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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1884)
'rl THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. ..-, jx THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA'. r Irving J. Manatt, Ph.D.. Chanoellor. COLLEGE OF LITEKATURE, SCIENCE ANI THE AKTS. )1. K. Hitchcock, M. A., Ph. D.,I)cnn, nnd Professor of Mathonmtlcs, Gcorgo McMillan, Ph.D., Professor of Greek. Gcorgo K. Howard, M. A,, Professor of History. Satnuol It. Thompson, M. A.. Professor of Ddaqtlcs. Grov E. Barber, M. A.. Professor of Latin. Hudson 11. N'lcholson, M A.. Professor of Phvelsa and Ohotnlstry. Lucius A. Sherman, Ph. D., Profossorof English. Fredor ck W. Grubo, M. A., Professor of Modern Languages . Professor of Nutural ficloncos. THE INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. Hamuul It. Thompson, M. A., Dean, Professor of Agriculture Hudson H.NIcholBon. M.A., Professor of Agricultural Chemistry. Harvov Culhertson, M. S., 13. Apr., Professor of Horticulture, lllchard It. Townlcy. U. S. N., Prof, of Military Sclcnco and Tactics. Charles N. Little, U. A., Instructor In Mathematics and Civil Eur. THE LATIN SCHOOL. Miss Ellen Smith, M. A., Principal. Mrs. Adolaldo Dearborn. Infractor In Elocution. Miss Madeo G. Hitchcock, Instructor in Latin, noward v . Caldwell, 11. ., Instructor In History. L. P. M. Easterday, M.A., Instructor In Physlcsaud Astronomy. - Bion II, Culver, I). ., Instructor In modern languages. S. 11. 1 1 on m ami, Dlrcctnt of Musical Conservatory. Teacher of Palu ting and Drawing. Fivo courses of study are offered: Classical, Scientific, Literary, Enirlneering and Agricultural. Tlic Latin School, for tllu piesent, olTcis u two yeara bourse pro punitory to these courses. Sludeuls wishing to enter tiio Latin School must bo prepared foroxaminatlon in Orthog raphy, English Grammar, Practical Arithmetic, Geogra. phy, and History of the United States. THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. A. It. Mitchell, m. u., Dean, and Professor of Anatomy. L. A. Monlam, m.d., Prolassor of Principles nnd Practlco of Mad clno. II. II. Lowry, m.a., i.i., Professor of Physiology and Therapeutics. W. M. Kiinpp, m.d., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Vomo nnd Clilldron. II. II, Nlcliolnon, m.a , Professor of Chemistry. L. I). Grnddy, m i Prnftssoro5 'Diseases of the Eye nnd Ear, llon.O. P. Mnson, Professor, ifMedical Jurisprudence, N. J. Ucachly, m.d.. Demonstrator of Anatomy. ILL. Palno, M.i!., Professor of Theory and Practlco.(Homaopathlo) C. L. Hart, m.d., Professor of Materia Mcdlca. " 11. IMtlghtcr, m.d., Professor of Obstetrics. " W.N. Latta, m.d.. Professor of Theory and Practlco. (Eclectic.) J. II. Woodnrd, m.ij., Professor of Materia Medlca. " Ira Van Camp, m.d. , Professor of Obstetrics. " Tliia college was opened in 1880, and is now In vigor orous operation. The University v iih its collections and the capital city with its public institutions offer special facilities and inducements to medical students. No fees are charged beyond the matriculation fee of $5, nnd the actual cost of material for the study of Practical Anatomy. Good board in the city at $8 a week; furnished room $8 to $0 a month. Students of (he Industrial College live on the farm, where board is furnished at coat. No charges for tuition, cxce t matriculation fee of $fi. Btudoiijs residing in tho state, or persons aboutto enter tho Univor. sity, are allowed half fnro'ltr going to and from homo by tho railroads entering Lincoln. For half. faro certificates, Catalogues or other information address the Chancellor. jgitlladum Igittmg &actetg. "Forma .ftntls Jlttrna ait." Itegular meetings every Friday evening, commencing promply at 7: SO. Students aud rtrangerH w el cot he; Hobcrt L. Marth, Pres ident; Win. E. Jofinson, Soc'y . Debating Club open to Pnlladlnns'only), Saturday at 7: .10 tn. Stnto University, Lincoln, Nob. Prayor mooting every Wednesday evening from7:-l5 to 8: 30; every noon from 12: !$5 to IS: .IB. MP iimTi t tim $a$ti$, "Lftttra cumettgantla mundum agant. Meets every Friday evening in Union Hall. Opon to all. Debating Club every Saturday evonlng. Open to members. E.J.Itobin son, Prclrtnnt. E. J. Ohnrohlll, .Secretary "W. ZE3Z. PBESOOTTi LINCOLN, NEB. , CHEAPEST A XD MOST COMPLETE MUSIC HOUSE IN THE STATE If you buy an instrument without seeing mo and my stock you will surely miss it, ' for I am positive I can savo you money. 1 have n line line of Goods suitable for Holiday Presents; besides the finest stock of Pianos und Organs over brought to Lincoln. I have a lino lino of Music Cab inets for holding Sheet Music und Books. Full Line of Piano Spreads and Stools. ZE-A-STIEIRILSr ZFZEIOIES IDISOOTJIsrTEiZD!! W. H. PRESCOTT, 1125 O ST. BOf .w