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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1889)
THE HESPERIAN. UNIVERSITY of NEBRASKA. Vol. XVIII. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, JUNE i 1889. No. XVI. THE HESPERIAN (HESPERIAN STUDENT.) Issued semi-monthly by the HKSI'KRIAN Publishing Asso ci atiou, of the University of Nebraska. O. W. FIFER, Editor-in-Chief. ASSOCIATKS: RACHEL E. MANLEY, 'yo, E. P. BROWN, '91. J. H. MARBLE, '92, - j. b. Mcdonald, '92, 1 FRANK F. ALMY, '90, f E. R. HOLMES, '90, CORRESPONDING. LlTKRARY. Comment. I-ocai.. Exchange. E. R. HOLMES, BUSINESS MANAGER. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One copy, per college year, One copy, one college term . ... Single copy, ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION. Si. 00 35 .10 ALUMNI AND EX-STUDENTS. Special endeavor will be made to make The Hesperian interesting to former students. Please send us your sub scriptions. Address all communications to The IlESPERlAN,Uniyersity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. PALLADIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. Miss Helen Aughev, Pres. J. V. McCrosky, Scc'y. UNIVERSITY UNION LITERARY SOCIETY. Miss Jennie Bonnell, Pres. Frank F. Almy, Scc'y. PHILODICEAN LITERARY SOCIETY F. A. Manley, Pres. Miss Ida Bonnell, Scc'y. DELIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. Miss Myra Clark. Pres. Miss Nellie Cochran, Sec'y. UNIVERSITY Y. M. C. A. H. B. Duncanson, Pres. T. A. Williams, Sec'y. UNIVERSITY Y. W. C. A. Miss May Tower, Pres. Miss Jennie Bonnfll, Sec'y SCIENTIFIC CLUB. E. R. TlNGLEY, Pres. T. 'Hr Marsland, Sec'y. CLASSICAL SOCIETY. Miss 'Laura' Haggard, Pres. EDITORIAL NOTES. In a recent issue we spoke of favorable comments on some of the articles in the University Studies and said that mention of Prof. Fontaine's article must be deferred until later. Comments have now been re ceived and we are glad to say that they are very fav orable. Prof. Todd, of Johns" Hopkins, reviews the article in Mod. Language Notes, giving quite a di gest of it and saying that it is a "suggestive and com prehensive explanation of the varying uses of auxil iary verbs in the Romance languages." But by far the most gratifying mention comes from Prof. Tob ler, of the University of Berlin, probably the highest authority in Germany on the Romance languages. In the last number of Zeitschrift fuer Romanische Philologie, Prof. Tobler expresses the pleasure he re ceived from reading the article in Studies and notes that Prof. Fontaiue has independently come to the same conclusion as himself on many points. It is by such articles as this, which attract the attention of world-renowned scholars, that our University is be coming known and its influence is extending; It is well for students to appreciate the efforts our faculty are making to raise the standing of the institutuion. . It was with unbounded astonishment that the stud ents of the University learned that the use of the ar mory had been granted to an organizaion of Lincoln society people, for the purpose of holding a "german." It was a matter of little importance apparently; but the students remembered a time when almost two hun dred of their number had made a request for the use of the armory for an informal hop at the end of-the fall term. Their request was refused. The students accepted the decision with good grace. But when it was known that the use of the ar mory had been granted to an outside organization, the students felt that they had been unjustly treated. The Hesperian does not desire to criticise any one without cause. However, it does riot seem right that those not connected with the University should receive such a privilege over the heads of the students. There may be some reason lor granting the armory for a "german," but as it is the students feel sore over the action. They do not believe that the use of the armory should be given to others while they themselves have been denied it. is it a. fact that the