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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1874)
OMAHA BEE. VOL. OMAHA TUESDAY MORNING ; JULY 28,1874. NO. 33. . r CHBJATLYBEB. ED\VAKD KOSKWATEE , Editor and Prop'i OHloe-Xo. 13S'VnniJi in trtl > * tw. Mnlh and Tenth. TEUMS OF EUBSCEIP1IOK : 1 t TBEDERICK LEADING ; ifc Uest Goods , OMAHA -OTfflB * CEADKEB UAMDPIOIOBY , Fmilb. 3 S3 lioruer itreet. bef. McdureA ; - - ; _ daclktl , OLi83 ASD PICTURE I2 JtEH. - ' T Reinhirl. ISO lnutlj.i etreovdealei In ' glass 'an J picture Jnuae . Gluing' ' tl .irlndair J2tf ft 1 done to order , - BOOTS AUD SEOSS. - ' Lang , 155 F.trni m iti Between -ULh ' , Philip 115h ! ' " r . ? eb19jl ; ' ' , T 8tCT , corner l'2th an lIXiUdaa stra ' > V . > . HL ' - ' and Vlnjewl * Jailer''Jn ) tn-de o- . Country - rand- and confectionery. ' ' * ' * ' " 9 TW&Et& ' * ' ' COAL ) & i-jdll-u , coil , lime ; ceucn tVialr.etc. , Poland * . J.'Ji _ le'iliiuS ' * , DBDGGIST ? . r . . , . ' I . H. der " , diuggist , c9rnurJ2th" " * * " * - and ' ft - r- . JA. U" U"PAWNBBOKEB. -PAWNBBOKEB. . . , Tlr , EIgut ( rl' . leKlf A Farnlian. ' rod oupe ij Ironing will be done lo crdcr , Ur rrTassorlr . ,1-AIllTERS. , , , t lifanl , lou e ana ifgrr parat'ri. Lelitnin nd Himr . . a2Stl 101N sCtjct'Frnbtin * y. -BOrfP "AOXOBY. i fj . , Petrel' Co , still . " .Soap Wor i > "premium * BoipFJreJ . rosiiu'acV're : U-elr < P emIua Boip- 1. " Lougli "ooupy ] rawsTdedJbylh * and first State premium Mm , and rottawattamle comity , la. Order * o\-iliil \ from the trade. . K. FBANCIS ' 1 ATTORNEYS 'TLlAW.- OFFlCErCrekM n > W'ockOwj1"1' ' * * 1 DEXTER L , THOMAS , * i 'T'f ' ' r\ \ AHornejr and * .Counsi-lor nl1 Lawl OTriOE-rEoom Bo' Vls io'i lock. NEB OMAHA - - - Attflrncy at-Law * aud "Sollcllor In oFriOL-OTer First Httfouil Bask , ' ' : " roal-U PAKKE GODWIN , ' * Attorney at Law ? THIBTEBKTHS.BTBEET , OKAHA 6091-2 " . . , 8-26 .1 in . i20. M. O'BEIIN. A. BALDWIN BALDIVIX & O'DRIEN , Office Caldwell Bloclr Oouglaa Ktreetr " " . NEBKASKA. OMAHA , - - - - JOHN q.JDO\MN , COUNSELOR. OFFICE-CREIGITTON'S BtOCK , OMAHA , NEUBASUA. T. W. T. Kicnrfls , Office 51013th SU , bet. and Douglas , Omuba , Neb P' 0. Box 20j J J 'j * * , * , /ujsji O. H.BALLO X.V. U.GLASOOW. ATTORNEY ATLAVy , , Office n Crelgbton'a uor Uoclc , loutbent cor ' room , floor. OXAHA. - . . NEB. bAVAGE S < 2 FABKDAM &T&EAT. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW , T v " " / t r-r OMAHA NEB. tnrl&HI KKL.IJKY. Attorney 'I'-Gbtfnselor at Law " " ' fjoi. _ -pLuiftnOHS sbliqTjajAiJppgoMPT- Ir attended to. No charge unleSi ctalec- ns we mado. Hop > es jlo.let and .rents col eclcd. ipW , \ pl7tt pl7ttfr fr AND ct " "Attorney ( ftr Seoona * Iclal ( JJItrIcU OnJCS-Souvh ilAe of runlian , IStb ap 'Cth tU. , ' J. B-SPAUh. . * < ) . K. fBITCBKTT T- tiyr. . Iw-t Bn > 9. Omaha , Ileb. J. S , Boom Ko. 1S. OMAHA. . 1 " NEBR. G , , we shall all have glory , even l-lfwacau't tell where that $4,000 went to. PATTEE has gone to Montana. Omaha was getUng altogether too [ ihot for the poor orphan. TILTON'S cross examination brought out the fact that Beecher. has more fondness for a neat ankje than for a beautiful picture. , . . 4ACCOBDINQ to the .Nebraska Qironicle , "the Omaha postofflce business Is begjnjns to stink in the nostrils of honest men , but it may come out all right after investiga tion ; " will scon call a council of the op pressed elecr , to determine how the ; ' -TkV Omaha Itcpublican ls th& . oniy the State that has .made , no mention of the meeting of the Republican State Central Com- .lttpe , It will , however , givp' due nbtltn qf the 'coming Ko-op Convention , indiscriminate Daughter in Clothing and gents' furnishing .goods regard Jess of prices at 20G Farnham , street. Fine linen t shirts ot bur wu make at 'S2.OD.ana $2.50 each. ' , 1 J' A ve * Railroad , Jlciefe ; , * * * J * . 'bought and soJU by P. Gotthelmer. Broker , at 206 Fan/han / * . street ; , , Unredeemed Pledget far'Sale. . ; may Iy20 ' Samlet-Orum , rSth'Btreet Jjetweeu Jones and I arenw.onh sU. . OMAHA , - NEBRASKA. /T7lElitf3THB MOST COMPLETE1 ASbOBT 1 ' Genls'stHV Eats trimmed - - J.V niel of jdLu' jjiJ , mod and untriuiuied , rTOola. Piques , Mar- .eeUIes. .Nainsooks andall'Uipiu o * I'rv Goods , * nd GcnU' Boits , etc. My llfle of D'T f Complete S llig only lof "CAStf , I 'board cl "More. mri 4tn- . . 1 > _ - - , * - < * amr _ j \ r/i/ / j. "KOOEEHEAD , tl ( > : AND PHARMACIST , Patter's Block , Bet. California L i ctir OMAHA , NEB. ' Physicians Prckripllona 'carefully * * f JeS46ifl * coninonndeJ. D3SNTIPTUV. "OFFICE. NO. 222 FARNHAM 1 LBelM3th 4J4th tsOMAHA. . air ojilcst DtwUrlw ? V I lu In ( tie city . BILLINGS , " ' Bel. 13th and14th , up stain. Teeth * extracted without pain , by uieof HI- , troua Oxide -Jaa. WOfflw open atalihnu' eiStf JEt.oo L VAN CAMF M. D. Diipeniei hta own'meddne * . and b iide > regular practice , makei ipecUlltiei Cl Derange- meal * and IMaeaiei Peculiar to Women ; Kiitn- , la. Pile * and other Diiouea of the Bectnm. o Qrncifi Corner Faraham and' 14th itreeU , nnt door to tha rizht. up ttxlrr. B Idcnc- , 210 Pougln itreet' , betvern 12 anj J ( b ; next to Lutheran Church Omaha , b. Audrnii Lock k > x3H. , - _ ' HK8 , J : B. VAaOKRCOOK Bealdence and oSr , 250 Dodge at bet 14th nod. ' 1 attention pa'J ' toTobsletrlci and dli eases peculiar to wooien and children. J9U. rACTDXKV Or AND DKALXK IM- Lambn ( julns and "NY.n pnSli&des , HBOHQS , B4T.IS S AND PICT USE FRAMES. " " > 70.Frnhara street. coiner F ftnontb . ' j > ' STODifAIU ) | t UPUt-llUT , * Market Gardners ! jcmps OF VFfiPTABLES ALL lur sale. Orders edilrttkwl tu us ai our garden tor. 21st aud Paul Streets , wHI recelrr prompt attention. aplSdSm FAUON , , Dress Goods , Silks and Trimming * . So. 203 DoJge t 'eet , between 14th and 15th. Dressmaking done with neat- nsse and dispatpb. Orders sdUoitea. fROPOSALS FOIl HAY. S a'ed proposal W'H ' be received by the un- UiKisned until 8 P. t. ( July 2'nt ' , . 1874 , . fur lorty tons n [ hay , more o Iws , to be delivered in s'uch quantities and at such times as -required lor the use ol the fire department. " . Iid ) to Le opentd at nrxt mcetiug ol'the Council. O. C. LUDI OW , * vCity Clerk. WILLIAM LATEY , . iSth' : aid "WeBstQr Sts. , 'Si ps'a eocip'ete ' assortment ol iiud PROYISIONS. SHERIFF'S SALE. By .rlrtut c ( a rcndi issued out of trlct Court for Cummin ? County , KebrasLa , aud to me dlivcted. I will on tte 24lh day ol Juljvi. r > . , 1874 , at 10 .o'clock , a. v. oKaaid/ day. at the store room of Albert Tucler. 'o : 2S4 DougUs street , in the city ot .Omaha , aad tCountr ol Douglas , In said State , sell at aq ton tte foflowlngidescribedproperty , 'lerted bpon 'ttr ' astSfy'-m 'Judgmrat'oi ' aidC ; cofertd by H.'L. Henry , sgalhu ' Tuctet , ftxwit : 'Etghty-flTe cases M'men1 snd boys' boots , 23 case * of shoes ; also all the retail stoct of boots and shock contained in said store ; ' also a euall line of bat * sndtapsj sUe the fol lowing 'described store and office , furniture i , Two lonngps , 1 dest t sUire andrrtpe , 2 chairs , 1 sbov case and 1 letter press , orsomuchol'the tad goods as arc nec ssa' y to xatiafy said JudgtJ meatandcosU. andatcrulntcostalhereoc. . ' * - CONTRACTS I The subscriber Is prepared io do all kinds ridtlBg ; ( Uailway or UiebwajJ. Pile DV Jug and lieary Framing QI any 'description. . ( Spaa bridges a sp Oaltv } , 111 furplih matf rial and complete the rae on the shcrlpit posxiVu * notice. Plat and speciCcatloiTa furnished. "OrdiK silidted. County" Clerk * nd others , will conicr a I TOT by sendicg notice of letting * 18 MIDNIG-HT : -JiETOOiT , July 27. Tlie Daily Union of this city has been merged into the Evening News. . : ' . _ * ( rt ' EThe > defectives < ' Luke M. Vanetten and Robert. G. " \yilson , the .forme was -pardoned 'ouVof SIng-Hing senteucea fo fo - gery by Uovernpr Dix , jind the , latter is a * treasury' Jbbnd alorgef- Vanetten was arrested for attempt ing to pass in - Californiaonecof th ten hundred -dbllar5- bonds nolet from a member of the Cuban Junta at the St. George's Hotel in this city. Attempts Mjete.made on th'i Konl.rr'nlifsM - < n < 1 < M- . Can TTrionlo . 'ri-t ( ana Watson is to pass forged treasury bonds , both prisoners were locked up The Brooklyn Argus publishes p n } from Mr , Tjlton , Jn whjch he saj's the Beecher investlgatlhg'com- jnitte have given the world a lot of arfeleyantit sttnibnjTof hi rja said no word about the" most portaut part , namely : j'That crim inality whVrejipy fiwofn/stStemeiit , ' charged upon ' Rev. Henry 'Ward JJeepher and-his.rellgious victim herself , but by Mrf Beecher : "furtlTr ermore , that It was confessedly her and'liim to Mr. befriend and counsellor of both ; and still f.unbernthat .Moulton' mediator for four years'between Mr1.1 Beecher and myself , was based on one sole facf , of fhi3pre-extstI5g ; criminality betweertMr.Beoohtr ; pnd Mrs. TUtons" * W * J JTi'J ! ( _ ' Ih&lfttaieBient F * * 3e * t , t r Corgnjti6e.lh"Tiiyuf ] | ip t < j > Jaihnea8 bi'sppecttf * I furrngfinoreSstatea 4& the'committee' tliat BeegbJjtfB/appl- ' ' > ogy tSjfiMJj'lJnstea' } WJigl'6 } d ( of any circumstances' ' wjib"whibh ( .Jfrs.WootbuU ; | was eaj nptduwas 'cdmmunl&ted' ' * to [ me . ' by * fj. , Beecher neatly , * ! * , months before T evbriner ] knitf , prsaVMrei Wood- hull. An' omission of thee-&cts from.the committee's ' , regort , t6rcea njg to'lay iherii liefore.the'pubttcr.na1 a'necessMrpnartof my case.5 ( Signed- ' "TiiEODong TILTOX. Mrs. BJlzabethlCady"'i3f nton , } nan wUb ' to-day - an Interview renp'rter stared that she knew the substanoe of this affair a year before It was published by Mrs. Woodhull. She obtained possession of the-faets iu- | the fall-ortheyeaf , while-&Ir9 Bul- : } liiwJ ji'ts ftiUconnected with the Rovolutloii. Tilton * am ] ligriclfap- comp&nied Mjra. BullaM frdhi the " ' office teTher home and "Hined'theror By a misunderstandiugj/Mlss- * lUbn'y dllWrf that day witK'Mrs- : TiHon , whoshowfHl gomp feeling in th&inatter.t uAUhe table Theoupje told .the whole story of his wife's not in detail , butias ; "bowing to us phase Ul socif.1 life The next day sb'e mot Ifts Alitbony atber own house ln 5aflyft4"s3Jfl / > V " "Tneodore iold us ac5Vjry. , s rangw febry Iwit.fiye ; ning , and she recounted , It to &l8a' ] Anthonyj who"at the close satd'"I' : have hpard thesamestory fronxAIrs Tilton. " Miss Anthony bl diven | the particulars as follows : , _ , " \Vhen Mr. Tilton returned'h'dme' that evening , Borne angry words , growing out the afterupon , pc aef | ba eeriblmraiiii' ' " Jjfswjfe , Jots ) pecnjpe" Intensely excltedin : the bent'oif passion , and intbe prosenoe of , .JlIss Anthony eatii confessed-tottbeo.UieqJDf b v--J ing-broken ihe marriage Vows. - ln 'A the midst of these- startling discov eries Miss Auihony withdrew tp.her room , fttyortly after sbe beard Mrs' /Tiltbh pome ousting IIP siaini and "Mr. Tilton following close aWer. She" Sung open her bedroom door and EJizabeth rushed in. The door was plo'spd an/1 / boUe ( | . Theodore pGtmd- ed oii t'ie'ottsldeapddemaiaB4 ) ( | ( | ? ' " m'ittance.batMlss Aat-booy-refu fid" to turn the key. So intense was passion. tbat for niMnent be , " TO- " - TOif if , eM times1 he-rehirnefi tothedoor and' angrily demanded iha itbe opened ' "No wornan eJiall st h ( ) , me iuiiUxuxv\tM'frfBM \ $ ( ( / Susan gald : "If you"nter this it will be " room oyeivmyde5dbp3y ; j so theJnfuriatedTnan ceasedlils dd- " mands and "withdrew " . . . . . . . . , r * < .V > Hit -T .Ji.-- * ; ! * * * * AJ the pxpjlpment of the bour , amid her sobs an'd tears' , gbo told all to Miss.Antbonyj the ji'Jioe ) , story of ' fiiUhlesaucesi'Mr.Beecher'fl h'erpwn j pOHr > p r . ( Jec lbp. intfJierr an- gujsh feJJ upon fea.parspf.gusan B. Anthony. 4 ndT re Bpojenpy | thei ll'pabf HrTUton. . Mrs. Btanton denied tbe allegation - tion by Tilton lu.the.cross-examina-J " ' " tlon , that Mrs. Tilton was "not friendly with Miss Anthony.Mri - WilHJ9gonp9JBPst/tfiftja4teT ? J knpxv of fb [ fflatter aqd jgesougol them not to make it public ; "to blm" it was a matter 01 money ; he was a stockholder in Plymouth Church , in. ' the Christian Union , an'd tbi' Mljjfe.of Christ. " Now thedestrue-r tjon gfm % ep\pr { \ woHlr ! flps ruption of ; alj pse.j&Mxfi Wilkinson cxpressei } Jti. ' Wt WQ M- knook he-Llfe of Christ hlbw'tb * a kite. ' . ' Hence.hls'concentfn"keep ing tbe matter secret 4"2fo. ; ' < The Beecher luvestlgattf- - mittee resumed their scooiaa this evening" -he iMljL , _ . Augustus's , to rrs.Brooklyh."A _ , . . . _ . _ mem- : journraeqt , B ° i\ii ' w'ou.u . . . coipmtttbp' u uu.j t Y * * i"r-1 ' longed , 'as ma'riy iqjportanC-wit j- * nessip were out ol the city ; _ -r \ * W-vsiiiKaTox , July 27i Tbe president has issued bis proc- Jamotiqn ratifying the extradition treaty Vith"Peru" ; also the treaty'of friendship , .commerce and naviga tion with the same government. A ratified declaration respecting trademarks , has been , concluded . , i ri5icea that all the . appetatniekts to oWctTba'-TTCasurer ; 8j3inrierIfl bare < iUn8hftll"Be 'made .onTj'Affer exambiiqonT friu , even In thar'case,2 rany rtyWwhom thp tteiisifrer > H tr dhtdl npf bp ap- pofnte3. Vlt&has'als6t'bee'riy ; agreed t&atall personThqminatedby 6en- fraJ SpJunp c.foj jrapohilrd.nt In h9 | qfflce shaH lyi i\lo\Veq | to appear ibr ' livestock , nr , rto.uis , Jfuly 27 , ' ' i IJogs JIigher ; bacdn , QJ.57 00 ; butchers ' , 7 00@7 15/- ; i tu Qattle JCirm- Texan , 3 00@4.50 ; , | Bfttv | § steerp { 3 254 ( 50 - J " TELEGRAPHIC , 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Bptdally Beportsd for tin Om i Dally B , br thi Atlantlo and Pacific TsUzraPh Co. Investigat ing Committee still in . 5. .OJIsassinrV. ' > i 1 ,1 n's Version . of the Picture * i j t rt before" erable dispute , and concerning which Til- ton claims to have been grossly mis- represented-.ia now , givejuto tli § , public.TBft follAfring'iaani' from. the chairman of the committee ex plains the reason of publishing Til- ton's eiamifilon : "Mr. Tilton's direct testimony "Mylrig ; been ' blifehed ; without the knowledge or consent of the rcommitee ( of .investigation , and fiagmferttal ghdjinaccurate reports of his tesfimohy under cross-exam- .inaiipn hayangbeenpubUshed by .means unkno > vp ; to the' committee , and without its consent , whereby It issaidthatMr , . Tiltpo fels4 8t m- jusUceh'asbeeii.doiie.him itUfl be lieved that in fairness to all parties , the whqle-ot Mr.yTUtpn's testimony ' ' slioul'd 60 made pub'lic at once. : [ Signed. ] H. W. SAQE , Ch'n. , * ' _ ± > * r ' t - - , . BROOKLYN , July 25. , .The coramittee met at 8 o'clock on-t e 'evening , of July SOlhj all tUe membf'rs were present.H Mr JUtpn was nreseni , with ja tfritteil statement ! "After reading' of the Statement , cross-examination of Mr. Tiltbji' HWPFdPlIfollowhig / are the the principal poTnta. .Geh , Traoy.yA\rpr.ymi'iable { ! \ to give dale ortho trunsacUon which , you say you ? witnessed at Mr. . iBeecher's house/at / the. time of the examination of the engraving ? ' 5Srr : TJiJahnqtf state the date rj < . & / % ! ( the , jtime-jrou re'ceivtd the information you speak of from yonr4 wife you were , editor of. the Indcs ndent tu.d of the Brooklyn Union "t' ' was , * * ' * -y s-J * Q. Did your wife continue to at- . lend Plymouth Church after that - X. YC j slr. TRat Lwas fn the summer timo.'and dhe went into the coufltry gnd M absent ft Jopg trne.i | but-sho tttwdyifbowtriaeft to fiitfentl once or twice a year ; she Is a mem- " ? her of Plymouth Church. < ' ' Q. Did she attend regularly af ter returuingfrom the.cpuntry ? * A > - < IfQ. sjr. She .would , attend occasionally for dbmmu.nian ocryjqp , and ould stealT 1W uWtty at the rornerof the building 'so 'as ' 'to 'be. unobsprypd . your disQov ry , op pretgndeaxl3cov | ; had you not 9 i A7 .Yes : sir. " Q * * "Haa you not entered into a contract with MriBowea. to be edi tor of the Union and a contributor to the Independent , before you made any announcement to ijr. . o'ftbs"iretgnded { dlscqypcyj and | iyl , not Mr. ' JBow n' issoyeireq iriihi'or- ' ' ' ' > v alltlos on'yaur ( hreaten"to brea A No fie did no l"Q Did he-riot make" fench allega tions against you , and did noV'ypu ' an h.e Appoint 'dayVf 'nieetng | gt bla. . oua , % whpm.t4Ji'Cp i8fline } of mutual friends he made aliegauons against youahd should be stated , and you should makg an JJgxpanatlon { , und did jiot yqumeet in preseiife of nlutusl frjendi fc tliftf pflropie , , 'A No'slK Vifr. Johnson wlfhed' me about Chrlstmas'tlme to see Mr. - , there is anv etqry afloat , pnqg th ftuthor of it here and let us see what [ t in.1 1 iWe th8OAventon ; m a oon- vertatlod "oD'Hoetnlng. . ! ! Beeoher. rQ You made a very distinct allex . r. Boweu , did you not. against Mr..Beecher pf an qtTence that Ue h'a l4ommltted.againt : you ; ' . -Szlycs , u TIiv : ! . \ Q. It was on that occasion wasr ] it "not ; that the letter was agre dr' ' upon Detween-youasdMr.JBowen * - - J1-- - igr.lleeehpptjould r" ' " , . . . _ that agreement the , result'of this statement of offences agarrist"Mr."BeecKe'rl which he and yoiiikflefeof ? " . .Pn the part of Mr. Boweu. . : n-i . f i - i , ji < > < fta AT Trnndo QQQ statement and he , made many. /Sf Vhat offense did you state r. Bowen ? me VQ ourloua. to know tuo'reason. Inja solitary phrase I saidtnhtTthorej was a'per- ' Bpnal domestl eafipn by I could not go there tCondsteiitly ; with my self-respect. fT&afMrTBeecher had been unbandsolne'ln hfi approaches to my wife. ThaTls tbej sum ati'd ub3to q9 | pfai | | IftvpVp" 9 W"op th&WWefltt9 : Ypry w people to whom Ibgvcj'spokeii-ofjit. * f dB-vw on .tbjit occasion ftat mandp4 Mr , peohr tQ lftYP tfl.B pulpit ? - . . - jA , Yes , sir , that was the precise occaslo'n. 1 . M . . < j Q. W en were you dismissed from the Union ? , ' 'A.vThelastmght of the-vear. I * tonic. " " - " " J \ QWh n dji yqti fitat learn t M. Beecher Had ' In" any way com- nlilolcjated facts Ho Mr. "Bowen" .which' ' inflamed him. | n lifoe iHfttt' d'fyour-dtsnijssal , . , -'A l Cthjio fhe 3d.'ot January * - Q.-By Mr. WUitft-air. Wilk son says in substance , { h.aj In spetM jng of your dismissal from the ynfon JVQH , spoke , of Mr.iBeec etas not as sisting you , and. aldthat you would. fb.Hbw him to h4s grave. A. If Mr. AyUkjnaoQ oowTOU cated the Jmpfesalon'that I ever money Jc Beecher false ; vV . \ nliliW' When asked whether the. offense ojf-B.eecher in eeduoinn his wife was one'whlcli oddld bV forgiven hej - , piled. that that , man xoould Ibnf ) -'n ' * -T0- : > . ' lations witii-Beecher were friendly , but admitted-that be sent him- the following-letter : - ' " " - . HiW B.-i-Have - - ? - - mercy- and peace Sunday morning. , ' ( SignedV ) , f T.T. He bad sent kindlier things than that , to him , " and felt all that he ; wrote.rHe forgave him , entirely sometimes'and had one morning walked'to church "with him. He had no letters from his wife during tbe time which had elapsed since the time of.the alleged adultery , nor any of those whlehwere written at that time. She bad written letters to him complaining of people who came , to the bouse , . Susan , B. An thony and Mrs. Stan ton among oth ers. * The following Is the examination continue oh the'22rid : ' ' - - December1 ; 1870- ; differences arose between Thebdore/Tilton ana Herry Ct'Bowen , which were aug mented. by Rev. Henry Ward Beecher and Mi * Beecher , in con- sepuence whereof , and at the wish' ' of MraElizabeth. Tilton , expressed' in wJitirigJaa ipaperrput into the' ' hands of &Cy" * you dp not was. A. It was in Mrs. Tiiton's. Q : -Was it not In you ' handwrit ing.A. : A. It was not , sir. Q. Did you not write that state ment and get her to sign it ? A. Ko , sir. ( Q. Did you dictate jt Jn any manner ? A. Jdid.not " , A. 1 did. , not. He did member when lie first spoke to abputJtHe desoribed-Beech- r conduct whea'Beech- er , Mrs. .Tilton and himself were i in the'room ; Beecher was sitting on the floor , andlMrs. Tilton on a stool ; < uu wepg looking at a.portfolio ; Beecher touched her ankles and lower limbs. ' Q. By'MK Winsfow- Not above Jheknee ? _ ' ? ' A : 'Kb. It he had5 he probably would hayo been struck. It was. a question 'In "my mind whether a miniscer , could consider Uiht a' ' prop- - " / * i * * i * j * * v i P * | * * i r T * * "ersortofr l Q. iWas it done lyly ? A. Y/33 , very 8lyl3fhls right or left arm vas under her dress.1 . j Q , By. 'General - Tracy , How were .theyj.sitUng . ; ? : A.a My impression is { hat she \yas sitting.onia-Jittle stool and he onthe floor " , by her side , and that a . .portfolio" pictures .were rjmt upon i chair and folded } and.that , i - - ' o ss tuat J ; saw JUs hand -on her ankle.- " < - " " , Q. Coujd you know whether it. was Accidental or intentional. Jl' A ; I'spokc of it to.'Ler. , "At first' she deniedit , artU thon-confesaed'it - , . A I W YORK , July 2G. . , rbqjTolJowiug personal appears In the New i'ork Herald , of to-day : "A .New Yprt gentleman of am- , pfe'meansin * hopes of saving the , , Jife of his invalid wife , who Js g & owIng - Ing Insane over 'the jRoss abduction , will'pajP'arfamount e"qual " fo the re c ward of SodjODO for'the return to a of Clhaf lea' J3. , Ross , In "order 1 " : -TIT"-1 - JTr'KJ -'f : " " 1 . > YJjl } to . l , opposed .corns , . . , * . . V > n.T A.I VCT l.A ' litl.'i I ' , y . ' jj squarely in this case for the above 1 reason's. On receipt of an' answer 1 /rorn therightpariles , . proposing any \ \ reasonable plan for the exchange of b the child , the money will te ready. " ' bb bv be sin 81 \ ' KE\V YORKJuly 27. The following advices of the movements oT the Pacjfip M jl Steamsbln Com.p.Rnj.V ataarhers' have Juat.neen.recelvedat th'elrof- flpo : titeamsblp Colon arrived , at' AspInwalTfroin-New York , July 25 , re- , . ' , . .I4 f-tbeorew and the cap- iri'are slill on ; board , and are a tt well. ' ' 'The Japan sailed , , from Hong Kong.July25Ybkabanja anda IXfwui jNngopjnqua Ot : ea for New York via Panama. .Tbe Acapuloo arrived here to-day from ApUiwall , 'but brought no tid ings of the condition of the Quaf-Cr maUreported tashore atVbaIiflff \ lilend. -V- " _ i ' ' \ s' TrrrsByjMJH , July 27. -"This city and-yictnity was-vislted by'adisastrousrain storm daatnlght , < loing Immense ' * and 'damage c us- nr ni ITirT ir TTIf t "TT savei l h.QUre , aocom- Jedbya terriflo gale of wind. Jhe streeta ' hi the city were flooded , . and" 'tlie immense flow'of water , ' caused a rapid rise in the Mononga- 'T JiehvRiver. , of the vessels . Many at' ' _ _ i T. _ 1 t _ . * * * M-JT v 4uui > u vcu iui IIUIQ3 , ijiu ue structlon' to property cannot be esti mated . . . . ? ' , ' . tSlxteen .y-- * * Xr f * r * = W * .ww * - - - lives nave heenlost City.'T tremen dus fall of r-F rT ttere pt.night"as also , in AUe , ' yOJtyt Many lives were lost and considerable' deinage done < to property. Aboubriine o'clock the' rain came down In such , force as to extinguish the gas , , both here and" in Allegheny City. , emb > is of thp . - Investlga.ting'committee iiglit , Viutye are unable to jjtqn has spvpraVwItnessea whom fie"fo"de8irov4 of haying coroborate bi3-statements , but the committee , say that unless tbe number - ) ber of witnesses on both sides ' sWcted-'tliatthe'inVestlgation wm last tUlaxilnd5eflnite ppriod. Moul- tog 03 riot yjt'beeu 'called to testify - . fy , and b'eJs reUcenttbrwhat * ac- 't4on.h e would'ta pif nolifi4 toi p .pear. Tilton was last night shown tpj ( tpxt of 5eech.ers ? eUilpd replyr t'fftepn t4 | remark' that he would obliged to produce something stronger/in' order to'makehis pe pp wltEtbe public. | is not knawn .yb.ether Beeeber VFili present : tate o nt tcnnigbt orrndt. Tj iiftiraates'tbatifheria-natt allQ , . jo prove bis charges.beforg he coin ; mitt h.e.wildQ4t ] ; elsewnere , ana it V thought probable that thecase . ; WiU.finally come before the courta , and other names be involved. The body oflMre Sharpless , one of the victims of the drowning . . . , , , , - - - < t- - - . - A. -j .recovered xthis.mornmg and will be ; t1 _ _ 2sr&si. NEW , YonK , July 27. Tilton's cross-examination before the Plymouth cdmmittee , published in full this morning , throws much light upon the charges. Tilton stated that his wife had confessed her guilt to her mother , 'Mrs. Judge Morse , as well as .to himself. Mrs Morse has appeared before the com. mittee and sworn to the contrarj- , stating that her daughter came to her wirh. representations only of her sufferings consequent upon the irre ligious character of her husband's chosen associates. "Tilton its understood has suggest ed a.mqde.of settlement ofthedifll- cuty at'tnejH-esent stage , but the committee-states their propose to 'do with the whole affair and de clare there' can be no settlement until the'wlthdrawal Tilton's char ges against Beecher. Ifrl3intimated that Moulton will decline te testify before the commit tee.J .It is stated that Beecher's de tailed' statement win probably be .made .to-morrow. The committee expect to conclude their labors within a week , .and that allvQccessary testimony will be ta- Jjen , by .Saturday. The committee wiU. report to the church as soon a otheir labors are completed , and their full report will be published. MrsiiTiltpn denies that she is preparing ' paring a detailed , 'statement for the conr mittee , and thatnbsuch request has been made , nor does she cxpecc to appear again as a Witness before the committee. < She will , however , either appear and testify or submit another and fuller'statement. Tilton states that the'document'referred toby Mrs. rijton in her statement as having been prepared ! by. him to submit to the committee , was misconstrued' by herj it did not exonerate Beech- 9i i. as 4 she claims , but de manded , that Beecher acknowledge the falsity of the statement of. Dr. Bacpn s letter , also that he h < ts been jfuiltyofan offense against Tilton , for which he desired to apologise in ipublic manner. Littleton says he itul. has the documents in 'his pos session. , \ i SPRINGFIELD , July 27. The State , " constables seized abpyt 5800 worth "of liquor | \Vestfleld o'n. Jqlqrday , " "While being conyeyed here , three men in the employ of he company , captured it ; but their lorees giving out , they were obliged o abandon the property. It was 1 igaih seized by the constables , but ts removalifrom Westfield was pre 'erited bya mob of about one hun- Ired persons , some of them armed , vho agreed , howeyer , that the Ignt the liquor- led luta Connecticut. The whole ffair caused great ' .excitement . in Vestfleld , , " tv TELEORAPH : . / New York Money Market. NEW YORK Julj' 27. . Money Easier at 2g)3 ) per cent ; Foreign Exchange - DiiH au' tpady at Wtot slstf dayJaW " ' ir sight. Grold More active qnd. l aused by free sales 5 bpene a dyancedtolOfe : , then decljhe4 to I 09 | , aha ' is ' now " ' selling at the lower B gnre , ' , . tfovernrrierita : Strong and in I ivestmenf demand , currency sixes , I 17J. - ' Stock * Dull ; no business" flp.nfc a rorthy of. rertigr j itotJI \ \ \ sales n ctwrfiH Am'ah'd ' l"p ra amount- d to only 8,18'C shares ; fluctuations I ereri6tpye to J-per cent : ov ry- ody of Important ' } s absent , oon- pq'uenUy there are ho orders In the narkef : at this-hour the market is teady ; Erie. 32'U ; P , 20j ; P M , 44 ; lew York1 Ppofluee Market. 1 < JWEW YORK , July 27. Breadstuffs Quiet. Flour Steady and unchanged , uperfine State"'and western 4 T-5a . 10 : extra § QQa.5 8Qj bakers 'and unily brands , ,0 25aO 90. Wboat A 'shade higher ; No 2 ihlc'ago 128131 ; No 2 Milwaukee [ frihg'132@l ' 33. n Corn Firm Western ; mixed an 0@81 ; bigh mixed , and yellow AVCS- an ? rn818it , Qats QuIet ; Western mixed " float" , 68@70 ; white 7273 : . Provisions Quiet , unchanged. T Pork Less'active but closed firm 122 00. Beef New m/osst / JQa.13 , I . . . rib , lOalO } ; long lear , iOjalOJ. : CutMeatST-Pickled hams 14J15 ; boulders 7j@8 ; bellies 9j@10J. liaht-Steam rendered , 1212f" } ; lettle rendered , 11 * $ aske : pri Pi Ity.lU asked. . - " ap . eather Quiet for hemlock ; sales onflned to higher grade. Iron = Dull and nominal , . 'Wool ' Fairly active , but prices rithout , decided change. ' . H- Chieau f Prouuc'e Market. Cind'AGO , July 27 , T-Dull and , unchanged for IT 11 but Minnesota ; shipping extras , 00@5 15 ? supers ; 3 , lj@4 78. Wiftt | Quipt ; eash I 081 08J. .August , 1 08j Beptemher 1 04 cash , 03J ; August , I U ; .September , 01. Oats Cash 47 ; August , 33 | ; Sep- ember , 33f. Barley Steady , , i 05 bid. , Pork Quiet ; , August , 2250@65 : ! eptember,23 , 00. . Lard Quiet ; sellers of August 20Q. Butter Quiet at 25a28 , Eggs Sales at 13al4 , - St.ILouls.Produce Market. ST. LOOTS , July 27. Flour Dull and unchanged , Wheat Dull and lower J No 3 , ed fall , medluw , . ; Q3@l 10 ; choice Q fftppy , 1 20@l 25. " Voror-rDull and" ' "drooping" ; No-2 , (3.on ( . track. ' O'ftts Dull ontl 'lQWer : N.o 2 , 40 © Bye Dull and lower ; 70@70J. parley Quiet "Whisky Thrm ; 9T , Pork , Firrq ; 24 00 cash. L rd Firm. . _ Chicago Live Stock Market. CHICAGO , July 27. Cattleeceipts , . 2,000. , Market julefand. easy , at unchanged prices ; jxtju Bt ers.'i 23aO 50 ; good to choice . , Hogs- eceipts , 9.000. Marked Is flrmr. strong and active with the highest prices of the season lo& talneQ for Totviz 705 one , : ; good- gradesj 0 ,75 6 80 ; a , few sold below 3 65. i iSheep Receipts 500. The m"- _ ket'Is'.dull and weak ; < -wwou l 1to cholce250a450 , - Cleariag Sale ; ! ; EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS ! ! -AT- CRUIOKSHANK'S ' Clearing Sale ! -BEISO OUR- Clearing Sale ! Clearing Sale Mi- : -OF- . - Foreign and Domostib . , -1 h Clearing . Sale ! : a-- " ' . 'I 1 ri , i i.V. DRY GOO S Clearing'Sale ' ! : i . . " . , . . -i * fil- / / /T PBEPARATOEY 10 .STOCK TAKISO. - CRUICESHANK : ; . , : . j. Clearing Sale ! Cor. MUi and Farnbam Sts. gA"r-r. 1873. R. A. BROWN , 248 Douglas Street , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS , CARPETS , AND OIL CLOTH . . J * i 4 * In Immense/Stock of Fresh. New G-oods Just Opened to be sold lowerbthan any other house in the city , consisting of OR1NOS , EMPRESS GLOTH1 , BE PELL ANTS , ALPACAS MOHAIRS , ialsoYELyET&EEAYER CLOAKINQS. OF ; SSA-WLS , BLANKETS , FLANNELS , MERINO "LNDERWEAH AND WORSTED GOOES. TABLE IIKEN IS * ttREAT Y1RIETY. A FULL LINE 0 ENGLISH iKDjiOUCiCARPETS , OIL CLOTHS , MATTING RU3S , AND HATS , sac -A.isr Furniture Misrrors , bedding , , , ncl eve thing-.pertainirifiC-totlie FTJRNITTJKE and SJP- IOLSTERY ; trade-ha& ; largely increased his stock and now Las a complete asso. meiit pi FINE , MEPHTM goocls , whicn he is offering at sucli BEDTJCED .3 ; afi 'to make it to tlie interest- everc- one desiring , nytilingVjn : this -line , to examine his stock before pnrchas- , LOUNGES & & . , UPHOLSTERED AND COVERED TO ORDER. CS .3. SHIVEHICS , IIAVIXO . BANfiRUET STOCK Of the Popular > ry Goods Store , 22S FarnBara Street tierebr wish to Inform' the public of Omaha d vicinity that.I ( hall continue the bualneu d offer d all times , -RE INDUCEMENTS In all kinds of , STAPLE AND FANCY IRY GOODS ! . I . J-iare adopted the . _ One Price iaciple , .which I hope will- meet with 'the pror l of the ' public aa my price * ( hall' ' be fras ' THE VERY LOWEST , .liberal patronage JQUclWi , , ; BjipocMuily , JOHN H , I/IEHMANN / , ' . . i , . . 228 Fira'kam Street , Pmahi/'Kcij.VJuly'21 / ' t ? 18 , , FRANK J. KAM&E DRAPER & TAILOR > AN1DEAJJERIK _ GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING 'GOODS. ' Ftall A ssortmentof Imported TYoolaas. All Work TYarrafltfiiL 2o2 Farn3iamSt. , - . . Omaha , Stab B. & J WILBUR , Books and Stationery , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , Street , OmabsL , GENEKAIi AGENTS FOB ALL SCHOOL T500KS arS-lmj AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Cor. 13th and 22amsy street * , Spring and Summer Styles. A. POLACK , C L O T HI E1R | , . 238 Taranam St. ITear Pine and Ifodiun * Glothins , Goods.