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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1885)
HESPERIAN STUDENT UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Vol. XIII. LINCOLN, NEB., MAY 15, 1885. No. XIII. Washington lias been selected for tlto great University, soon to be established by the Roman Catholics. The new catalogue of Ober in College, Ohio, contains the names of 1,314 students, fprtyelght different statesi territories, and foreign countries being represented. I dotit blame the fellow that took you out riding, but Idublameou for going," was the remark of a senior prep., as he gave his girl the mitten not long since- The extensively-clipped item to the effect that "at Harvnrd literary work on the pnpeis is received as n sub stitute for the regular rhetorical work," turns out to be n lie. Fair Maiden (otter a thrilling discription of "the rush" "O, what fuul How exciting! I always enjoy excite nicnl". Bright student (with sudden inspiration) "an always excite enjoyment." A Sunday school trucher as';cd a little girl of her class if she had been baptized. '"Yes" Raid the little girl "two times!" Why, how could that be" exclaimed the teach er. "It didn't take the first time," was the innocent reply. "What do you call your dog, Georgie?" asked the vis itor pleasantly. Psalm," said Georgie. "That's a fun ny numu for a dog," the caller replied; "Why do you call it Psalm?" And the boy explained that he did so be cause the dog was not a hymn. Charming Maiden "You threw me a kiss yesterday didn't you?" Junior (apologetically) "Yes -Ldid.'. Maiden (confidingly) I tlon.t exacily like extemporanc ous or off-hand kisses.', Junior (promptly and with an appropriate gesture) "Neil her do I" Ohio, with thirty-five colleges, has more than any other state in the Union. New York and Indiana have twen eig lit each, Pennsylvania has tweuty-six, Michigan, nine, and Massachusetts seven. The Buy State's seven colleges have a combined income of $125,15& per annum more h an Ohio's twenty-six. The mighty Abscissa, Low proadiy It towers On the height of Co-ordinate's mount, Where the Tangent roams wild in Hyperbola's bowers And drinks at sweet Asymptote's fount. The Intercepts sport on Parabola's shore, Where the Radius Vector is found; The Cotangent flics at the Ellipse's roar. While the Loci are flying around. The crafty Parameter trails the swift Chord, Or hunts, the wild Arc in its lair; The Focus attacks the trl-linear chord In the caves of the circular Square. ' I hear the loudmurmurTof Radical's stream. And feel the rough blast of the Plane 'You may leave,' spoKe the Prof. I woke from my drsam If I find tou sleeping again.' " Columbia opens her library seven days in the week. The seventh day, Sunday, has just been added. Northwestern University. A now "Alumni Hall," which is to bo nothing more nor less than an opera h'ouse on the campus, is one of the new projects. It is made necessary by tho extraordinary cxpenso attendant upon holding exhibitions, contests, etc., in the town of Evans ton. TheRuciiie ball club "downed" the University nine handsomely in a recent game. Yale. There ara men iu the Junior class here "Who have not drawn a book frim the library sinco entering college. It is estimated that the college increases the business of New Haven to the extent of one million dollars annually. Tho New Testament which served us a pillow for Grolius when lie encuped from prison iu a chest has been presented to the college. The Ohio University Lantern gives a full report of the great Northwestern Inter-state Oratorical contest, held at Columbus, on the 7th instant. The result was looked for with much interest by our students, who naturally felt curious to know how the wonderful "thought" of iho rep resentative of Ncbrusku would be marked by eastern judges. Tho grades given below show that Mr House received, with a single exception, the lowest marks on every point. Decency will not allow the Hesperian to admit that it is pleased at the result, but candor compels us to confess that it was not entirely unexpected. The states, the orators and their relative positious accordingly to their positions are as follows: 1st. Iudiano, A. J Beverldgc. 2nd. Illinois, V.E. Render. 3rd. Iowa, C. II. Pomcroy. 4th. Minnesota, J, Van Fosscn. 5th Wisconsin, W. J. Gray. Gth. Kansas, Alfred Docking. 7th. Ohio, A. U. Greenlee. 8th. Nebraska, A. Y. House. The marks on composition and delivery are given in three columns, one for euch of tho judges. Thought and CojrposrrioN. Indiana, 01 07 07b Illinois, 85 WA OCtf Iowa, 84 04J4 09 Minnesota 02 05tf 100 TTsconsin, 80 05 05 Kansas, .78 OS 00 Ohio .81 0I 04 Nebraska, .75 04 08 Delivery. Indiana 01 85 02 Illinois 59 05 00 Iowa, 02 08 91 Minnesota 03 70 70 Wisconsin, 00 '.,. 75 70 Kansas 87 00 75 Ohio, 85 80 78 Nebraska, 80 70 65 "'"'