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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1886)
TJIS JfSSSSXJAW. FOR FNEGROCER1ESGO TO Miefeer & z Stee, Oiil Fine Teas and Coffees a Specialty, Get our Prices, 1629 O Street, L. H. FULLER, carpets, masonic temple IhUxJizn Jjrtfr ,tfnri;, Fnrmn Maitifi.-Vtcriia est." Regular meetings every "Friday cvoulng commencing protnply at 8 o'clock. Students and grangers -welcome. 'Gentlemens foliat ing clul) mows every Snti.Tday evening l.ndiea el no meets Friday afternoon, m 4 I Pel nek. U, Volk, Pro. P, Barrett. Sun- Artistic Portraits. Now Studios 102(1 OSt LINCOLN, - NE BRAS A WARD'S ,jfc 8 &&&&. I . ai.T. a."i , EfeKVU ?53wSfTv(55J5 ,?w ,,, liiH FflF i:.f. avaiu), proprietor. in 22 N Street. -' -r ii ,. , i . ii .ii New Sanitarium, Per the treatment of Chronic Diseases, Turkish, Electrical, Russian, Med icated, Soda, Saline, Showur, Swim lug and fresh -water hatlis. Iiho eel-, ebrated Artesiun inapnetlc -mineral "waters are used liere. The most com p1etchcalfli resort in the -west. TO T iin niiun hi ia J.' . JJ. 411 VXH J JJ., JU. JJ, il Medical Dlveutoi 2JS8 S. 31 STREET, LINCOLN. :;. vioi.a Joni:s. .T'iHIE l.. DOU'JIMN. BLUE BIRD Millinery & Notiom O and IQrli St. Opp. Opera onse. LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. 1nwcr$itn ifruw, '"TMIumr cuvwlfffantia mv.tnlvm aganU" ecs -every Friday o venlngiiu Union Mall Students and strangers cordially Invited. Tciiiamg Clnl) every Saturday evening, open to all. All meeting commence promptly at $ oclock, S. D, Klllen.Pres. 'darn Crampliorn.Sce.v . NEW STEAM Dye Works. C3-EANING, DYEING, REPAIRING, D, AY, KAUFFM AN, Prop LlTTI.T? S BliOCK, 126 South 12th Jitrcot. -Xvlla vestigia retrorsum."" eots 'every lYiday 'evening "Commencing at eight 'oMlock promptly, P, F. Hark, Prcs, T. H, "Wheeler. soc"y. I BLUE FRONT. Railroad and Ticket Broker Money saved to all points. Tickets honght, sold -and exchanged to any part of the U, S. JiffTon -will consult vonr interest Tir calling Telephone 581. 3.10 North Hit, LINCOLN NEBRASKA F. E. NEWTON, "Dealer In Hardware, Stoves, AXD Hiust FinisWit; Shi 230 South Eleventh St. a 0 3C o Baldwin s ut5ii r!rt TJT r- r'jvf.i . IIT- -Tl'V K s wmmwmm 1228 O Streer, FINE GOODS A SPECIALTY. NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Vou are allowea afree trial oftMrtyAav ortho no of Dr. Dye' 'Celebrated Voltale Belt wlttt Elpftrlc SuRjiennory Aiipllanoee tor the spendy TS,i?LaJ!? Pwronnent cure of Krrvaua De UHit i.ltw or t itnlUvana Manhood, nndall klndrpdtrou)leg. Jinn to Health. Vigor nd Manhood cuHrauteed. 3lorlklB Incurred. 311UBtratfidpamj)hTetineaIel mvvlopr mailed free, toy adrtrcBKlnc YOLTAIC SELT CO., Jtarsbal, JCici,