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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1882)
a THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. jjfampus $mt;tnte. The "Eu''clld club. Car ry H-h-r-r-m a I Tho best thing on Record the cigars. Tho Intcst thing on Footc a barked nose. "And you too, Sheldon." Baby Sliocmaker. "What's the matter with your hard, Marshall?" Motto of the IlaJlowo'enors: "The stump or the pump.'1 The Ath. Ass. is developing two knock-downs and one sanguinary noso up to dale. Tho Cadels during tho co.d snap began to sympathise with Washington's troops in Valley Forge. Prof, asks a Freshmen what oignnsof sense are located in the nose. Fresh :"Orgaus of peiceplion." "Our Boy", A. W. Fiold, ran 'way "ever so far" ahead of his ticket, being cleclcd by the vole polled for aiy candi. date. Our genial friend, 0. V. Cole, does the city lor the Dan- tocrat what time he can spare from his adolescent mus Itachc. We have an albino in tho University. Ho Is Al (I) White, but his moustache; this also is White when the Jenow Hies. We have heard of long Gorman words but never fully realized what they were till we saw those of Prof. Foslei's manufacture. It is a pretty difficult task foroim to possess a devotional spirit during chapel exercise.-, with the temperature oflhc room a l HO degres below zero. Elcition in Lincoln was attended with more than usual enthusiasm. Divisions in party lines and woni-.n clec. tioneers perhaps explain Hie maltcr. lie was a first year rep; the Hallovve'encrs demanded a spiech; he began "Not Ibis evening' some r-r-rc a faint gurgle and it was done. (Lowor class wils' N. B.) Palladians uiocoulompiating repairs to their hull. The subject lias been discussed at several nicotines and lite plans are about matured. The expense will probably be about S200 18 II In the present cold snap the "chivalry" oflhc prep boys tried to its utmost. To tote two loads of books five or six blocks makes a fellow wish he were an Ami Suffragist in jood cumest. I Question by Physics Pi of: Describe a method of pro I ducing cold artificially. Junior, who has been out late Jiall.weve: Being put to bed in (lie Artesian well at 1 midnight is one way. And occasionally some of our students wax eloquent: "O, whut a brilliant ray of light the gentlemen would have poured into tho benighted hearts of our Revolutionary forefathers 1" Drydcn. "The daisies on the College Farm are no more," said a Senior prep, to his younger cousins. "Why." inouired a Junior conditional. S. P: "Because there was never any there." What a chance for the co-eds! The dc bating clubs iu the University arc designed prin. cipally for new students, those Hint have had little prac tice at extempore speaking. Tliusll those should avail themsclycs of these rare opportunities. When a student keeps feeling of his muscle and tries to knock down every ono dial's in his way, it is safe to con elude that ho is a mt-mbcr of tho gymnasium. And now comes tho time of classes iu Electrical Psy chology. Don't let any one staro at you very long or you will be under tho hands of sonio amateur mesmerists. Owing to the resignation of Messrs. Botsford ami Dry den there was a special meeting oflhc association on the Oth which resulted in tho election of W. T. Mauck aud Dell Stratton. The latter has sinco resigned. When a mau kums to mo for advise, I find out tho kind of advise ho wants, and I giv it to him; this satisfies him that ho and me itro two az smart az there is livhr Josh Billings. Josh has been talking to the Juniors. Tho Agric. Literary Society commences the first Sat-' evening after election. But, as its president resides bo neath his paternal roof; aud as the old members arc sonio. what dispersed, the first society will probably be rather heterogeneous. Owing to unavoidable circumstances no Student was issued on the first of the month. This, however, will occa sion no loss to our patrons astime will be extended accord, ingly and if all will kindly forbear we will endeavor to bo prompt in the future. Morning after Hallow-ovc Prof: You may draw that figure on the bo ml. Enterprisi g student: I can't draw anything. Prot : Well I should think y u could a wagon and put it on the steps. However, draw no inference from what I say. e '. subsides. The young ladies of second year German class were com siderably mortified the other day when one of the young men who had been appointed instructor for a short time usked them obsequiously "Sind sic gcmalilen?" Tho ladies smiled, then indignantly replied "no!" The latest drive Soph, to innocent Frcshic: Now I want to reason with you. We will go at it logically. How much is two plus two. I. F.(with alacrity) "four," of course. Soph : Well that is very good, indeed, for a Fresh. Laugh. Several of the more pious of the Univorsity boys have been heard to speak iu very commendable terms of tho gate on the south side of the campus. It is not at all strange that they should do so,' for of all gates, ancient or modern this one removes the drapery. A certain Freshman was heard to remark that he did not purpose to he mail carrier for the entire University. Certrinly not; it is not right. Those that have considera hie maii matter to dispose of should take this timely hint and impose a portion of their work on others. And now tho Union society orgauizes a debating club. The officers will hold their positions for one month only aud thus eaclt one has a chance to become nrquniuted with the work of the several offices. For November the officers are Pros., II. T. Conley ; Vice Pros., J. M. Deweeco, Sec, O. M. Quackeubush., Critic, Mr. Sullivan; Sergeant at arms., E. F. Peck. Wc hear from souices that can scarcely be doubted that Dryden and Warner have sworn a mighty swear aud by a mutual compact scaled it, not to engage themselves matri. monially till woman suffrage prevails. Wc can't believe it and in the name of tho "unrepresented" and anxious co. cd population of the University cull upon these gentlemen to clear themselves. "TO