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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1886)
Wycoff 's Candy Store and Ice Cream Parlors are at 139 South. 11th S MRS. H, LrtlDER, 207 S. nth St, ?tt I'M, WESTERFII3 M Tonsorial Emporium CALL AND GET OUK SPECIAL STUDENTS' KATES! y, -5, Herrick, lizi O Street Fruits, Confectionery And such in full line. FIRST CLASS HOARD, gtf NEW AND NEAT. BRUNSWICK DINING HALL. No. 237 South Eleventh Strccl. Four Dollars per wcelq single meals Twenty-five Cents. IN, E. NUTTNG.Prop. STUDENTS Got tliclr wahlilng done at the Chinese Zaundry. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Under wear done up in first-class style. Yee Lung, Proprietor, No. 217, North nth. DEA.1ER IN Stoves & Hardware. Opposite P. O., Cast Side. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA UNIVERSITY f Mr 4f f , & Joint prayer meetings lnroomiNo. S every Wednesday evening beginning at 7:46 and clooingat B:80. All students aro earnestly Invited to attend. r c -r, Mary Campbell "ProB.Y.W.C. A. W. S.rerrin.JPreu. Y.VL, o. A. Knotts & Seiis, Dealers in Staple Groceries, Teas and 'Coflfics a specialty, 1315 O STREET, Chinese Laundry Joe W Pong TROTR1ETOR LaitncLiy, No IIS North 12th Between OdfP All Work done in Firet- Class Siylc on Short Notice. Clothing called for or delivered. W. C ROHDE, Dealer And Jobber in MEATS. 113 South Tenth St., LINCCLN, NEBRASKA J, R. HAGGARD, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Office TtooniB B and 6, over Harl v'b Drag Store . Residence 1320 Q Street. Offlco 1125 N Stroot. 12 3 4 9 STREET. Jn JV Townley, DKAliXR IN WALL PAPR, PAINTS, WIN DOW GLASS, Etc. Painting and Artistic Dec orating- Done on short notice ntlov prices. 1284 O Gt M. Stoughton, Supt. FLANAGAN BROS, DEALERS ON NEW AND SECOND-HAND ALL THE BOYS Take The GIRLS TnXhe'OiaTtoliablo Candy Kitchen, Tortholiost Candles Intho City, 142 S.lth. HUTCHINS & HYATT, COAL AND WOOD. Hlghesfpricc paid for secondhand goods, 115 Somli Temk. Sawed und split "wood a specialty, Tine Iclndling. Oflico, 1040 O Street. CHICAGO MEDICAL Cornir Prairie Avenue And 56th St CHICAGO, ILL MEDICAL DEAARTMENT OF THE NORTH WESTERN UNIVERSITY, SESSION OF 1886-7, N. S. Davis, M. D., L. L. D., Dean. Tlio twonty-nlnth Annual Course of Htrnr.tlnn will Iwirftn t)n but wn,n- in u..nlnn. -- ,.,- . . ,. . .. W, u w itidi 11 VUA 111 iJUt'l Util Tier 1880 and close In March 1887. The course 01 instruction In gradod. students "being di vided into first, second anathlrdyoar classes. jidemy, a teacher's certiflcate, or a prollmlr. Thfl liiftthnrl nf itiKtminilnn 4u fttnulri.niUi.. practical, and is applied in the wards or the ""j'i at jiuKu b uuu juicnnoi jeeetto min pitals dally at the bedside or tbo sick, and !u tbo South tilde dispensary attrchodtotho Col- Il'PO. Whnrn fVlim -nine In Inn lhnuiiiiil ,... tiouts aro annually treated. Pocb: IHatricu lauon.o- Locturts, nrflt and socond years, each $75. Domnnstrator including material $10. 1 aboratory ?5, Ilroakage (returnable) $5. Hospitals: Mercy $0. fet. I.nko's S5., lor second and third year students. TTnal exanilaattouSSO. For furtlier information or announce ment address Walter Hay, M. D., L. L. D., -SecV, 543 State St., Chicago, Til., C C.JEROME Successor to W. E. Mater, DEALER IN FIREARMS, AMMUNITION, AND SPORTSMAN'S ARTICLES. Also, all "kinds of repairing done (promptly. j 29 N. 3th Streeet, Lincoln, Ne"b.