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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1874)
THE OMAHA BE VOL. IV. OMAHA WEDJSTESDAY MQRIsmsrG- * JULY 22 , 1874. 3STO. 28. 1" * aad Prop'r EDWAKD BOSEWATER , Editor street , to tw Offlce-Xo.138 F rnh n Mnth and Tf nth- TERMS OF fcUlteCUIFTIOK : FR.EDERICK LEADING HATTER ! Best Goods , LOWESTF21ICES ' Farnham St- Grand Centr OMAHA. OMAHA BUSDiESSJgECTQ ' CBAOKEB JIANUFAOrOBY. Smith. 185 llarner street , bat. MDftureA 12th. declotl QLAS3 AHJ ) PICTURE PRIMES. T Beinbart , 136 Ioulis street , dealei In f ) .window glass and picture frauus , ( ilailng done to order. a-2tf BOOTS AED SHOES. Lang , 153 Farnham st. between 10th Philip 115h. Iebl9rl COHF2CTIOHEBT. . Latey , corner 12th and Douglas streets. TunuUcturer and wholesale deiler in . trade so- candi Bd confectionery. Country llceted. apl" COAL DBALEF8. * OU fCoal , Uaie , cemen tliair.etc. . Fland Farnham rt. fet.limS DBDQBIST3. dcrdiusglstcornirl2ih and * Urv . R , . neyncs PAWN BEOKEB. Elgutter , No. 200 Farnham at. | el7lf M. LAUHDET , l now lauD'lrT opened at oil 1Mb . * * Jr A. Farnlian. ad Uouclu. 11w wa hlnf SJia ironing will be done to order , first class woric PAIlfTEBS. T ehman A Beard , bou-e and sign P "t i. [ j lOtli Bt. bet. Farnham and Hartley , aim BO/iP FAOTOBY. Sop WorVi , Powell 4 Co , JU Premium their Premium Soap. Fir. nrst premium .awarded by the i-oug ! county "nd iJtalJlplrs , and I'oHawattaraie county , la. Orders Boll-Jledfiom the trade. A1TOBHE73. E. HSTABnoJK. M. FBASCI8 ESTABROGK& FRANCIS ATTORNEYS AT OFFICE-Crelghton Block , DEXTER L THOMAS , Attorney and * ; Couiiselor at rOTFIOE Bocin Ho' Vl&scler'i Blookj NEB OMAHA - - JOHN VLYTLE , AUorneT'at-Lan- Solicitor IB Eqalty. -Orer Pint Httlowl B uk , PAltKE Attorney at ( Campbell's Blcck , ) 6091-2 THIBTEEHTH 8TBEET , OMAHA 26 llo _ , _ . A. BALDWIH CZO. II. O'BEltN. BAI.BWIV ifc O'BKIEW. ATTOENEYS LAW Office-Cddwcll Block , TaugUa fl et , OMAHA. - - - - NEBfA8 ' JOHN C. CO WIN , . Solloltoxr COUNSELOR. OFFICB-CBEIGUTOy'S BLOCK , OMAHA. " NEBBASKA. arRUOMAHA. " T. W. T. JUCiwrds , Attorney at Law , Office 510 13th St. , bet. FarnJuiBi And Donglas , Omaha , Neb. P0. . Bat 80 o. H. BALI/ ) ti > . M.GLASGOW. ; Ballou& Glasgow , ATTORNEYSATLAW. t,3S ! nCr bton'Bijew block , aoutLetit cor room , floor. OMAHA. _ ftEP * SAVAGE & MANDERSON , Attorneys at Law , 242 FABNHAM 6TBEAT. N. J. BURNHAM. ATTORXEI AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW , Ko. SCO Farnuam Street OMAHA - NEB. mrhSOtt _ _ _ _ _ , _ JOHN K. KKLLKT , Attorney I Counselor at Law / OLLECTIOKSSOLiaTEDAKDPBOMPT- \j JT attended to. No charge unleM ooUee- tlona are made. ltouei to let and renta col- ectcd. BcalettatebouEUtaod uld. np7U W. J. GOSTNELL. AND * Attorney for Sccoud Jad- Icial District. OKHCS South aide ol Farnham , between 15th an I6lh ita. , oppoaita Court KOUM. Corner cf Cnmicgi ul Tweaty-iecond itreeU The finest lager bser con stantly on hand. Je25-Cm CIIAS. WEVilULLEB. Prop. U.P.R.R , MEAT MARKET , UthitreetbetOillIornU and Webster. TVTE KEEP OK HAND THE BEST YY tuprly ol FRESH 'AND SALTED VEA1S. Also large ( lock o ( Fine Sugar Cured Uam and Breakfast Bacon , at the low- * t rues. Wil. AUST * KJJUTH , Klt-lT Proprietor ! , " EEDMAIT & LEWIST" Cor. 16th and Izard Streets. TJ , On hand and SAWED TODEDEB. * GOVEBKOR PATTEE says hia memory is very uncertain. THE nimble grasshopper is giving way to the frisky frog out "West. THE Dodge Street issne can't be successfully dodged. MABOB CHASE is in search of a Captain for the Omaha horse ma rines. COUNCILMAN STEMIEKSON will make another brief remark in the City Council to-night. THE man that went to Long Branch two y ars ago to secure the Omaha Postmastership , will soon be in our midst. JUDGE DUDEEV has been over hauling his judicial record , and he expresses full confidence in Coun cilman atephenson's Integrity and good judgment. THK Detroit Free Press explains the Chicago fire by declaring that one reason why the Chicago fires get such a fctart is because the firemen take s > o much time to carry off and hide goods. If the city would only furnish each one with a man and a dray they could get along faster. * An indiscriminate alaugMcr in clothing end gents. ' furnishing goods regardless of prices at 206 Farnham street. Fine linen and chevoit shirts ot our wii make at $2.00 and $2.50 each. Jlailroad Tit.tets bought and sold by P. Qottheimer , Broker , at 290 Fan.ham street. Unredeemed -Pledges for Sale. may Iv26 Hamlet Unun. 9 th street between Jones and Leavens-firth sts , OMAHA , - PBRASKA. ECPSTJfF MOST COMPLETE ASSOIIT metal J-adlA. ' < cd ( Jpnts1 straw hats.trim- sad untrimww , Pennols. Piquej , 'Mar seille * . Nainsook * andallfcllidi of lry Uonds , Ladies' id Orntr ' BO..U , etc. } ! ) ' Ine ( of Cry Goods IF Coiuj.leU ) . &illlg only lor CABll , f am able to UK'DhnSLi.L any other Dealer in the City. Our PIUCESare LOWEB than ever beard of before. J. KOOREHEAD , AND PHARMACIST , Bbclr , Bet California & Webster Eta. ' ' 0 AIA. NEB. Physicians i'reMnptJflp ; carefully Jc2C 3ui coninoundnd. DBNTIPTHV. DENTISTS , OFFICE , No. 232 FARM HAM § T. CPSTMns. Bet 13th 4.14th StsOMAHA. . Ba-l < U".turactlflltiirl > m > U ! ts Iu tlie city DR A.-S BILLINGS , . - , , t. . Bet. 13th and 14th , up stain. r th extracted without pain , by ujoof M- tro.ut Oxide 3t . VUffire opes atall boa eStf J = l.oox a.0. I. VAN CAMP M. D. DUpenses hi * own medelaei. cod beside * rcguUr pnetlop , makes ipeeUlitlea of Derange- incnj * and I > Jieae Peculiar to Women , Fistu la , PiU * and other Uiseanef o ! toe Bectum. Ojncit : Conur Farnham and 14th itreeti , Srst door to the right , up t tn. Bpsidenc-- , ! 10 DougUi 1reetbetwr nj ; and nth , next 10" Lutheran Churcli Oinaba , y h , Lock Bo 3M. MiU , J. K.VANDKKCOOK Eclectic Physician * Seildenct and oOc. 250 Dodge it bet 14th and 15th sti. Mpccfal attention paid to'obstetrlcs and dls- < aiu ptcif jf U > Toznen and children. ISitf. California House. FBITZ HAFMEE , Propr. ! No. 170 Douglas Street , rornir lltb , Owiba , f ebrusLa. Board by the day or week. lunel , vl C. 7 171 Cor. fcaruliam nnd Blrrcnta IU. ill kjnds ot TAILOBIKO , CIcanlnK and n- lalring don * nt reawcable raU a. A fine lot of "UBMaH&a OUOU3 constantly on band md sold cheap. tocSCtf STODltARD & IIl'KLlUrr , Market Gardners ! A LL KjNDS" OF VEGETABLES AND tV. plants , for sale. Orderi cddreu * ! to ua t our garden Cor. 21st and Paul Streets , rllrecrlre prompt attention. aplSdSm PROPOSALS FOB UAY. Sealed proposal will be recehed by the nn- erngned until 8 P. M. , July 2I I , 1674 , for r ortr tons of hay , more or less , to be delliered n such quantities and - * such times as may be equired lor the use of the nre department. Bds | to be openid at next meeting 'ol the SPENCEB'g Fruit nna Coiifectionnvy Cor. 13ili and Lrareimorlli Sts. , Til 3m AT TIIE OF. . Situated Ion the line ; of the Union Pacific Ullroad , near the powder bouw. Manufac- ures first < las > soap lor home consumption. 1une24-lv P. N. GLYNN t C 1TIIOLE8ALK AXD BETAJL DHALKK IX C A/ines / Segars t Liquors , , , ( i TOBACi 0 AXD PIPES. 1 XMifomU Wines and Brandlea.'SW 1t 1t t Corner of l ! h and Dodgs atreeU opposite the t lew Post Office building , Omaha. Neble2SU t CONTRACTS | BfllPGKSI c I The subscriber U prepared to I if Brldclne. ( Hiilwsy or III ' ng.andll Ty Framing f Span bridges tspeclalt ) ) , . . . . . - . . . . , - - - - . c md complete the same on the shortest possible lotice. Pt f and spedflcatloL ? furolsbed. I > rdtn avllclted. County Qerks and otbera c rlU confer a favor by sending notice of lettlcgs WILLIAM BOVD , o _ ( * - * * * + * v * + ff - 874 Paul StiNt , Omah * . I VERY LATEST. MIDNIQ-KT. NIAGARA , Ont. , July 21. Two bodies of the victims of the yacht Foam were found this morn ing on the American shore nearly opposite this place. TORONTO , July 21. General Joseph Hooker and party arrived here last evening. Three hundred Mennonites ar rived en route to Manitoba. NEW YORK , July 22. A Washington special dispatch says Gen. Nelson , ex-minister to Mexico , now here impartially de nies more ransom that any negotia tions are now pending -with the United States for cesssion of any portion of Mexican Territory. He says suggestions of such a move ment in Mexico would cause acoth er revolution. .NEW ORLEANS , July 21. The Fourth Congressional District Republican Convention at Conshat- ta , nominated George L. Smith , and passed resolutions endorsing Grant for a third term. An Austin special says that news received at the Adjutant General's office , says that on the 28th of J une the Coraanches , Kiowas and Cbey- ennes attacked Doty Wells' settle ment , and were repulsed with a loss of 38 killed and wounded. Reports of fights with Indians are coming in from all quarters. NEW YORK , july 21. Boston dispatches state that last evening after the inquest into the murder of the child Kate Curran by Jesse Poraeroy , three physicians thinking there must be some cogent reason for his conduct , called upon his mother , who was very frank in answer to their questions. She said her husband was a butcher , and was now a lugger in the mar ket ; and that when she was preg nant with Jesse she often went to the slaughter house to see the kill ing of animal" , in which she took particular delight , and had often assisted her husband in this work. No sooner had Jesse grown large enough to have a knife in his hands tliitn he was continually using it , thrusting it intopieces of wood , and when he was older , into pieces of meat | n his fa 1 er's market. WASHINGTON , July 21. 4 Vicksburg telegram forwarded froji ) here to Long Branch to-day , from tjip actjng governor ot Missis sippi , asks that I ? , S. troops be' sta tioned there to prevent outbreak' that are expected to occur there du ring the election which will take place on the 4th day of August. In connection with the applica tion to Gen. Sheridan for effective operations against Indians , theXio- was , Comanches and Clioyennes the secretary of war has instructct the general of the army as follows In accordance with suggestions and recommendations received to- Jay from the .Acting Secretary of the Interior and the Commissioner jf Indian Affairs , guilty Indians ire to bo pursued and punished tvn/srpvpr / found , and reservation ines will bo JW barriers to these op- jrations. Cai'e should Jje taken note o interfere with Innocent and riendly Indians who are near the igencles , and who Jiavo taken no mrt iu the late forays. Measures ihould be i'mme'diatejy taken to keep riendly Indiana from others , and emission Le offerc"d to others who ire friendly and ha\ not hid an ) pnorjunity to join them , to come iu hen. 'All-who. persist in hostilities ihould be pursued and punished , [ "he secretary of tlie interior will be minediately informed of these in- itruotfoh , aijd a cVipy of the letter if the secretary of % the interior of liily 18 , enclosing a communica- ion from the commissioner of In- lian affairs of the same date , re- eceived to-day , will be sent , as eon as copied , to you , for transmis- iion to General Sheridan. Signed ] Wif. BELKNAP , Sec'y of War. /U'lHCAGD / , July 21. In the case of the Unio'rt 'i'rust Company of New York against the lockford , Rock Island ' & St. Louis fcilivay , brought in the U. S. Cir- iult'CoWt to 'enforce a $9,000,000 rust deed against the company and or the appointment of a receiver , he Hon. Judge Blodgett dismissed a lift bill on the ground that the nec- ssary'nujj bqr of bondholders did lot join hi the request to thetrus- < ees to foreclose as to the former de-1 aults In interest Also that the 111 was prematurely filed as to the bfapjt of February , 1872. A deolsjon Jnvpjvjngvery-impor- mt principles was rendered in the United States oiroujt court this af- jrnooq by Judge Drummond/ cl le case of the Atlantic and Pacific clSi 'elegraph ' Company , against the Sia ] hicago and Rock Island Railroad bmpany. the telegraph company 2 epting'the action of Congress of uly 24U ) , 1806 , entitled an act to Id in erecting telegraph lines , and. > secure to the goverAmunt tjjpuse f the same for postal , military , com- 01 aj and other purposes. During ie construction 9 ! the line along , ' ' le route''of the ? locj > Is- ind" Railroad between' Ohl - $ } igo and Omaha , the RalH seat > at } company1 ordered the telegraph ) njpany to desist after a few poles ere set , thereupon the telegraph mipany appliedto the United , tates circuit court for an Injunction straining the railroad company om Interfering with the consfucf0 or 01 their lines , claiming that as le Rock Island railroad carried the 63 nited States mail it was a post- > fld and oame under the provision r the act of 1SC6. The railroad as represented by Messrs. AVil- ns < fc fj.'hqfflpsou , attorneys. It aa claimed by th'ew that the net L question'appJIeq only tq coads ' aversjng th'd public hat { } ie rjght of way which had ien condemned aod purchased by IB railroad undc i thp etatp } awg Ol as the property of thp ralroat ) ) 3inpajijr , and ' under tbp .Fifth mendmont' the constitution jujdnotbo taken without cond ensation , Judge Drummond III Is decision held that the act of July Itb , IS66 , limits the powers therein inferred to such military and post dt > ute at tbe United States as are dtbi wned or exclusively controlled by that act bi ie government , the nes not include railroads which , ave been designated as post routes y either act of Congress over which stm 40 government exercises no con- m ol , but sinjpjy contracts for tlie urylng of the mails of tllP United tates , that neither under the apt dt f ' 66 nor under any act of Con- rosa take or authorize the taking f privatp propprty of a railway eor- oratlon for the purpose of erection nd maintaining a telegraph. Jjne ] ij ithout compensation for the 80 Bought to be grapled. qi CABLEGRAMS , PARIS , July 22. The following changes in the ministry are officially announced Gen. Leatour , minister interior ; M. Bodet , minister finance. The con sideration of M. Perior's motion has been postponed till Thursday. BERLIN , July 221. The police iu accordance with a telegram from Kissingen have searched the house of M Creamen , editor of the Germania , and other prominent ultromatanes , and seized a number of documents. LONDON , July 21. Cornelius DeWitt , son-in-law of M. Guizot , has been appointed Un der Secretary of the new Minister of the Interior. Both are Protest ants. M. Chambaud Sator is , a strong Orleanist and personal friend of thePrlnce'g * " ' - MADRID , July 21. A proclamation has been issued supplementary to a tlecree estab lishing a state of siege. It declares that charges of sedition or conspira cy against the state shall be tried by court martial , and persons con victed of interfering with the oper ation of railway or telegraphs shall suffer death. LONDON , July 21i A Carlist telegram from Baj'imne declares that Di > n Alphonso entered Cuencca on the IGthinst. and levied a contribution of 32,000 pounds sterling. Two thousand of the popu lation fell prisoners into his hands. The Queen yesterday sent a mes sage to Parliament asking for a jraut for Prince Leopold , who ob tained his majority on the 7th of April last. The message will be considered in the House of Com mons on Thursday. CITY OF .MEXICO , July 14. Y VIA HAVANA , July 21. j A. banquet was given on the 4th nst. in honor of American inde pendence. All Americans here , vere present , and the dinner was ilso attended by President Leerdo le Jal , members oflhe cabinet , di- ) lomatic corps , leading men of the iountry and preas.The Declaration if Tndef endence was read , patriotic K > ems recited and cordial toasts ex- hanged , f There arc now ninety-eight prot- stant churches iii Mexico ; five ears ago ihere were less than six. July 21. Captain General Poncha has is- ued a decree to take effect August irst , providing that duties shall be aid as follows : .Fifty per cent in l > ecietwenty-five per cent in Span- jh bank bills.with one hundred per ent addedund the remaining 25 er cent in bank bills at their nom- lal value , onUnd after the first of LUgust. Said'taxes are to be paid i bank billscwith , tbe addition of DO per cent. 'The decree of Jun - 4 , 'ithorizing.thjBSpanish ' Bank to sell iccio on account of the treasury , to e used in payrnentof duties , } s an- , tilled. ( Planters and merchants of ifferent1 classes of industry are olding conventions to decide the 2st and speediest ways of paying ip taxron capital. MARKE-Tg.UY TELEGRAPH. . New York Money Market. NEW YORK July 21. Money Easy at 28 per pent. Exchange Dull but steady ; 487J xtydays ; 490/or sight. Gold Dull , steady ; opened at 110 illl ; jleclined to 10 | ; now belling Governments Dull ; chief Bales qT qo gistefed in 1865s ! , new , 10.1J ; T gisterecj Gs of ISSl 1 16r ; currency I Stocks Nery dull ; limited trans * ; 'market declined i to f but 'terwitrds ralied J anil a'galn elded 1-5 to 1-4 ; Erie37 | ; U P 2GJ ; rTJ71J ; PM44 . ew. York Produce Market. JuIy-21'/ BreadstuffiP-G'enerally qu'jptTand. ichanged. Flour Heavy and lower. W eat Q'uiet. Corn Firm ; Western -mixed " " " " ' loal at 7&60 , Oats Flrmer Western mixed 00 , Rye Dull and nominal. to Provisions Quiet and without tob pjded change. th Leather , Iron and Wool Quiet. er Chlcayo PruuucB Market. di in - CHICAGO , July 22. is Flour drill and unchanged. NYheat Unsettled , Irregular but > sed > sleady at"medium prices. th ' les of IT o.'l At 1131 ; o. 2 l' 0J thHi ,10 | } closed at 1 lot spot July , 07- for August , I 03al } 04 for Sep- riDer ; No. 3 1 02 ; rejected 92. of Corn Opened quiet , firm , but ofBe "ady and a tritte higher. pete Dats Scarce , linn , and higher. to ) . .2heldnt 52a54 , and closed at lei " " tsido figure : 49j bid" July. Kyv Nominal. ly. Barley Steady and unchanged. fr < Pork Excited and" higher , , and ta : ised easjcratg ? 00 ; spot or August to Id at 22 1Q ; closed at 21 uO@2l ft. CO Lanl Steady and unch.ange d. of Butter Quiet. ca Eggs Steady. JleM at ev \ at Q5. \Yhisky-T-Mrni uu On call Board this afternoon uun icat closed at 1 10 | for July ; 1 071 .August. ro [ torn Quiet and flrm at 03 } spot ; i@G3i for July ; 0102for August. fw Yorlf Live Stock , Market. Et ArE\VlOKKJtlly21. fir faille Receipts 5,000. The mar sh Ufi t'isTieaCy , dtUI , weak and lower. erokees held at 7 0010 00 ; COm tjyfi Bteprs aiijtexen 0 0012 50. wecp-and Laiybs Jecept } § QQOOi ht demand ; sheep he'ld'at " 400@ 0 ; lanibs 0 000 50. " ' SogsReceipls OOO ; nqiic ofiered vpjirpssp . .rp } ; _ , , pete iicago Live- Stop | ( Market. CiiICAGO'July 21. m ce 2attle Rect-Jpts , 2,000. Market su Uimnearly . neglected ; prloes th Texaa SQdMt } 2 38 thi i Choice Steers. 5 90@QOg : . tchers , 4 80. ife door Hogs Receipts , 0,000 , Good ality firm ! prices higher ; closed or at 5 SOaQ J5 for ga egg poor tp com- jnjB20 ; for talr ; OSOaO'QO for cei i odito choice. .All sold. beer sheep -Recelpts , 1,100. Market ll and'easy at 3 25a5 25. Live-Stock. gr. jLoms , July 22. er Rpgs jRecelpts , "J300 _ j WgKerj. 'us TELEGRAPHIC. ' * 4'O'CLOCK P. M. . Specially B roted for the Omaha Daily Be ? , bv thi Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Co. SPRINGMELD , ILL. , July 21. Owing .to tbe disastrous drouth the wheat/crop in this state will be light. f. \ BRookLYX , July 21. Jauies Grady was fatally stabbed in the abdomen by John Harriman and John Flanagan during a bar room fight this morning. The as sailants were arrested. CINCINNATI , July 21. , An at tempt was made to poison' some of the non-union printers em ployed on the Gazette in place of the union strikers. The airair cre- atoacoiisiderable ! excitement. > ' - BOSTON , July 21. The- police of'Bridgeton district last night made the arrest of sixteen railrdad thieves. They have been operating nsiderably on loaded cars switched on side tracks. -f "EVAKSVILLE , Ind. , July 20. During flooding rain and terrific wind at 3 o'clock this afternoon , Martin's tobacco warehouse was down down , and two other build- ngs were unroofed. Barges and steamboats were torn looSe from their moorings , a large number o : shade trees were destroyed , and ither damage done , but no one was njured. GALVESTON , J'lly 21. A News' Austin special says no ) fHcial details have been received jy Major Jones of the fight- with the [ ndians near Jacksboro. Col. Street has received advices hat on the 9th seventy-five Indians ittackcd a srnall party of scouts be- onging to Capt. Stevens and "ckerd's command. The scouts vere so greatly out-numbered that hey avoided an encounter. SAT.T LAKK , July 21. The Liberal or Anti-Mormon Convention met yesterday in this ity. Nearly every county in the territory was represented. A plat- orm of free speech , free ballot , and ree schools , with an eulogi&tic ics- lution on the administration of 'resident Grant on Utah aflairs ras adopted. Robert X. Baskin , a romiiient lawyer and old line ) emocrat , was nominated by ac- lamation as candidate for delegate NEW YOUK , July 21. Mayor Havemeyer's answer to 10 clmrgcs against him , preferred y the counsel of Tammany Hall ad the Board of Alderman , id not et finished , and he will probably ot transmit a reply to the Gover- nr for a day or two. Up to midnight Mullen , the pe- L'strian , had only accomplished xty-six miles. To complete the )0 ) miles in the time specified , lip ill have to walk 831 miles a day , ; irig now " 17 miles behind time. lie track was heavy , a rain storm availing for three hours , which : netrated through tbe tent cover id thus impeded his progress. It the general impression thathe mm "BROOKLYN , July 21. At half past 10 this morning JMr. ilton , who had been reading his atement carefully fiiul doliberatc- , left the pjace of meeting accom- inied by a friend who had been iven there in a carriage about a mrter of an hour before. A . ' core eager reporters gathered around Iton as he emered from the for. IJouse. and eagerly enquired r ne\ys . He's'ajd ; ' have "iiotUing to say except at I have my statement , and I ink it is unanswerable. " In re- y to the question as to whether s statement could be obtained , he id the committee had agreed that thing should be made public as if HiTth'en drovc"off in hiscar - le committee refused to give any formatjon whatever. They said Iton's ' statement hat } boon made , it there were ether witnesses to be iard befbro anything could be ven to the public. July 21. $ l o statement tpjegraphei } hf > npe the elleot thnttheto was a conflict tween the secretary of war and e quartermaster general with ref- jnce to headstones for the graves the national cemeteries is contra sted on the beat authority. There 10 conflict whatever. Festimonywas given before the md jury to-day .to the effect that > burglar who blew open the Har- iglon'sftfe and escappd , was par- ued out of tjie Albany at the rsonal solicitation of CoJ. Whitely the treasury department and a merville , N. Y. lawyer , who ap- ired here the morning after Ben- I's arrest for the purpose of de- idinghim. Te'is the man'whom Col. White- . , sent to Albany to receive pardon m thp Qovprrjor. Jfls object in iing'a mau frpm tbe , pqnitfintiafy ( ] o the job is Relieved to be , on'ac- int of his beii.g prevented by law testifying in th0 casp. unless he } shb\v" his Canton , " which , how- ; r , has .not been delivered to him , t is being held hack in order to luce him to keep his faith with s parties wlio employed him to the safp , NEW YORK , July 21. Representatives of Collyer and wards , pugilists , have made a al deposit of $1,000 in the prize lit for the light weight champion- p of America , . § 2,000 a side , to ne off August llth , within 100 les'of Pittsburg , and the fighting mnfT to bo } n.Vfest Virginia , ttjng Is § 10,0 to 8Q on Edwans. ] Jn to 2:15 : o'cjopk yestorcjay if ul- I liad'walked 'miles 6f his pro sed 500 rnijes , when ' he was obljged. [ pave the track on' account of the nps of paint nji ] ( } "varnjsl } wjjjjph a helnc ugpd to pajnt Pjonahlspn's tmmoth balloon , whjch is to as- id from the hippodrome. He re- ned his walk soon after work on > balloon had been suspended , Phe Columbia crew arrived here s afternoonj and were met at the ? ot By ft large number ; of jproTeSs- ; and.stnflenta of the college , who re them.a cordial and hearty re- > tlon , Che Jloddy scandal Hll lingers rare the Court of General Sessions. e defendants , Miss Shotwell , oth. vlsfi Mrs. General Phillip Boddy , to is charged with stealing an op- i glass and seven English sov- ijgns from her reputed husband , \ff \ hajls rrorn Iqhania , was cross- imined ot length - to-day , She torouslj' main 4tlus her right to the [ e of Mrs , Ready , t < DAVENPORT , IA. , July 21. The Wheat harvest here and at Muscatine and Grand Rapids Ls progressing favorably. Corn is ex cellent. IiAFAYETTE , IXD. , July 21. ' mills destroyed Pigman's paper were stroyed by lire this morning. Loss , § 15,000 ; insurance light. XKW YORK , July 21. The Rodujj ifau-ce and alleged 'grand iarc Dj | Hs drawing to a close. IfwasjPIKi'to the jury to day. DETKOIT , July 21. A meeting of holders of first and second bonds , with tluir coupons , of tlie .Detroit & Milwaukee Rail road , was held here yesterday , and it was decided to apply for a re ceiver of the road. PUT-IN-BAY , Ohio , July , 21. The book publishers' convention will be held here to-day , and will last over Wednesday and Thursday. Steamers will make extra trips to accommodate delegates and others wishing to attend. GREEN BAY , Wis. , July 21. A dispatch from Peshtigo says that the woods there are on fire. The air is intensely hot and if the wind changes the town may be des troyed. A large number of men are fighting fire at Little Samico. The flames are very fierce at Oconto. NEW YORK , July 12. A special from Shroudsburg , Pa. , to a'morning paper.says that John Jones , a quanyman at Slatington , quite lately married , became despe rately jealous of his young wife and last Saturday night he cut her throat with a butcher knife , and then cut himself frightfully in the stomach , burying the blode entirely. PHILADELPAIA , July 21. Judge Cadwalader of the U. S. Admiralty Court to-day awarded $14,200 to Captain Brady , by the steanibhip company , for his servi ces in bringing the'steamship Penn sylvania to port after the loss of her captain and chief oflicer in storm in February lash The court also awarded him $200 WASHINGTON , July 21. From fifty to one hundred Arap- uhoes were killed by the attack of Company B , second cavalry , in their encampment at Powder River , on the Fourth of July. Two sol- liers were killed , and one hundred md forty of thp Ind jails' horses were ? apturccl. Many ot' the ArapaUoca1 ivoraen and children wcrp killed ac- ; identally. This is the worst pun- slmient the Indians have yet re- jeived. BOSTON , July 21. Captain Dyer , who had charge of he station in which the girl Katie 'urran was murdered by the boy fosse Pomeroy , has sent in his rcsig- lation on account of the popular ecling against his official acts m onncctioii with tjie obtaining of he release of the boy from the Re- urm school , and his subsequent icglect to watch the conduct of so angcrous a character. Dyer'- , esignatiou has been accepted. The losses of the Boston insur- npe companies by the Chicago fire ggregatc $70,000. WASHINGTON- , July 21. It is reported here that the Presi- ent contemplates the appointment f General Henry C. Wayne , of Sa- annub , Ga. , as'Minister to Russia , i place of Jewell. The President ncl General Wayne are known to e warm personal friends. In accordance with the rccom- icndationa and suggestions rpceivcd > tiny frojn the Actjng Spcretary of ip Interior , to the Commissioner of ndian Affairs , the guilty Indians re to be pursued and punlshod , herever found. Nnw YORK , July 21. This morning Charles Hudson , ite cashier of the Eighth National ; ank , was arrested and brought be- ire United States Commissioner shorn , charged with making a false , tid fraudulent report of the bank's s mditlon. The argument upon hich the warrant was issued was tade by Win. J. Best , a late stock- older , who alleges that in October , 571 , Hudson made a false return to 10. comptroller of the ( ; urrenpy , n\- \ inding'0 defraud the sto kholdflrs , ul on'the 12th of December of the inie year the bank became insol ent. Hudson was held in $5,000 i ill. iC NEW YORK , July 21. A letter from Ben Butler to the 'en > ld , published to-day , denies ic alleged story of General Hooker uchinfe the money and valuables 'colored troops in Virginia , which boker asserts Butler appropriated his own use. Butler says that , i the contrary , there was a savings ink established at Norfolk for the lored troops , under the charge of e Quartermaster of the Army , and was afterwards transferred to eFreedman's Bureau , and theac- unts duly settled and vouched for. itler. at the same time , takes occa- m to deny all die accusations uching his acts durjng the war , on v\l \ administration , The Herald ta-aaj' .says. , that the itcmont of Tilton delivered before e Beecher investigating commit- elast night was'evidently written Ith a view to rhetorical eflect. It iced the history of his friendship Ith Beooher until the commence- cut of the present troubles. It re- rred to and produced letters be- reen Mrs. Tilton and Beecher. icse letters contained no reference any immorality between her and ? echer , and it was only by infer- ice that the tangle could be con * rued ( o have/eferpnoo therpto. Tilton alleged tliat ihere was not word of trutn In the statement acje by Mrs. Tilton before the mmlttee , she being influenced to is strange course-by her loyalty to e church , Thereisnothlngglvon Tilton'B statement that proves lythlng against Beecher , except at he had been indiscreet in t ans , rring to writing feelings and sen- nents only to bo spoken to a pri- . ite ear , or one in whom there is a' e long confidence. Tllton's statement lasted until Jdnight , In conversation after living the committee chamber lie id his statement was unanswer- ile. The committee agreed that ithlng would be published In the ornlnp , and the press was ex uded. The committee adjourned oneA. M. The latest theory concerning the athan murder asserts that the , urderer died in Brooklyn shortly ter the crime was committed } irgpon Johnson of Henry street , rooklyn having given information nding to this belief , M. HELLMAN & CO. , CLO THI R S , - AND.IDEALERS IK 221 and 223 FARNHAM STREET , COR. 13TH ST. OUR STOCK FOR THE Is Complete now ; Our Assortment in Clothing i Gents' .Furnishing Goods Comprises th , © 'Latest ITovelties. THE IiATEST STTIES HT SATS A3TD CAPS wC We Hare also a Full Line in BOY'S an filUTIPS WE WILL SELL OURGOODS LOWEBTIfAN EVER. M. HELIK N & CO. : FJ\TiT. . , 1373. , A. BROWN , 248 Douglas Street , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS , CABPETS , An Immense Stock of Fresh New G-oods Just Opened to be sold lower than any other honse in the city , consisting of MERINOS , EMPRESS CLOTHS , RSPBLLAIW , ALPACAS & MOHAIRS , also VELVET & BEAYER CLOAEISm A. FULL STOCK OF SHAWLS , BLANKETS , FLANNELS , MERINO I/.NDERWEAR .AND WORSTED G-OODS. TABLE LIiNKN IN ttREAT YARIETY. A FULL LINE OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETS , OIL CLOTHS , HATTING RUGS , AND MATS , Furniture , bedding. Mirrors , Pertaining to the FURNITURE and UP- - trade ; .has largely increased his stock and now Las a complete asscJtment o ± FINE , MEDIUM nrifl TOW JBIOED foods , , which he , is off A at such R . DTOED , * ' ' i ' T M T T"u ULH JI J i. n. i y i j Qill 'RIC IT- ? -s-J ? make it to tlie interest of everv one desirino- Jiythmg in this -line , to examine his stock before piirchas2 JABLOR SLTS , LOUNGES &c. , UPHOLSTERED AND COVERED TO ORDER. CHAS. SHIVEHICK , 1W = * . Stx-oot. Ox : G. STRIFFLER , DEALEB N CHOICE HIES , rovis'ons , Fruits , Xutc , Confectionery , Tobacco. Tobacco.&c. &c. , &c. . &c. K. ron.or * rVi nmlFARNHAM. a IMlf chucidor & Burmester Manufacturers c\f [ N , COPPER AND SHEET IROH WARE. DEALER3 IN Cookiug and Heating Stores. tin Hoofing , Spouting and Gutter ) ig don ort notice and ic tbe beat maaner. Iteen trcet sept24d ) /ity Meat = -0 fiv > p constantly on hand A LARGE SUPPLY OF t JStTS TS * , JL O 3E urrox , POULTEY , GAME FBANK J. RAMGE DRAPER & TAILOR AN : , IN GENTLEMEN'S ' FURNISHING JGOODS , IVH A ssorf mentor Imported Woolens. All Work Warranted. FarnliamSt , - , Omai-a , ITeb 18th , FU01I THIS DATE WE WILL SELL MILLINERY ! At Greatly Reduced Prices f MRS. C. F. mCKMAU. elS 1m AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Cor. 13th. and Sarney Strssts , Spring and Summer Styles. A. POLACK , CLOTHIER , 238 Farnlaam St. ITear 14th. . iiiie and Hedinm and Furnishing Goods.