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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1885)
THE HESPERIAN. THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Irving J. Manatt, Ph. D., Chancellor. COLLEGE OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE AM THE ARTS. II. B. Hitchcock, M. A., Ph. D., Professor or Mathematics. Georce McMillan, Ph.D., Dean, Professorer Greek. George B. Howard, M. A.. Professor of History. Grove E. Barber, M. A.. Professor of Latin. Hudson n. Nicholson, M. A.. Professor of Chemistry acd Physic. Lncins A. Sherman, Ph. D., Professor of English. Lewis E. Hicks. Ph.D., Prnlcssor of Geology. Charles . Bessey, Ph.D., Professor of Botany. THE INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. Charles E. Bcsfcy, Ph. D., Dean, Professor of Hort culture and Botany. Hudson H. oolson. 31. A., Professor of Agricultural Chemistry. Richard 11 ownley. U. S. N., Prof, or Military Science and Tactics. Lewis K. Hicks, Ph. D., Professor of Geology. ( harles N. Little, M. A., Associate Professor of Civil Engineering. Hei.ry H. Wing, B. Agr., Instructor in Agriculture. THE LATIN SCHOOL. Miss Ellen Smith, M. A., Registrar. Mrs. Adelaide Dearborn, Instructor in Elocution. Howard V. Caldwell, B. S., Instructor In History. Bton II. Culver, B. S., Instructor In modern languages. Charles E. Bennett, It. A., Instructor In Greek and Latin. T. Mrey Uodgman B.A., Instructor in Physics and Astronomy. Mifs Sarah V. Moore, Teacher of Painting and Drawiuf. Director of Musical Conservatory. Five courses of study arc offered: Clnssicnl, Scientific, Literary, Engineering and Agricultural. The Latin School, for the present, ofTers a two years' course pre paratory to lliete courses. Students wishing to enter the Latin School must be prepared forexamiuation in Orthog raphy, English Grammar, Practical Arithmetic, Geogra phy "and History of the United Slates. THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. A. R. Mitchell, M. d., Dean, and Professor of Anatomy. L. A. Mcniam, m.d., Prolessoror Principles and Practico of Med cine. . n. II. Lowry, x.a., h.d.. Professor or Physiology and Therapeutics. W. M. Knapp, x.n.. Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Chiiarcn. II. II. Nicholson, jc.a , Professor or Chemistry. L. B. Graddr, x.d,. Professor of Diseases or the Eye and Ear. Hon.O. P. Mason, Professor of Medical Jurisprudence. Robt. R.Livingston, x.d.. Professor of Principles and Practice of Surgery S, D. Mercer, x. d., Professor of Clinical Surgery. N. J. Beachly, X.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. Milton Lane, x. n.. Lecturer on Materia Mcdlca. John F. VVayraan, Pr. B., x. d., lecturer on Physio!?-. B.L. Paine, x.d., Professor or Theory and Practlpn.(Horaoeopathic) C. L. nan, x.d., Proressor of Materia Mcdlca. " P. B. Righter, X.D., Professor ofObstetrics. " W. S. Latta, x.d.. Professor or Theory and Practice. (Eclectic.) J. H. Woodard, x.d., Proressor or Materia Medica. " Tliis college was opened in 1883, and is now In vigor orous operation. The University with "Hs collections and the capital cily with its public institutions offer special facilities and inducements to medical students. No IVa are charged beyond the matriculation lee of $5, and tho actual cost of material for Ihc study of Practical Anatomy Goi d board iu the city at $3 a writ; furnished room $3 to $G a month. Students of the Industrial College live on ihc lann, where board is furnished at copI. No chamea for tuition, exce t matriculation fee of $5. Stttdcnlt, residing in the stale, or persons about to enter Ihc Univer sily, are allowed half Tare in going to and from home by the railroads enterine; Lincoln. For half inn ccrtiiicati-a Catalogues or other information address the Chancellor J. H. Harley, 1 ' DEALER IN DRUGS, BOOKS, TEACH. RS winted! !.SSfJi a number for music, also art and specialties. Soml intnn fnr annlication form and circu lars ofliiiormatiuu to NATIONAL SCHOOL SUPPLY BUREAU. Mention this paper. CHICAGO, ILL. AND- -8fr8wTf hs fgxeeteior portrait iudio, r 132-3 S. Eleveuili SI. LINCOLN. tlfl I IMmore money than at anything else by I 1 taking au a-ency for the best selling BB BIVbookout.Bcgiuners tucceed grandly Terms Free.Hallet Book Co. Portlaud Malue f. E. NEWTON, Dealer In Hardware, Stoves, AND TAILORESS, GciiIb' Clothing made, cleaned and repaired. Over Ulason fc Fletcher's O Street. LINCOLN. - - - NEHRASKA Flanagan Brothers, DEALERS IN NEW AND SECOND-HAND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, No. 230, Webster Block, Lincoln. Highest price paid for second-hanfffeoods 115 SoutU Tenth.