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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1874)
lie &Ofct-jTlHp5TlejTbT _ ffcjI ccl c eatery cf tc ! : Ajr : Every Hai LIs own Phys'clan. Frazicr's -Great Jieiiiedj r umuggeituan * cn i quacks und icipvten , lor the past law yesrs in a uiostxhiwelul manner. The wrlttr 1 Ih f j ) loir Ing is one of the Tictlins , and * Uhes t < present a rery l > Ui > case. , . . Baievicg tint bv cleansing tie b oed va the only true way 'of banishing disease , an , \a\DK \ \ gre.t sufljrer frm , weak lungs and t ' -'ii'l frfce Und * Sot rPatent.Aledl nessnd , the ] BIOS emlnrat Fnysiciani.njroimaienced doctorinj mvself , and at last discovered Blood feearcher or" Root Bitters , which jio nlr gave me Im tnediate rilof , but , r . Je\weeks eflectei a radical corene < * ! left-iue.'Uiyildnp became strong and sound. Mf a. petite good and the ec vfuloua disease bad disxppejxed > 'eel > G3 confident that , my K covery | > os e sei wouderful healing v rtues , I gave it to othir fflic-ed , and found it effected the most uiiracu lous cures Jn thousands f i es < not atom curing CuugUj.Or.pauniplIon , Asthma , Catarrh , .Vroluli and \\"e k Lun , ; * . but all disease : cau-cd from Luinor In ilie h ood. Thedcniaiid my frieuda ln-araigal > outUie3 < Bitters becoming' verrreatI * commenced putt - t ue them up Ini sJe calHnj ) heoi.F.RAZIfcU'i ROOT Bin CR * . * ! * * SixCrsUbaclarard IB presenting cither my elf or medicine to the publlc-not being a Patent Med cine Man , bul lam getting bravely o-er that. I ha\a sold 'thousands ' ci l itle ! my Hoot KlUerj , and it is iny denreiinJ deurUinuUon Jo ulace the same within the re * h of erery su&ering man , woman and chiUon tuo facu.of the milized S The grand principle that operate * .intlhcse Root Bitters is tbe power they possess iu cleans ing the turgid bluoJ and banishing the Tile humors iroin the t ) stern. Koot Bltte s ar ' cumpoundeJ stnctly-a iiolicinal-i'xepMration from roots combined wilh herbslanaiJi il $ , many cf wliCIi werfUSeoMn the ( food Did days of our forefathers , when people were cured by soaieffuiplte ioot or'berb'aud whea-lalamel i tid otherrjxjU.'nijoI tt mineral , kitgdom er < f unknown. 4 r > rstt r j m Uher < > iu ; U than 'ural passages ot the ! bodyf-casKut Useaseiak f away aUi .cknetd and build up th3 system with pure blood , hence they must reach all diseases byimnnca- tion and nourishment. _ " . and -remain J "o per o a c n tasttliooUJitters. lonr unwell. Victory upon-Ticu > ry they r * gained orcr disease and death in all stations aud condition ! , m life. Tfley are constantly ef- fectin , ? cures of llw utmb t Importance- her Oon umptioustuma. . ocr-ful. , & .rofuloush- rJptions , Cawrrh , Wcjt Lunj * . 1 onVita HT ' " iheso iUx.t ( Xusiitutioas , ana Iroteu-dou ) Bitters .re unne al y aJuiittcd to be the moat wonJe ful Medical l > i-cov ry Luown to the world. IteiriKWtontt healing pruprties jMne- tr te eyery po.tipn ofjhen.iuman ICame , Booili ; The Stomac ing the Lin0's , stieuilKulnj Kidneys and Mvcr , cleaii ini the blood trom e err kind of humor , o other luediuue ill curs Chrumc , ? ilBeuuutisui.'T : > eur lgia , Heart Disease , mts. a , Fev aud. . and a pol weakly , ner ot inouiory . . . . . aiu T "v , " - - - , ttrencthenini lUjt UlttcH are e < | clally re- lomiiTenlea. Out- bottle Mill do more toward eradicating S > puills , fecurvy , Tetter , J- ever .Suras , Sorr lijvt. iumors-uu c-ruus tlon-pUnpIesombB face , and CurfMp"u the Blood than a ) } other Teuu lie I" t- G. W. FRAZIER , Trazlers Root Bitters are sold by all the lead- Storckeepcrh and LheuiisH. hold ins Druzglsts , VvhilesaU , by btrong & Cobb 19J Supenor and Benton Myers A CanheW , 12 < Wat- street , 'rrtrWt. Cleveland , O. ; It. L. .hiwstack4 ' - i' . Goodwin A U , 1'Ittsburg Geort-e ( ; a , V. A Co United Bjston ; John . Jlcnry Curran , "tates Medicine Ilonsejs and 9 Co legc Place , New YorkT Wyth lirothcrs , HilUdelph a ; r ul- ler A fuller , Cliicago ; , John l 1'ark , Uucinna " ; ti nflQtuerflrst-cla 3Dr ; lIouser i" drugglst or storo- n bubitltule cr. 1'ricfl with- all-Si' * * * . $5. $5.IKLPO&TANT * TO Commercial or. or.Ll bAMPLE. OK OTHER c' , lso those ho visit their customers and solicit trade by purchase * -Blade DlRtCT FROM > IOCK , and ho travel In any section , by of goods , are re- Hall or Boat , telling any-class anested to send tlielr UUSINEsS indO-KI- VATE AUDtI | > S , as below , siting class of goods tuxy sell , mid bv whom eiuuloyed ; also I hose who are at in csen I under no engagement. Vhls mafe. Is of GKEAT IMr-ORl'ANCE to sa psmen of this clasi , or men soliciting trade in til's ' manner. It is theiefore ESPECIALLY desired that this notice may meet tbe eye oi ALL Commercial Travelers and Salesmen In * this couutry and that they will AT ONCE give'lrtheir at.en- tlon. Those who comp'y with above request will be-CONHDENTi ALLY treated and duly sdvUodof - oblectin view. Please address , { by fetter only ) . , - JOJJXJJA.IJ.Tlu , Practical WatclimaUor , 171 Faiaf m , B. "E. 0-ir. llth St , OMAHA - T- . NEB " APPLETONS American CYOl OPA EDIA New Beviaed Edition. , , Entirely rewritten by the ablest writers on every subject. Printed from new type , and Illustrated with Several-Thousand ' - f" Ji TUB -work originally published under the title " ofTHB Nxw Auuuinix UYCLOPAKDIA was completed in 1863 , since which lime the . .wide circulation which It has attained in all parts ol the United Suite , and the ilgnflUo'oYolopmenta which have taken placeInevery branch of clence , literature , and art , have induced the editors and publishes < 4 submit It to an exact and thorough revision , and to Issue a m > - dltlon cnutled , Tu AJICCICM.X xcLOFAk- D \Vllhn ! tlieTast tcn earTvSd-TilogrSs of dis covery in every department oi kuowlcdge lias made a new work ot reference MI imperative The mpvtinent of political aoain has kept pace with tbo discoveries of science , and their fruitful application tattle ( ndpnrial and useful arts nod -ConjeaTcijce qd refiQpm pt of ocirUilc. 0 real wars and conscqueni revolu tion * nave occureJ , involving natluiial changes of peculiar moment , Thecivil war of curonn country , which was atlli height when the last volume ot the old work appeared , has happily been ended , aud a new course of commercial and industrial activity tvai been cqrnrnencvd. f Large accessions , to our 'geographical know- pdge har bt nina-lebythq.lndefatlgaUe ei- plorenof Africa. Ihe great political revc'.uUoni q [ tha last decade , with the natural result oCtho lapse of lime , hate Vroagbt Into Hibliotiew a multitude uf new men , whose' names arc in every one's mouth , and of hose lives every one la curious to know tha partlculars pOre-t battles have been fought a d important sieges .maintained , ol which the details Ve Tct prcscned only Intheneirtpaperierln theUau ieiit publica tions ol the day , b4t whkU ougbt now 10 take their place In permanent and authentic history. In lircparlcs the present ooUtiqn tor the press , t has acuordlnglT been the aim of the editor * to Ijrlneiownthe Information to the-iatcst pos- Ible dates , aud to furnish an accurate account of the most xeceut discoveries iu , science , of every fre production In literature , and of the newest InTCutlin In the practical arts , as well Ditto give a succinct aud original record of tbe progress Q ( irallilm nd kUtorlal event. The i > ork hat Lce > ; > bfisun aftur Jong aud care ful preliminary labor , Mid Xllfe ihe most ample resources for carry lug. it on to a successful termination. . * None of the orlgLial itercotype plates have been used , but evtryiiagshw bwu. printed on new type , U-imlng Tn.Uct.a.ucw'Cyclopidls , with tno ime plan and compass as its predecessor ser , but with afar rreaterpecuniary espcndl- tare , and , with * uch Improvements in IU com position as hava bocDjiQgg stcd by lee er ex perience and inlargod knowledge.- Tha Illustrations which are introduced for the first tlnifl In the present Edition have been added not Jor the sals &t plftorb" effect , but to rivBgrcater.lucldltrjui4ttroo to thp crpl pa- ilons in thotcxt. They embrace allbranches uf scien- < and na-uraT hlttorT , < id , depict the inoit lamoijs and rtnurkableletinresal ncenery architecture , and art , as wbHas the Tarluua pro- ceuM of mechanic * and manufacture * . * Although - though lotcadod for instruction rather than embelliiliuKi.t , copolci have been , spared to Insure thel : artlitlc * wceii-was fee cert of their extcn' > ou 4a 'enormoui.T. ' nd ills believed , they will Cud a welcome reception as an ad- jalrable fcanreofthe Cydop worthy ' ° auhg-umecr- , . , , , The wor * IE sold to Subscribers wily , payable end -livery of each volume. It will bo com pleted In itxtcn large octavo volumes , each numerous colored LHhocrapDlc PRICE AND STYLE OE BINDING. In extra doth , per vol . . . . . . $5 30 In Library Leather , per ToU. . . . 600 In Half Turkey Me , jcco , per TO ! - 7.00 /n llalT Russia , extra gilt , er roU _ . _ g. 00 In full Morocco , antique , gilt edges , per . . . . 10 00 TOl minT.n.4.n * M m ! i i iMiit Iuloilsustlapcrrplx. [ ; - . 10.00 Three volami now rcadv. Succeeding vo- lumi , until completion , wLl be Uiucd once in two months. . Specimen pages of the AMCiacxs CTCLO- FAEDII , ihowlng tyje.lllustraUocs. etc.will beunt rU/oa ppl3cJtloni - , FIRST CLASycwAK wAK Addrcu the Publisher . D. & Co. . Appletoii . . & J 27U WHAT -ASTROKE OF LIGHT " * NJNG DID. BY OLIVE BELL. - /It was 7 o'clock of a halmy Jiim evening. The sun was slowly diop plug/behind / the hills that bourn little"Haverhm-bn'1Be west , whei an express train thundered througl the village and stopped for a fey minutes at the station that stood a the terminus of a long , lonesoni ( street. , - - - * s f ' A One passenger alighted ; a younj 'man ' of-thlrry , or thereabouts a tal young man , with a round , pleasanl face" fair hair and whiskers , and'f pair of the softest , tenderest blue eyes that ever bewitched a woman , focthese same innocent eyes hdd played sad havoc with many a wfv inan heart. He carried a traveling rug over his arm , a small valise in hid hand , was stylish , well dressed ] nnd qnlte -gentlemanly looking person. ; j 1 ' The locomotive puffed , groaned , and whistled sharply , and the train went on , leaving the young man staring _ dqwn the long , lonesome " * street. iiWeHp.Justus Moreton , you're a fool out and out , " sighted , the young jentleman , as his eye "met a few straggling Cottages with dingy yards aud troops of dirty children , neck- , djtep in niud banks and sand heaps , "and if youT wasn't such a fool , I -Wiuld"a.slr j-ou whatever/ brought you tif such a God-forsakeu hole as tlito " " . ' V 'i i -wheeled-Buddenly , and hailed a man who was lounging at the door of the diugy station. "Hello , "Mjsterj can yjujdirect me to the house of Barnard Phelps ? " "Baniard Phelpa , " eclioed the man , runnaig hU grimy fingers .throtigli _ ji mas ? of grizzly hair ; ' 'guesrf i kin Every man , woman and child inHaverhill knows him the poorestj meanest , crookedest old skinflint that ever wore a coat. Jest keep straight ahead , doun that street for half p. mije or so'then turn to the right ; you'll fln.l it in a jiffy 'after that ! an oldj1 barn of a niaiisioi'r witlTchhnneys as big as a little house. " Justus Moreton nodded a half- Muilling "cljank you"aud started down the village street 'at a swinging - , ing paoe. Groups of children shat tered licit * r-skelter at his approach ; Uogs of all si/es , casts'and qualities , r'ushct ] out to have a yelp at Jiiru ; Tedofaced , Irowsy'headsd women with babies in thelr'arms , peeped outof a dozen doorways ; but Justus Moreton kept steadily on his way ; heedless of the din and dirt around him. . "Thepoorest , meaneatjcrookedest oltl skinflint,1' he kept repeating to himself. "I can do a great deal to please father , but I don't think 1 can go that. " He walked his half-mile of dingy , dusty street , then turned into a wide , greun lane that led off to tljo rsU ! ! 8 "lang Ijuet } f\v\tlj \ huRC locusts , whose branches were heavy and seet with odorous , showrbite blossoms. Fields of wheat lay on hla right ; meadows , cool anil fra grant , stretched away to the left , and turning an aurupt angle in , tjje lane , Justus ca'jie suddenly on the home of Barnard Phelps. Justus paused under the scented boughs of a locust , an odd sensation about his heart. The large red brick man sion had mammoth chimneys , but they were so artistically dcaped by a huge bignonia creeper that they rather added to the beauty of the pjape. Tljp bouse was surrounded by a smooth , grten lawn , dotted ly clumps of shrubbery and beds of flowers. Orchards , sunny 'green , knolls , glimpses of woodland"lUhyl ; up the background ; and tlievholo vVore supti a comfortable , cozy air that Justus felt Uio "meanness" nlust be imaginary on the part of Barnard's neighbors. He hesitated long before he opened the vhtg | gate beforp him , for in spite of his easy , society ajr Justus 'Moreton , for the lirst time in his life , fee ill at ease. ease.He ventured to unlock tlip gatp at last , ant } wnlkec } sjowly up tjio smooth path that let ] to the house. When midway between the gate and doorway he brcame a.yare that the shady porch had ah occupant Justus went on diffidently. A tall , spare figure , clad in a threadbare suit of tweed , rose up to meet him. Justus looked into the wrinkled face curiously and saw thin , firmly- set lips , a pair of greedy eyes a.fltl a low brow , shade4 by jron-gray hair. "Who are" yon ; a traveling ar tist ? " demanded the old _ gentle man. " * " .No , " meekly replied Justus , "I am Justus Moreton , William..More- ton's only son. " Barnard Phelps for it was he straighten out his spare * * figure , smoothed a fractious lock of-hair with one hand and extended the other to Justus. * "Ah ! " he ejaculated ; "might Have known you by your father. You have the real Moreton eyes. Take a seat take a seat. " Justus took the seat indicated , and Barnard dropped in to a clitilr opposite him , staring dream ily at the young man's pleasant face. - * "It's a es since I saw your father , " went on Barnard , drawing his tweed sleeve across hja 'eyes. "But you look exactly as he did the day we parted on thexlook at New York. He has toll } j ou of our old compact , I suppose ? " Justus nodded absently , for a pair of bright eyes had peeped through curtains of a window at her side , and chained his own to thp spot eyes that , living or dying , he would nevpr forget , - "Well , you have come y > fulfill your part of it , doubtless. J was under deep obligations to your tather , boy , and it was an easy mat ter to promise my baby girl to hia son. But you young people may think differently. " Justus * replied eagerly "that doubtless it was an easy matter to love his daughter. Barnard Phelps raised his eye brows and scanned Ihe honest face of his friend's son curiously. { "You were'a long time coming to that coiiclusion. You should have sought her hand five years ago , " curtly replied Barnaid ' , scowling at ' " Justus , Justus winccd hut sqlo ; nothing. For he knew : in his Inmost heart he would never have thuoght of stray ing down to dirty Haverhijl. . in" search of a wife had not his father as n necessity. - * "Miss Phejps will have a hun dred thousand in hard cash om her wedding day , ' Justus. The pauip has ruined us , and we must have money somehow , " , ai4 the senior Morton , in reference'to the matter. And Justus , who had lived" his twenty-five years without being very deeply in love with anybody , ' packed his valise and canie to Haverhill to spend the summet and himself to Miss - v sacrifice Pfielpa.- "But you inusf ba tired and hun gry , " added Barnard , coming to himself , and smilingly leading the way into the house and up'a * breezy' ' stairway into a pleasant guest cham ber , fragrant with roses and .honey suckle , that thrust their -odorous sprays through every open window , inrush up and come down jand L wll } introduce , yoiito the girls. " " Barnard vanished , and ; Justus "fell to brushing up with a will. . He wondered if there were two or A dozen to choose fcomtor if the com pact bound him " to sjjine narticulai "FlHtake the one with the brighi eyes if she'll = have me , let her b ( in the'baigaiii' or nof " he saldjtc himself , as be gaVe bis whiskers an extra brush and started down stairs. His'nost met ? him it&the hall , and ushered him Into ? a large old-fash- ioriecREoom , asodoroiis as the- one he-had just Jeff. Tjvo ladies rose up toimeet hlm.a J3 fcj * ' - OThis is my Daughter , Ajjnesj Mr. M9ret6n , " said lttr. Phelps , leading Justus up toTthe ; taller oj- the two. 'Aggie , this 'is JustusjMoreton. . " Aggie , a falln slenderVl'girl ' , "with keen < zgray eyes sharg features "and sallqwjface , bojr d and said -a few welcoming words that Justus did not hear , ' forjiis.'eyeawere fixed on the dark , piquant face of the owner of .thjj righteyes , whom Mr. Phelps introduced asliis jiieceCe5a Brooks. Alter somedesultory conversation MissPhelp3 sfaidj , "You have changed for the better since J saw you last , Mr. Moreton. " Mrr * Moreton * blushed modestly ' ' and-looked . He neve'r puzzled. = re- m55tfered seeing the tall , sallow girl'lfore altlfough.she had been setSpartfor his"Svife from infnncy - ' and he'said so. " - _ "Ojlkmnvyou ueyer saw 7HC , " * " laughed MlssPheTpsiigh"ty. ; "You never tlfought a my ' acquaintance worth cuUivating , ; but'I ' yas in the city some'years ago , and 'ynu were , out to ' * pointed me as - " Her future husband , " mischiev ously put in. the merryr voice of Celia Brooks. Miss Phelps glanced at her care lessly ) a half smile on her thin lips ; and Justiis , feeling very hot and an- jry , loqked over at his future father- in-law lank , spare and surly bur ied in the cushions of ahold arm chair , and then -down at Celia , .who sat on a low 'stool , .her light .dress floating about her like e Jin&f , her white shoulders dimpled liLe a ba- jy'fl , the snowy throat and round , rosy lace , with curly kinks of dark jair curling about it , and mentally anathematized the bygone friend- ihip whose' unwise forethought had liukeil IiisYate with that 'of the tall , sallow'-grfz { : wfio sat before him clothed in silts and- jewels , eager- expcctant. confident.- , - - i If she thinks1 ! am going to fall down on my knees and ratify the contract of our foolish old fathers , she is mistaken" , for I'll'try my luck with the little beauty first , fortune or no fortune--waB-hIs mental ejac ulation as he went up the b.eezy stairway to his room , after bidding the ladies goodnight. But Miss Agnes Phelps was deter mined he should never have - a chance to rryliis " luck wilh her pen niless cousin. " " For , with woman's keenness , she had , noticed tlTe silent homage in every look he had given Celia had detected a' tenderness jn his voice when addressing her which had. never inflected it when speak ing lo another ; and during 'the fol lowing days she so adroitly .monop olized all his time that Justus gre\y to dread herj arid always tejt a If under the baleful of a ser pent when in thfc presence of her eyes. Oella he saw but little of , Ironi morning until night she \\as busy with her household. WQrj , her sewing and her.flawera , ; . and Justus- soon lea.rne $ that % the artistic beauty of the groun'ds was" wrought by Ce lia's little brown hands , .A gn.eslazy and selfish , left ( Iw burden of tlie 'wort * qn.thp . 'orph'an that was dependent on her crusty father for Okhome. . ( Tobe , VH COMING4 , STRUaOtE. ' The Tofcrs of our nation ; " $ j ne'i r waknown before * Are rising from Pacific's strand To Atlantio's rocKy Why is tb Vmlghty chance ? i\ nat can tin- meaning b ? J The rising of the iua ta From northern lake to Eouthern sea. The spirit of old seventy-six' From out our heroes'sra es Forbids a nation drenched In patriots' blood , Should sinL to that of slaves i , Tbe motto which our coins onoe bore , Though oUolele long since , ItPraaln as ecr true : not une cent for tribute , But millions for defense. Petty ties and party 1 iw Ire but as ropes of sand. Tiieiighti ol mm toli-a man Should govern Freedoui'sIanrt. , Tlien shall our FJag more proudly float O'er well as sca , t And nations yet unborn shall gladly greet The emblem of , tbe free. In trade we'll try to deal , < < As man should deal with man. And wh la we seek tj lire ourselves , We'll sell as cheap as anybody can , And If a hat you need , , t S " Or friend you chance tn meet , Remember Bunco , tbe Hatter , On Upper Douglja Mrect. ' , - elOtf If. GUKEK. C. J. KABHA. .U. , uiiEitE it JLAEBACH , ti * 15th st. Letwecn Farnhaui and sru y-s'i.- OMAHA. NEB. , -r * - - - ? I -T ff - - - C Spring and Farm Wagons , BUGGIES AND CARItltGKS. Dealers in and manufacturers of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS , ! , -r > ARTICUL1R * A VENTION PAID .TO1 X j IIOKSKSKULINU. WUpairing < t wagons and bladmnlthlng promptlT doneut tcasonuble prices mTil * r ; : : rr r v 1,110 400,000 ACRES ! . _ , _ * L T e\ . \ . ' OFTHK FfNEST . ; Elkliorn Valley Lands ! FOB. SAtK BT 3E. OVT. "Wisner , milESE LANDS < AHE CONVENIENT JO J _ the market and the I'CfEST ' iii the STATE ! * And'wfll be sold at from $2,50 to $5,00 PER ACRE ! For Cash or on Ion ? Time. © -LAXD EXPLORING ! fCk- for fcalu at O , & N. W. De pot , bearing coupons which will be taken at full cost in payment for laud. Bavarian Beer Hall ! 193 Douglis St , . . , , - . Opposite .Jdejsojjolitan. Hotel. Finest brands of all classes-ol Liquors and yecan.1 Frtab. Lager 'taiUttntlr on hand. ic30-3ia , CHAS.HAHT. Prop. , A * * * f Southern Motel , FroaUag'oii 4th , 6tk tad & Co. be SouthBtcL'ucnt-cljmin ! 'ail tti appointments. Its tables are at all times 'sup plied in the greatest .abundance , with , all the dcMcrcies the mirkeU-VfforJ , Its clerks and employes are all polite and atttntlre to the .wanU of to * gursta f. tbt hotel. There'll an -Improreleleia Brlodtnc rpm the firtt floor to the upper one , lliilroid and steamboat Jcketolfics , newa > t > nd. and wesierr Union telesiraph oQ e In the kotonda of houl. Sta. , , Keeps a complete assortment o ( Monev and Gommsrce. Daily Eeview. : " T v" OFFICE OMAHA DAILY BEE , July ' IThere is nothing new in mones i aflairs to-day. .Business Is quiet and Steady. Discounts ar If htj.and 1 not much doing In that line. Citj and county warrants arc nearly out of the market , and. not. much In quiry for them 7 they are held cat 95 and 97c. Exchange 'feir at old rates. lU ' J NATIONALBANK1' THE FIBST NATIONAL - , i . -iinn quotes : td land Greets iselllug ) . SS15.0C Laud "Warrants , (160 ( acres i buyiug ) . . ' . 176.00 Xan'd Warrants (160 ( acres selling ) . . " . . 185.00 Agricultural "College Scrip , > j * . ! . . ( ICO acr is buying ) . -176.00 Do. SeHhig . . 185.00 Exchange on 2 ew York , 15of one * Groceries- rado somewhat1 quiet fo-day. Sugars are a 'little offfoi day and unsettled. Coffee firm" . Tobaccos are higher and the de ; inand Letter. Canned 'goods are picking , up , and. the demand 1g hot ter ; canned peaches are higher , the stock being light and not much prospect for a good crop. Dry GoodsRuling steady at last quotations , with quite a liberal trade for this season. " \ ' * - Wines and Liquors Trade /air ; country orders good. - i < i Produce In good.demand ; l stock heavy ; prices lower.Ve ? notice a consignment , of 50 barrels of , green , apples to J. C. Rosenfleldfiwhichwe quote at $ G to § 7 per barrel accord ing to quality. * Hardware Trade is fair ; country orders are good. Owing to the promise ot. heavy crops , business iu all braSches is brightening and we may now looker or better times. , OMAUA MARKETS. Caretully Corrected Dally. > DRY GOODS. j. J. miowN & BRO. , Cor. 14th and Douglas Streets. PRINTS. Aliens . . . . . . . . . . . .M _ . . . . . . . . . _ . , . _ _ 9 American. . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M 9 Auioakeag M.H.H..H. . . . M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 7 iarncrs. . _ . . . _ . . . . . . . . 4 Hamilton . Ifri .lerrlmack D . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . 'eabody . . . . . . , . . - . . _ . - limpson's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BLEACHED SiriBTINaS. Bright 4-4. . . . . . Boot G . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . Cabot 4-J . . Lonsdalc. . . . . . . . . . . N. Y. Ml'ls Peterl > ere _ _ .M _ Suffolk It ItBLEACHEC BLEACHEC SHEETINO3. PcppertU 8-4 . _ . _ . _ . . . . . _ SI Jo" 9-J _ _ _ _ . . . . _ fttjf do 10 , - . . . . . * 382 COTTONAD. a , * and M'jchanica. . . _ . _ . . , . . _ 254 Cir ai \Vc&tGrn..w. . . . . . . . . . . * 2S HBOWN SHEETINGS. j Albion , A . _ . . . . . . . > - . . _ 8Ji B llonl. R. . _ . . . _ i. ' . . . _ 3 UranttiUe , El. . - - . - . 10 # Qwuisnia , B B - . - _ . . . . . 9 > j Langley. . . . . . . . . . * . . * . -n.-mm . _ _ . 11 L. 1/s. . . . _ . _ . . . . _ . 9 GINGHAMS. American. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! ! Amoskcag . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Bates . . . _ . . . . . . . - . . . . . . , _ _ . . . . _ . ' 1J ! < TICKINGS. Amoskeag , a c a _ . . . . _ _ . . . . _ . . . . Biddeford. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . < DENIMS. B'aver Creek , B B . , Haymakers. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctis.B B Otis , C C . . . JEANS. Biddeford . . . . . , * . . . .MM. . . . lloasler. . . . . . . . . . . . . .H. YANKEE KOTIOXS- KURTZ 'MOHB & " fir. . ' , ia'l faruham Street. SPOOL currus. ; Clark's 0. S. T. . . . . . . _ . , , 7n Coat's . . . . . . . . . . .7 ; . ' . . . . .m. . , , 70 Merrlck's , . . .M..MM..MM . . . .H f T@2 00 British - . _ . . - 3 OCQ6 00 PAPER COLLARS. Dickens' best. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ t 90 King William. . . . _ . . . . . . _ . . _ . l S5 Domestic. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , _ l 80 Stanley . . . . . . . . _ . . . 2 60 SHAWLS. Ottoman strips. . . . - . . _ 2 25@6 50 SllIRTd. White common . . . . . . . . _ . . . Jio 50 i mediumM.HM..M , , MM..M. . . . . 15 OU ' " C > l tOin niai Q illllMttlllllll t 5Q QQ Percale. . . . . . . . . . . _ - tJ1200a * CO Calico' _ . . . . , . . . . , , . . 7 . _ .MM 4 75 7 50 OVEBALL9. Brown drlll . . _ . _ . . . JC 50a7 2S ' dnck - . _ . . . 775 900 Blue drill . ' - . - . 7 OOaT 50 ' duck. . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . _ . . . 8 OOaS 50 White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00a3 50 COBSET3. French whalebone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 25a8 00 Our own.HW _ , _ . . . . . . . . . .m , _ 15 00 ComeU. . . _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 60 tPRING SKlliTS. Linen printed . - > t 9 00 ruffled. . _ . . . . . - . W 00 " fluted. . . _ . . , . . . . . . . . . . .mMm 15 00 GENEBAi CO1IMLSS10N. J. C.ItosENFELD gives us me following quotations his day : Butter , active , 15a20iu tubs ; Eggs fair , at lie . per dozen ; Live Chickens , dullat 2 00@2 50 per doz. ; Gooseberries , 2' 50 per bn. ; Cher ries , 4'80 per bu ; Lem ns,12 00 per box. ana Baspberrles,20o per quart ; blact berries , 20c ; apples , COO to 7 00 per barrel : currants 20c. HARDWAKK jonx T. IBON. Common HOrSe bll Norway nail rod. . . STEEL , Cast pIow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ .M . . _ . . . 12 [ Iprtnon _ r--r - - ininn . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H H American ctun , oclagon and square . . 18 ® 22 least p's English do tlb . . . 33(9 * ° Burdea'j horse shoes , per keg. . . . - 725 do mule do 'dox . . . . . . . 8 25 Korthwestvrn horse nails . . . . . . . 22 * 23 Dundee thimble ikelns , dbcoant 45 pir cent. ator hall patent axles , discount 10 per cent. NAILS. 10d to COJ per kez. . . _ . _ . . , . . -t 10 5d do _ ! _ . _ 7T 4 35 Id do . . . . _ _ . _ . . . 4 6U Id do . . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ 4 85 Bd do . _ M _ . _ 5 10 3d fine do , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 lOd finis'ng do . . . _ . . . . 5 3i Bd do do1 . . . - . . . . . . . _ . . . . . _ . . . . 5 CO Dddo do . . . t..R..i _ _ . _ _ 5 85 lOd casing do . . . . . . . 4 8i Bd do do - , , T- - , , , , - , . 5 10 5d do do . . . . . , . . , , . 5 35 Wrought , allu \ . . . . * . _ ' , - . . . . 5 85 " " BOLTS. Carriige and tire..n _ discount 70 pr c BOTTS. Narrow wrought , fast ] ointdiscount 20prc Cast , loose pin reTerslble. . . . . . do 35 do MISCELEANEOUS. Hay and manure iortz _ . . . discount SOpre Uoes and gulden rales. . . . do 25 do I HINGES. Strap an JT - discount 25 pro ' , WRENCHES , raft's bfack . m. . . _ _ . , . . " . .rdUcount 85prc Coo's immltatlon . . . . . . _ . _ do 45 do Doe's gennlne . _ _ . _ _ . _ do 20 do SCREWS. American Irbn- . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . 43 prc doAGRICTJLTURAI AGRICTJLTURAI , SCTIHR-T illlolt's aTs-iest Kingperdo.- _ * 14 25 Champion .M. , . . . _ _ , 12 09 Htald's Eureka - . - 10 00 do red . _ . - _ . , .T. - ' S 00" SPADES ASD'SltCVUS. t . BowUnd's No2 black , shoyeb , D H 12 00 ' do do polished do do _ 1300 do do black spades do . . . WOO Moore do pollnhed do do _ 13 00 do's "spring point" 11 sh6rels _ 13 3) ' ' 'AlXE ' " Lipptnro It's Western Crown _ _ . . . _ is oo do do do b. refe-i _ , 13 50 COFFEE 'Mllis. Pxrke's o 3 , Irua bor _ _ JIJlnet S 25 do dolOS do .H. .M.H.H.n. t4j > do do25Unlonlrih _ n 00 eo do 35 da Britanla - . : - , | J 00 FILESi HsrzraTe , Smith & CQ. . fltimunt 80 pr c American JUo Co.1..1..j. . . _ do W do- Mammond'iA'EK < i3.1 , fg 00 r TQO f uo qyr , , * , , , , , , T' i77Mmt _ , , , 10 so C do - & 2lnter .No i ' , . . , , , _ _ _ -jg 00 do do do g , , , , . , , , , is cede do do do 3-.T-T-7 , , 14 09 " HATCHETS. Morris' shiDgUnj.No 1 - , 0 n do' du do 2 . . . _ _ : . . - - * 8 O1 do do do 3. . . . . .n _ . . 9 0 " do claw do 1 - 7 S L dc o - do(2. - 8 ft , , t .LEATHER. . i 'j. BcsfBuHalo Sole , - P-l 3,5333 , , t / > Or , i do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Matamoras do . . . _ Wo. 2 , 32e'No. ; 1.33 Bnt'Oak' do- . _ . - j I. , , 43 < 345 < 'JBoUimore OutSole . . . . _ . - - . - 4& . - * fda 'JCalf , leading brands . , . .7S2 tO'gZ K Ips. . - . . . - . . - t.Sl OOyl 3 < do CaU . . . _ . . . . . . . . . .il 33QL,7 ! Hemlock Upper , per foot. . . t Oak ' do do .h SK Grain . do do SO. IJnlngs.-pcr dozen i. 57 OOQ10 OC - ' " Toppings / do SU Morocco ( Boot Leg ) per foot- > do' ( OU'lnresscd ) do _ do t ( Simon ) $3 _ , flo ; ( Gloye Kid , ) . . , , , -S3 0053 ? .Weltieatber , per side , T . t6 00& < OC ' Boot 'Webbing , l er bolt , . . . < . . . . . 4j70 ; < Oak Harnsss Liather/ ' Pittsburgh . < 5e do ilo do No. 1 , * . . 40Q4-1 do lid d6 l o2 , * * * . . . . 33 { 4Q ( Oak Line' ' ' do - . . ( 44j4Cc ( llmlo.k IlarncasXeither , o. , ] , _ ( . . . . . S9@40c do do do No. * , _ . . . . H f7 ( < 3 < K Hemlock Linedo . . . - . 44@iic ( hair Bridle per side , SO 00@7 00 Team Collars ; per dox. S25 50 < Ti250 Stase do do 1 CC iScotch do do S3SM loneoid du do . ' . SJS 10 Cellar Leathej ( Black ) per looti lS@24c do , do ( Kusset ) do . . - -18 < a4c Patent Dash Leather. , . . 5 lac l SOAPS Powell & Co. , Soap monufacturers. Sapc-1 Publico , 6.1-26 3 > 4 ; Savon Kepubllc , dc. , Chemical Oliye , 6 to fel 2 ; Palm5@51 ; German Mot- ifid/6 l-4a6d-2. ABT GOODS AND UPaoLSTEEF 'S I ' - STOCK. Benjamin B. Jones , Decorative Up holsterer and dealer in fine art goods , 270 FainhamStreet , furnishes tbe following quotations : FEAME MOTJLDIN . ( .Oil walnut mouldings , one inch , per foot , 5c ; 2 inch lOc ; 3 inch 15c ; poliahed walnut , 1 inch 7c ; 2 inch 15c/3 ; / inch 21c. Berlin gilt , I , inch 615cj.2Jwch"l230c ; 3 inch 18 © 45c ; imitation rosewood and gilt , 1 iuch 5@10c ; 2 inch 10@20c ; 3 inch 15@30c. WINDOW SHADES. s Plain bands. 6 Jeet , all colors , per pair , -60i ; ornamental bands , 2 00 © 4 00each ; additional foot , 75c per pair. ' > BEPS. ' Union ind all wooliterry , per yard 1 60@3jO ; Imperial , plain and stri ped , 2 60a8 00.DAMA8K8 DAMA8K8 , Union per yard , 1 50 ; all wool , 2 OOn3J0. } 1TATTBASSE3. Hust , ' 4-4x6-2 , ' 4 00a5 00 ; straw , 3 00a4 00 ; Excebior. 3 50a4 50. ' ' LUMBER. BETA1X. LIST tublect to change otmarketwitnout u WM. M. FOSTER , On U. P. B B. trac < c boL 1 : irnham ai QEO A. HOAGLAN1. . Joists , studding and sills , 20 It , aud un der ! _ . . . . _ _ . J 00 Oror 20 J t , each additional ft add1 ] . 60 Fencing No 1 _ . . . . . _ . _ . . . . . . . _ . * S 00 do Mo 2 . . . . . . . . _ 21 OU 1st common boards . . . . . . . . . . 23 00 ! nd do * ' do . - . . . . 22 00 "A" stock. boards , 10 and 12 inch . _ 50 00 U" do do do uo . 35 00 'C ! ' do do do do . . . _ . ! 0 00 1st clear , 1 , 1 % . 1 aad 2 inch . - 05 00 2ddo do do do . _ . .5500 3d 'do do do do . - 45 00 flooring , clear. - . - _ 50 00 do 1st common. . . . . . . . . . . _ 40 00 do 2d do . _ 35 DO do 3d do . . _ i7 50 dj narrow , clear. . . . . . 4300 1st clear ceiling > 4 Inth . - 35 00 21 do do > iin < .h - . 3250 1st do do 74 luch. . . . . . . . . . . . - . . 30 00 td do do y * Inch . - . . . . 27 50 1st clear iding . 27 00 2d do do _ . - . - . - . _ 2B 00 t common siding . _ . . . . . . . . 21 09 2d .do do _ . 2000 A" shingles - . . 4 25 Sxtra No 1 shingles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 JommoB No 1 shingles . _ . . . . . 2 00 Lath per 1000. - . . - 3 5o D _ AU _ pickets eer 100 _ . _ . 3 BQ Square do do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . O ( J Batten per Uncal J. . _ . _ \ % do do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ Liberal discount on carload 'ots WINDOWS , ( Glazed. ) 35 per cent on * Chicago list. DOOKS , ( Wedged ) 25 pei cent oQ Cl logo I'sU ' BLINDS. 30 per cent off list. White lime per bbl . _ . _ .Si 75@2 00 LonlsTille cement per bbl. . . . . _ - . . 3 00(43 ( 25 Plaster paris per hbl - . 3 50 3 75 Plastering hair per bushel . 40 .Tarred felt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 flaatering boaru . . . . . . . . . . 4 % OILS. PAIM4 * , L.VS > S , &c. N. I. D. SOLOMON. ROBEUT C. STEELL. CoalOlU S 19 mro Uil , No IS 951 00 Linseed Oil , raw. 105 " " " 2. . . _ 70 " " bl'd. . . 110 " " winter i _ Qn 9U Turpentine . 65 " "strain'dj Headlight Oil 28 Lubricating r " . ,3 "I" W.Va. , PAlNTb , AC White Lead , St. Louis. , tirtictly Pure _ 3 11 % " " " Brauda. Fancy 9& Putty In Bladders _ . 6 > | " " Bulk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 4 > | Enameld Glass , colors , tl sq. ft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 CO Window Glass. 60 B c discount T13T , SHEET-IRON. TVIRE , &C. MILTON ROGEEa , COR. 34th & FARNHAM. TJf PLATE. it 0x14 IO , lair quality. . . . . . . 513 00 OiU Ic , best quality 13 60 ilxl4 IX do do . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . " " . . . " " 16 50 2 12 1C do do Ii JnZII. . 14 00 2x12 IX do do . . _ . _ _ . 17 00 4X20 1C do do . - . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . 15 50 4xl'OIX do da . . . . . . . . . m. . . . . . , 17 50 4x20IXXdo d < j . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . W 50 14x20 IXXX do _ . . . _ T. . _ . 23 50 10 plate 1)C ( best quality ) _ . . . . . . . 23 50 00 plate DX , do da _ . 11 00 180 plate DXX Jo do _ 17 00 00 plate DXXX do do . . _ . . 20 00 Joofiug 1C charcoal do do . . . 15 00 looting IX do do do . _ . _ . . 16 00 0x14 1C coke do do . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 50 0x23 1C charcoal roofing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . 27 50 0X28 1C charcoal roonne ' 32 50 etxl4 IX charcoal _ . . _ . _ 28 00 10x20 coke ( lor ZUtUrsl. . . . . . . . . . . _ 21 00 BLOCK TIN. rge pigs . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . . . . . S3 immJl plgs.M. . . . . . . . . . . _ _ S3 5ar tin . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 83 ZINC. Sheet tin 25 to 36 in - do do do it. half casks . . . . _ . 11U do do do In 250 tt > ca t3mm. 12 Sheet 24 to 85 Inches per sheet. . . . . . . _ 12 > Tlnnenaoldei ( extra refined _ . . _ . . . . . . _ . 25 do do No. l..M . . . . _ . . . . > . _ . 23 do do TOonugM . . . .M. . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Ud metal. _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . _ . . .m. Oa2 SHEET IRON. First quality , Numbers 1C to 24. . . do do do 25 _ . do do do 26. . . , do do do i7 Charcoal , both sides imo the do No 24. . . _ . _ do do * c - , _ i.-T. . do do 27 _ . . . . _ 7uniataNo. 24 _ , do .1o 26 , do do 27 Uuuiar rfact7to 12 , do No. 1 , tlained Less tnan lull bundles , add one cent. "A"Americac Immitat'n Bnssia , &U Nos. IS Less than full bundles add ono tent. GALVANIZED. So. 14tolt _ _ _ . _ iut ' 15 dS'Stoisjrzzzzizzz : i ? 'dtfar. . , , , , . , L - . . . _ : . . _ do 18 do S ? . _ -i tiiiii-.i-iii.x. . , , , do SO FullbunoUes discount iSper rent. "l'1 ' ' * Broilers fi to do 10 to . do 12UtoluOB > Sheatblnc.HtudlS PlanishedHand 18 Jos. r , 8 and 9 , Planished Bolt.copper _ Copper Lollop BKIOHT WXBE. i. -i r * 9 10 . 11 11J . j. ' , > Kos. 0 to 6 8,3.9 10,11 19 ,14 15 15 t U9 ' 20 Ko . 15,16 13 19 3 ? Ter bunoUe l pcr csntjUscou * . rSTEELB'4 6HS OX'"j38-540-14TH SI > ' CLARK i FBENCH COR. FA'cNHAJT AN " 11 TH ST. PnNDT,5IEYEIl & BAAPKE , 212 FAEN HVM ST. , WHOLESALE bEALEBS- 205 Fam ham St. WHITNEY , BAUSER3IAK i Co. , 24 e " . Douglas- . y ' " 1 L > /,1T ° _ ' . . , , j. " J. BBOWN & BRO. . Cor. 14th am il- c ' Streets. * ! ' Douulas . / i , Cranulatedpi B > - - . - 1 Powdered do * . ' . . _ . . .1 - . . . . . . _ : . . 1 Crushed do - . - U Hat cut loaf do . .J..h ; . . 3. . Circle "A do' . . - . KxtiaC uo . . _ - . . . _ . . . . . 1 Yellow c do _ . 10HalOi NO choice do. ' . _ - ; . . . 10) ) COFFKES. Rio choice prB. do prime du - dosood" do . . SYKUPo. Common pr gallon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . Oood do _ . - . - SOaG Choice do . . * . . . . . . TfljS i dp K O moUssea. . . - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . iBanzoon chole. . . Carolina. . . ' - CAWDLES. i M West & Co : . . _ . - . . 16'aj ; bchafes * . . . . . . . - . - . . ' ' 6OAP. Mis ourlVrlley . . . . . - Kirk's Savon- . . . . _ _ C > M. Weak A Co - . . . . - 7a7 > < chofer's German. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . ' Kirk's standard . _ . . - &A do aterling - . _ - 4a * PJ.UG TOBACLO. ' Black goods. Western . - . . 4 * do do Virginia . _ . _ 45o5 < do do Lorrilard's . _ 52a51 Bright do do do . 57aK dj , do Virginia- . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . Natural leaf . . . . . . . . . . . DRIED FRUITS. California pcachisper pound. . . . _ . - . do ui > ] > les do . Ftate do do - New cunanta. . . . . _ . . _ _ . - . . - . &u do prunes . . . . . . . . . . Hall * ; do German cherries-- . - . . . . . 17 do bl ckbcrries . 21 Uo raspberries. . . . . - . . . . . - . 33al ( ! do rabies , per box. . . . - $ . ! -10 do seedles-s raisins , per pound . . . . \t % bALT. New in barrels . . . . . . 2 70a2 8J du dairy . . _ . . . 4 SOaS 75 CAMMED GOODS. 2 pound can Myer'soys crs , pcrcase $1 23a4 SD 1 do do do < ! o do . . . 2 WaJ 72 2 dc do William's do do . . . 4 00a4 23 2 do do peaches pel case. . . . . . . 5 I/O / 3 do do do do - . 6 50a7 OU 2 do do tomatoes do . 3 SUaJ 75 3 do do do do . 5 00 Corn , Tropny per case . - . . 5 J do Winalow do . . . . . . . . . . - . 5 M do Yarmouth do _ . . - . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 5 50 Strawberries , do . _ . 4 SOaS 00 Raspberries , do . - . 5 M Pineapples , . . do j . - . . . . . . . . . . 5 50 TEAS. Oolon s , per pound . _ . . . . . 25a73 Young 11 } sou , per pound . 40al 00 Gunpowder , do do . . _ . . . . . . - . Goal 25 FLOUR. Snow Flake , ( Wells i Nieman ) - 4 CO Cold Dust . - 8 ID XXXX Iowa City _ . - . 3 00 California . 4 75a5 10 BAGS. QuB'iies , heavy weight - _ _ 18 19 .o light do . . . . . . - I7&18 lips , four bushel . . . _ . . . . . . Igal9 adee gunnies- . _ 13 . till bats , Auioateg A . . . . . . . . . _ ZOaSl .o do LuJlow a a . . . . . . . . - . - . _ Nutmegs , Penang lest.per pound 1 3Jal 41 Cijvei lo do . . . _ CO Alspice do do _ . . . . ISa.O Cluomon batk do dj - . . . J3alC COLUMBIA RIVER SALMON. % bbl , luO tt. . _ . - . -JB 50Q10 CO 1 ib cans , ] * r doz . . . . . . . . _ . 2 5C 2 To 2 do do _ . . . - . J 90(5 ( 4 00 WHITE FISH. Ko. 1 kits . - . _ . . 1 15 ® 1 23 Family in kits _ . - 1 10(1 ( $ 1 20 y bbls . - . C 50& 7 00 Family in Jxjbbls . _ . _ 5 5dij ( C 10 M \CKERtL. Family , in kits . 1 10@ 1 20 No. I , do . _ . 1 bO < 2 OU Me = s , do . _ . 3 00(5 ( 3 25 Family , V bh'.s . 7 Win , 8 00 No. 1 , ds . _ . - . . - 9 OOfijlO CO bardines , JH boxe * , . . . .H > 50 17 W ) CIGARS. A. K. SUIPSOX , sranufacturer , 532 15th Street. H. Upman . _ . . _ 1) ) Jf. S :5 00 Reconstruction. . do 3.1 00 Grand central . _ . . do 3500 Universal . do 40 00 Yara - . . . - . . . . . . - . do 4J 00 La Kocjuet . _ . _ . . -do 50 00 Sim MI Pure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 60 00 Puriigas- . - - . . . . . . . do 75 10 Yours Irulj . _ . . _ _ do C5 00 Gold Jledal . . . . . . . do 5-J 00 La Espanola . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . do GO 00 Triple Crown . - . . . . do 75 00 Henry Clay . _ do 100 00 De Villfr. . . . _ . - . do 100 00 Y Yiller _ . . . . . _ . do 100 00 1S7G . _ . . _ . - . . do 75 LO CALHOUN MILLS FLOUR. Wholesale depoc 548 14 h Street. Ilalf barrel sack-i- . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 9C Chicago , Rock Island and Pacific R. K. TIIE GKAND CENTKAL BOUTE FROM OMAHA TO CHICAGO AND THE EAST , Via DesMoines , 1/aTenport and Bock Island. o All Passenger Trains are equipped with the U'LiTixoiiousK PATENT Ale BRAICKS aud Miller's Patent fcafety Platform and Coupler. 2 Fast Express Trains Leave Daily , cnnciting as follows : AT DES MOINES wilh the Des Muines Valley Railroad , lor Oslcaloou , Ottumwa , KeoLuk aud St. Lonls. AT UKINNELL with the Central Railroad of Iowa , for all points north to bt. Paul. AT WKST LIBERTY with the Burlington , Cedar Bapids i Minnesota Railroad , for Burlington , Cedar Rapids , Dubuque A. .St. Paul , At WILTON JUNCTION with the South-Western tiranch , lor Muscatinc , Washington and all points south. AT DAVKNPOBr with the Imcnport A SU Paul Bailroad for points north. AT KOCK ISLAND with the Western Union Bailroad for Freeport , Be > nt , Bacine. Mil waukee and all points in northern Illinois and Wisconsin. AT ROCK ISLAND with the Rocklord , Rock Is'andandSU Louis Railroad for bt. Louis and points south. AT ROCK ISLAND with Ibo 1'coria A Rock Island Kailioad for Peoria and points cast. AT BUREAU JUNC. , with branch , Jor Ilen- ry.-Lorcre , Chlllicothe and 1'eorlJ. AT LA SALLE with the Illinois Central Rail road for points nort hand soutt. AT CHICAGO with " 11 lines East , North and South. THROUGH TICKETS to all Eastern cities , > la ibis Une , can be procured , and any information mation obtained , concerning points , at the ticket offlco of the company , 12s Farnham-St. , Omaha , and also at the principal ticket offices along the line of the U. P. R. & . DaRirnjro Checked Tbrongb to 'all frliicipul Kaatcni Points. A. M. SMITH , H. RIDDLE , Gen'l Pass'r Ag't , Gen'l Sup't Chicago. Chicago. J. II. LACEY , 8.8. STEVENS , Ticket Geu'l Wcatarn ' Agent , Ag't a28tl Oauha Omata Sioux City & Pacific R , R , Tlie Shoitctt and only Direct Route from COUNCIL BLUFFS St. Paul , Minneapolis , 'And all Points in NORTHERN IOWA & MINNESOTA. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CABS ' On all night trains 7ia thb route. CONNECTIONS. 1. At U. P. Transfer with Union Pacific Bailroad for Omaha. 2. At Council Bluff , with Kansas City , St. Doe and Council Bluiii-Railroad for SU Louis and all points south. 3. At Mi-jourl Valley with the Chicago and Northwestern railway foi Chicago and all points east. 4. At Sioux City with Siour City and S Paul , Illinois Central and DaYoU southern railroads. SteanersJorTJpperMissouriRlTer. during navigation and with stages tor all points in the Northwest. 5. At Blair with Omaha and Northwestern ailroad for Omaha and Southern NehnuLa. 6. At Fremont , Nebraska , with the Union Pacific railroad -for U point ? west and the' Pacific coast. 7. - At"Wisnewith stages for Norfolk anil all pointi in Kortliern > ebraska. OTickets for sale in Chicago acd North- wcotern Railway offices. ' . 3Be sura your tickets rcid via. S. C. A P. Railway. L. BURNETT , Sup't. F. C. HILLS , Gen. Ticket A t. -OEO. W. GRVTTAN , ; Agent , Onuha. CHICAGO & NORTH WES'N The Popular Route from O WLJLtt .A. ' TO / ' 1 Cliicago and the East ! AND THE TVWMerloo.'Fort ' Cro * e , i'rnlrlv Uu * lilen.Vluoiinj St , I'Miil , Uululh , Jai -rillc , Ktiio- hia , Urrru la % Ituciiio. > teV n' 1'olnt. lV trrto\vn , Oi > l > k.Kh , i-ou DuLac. aiadUon niiil Jllltvaubee. t. It Being iLe Shortest and FLtstComDletcd Line OMAHAandCHICAG-O , Cuiutant improvm nts have taken placev In the ax of reducing 'Giade , and plarwg Iron with fcicel luills , adding to its rolling stock new and tlegaut DAI' nitil 81.KKP11NG CARS Equipped with \\vutlughouio Air Bratc" and ' 'Miller Pluttorui , " estahlishiog ccmlurta- bie and coiuui Ui > ' > s Eating llouscs , offering all the conif * > rts oMrrTellng ti-eagecan produce. Froze. * tolOFosLLApresslralus ruu each way dailv'ovcr the various lines of this toad , thus securing to tbe tra\eler selecting this rou'e sure and certain connections in. auy di rection he may wish to go. Principal Connection * . AT MISSOURI VALLEY JUNCTION' , for Sioux Cty , "Yankton and points , reached via Sioux City and Pacific railroad. AT GUAM ! JUNCTION for Fort TMdge , Des Moiues , Ottawa and Keokufc. AT JlARSHAiXforSt-Paul , Minneapolis , Duluth * , and northwestern points. AT CEDAR P.APIDa for Waterloo , Cedar Falls , ( buries City , liurllngton und bt. Louis. ATCLIN.10N for Dubuqne , Dun'elth , Prai rie du Cblen , La Crosse , aud all points on the Chicago , Clinton and Dubuqne , and Chicago , Dubuqueand Minnesota railroads. AT FULTON for Frerport. Raunc MlUwatt- kce , and all points In Wisconsin , AT CHICAGO with all Tail war lines leading out of Chicago. Through tickets to all eastern cities via this line can ue procured , and any information ob tained , concerning Routes.Kates , etc , at the Company's Oihw , 21S I'arnhahi Street , Omaha , and also at the principal ticket offices along the line of the U.I' . It. K. AiT-Baggagc checked through to all principal Eastern points. W. H. bTENNETT , MARVIN IIUGIIITr , Gen'l Passinge'r Ag' t. Gen * bup't. J. H. LACEY , G. G. EDDY , Ticket Ag't , Omaha. Gen'l Ag't Omaha. rnchlSU , Omaha & , St. Louis Short Line. 1874 ! Tbe Kansas City , St. Joe and Council Bluffs R. B Is the only dite line to ST. 3J OT7XS AND THE EAST. FROM OMAHA AND THE WEST NO CTIAMJE < * ib between OmaniandSt. Louis ana h itoi e between OMAHA ami x nW YOUK. This th Only ine running a I'tir.LTIAN SL.EEFI.VO OAK EAST PKOSI O AIIA , ON Alt III V A L. OF TIIK UA1OX PACIFIC "EXPUESS d Paasengcrs taking othci routes nave a disagreeable transfer at the lllvcr Station. PANSE.VUKR THAIAS .DAILY ! REACHING ALL EA3TEEH AND WESTEBN CITIES AVIth U-S3 Changes and in advance of other lims. This Entire Line is equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Caw , Palace Day Coaches and Chair Cars , Miller's Safety Platform and Coupler and the Celebrated Westinshouse ; Air Brake. your tickets read via KHUHUH City , H . Joarptt & Council Ilium ICalrud , Via Omaha and St. Louis. Tickets forsalo at cor. Tenth and Farnham streets , and U. P. Depot , Omaha. JOS. TEIION , GEO. L. BRADBURY , Pass. Agt. Gen' Agent. . F. BARNARD , A. C. . PAWES , Gen'l Supt. Oen'l r s. Agt. , .St. Joseuh. M. Josron. E.OTTTE S T. 3 TEAINS DAILY ! LEAVE ST. tOUIS AVITII Pullman Palace Cars THBODGH WITHODI OHANQE Indianapolis , Cincinnati , Louisville ( , Chicago , Columbus , Pittsburg , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Wasnington , AND NEW ArrlrU ot Tisiu from tha Weit. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Cleveland , Buffalo & Boston - . . Company * * Office , N. E. cor k.r Kourtb Clie-atnnt ts , NI.LouIn , and at the Prludiiol Bal1- \vajr OfQce In the \Veal. CUAS. BABCOCK , C. C. P.US3ELL , b'lhcrn Pass. Ag't , West'n Pass. Ag't. DALLAS. TEXAS. KANSAS urrr , JOHN E SIMP&ON. CILVS. E. FOLLBIT , Gen i Supt. , Gm'l Pasi. Ag't. f 29tf I.NDIANAPOLI5 ST. LOUI3. "CTatJlTOCl C9TATOO onftctioners' Tool Works , Thos. Xffills A Ere . , Manufacturers o Confectioners'Tools TaiblLe DIouliIx , Ice Cteim Nos. 1301 & 1303 No Eighth St. PHILADELPHIA , PA. Proprietors : ' 1 ESTABLISHED 1KI. Tuoius MILU , 1 - GEO. M. MILLS , /CATALOGUES SENT ATLKKP.PAEitJtB.J \ _ / npoc application. tnar7dAw3m 13th St. , bet Parnham and Ilarnej. All k3nd of1 TAILORING , CLEANING and doaeat reuooablentci - KEAENEY'S FLCID-E5TP.ACT BUGHU " * The only tnowu remedy for imiGIIT'S DISEASE , t And a positive cure for Gout , Gravel , StrIcUire- , 1 Diabetes , Dyspepsia "cri voua Decility , Dropsy , Non-u'teition or Incoetlnence of Urine , Irrl- lauuu. luSauutloil or UUentiouof lln ) BLADDER AND KIDNEYS , SfERMA TORRIKEA , Loucoeihoc or Whites , Disea e of the Prostrate d. S-one in the BLulJer. Colcului. OllAVKl , OK KUICK DfST DK- [ 1'OMT , And Mucus or Milky KEARNEY'S Extract Buchti ! .Permanently Cure * all. Diseases of lhe Bladder , Kidneys , aud Dropsical Swellings. Existing in Men , Women anil Children , No Matter What the Age- Prof. iteIe rats : "One bottle of Kearney's Fluid Extract Biichu Is worth more th.n all other Buchus combined. " Price one dollar per bottle ; or , six bottles for five dollars. Depot 104 Duane St. , N , Y. A physician In attendance to answer corres pondence and give advice gratis. KtJTSenii stamp for pamphlets , Crane A Brighami Wholesale Agents , San Francisco. Oal. TO Tllfc NERVOUS & DEBILITATED OF BOTH SEXES. 300HABQB POE ADVICE AND Cfltf- BULTATIOK. JR J. B. DYOTT , gratluate of Jefferson Medical College , Philadel phia , author of several valuable M-orks , jan be consulted on nil tlis- , eases of the Sexuul anil Oiinury or gans , ( which he has made an es pecial study , ) either in male or Do- male , no matter from what cause originating- how lorg standing A practice of 30 years tna'jles him to treat diseases with success. Cures guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can forward let ters describing symptoms and en closing stamp to prepay postage. JC-Send for the Guide to Health. Price lOc. J. n. DYOI22 , J/.J5. Physicion and Surgeon , 104 JDuane street , N. Y OBSTACLES to MARRIAGE , IlAPPY RELEIF FOK YOUKO JIHK from the ellcxls of hrror * and Abuses la * M ly life. Manhood Restored , impediments to J/flrrlage Removed. Xew method of treatment. Ken and remarkable lemedies. Boobs and Cireyj'.Trs sent free , in sealed envelope' . Address , JlOlt"- AKD JtbSOCIAlIONNo. 2 South Ninth St. , Philadelphia , Pa , an Institution hiving a high cputation for honorable conduct and profrs- Tional kills. ic."Uiw.iu- Qlaarlss Popper , WHOLESALE BUTCHER NI > CATTLE SALT LAKE CITY , - - UTAH feb271t Proprklor of tta * RISING SUM AIO : LOS ANGELES " YINEIRDS. Depot for the sale of hia NATIVE WINES , AND M. KELSiEPCo. . , Corner of Baitcry and Washlngton Sls. SAS FRANCISCO , mar7tl PASSENG-ERS Going East or South from Omaha And Points on U. P.B.B. , hould take lb ( "LINCOLN EOUTE " , Vli Tbe ATCHISON & NEBRASKA RAILROAD ' And ; < > cure lor tbrai8 lT s tha choice of &Lz Popular R.jtesfrom AtcliLjOit to Chicago und St. Louis , All nuking Reliable C Jnectlons and being E tdppjd sdti Pakca Day and Bloeplag Can. AH delay and Inconvenience arrlTinzIrom Ferries ar.d tncsfcr can | be avoided West of Cnlcago and St. Louis by I securing Ticket ! Tla ATCIILSOS and th6 ATCHISUN A- NciiRAMUA. i : AIUIOAD. Direct and Reliable Conn > ctions are also made with the A. T. A S. F. P. . R. for the Great Arta sas Ta Uej & Colorado , And wjtb ail lines mnni ig South to points In gonlaern Kansas and t is Indian Territory. Ask for Tit kets Tla LINCOLN & ATCHISON CHAS. C.S5HTH , W. F. WHITE Gen'l Eupt. Gen'l Pass. Ag't. ( ClUSoa , DNTJL.YOC HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED OTTE , AM ) 'BESEBVOIR : \VE HAVE TWELVE UOOD REASONS AS why thcT will do yourwork. Quick and Easv. and Clean. They are chejpest to buy , They are test to use. Ther bate ov nly and qnlckly , ! Their 0 [ > ratlon is perfect , | They have always a good draft , ITJjey are made or tlie behtiaatcrlal They roast perfectly , They require but litile fuel , Tney are very low priced , Hjiil They ars easily managed , " 2J They are suited to aUlocalltUi , QQ Eftfy MovcguaranteedtoglvesatbfacUoa SOLD BY Excelsior Man'fg Co. , ST. IOUIS , 310. , M. BOG-EBS. o 90 o © o Or Sujar-Coalcd , Concentrated , IlooS and Herbal Juice , Aiitl. Billons Granules. XflE LITTLE C JAXT" CATILVKTIC. or Multum ! ) > Parvo Physic , The norelty of taodcra Sfcdicai. Chemical snd rharmsccutical Science ftu use of any I Uklnft tbu large , repuklva and nau eou § CDoipoicd of cheap , crude , and balky in rcdi. vrhcu wo can by a careful application of chemical Fcience. cxlnrr all tbe cathartic and other meUN rnal properties frorn the moot viluabm recta and tierbj , ana roiiccutnite them Into a minute Gran nie. * cartvMy larger than a inustarJ ccctl , that can De readily B allowed by tfco-eol thu mojteenjltivo etomachi and taet'Jloas ts-tcj. Uictilitile Purgative I'cllct repmcnt > , ina tao-'tconccntrateil form , as mucK cathartic powcc DS U embodied In any of the ljr-\ _ > pills found for f ale In tno drrs shops. From their wonderful ca thartic power , in proTOrtloa to their flze. pecplt \\ho hue not tried tnciu oa. apt to fuppons ttat they are hina or clra tlc tn effect , but such U not At all the ca f. > ha dillercn ( icti\o medicinal prin ciples of which they are composed beln 10 har- n > nized and modUed. one by the others , i to proJuco n mo t ncarrliliiir * Qd tlior- 0:1 ch , yet Rcutly and liluUlyoncrat lily * 500 Howard Is iiereoy offered ly the pro- prfeU.r of .hcao 1'cllcts to any chemist who , cpou acalysu , fill flnd in them any Calomel or other forau of qicrcory ci any other poison. ' HcIiiR entirely ptrtfc care Is required > vhilo ustnij them. They oiw- rate without dUturbancc to the constitution , diet. oroccupatlon. KorJnundlce. Jlcailaclic , Constipation Imxiuro itlood , Palii lit the Sliouldcrw , Tlgl'mcNn or the . Chest , DizzIiicsH , Sour tructatlonc of the Momacli , Had tnito In kUouth , IJlllouM attack * , Pain In region oZ Kldiicya , Internal Fever , nioatcd foclltiK uliout Momacli , lEUbU of IJIOOcl to Head. Hlsli Colored - . orod Urine , UiiHoclal llltr and. CJIoomy Forcbodln f , take Dr. 1'icrce'sPlcaMaiit I'urKUtlvol'cllotH. la ciplanRlion of the remedial power of my Tar- ratlvu Tcllcta over f o prcat a variety of dlseaccs. I wHh to ray that their action upon the a > * lmal economy in unlvornnl , nota claud or tlhsuo c-scaplnff their saiia. live irni > rcw. A ? } does not Impair them ; their en ar coatini anil being cncloeed In gloi boltlca prefer * o their virtues unimpaired for any- l"S"thoftime. in any climate , eo thai they are af- \Tay fresh and reliable , which is not the ca-a with the piha found in the dm store * , put up la c'uap wood or pafte-bcard boxes. Rccollctt thai firth dieeatcs where ft Laiatlvc , Altera * tire or PurRatlvo 13 Indicated , tbc o llttlo Toili ti will c e tic EObt perfect eatlaTactloa to all who c o Uism. They are Fjold by aH cntcrprl lng ruii-di at j coat * a. bottle. not allow ntry drnpjlst to Induro yon lo lit * anyfiin cl < J that ho may ay I * Jusi ai eood CJ mf * cllct9 bccai'C ho makes a larger profit nil that tthi'ii ho recommends. Jf your dm"rft c.1n"ot * PP'y ' them , i-ncloeo 23 cent * them njr n-tnm mnil from 3r.I > . , l'rop'r , BCITALO , N. H ASK EOE PYLE'S ULERATUS ! -AMI BAKING- SODA ? 2B33ST TTSZ3 i Meyer A Rannkeand Vhitney Bauscrman A Co CASTLE BROS- , IMPORTERS OF TEAS _ EJast India Goods , 213 and ai5"pROXT STREET San Francisco - California. mcbc'in PLA.TTE TALLEY REAL ESTATE ! Samuel C , Smith , Local Agent for the IT. P. R. R. LANDS , Columbus , - Nob. Government Lands Located ! U. P. Lands Sold ! Improved Farms and Toirn Lots , for a JLSIEH : ! ! on ON LONGTIME ! ! Communications Cheer fully Answered STOVE ST.OS.B. E. F. GO OK , 537 14th St. , betveea Doaglu tad ilanatacturer ol Tin Copper anJSheet _ Iron W re , and dealer In Cookin& and Heating stoves Stamped , Japanned and French Ware 01 an d. Tin RooSnz. Gutters and Spontlngaa * ht > Work done and warrsnUd , eb2U