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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1874)
ho Jlost TTocderfal Xcdcal DI - corery oftho Agi tYerr- Man his own rhjs'clan. Fraziers Great Remedy . . . ; - * ! . . The people of the United States hive been humbuggcd'witb ai klndsXf Cattntdl didaes , quacksnd - lnpo > t rs , 10rrUu < ) i3tJcwjycars , in a most rhametul manner. The wriur ul the following is one of the victims , upd shbes to present nTerypltilii case- Believing that by cleansing tbe Vood wzs tbe only true w r of 1 > inlsbrngiditea ! * , and beingagre t sufferer fr.-m weal : lungssnila MTbfuIous QVcll n , and after trying many kinds of Patent aledicincj-and-the- eminent PnysicinnV I. commenced , doctoring mvself , and at bist d-scoverrd'a Bloo3 beircber. or"P.oot BltfersT which not 7)n7j-gare1ne ) Inji mediate rcletf , but alu-r a few weeks eflected a radical cure. Jha" couKft'ilrft"iejiny. lungs became strong andLiuiulopir > aj PJ'.te , Oed , and the scrofulous dlsehse had disappeared. Feeling confident'tb J n t'JJiscorejysiesfed wonderful healing' riues , I gave it t6 others- afflicted , and fonndit effected tbe rest miracu lous cures in thousands of cases , not alone curing Cough , Consumpjlop. Asthma , Catarrh , Scrolula and We k Lung.Vbut jD disposes' caused from humors In'thebVwd.The demand from my friends and others heanngabout these Bitters becoming very great , I commenced put ting them up for sale , tailing-hem FliAZIkE'S BOOT BITTEKS. .I-waa'aj first backward'In presenUneeither myxclfsOTjiuediclne to the ( publlc-nonoelng'a I'atenrsfei cine ManJbnf- fain getting bravely that. I have sold thousands of battles it my Itoot Bitter ; , und It Is my desire and determination to plate tbe same within the reaiibTtfl/emy suBenng-man , woman and children * tue Iac % oflhetavlliMd - globe. Tbe grand princlcle hal.pperatcs in these Boot Bitters is tbe pewtr they possets in cleansIng - Ing the targ'.d ' UowTTuld-tjanishlnfr the Tile humors from the systeuu. Itoot Bitteis are strictly a Medicinal Preparation , compounded from roots combined with herbi and plautn , many of whkh > ereTisc < rtrrttargo ioliays , of ourforefathers.whena > e < ? p.jrOre-ciJredil > y seme simple root or herb , aud wbea Talutuei mil other Jols ns of the nilnerjl kingdom were unknownV \ fffi g& tft . If * They 'Open uUj the na ural ) passages of the body , cast ottt'dUease , ' ttVuvawajJall s ckness and buUd sp' ths | sysUuitwltU ? pure blood , hence they must Yeacb > ll'dlieases by purifica tion and nourishment. _ Ko i > erson c n take Boot Bitters iind remain long uiiwell. Victory upon victory they have gained OTCT dbnuw'tindMleatb , iu > ll < stations and co'nditlons in life. Tbcyare-constantly eP feet Ing currs of the utmost importance. 1-or Cnnsumptlon , .citbhia , rCfal" * , roJulous'Ei I ruptlous , Catarrh , W uk Lun ; > , test Jtalitv and fJrokea-Uowu Constitutious , these Boot , Bitters fcre univeisaliy aSmittcd to be tbe mokt- woudCi'iul Medical lii-covi'ry kuowu to tlie world. 1'lieir jiectorAl beuliug prui rtics i > cue- trate every po.iivnof the humau Ir.uie , soothIng - Ing tbe wrngvs ; theTStoinach/ Kidneys , nd UverrcUunsitU , ib ? Wood roni every tind ol bumur. > o oilier uicuicine wiir cure Chronic Rheumstisui , , Kcurjiia Heart Disease , Fits , "Uizzluiss , Dyspepsia , Ferer aud Ague ,'iles , Urinary Diseases ; Kidney Bbej * , and Liver Complaint , soqulcklyas this Boot Hitters. All such < < liseaaes are caused * f ram j ad slouuuJi. and a poUonous condition of tbe Llood. 1'or weaklr. nervous yoang meo. ' u Qering-iaJm Ufcj , ot memory , losi ot ti.ergy/ . . , isausyd : iroL. abu OT in early Hfetnd louelicute femalesthc e streagthenlBg Itoot Bitters are ej d Uy re- * _ . . * . ! . . . , " ' : .i..i fii K-ittTc u-ill do uiore towanl" iCau i * wt * * * * - * * * - IJT T- M . ' " " > * ' tlonn pimples on tliofloe . J ; ildCcrrupiluu fr.ii the BloodihanaUtrtherTnnKlW IK G 7sT ; > * oirrori FrazlersBoot itUWa' ' ! , . . . . , - - " u. Storekeepers and Uif uiit | . J eli . .by Strong & Cobb , 19J Superior c f street Clovc'lind , 1) , i ! > ( xj. . Phubure ; , fieorge " AI-JO" " " ' , V.- . ' Boston' John A'HfnryCurraa i Cot , Unlica States Medicine House , 8 and 0 College 1 law , New York ; Wytb Hrothers , PliiUdelph , a ; 1ul - le ? A Fuller , Cnkigtf5 John If. J rt C.ncinna- ti and other first-cl s lUugJlouses.- Show this notice to your druggist cr store- ( Ask for FBA-ZIKIH ItOUl' HITTEltS . . . . .kiffiia vi4tprj.r4 ) Price with. - IMPORTANT Commercial Travelers. COMMERCIAL T AViiEUS : who solicit order ! br CAKII , CATALOUUK , " " " " - - LIST , SAMPE/OUOT1IEK ci ' , abio those who visit their customer * and solicit trade bv purchax * jn d 1JUIHCX , SlOCK"and who travel in cny section , by b Hill cr Boat , belling any class of Roods , are re quested to send tlirirx bUslM-J . end rUI- VATE ABDUESS'S srtelow , t tlng class of goods itney sell ; nAUr whom' employed ; also thoK who are at iTre entiina6r no fntagement. ThUmatie , is of GUEAT IMPOltrANCE . - ti men ulldtine Arade.ln thjQujiinbr. ( Ui I tbeiefora fSPECIALLY desire.nt hi notice miie tabBeyerol-A-LL-CoiuiuercIjil. ; .ai Travelers and Salcsmen"In 1bi.couutry and that thcvjrlll AT OXCE RV Jt their ntien- tliCS tlon. T"ho < ewho couip'v with above request CS will La CONFID ST/'AtLY ttcU rand duly til advieed of object In viewrTleawfandrrtt , ( by st stTJ TJ JOIIS UA.VO.KK , stHI Practical Watchmaker , HIai 171 FarBP < un"8. Sbr. llth St. aidi * " * * * * - - - - - - - - OMA1JA APPLETON'S h hi hiw Tlbr CYC1.OPAJEDIA br Bew-Sevisedlllditibit.1" 01 Entirely rewritten by the ablest writers on Ot every subject. Printed from new type , andlllustrated with Several Thousand' tl Engravings and Maps. o tL tLcc TJIK work originally published under the title cc oflTlIE NKW AMWUpMlrCYCLOP-WIJA Was completed In 18C3 , " since whlchAime thd/wlde 1"&l circulation hlcbit has attained In all parts , of &l tbe United StataC and the slgnal'developments &la which have taken place In every OnBUtU of ecience literature , and art , have Induced the so editors and publishers Jbsuumit1tto-aa- ! sod and thorough reTls\on , > naj _ Issue a' n v dillon euutled , TUE AMERICAN CrcLOPAk- ul . Wllbln the'last tett year * t"iiinogress ol.dts- covery In every department of knowledge has made anew-worbol-rdffirenca au Juipewtlre th thm want. " " * " * * " * * * ' ' " ' * m The movement of political affairs has kept pact with the discoienes of srlence. and their fruitful application to the Induntruu and useful lei arts and the convenience and rcnnciuont of ocirllile. Great warn and consequent revolu tion , nave occureJ , involving national change * ag of peculiar nioinentl Tb civiliwartofpuro n to country , which was"arits1ielght when 'the-laat- volumeo ! the old work appeared , lias happily toku been ended , and a new .conr&e of commercial ku and Industrial activity hat been commenced. ' . Large accessions to our geographical know- edge have been made by the indefatigable ex- hi decadf , with the * natural result b the Ispse of n1 time , havebrougjrl into public View ainultitade in of uew men , whose names are in every one's month and of whose lives erery one Is curious to kaow , the.'particul rs , GrejtTbJtU have [ beeu fonghtand Important klefest inalniUucd , of which the details are as yet preserved only In the newspapers or In the transient publica ; tl tions ot thedayiTbutwhlchoUgnmoTCno tak - ju their place in peruiancntand nullicntic.lUstory.- . juII In preparing the present edition for the pre&s , - f < t has accordingly been the aim of 'thetedltotj ' to II bring . . , - _ , down - . . . . , the information to the latest pos- ard to fur&bhtan accurate account f ' " " ' i'sdence > off . Jtij literature , ' tit tbe newest InTcntion InThe pracUcal tin f ul pwdloilnary l Jxr , and with the most ample resource * { or carrying H onto .a successful all termination. sa Jt ou * Ct theToriglual'stereotypr , pUtes hsTe- been Used , bat'erery page ha tx > eiii printed-on. iaiai ' new typr , Jonulflf JuiietTi.nerOycloiwdUji ai with theVame plan , anJcanipass aslts predecessor ser , but wuh alsrgieit T.pecUnltrr txpcndl- tnre , and .w'.Jh'sucJj improvements arils com * ' posltlon as ha < a been : enEgwtwl by-longer , ex . pcrience sjidenXr fi4 knowledge. The illustrations which are Introduced for jijctorU' effect ; bnt to : a glvatreaterlucidity abiKrca lo"lhe eipliria- ad. tions in tb ? text. They tnobraco all branches of hi science and na-ural history , nd depict the most laBOBtand ramukablz leaiures ol iiccnory m " architecture , and art , aawel as th various pro tf cesses of mechanics andt uiauubu res ; Al tfK ino cojtot , onmi their execnl ton Is enormous , , nd It is believed mi they will Cad a welcome reception as an ai. qu tclrable feature of tbe CyclopWfcrW1 worthy ve 1U hlglharactev , , vewr Tha vart. Is old U 8a1 > sct ben only , payabli. wro ocd'UvcrycJ each volume. It will bn com wrmi : pleted in Ut-enQweocUvTJp-olani .Ncach mi v KTerslthouund Wood"Encrarlpfj ana with ind Bntacrous colored Lithographic " tin ? .he ' Inaxtfa'CJoth,1 ! ) * ' 'en ' In Library Leather , per vol _ _ . 6.t In flsll TarkJT. Jloroceo , per .ToU _ 7 00 ho In HiJJ KuEjiayejtra silt , ? er TO ! . . . s.OO iff In full Morocco , antique , -gtU ojjes , per ynV 1tlTr TI , , , , 1T-T-T , TTI1 , , . , . * , " IQ 00 ier. InlullKussia , ' ei2f&ily. . , . . .M wio'.oo .Ce Three rolums readr. now Succeeding TO- iht lums , unUl completion , [ i ( bs Issued once In Ltd t two months : , ' j f PR V" , , ! ' , V fip imeh-psges'of tbe AjftniCAK Crpto- ' ( P-KWI , shawing type. Illustrations , etc. . will fac be sent TatfcyVm tppUeatlotr. ' " TL [ FIBST CLASS CANVASSINQ AGEJflS WANTED dei Address the PubljslMraJQ ) tei , D. Appieton & tia. --"c " - - ; 649"c - York. lie Be i BRASHEAR'S BROKEN LEG. Full and Ezact Particulars of that Remarkable Accident. i iFrom the Couiier-Jouinal.J c , . ' It.was.Asa'JBrashearhjmselt'who told tlie story- Asa as e verybocly in Louisville knows , is not una- quainted with cards' It is possible that he is better acquainted with the Queen of Clubs than he Is with the Queen of Sheba. It is probable that the | blue'and gold of the King "of 1)iam6iids-is ) TX more familiar cus tom tojiira than the picture of Solo- jnoii Arrayed in all his glory. In point of fact , it is highly probable that Asa is much better up in the history of Pharaoh than of' all the Kings of Israel put together. It is also" highly probable that Asa is felid Tif "a social glass or two ; at least we have his own words to that effect , arid nobody dare to dispute what Asa Brashear'Eays"-and ' > expect "to 'comeout of the ligh't with a oountl head. But this is how he .happened to tell the story : Asa is lamg of .one leg , and , we ask'ed him one day what was the nfafter with the defective limb. ' " .How did I happen to break my leg , di l you say ? Well , it was a curious tiling. I'll tell you about it You see l had beeu drinking pretty Jiard for.a wejclc or so , and thought I'd lay off and get over it. I live up'intho' " third' story } thirty- feet erse so from thegrqund , and my window comes alraest 'down to theiloor.y It's mighty oasy-to full out of4hat wiu- .dp.w.and tliere is a brick pavement , down below which ain't as soft as a feather UQd. .So you see' a fellow , that'd fall down there would be- .mighty apt to.lmrt himself. I fell down there once ; and I know how , it is myself. "It was nearly dark when I'went to my room that evenin' and J thoughtl'd hleep awhile and see if -the trouble inmy head wouldn't stoj ) . It was a whizzing sort of a feeling , and I didn't , feel exactly. ' ; bright about vhatl aw. In fact th it ; last drinkl tookihattfny tllere was a flyiirur" At l&ist" I thought so , but ' Jimmywho was behind the bar loo'lced sort of funny when I asked him to tuke. it out. Howsoever , 'soon fell'asleep , niid'slbpJtsJLdou'l know how long ; but 1 woke uf rather suddenly and heard a strange kind of noise outside the door , ll : was awful dark , .and tlie , noise on the stups Miumled like , a .thousand men with felt slippers on , striking a tlipusand ra'ttan canes on the' steps , " and all in military linel "All at once music struck up , but it was faint-like , as if the baud was ever so far awtty. I told you it was. darlo . as pitch , but the door suddenly 'opened , and a blaze of light came in that blinded me so that J eouUHnt IISI see any more than when the door was shut , "When I trot over the daze I I looked down on the floor , . and there was a lon < ? ; lllo of little J not one ot 'CIK .higher'n my.finger , all a-marchin'- the room , headed hj a' band of music , and with the kurnel , who wasn't ' o' the rest ' bigger'n any of 'em , mounted on a hoise rcorresponilhr "Well , they marched into the room and formed in files in front or P my bed , ami I was looking at 'em all the tune. AVhen they had all gOLfixed iufproper , ranks , the chap on the horse got down , and then the band ; stopped playin' . After lie touched the lloor the kurncl com menced to grow , and before ho ever stopped growin' he wasVeight feet tall. I kept a lookih' at him all the then got upon the bed and-took a. scre\v .from his jwcket v and screwed it into the ceilin' . He 5 I then 'stepped down again , and caught ! one o' them little soldiers by the nape of the neck , and tied a..big string" around his neck , and stepped up ou life bed ; and ' was lookin''at huh all the time. Then he tied the other end of the , . string short up on the screu' and let go of the little soldier. The poor little feller kicked around for a while' aud grew black in the face and then died , I .s'pose . ; at least he didn't make any .more fuss that night. When thelvurnelsawTie'was ( lead he ( got down again , and as soon as . . he touched the lloor he beganv fo I gro\y.suialler and smallert until" he was"no bigger1 ; ! he\\ / lirst. got ori . .hiSjTiQrsoi and the band commenced to play , and he shouted'Forward , march'nnd the Lit little soldiers commenced marchin' out of the room. " " "NowUiere waspnetlittle soldier that ] seehfed to be watcliin1 me all , the time , and when the jest of 'em commenced marchin > qutT he slipped ' * ped back from one 'fileito another and so on till he had got to the rear A faille. A\rhen'tlirlast.ofJthe litjle soldiers but him hTd jjor put.Oie door , this littlc.ehap he came ruu- uln' ' back to the bed and says : . iV Asa , jmt dovn your .leg. ' . "Mrell , * Iput 'downi my lcg''arid ? the little , ciiss climbed straddle of' ' my foot- 41 'Sow , Vsa , ' uiys lie , 'pull your > k leg up jh 'the bed.1 ' "I put 1113 * leg up on the bed again , and ' the little soldier ran ip the " side'pf my pillow. " 'Asa , ' says he , 'did you see the iurncl hang that little soldier ? ' , " 'Yes , ' saj-s T , 'I wat a lookin'at aim all the time. ' n r ' back to do the sauie foiling to ypu a minute. ' - ' - - 8 * L * ' " 'Good God , ' sava I. 'what must do ? ' 11 'Asa , ' says he very solemnly the only thing you can do is just to 4 lump out o' that winder. ' . ri "And'I jumped. And that's ho\v3 happened to breas my leg. " 4E Thp writerthen _ inquired of Asa tvhat he-supposed . Uie " " _ . * _ _ _ . . _ . " _ _ .jvas ' _ --Y ' ; ! * ' ! L ' ? ! Al \vhath\8a\vJri"Tthe room. E "Well , " said Asa , "after I was taken , , back to j my room , and the lector hud eel my leg , I told him about it , and he laughed and said : ho supposed it was the jim- auvs. .Ami I 'sp/jpcjt was the , jim- amss . . -\l \ . , , . . , * ' " * .Originb. ; , . - . . Since the fan has come to be re- jarded as'.nn Almost indisoonsable idjunctto th'e feminine toilet , -n ristory : of its origin may not prove minterosting to tlie sex yho handle tso adroiUy. . TheCmjiiese say that Ivan-si : , the Iwautlfuljilaughter ' 'of ojf the ilamiarlns , found the " " naak""wliich Celestialf etiquette re- El lulres to be worn in public byladidar tot 'cry oppressive , as the evenjng4wa8 . - varm , but her ingenuity was equal ; 'or the occasion. She united her I nask and moved it so .rapidly back " forth before her face. hat it was impossible to distinguish 23 features , while her beauty was 'rihanced > in the eyes/jftall tlie be * ( lolders by a tantalizing glimpses' .flbrded by the coquettish maneuv . In a momenta thousand fair Celestials , .apDreciating her courage" " ? c6quetry , imitated her example , " a thousand mjsks yere pui ; lir nttion before ailjh(5usand pretty aces by a thousand pretty hands , "he ingenious"Ghinese caught tlio , andbythefhiext Feast of Lan- . ems fans were substituted ' for : nasks. Tilton > vants the public , to bW' Ca ieve there 'was Something ' in eftaudlng. i . . -1 ' ' - " v/ * * - * * A Singular lake. The * 'Scientific . "American says : "Lake Titicaca-is.the mostjsingular and interesting the world ! Situated onthe crest-of the .Andes , it is the hlgheit Liigetbody offresh water , and-aa concurrent traditions pomt to ifalCJhe spofcvyhere * Manco Capac , the flrst Inca/-appeared an'd woke theaDofJginal tribes from their louK.sleep ok barbarism and'igno rance it isNtne historic centre of SouthAmerica ] , andjHamboldt calls it theyearllestntheatetCof American civiliJatioljTOn anilsjfimd within it arethe [ impaamg ruins of the temple of thVsun-and around it are mon uments which attest ; : the skill and magnificence1 of the-JTncaj. ? There are also asTrt Tiahuiuiaeo and SUus- tani , the CtSdains ofvburial towers and. ' .palaces which' antedate < the cru'satiestandi are therefore , pre-ln- cariat iatcTiticaca Is about Jhe size.of oujr tario hallowonpthe west and north ) deepj toward ( the eaatand gooih. Tbe'eastern oi-BcA livian shorevjbeing backed by ihe loftjjrange jf Soraia fe vtay High andi > precipitous. & ' en lake , hetver freezes overj1" ' although the . .temperature of Puno is often eighteen degrees at 'sunrise' , Two little teamers"bfiOO tons eachj do a trifling business. Steam is generated b'y llama dung'the ' only fuel of l e icountry- there are1 * no trees within one hundred and- flfty/.milcs.-.y. Tbe ste mera actualljv cost'.their jreIghtJa.silverl'viBDr ' ] their' transportationj.ftn.pieclsjfrom the" coast costs as "much as 'the original' ' price : 'A st fMBoUf comparrj lias just'asked from 3Joh'\7fljtlie exclu sive. privilege of .navjgating TitJaca and theJtiorjesaguadfro .to Lago Pamriajyithaguarantee _ of six.per , cent.r cost on , tlie" "capltal and a Professorjbrton. J jhe'Iatest * fraVeler in that'regibhcalls attention to the / thatfliakeirTjiticaca .flot bo high as is given" geograpmcal ' worlis-'by.about three Hundred , * feet Its true altitude is 12,493 feetajfd : in the- dry season it is-four feaLless. Tfiisfaet has been revealed ? by the corisajutive'leyelings madf in build- islied , which'reaches"Jfrom cilia : to.LakeTilicaca/ ; 3he got.into the street caFJusl be- * Jbre reaching'llie switch. She only weighed about twp'hundredTand ten podnds , including ' ' a inarkg.'tl oasket. " She haule'd'hereelf towaril the front of the-car anB Vay moving rapidly" j when it switched off. It was asnapH tlie-whip movement. Acfrail'looked ing lady sat just where thla'mass'of ' ' ' " " ' ' * " " " " ' avoiidupoiswas It ditin'rc'dme doVh h'ke a robin for .crumbs. It was like a pile-driver looMnkT&rlm Jof. TVOM man Disappeared. t' ' . * * * * V44 c * l/uv * * * XJV v KJ-Vl TTJBAilrfJl. iight fortliwitli. SJSe was ihi sul nergedrohe m'lglitllijrA'el'i ; made a.remark . , buti.the general impres-4 sion was that Hie noise issued from the cracking of "tho imarket basketT" 1 beneath ' the ponderous weight of the struggling woman. The-two- hundred-antl-ten pounder was has tily snatched away from the corner - and a search was Immediately made for , the frail little lady. She was" , there , but she resembled a summer pan-cake ! o'ri its last legs. AlB TUB COMING STRUGGLE. [ The -voters of our- nation ; i i < J a ne'ir.was known l > eforei Are rising from Pacific's strand To Atlantic's rocty shore ! " { i ' 11 , Whylsth s nighty change ? * 1 , j Al What can'the meaning be ? / , : . : lia The rising of the masses' From northern lake to southern sea. , . ' ; 11 _ The spirit of old seventy-six i f From out our , heroes' gra-es Forbids a nation drenched'ijbpitrfoUl blood , > ' Should sinttotbatof slaves fj5 , jj Thoughobfiulvtelongalnce , , ' ' " . ' . ' .J'rS Remain as'evertniernot'onecent for tribute ! 'Xi iButmltlionffordcIense. j | - - Ji\\ \ \ . ' ' rlj- Paitytfesandpartplsws i - Bi. Are but as rope * of sand. ThCiiguti of inui to be a man ' Should Rovern.Freedoin'i land. " Ti.ea shall oui iflau yugre proudly float. , . K1 * O'er land as well as sea- * ' * t- And nations yet unborn 'hall gladly greet ' Cli Co In trade we'll trv to deal , - Jf As'nian should ileal with man , ' - ' And while t j lire ourselves , ' ' 'Do ' ' ' We'll seUas'cheap'asanybddy'Cun , Br And if a hat you ueed , * , -Or fnesd yonxhanccto.mcet , . , > 01 EememberBUuce. the Hatter , 01Kl KlDo Do - . - II. eiinUK. . C..J. ton " "i- tonwi Hth st. botweca Ftrnbjuaj.snd' arney sts.- ' OiLAHA , - - NEB. Cal MANUFACTURER JF , Br..Bli .Bli " "BCGGTES-AISD Dealers in and.manufactur ra'o(1 ( 1GKICULTUBAL ( Fri .J0u ) TARTICUE\Tl 'AJ ENTION PAID .TO , J 3 rHOKsiS 8MOKUIO. ' " ii rwagans rnS' - prompUv done atkfcasonabie prices I LEWIS , . Streetfu- ' TJ On hand ar G riu. -u. 1" Burmester bl > | s / j _ . ' ' > Manufacturer ! ; ol i > riX , COPPER AND SH2ET/IR05 : ' ' - ' " > WAP ' i fDEALEESLIIl Cooking'and EiP-llng' Coi Tin' Uoofing , Spouting and Gutterj ng oh' J > Uo No iiort' notice .andi'lc ttejbest mauner. . . ( ' T , f pt24 di . 'if Cas Oei ACRES ! Jes An 'Bui Koi 'Dui FINEST- . JA. tot poa.8Ai.iB B'T 1 * * I .33 , , . ) d . "He M 1 6d 6dWr rllF F. tLANDS ABE .CONVENJKBt-TO. Wr the mirkel and the - " FINEST in ihe STATE ; ! ' -A ; Cas And1 ivlll be sold at from T ' , * * , B2,50Vor$5OOJBERjAdRE ! , HoiSTS fey Stn " < l T $ STS- for sale at , O ; * & ) _ lextraaitlbrl' : C , bearing,1coupons , vp e treaty of Ja1cen' full'o > sl fui d naviga- f . s.,3-imr" rnment. " _ - * . respeotlnff' 1 L. 538Dbuglas Wood Stodp "Trn rril TirrrritrriTT/ * * f 1874f f - - Monetary aflKirs 'to-day are quite lively ; depositsfairThe country bihbrland busIt meD ate .drw- ingi for Lfundsi-tp meet jdemtmdjto - moT cropg and help ithffjfarmer to -paye3tra kind bf < hejpat ertrg glw ipriceS ffon thia-JhQi..t > usyiseason. 'Discounts are fah Tgood. . paper ; jread- 'Jly 'accommodated ' ti 'accommodatedoh'short.timei > 12 percenti : ' Exchange in good sup ply and ) demand- , ruling - steadyjat ; oldratesy ; ' , - . < . t i t , j i THE FERST XAnONAL'BANKjn iquoteafnnlif ' * " / if # . .n Land Greats. ( selUng ) . . . . " . $815.00 Land WarninnVieO'acres ? " , 176.00 ants (160 ( , acres - - ' ' Agricultural College Scrip , - 1 ' ' s T buyiu-g ) . . .L'.r. . i76.00. jg/'i.- . ' . . . . . , . . . . . > ; i..jl95jOO. /Exchange on NewtYorkl-5 ; of one - 1 if cot- with/air prospect foi * a 'good 'trade " " ' t" * * " * 'i li < * V V - - * i ' ' ' in a few days. ' ' - . ' oduc upply godtf' . ' "Trade lair , r'Prices iower , and in favor oft * ' " ) j'r lay. lay.Provisions Provisions Trade inlhislinebet- -ter , to-day. , . Market' * steady , aud priceV&QmeiwhaVfirmer. " i 1 ftides and Eeather- Market quiet " ' and"'dull ; figures remUn1 Steady1 - t - - -TJJ ) n , T cj lu 'CpnversaUoa w.itb : merchants o ay , representing Yiri9u | lines , ' we are informed that th'ejprospect for fall fair/ and they' ore uite sanguine. In jegardto it.u J\ \ 'i - Caretnlly Correcttd'-DaUT ' 'f -DRY-GOODS. * - . BRO. Cor.r 14th and i J..S - 9 American. . . . . , - , . _ , , , . , . . . < } 9 Bristol i 'z.zr.z" ' : : : ± : zzrz ! : ! , , / & Garners . . . _ . . . . : . . . . ; . * . ; ; . " . . . isjf : Uamilton . . . . _ . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . _ ; ptpg q Merrimick JO..M..M. _ . . .t j 61 . 9 BLEACHED' SHIRTINGS Bfiir'AiL./ . ' ' ' . . _ . . : . - * ! ' o.- . . . .u Cabot ' 4-V /r. ? . . . _ . Suffolk L . _ - . . - , . _ . _ . _ . _ i8) | BLEACHEO SHEETIKGS. Pepperell 8-1 . . . _ ; - . . _ J . , ,31 i do " - * ' ' _ " ' " " io ' 10 . . - - . . . . ' . . .T" J COTTONADiS. - Parmers and Mechanlca. . . . . _ . . . . . . ; .i H - - JlBOWN SHEETINOs ! Albion , A _ . _ . _ . ' _ _ ' Bedford , R. . . . . * . " ' ' . . _ v I " ' 3 Srintvllle , E I. . : : . : . JZZITZ : ! " te"rmaiila , B B _ , _ . . . . . . . . .11 1 HINGHAJIS. . Amoakeag - . . . . . - . - ' . . - . . . ' . ! / / > i J Bates- - _ " _ i _ . . . . . . _ Jt. ? x . , TICKINGS. sjnoskeig , a c a _ . . . . _ _ . . . . . _ . . . . , I Blddeford.i. _ ; . _ . . . . " DENIMS. Imoskeag. . . . . . . . . iw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iWaver.Creek B.B , . _ i. . . . -ll ' tiaymakers _ . . . .U.i. . ' ( 12 ' " ' " " ' O ' * " , 7 JEANsl" ' " Jiddeford . . . . . . . - . . .i. . .i i. " " * ° CT""iANKEfcr5ioTn6ssr ; f " ' KURTZ MOIIB & CO. , 231 , ' * * * * * Of m ' - i - _ * * - - . . SPOOL Mark's O. N. T - . . ? " -oat's . . . . . . . . . . . . _ - - - - - ' -7o iferrick's _ _ _ . . . . . . . . _ TJ----I- HOSIERY , 3omestic. . . _ . - _ . . ' . ; tUvV KOfl 00 3ritlsb , . . . - " ' / Dickens' best Domes tieq i SHAWLS. ' Ittoman stripjji. . : . . . . _ . J I SHIBTd. , : - - . _ Vhlte comninn.M _ . , _ 7' f 10 50 -1 madlmn . . . . , ' j tjg QQ iaiico "i.'i.jii.r.7.i\'nz.'nii'ji. ! . it - H OYEHALLa. ' , * . , , Co Jrown . drill . 1. 8S COaT 25 CeLl ' . . : . . - . . . < . . ' * Ll , ; , ; . , ; , . _ , ' 7 75a9 00 Hue driU . . _ . _ LlT duck . _ . . - , , , , . - . . , , . , . . . . . _ _ J 8 00a9 50 H - _ - . , , , , , , , , . . . . . ' . . .i'if 7-i ! ' ; 8 00a9 50 CORSETS.- - - ' 'rench whalebone . . . . _ ; .JL : i K. 258 00 ur own.'t. ' . . ' " 15 00 r-PBINO SK1BTS. , aU'H ; Anen printed _ . _ _ fVoo ruffled - , - , ) 1200 ' - - - - Ol&'W . "COMMISSION ; I J. ! * _ ? , ft. < iKOSENFEM.4 . . . . A M * givesU& t * / * lfie . Grooseberrles , iLou per..pu. , vn"r- Ies . 4'80per bu ; JJemen l-W per LXi.jina Ka8pberrIes,2Qcperquart : JOl 1x ilaQkHerriesOcjrapplelS ! bOto'7 ( XX .101 [ er barrel r currants 20c. ' 1' - ' - _ , HABDWAKJW , " - ' ' ) ! 1 . JOH T.JitDaAB : O _ IRON. * ' M. Jjj ; , . ' ' 13 .mmnn t r J , , 1/4 r r r / llO ; ,1H , ( 100 ' ' ' 'STBEL. ' UH IM , . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . meriean casnjociagon and square I 101 essnp's 'English a > do' . - do'a3 ! J Burden's horse shoes , perieg'ui. . 7 IS - do' tnule ado > "do l ; ; . * _ . , . .125 * rorthweatern none nalls.m. - ; : . _ " SM " _ Dundee thimble skeins/discount 45 pt e * to hf ! pstent axleJ.idlsconutlO per cent. Lai ' 4 05 d < ? ' tkr- - ' - " " - -1" * ' ' aB1 * fine do ; . . . . - u ; . . . . ' - . " flols'ng do . . - do do frought , aU IT * - WK arritgeand tlre , - _ t . . BUTTS. SJTOT wrought , fast Jolnfdlscount J3 , loose ' piarre-n-rsible- " . and TnaBure fork , . . Xjdb > count , - . 30 ni and idearake " . _ Zr 'do jlas "HINOKS ; . an J Tn < w..dlicbuBt' ' ' 3f Me WHKJfCHES. J - .J < * n. & & : . - -dlsconnt c occasion. . . . QThen were you fi ' * : l 'i from the "Union ? $ ' -"le rff 'A. Thelastoightof tt > ttiinte. - * - " fara " - - . MBeephef HW inany.- * | niilnlgated facts I to Mr.iJ ' < M } ' inffamed hira . do arfnt OKPKElCttl * . ' ffi % SF&S& Ji Vff" , W in tfih.CJ Zr5' * i i ( - s raJriujav. . ' - ire , Smith A Co.iUiconnt . / v an File Co.m . , . " da Nos , ii 7 -rj | 5 HATCHETS. ilorrislaliingllnj.No 1. . . . . . . . do do do , , J10. dc. Matantorai do . - . 32c ; BesttJUt i do' _ - ' . . BftUimfffe ttet * " * - - ' irencn . ldoYdCtU , leading bnuad . S2.1D 0 DsjneStlc Kips _ . 1lJ. 1 - . n'Oo ' -Oaf- . - - - Henlock Upper , per foot Oakdo do , ! , , . : . 30i. Grain dodo. . _ ; . . -50c Linings. pejrilo n , . _ _ 7 OOQ10 00 ' . . 14 00 Morocco ( Boot tegf p > r foot" : * ! do ( Oil Dressed ) do do ( Simon ) . . . . . _ . . . . . . _ . , A jlo " 3i'GI0Tft"Kf'1iJiii ( ) ti-.j. . i . s welt Leather ; per side , = . . _ _ t6 Boot Webbing , per bolt , . _ 0kHarnsss leatherPittsburg , " - do do do No. 1 , . 40@42c , do do do IS 0.2 , . _ _ 33Q40e Oak Line . - > do , , 44@46c Umtoct Harnrsi'Leatber ; o' l _ . . .T.39@40c do do do No. 2.T. ' . .37Q39c Hemlock Linedo . 41Q46c ; IFalr Bridle , per side , , 16 00@7 00 TeamXoUars perdoti. . . . . ' , . , : , | 25Sq ; < | 2J SO StflKQ * " dodo r , iinmi * ,1 y M " " * Scotch "do" " do joncord do . : do ; J : . -38 00 ! CoUar.Le the\ { Black ) per loot , iililJC Lr < > doJ"do ( Kussetp do , * . _ _ -.U ; Psttat Dash Leather. . . . . . . . _ , . ' .15c " " ' ' ' SOAPS" " . . , , Powell. t Co. , Soap monuikcturera. ' Btpc.'Piibiico/G i.26'8 ' ; Savon ' 'ABTlGOODS [ AND UPaoLSTEBEB'S -i i c . S bCK. ' r " , , } , ; / , B njamin.B. Jones , DecorttiTe Up ? ? holatercr and dealer id fine artgoods/ 270 Funham Street , fumisheV. the fcillowing quotations : , " . < FKAME MOTJLDmOS. t .Qilyw lo t mpuldiDggjj onis iacb , per/ootjfec ; 2 inch iQc ; 3 inch 15c ; ' liied wahiut , ! Irinch. 7q ' ? Inch . cnS ; hich 21c. ! Berlin gilt , 1 4nch 615q 2 inch 12@30c ; 3 inch 18 ® 45ciunitoUonfjrose"wppd and'gilt : , .1 < ' lOc ; 2 inch."l,020c ; Shich ' i6@80c. ' - * . ' - ti' Plain band9,6feet ; * alt coloWj ; per [ pair , 1 50 ; ornamental' ' bands ; 200' 4 00 ; each dditional foot , = 76c ' . Ubiori ind all -wool tenj , per yard , 3 Xr ) ImpeKal , pljun And strtj , _ 50 8 00 : J ' ti. ' . \ -DAMAKKB. ( per jrari 1. , ! all'J wool , 2 OOaS 00. . . : . ; . MATTBABSKS. , , . . ' iHust , 4-4x6 . - , ' 4vOOi5 | 00 ; straw- ' ' dOJEx.ceUlor.1S50a460. ; ; Eublect to'changaiotmarjwt witnout 7 'J Tf : WM. ji TfG Oa U.P. B.itracjcb t , tjirn ai i : li . GEOJ - JoUU , rtuddlngand alllj,20 tt. , n- . . .i.W 00 Orer 201 f . each additional ft add'l.- ; . ! Fencing No ! . _ . . . ' 'do Mo 2. . 1ft common iKM-- . iKMdo . . , - . , - , - "A" itovlc board * . JCUnd U inch. . . 50 : OQ fB" do do do " 'do ' .S600 do . . JO" 00 1st clear , 1 , Ift. 1 aad 2 Incb.J. . . . . ' 65 00 2 2d do ao cto ' * do - , " * ; : & 5.00 Sd"do ; do ; do'do : / / . . . . . _ : . . . . . , 00 u Flooring , clear. . . _ > . _ ; . _ . . . . . . , . . . _ 60 00 p rrr/do 1st 'common. . . ' . .H..MU. . . .M ' 40 00 do 2d Ao " - . . . . . . . . . . A'- _ 85 ( JO 1do , 'ad ' . dojf , v.- . . . . . . _ _ . - 27 50 do narrovr , clearM..w.MH. .M . . . . 45 00 .1st clear celling > 4 InchJ' . . . . 35 00 2d do' do ' 44 inch. . . _ _ . . . " 3250 Ni 1st do .do . % luch . - . . . . - . / - CO NiNi 8di do .do ji lnch , . . : _ . . . . . . _ _ _ _ . . 27.60 1st clear1 aiding. . . - . . . . . . - . . _ . . _ . . . - 27 00 Ni 2d do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . 26 00 'Sa bit common siding. . . . . _ . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 oo 3d do do . . . . . . . . , iT. . . . . . _ . j2000 ; "A"shing ! M. _ . . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . 4 25 Extra No 1 hln8les. . . _ , , rr. . . . . . . _ . . : . 3.UO GommoB No 1 sh.iixles . .lMt''f 00 'Ith rr . . . . . _ . ; . . ; . - . " - . - _ , . _ ; . . . . . _ _ . 3 D A U pickets eer I00.i H. gqomre do do do . . .BeGi U Batten per lineal f' GiUi - - d Ui.Yi .Yi . Liberal discount on carload lota .YiLa WINDOWS , ( Glaze , ) KilPa SS 'pe * cent oftCblogo list , PaYc fi-a. i . iDOOBS , ' ( Wedged. ) YcGc 96per ( BtoSCltf fo.list.'ij . ' , , . La U I ' TrUe -BUNDS. UeDe 40perceritoffUbt.f . . , , DeX , X WblU lime pet bbl . ; . . . tl 753200 , 187 LonlsTlIle cement per bU. . . _ _ _ 300 525 = Plastecparls per bbl ; . . . . . ' . ' . ' . . 'T ; bushel. . . 40 ' 4 \v J/'j f i OILSi -.1 - > . . G ' . . - T ' ' * Cosibii. . . , is'j oii.Noif i'oo ' 0 " ' " " " il'd.110 J" f ' ! ' . winter , ! _ . on . . . - " ' ' ' Turpentine65 "straln'dj-90- Headlight OU Lubricatl g- W.-Vn J- , | ' , { .r syac. ' Tli * - & * - &hr ) * * * * Tlit White e df Si ; touts ; tirtictlr Pur - . . f l\V n/t'i * . i j Vi " K HCT Bra ml > . . . . . , Vs Wl Dnttw tfi TM1.tJ.PJ * * * Rl > Alii , f rfw 9nM' > ! " ' : caiscoun ' ' . . TlKySHEET-IBbs.'TOfeVi * V. . AT ' - , * . " , J- * -I ff * * ft t r , f - ' LT ' FAKNHAM ; LT c O-'N - < cP 10x14 1C , lair qusity , . . . - . . . . . . . . - ? ! ! oo . .f.AT OxU lev beat QUalltF - UUJ-i - .43 BO , AT 10X14 IX doi I dot.u . , i. : . . . . . . . . . . . 16 50 " _ 1 , do , i do , 1400 i"E 12X121X do l-4do- ' UC'Jdb'.do. r.l56o' _ ai 1750 ' . . _ i.- r.205Q. > ATIs 'J''dJIAl. J2aUi- 23 50 Isai ai do , \ .T J 'do ' do do , di AT do do d dq < 1600 A ? 0114 IO coke ' do dtf , 're , . 27 50 AT -CM iC * harr .l'mnilnc * . i T Ilia 21 00 U 'mat lick * * > [ Omi aloi , 'JM ! * r A.l A.lOi Oi jr. i Ntl J * > /HHEE-lTlBoil. . , ' J iD ff. Sji - u. r i , ) l. t. a d I. ' ul ' l- a'r'--r--i. : ' " - - ; H . * . . m ttJico . ' * - : .iiU / - ' ' , , -ftj. . i ; , < - . . A 3i , ilt .JUo j > r flti iO . - ? . . . . - ? - - > -a3A-A. a - GROCERIES. 538-540 14TH ST. CLARK & FRENCH JCOB , FABNHAM AND PTJNDT , HEYEB < Sr RAAPKE , 212 FABX- HVJI.fiT. , WHOLESALE DEALERS- MORGAK < fe GALOiAaHEBr 205 Farn- ham..St.i WHITNEY , BAHSEKMAK & Co. , 247 - - Pipuglas St BROWN fe"BBO. , Cor. 14th and . /'l&UE-las-Streets : - Granulated prE > ' ' 'Powdered do' Crushed . . do Befd cut loaf do .Standard A do Circle A. do 'ExtiaC ' , do ' Ytllow.C do _ 'N O choice do' COFFEES. i. Bio choice pr . . . . . . . . . 2Sa27 do'fiood' d.0' ' ' . . . .i.j nixijn.ii.isin m 14u25 0 ( * Jaia 3l 35 _ , , _ , - , SYRUPS. Common pr gallon. ' . . ' , ' Good'da Ctolertdd i - dOjN.0 molasses Bkazoon choice . . { . , . ( , CANDLES. .ifjWesk & Co. . ' SOAP. 'Missouri ' Vrliey. . . - . ; - . Kirk's 8aTon.- . - 6 * ' 1C Weak & Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . 7a7 > itichbfer'a German. . . Kirk's standard . , do , terUng _ T WB PLUG TOBACCO. Black goods , Western J do , do , Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bright-do do'do , . . 7T. ' . 7 :60a : < 3 dude Virginia 554SO .Natural leaf . . . ; . . . . . . . T-O * ' , ' \ \ ' 'D'BIED Fauns. California -peach' a per do * ( apples do ' Ftate ao do .New currants. . . . . - . . . . do prunes dp .German cherries. . . . . . . . . 1 do' raspberries. . . . . . . . . 38a4 ( . 'doi raisins , per box , . 53 4 ( .do seedless raisins , per pound. . . . . SALT. New tn'barre'Is. . . . . . . . . 2.70a2 85 do dairy , . . . . . - - . . . . . 4 50j5 75 CANNED GOODS. 2poundcanMyerrsoyslerspercase..s4.25al 5 1 do do do do do . . . 2 80a2.75 2' dc do William's do. do . - 4 00a4 75 2 'do do peaches pet case. . . . . - , ' 5 5C 3 do do , do do . . . 7 00a7 00 .2 do da tomatoes do 3 50a3 75 3 ' do do do' do . . . . . S 00 Corn , Tropny. per case . . . . . 5 ( do'Window ) do . . . 5 50 do Yarmouth do . , . . . . , 5 5Q Strawberries , do 4 SOal-75 Baspberrles , do 4 00 Pineapples , do . . . . . . . . . . . 5'00 * , TEAS. Oolonis. per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . Young Hyson , per pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 40al 00 Gunpowder , do da . . . , . 60al 25 FLOUB. Snow Flake , ( Wells.4 Nieman-- ) . 4 50 Oold.DusU . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 10 XXXX Iowa City. . . , . . . . . 3 00 California . : . . . . . . . . . . 4 75a5 CO BAGS. GniinlM. heary ei hl. . UM9 " o ' llcb ( do . . , - , 17A1S ' Jjpfi. 1nur Irnchftl IIII.M.HI.IIII. * mi Ival9 adoo gunnies . . . . . . M - , , , , , . lv , 4n b gs , Amoskeg A SOaSl .o do Ludlowaa _ SPICE3. Nutmegs , Penangbestperpoiiod _ 1 35al 4 ( Cljvei do do . _ . _ 60 'Alsplce do do ISa.O Clnamon bark do do . . . " ' " COLUMBIA RIVER SALSIOX. ! bbls. , 100 tbs J9 00@10 00 fl ) cans , per do ? . . . . . . , , . . . . , . , * . , . . 2 5u@ 2 75 do do . _ . . . _ . . , . . . . , i ; , , , . , , . . . s S0 § 4 08 WHITK FISH. , . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . - . . 1 1S(3 ( l 25 Family In kits. . : : . . _ . . . 1 lOQl 20 Kbhbu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . 6 SOig 7 ° ° Family in > Jbbbi . . . . 5 50 ® 610 MACKEREL. Family , In kits 1 10@ 1 20 No.1 , do . 160@,200 Mess ; , do , . 3 00 3 25 ' ' " ' ' No. i ; da . . . .TT . . . ! 9 OOglO CO Sardines , Ji boxes , . 16 50 < gl7 00 CIGAE8. A. E. sncpsoN , Manufacturer , 532 15th Street . Upman. . . . . _ _ 10 M. > 35 00 Ueconstructionm..H..H.MH do 3j 00 Grand Central do . 35 00 CnlTersal. . . . . . . . _ . . _ . do 40 00 Yara. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ do43 00 Boquet "do 50 00 Simon Pure _ do 50 00 Pantgna .tll , , ,111. , " 'do 75 tO Jfours Truly do C5 00 Sold Medal. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . _ _ . _ 'do 60 00 FAjKupannlft , , , , , - , , , , , , , , , _ _ . , - , fjo 60 00 rriple Crown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do ' 75'00 Henry Clay. . . . . . . . . . . . _ do 100 00 OeVlller do 10000 : Viller. . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . do " 100 00 1876 . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . do 75 CO . .CALHOUN . MILLS FLOUR. Wholesale depot 548 14th Street , Sail barrel < * * -T---- , , . . . , , , . . . . 2 SC Dhicago , Kock Island and Pacific B. B. THE GRAND CENTRAL BOUTE FBOif DMAffA TO CHIGAGO AND THE EAST , Des Uolnes , I > aTenport and Bock Island. o All Passenger Trains are equipped with' the * VESTINOUOUSK PATENT AIB .BEJ.XKS . and UUar's Patent Safety Platform , and Coupler. ' " Fast ] Express Trains Xeare Dally , onnectlng as follows' : DES If OINES with the Des Molnes Valley Railroad , for Oskaloosa , Ottnmwa , Keokuk and St. Lonli. . , _ UUNN ELL .with the Central Ballroad of T 'Iowa , 'for all points north to St. Paul. WEST LIBERTY with the Burlington , CedarKaplds A Minnesota Ballroad , for Burlington , Cedar Rapids. Dubuque & St. PaulAt WILTON JUNCflON with the iSouth-Weitcrn branch , for 'Muscatlne , Washington and all points south. LT'DAVfiNPOBT with the Davenport 4 St. Paul Ballroad for points north. BOCK , ISLAND with tbe Western Union llailroad lor , Frceport , Be ; jit , Kacine. Mll- waakeeand' all points In northern Illinois and , Wisconsin. BOCK ISLAND with tbe BocUord , Bock XsIandandSt. Louis Ballroad for St : Louis and points south. ' ' BOCK ISLAND with the Peoria ARock Island Ballioad for Peoria and points east. BUflEAU JUNC. . 'with ' braocbTforHen- rr , Lacere , Chllllcothe and Peoria. LA8ALLE with the Ullnols CentrsIRall- road for points nort h and south. - CHICAGO with 'U lines East , North and South , THROUGH TICKETS .to all Eastern cities , tblj line , can be procured , and any inlor- latlon obtained , concerning points , at the cket offlce of the company , ,12s , Farnnam St. , maha.andalsoat the principal ticket offices eng the line of the V. P. B. B. ( * _ Checked Tfaron.b to all Principal Baatem Foiata. .M SMITH , H.'BIDDLE ; a'l Pass'r Ag't , Gea'l Snp't , Oucago. Chicago. . Ticket Agent , G _ 'i WoUfnAg't Oiaaba " " * iai'i & ijoux City & Pacific RR. 8 I. ( Shorteat * na only Direct r Berate from QUisrcrL JOl i St. Paul , Minneapolis , And all'Points In _ ORIHESN IOWA & . .MINNESOTA.C PULLMAN PALACE'gtEKPING CARS On all night trains .via this route. " ' ' ' Til. 7- ' " coaniEcrioxs. - ' At U. P. Transfer with Un Pacific Jlroad for Omaha. At Council Bluff , with Kansas City , St. and Council Bluffs Ballroad for St. Louis all points south. At m-sonrl Valley with the Chicago and 'f jrthweatern raUway In Chicago and all li'At Sioux CHy with Slour City and 8 , HUnoia Central , .and DakoU Southern IroMs. * Steimers for Upper Missouri Rlrer ' * * Prop * * EJ * llp ! h'0l5n ' a * Northwestern Propas Iroad for OmahaandSouthern Nebraska , as 0101 Brt kl * ltn & * Un ilnn ITL and Wlwer - i lth stages for Norfolk and all JT3 tatsln-Northern Nebraska ' - - > t f * > r > * * "Q . - / oOces. - ' . . . . i1 yotnf ticketiead 7la S. C. & . , iStl IBDRKETT , Sap-t. C. HttlA GeB..TJek t A t. 2 QEO , W , GBATTAN , CHICAGO &NORTHWES'N The Popular Eoute from o nut JL _ EtA.- AXDTIIE TrlVntrrlno.Fort DodEfDubnqneT.n Crosse , 1'rnlrlc Du" Cliien. IVliiona , St. Vaul , Duluth , Jannville , lltno- hn , Oreen * , Kaclne , Steven' * Poiujt. , W t > rtowii. OxlikTeNlit Foil DuZac , 'fltadUou niul Milwaukee. " ' - ' . It Being the Sbortcstand FList ComoIeteJ Lice Between i OfcTA'H ' A and CHICAGO , Cons'tantimprovuntnlS nave' 'taken 'plftce in the way of reducing Uiad .aDd placing Iron with. Steel Italia , adding to' its rolling stock "new and 'Elegant i . . , - DATrJ a gfeKKP.lXCI , CAR.S . Equlpped'irUb. the "JVrftiughoiye Afr BraVe" and ' 'Miller Platform , " establishing coniturta- ti arid commodious Eating Houses , offering all the coinl > rt& 6t traveling the' age can -produce. "Fro'rci to 10 FastrEsnress Trains , ruu each y dally OTex the various lines o [ ' this road , thus securing to the' traveler selectlns this rou' sure and certain" connections in any di rection h * tilajrwlslrto go. 'Principal Connections AT , MISSOURI VALLEY JUNCTIOX , for Siour City' , Yankton- and point * reached via fiioar City and .Pacific railroad. AT GRAND JUNCTION for Port Pes Molnes , Ottawa snd.Keokuk , . AT'MABSIIAiJjforSt. ' Paul , . Mlnneapolls- Dululh. and north western points. AT 'CEDAR BAPIIM for Waterloo , Cedar Falls , Charles Citr , Burlington and St. .Louis , ' A-TCLINIOB forDubuqne.Dun'eltb , Prai rie da Chien , La Crowe , and all 'points on the Chicago , Clinton and Dubuque , and. Chicago , Dubuque and Minnesota railroads. "AT FULTON for Freeport , Racine MUlwau- , 'jcee ' , and ell-points in Wisconsin , AT CHICAGO with sll railwar lints leading out of Chicago. Through tickets to all eastern cities rls this tone-caul * procured , and-anj-infonnatUn ob tained , , concerning Routes , Kates , etc. , at the Companie's Office , 218 Faruhani Street , Omaha , 'and ' also'at the principal ticket offices along the line of i he U. P. R.R. B&Baggage checked through to all principal Eastern point * . ' W. H. STENNETT , MARVIN HUOIUTT , ' ' ' Oen. ' . Gen'l Passinge'r Ag'U Kup't. S. tt. LACEY , G. G. EDDY , . ' Ticket .Ag't , Omaha. Gen'l.Ag'tOmaha. mchlSvl , Omaha & St. Louis Short . Line . ' , ' ! , - 1874 = ! I The Kansas City St. Joe and Council Bluffs R. Br Is tbe only dire line to * ' - * AND THE EAST. FROM / OMAHA AND THE'WESTp NO CHANGE < caifc between Omana and St. > Cbiiis anubitote between OUAUA. anu Ar.W YORK. " ' ea Thls'th .Only-Jne running SLEEPIXO OAIC KAST pe FltOSI OEXAI1A , OS AKKIVAt ' nil OP THE CN1UX PACIFIC EXPRKSS THA13T. ' . . or \ taking othet routes tia e a transfer at the Ulver Station/ ' < to : - * + toTl PASSKNGKIt TBAINS UAIL.TI Tl 8 BEACHIN& ALL . Tlei ; EA3TEB1T AUDWE3TEEH CITIES clc IVith Leu Changes and' ' In advance of other linn. . " 4 i ThllEnUre Line Is equipped wlth < : Pr Pullman's Palacq Sleeping Cat ? , Palace Day Coaches and Chair Cars/ / PI filler's Safety Platform and Coupler str and the Celebrated Westin house Air .Brake. , 0 ) W ee that your tickets read via lie thMai KansaaCitr , 8. Joseph < t Council Mai , liluOii Italrod , . , . , and ICen FZa. Omaha and SL Lmiis. sen Ickets forsalo at cor- Tenth and Farubam Phi streets , and U. P. Depot , Omaha , .cpi r . . . t. rior 03.TEHON , . OEOI 3RADBDBY , Pass. Agt. Gen1 Agent. .F. BARNARD , . A.rPAWES , Gen'l Supt. ( Jen'l Tans. Agt. , W 8t.Joscnb. AJfe ROTTTE S T. QTEAINSDAILT , ! * ' KEAVK SIM I.OUIS 1VITII , Pullman Palace Cars THBOTOH WITHODI OHA5QB , Indianapolis , Cincinnati , " ' ' ' 'Louisville , Chicago , Columbus , .N Pliiladelpliia , Baltimore , Washington , TTORK ArrirU of Trains' Irom the West. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO 8AJl Cleveland , Buffalo & Boston ITY TT'P'T'Q JA s for Sal * at the L4VJ\L < 3J.O Comr ny a Office ; Go K. cor < r Fourttl dc Chentimt tt . , II.lMnlftiA Btthe Principal Kal'- y O c In the We t. HAS : BABcdcK ; 'c. E. RUSSELL , . S'thawPass. Au'J , Wesfn Pass.Ag't. . DALLAS. TEXAS. KASSASCITT , OHK El SIMP60N ; CITA8 , TS. FOLLEXT , " .OepiSopt. , . Gen'l Pass , Ag't. "I 29tr TjTDIAlfAPOtlJ " : ST.LOCIS. Ionfctioners ? Tool Works , And Bro. , 4 ' ' i. - ij.r < \ Mannlactnrers o' Atcl An Matblce Monlds , Ice Cream' Freezer * , pa.A.3011303 .Noj , . Eighth St. Ferri All PHILADELPHIA , PA. Chlca ' ' : . V EWABi " " 3KO."M" MILLS , fCATALOGUES f BEST cet _ P.PAKHKX. Jj J .upoc appUcationl Gtea Andi Sou St'/bet / Tarakaii and Uarrey. LI1 : ,1 CLEAUING. and CIL KEAKNEY'S FLUID-EXTRACT The only known remeJy for BRIGHT'S DISEASE , And a posltire cure for Gout , Gravel ; . Stricture ? , Diabetes , Dyspepsia Ner- , . , . vou3 Debility , Dropsy , .Ko'ri-r'eteritJcn or Incontinence of Urine , Irl- < /'tition , Inclination or Ulccration of the BLADDER AND KIDNEYS , SPERMATORRHOEA , toucoerhoe or Whites. Diseases of the Prostrate Gland. In the Bladder. Cotcul ur , GRAVEL OB BRICK PCST DK- * . [ POSIT , ' ' And Mucus or Milky .Discharges. KEARNEY'S Extract Buohti ! Fwmanrn'tly Cure * al4 Diseases ol the Bladder , Kidneys , and Dropsical t. Swellings. Existing In Men , Women and Children , f . No Matter What the Age : Prof. .tctla says : "One bottle of Kearney's Fluid Extract Buchu is worth more than all other , Buchus combined. " Price ono dollar per bottle ; or , six bottles for five dollars. Depot 104 Duane St. , N , Y , A physician in attendance to answer corres pondence and give advice gratis. JHTSend stamp for pamphlets , free , jja Crane A Brigham ; Wholesale Agents , Fan Francisco , Cal. a Sat TO Tilt NERVOUS & DEBILITATED OF LOTH SEXES. JOOHABQB FOB ADVICE ASD CON- 8ULTATIOS. i FR J. B. DYOTT , graduate of IclTerson Medical College , Philadel phia , author of several valuable vorks , , au be consulted en all dis- . jases of the SexmJ and urinary or- jans , ( which he has made an es- secial study , ) either in male or fe- nale , no matter from what cause jriginating" : , or how long standing . practice of SO years enables him o treat diseases with .success. Cures guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Pliose at a distance can forward let- ers describing symptoms and en- 'losing stamp to prepay postage. for the Guide to Health. 3rice lOc. < J. S. D i Physieion and Surgeon , 104 'Duane itreet , N. Y. BSTACLES ! to MARRIAGE , HAPPY ! RELEIF FOR YOUNG MEN from effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. fanhood Restored , impediments to Marriage Amoved. New method of treatment. New remarkable remedies. Books and Circulars i imputation for honorable conduct and profes- lonal kills. Popper , WHOLESALE BUTCHER NI > CATTLE UKOKKll , ALT LAKE CITY , - - UTAH fe 7U ML Keller , Proprietor of U "ii "iiRISING RISING SUN AilO ANGELES TINEYRDS. C i Depot , for the sale of hia I NATIVE WINES AND . KEIiLSR & Co. , Coraer of Battery andlVashlnjtonlSts. FRANCISCO , CAI * . mar7U Ii PASSENG-KKS . Ding ! East or South from Omaha i i.ndPolnUonU.P.B.E. , hoaMUfcethc LINCOLN KOUTE" C vij The TCHISON & NEBRASKA G RAILROAD' ' Im f itire lor themselv s tbe choice of Six Popular K'.J tea from clilsou to Clilcago and St. Louis , making Reliable C Jnectlonj and being O lipped trith Palace Day and Sleeping Con , dflay and inconrenience arrlTinz from and transfers can be arolded West of lul. cage and St. Louis by securing Ticket ! Tia CHISO.f anI tbe ATCHISUN Jk I 3TEBRASKA QA.II.ROAI } . and Reliable Connections are also made ' ifitntheA.T.&S.F.R.R.Iorthe I ' Arkansas Taller & Colorado , with all lines running South to points In 17 jutuera Kansas and the Indian Territory j Ask for Tickets Tla ] Man NQOLN & ATCHISO CoSt EIAS. C.SMITH , W. F. WHITE St and. and.M lON'T ' BUY ! UNT1X.YOU HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED , OUR LOW BESES.YOIK ( J i I A SE HAVE TWELVtf UOOD REASONS J _ r\ . why theTwilldoyourworic. I I Qiiiok and Easv. i ! Chean and Clearu B Thcyarecbeipesttobny , J They are best to me , " Ther base evenly and quickly. Their operation is perfect. They hate always a Rood draft , Tlier are made of ilie bcstmaterlal They roast perfectly , They require but Utile fuel , They are rcry low priced , They an easily managed. They are suited to all localities , tTwy store guaranteed to give salbfictloa SOLD BY Excelsior -Mau'fi ? Co. , ST. LOUIS , M. BOG-EBS. size OP PELLETS : ooo O9O Or Sasar-Coaicd , Concentrated , nee and Herbal Jalco , Antl- BlUons Crannies. TilE LITXI E CJAXT CATIL1KTIC. or JIultaru l ! Parvo Physic. The novelty of modem Sfceicai. Chemical ar.J Pharmaceutical Science No uc of any Ion- . losing tha larsp , repulsive and nan * > cou " coapmcd of cheap , cnido. and bulky imrredient * when we can by a careriil application of enemies ? science , eitrarr all tac cathartic and other mttlf. tlnal properties roa the raoai valusbja roct ? ano herbs , ana concentrate them Into ft minute Grsrv me. scareMy Jarjcor titan a MiuMariJ Rcca , that can tie readily E allowed by taosool Ihumwtser.sitiYo etomachs and fastidious tastes. Hactilittla f ursatlvo Pellet represent * , lua mancancentntal form , as mack cathartic powce as U ooibodtod In any of the lanv pills found foe Falaln tha drr ehopj. From their wondeifcl ca Uiartic power. In proportion x > their lze , peoplf who hava not tried them an. apt to tnppcia tLat they are hariu > r drastic in effect. lm ( juch U nol at all the cae. ihe different activq Taedicinal prln ciples of which they are corapeseo betas ao bar. njriizea and modiicd. pia Dy the others , as to proJuce n moxt aoarrliliitr ; and tlior- oasbyil : { joutlj-uaaiiludlyoncratlut- catbartl. . J500 Rownrd U herooy offered by the pro. prietor of iheao IVlIcU. tt > any chemist wUo upon analysis , vlll dm ! in them an > Calonelor other forms of mercury 01 any other mineral poison , nelnscnUrclj-vcRCtable.Eopartrailar Iseqnired while usin ? them. They ope rate without disturbance to the constitution diet , or occupation. ForJanndlcc.UcaUaclic , Constipation , Impure ICIood , l alij In tbo siiouldcm , TlKlTtucK.i or the Chest , Dizzlucg * , Sour Kractatlous oT the Stomach , Uad tanto lu uaoath , IlUlous attacli" , I'nln la region of ICIdncTx , Internal Fever , Bloated fooling about Stomach. IluxU or Blood to Head. IIlRli Col ored Urine , Uiisoclat llliy and. Gloomy t'orcboill ! > ( ; take Dr. Plerco's Pleaiant Purgative. Pellets. In crplanntlon of the remedial power of my Tat- gatlvo relicts over FO preat arx-icty of disciucs , Iwishtoraylhat their action upon the ai'.lmal cconomr I.s universal , not a Klalid or tisane escaping their sana * tlve imprcB * . A o docs not impair then ; their su ar-costingand being enclosed In glaj < bottles preserve their virtues unimpaired for aar length of tine , in any climate. BO tH v they are aj. ways frch and reliable. nhicU ii not the caa r7ith the ptlia foand in tha drag storcsput up ic chca p wood or pastc-bcanl DOKH. iJecoiicet that fara'.i ' ilisoa ca where a Laxative , Altera tive or Purprativo is Indicated , these llttlo IViK-tJ trill civo the most perfect eatiafactlou to all n-nouac them. They are Mild by nil ciitorprlalnp Srugglfct * st .5 coiitrf a bottle. Do rot. allow any nrnpsiet to Indcco yea to lake anything elss ttiat bo may pay Is just aj peed m myl'clIetQ because ho makes a bargci profit on that which he recommends. ? f your dra ilst cannot them - enpply , cncloes 93 - and receive then oy n-tnra mail from B. r. rumat : , jr. i. BCITALQ , N. ASK FOE PYLE'S , SALERATUS ! AND BAKING- SODA * IOST TTJSEI Ppnat Meyer A Raaokeand WLitney Bauserman 4 C CASTLE IMPORTERS OP TEAS AND East India , "Goods , 213 and 313 FllOXT STREET San Francisco California. mchCTm PLATTE VALLEY REAL ESTATE ! Samuel C , Smith , * Local Agent for tha . U. P. B. B. LANDS , Columbus , 2Teb. aovernment Lands Located i TJ. P. Lands SoM ! mprored Farms and Town EoU for O -A.S OR LONGTIME ! ! Communications Cheer- ully Answered STOVE ST.O3.E. E. F. OOOK , Mtl Bt ; letureea DongUj ad annbaarer of Tia Copper andSheet Iron W reand dealer in looking and Heating stove s r Stamped Yin , Japanned and French -\7aTe on Raoftax , Gutters and Sp and warrants r