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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1884)
HESPERIAN STUDENT UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Vol. XII. LINCOLN, NEB., FEBRUARY 15, 1884. No. IX. OUR PATRONS IN '83 Who cnmc from the UNIVERSnY BW OlrAXttH UAXffi Conservatory or Mimic, 1420 K STREET. AND THE UNIVERSITY CONSERVATORY : VOCAL STUDENTS: Misses. Louisa Klngslcy, Mory Thompson, Mary Campbell, Cora Naylor, Flora Briscoe, Haggle O'Connor, Minnie Thompson, Ily Alderman; Messrs. Chester Evans, Walter Chaffee, AO. Edglugtou, J. V. Parker, B. P. Clemcnte, Everett Eddy, W. T. Jackson, and 28 others outside the University. North. Lincoln Branch, 428 N. 12TII STREET, OPPOSITE UNIVERSITY. Teachers thorough. Systems scientific. Methods artistic. Tuition reasonable. Advantage unsurpassed. Voice Cultnrc, Piano, Organ, Harmony, Violin, etc., etc. For Information address H.TI.JHtaFKfl, GenU Vlrtctor. W. L.FAIIUMOTHEK, Vocal Director. OUR PATRONS IN '83, PIANO STUDENTS: Misses Mary Leonard, Rosa Vincent. Helen Anghoy. Allen 1'uttlc, Flora Barker, Armetta Martm, Lillian Snow, Anna Barr, Anna L. Jackson, Jennie Ilyde, Mary Thompson, -Carrio Manck. Cora aylor, Kate Scott, Gertie Smith. Lunra Roberts. Messrs. P. A. Wood, John Uowdcn, Burt Johns. Clias. Allen, Chaa Radmorc, and 31 others outside the Univer sity. Total Vocal 48 l'otal Piano 63 hi. "W. ZBZRO'wnsr DRUGGIST, COLLEGE TEXT AND MEDICAL BOOKS! AND A COMPLETE LINE OP 127 South Eleventh Street. ? UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Arc cordially invited to call at the Commercial Tonsorial Parlor. WMXmmr 8 Mft Tmb Gmaxcsar XiwfM ar GsamuM tr VicaamrrMM, HUTCHINS & HYATT Dkalkhh IN ck jr. iri woo i. Sawed and t-plit wood a specialty. Pine Jtlndllng. Ofilce. 1010 O Street. lh jflWfogta, J. G.&clJfraat Pjhht,, Strictly First Class and BEST KEPT Hotel in the city. APRI7CI Send six ccntH for postage, and 111 ILL receive frcc,u costly box ol goods which will help you to more ntouey right uway than anything else ii the world. All of either box succeed Iroin first hour. The broad road to fortune opens before the worker ab solutely sure. At once address, Tuue &. Co., Augusta, Maine. MAKE MONEY ENOUGH DUIIINQ VACATION8 TO PAY ALL YOUK EXPENSES AT College Throughout The Yiarl Many students have JJ) Man. lire doing it. Many nun c w tin sunn-. Will you? Method strictly honoriiiilo. For particulars, send two stump-, or call on S. It. Instsoii, Lincoln, Neb. All the attaches ol the Student, except the co-eds and the lit erary editor (who is too young), patronize the popular tonsorial artist, S. F. Westeriield, O and 12th. They can testify that "Sam" Is a skilled workman and a gentleman. Club rates given. JOHN KELLY, MERCHANT TaILOR, 320 South Eleventh, I have Ju-t received a fine fall stock of black fur dress goods and fancy business suitings. One door west ol Baptls church. it. L. I.IVJE, W. to., .V70,.V, Ol!Iccll25N Street. Go to A. M. Davis for Gar pets, Etc, Etc. JES23S EaEBacEsaca; mima4mm&.