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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1884)
THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Irving J. Manatt, Ph.D., Chancellor. .JF COLLEGE OF LlTEKATCIiE, SCIENCE AND THE AUTS. II. E. Hitchcock, M. A., Ph. ., Dcnn, nnd Professor of Mathematics. George McMillan, Ph.D., Professor of Greek. GcorceE. Howard, M. A.. Professor or History. Samuel R. Thompson, M. A., Professor of Didactics. Grove K. Barber. M. A.. Professor of l.ntln. Hudson H. Nicholson, M. A.. Professor or Chemistry and Physic. Lucius A. Sherman, Ph. D., Professor or English. Frcdcr ck V. Orubc, M. A., Professor or Modern Lnt.guagcs , Professor of Natural Sciences. THE INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. Samuel It. Thompson, M. A., Dean, Professor or Agriculture. Hudson II. Nicholson. M.A , Professor of Agricultural Chemistry. Harvey Culhcrtson, M. S., 15. Agr., Professor or Horticulture. Richard II. Townlcy. U. S. N., Prof. orMllltary Sclcnro and Tactics. C harlcs N. Little, B. A., Instructor In Mathematics and Civil Kng. THE LATIN SCHOOL. MIsb Ellen Smith, M. A., Principal. Mrs. Adelaide Dearborn. Instructor In Elocution. Mies Madge G. Hitchcock, Instructor in Latin. Howard v. Caldwell, B. S., Instructor In History. L. F. M. Easterday, M.A., Instructor in Phjsicsaud Astronomy. Bion II. Culver, B. 8., Instructor In modern languages. S. B. Hohmann, Dlrcctm of Musical Conservatory. . Teacher of Palntingand Drawing. Five courses of ttudy arc ollercd: Classical, Scientific, Liteiary, Engineering unci Agiicultural. The Latin Schtol, for iliu present, oilers a two j curs' course pre paratory to thetc courses. Stuilents wishing lo enter the Latin School must be prepared forexamination in Ortliog. rapliy, English Grammar, Practical Arithmetic, Geogrn. phy, and History of the United States. THE COLLEGE OF MLDICINE. A. R. Mitchell, m. d., Dean, and Professor of Anatomy. L. A. Mcrilam, m.d., Prolcssor of Principles and Practlco of Medi cine. II. B. Lowry, m.a., m.i., Professor of Physiology and Therapeutics. W. M. Knanp, m.ii., ProfeSEorof Obstetrics ana Diseases of Women and Children. II. II. Nicholson, m.a , Professor of Chemistry. Ij. 1). Graddy, m.i Professor of Dlscasos of the Eyo and JCar, ' Hon.O. P. Mason, Professor of Medical Jurisprudence, N. J. llenchly, M.i).. Demonstrator or Anatomy. B. L. Paine, m.d., Professor or Theory nfcd Frac(Ico.(IIomeeOpatIilo) C. I.. Hart, m.d., Professor or Materia Mcdica. B. F. ltlghter, M.u., Professor of Obstetrics. " V. S. Latta, m.ii., Professor or Theory and Practlco. (Eclectic.) J. II. Woodard, m.d., Professor or Matoria Modlca. " Ira Van Camp, m.d., Professor of ObBtotrlcs. u This college wns opened in 1883, nnd is now In vigor oious operation. The University with lis collectionsand the capital city with its public institutions offer specia facilities and inducements to medical students. No fee arc charged beyond the matriculation lec of $5, and th actual cost of material for the study of Practical Anatomy Good board in llic city at $3 n week; furnished room $3 to $0 a month. Students of the Industrial Collogo live on the lurm, where board is furnished at cost. NY charges for luition, oxco t matriculation fee of $5. StudcnU residing in the state, or persons about to cuter tho Univer sity, are allowed half faro in going to and from homo by the railroads entering Lincoln. For half.faro certificates, Catalogues or other Information address the Chancellor alMimi litcmii g0fW. "Forma Mentis Sterna tit." Regular mcotlngs every Friday ovcuing, commencing promply at 7:30. Students and strangers welcome. Robert L.Marth, Pres ident; Wm. E. Johnson, Scc'y . Debating Club open to Pnlladlans only), Saturday at7: 30 r. State University, Lincoln, Nob. Prayer meeting overy Wednesday evening from 7:45 to 8:30; ovcrynoon from 12;35 to 18:45. 15lble class every Sunday morning at 9:30 (standard.) "LUUrae cumelegantla mundum agant." Moots every Friday evening in Union Hall. Opcu to all. DobMing Club every Saturday evening. Open to mombors. E.J.Robin Bon, President. E. J. Churchill, Secretary 1 ML. "W . lKIBBkIiI 1 fiB ' " JvtftAgBlPOkJPfgJPfTr' &i.33l4L .mi"" -W,i LINCOLN, NEB. CHEAPEST AIVD MST COMPLETE RIL'SIC HOUSE IN THE STATE If you buy an instrument without seeing me and my stock you will surely miss it, for I am positive I can save you money. I have a fine line of Goods suitable for Holiday Presents; besides the finest stock of Piano3 and Organs ever brought to Lincoln. I have a fine line of Music Cab inets for holding Sheet Music and Books. Pull Line of Piano Spreads and Stools. ifeOKEIRILT PRICES iDISCOTTZLsTTIEIDI! If fl mw&rnwM Will M.mvmi.'vm Itxmmtxyl Altti cm ! W. H. PRESCOTT, 1125 O ST. laiJLISrO TTJ3STI2nTO- .AJSTID REPAIBIITG-. avmm