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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1889)
THE HESPERIAN. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. t y x v ;" Vol. XIX. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER 15. 1889. No. IV. THEHESPERIAN Issued semi-monthly by the Hksperian Publishing Assoc! ation, of the University of Nebraska. E. R. HOLMES, Editor-in-Chief. associates: Kkakk F. ALMY '90, E. P. BROWN, '91. J. B. FOGARTY, '91, r. b. Mcdonald, '92, 1 L. E. TROYER, '92, J Dan W. BUSH, '91, - Miscellany. Literary. Comment. Local. Exchange O. G. MILLER, BUSINESS MANAGER. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One copy, per college year, One copy, one college term Single copy, S1.00 35 .10 ADVERTISING rates on application. AI.UMNI AND EX-STUDENTS. Special endeavor will be made to make The Hesperian n tcresting to former students. Please scud us your sub c riptions. Address all communications to The llESPER!AN,University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. PALLADIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. T. II. Maksland, Pres. Dan W. Bush, Scc'y. UNIVERSITY UNION LITERARY SOCIETY. Frank F. Almy, Pres. Miss Louise Pound, Sec'y. . DELIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. F. II. Woods, Pres. C. D. Sciiell. Scc'y. t UNIVERSITY Y. M. C. A. F. C. Taylor, Pres. F. F. Almy, Scc'y. UNIVERSITY Y. W. C. A. Miss Rosa Bouton, Pres. Miss Jennie Bonnei.l, Scc'y. SCIENTIFIC CLUB. A. F. Woods, Pres. A. M. Troyer, Sec'y. CLASSICAL SOCIETY. Edwin Farmer, Pres. j. B. Fog arty, Sec'y. MODERN LANGUAGE CLUB. C. E. Tingley, Pres. EDITORIAL NOTES. UR advertisers continue to be very friendly to The Hesperian, and now it is your turn to be friendly to the advertisers, See how friendly you can be. It may help you and will certainly help us. 40MPOSITORS are curious creatures. If it were possible, we would get along without themj' but we cannot. We tried to say in our last issue, "It would now seem that it is possible for a man to graduate from the University and retain his religious convictions." The compositor made it "impossible" and. in spite of a correction in the proof, it so appear ed in the paper. We hope that no wrong impression was created by the error. RATORY, and oratorical contests do not arouse any visible amount of enthusiasm in the Univer sity fall.. The time for the local contest, which should have been during this term, is not yet decid ed. Yet when a meeting was called for the purpose of deciding on a date, scarcely any one heeded the call. If the University of Nebraska does not wish to be the laughing-stock of our visitors next May, more ir.terest and more energy must be shown in the local association, and more united action must be tak en. We do not like to advertise the University in this manner, but the student-body can blame no one except themselves, if we do so, for they have the pre ventative in their own hands. Let them use it. SjrHE first preparatory is doomed, though its 'V'b actual abolishment may not occur for some time. The first move was made by the faculty last week, as noted elsewhere. This is no doubt a proper step, and one which all have been accustomed to think of, in the future. However, bidding farewell to the pretty prep girl, precocity in knickerbockers, and the country boy just from district school, makes us consider. It will produce quite a revolution our social affairs, but it will tend to raise the average maturity of students, the general character of Uni versity work. Abolishment will be hard on preps and on some upper classmen who are fond of preps. Prepdoin will however soon be superfluous, and it must go. WMVWMHWJH SBSSSSSi 2555