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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1889)
THE HESPERIAN. is L to - fl THE LATEST. MODEL 1889. MARLIN safety Repeating RIFLE using tho32,S3, and 41 "Winchester cartridges, having a solid Top receiver, ExcludlnRtm dirt or moist uro irora mo iocs. LOIDIHGEJECTIMC from tho side, away front y tnoracooi inc suooior. . weighing but 6tf pounds MODEL 'St REPEATERS -CO nnd 45-70 Calibres. TRAJECTORY BTRONQ BHOOTINQ. W vmn lK " aaaaaaaa-law t. 1 ABENTSSKS mmm sum lamp. Can b Hold In every family. luiit than turoo ordinary lamr Full slied Lawn sont by Exprosi fc moro II, nivnn v. ... ...-. ..... . ... than turoo.ordinary lamps, own sons py xprosi tor thirty coat-. Wo Also bare tno beat .v soiling Coffee Vat in tho U. a. sond for illustrated circulars to FORCHEE & DfloMAKlN.CliWlnnatl.O SCENTS can make t,oo per Day profit soiling our ALBUMS. Wo boat tho World for low prlco. A ftED MiCWH PHUXOtiKAPIt ALBUM. :10W, Embossed padded sldos, Rold edges, oxten- Clasp, noiaing 3J pages or uiu Sloit clasp, holding S3 pictures, sent for- il.ot In Japanocso Morocco Pages of Cabinet and Card .00, retails for S3.SSi bound also o. Illustrated circulars I'REll . fth..hnnilriNER-l m aaaat fa m aai I k "" w "' " -. NTVLES Oft' FArskee ft NcMnkl, yiHCIBHIHI, -wins. ALBUMS and a model of srm mctry and beauty. Shoots with greater ACCURACY than any omcr. uuni buy until you sco tho MARLIN SAFETY MODEL, 1889. THE BALLARD still remains tho best shooting rifle In tho world. MARLIN'S DOUBLE ACTION AUTOMATIC EJECTING. REVOLVER In workmanship, finish and accuracy of shooting; sec ond to none. WRITE US for Information. All Inquir ies answered promptly. ask Your dealer to show you our rifles. Fur a complete description of tho best Itepcallng Utiles In tho world, write for Illustrated Catalogue D, to tho MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CONN., U. S. A. LYMAN'S PAT. RIFLE SIGHTS Are Unequalled both for Hunting and Target Shooting Send for Catalogue Rifles of latest design. showing Sights and AsDBxas, WM. LYMAN, Midillefleia, Ct. fox 1064 G WEAL KllAlMH TMlt FOB ALTj RIFLES, Pistols s anainotcuns. w BHTtsmWoHS. Bend for illustrated Descriptive- E Clrcalar. iz IDEAL MF'G CO., New Haven, Conn. i.BH 3" Vh CD o a: o LL a: LU a o 01 o HI HI -I ad to a3 1-3 H H CuO d d t-H Oh CO 4-J v-H If) u L r v-H a P O O - t-l CD Ph w t "! fxa UfllAt from Ohio. Kerr U .on. of flalem. Qhtu. II wrlten "Wi at work on farm for tjlllO a month t I now have in agency tk. u. Alien a vo ainumi miu nuou and oneii iimko NSU a dV." (SlglicJ) W. II.UAIIillSON. William Kllur, Hurrliburir, IvT, wnuii "i nare never Known any thlnR to tell Ilk Your album Yefltenliiy I took onlrrt enoUKlt to r luu nrrrSS.t." W J Kl- mure, linn for, Me., wrllti "I tako an onlrr for our allium nl almutl ever liouio I vull lr prom oncn attnueliat wu for a alnel dar'eviotk ' Oilier arc doing quite well we not tpaeo to Rive ei- racti rnim Ihelr etten. F.rr h wnn laKesiiomoi iniiBrnnti iiiiinee imrt upirniiuipronii. Shall wc start YOU in this uusiiiCBri rvniKr? Write tout and Irani all about It for rnumrlf. We ru tnrili)ir maiijr t newlllatnit you If joudon't delay until iiiollierfretialiindoryou In your part of Hi country. IfVtMi ukeliolilyiiu will boableto ilck upirold fat. nyKcnd On account of a forced manufacturer' aale tn,000 toil tliillai' I'hittoKI'iipli AIIiiiiiih areto liomlil tolhe iieoilo for l$SS each. Hound In I toy n I Crlmuil Hllk Velvet rluti.Clmnuliirlrdcconitcdlnilde. Ilnndwiiietnlbunulntlio wutld. Larrtetl Hl.r. Urenteit barpnllu ever knunn. AKeiil MnutiMl. I.lbernl tiriuft. Ug money for agvutt. Anyttnoenli Ucenhie n mcccMful afrent. UclU Itself on lRlit til tie onto MlKIug nece.fary, Wherever ,hown, crery onoviaulii to pur chim. Apt ula take ttioutauds of orderi with raiddlly never before knilviu. (Innl iinifllann all every worker. Aru'lila are thakliii; rortiiueii. Iridic make at much ai men. You, trader, ran don well nanny one. lull Infonnilloii mid Uilni IVoe, IoiIiokf win, wtile Tor came, with partkularaaml temnrurour Family llllili Hooka and l'erlodltala. After you know all, thuutdyou cuiirludalo go no further, why no harm l done. Ailc'riii )'.. V AI.I.I'.N A UI., Anil VTA, HAIxr t ii flaalaBBBBBBW M "" WbTbbT t t m iaaVlor " t? KaaaaKattc ell 3 aaaiaaaV IAim .rHV!?&E&A:sa FlT1lBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBaBBBljaBBBaBBBrtl .H if UiBFHkEAi aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamT' IT ."a VlaaaaV "V Htl)ilaaaaKaa iinaiitteaiW blKkbl U n NEW SMfkHrtllfl 'UoItlWatcbl .Worth 91O0.OU. lint Iwatcn In the worm, rerrcci timekeeper. Warranted heavy, SOLID OOLD buntinr eatet, I tlAli. (aiiltaka al auHt'a ! with work and cnei of 'equal value. oi HRSOMin earh localllr can aecnrs on tVt. tonther with our tarn and valJible llneof Ilottsehold 'rinunlea. Tbea aamplea. a well iv- ..irh. arc free. All the work rou nenl do la to ahour what w end you to Ihoae who call your frlendi and ueiirhbora and tho about you that alway reaull In valuable trade fur ua, which hold forycara when once Urted, and thua w are reiiald. W pay all expreaa. freight, etc. After you know all. if vou would like to fro to work for u. you can aarulrom S'JO to per week and nimarda. Addreu, Htluaoa Oi Co., Itox Sl, 1'ortland, Malue. Itno nftlin I niiSTTel-l -aafllllf-a Inl tho w fit-Ill. Our laellitles arc unequah-d, and to introduce our eu)NriorroodewewlllandritKE toO.NE I'EKMIN In eaih localllr, a.above. Onb llne who write tti uaal onciran niake tun of tlietruim-e Aliyonuavrtodoin rrliini la to frbuw our aiHda to thi who call vuur iir1ctilxr and thie around you lliebc Ctnnlni; fif this adviTtlwmenl atwiM ihe small end of the tele following: cut Rive lln oi'iirnce of ll reduced to rTHUIS C01IIC CM Gv rn susr-n aWMrr"T M'fflllW -..i.l. aaaaaf aaaaH Itl laaaaaKa, '"laXilW aaaafBaaK WB rwtii cope. The iP ' "?3.getf.i'llLaBiaBlf,aPaWaT about the tinieth part oflutiatk ll I. a erand. double air tel. lcw.aalrceasllira.ytor.rry We wlll.l.o.howyoul.owTou STm, ake from 3 to I a day at least, from the out eaiM-rimr Iletf er write at W pay all eiprt m i linrpr. AddiTM.II II U.1.KTI I1.. II" HHO, IMUTLAKK, Miwt fV, yC DELAY YOUil BUnSCBlPTION FO LIPPINCOTT'S MAQAZINE, which now tUnda in tho front rank of monthly pBblisaV tloo tuid occupies tho titlua of A LEADER AMONG LEADERS. Ech number contains A COMPLETE NOVEL, aloa libernl quantity of iniaoelUneuu mutter of an lnUretlag and iuitructlr nature. Oas year's subscription girts a LIIRARY OF 12 COMPLETE NOVELS by Amsrlean authors, together with AN ABUNDANCE OFRIIOKT BTOKIE9. rOEMf ESSAYS, and maltar ef unuiuai Interest to general reader, making a volume of NEARLY TWO THOUSAND PA6ES. Th sneceas of LirriBCOTT's stands nnnreoedcated la the annals of Magulne publishing, and to-day Itsfaalliac title is weloomed in every hamlet, Tillage, town, and oitjr throughout the United States. Tlie belt writer; of the ape have been secured a4 new features will, from time to time, be added which will gir to Lima-coTTa1 A DISTINCTIVE PLACE OF ITS OWN. ftmtlls JUres, Edgar Baltns. John Hahberton. Edgar Fawoett, Captain Charles Klnrc. U.S.A.. Grace King, M. Elliott 6ea well, SelinaDolaro. Maurice Barry mora, OaW. and many others will contribute to Its pKtt for 1839. For foil proipectna, address JJpplneott'a Magaslae, rUl. tUlphla. 25 cenUslnjlo number. $100 per yesr. , "TIMsplSaXpy.