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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1884)
'8 -THE HESPERIAN STUDENT JehnnQc rU'H-bcHC. Thcdrt'eZdovotcsim essny of threo hundred words lo tho olinrilnblo tusk of milking the Student feci its inexprcps nblo misery. Tlianks, Ariel, send us two hundred and eight thousand copies of yourself. We will use them us advertising dodgers. Such criticisms from such n source are worth something to us, you know. You would write almost nny brilliant article just to fill space, wouldn't you Ariel? v From (he College of the City of Now York we lcccivo tlio College Journal. This periodical is a lit exponent of such an institution as tho one which sends it forth. Wo Iiiiyo nothing but words of praise for a college paper that is so interesting in stylo and metropolitan in tone as tho Journal. Willi tho facilities for publication that must at tend upon its location and tho hijjli standing of 0, C. N. Y. a second-class paper could scarcely bo looked for. In one thing, however, tho Journal is a bit of a crank. It uses just-enough "fonctio" spelling to give tho impression that the editors are "full" and irresponsible for their vagaries. Head off the Wooster Oollegianl It professes to uphold the system of legalized robbery known us a "protective" tariff. Wo supposed that ns education increased this ne farious doclrine would perish. The natural course of things will be interfered with very seriously unless col lego papers, of all other.", stick to tho principlo thnt com mon sense and intelligence teach us. For n collogo paper to uphold "protection" Is an inevitable cause of much of the disrepute into which a liberal education sltows ten. deludes f falling. Stand by tho flag of commercial free dom no mrdler what demagogues may declare against such teachings. The Inst number of the Era is replete with good things. Tho exchange editor takes his seat upon a hypei critical contemporary with the usual graceful elegnnce. Tho topic of the discussion is llio best method in which to con duct tho local column of a college journal. The Era can justly give advice to others upon this subject. Tho "glass house" proverb will not apply since no one can rightfully deny that there is a business-like, professional tone about tho local department of the Era. To say tho least, there is a very much mistaken notion about what a good local consists in rattling nround in tho average edi tor's brain. Tho Era applies tho epithet "Sophomoric.l." That is just about right. In the Student Life wo nolo an article entitled "Tho Coining Isauc." Tho writer insists that "Prohibition is the issue that will win." Well wo hope so. But let us not believe in constitutional prohibition at tills early date. Of course the so-called "Prohibitionists" a parly which has for its leudcis a molly crew of demagogues and old women md for its platform referring to the one of 1884 a positive literary curiosity, declare, with violent imprecations Hint tho man who would not vote for St. John never did believe In anything but free whiskey. Have a little sense friends. Ninety-uino hundredths of thinking men are in favor of prohibiting liquor from being sold, as an ultimate good, Tho same largo majority are convinced that at the present lime constitutional pro hibition would be the caiiBC of great advancement to liquor interests. Respect our opinion and, as suggested above, have a little sense in this matter. ntv-Voim, Wonder wliero tho medical "mashor" is this year I Tho medical literary sooiety will givo tlioii first carni val in the chnpol Saturday ovening, December 6. The opening address will be delivered by H. C. Cummins. Grcoks and Barbarians nro cordially invited to attend. Wo notice that modesty, of which wo spoke of a few weeks ago In our column as being a very pleasing char acteristic in a young man, Is still wanting in ouo of our medical students, much to the displcasuro of tho class. And all; Though brimming full of wrath, Iomoco, Alio, Hydro path, concurred in this; "Unit t'other path to death's door wiih tho straight one." JAMES liUSSKLIi LOWKLIj. Now that Dr. Dio Lowis has been among us it is hoped that llio students of the various branches have proflttcd by his advlco and that we will see improvements in tho physical make up of many who badly need bracing up. We hopo ero the next issue is out to sco llio Mods como out in their new Oxfords. 'Twill be bo becoming you know while they nsually wear tho black gown when in seclusion yet we think, with n llttlo persuasion, they would appear in full dress in public. The students that smoko their cigars in tho class room should remember that ladies, us well as somo gentlemen, are not passionately fond of tho odor arising there from; and, also, it does not show tho highest typo of good breed, ing. Wo hope it will not be necessary to call attention to this fact again. Wo glvo below tho names of the medical students wha examined tho unulomical structure of tho turkey undo the pnrental roof Thanksgiving day. Messrs. Farmer Cummins, Bell, Buck, Entz, Walker, Maxson, Mondell StevciiBon, Eaton, Moore, Gay and Ingalls, Mrs. Howard Misses Davics and Arbucklo. We most heartily wish that somo of the boys would givo us a rest; they do not attack us personally but prefer a more cowardly way, terming us side issues, humbugs elc. If such as Ihcso would go home aud bo under tho influence of their mas aud tho stern protection of their pas awhile longer they would be belter fitted for tho pro. fession than they now are. What's tho mutter with tho cadets at their Friday drill? nave thoy grown tired or wero they born in that condition. It hardly Bcems as though it is worth their while to at tempt a drill which tnrminutcs in sucli an abortion -with such a short, inactive procedduro tho blood is hardly started from its lethargy. In the study room if you don't, enthuse wo will send for Dlo Lowis? Tho followers of Esculapius met Saturday evening, November 22., for the purpose of organizing a literary so. clety; beluga stormy night but few were present, but these few, prompted by tho spirit for literary improve ment, succeeded in effecting a permanent organization of what is to bo called the Medical Literary Society, with tho following officers; president, H. B. Cummins; vice president, O.E.Mulvano ; secretary, Mooro; treasurer, M. A Kelso; critic, M. H. Farmer; seargent-at arms Ingulls. Meetings will bo held evoiy Saturday ovening'' In the general lecture room at 7:80.. All are' cordially invited.