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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1889)
THE HESPERIAN, 11 Two of tho youngest pupils of Professor Monzondorf on tho violin, Misses Grnco Ourr und Sadio Munatt, pleased tho uudienco greatly with their two duots, "Themofrom JudusMnccabuouB Handel," and "Molo dicDancla." Hearty applauso greeted their effort. Miss Graco Pershing followed with two contralto solos, "Serenade Lachner," and " My Angel Esser." These wore very good. Her articulation was exceptionally fine and her voico clear and strong. Most approving np l)lauso was given her by tho audience. A piano duo was next executed by Miss Louise Pound and M!bs Katio Cowdory. Tho selection wts entitled, "Danso Macabre Saint Snens." Tho players did splen didly in both timo und expression. Tho chorus with two selections, " Nature's Lullaby Leslio," and " Tho Hop-pickers Elizabeth Philps," com pleted Part I. Tho opening of Part II was a double number, "Tho Swine W. F. Sudds" and "Wcnrcr's Parting Sone V. Ncssler," tho first rendered by lino string instruments, concert flute, and piano. Tho secoud was a comet solo by Elton Fulmar, with orchestral accompaniment. It brought forth loud applause. A difficult but well executed piano solo, "Cucheuca Caprice Haft," was no xt given by Miss Alma Benedict. It merited tho hearty applauso it received. A tenor solo "Tho Maid of tho Mill Adams," was ho well rendered by Dr. E. L. Holyoko that an encoro was insisted on. Tho selection givon was " Across tho Fur Bluo Hill, Mario Mnnt on." Mr. D. N. Lehmor, a pupil of Mr. Monzondorf, gavo a violin solo, " Fan tamo lo pro aux Clorcs Sineglee," which reflected great credit upon himself and his instructor. Ho deserved tho appreciative applauso that followed his rendition. Miss Flora Haker was the next performer. Sho gavo a soprano solo, "Tho Bird of tho Mountain Hubbard," in a clear and sweot voico. Mr. Monzondorf gavo tho violin obligate A piano solo, "Second Scherzo DoKontski," was next rendorod by Miss Georgia Taylor in a very creditable manner. Tho next was a violin duet from tho opera "Stradella," arranged by O. Coon. Tins wns played by Miss Ida Bior wirth and Mr. Monzondorf. This was executed in a spir ited und impressive manner. "Tho Miller's Wooing . Fanning" closed tho pro gram. Tho University chorus and orchestra again did well their part. Tho concert was a success, and Miss Cochran and Mr. Monzondorf aro to bo congratulated upon the successful issue of their faithful efforts with their pupils. RECENT HAPPENINGS. Harry Clark of Sutton, camo in yesterday. W. G. Hoover visited with tho boys some days. Canaday camo in for a day or two with his old associ ates. Tho Seniors voted ono of their group pictures to tho University. A. A Reed, formerly '00, wus in tho midst of tho fun, soveral days. Miss Julia Loughridgo, a formor '8Qor, attended ono or two programs. .... D. D. Forsyth's mother camo downyesterday to attend Commencement. Miss Cordio Shoror, of Rod Cloud, visited with friends through tho most of tho exercises. Tho band will keep up their organization through tho summer and try to rako in tho shekels. Elton Fulmor enjoyed a visit from u brother, sister-in-law, and sister during commencement week. Tho University nino plays ball at Cushman Park this afternoon against Mayer Bros.' nine. Don't lot them play unsupported. W. W. Robertson, of tho Sidney Telegraph, witnessed competitive drill, but was forced to roturn to his duties before commencement. Miss. Martha Dryden and John N. I)ryden,both formor students, came down from Kearney to see their little neph ew, Forsyth, graduate. Tho annual encampment of tho University cudots took placo at Nebraska City, May 81 to Juno 4. Nearly seventy cadets participated, and an enjoyublo timo was had. Thero has been a larger number than usual of stran gers seen at tho various University exercises. It is to bo hoped this means a growing interest in tho institution. It is a hopeful sign. Tho Hesi'Kkian association mot on tho afternoon of Juno 0. E. It. Holmes was selected for editor-in-chief for next year. 1). W. Bush was elected as associate in Mr. 110111108' place. J. II. Marble resigned his editorship on account of a chango in his society politics. L. E. Troyer was selected to fill his place. ALUMNI. '88. W. II. Wngnor enjoyed tho week's festivities. '81. Jno. Silvornail camo down from Kearnoy on Tues day. '78. Miss Delia Stratton looked on at several exor cises. '88 and '87. Begont B. B. Davis and wife aro in atten dance toduy. '88. Cornelius Jansen, Jr., camo up from Janscn to seo tho sights. '87. E. C. "Wiggonhorn studies law and base-ball at Washington. '84. Miss Anna Aldrich is stenographer for an iron firm in Chicago. '80. Miss Kathleen Hearn camo homo in timo to see much of tho closing exorcises. '87. Joe Schofleld escorted femininity around tho cam pus during tho drills and field duy. '80. Davo II. Mercer visited tho scenes of his typo stealing operations some years back. '87. Ev. Eddy besides studying modicino in Chicago is making quite a reputation as u choir-singer. '85. C. G. McMillan of tho Minnesota State University closed his work soon enough to take in "tho week." '84. J. II. Holmes surprised his friends by droppingin for commencement. He will bo in Kearnoy this summer. '8-t. Ilorbort Olmstead was recently married to a Pennsylvania young lady. Ho is in the Pension Bureau at Washington. '88 Miss Glen Talbot is to bo married within a day or two to G. Babson, Jr., a wealthy implement dealer of Soward. Wo said in our last issue, " '88 is not so far behind after all." Wo wish nowto say that '88 is sovoral yards ahead. '88. Maiiiuei). At Solomon, Iowa, A. E. Anderson of Genoa, Nebraska, and Miss Uattio Robbins. Tho cere mony was performed at tho residoncs of tho brido's father and wus attended by 200 guests from Iowa and Nebras ka. "Andy" surprised hiB friends by this suddon depar ture but all unite- in wishing tho qouple every happiness, M99