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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1884)
THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. ' & o SZo.."o,a K: ssSUiSJI! PI Z H IfflfflflftCO a?uBR "I mi-i PasS- 1 oM n" 5 S; H it iLl! S23pr R.js "5 p-ae. V ta to m J t3" Vick's Floral U nEjrmr MinuGmir, -DEALElt IN i 17 SD 5.S ! ra r k. M ' " o rr- y ca .. . . a re 2 tn p n c t g g -j S 2, p32.obM FRANK J, BENEDICT, i TEACIIKIl OF PIANO. ORGA, AND HARMONY, Tuition, $19.00 per term of 21 (half hour) 1CS8011H. I JFirsl door north Mtormitoru j Corner O mid 17th. The largest Collection ofGrccn House plunts In the State. Cut flowers, floral designs or all descriptions, fancy baskets, etc., constantly on hnnd. Tea and Tube roses in bloom. For 1884 In nn Elegant Book of 150 Faces, 3 colored I'iatcn of Flowers and VoRetnliloH and ninro than 1000, IlluBtratloiiN of the choicest Flowers Plaants and Vegetables, and Direction for Growing;. It is haudsomo enough for the Centre Table or a Present. Sena on your name and Post Ofllco address, with 10 cents, and I will send you n copy post mild. This is not a qnrrtor of its cost . It is printed In both English and German. If you after wards ordor seods decuct tho 10 cants. Viek's Seeds are the Best in The World. Tho Floral Guldo tell show to grow thorn. Vick's Seeds and Vegetable Garden, 175 p. fl colored plates, BOO Engravings. For CO rents in paper covers; SI. 00 in elegant cloth. In German or English. Vick's Illustrated .Vontklt MaaazineQ& pages, a Colored Plato In every number and many lino Engravings Price $1.23 n year; I Five copies $5.00. Specimen Numbers sent for 10 cents; atrial copies for25 cents. Stoves and Hardware ! Opposite P. O. LINCOLN, - - - NEBRASKA. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, J. J. I IN II OFF, Prop., Turkish w Bvk Uk 55 J I C& fli 9S& Salt Water g" In Hie Hotel. Rhcuniulisni cured by Turkish Baths. Corner 11th and P Streets, Lincoln, Kcb. JANSEN BROS.& COMPANY, Manufacturers, Ketailcrs, and Jobbers of FURNITURE. W Sldo or Post Olllco Square. 3-5-7 .' .. LINCOLN, NKB JAMES VICE- ItoCHESTEIt, N. Y. 1'ItOP. OP LINCOLN STEAM BAKER Y. DAVID MAY, DEALER. IN CLOTHING I AND ;G-ENTS' FURNISHING A. J. SHaW l'hysician and Stirge'tn Office removed l( O St bcl. 10 and 11 iywowanteil for Tho Lives of all the Pros AgUIHoidonts of tho U.S. Tho largest, hand Bomcst best book evor sold for less than twice our prico.Tho fastest selling book in America. Immcnso profits toagonts.All intelligent peo ple want it. Anyone can becomo a successful agent. Terms free. Hallett Book Co. Port laud, Malno . fni II r ,no working class. Send 10 , Ifl 1 1 I Iccuts for postage, and we will mall I W""ijoiir, a royal, valuable box ofi sample goods that will put you In tho way or i &, making more money in a Tow days than you ever thought posslblo at any business. Cap- uai not rcuuiro:i. wo wiu start vou. you can work all the time or in spare time only. The work is universally adapted to both sexes , young and old. You can easily cam from BOcts , to $5 every evening. That all who want work I may test thu business, vr ninko this unparal- I led oiler: to all who are not well satisfied we will send $1 to pay for the trouble or writing to us. Full lmitlouhirs, directions. ute sent Ireo. Fortunes will he made by those who give their wholo time to the work. Grout success abso- ' lutely sure. Don't delay. Start now. Address Stinbon a Co., Portland, Maine. Richmnnd Straight Gut No. I GlffJtXMTTXS are made from the brightest, most delicately flavored and highest coht Uou) Leaf grown I.. f7l....l.ln '11.1.. 1 .1... t m..1 ft ....-. ill viikim'h. j hid in inu si.u iiijii vriiiuinAU I1111AN1) or STltAIOUT (JUT UIIIAI1KTTKH, MU Iwas brought out by us in 1875. t'.IVTIOJW Thu grout popularity or this brand has has caused ccrta'ii parties to placo on salo Imso imitations; thu public 1h cautioned to observe that our signature appears on every packago or Genuine Kichmond Straight Cut Clgare1te8. IM01IMOND GEM CU11I.Y CUT TOHACCO. Tho Brightest and Most Delicately Fla vored Gold Lear Grown. This tobacco Is delightfully mild and fragrant. Absolutely wlthoutadulterntlonor drugs.and can bo Inhaled with entire satisfaction without Irritating the lungs, thioat or mouth. Allen A. CJ inter, IWiiJVh, Kich mond, V. ALSO MANUKACTUnEltH OF Opera Puffs, Little Beauty, Klchmoud Gem Etc., Cigarettes, ltlchmond Straight Cut, Turkish & Portquo mixtures, and Old Hip Long Cut Tobaccos. North Sldo I'oNtofllco Squaro. LINCOLN. NEBRA8KA Buy Your Gro ceries at the Key stone CSrocery Corner M and 11th, Goods Fresh and Dealing: Square J.UAUGIIMAN. PKOPMETOK Get their AViiHJiIng done at the Chinese Lawddry. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Under wear done up in first-class style. Yee Lung, Proprietor, No. ii South nth. - DR. Si II. KING DEJTTMSTt 1029 O STREET. F MMnCM