. Mo. - JfeE&Tx A NO MA TGL\T CIRS BEMWEKV OMA.EAAM ) OQIOAGO , ft'te o I'ir --I'nrCttlonjarcMide Wjlh Through Sleeping Car Lines TO York , Boston , Philadcl > pliia , Ilaitiuore. lVjisIi- AND AljL KASTBRN ClTiSd. THE SHORT LINE via PHOBIA for lndianapolisCincinnatiLouis- ville. AMD At' PO'\T3 W IttZ SOTJTHEA.ST : : _ BE3T LINK ST. LOUIS , Wbore Plrect Connfctiona are tcado In tlio UNION I EPOT wi h Thtouzh Car Uaes fur all Poi'itfl ' S O TT T Tiic Acw Line 1'or The Favorite Eoute for The uncquilel inducements oiTered br this Lice to Travelers vid lourlrt ? , arj as fol'owi ' : Oho cciebritcd t'ul'nia' (10htcl ( ; I'ilace ' 'lo p. lEtrCara , uaonlyoa th Line C. , U. & Q. I'Jjcj I wwirg-ttoomCors. with IJortna's Ke- clininpr Ch Ira o extra for SrsU in ! Kcclii.lnj : Chalis The faraoil3 " , J * . Is Q Pa'aro Eluiii. Cars. Go.-sftom fcrookln ? Capf llttetl nitn Elegant Hbh-SailseJ Ri tan HcvoMn , ' IHrj for tboexcluiiTo UEU of Br3t-ca : sp.83on- gera. gera.o el Truck and Superior Fqnipraest , com- llred with their Great lhrouh Car Arnngj- ment , nukf s this , abuvo ill ojhcrs , the fi\oriU Route to the East , South , and Socth-Kitt. Try it , end yea will fiud traTeliiij a luxury instead of discomfort. Tnioajth Tickets via thii < ela rateJ Line fer axe at all ofibea In Ibe United sUtcs.inil Canada. All Infoinntion ahcut I'.a'ca o ! Fare , Sleeping Cir/c"oain-'od.Urn3 ! , 'llmj Tables , &c , * ill be cheerfully jiirtn by appl In * to JiME'J R. WOOD. General Paaionipjr Apent , Chicago. T. J. FOTTtK , Oeueral il.nicr , Chicago fC.O.,8T JOE&6.&B.B. , la tec only Direct tlsato ST. * om OiJAUA ani Ihs WEST. Ho chanzo ol 'tar > > botT < tcn Orel ha and S ; . Locii AaJ. bat one bctw < K i Oiuria an J Mo < v York. SIX DAILY PASGSUGER TRAINS Western titles f itlj less cht ; ajidlj l7 = 2icc ct other Unee. ThU entire ! ! : . * L ; equipped VT.a ? c.icas'i Palac < - S'eopln ? Cars , Palace Daj Coach- HMilIer'a Oifety Platform and Coopiar and the celebrated WMttnbogo ; Alr-Bnle. WdEE THAT YOUP. TICKET HKAD3-WS at ZcTVIaEaniea City , St. Joseph acd'C3 r3-CoundlBlurfsk.BTla CfCt Tfi c' for sale at all cotLpcn sly < xs = ths Vfeat. P. BABSASD , A. C. BA7SES , Gen'l Jjunt. Ssal p s. i Ticket Ag-t a. 8i. Jo oh. Ho. 61. Joseph , Ho , k W C. SEACHREST , Ticket Aeu. , 1CM Farnhim Etrajt. P. ASDY BOREEN , A. B. BABNARD , Pass. AfrentOiaaha. Cen'rl Arect , ( hn&ct . E. KISDOS. General Insarunce RBPP . .NTS : PHtENU ASaDlw < : . . J London - don , CashAaaeta . ? 5,107,1 { ) TESTCnraTKU. X T. , Capltil . 1.C30.0CJ THEMBRCnAMS. of Newark , K. J. , 1.0CC.OO OIRARb FI EIPhn dripblaC pitM. . J.WX.OOO NOKTDWE3TEEN NATlON-ALCap- 1UI . . . . . . POC'O riBEStCN-a FOND , California . SCO .0 BKITI3H AMERICA ASSURlNCKCo 1.20&.OCO NE A CK FIRE INS. COArneta. . . . . SoO.Mf AMERICAF CENTRAL , AE'ta . W > ( < v i 3 an Cor. cl Fll tecath b. Doozlu St. OMAHA , UK& . Eaet India Pile Cnre. Tie only specific for all forms of Piles. Jn use in foreign countries - tries for years , lately intro duced into America. Warrant , ed to give instant relief and a permanent cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists or mailed free on receipt of price , 50 cents , byltlie American agents , fticliardson & Co. , Wholesale Druggists , Saint Louis , 3Io. ZARA'S BILIOUS PILLS , guaranteed to give immediate relief in nil cases of Bilious and Liver Complaints , Costiveness - tiveness , Sick Headache , In. digestion , and cleansing the system of all impurities. Price 25 cents. All druggists sell them. IH USB FOSiTY YSABS. 9. CELEBRATED SCOTCH A Safe and Pleasant Remedy for DOUGHS , GOLDS , ASTHMA , HOARSENESS and Strengthen ing the Lungs. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Price only 10 Cents. WROUGHT IRON FENDHS. A'iro ! Teicln ; and Kalln ! < Spedility. Yceir otsiutv , pertn cpnco and economy dally workin ; the extinction of all fancier cheap material. Elcipul lu ilvAeo , Indtatrnctlbla FeiJcen ( or Lawns , Public Grounds and Cema- terjPlsU. . Iron Vases , Lawu Settees , canopied and of rustic patterns ; Chain and every description of tron and Wire ornamantsl work desisrned anil manufactured by E T. BABSOU'd Wire and iron W-irk7 , 2&aad3l Woodward Avo. , De- trait , Mich Sen < " m" - -atsloeua am ) rire . > epl FEVER AND AGUE. H Sail Sfelg J * 21 &ii ( T'rt tx KLHSfiTEO 9o & \/k la no civilized nation In the Western Hemisphere In which the utility of Ifosttttei'a Stomich Bltterz aa a tonic , cotrf ctlva , and antl- bilious modldne , Is not known and appreciate. ! . While it la & medicine for ill seasons and all climates , it U especially raited to thecomplainU ge neruleil by tha weather , feeing tee purest and cearveiretabla stimulant in the world. For sale byjini iata and Pealcn , to whom p- for Hooti-tter'n Almnmc for 1831. w -i i * ' * % > ; * KVs 5 LJ , 3 f j > * } pj YW " ' * 1b v ' 5 ! v § A now ac > ! hUlictto nnknoira remedy far all ii3ca-a ) of the llldcsja , Bladder , and Urinary cnr.127. It will poaitiv ly euro Diabetes , 0ravel. Drop- tf , BrUht's Diaoaw , Inability to retain or oxpell thi Urine , Citarrn o ( thi > Bladder , high colored and scanty crine. Painful Urinating , LA1TE BACK , Drnera' Weakncm , and all Femala Com' plaints. It avoids internal medicines , 13.certain in it edcclg and cures when nothing else can. For Sie ! by all Druggists or sent by mall free upon receipt of the price , 32.00. DAY MEY PAD CO. , PROFR8 , Toledo , O. 9 3 . your adJreaa for our little book , How 8 ae 34 " ! . " SOUX 1T & PACIFIC St. Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. TluVld ReliaH : SiouxCity Route I 100 MTLES STTOUTEST ROUTE ! Ffom COU GLBLUrFSto ST. PAUL , MHTNBAPOLI8 DULUTH , or BISMARCK , Alu * All points lu Norlhara Iowa , Minnesota tnj Dskoii. Thii line U equipped with the Ire- prov cd WtFt'ji 'bocee Automatic Air Brakes ard Miller PUtform Coupler And Buffer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AHD COMFORT Hcoic ud Bleeping Car , ovTied ird toatroll.'u iy the com , run Through I'ithiuf Obanje bet rn Siny Iraciflc Tfanaf-r Ttpo. , Comcii Blnfir , and St. Paul. Tralni 'cave the Union Padflc Trarufar Depot at Cionncil Bluffs , at 6:15 p an. , renchln ? Sioux City At IfcSO ) ' . a. , and St. Paul 11:35 a. m , HOURS IK ADVAJTCJ OTHKB Eonzs. * Rctononr , leave Et. Paul at S'M p. m. , ar > rlvbz at S.ouz City at 1:15 a. 12. . and Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council BIu32 , st 9 0 . m. Bo sure that your tlskcts read vis , "S. C. p. B. s. ' r. c. raiis , Sapcitatendont. Mlasonrl Valley , low * . E. BOBIKSOX , Aas't Oen'l Pa . Agent. J. 3. lyBETAIf , and Pvrv-ns. i A cnt. Conndl BlnBl HAMBURG AMERIC H PACKET CO.'S Weekly Line oi Steamships New York Every Tbureday at 2 p. ra. 7s England , Prance and Germany. Tor Pa age apply to G. B. RICHARD & CO. , Agents , CTC t CDOn rday t norae. btinp * * iror 0)3 I U/.ll frw > . Addreia SUavta A Co I Portland , Me. APPETIZER SURE CURE For COUGHS , COLDS , BRONCHITIS , ASTHMA , CONSUME TION , and all Diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS. The moat acceptable preparation In ths known world. By adding to TOLC ROCK and RYE IUU Lemon Juice , yea bare an ezellent Appetizer and Tonic , ( or ( central and family DM Till Immense andlnerc < sin ? galM and the numerous teftimonlalf rec < rred dally are h best erfctausM of its Tlrtues and popularity. Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than * any article in the market. nA'ITIflN . . . . DOH THE DECEIVED by oa principle ) dealer * who try to p lm off oponroc vfl I I * ii common Hock and Rye In place of orfr TOLU ROCK and RYE , which U tor only 11E1JIOATKD article made , the GENUINE naTlnir a aOVERIOIENT STAMP on * ach boUl * . Extract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue ; TREASURY DEPARTMENT , OJTIC".OF INTERNAL RSVENU \ T7uBDtotos , D C. , January 2 < l. 1880. f H fS. LAWRENCE A MAKTIN , 1111 Madlfun St. , Crileio , Ills. ; QUILXMIO : Tills ccmpooiul. In the opinion ol this offlca , wodd bat * a lafadent qnantfty > : ha BALSAM Of TOLU to eive It all the advantage * ascribed to thlx article In poctcral conplalnt * while the whuky and th lyrnp corutitnte an emolaion rend riae It an agreeable remedy to to * patient. Coiflponziled accord lay to the formula , U may properly bo dasned as a MEDICINAL PREPARATION uuaor the provUlor.3 ot U. S.R TbedStatr/tes. acd when so stamped , rcay l 4old by DnvciaiS , Aoh iriM and Other Psraoni without rendering them llabla to pay ipMlal tax aa liquor dealoia. Years Rejpecyally , (81jned ( ) GKE1EN. B. BAUM. ComnolSsJonor LAWRENCE & MARTIN. Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DBUQ&IST8 , GEOOEES and DEALEBS everywhere C. P. COODM\N. AOSST. OUAIU ZO ? IS A GRATIFYING FACT THAT THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead ily and rapidly increasing in public tavor. The White Machine iustly claims to be the best made , the easiest running , the 'simplest in construction and the most perfect Machine in . the market. The White Oo. employ aa agents men of in tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied , , because they find everything just as repres ented. Everybody should use this Machine. The sales so far this year are more than double the corresponding time last year. All orders addressed to the Omaha Office will be promptly filled. JOHN ZEHRUNG , , Y.r. ravonport and 15th Stn. Omaha. A2H ) CORRTCT MAP I Proves beyond nnyreasonablo question that tha CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN R'Y Is by all odds the best road for you to take when traveling In either tween Chicago and all of the Principal Points In tha West , North and Northwest , Carefully examine this Map. The Principal Cities of the West and Northwest are Stations on this road. Its through trains make woao connections wltb the trains ot all railroads at Junction points. THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , Over all ofltd principal lines , runs each way dally from two to foorormora FastExp : Trains. It L tfio only road west or Chicago that uses the * . PULLMAN1 HOTEL DINING CAHS. It Is the only road that runs Pullman Bleeping Can North or Northwest of Chicago. It ha * nearly 8.00O 3III.E8 OFJIO.LD. it forms the following Trunk Lines Council Bluffs , Denver & California LIne."M | | WInona , Minnesota & Central Dakota Utea. "Nor. Illinois , Freeport & Dubuque Line. " "Milwaukee , Green Bay & Laka Superior JJno. Tickets over this road are sold by all Coupon Ticket Asenta fa the United Htates and Canndas. Itcmembcr to ask for Tickets via this road , be sura they read over It , an d take none other. HAET1S BUCniTT. Genl Maaager , Chicago. & W. D. STZ33BIT , Goal Pass. .Agent , Chicago. HARRY P. UDEU Tick t A.ent C. &N. W. Railway. 14th ndlarnhim BUeeU. U. E KIMBAUj , AssisUntTcketAaentC &X. W. Kailwayllth and yarnham EtrMte. J. BETLL , 'I i'-kc - irent C. ft N W. Railway , U. P. R. R. Depot. JAMKS T. CLARK General Aeent. INO , FEATHERS And Everything pertaining to the Furniture Upholstery Trade , A COMPETE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS AT THi 1-208 and 1210 Farnham Street. THE COLOEADO BUSINESS COLLEGE Thlitnatltutlon , lo > atevl at Penrer , Colorulo , me Kdncatlonal and OotnmdcUl e ot r otth West , Is pr9mlnently the best and mmV. practi cal of lU kind for the MERCANTILE TRAIHIHG -0 * -Young Men and Ladies * 0. W. JTOSTEK , D. W. OADY , The ui extooKlr e , tnorouja aad oompl t nstllutlon of the kind la tha world. Thousand ! of accountant * and Bnstneaa men , In the prin- dpal'ltlea and towns of the United SUtos , ant thrfr auccew to our conrn * of tralnltar. The Bieht Kind of Education for Young Men and Ladies , riu , ner Sitet block , at junrtlon of treet car lines Elegantly fitted and fornbhed pwtments or the appll ulonof and ca.ry'iB/ 3-1 : cf our novel and grttttn&tlc ri-thoda lit BUSINESS TEAMING Young men who coctempUtf a buatneM Ufs , and parent * bavin ; nna to edacate , are frll&l- larly requested to send for our n w Clrcolar , which will Tire fall iufonniUon aa to termi , en lltloi ct eatnnee , etc. Addrens G , W. TOSTEE , President , r Denver Colorado DR. BOSANKO'S ' pILE REMEDY , INTEBNAL. EXTERNAL , AMD TTC&ING PILES DO NOT DELAY KXfl the dnUa oa tb ji ( m ft < crmaaeat dtoabllll ? , bat kay tt , TRYBT * B"ED CURED PHICS , 50 CEITTS , ASKYOUR-ORUGStSTFOffIT , Till wad It , prtp ia , on > r. Boutako * ! * Tmttbe oa PUM Cr taappllealloB. Addreo * DR , EOSAO MEDrCtE CO. PXQXTA.O. a r. OOOMJLS Agtat , Cva j :